ELEX: how to join a faction. Factions How to join the Spiritual faction

In ELEX, gamers have every chance to join one of 3 factions. Each of them has its own goals and values. For this reason, it is important to have information about the differences between them before choosing a specific group.

After making a decision, gamers must then talk with the faction leader and complete missions to join. This guide tells you how to become a faction member in ELEX, and who you must talk to to get started.

How to join the Berserker faction

To select the Berserker faction in ELEX, gamers must complete the “Allies from the Middle Ages” quest, which involves gaining reputation for the faction. This is done by carrying out the remaining quests for them.

Before you can do this, first talk to the warlord Ragnar. It is located inside the ruins of the Golit Motel. Talk to him about joining the Berserkers, and he will send you on a new quest called “Departure to Foreign Lands,” in which you must go to different towns and get news about the remaining factions.

You will most likely be able to join the Berserkers once you complete quite a few side missions for them. But if you act to the detriment of their world, Ragnar will be disappointed in you, refuse your entry into the faction, and will not allow Jax to deal with them.

If this happens, ask the military leader for a second opportunity to prove himself. This will open a quest called "Doing Things Right", in which you must gain the favor of 3 specific Berserkers: Cormag, Angrim, and Ragnar. Cormag is not difficult, because he agrees to help you right away. Angrim will agree to help only if you return his favor when he is a warrior. As for Ragnar, simply pay him 2000 Elexit and you will gain his favor.

Once you have gained enough reputation with the Berserkers, Ragnar will allow you to join your own faction. You will similarly acquire the Cultivator armor and unlock the first Berserker skill point, allowing Cormag to teach you new abilities. The magic fist will similarly be opened, and there is also a chance of achieving Warrior status.

How to join the Spiritual faction

To join the Spiritual faction in ELEX, gamers are required to complete the quest Ultra-Technological Allies to gain trust and demonstrate their own loyalty.

If you want to join the Spiritualists, you must first talk with Reinhold. It is located in the cathedral in the town of Hort, in which it gives you various missions, among other things, one called Subversive Components, in which you must find a certain businessman Eleks. Don't stop doing tasks for the Spirituals until you are considered a worthy member of the faction. Inspect Reinhold from time to time, so you will know your own status and whether you have completed enough missions to acquire membership.

Subsequently, once you are accepted into the ranks, you will gain the title of Servant, which provides you with armor and a PSI booster. The Spiritual ability tree will be unlocked and you will gain one skill point. The newest products will be available at merchants in the town of Hort.

How to join the Delinquents faction

To join the Delinquents faction, gamers must complete the quest entitled “Desert Predators.”

As with the other factions, there is a certain person who decides whether you can join the Outlaws, and that person is William. You can find it by going to Tavar and finding the Fort. These areas are ruled by the Duke, and William is required by him as a cousin. So you need to carry out a memory on him in order to gain the Baron's favor.

Complete missions for William and the rest of the Delinquents, such as Crazy Bob and Chloe, and you can gain the consent of the main members of the faction. Once you've completed enough challenges, William will allow you to join and you'll earn the title of Runner. You will similarly unlock the Delinquent ability tree and gain one skill point. You can use it by asking the Rat or William to teach you. The newest products will be available for purchase through Fort.

Chapter 1. A little about history

It became known that the city of New Castle was practically wiped off the face of the earth with unprecedented cruelty by an army that vaguely resembled a human one. Only one thing is known about the resistance - it did not take place. This day is considered the first day when on the territory of the world Reference Points It became known about the first organized formation - a faction. FactionsInvasions.

165, August:

The exact number of factions (openly declaring their existence) in the vastness of the world was established: representatives of these factions appeared in cities and their environs. There are eight factions in total:

1. Rangers- P descendants of the military who survived the atomic attack in deep bunkers. Defenders of the oppressed, guardians of justice and sworn enemies of criminals of all stripes. Where rangers are on duty, there is almost no looting and robberies left, people walk freely through the wastelands. ()

2. Iron Hawks- With a community of outstanding scientists with their own powerful research and technological potential. The main dream is to go into space and find planets that have not yet been polluted by earthlings for colonization. ()

3. PsyONIX- s An extensive and small caste of people who possess amazing knowledge and can control mental power. Interested in acquiring new knowledge in the field of psi abilities and biotechnology. ()

4. White Legion - The White Legion is the menacing voice and crushing hand of the Great Emperor. The life, liberty and reason of every citizen belong entirely to him. Despite the size and morale of the armies, the technological level remains mediocre. ()

5. Invasion- With There are only rumors about who they are. The most common - the Invasion forces came from another solar system, merciless soldiers used weapons and armor of clearly unearthly origin. Ordnung treats the survivors with contempt, considering them a violation of nature. ()

6. SysTEAM - artificial intelligence "Sarah", commander of the robots. Pursues the goal of destroying all higher organic beings on Earth and searching for new technologies to improve the capabilities of their robots. ()

7. Free Farmers- free farmers are a sociological phenomenon, a unique community that survived the atomic war and its consequences on the surface. They value their independence, won in a difficult struggle with angry nature. ()

8.Moscow Gangsters- bandits, marauders, hired killers, black market dealers, traders of slaves and bodies, experienced corsairs and novice “tricks”... They all have one desire in common: it is easy to live at someone else’s expense, even if it is paid for in blood. Naturally, also a stranger. ()

Having abandoned the conventions of the policy of containment, the factions moved on to open armed confrontation. The accumulated contradictions could not remain unresolved for long. Having gathered their best troops, the forces struck the first blow Invasions. Elite troops landed in the heart New Moscow and tried to take control of the city.

After a long series of counterattacks to the forcesrangers managed to repulse the attack and push back the troops to the southwestern borders of the city. A precarious balance has been established, both factions are gathering allies and forces for new attacks. Coalitions hold opposite sides of the city, erect fortifications and bring in reinforcements.

Under the banners Freedom factions departed: Under the banners Ordnung Factions gathered:


2. Iron Hawks

3. PsyONIX

4.White Legion


2. SysTEAM

3.Free Farmers

4.Moscow Gangsters

Factions are antipodes to each other:

Rangers -Invasion

Iron Hawks - SysTEAM
PsyONIX -Free Farmers
White Legion -Moscow Gangsters

Old contradictions and petty grievances were cast aside. A new round of wars has begun.

Knowing the importance of each soldier, the commandFreedom AndOrdnung deployed its own recruiting centers, military bases and arsenals of factional equipment in each city. Active propaganda work is being carried out among the population.

As a result of a daring subversive operation of squad-detachments Invasions, cities Al-Kabul,Old Jerusalem , Babylon, Shelter AndNeva were finally assigned to the unionOrdnung. However, as a result of the failure of this plan in cities Kitezh,Atlantic , SYN City And Oasis troops About were destroyed and the cities went over to the side of the unionFreedom .

In the evening of the same day, in a hurry, representatives of the parties Iron Hawks And SysTEAM- reconfigured city portals and teleportation lines for direct communication with their main bases in cities Oasis And Neva City. Territory of cities New Moscow And Isle de Muerto declared a parity zone.

World Reference Points finally split into two irreconcilable, warring camps. There is no turning back.


Currently in the open spaces Reference Points There is an open confrontation between two factional alliances, aimed at the complete destruction of the enemy. Each side of the confrontation is looking for new ways, resources and technologies to destroy the enemy.

Chapter 2. Joining a factional union

A character who registered again in Reference point, is non-factional and does not belong to any of the above-mentioned unions. The character’s first indirect acquaintance with the factions will take place in the city of “newborns” called Outpost(the city where the character stays until he reaches level 6) in the quest "Political information" .

Having reached level 6, the character will enter the so-called “big world”. The character's arrival point will be first Rapa Nui and then the cityNew Moscow. Here the player has a choice:

1. Immediately join one or another union. To do this, just contact any recruiting bot, which is available in every city at the so-called faction bases (Ordnung Warbase and Freedom Base);

2. Complete a series of introductory quests as an allianceFreedom(quests "Pest Control" --> "Resources of War" --> "Missing" --> "Wild Dogs" --> "Peace enforcement" --> "Echoes of the Past" --> "Order Zone" --> "Portal to nowhere" --> "Tiltrotor Assault" ), and a line of quests for the allianceOrdnung(quests "Ordnung's Supplier" --> "The Vanishing Squad" --> "Warehouse Clearance" --> "Insectoids" --> "Black Death" --> "Ghost of the Wasteland" --> "Special Places" --> "Territory of Freedom" --> "Defense of the tiltrotor" ) and only then make your choice.

Attention: These quests are available to all characters level 6 and above, regardless of their factional affiliation. However, it is worth noting that the final quests "Tiltrotor Assault" And "Defense of the tiltrotor" available only to characters who are not members of any faction alliances. The reward for completing these quests is precisely obtaining membership inFreedom or Ordnung.

Chapter 3. Faction Reputation

Part 1. The concept of reputation

Once you decide which alliance you are going to join, as well as which faction from this alliance you are going to receive favor, respect, etc., you will certainly come across the concept "factional reputation".
Reputation reputation) - good or bad fame attached to someone or something; a current opinion about someone.
So, when you open your character’s inventory, on the left you will see a tab with the same name "Reputation". In it you can see the name of the faction, what relationship you have with it, as well as the reputation you have with this faction (to do this, you just need to hover your mouse over the faction you are interested in), which in turn is divided into positive and negative:

Positive reputation:
from 0 to 2000 units - relationship with faction "friendly"
from 2000 to 4000 units - relationship with faction "friendly"
from 4000 to 6000 units - relationship with faction "brotherly"
from 6000 to 8000 units - relationship with faction "respectful"
from 8000 to 10000 units - relationship with faction "authoritative"

Negative reputation:
from 0 to -2000 units - relationship with the faction "hostile"
from -2000 to -4000 units - relationship with the faction "intolerant"
from -4000 to -6000 units - relationship with the faction "angry"
from -6000 to -8000 units - relationship with the faction "angry"
from -8000 to -10000 units - relationship with the faction "hateful"

Part 2. Raising reputation among factions

At the moment, there are many ways to level up reputation with factions:

Gaining reputation in PvP battles;

Delivery of faction loot (tokens, hands, brains, skulls, etc.), which falls when killing a character from a hostile faction, as well as from killed monsters and bots when completing certain faction quests;

Gaining reputation when passing;

Other methods.

Part 2.1 Gaining reputation in PvP battles

At the moment, the ability to gain reputation in PvP battles exists only for factionsRangers And Invasion, which is awarded when killing a character who is in a hostile factional alliance.

The amount of reputation for a kill depends on the level of the victim:

6 - 8 levels - 0.1 units. reputation

Level 9 - 0.2 units. reputation

Level 10 – 0.3 units. reputation

Level 11 – 0.4 units. reputation

Level 12 – 0.5 units. reputation

Level 13 – 0.6 units. reputation

Level 14 – 0.7 units. reputation

Level 15 – 0.8 units. reputation

Level 16 – 0.9 units. reputation

Levels 17 - 19 - 1 unit. reputation

Reputation is only awarded for killing a character comparable in level to you. The requirements for the victim level coincide with the requirements for obtaining ranks, namely:

  • from 1 to 9 levels: your level and higher;
  • from level 10 to 20: 1 level below your own (and above);
  • Level 21: Level 18 and above.

Example: you have a level 12 character who is a member of a factional allianceFreedom. Thus, by killing a character (who is in a hostile factional allianceOrdnung) Level 11 you will receive 0.4 units. reputation for the factionRangers, for a level 12 character – 0.5 units. reputation for the factionRangers, for 13 – 0.6 and so on, respectively. For characters of faction reputation levels 10 and below, you you won't get it.

It is also worth mentioning the so-called cap (limit) for the reputation gained in battles from a killed enemy, which depends on the level of your character:

  • from level 1 to 14: 500 *<уровень вашего персонажа>;
  • for level 15: 8000 reputation units;
  • for level 16: 9000 reputation units;
  • for level 17: 10,000 reputation units.

Example: you have a level 14 character who is a member of a factional allianceOrdnung. Thus, 14*500=7000. That is, having gained 7000 units. reputation with the factionInvasion(no matter how), reputation in PvP battles will stop accruing until you reach the next level (in this example, it's 15). This cap does not apply to other methods of boosting your reputation.

Part 2.2 Handing over faction loot

Loot (from English. "loot"- loot, trophy) - in the worldTimeZero all items that drop from killed opponents who are in a hostile factional alliance or who are not in any alliance at all, as well as from killed mobs in various quests.

Faction loot obtained in PvP is not transferable and is not put up for auction, respectively. The exception is loot obtained in battles for Coral Bay, which you can recognize by its characteristic red tint. Loot obtained in PvE quests is transferable.

Faction loot (drop) from killed characters falls by level, in the same way as ranks are given:

  • up to level 9, faction loot drops from characters of the same level or higher;
  • from level 10, faction loot drops from characters 1 level lower or higher;
  • For characters level 21, faction loot drops from characters level 19 and above.

Besides, the last few victims (currently 3) are remembered as for rank points. They don't drop drops. If there are no kills for 8 hours, the list is reset to zero.

Attention: Faction drops (medallions, hands, brains and skulls) begin to fall from characters only if you have activated or completed the following quests:

For the union Freedom these are quests "I am faithful to the Law" And "For the glory of the Empire" ;

For the union Ordnung these are quests "Hunting Season" And "Technical Excellence" .

The amount of reputation accrued when completing faction quests, as well as when turning in faction loot, depends on what reputation you currently have (negative, from 0 to 6000 and above 6000):

If you have negative reputation - reputation gain has a coefficient of 1/100 for quests and quest loot (example: suppose the reward for a certain quest is +3 reputation units for a certain faction and -6 units for the antipodean faction, when completing the quest you will receive only +0.03 units of reputation, while the amount of reputation taken away from the opposing faction will not change, that is, it will be the same -6 units to the faction).

If your reputation is from 0 to 6000 units- the increase in reputation for loot, as well as the faction reward for completing a quest, is 100% of the base one (that is, if quest loot gives +0.5 units of reputation to a certain faction, these same +0.5 units will be added to you when you hand it over to a faction bot)

With reputation above 6000 units- reputation gain has a coefficient of 1/100 for quests and quest loot (as with negative reputation).

A separate point worth noting is that these coefficients are in no way do not apply and do not affect gaining faction reputation in PvP battles.

Chapter 4. Change of factional alliance. Quests "Defector" and "Exchange of Things"

Part 1. Changing the reputation of factions when changing sides

So, as already mentioned at the very beginning of this manual, there are 2 opposing sides:Freedom AndOrdnung .

To the side Freedom factions include:

1. Rangers
2. Iron Hawks
3. Psyonix
4. White Legion

To the side Ordnung factions include:

1. Invasion
2. System
3. Free Farmers
4. Moscow Gangsters

Factions are antipodes to each other:

1. Rangers - Invasion
2. Iron Hawks - System
3. Psyonix - Free Farmers
4. White Legion - Moscow Gangsters

In order to change sides, you need to complete the quest
"Defector". When completing this quest, the reputation of the faction changes to the antipode faction with a deduction of 10% from it.

Example: you are playing for a side Freedom and decided to take the quest"Defector". Suppose you have a factionRangers 1000 reputation, the antipode of this faction is the factionInvasion after completing the quest "Defector"faction reputationRangers will go into faction reputationInvasion with a deduction of 10% and will be equal to 900. The same will happen with all other fractions related toFreedom , all their reputation (if you have it) will go to the antipodean factions on the sideOrdnung .

Attention: negative reputation does not increase when changing sides.
Example: You are playing for
Freedom and decided to take the quest"Defector", you are for your factionRangers 1000 reputation, and for the antipode factionInvasion : -1000 reputation after completing the quest"Defector" you can do it Rangers: -1000, and y Invasion 900.

Part 2. Quest "Defector"

So, one day your views changed and you decided to change your factional alliance and go to the other side. To take the quest "Defector" you need to contact representatives of the enemy union:

And execute one from the conditions they set:

1. Kill 10 ranked enemies of your faction. In this case, you lose 10% of your reputation.

2. Kill 5 ranked opponents of your faction and pay 10 gold coins. In this case, you lose 10% of your reputation.

3. Kill 5 ranked opponents of your faction and pay 20,000 copper coins. In this case, you lose 10% of your reputation.

Thus, having completed the quest"Defector"In one of the three ways above, you will lose 10% of your reputation and change your alliance. However, if later you think that you made a mistake with your choice again, you can change sides again (quest cooldown"Defector"- 30 days).

Part 3. Quest "Exchange of Things"

Often, when changing sides, players are faced with the problem of what to do with the already purchased faction armor and weapons. There is a quest for this "Exchange of Things". By quest You can exchange armor and weapons of one faction for their counterparts from another. When you switch sides, you can exchange your faction equipment without losing the upgrades built into it. You can also exchange faction items withdrawn from sale or items with non-standard parameters marked ORD/FRE, or sell them to the Kalita Family if no longer needed.You can find out the nicknames of faction traders who change armor and weapons in your PDA by opening the Task Journal and selecting the desired quest from the list"Exchange of Things".

Chapter 5. Faction Bonuses

Part 1. Pendants

Having gained 2000 reputation with any faction, modification of the amulet by +1 parameter becomes available. The maximum reputation for a faction is 10,000. For every 2,000, you can upgrade the faction NPC amulet by 1 additional parameter (it can give a maximum of 6 parameters).

A standard amulet gives +1 to intuition. For every 2000 reputation with a faction, he adds 1 more parameter. But since the amulet cannot give 2 different parameters, the original parameter also changes to the one that the faction can increase.

Example: we buy an amulet in a greenhouse (+1 to intuition) and modify it, suppose, from faction NPC faction Invasion for 2000 reputation. Since improving the amulet for this faction gives + to accuracy, the parameter of the amulet changes and 1 more parameter is added to it for reputation. Thus, the amulet will give +2 stats to accuracy.

To modify the amulet, you need to approach the required faction bot and start a dialogue. The amulet must be on your neck and you must have a sufficient amount of reputation.

Part 2. Reputation Bonus

Typing 2000 , 4000 , 6000 , 8000 And 10000 reputation with one of the allied factions, you will receive a bonus to the standard of living in the amount of +20 HP. That is, by gaining 10,000 reputation with one of the factions, your total bonus will be +100 HP.

Attention: Only the maximum reputation of one faction is taken into account.Example: you are in a factional allianceFreedom and have the following amount of reputation with factions:

Rangers - 6100

Iron Hawks - 8000

Psyonix - 2500

White Legion – 3300

In this considered case, the bonus to your standard of living will be +80 HP(since reputation with the factionIron Hawks is the largest and amounts to 8000 units). Reputation for all other factions only counts towards the general standings and HP will not increase.

Part 3. Bonus for obtaining a faction title

Upon receipt second faction rank for any faction, as well as all subsequent ones, you get 1 additional perk point. That is, having a 6th faction rank in one of the factions, you will have 6 additional perk points(for the 6th faction rank you get 2 perk points instead of one).

Attention: Only the maximum rank is taken into account one factions.Example: You are in a factional allianceFreedom

/f disband [faction name] – Disband a faction.
/f safeclaim,safe *[radius] – Annex the territory for the safezone.
/f autosafe * – Automatically attach a territory to a safezone.
/f safeunclaimall,safedeclaimall – Disband all safezones.
/f warclaim, war *[radius] – Annex territory for warzone.
/f autowar * – Automatically annex territory for warzone (hostile zone).
/f warunclaimall,wardeclaimall – Disband all warzones.
/f peaceful [faction name] – Toggle the indicated faction’s “peaceful” status
/f permanent [faction name] – Make the faction permanent. A permanent faction will not be deleted when there are no members.
/f bypass – Enable administration bypass mod: Build/break anywhere.
/f lock * – See all recorded materials.
/f saveall,save – Save faction data to disk.
/f reload * – Load all data from the disk, or only data in special files. (available files: configuration file, factions, players)
/f config – Change any

Factions is a plugin that will allow you to create your own faction. The more followers a faction has, the more land it can take over. The risk of griefing is very low in faction lands, as only followers of the faction can build on it. Factions can form alliances and declare war on other factions. Land can also be reclaimed from other factions.

  • /f - show basic commands
  • /f l,list [page] - show a list of active factions
  • /f f,faction - show faction information
  • /f p,player - show information about the player
  • /f join - join a faction
  • /f leave - leave a faction
  • /f home - teleport to the faction house
  • /f map - show the territory of your faction
  • /f create - create a new faction
  • /f name - rename faction
  • /f desc - change faction description
  • /f sethome - set faction home

Description is displayed when you enter faction territory or when using the command /f f, faction

  • /f open - open/close a faction
  • /f inv,invite - invite player/revoke invitation
  • /f kick - kick a faction player
  • /f title [title] - assign a title to the player
  • /f promote - promote a player from a faction
  • /f demote - demote a player from a faction
  • /f officer - assign a player as an officer
  • /f leader - assign faction leader

Anyone can join the open faction, but the closed faction is by invitation only. There are four ranks in total: recruit (recruit), faction member, officer and leader. There may be many officers, but there is only one leader. The higher your rank, the more authority you have over the faction.

  • /f money - manage faction money
  • /f money b,balance - show the amount of money your faction has
  • /f money d,deposit - deposit money into the faction account
  • /f money w,withdraw - withdraw money from the faction account
  • /f money ff - transfer money from a faction to a faction
  • /f money fp - transfer money from faction to player
  • /f money pf - transfer money from player to faction

Each faction has a cash account. Operations such as renaming a faction or purchasing land are paid for with money from the faction account. Any follower can deposit money into a faction account, but only officers and leaders can withdraw money from the account.

  • /f sc,seechunk - show the boundaries of the chunk you are in
  • /f claim - capture the territory around you the size of one chunk
  • /f claim - capture the territory around you with a certain radius
  • /f autoclaim - auto-capture while walking
  • /f unclaim - cancel land seizure
  • /f unclaimall - cancel the seizure of all land
  • /f access - control access to land
  • /f access v,view - show access to ground
  • /f access p,player - give/take away access to a piece (chunk) of land from a player
  • /f access f,faction - give/take away access to a piece (chunk) of land from a faction

The earth is captured by chunks. A chunk is an area of ​​16x16 blocks horizontally and from bedrock to the skyline vertically. A faction can hold as many chunks as the strength (energy) of the faction allows. A faction's strength is the sum of the strengths of all its followers. The strength of one follower can be from -10 to 10. That is, 1 unit of strength is 1 chunk. Upon death, 2 units of strength are lost. 0.2 units of strength are restored per minute. Power is only restored when the player is online. When the player is offline, the strength decreases by 1 unit every 24 hours. If a faction holds more land than its strength allows, then any faction can seize a border piece of your land. All indicators are configured in the config.

  • /f ally - enter into allied relations with a faction
  • /f truce - declare a truce with a faction
  • /f neutral - enter into neutral relations with a faction
  • /f enemy - declare war on a faction

By default, relations between factions are neutral. For an alliance or truce to take effect, the two factions must issue the appropriate command to each other. However, the attitude of war can only be applied on one side. That is, if someone wants to fight with you, you will be his enemy, whether you want it or not.

The difference between an alliance and a truce is that allies have the right to do on your territory what members of your faction can do. For example, build something. If you don't trust someone else's faction, then declare a truce instead of an alliance.

Territorial wars are possible if the server owner has not disabled them. Kill enemy followers so that they lose strength, and therefore the overall strength of the faction. When the faction's strength becomes less than the amount of land captured, you can capture extreme pieces of enemy territory.

/f perm [faction] [permission] [rank|relation] - manage permissions

  • BUILD: terrain editing (building) (leader, officer, member, ally)
  • PAINBUILD: construction with damage to the builder (no one)
  • DOOR: Using Doors (Leader, Officer, Member, Recruit, Ally)
  • BUTTON: button usage (leader, officer, member, recruit, ally)
  • LEVER: Use of leverage (leader, officer, member, recruit, ally)
  • CONTAINER: use of containers (leader, officer, member)
  • INVITE: inviting players to a faction (leader, officer)
  • KICK: kick faction members (leader, officer)
  • SETHOME: setting the faction house (leader, officer)
  • WITHDRAW: withdrawing money from an account (leader, officer)
  • TERRITORY: capture or return of territory (leader, officer)
  • ACCESS: issuing access to territory (leader, officer)
  • DISBAND: faction disbandment (leader)
  • PERMS: Permission Management (Leader)

The flag represents a kind of superstructure over the factions. These are something like permissions, but more global. Any player can see the flags of any faction, but only a player with admin rights can change them.

/f flag [faction] [flag name] - control flags

To change the flag value use the yes/no switch. yes - the flag is active, no - the flag is inactive. Here is a list of all the flags and their default values ​​for your faction.

  • /f disband [faction] - disband a faction
  • /f admin - enable/disable adminmod
  • /f powerboost

Set bonus to maximum strength

  • /f v,version - show plugin version
  • Adminmod allows you to bypass all faction restrictions and permissions. You can build anywhere, appoint a new faction leader without being the leader, capture and return territory, etc. The /f powerboost command allows you to set a bonus to the maximum power of a player or faction. The bonus value can be either positive or negative. That is, if you set the player to -2, then his maximum strength will become 8 (since the default maximum strength is 10). To remove a bonus, use the value 0. To choose who you want to give the bonus to, player or faction, use the appropriate argument: for player p or player, and for factions f or faction.


    1. Make sure you have Java 7
    2. Install mcore plugin
    3. Move faction.jar to /plugins folder
    4. Restart server

    Factions 2.0.2 MCore 6.4.X for Minecraft 1.6.1 Download
    Factions 2.0.1 MCore 6.4.X for CraftBukkit 1.5.2-R1.0 download
    Factions 1.8.2 for CraftBukkit 1.5.2-R0.1 or 1.5.1-R0.2 download

    Players on our server have the opportunity to create their own clans, factions, guilds; players with VIP status can create a faction.

    For all:
    /f help - help by faction
    /f list - list of factions
    /f show [Faction name] - detailed information on the faction
    /f join [Faction name] - join a faction
    /f leave [Faction name] - leave the faction
    /f chat - change chat type - allies, factions, public
    /f home - teleport to the faction's home point

    For VIP:
    /f create [Faction name] - create a faction
    /f desc [Description] - change faction description
    /f tag [Faction name] - change the faction name
    /f open, close - type of joining the faction, open - anyone interested, close - by invite
    /f inv [Player name] - invites a player to a faction
    /f sethome [Faction name] - create a faction home point
    /f kick [Player name] - kick a player from the faction
    /f mod [Player name] - make a player a faction moderator