Didactic game dress up a snowman. Didactic game "Snowman. Visual activity "Snowman"

Julia Kholopova

Target: education children distinguish and name the four primary colors (red, yellow, green, blue); reception of the imposition of parts by attaching to each other. Consolidation of knowledge about geometric figure- a circle (white); skills group by color. Development of fine motor skills of hands, creative imagination.

Material: Circles white color different sizes with "buttons" of different colors ( snowman, trapezoids of different colors (bucket).

Game progress: Children are invited to help snowmen: snowmen got naughty - indulged and, it so happened that they fell apart. We need to help them collect them. Explain how it is built snowman: a smaller circle is placed on a large circle, then the smallest one. Thereafter "we put on" bucket (trapeze) on your head and you're done! We got wonderful snowmen.

Pedagogical value: Given the game designed for individual subgroup(2-3 people) working with children 2-3 years old.

Objectives: to improve hand-eye coordination; develop fine motor skills of fingers; perform the task in accordance with the verbal.

Material description: I present to your attention the didactic game “Who lives where?. The game is designed for children preschool age. Made.

Program content: to consolidate the ability to distinguish and name a geometric figure - a circle, primary colors (red, yellow, blue, green, etc.).

Didactic game"Collect a flower" for children 4-6 years old. Objectives: - To learn how to make a whole object from parts. - Develop dexterity, coordination,.

Didactic game "Collect a road sign" for children 3-5 years old Purpose: - To introduce children to the main road signs; - Learn how to compose.

Purpose: to develop in children the ability to read syllables and words. Tasks: -development of word analysis skills; - to train children in reading syllables, words; -development.

I made a didactic game for kids as part of the "Transport" project, the purpose of which was to enrich and expand ideas.

Synopsis of a game lesson for children of the 3rd year of life (nursery, 1st junior group), topic: “Cheerful snowman”


To consolidate knowledge of the geometric figure "circle".
Continue to teach children to determine the color of an object and pick up other objects of the same color.
Develop the ability to compare objects by size.
To consolidate knowledge about the numbers "1" and "2", learn to correlate the number and quantity.
Improve the skills of modeling, gluing, designing, drawing.
Exercise in the ability to coordinate words and movements.
Develop thinking, observation, fine and general motor skills.


White cardboard circles in three sizes. Leaf background with a drawn outline of a snowman.
Find the difference pictures.
A picture with drawn snowmen in three sizes, brooms cut out of cardboard of the corresponding sizes.
Clothespins. Silhouette images of panicles cut out of thick cardboard.
Salty dough.
Snowballs made of cotton wool, plastic plates with the numbers 1 and 2 glued on them.
Picture-background for creative work. Snowman details cut out of paper, glue, plasticine.
Images of snowmen with scarves of different colors, without buckets. Buckets and buttons of the same colors.
Volumetric snowman made of balls connected with Velcro.
Audio recordings: "March of the snowmen."

Lesson progress:

Greeting "How are you?"

How is it going? - Like this!
(Thumbs of both hands - up, the rest are gathered into a fist)

Do you swim? - Like this!
(Hands represent the movement of the swimmer)

How are you going? - Like this!
(Walking in place)
How do you run? - Like this!
(Hands bent at the elbows, movement along the body)

Are you looking into the distance? - Like this!
(Alternately put palms on forehead)

Are you following? - Like this!
(Energetic hand movements)

How do you take? - Like this!
(grasping hand movements)

How do you give? - Like this!
(Extend open palm forward)

Do you sleep at night? - Like this!
(Palms under head)

How do you threaten? -Like this!
(Shake the index finger, the rest of the fingers are gathered into a fist)

Are you kidding? - Like this!
(Fists of both hands clap on puffed cheeks)

Snowman Riddle

I have a carrot nose
Branches instead of handles.
In the yard in winter me
Children snuggle together.
Guess who am I?

Yes! I am a happy snowman
And I'm not used to being sad!

You need snow to make a snowman. Let's play with snowflakes.

Didactic exercise "Count snowflakes"

Plates in front of you. How many? Two plates. Show the plate with the number "1". With the number "2". Place one snowflake on the plate with the number "1". Place 2 snowflakes on the plate with the number "2".

Drawing with pencils "Snowflakes are falling"

We don't have enough snow, not enough for a snowman. You need to call a snow cloud to make it snow. You have a snow cloud and snowflakes in your pictures, draw a path down from the cloud to the ground for each snowflake.

Didactic game "Fold the snowman"

Help make a snowman out of white circles. Place the largest circle at the bottom of the snowman, and a smaller circle on top of it. And on top - the smallest circle-head. We will make hands from sticks, lay out buttons, instead of a hat - a bucket.

Didactic exercise "Find differences"

Look at these snowmen. They are very similar, but still different from each other. Find these differences.

Didactic exercise "Pick brooms for snowmen"

Distribute brooms to the snowmen: a small snowman - a small broom, a bigger snowman and a broom pick up more, and the biggest snowman - the biggest broom.

Clothespin game "Snowman Broom"

Children attach clothespins to the broomstick.

Finger gymnastics "We made a snowball with you"

One two three four five,
(bend fingers)

We made snow with you
(Children "sculpt")

Round, strong, very smooth
(They show a circle, squeeze their palms, stroke the other with one palm)

And not at all sweet.
(threaten with finger)

Once - let's throw it up,
(Throw up)

Two - catch

Three - let's drop

And ... break.

Modeling "Snowballs"

Children make snowballs from salt dough.

Dynamic pause "We went for a walk in the yard"

We went for a walk in the yard
One, two, three, four, five,
(bend fingers one at a time)
We came to the yard for a walk.
They made a snow woman.
(Imitate the modeling of lumps)
The birds were fed with crumbs,
(Crush bread with all fingers)
We then rode down the hill.
(To lead the index finger of the right hand along the palm of the left hand)
And they rolled in the snow.
(Put your palms on the table with one side or the other)
Everyone came home in the snow
(shake hands)
We ate soup and went to bed.
(Make movements with an imaginary spoon, put your hands under your cheek)

Collect the picture "Children make a snowman"

Put together a picture of a whole picture of the parts and tell what is drawn on it.

Didactic exercise "What first, what then?"

Look at the pictures and put them in order, what happened first and what happened next.

Visual activity "Snowman"

On the background sheet, children stick a snowman and a bucket. Then hands, nose, buttons are made from plasticine.

Didactic game "Pick up a bucket and buttons for a snowman"

What color is your snowman's scarf? Match the snowman with a bucket and buttons of the same color.

Construction "Snowman"

Children make up a snowman from three balls, tie a scarf for him.

Musical and rhythmic exercise "March of snowmen"

Children listen to music ("March of the Snowmen" by Puchinni) and play metallophones.

Didactic exercise "Cheerful and sad snowmen"

Look at the picture. Show a funny snowman. What color is the bucket of a cheerful snowman? Make yourself a cheerful face, smile. Show sad snowman. What color is the sad snowman's bucket? Make yourself a sad face.

Didactic game

« Assemble the snowman»



Didactic game "Collect a snowman"

Didactic task: Develop an eye, build a serial series (small, smaller, larger)

Game rules: Select lumps of the appropriate size that are suitable for making a snowman.

Game actions: Search for snowballs, big, smaller, small.

Game progress:

Guys, look, Santa Claus sent me a parcel! But what is in it? Any lumps? And who will tell me what they are for? What can be made of them? That's right Sasha, these are snowballs and you can make a snowman. What color are the lumps? Well done Lenochka white, so that we collect snowmen from lumps. Children, look, lumps, everyone is different - big, smaller, small. Let's try to build a snowman together. First, I will show, and you carefully look at which lump we take - correctly large, and then - smaller and at the end the smallest. What good fellows you helped me to collect a snowman. And now I suggest you try it. (Children complete the task, the teacher encourages the children, helps to collect snowmen.)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten general developmental type No. 6 of the Municipal Formation of Ust-Labinsk

Didactic game

« Find the same leaf and give it to the hedgehog»



Didactic game "Find the same leaf and give it to the hedgehog."

Didactic task: Exercise children in finding leaves by similarity, for the development of touch, learning to find objects by analogy, by touch.

Game rules: Select leaves the same as those of a hedgehog.

Game actions: Search for leaflets by analogy to the touch, comparison of leaflets.

Game progress:

Children listen, what is it rustling? Yes, these are leaves and rustling, and our hedgehogs have collected so many leaves, they are preparing to sleep in the winter on a soft bed. And let's see what kind of leaves the hedgehogs have? See they are multicolored yellow, green and red. Here, take the leaves, go to your hedgehogs and determine which hedgehog has a leaf, how is it in your hands? Children take leaves, determine their color, feel, determining whether such leaves or not, as they lie with hedgehogs.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 6 of the Municipal Formation of Ust-Labinsk

Didactic game

« Each button has its own house»



Didactic game "Each button has its own house."

Didactic task: To consolidate the ability of children to highlight color, activate children's speech, develop fine motor skills, attention, memory, tactile sensations.

Game rules: Select buttons of the appropriate color that will fit a jar with a specific lid.

Game actions: Search for a jar with lids of the main color (red, yellow, blue, green).

Game progress:

Guys, I brought you jars with different lids and sets of buttons, you will put the buttons in a jar.

What did you put in the jar?

· What color is the button and the lid on the jar?

What is the shape of the button (round or square)?

What size button (small or large)?

The child can be offered to touch not only the buttons, but the lids and jars. The child gets acquainted with smooth covers, smooth buttons.

The game set includes: Four jars with lids of the main color (red, yellow, blue, green).

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 6 of the Municipal Formation of Ust-Labinsk

Didactic game

« Each vegetable has its own house»



Didactic game "Each vegetable has its own house."

Didactic task: To consolidate the ability of children to highlight color, activate children's speech, develop fine motor skills of hands, attention, memory, tactile sensations, in size (large or small)?

Game rules: Select vegetables and drop them into a bag of the appropriate color.

Game actions: Search for a bag of primary color (red, yellow, blue, green).

Game progress:

Guys, beauty Autumn brought bags and vegetables, you will put vegetables in a bag, tell us what you are doing.

What did you put in the bag?

What color is the tomato and the bag?

What color do you like most, tell me, and then show?

What vegetables are in color, shape, size (large or small)?

The child can be offered to touch not only vegetables, but also bags (they are smooth, the hand glides over bright, satin bags). The child gets acquainted with a smooth fabric, smooth vegetables, calls them, what are they?

The game set includes: Four bags of the main color (red, yellow, blue, green)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 6 of the Municipal Formation of Ust-Labinsk

Didactic game

« funny hedgehogs»



Didactic game "Funny hedgehogs".

Didactic task: To consolidate the ability of children to highlight color, activate the speech of children, develop fine motor skills.

Game rules: Select clothespins of the appropriate color that will fit the hedgehog.

Game actions: Search for clothespins, selection of a hedgehog fastening.

Game progress:

The teacher lays out the hedgehogs on the table in advance, there are clothespins in the sensory corner in the box, so that several children can come up and take them. Children, look who came to us? (Hedgehog); What is the hedgehog's body covered with? (needles); Look how many hedgehogs and all without needles. The teacher with the children examines the hedgehogs. All hedgehogs are the same size, but different in color. Together with the children, the teacher clarifies this and notes that all hedgehogs are the same in size, but all without needles. Children, look at how tall hedgehogs are? Yes, they are all the same height, but in color? All different colors. What color are the hedgehogs? Correctly different colors, one is red, and this one is yellow, green, blue. Children, how to cover the body of a hedgehog? Needles, right, children, but do our hedgehogs have needles? No, swipe your palm, no needles. Let's fasten their needles, but be careful, what color is the hedgehog? What kind of needles will Sonya take? Yes, they are red, but what about Sasha? Blue. Kolya, what kind of hedgehog do you have? Yellow means you will take yellow needles. Children come in, take clothespins and fasten to your hedgehog. Children take hedgehogs, pick up clothespins and fasten them. What beautiful hedgehogs and needles turned out, they picked everything right, well done guys did a good job.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 6 of the Municipal Formation of Ust-Labinsk

Didactic game

« Treat the hedgehog with an apple, mushroom" »



Didactic game "Treat a hedgehog with an apple, a mushroom."

Didactic task: Develop an eye, build a serial series (small, larger, large).

Game rules: Select apples or mushrooms of the appropriate size that will fit the hedgehog.

Game actions: Search for mushrooms, apples, more, smaller, small, selection of a hedgehog.

Game progress:

The teacher lays out apples, mushrooms on the table in advance, there are hedgehogs in a box on the table, so that the children can come up and take them. Children, look, I brought you a magic box. And what lies in it? Come, let's see. Oh, yes, there are hedgehogs, but what color are the hedgehogs? Sonechka, tell me what color your hedgehog is - Green. Correctly! Kirill, what color is your hedgehog - Yellow. Well done! Lyosha tell us, what kind of hedgehog do you have - Red. Here are the good guys! And let's give the hedgehogs big red apples, smaller green and small yellow ones. Put the hedgehog in the clearing, and let's go see where the apples are. Lyosha, which apple will you take? That's right, big red. Sonechka, what kind of apple are you going to take? Green is smaller. Well done! And Kirill, what apple will he take for his hedgehog? Yellow small. Correctly! Children pick up apples and put a hedgehog, the teacher picks up the children, determines which apple they picked up. By analogy, a lesson is carried out with mushrooms.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 6 of the Municipal Formation of Ust-Labinsk

Didactic game

« Pick up a snowman bucket»



Didactic game "Pick a bucket for a snowman"

Didactic task: To consolidate knowledge about the color of the bucket and the snowman.

Game rules: Select lumps of the appropriate size that are suitable for making a snowman. And put buckets on the snowman's head.

Game rules: Looking for a bucket for a hat, big, small and small.

Game progress:

Guys, look, Santa Claus sent me a parcel! But what is in it? Any lumps? And who will tell me what they are for? What can be made of them? That's right, Cyril, these are snowballs and you can make a snowman. What color are the lumps? Well done Masha white, so that we can collect snowmen from them. Children, and the lumps are all different or there are the same - that's right, they are all different big, smaller and small. How will we assemble the snowman? Correctly, first we take a large lump, then a smaller one and the smallest one. What are we going to put on the snowman's head? Correct bucket. Children buckets of different colors, Yes. And what are the sizes? What bucket will you take Rodion? Big. Why? I have a big snowman. Well done! Vanya, what kind of bucket will you take? Slightly less. Well done! And Ira, which one will she take? The smallest. Why? Because I have a small snowman. Children complete the task, the teacher encourages the children, helps to collect snowmen and choose a bucket for him.

Elvira Sayfutdinova

Didactic game


for children of primary preschool age

Purpose of the game:

Continue to enrich children's sensory experience.

Learn to measure objects on the basis of size (wider - narrower, longer - shorter).

This guide is for children ages 2-4. With the help of the game, we develop fine motor skills of fingers in children, study colors, size, shapes; we learn to group by size and color, measure objects according to their size (wider - narrower, longer - shorter).

The didactic game "Snowman" consists of balls of various sizes, crocheted from white yarn. All balls are filled with cotton. Parts of the snowman are attached to each other with Velcro. Hats and scarves are also knitted from multi-colored yarn.

Didactic game

"Collect the Snowman"

In this game, children must correctly assemble a snowman: first, the children take a large ball, attach a medium one to it, and then a small one. And only then attach small balls - hands.

Didactic game

"Snowman Dress"

In this game, children must correctly dress the snowman in color: a blue hat is a blue scarf, a red scarf is a red riding hood, etc.

Purpose of the game: Develop the ability to distinguish shape, size, color.

Group similar objects by size and color.

game exercise

"Magic Scarves"

In this game, children learn to compare: scarves in length and width and name colors.

Related publications:

"Snowman" dramatization game for the younger preschool group Snow fell, winter came! We're off to make a snowman! Rolled, rolled - big.

"Who drives what?" Purpose: To teach children to group transport; correlate transport in accordance with the profession. Strengthen children's knowledge about.

Didactic game "What is harmful, what is useful" Purpose. To consolidate children's knowledge about harmful and beneficial phenomena and objects. Develop the ability to explain.

Board game "Make up a story from a picture" (This game can be used as an additional material for development classes.

Didactic game for the development of speech for children 6 years of age "Snowman" Program content: To teach children to determine the place of the sound "s" in.

Didactic game (manuals) "Let's assemble a snowman" The main purpose of use didactic material: to teach preschoolers 2-3 years old to distinguish.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Daisy" Outdoor game "Here is such a tower" Bunakova E. A. ,.

In anticipation of NG, my daughter and I did a lot of things. In our waiting calendar was Snowman Day (). And just for this day, I made two games about snowmen. One of them is the game "Collect a snowman".

Rules of the game:
The game is designed for 4 people. Each player must have his own snowman set (body, head, hat, hands, scarf - 6 parts, 6 dice faces).
The player rolls the die, he gets a certain part of the snowman's body. The dice is rolled until any part of the snowman falls again. If a repeating part falls out, then the move passes to the next player, and so on.
The goal of the game is to be the first to build a snowman.

I took the drawing of the snowman from another game, since I didn’t have time to draw it myself.

You can not make a cube, but use a ready-made one with dots. But kids like it better with pictures.

The second game was "Build a snowman" (according to the principle of the Hangman, where you have to guess the word by letter until the snowman is built). I found the game itself and the snowman on a foreign site.

Rules of the game:

The game is designed for 2 people.

One of the players thinks of a word - writes the first and last letter of the word on paper and marks the places for the remaining letters, for example, with lines (there is also an option when initially all the letters of the word are unknown).

The word must be a noun, a common noun in the nominative case of the singular, or the plural if the word does not have a singular form.

The second player suggests a letter that can be included in this word. If there is such a letter in the word, then the first player writes it over the lines corresponding to this letter - as many times as it occurs in the word. If there is no such letter, then a snowman begins to be built. The second player continues to guess the letters until he has guessed the whole word. For each incorrect answer, the first player adds one piece from the snowman (parts 8: head, torso, 2 arms, hat, scarf, face and buttons).

If the snowman is completely built, then the guessing player loses. If the player manages to guess the word, he wins and can guess the word.

My daughter appreciated both games and at first we spent every free minute either guessing words or throwing a die.