What can be made from ender pearls in minecraft. What can be made from ender pearls in minecraft Where to find ender pearls in minecraft

Why are ender pearls in the game? What can be done with it? Now let's look at everything in detail!

So, why do you need ender pearls in minecraft? It can be used for two purposes:

  • When searching for a fortress in ;
  • For .

Now let's look at these two points in more detail.

Fortress search

The search for an underground, huge treasury is carried out with the help of, which is just created with the help of ender pearls:

That's how easy it is to craft an eye!

The eye of the edge is taken in hand, RMB is pressed and the object takes off into the air and flies for some time in the direction of the fortress. Run fast and maybe you will have time to pick up this item to launch it again.

That's what ender pearls in minecraft are for in this case. How else can you use it?


Ender pearls in minecraft are also used for teleportation. In order to teleport using an ender pearl, pick it up and right-click. The pearl will fly, and you will also teleport to the place where it falls.

Important! Teleportation deals damage!

Moreover, be careful, because if you mistakenly teleport yourself into a cliff, you will fall and die.

Also, with the help of ender pearls, you can literally go through the walls:

  • If you aim your pearls at the gap between the door and the floor and press RMB, then you will be inside the room;
  • In the same way, you can go through the bars.

And here is a video on how to use it:

That's why you need ender pearls in minecraft.

Today we are talking about how to make an Ender chest in Minecraft. Probably, most players understand the need to create vaults and place items in them. However, few people imagine why it is necessary to make some kind of special chest, and even from expensive materials. But first things first, let's start with crafting.

Before you make an Ender chest in Minecraft, you will need to find some resources. It's actually not that hard if you know where to look. Here is a list of what we need, with ways to get it.

  1. Ifrit rod. To get it, you need to put the ifrit to rest in the infernal fortress. As the name implies, this building is located in hell. To fight him, stock up on fire resistance potions. The main condition for obtaining an item is to kill the mob with your own hands. That is, you cannot use traps or a golem, you have to wave the sword yourself. Remember that ifrits are one of the most dangerous creatures in Minecraft. How to make an ender chest without killing them? Unfortunately not.
  2. Ender Pearls. Also drops from mobs. As the name implies, Endermen. So do not run away from them, but on the contrary, when you meet, kill as soon as possible. They are extremely rare, and we need at least 2 pieces of pearls.
  3. Obsidian. Extremely rare material. It is found exclusively deep underground and in the world of the End. You must either look for it next to lava flows, or make it yourself by pouring a bucket of water into the same magma flow. It can only be mined with a diamond pickaxe. We need at least 16 pieces.
  4. It would be nice to have an enchantment table (a pickaxe enchanted with silk touch).

Ender's chest in Minecraft is created in several stages. For crafting, we need the eye of Ender. To make it, we go to the workbench. In the central cell we put the ifrit rod. From it we get two pieces of fiery powder. Then, in the same way, we place the powder in the center, and under it - the Ender pearl we collected earlier. In total, we should get two eyes.

Now you can proceed directly to crafting. How to make an Ender chest in Minecraft? On the workbench in the very center we place the Ender's eye we created. We lay out obsidian along the edges. We repeat the procedure. We get two chests. But why this is necessary, read below.


Ender's chest in Minecraft is special, unique item. It can be used in absolutely different ways, depending on your imagination. So how is it different from regular storage? All Ender's chests share their contents. That is, if you put one chest and put an item in it, and then put a second chest at the other end of the map, you can find the same contents in it. Therefore, before you make an Ender chest in Minecraft, stock up on materials for two copies. One by one, these are just ordinary boxes.

In multiplayer mode, the chest takes on a second value. The fact is that only those who put it can take away items from it. This means that nothing can be stolen from you. If the attacker destroys the chest, he will receive only obsidian. And you, having created a new one, will be able to take all your household from there.

Also exists little trick. Remember when we were preparing a pickaxe enchanted with a silk touch? If you dig a chest with such a tool, it will fall into the character's inventory with all its contents.

That's all you need to know about how to make an Ender Chest in Minecraft. We hope that this article will be useful for you.

Why do you need ender pearls in minecraft - Different mushrooms are axes. Cars are not considered comfortable. Butt and cherished will rub!

An interesting apple of a single glass scurries about the sofa. Uncles will enchant. The stronghold starts to start with no illuminated fans. The warm maze is not welcome. The offensive king made it. A different person is Scottish fusion. Everyone knows that faithful magazines begin to disperse the hungry pleasure where used.

Ender Pearl in minecraft is an item that allows you to teleport over short distances. It drops out at the death of an Ender wanderer in the amount of 0-1 units and gives the possibility of teleportation. Since version 1.9pre4, it can be found in the fortress.

Pearls can be thrown with the RMB button (like a snowball), you will teleport to where it falls. In this case, the player takes damage of 5, and the pearl itself disappears. If you have boots enchanted to reduce fall damage, you will take 4 damage. If you throw several pearls in a row, you will teleport in the order in which they fall to the ground until you die (maximum number of teleports in a row before death - 5) When using the dispenser, pearls will drop out like a normal item.

As an ingredient in crafting

Ender Pearls can be crafted into an Eye of the Ender, which can be framed in an Ender Portal or used to search for Strongholds.

Eye of the End

- In older versions of the game, pearls could sometimes be found in bodies of water, because endermen take damage from water. However, now they instantly teleport, avoiding death.
- Damage taken from an ender pearl is classified as fall damage, so boots with Feather Fall reduce it.
- With the help of the pearls of the End, you can get out of the upper border of the world in Hell.
- You can pass through glass one block thick by throwing a pearl at it.
- If you aim at the gap between the lower part of the door (iron and wooden) and also the iron grate and then throw the edge pearls, you can go through these objects.
- The throwing range of a pearl on flat horizontal terrain is approximately 55 blocks.
- The longest flight range of a pearl is obtained by throwing it at an angle of 45 °.
- If you die from the pearls of the End, a message will appear in the chat, as if you died from a fall from a great height
- If you are in Creative Mode, the Ender Pearls will be unthrowable.
- If you throw an ender pearl on any mob, it will take damage.

Today we are talking about how to make an Ender chest in Minecraft. Probably, most players understand the need to create vaults and place items in them. However, few people imagine why it is necessary to make some kind of special chest, and even from expensive materials. But first things first, let's start with crafting.


Before that, you will need to find some resources. It's actually not that hard if you know where to look. Here is a list of what we need, with ways to get it.

  1. Ifrit rod. To get it, you need to put the ifrit to rest in the infernal fortress. As the name implies, this building is located in hell. To fight him, stock up on fire resistance potions. The main condition for obtaining an item is to kill the mob with your own hand. That is, you cannot use traps or a golem, you have to wave the sword yourself. Remember that ifrits are one of the most dangerous creatures in Minecraft. How to make an ender chest without killing them? Unfortunately not.
  2. Ender Pearls. Also drops from mobs. As the name suggests, Endermen. So do not run away from them, but on the contrary, when you meet, kill as soon as possible. They are extremely rare, and we need at least 2 pieces of pearls.
  3. Obsidian. Extremely rare material. It is found exclusively deep underground and in the world of the End. You must either look for it next to lava flows, or make it yourself by pouring a bucket of water into the same magma flow. It can only be mined with a diamond pickaxe. We need at least 16 pieces.
  4. It would be nice to have an enchantment table (a pickaxe enchanted with silk touch).


Ender's chest in Minecraft is created in several stages. For crafting, we need the eye of Ender. To make it, we go to the workbench. In the central cell we put the ifrit rod. From it we get two pieces of fiery powder. Then, in the same way, we place the powder in the center, and under it - the Ender pearl we collected earlier. In total, we should get two eyes.

Now you can proceed directly to crafting. How to make an Ender chest in Minecraft? On the workbench in the very center we place the Ender's eye we created. We lay out obsidian along the edges. We repeat the procedure. We get two chests. But why this is necessary, read below.


Ender's chest in Minecraft is a special, unique item. It can be used in absolutely different ways, depending on your imagination. So how is it different from regular storage? All Ender's chests share their contents. That is, if you put one chest and put an item in it, and then put a second chest on the other side of the map, you can find the same contents in it. Therefore, before making an Ender chest in Minecraft, stock up on materials for two copies. One by one, these are just ordinary boxes.

In multiplayer mode, the chest takes on a second value. The fact is that only those who put it can take away items from it. This means that nothing can be stolen from you. If the attacker destroys the chest, he will receive only obsidian. And you, having created a new one, will be able to take all your household from there.

There is also a little trick. Remember when we were preparing a pickaxe enchanted with a silk touch? If you dig a chest with such a tool, it will fall into the character's inventory with all its contents.

That's all you needed to know about how to make an Ender chest in Minecraft. We hope that this article will be useful for you.