Fallout 2 gecko reactor team. Optimize the power plant in Gekko

Hydroelectric Magnetosphere Regulator) - a part necessary for repair nuclear reactor V Gekko (Gecko). Without it, this reactor can only be blown to hell. I don’t recommend doing this, as many quests and, perhaps, the most intelligent medicine merchant in the game will disappear.

This is a Hydroelectric Magnitosphere Regulator
It weighs 10 pounds.

How to Find a Hydroelectric Magnetosphere Regulator

On Junkyard Gekko, a greedy ghoul lives in a house next to the old reactor Gordon (Gordon), who knows how to optimize the reactor. He gives cold disk. With this cooler you need to go to Vault City (Vault City) and in the administrative building talk to the Senior Council Member McClure (Senior Council Member McClure). You should talk to him about the cold disk to get permission to receive Regulator of the Hydroelectric Magnetosphere. If successful, this McClure will issue documents Citizen.
Get the part from the warehouse (near the entrance to the shelter).

How to fix a reactor

IN Gekko need to talk to reactor manager. Located in the room near the red door. With the “Conversation” skill at level 110-120, you can convince the ghoul to insert the part himself. My blonde easily talked him out of it.

If there are problems with conversation, then the quest is solved like this:
All devices contain the name of the planet in their names. The devices should be turned on in order, starting with the farthest planet from the Sun. Pluto - Neptune - Uranus - Saturn - Jupiter.

Although this topic has already been discussed several times, I have not found anything useful on this issue. The advice to "don't optimize the Gekko power plant" doesn't sit well with me - I want Vault City to survive and defeat the NCR, if that's possible.
Here are some interesting observations:
1) after optimizing the station in Gekko, Harold continues to say “everything is falling apart here,” but when you try to ask him specifically, he says that now everything is not so bad, but if you tell him about McClure from Vault City, he starts yelling that The Vault City will kill them all, to which you can either end the dialogue or respond with something like “I won’t let the Vault City do this,” but then the conversation returns to the beginning (perhaps you need to level up your conversation skill more, because By this time I was no more than 90-95%).
2) Harold says something about the station not having enough uranium supplied with the caravans from Broken Hills
3) Nameless undead in Gekko sometimes say a strange phrase “Now we need a lot of copper from Redding” (if this is not a translation glitch, because I have the Fargus version)
4) After the Chosen One tells McClure that he optimized the power plant, this dialogue option does not disappear, and McClure says something “Yes, I remember, good job, citizen.” (when other quests end, it becomes impossible to talk about them).
5) A servant from a bar in Vault City says something about how the interests of Councilor McClure and First Citizen Linnet clashed.
Based on this, we can assume the following options on how to ensure that everything is in order with the Vault City:
1) try to persuade Harold that you can trade with the Vault City, but for this you need to “pump up” your Conversation skill by more than 110% (I always pump up my skills in the usual way only up to 100%, and then only with the help of special abilities like the “voice module” from NewReno)
2) Somehow organize trade between Gekko and Broken Hills (at first I thought that I could somehow negotiate with the ghoul from the refinery, but nothing worked, I also tried to deliver purified uranium ore to Harold, but it was also useless).
3) Somehow organize the Redding-Gekko trade, but nothing came of this either
4) Organize a coup in the City of Refuge with the aim of resigning the First Citizen. Again, I have absolutely no idea how to do this...

I completed all other quests for Vault City (repairing and optimizing the station, delivering the disk, reconnaissance around Gekko and NKR, exposing Moore, eliminating the raiders). I also tried to talk to all the residents of Vault City and Gekko that are in the game, but everything was useless. Perhaps anyone else has any ideas on what could be done?

Trappertown is a quiet and peaceful area of ​​the city of Klamath, which is an unofficial refuge for gecko trappers, hence the name. Some of the hunters will happily tell you over a bottle of beer about their difficult hunt, while others will get away with a couple of phrases thrown in your direction. But even such phrases sometimes contain useful advice.

Here is one of them:

Some animals love corned beef so much that they would rather attack it than you.

And who would have thought that geckos are really, like real gourmets, “led” to meat products such as jerky and iguana-on-a-stick. And we, as real trappers, must take advantage of this! Alternatively, here's a way to complete the quest to save Smiley without committing any kills or causing any losses on your part:

Geckos are having lunch -
The Chosen One is resting
We buy dried meat from all the merchants in Klamath (Dantons alone have 45 pieces, but the prices can be steep) and go to the Toxic Caves. If you already have level 3, it is advisable to take the “Quick Pockets” perk, which reduces the time it takes to access your inventory by half. Here, as soon as the gecko rushes at the character, open the inventory and throw 1-2 pieces of meat onto the ground. Now the lizard’s attention is focused on him, and he can safely run further.

The gecko only eats 1 object per turn, so the number of food thrown out should correspond to how many turns you want to occupy it. The golden geckos still have some AP left so they can strike. In addition, food must be within the lizard’s field of vision; do not rely on its sense of smell.

Some observations on the described trick:
1. Rats, brahmins, dogs, mantissas and fire geckos do not rush for meat.
2. The trick works on silver and gold geckos and only during combat.
3. Items to be devoured (in order of decreasing priority): iguana, fried in parts; whole roasted iguana; jerky.
4. After eating a unit of food, the gecko skips a turn.
5. If you miss a move, the gecko will continue to collect food or, if it is not in sight, attack.

Another “feature” of gold and silver geckos is the ability to lift from the ground fallen weapon hand-to-hand combat. It is much better known, although it is essentially a game bug that was not caught at the testing stage, and a side effect of the lizards' love for meat. A good way to have fun in the late stages of the game: find a flock of geckos in the Wasteland, throw spiked knuckles and power fists (not discharged) around and try to survive the fight.

Enjoy it for your health!

The meeting with the unknown and the way they dealt with unarmed people without hesitation greatly excited me and my companions. Therefore, the next settlement, which is called the City of Refuge, gave a pleasant feeling of a safe haven. This was facilitated by an impressive line of defense along the perimeter, armed guards on guard, and an overall rather well-groomed appearance.

Vic pointed out Ed's place. Is this this charazhka?!.. There is nothing to do, even if such are our sources of information.

He didn’t immediately understand what exactly they wanted from him. As we talked with Ed, it became clear that hope was being postponed again. Ed’s routes were very diverse, but he did not keep records of all his goods. So he cannot say anything about these particular flasks with number 13. On the other hand: we are in the City of Vault, we have our own Vault here and maybe they know about other similar complexes, or even be able to directly help with the required thing?

It turns out that we are not in the city itself, in the full sense, but only in the suburbs. Residents of the more comfortable center are generally quite arrogant and look down on other people from the wasteland. So I still have the whole task of being able to get to the center.

In one tent I saw that a person was feeling unwell—the symptoms indicated acute radiation exposure—and he shared his antiradin.

Next to this tent, a boy is crying and calling for some Mr. Nixon. I'll remember, just in case.

Some kind of toy, a doll, was found not far from the bar - lying near the walls, falling into the shadows... Perhaps the boy lost it?..

Returned the toy. As I was leaving, I became interested in his conversation with the doll. It turns out he hid a wrench. A tool is a necessary thing, it will come in handy. We'll have to find him.

To the left of the bar, near the tent, a man is clearly languishing in heavy thoughts about some worries. After talking with him, I found out the reason for his worries about the ability to feed his family, in which buying a plow would help him. I don’t have a lot of money myself, but I undertake to figure out what’s what. The conversation with the merchant went unevenly: an attempt to negotiate a lower price failed - I am not a very skilled trader.

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

I looked into the tent where, as I assume, the boy’s parents must live. But only his mother was there. She told about her husband, who was in trouble and awaiting enslavement into a civilized version of slavery, called here “servants.” Oh, it looks like this settlement will show itself... I’ll try to figure out how to help it as soon as I get to the center myself.

Before moving on, I looked into the bar. Met the bartender Cassidy. He has a seasoned look. We talked about this and that. Word by word, it seems I was able to rekindle his former passion and he even expressed his consent to shake off the old days and travel with us. Another barrel in the team will come in handy.

And now it's time to try your luck with the city.

At the closed gate, the guards strictly demanded a pass or certificate of my citizenship. I look into the department next door to discuss obtaining a document. The young employee quickly outlined all the options. The most accessible is the day pass, which is used by many merchants and other businesses not originally from Vault City. True, with the onset of darkness you will have to leave the center area and spend the night in the suburbs. Citizenship test - almost no chance!

And then the boy winked conspiratorially and suggested "something better" day pass. The bell of my own ideas in this regard rang, and I politely arranged a deal to purchase a fake citizenship certificate. After which I hung around in this office for a bit, waited until the guy was distracted by his own affairs, and, as if by chance, went to see his boss - such scoundrels must be turned in so that they do not create a rotten management apparatus.

And so, for my honesty, I lose my fictitious passport, but gain a genuine day pass, and perhaps also good fame for myself in this settlement - that’s also not bad.

But a pass for quiet passage into the center is also not enough - I am still being searched for possible smuggling.

It’s very convenient to navigate the center: all the main offices are provided with signs.

So I quickly find the local cultivated version of Metzger’s slave traders’ base from Dan - the Servant Distribution Center. Having figured out something that I already understood about the morals and logic of the lifestyle of the City of Vault, I am interested in information about Joshua. Aha, I correctly found the thread of the conversation - the interlocutor is clearly nervous. I confirm his unspoken fears - yes, the whole point is that Joshua is sick and will be dangerous among your clean servants, he will also infect them. Let him return to the suburbs. It is done. I'll visit the reunited family later.

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

For now I will continue to look around the City..

I go around the establishments. Everywhere they are emphatically polite to me, but you can read between the lines the wish that I leave quickly. At the local drinking establishment they offer some strange drinks, I cautiously inquire about a more substantial drink. To my surprise, the bartender and I came to an understanding and even received an offer - in the City there are connoisseurs of real booze, and not these surrogates. So if I can smuggle in a batch for her bar, I’ll get paid well. Let's see what I can do.

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Bah! And what a surprise awaited Vika and me at the service center!

Yes, Vik’s daughter is no slouch. Well, no matter how sweet this family idyll may be, we’ll have to interrupt the stormy communication and move on.

However, I’ll chat with Valerie about technical services. Yeah, so she needs a little help with the tools. How handy the wrench I found came in handy, and I also managed to find a tool earlier (I don’t even remember where: the main thing here is to always search everything and take a variety of belongings with you on the road - the Wasteland will let you know when you need something). Valerie is happy with the solution to her problems and can improve some weapons for me at a discount. I'll think about it.

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

I look into the Security Center. I communicate with the formidable-looking security captain Stark. He talks about various kinds problems in their city, in particular, from the south there are strange - as well-organized - raids by bandits. I promise to find out details about them. I also show off my old patched-up PipBoy 2000 and offer services to replenish their intelligence database. Just to the north there is a settlement called GEKKO, formed around a nuclear power plant. It would be a good idea for a person not from Vault City to scout out the surrounding area without provoking the residents there.

Nestled at the far west end of this area is an information center. I'm going there with the hope of getting useful information. But, unfortunately, information about other Vaults and other similar important information is stored only in the Vault databases. And the main goal of this center was to digitize information from paper media. So it’s time to move on, knock on the doorsteps of the local bosses and try to get the right to touch the archives of their Vault.

And here is the administrative center. Somehow I’m not drawn to immediately go to First Citizen Lynette and decide to see who else is in charge of the highest administrative power here. First Councilor McClure turns out to be such a person.

McClure makes a pleasant impression: surprisingly, he lacks the nasty stiffness inherent in most Vault citizens.

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

So, it turns out that only citizens can gain access to their Vault. They definitely don’t have an extra set of GECKs in stock. So, in order to search for information on their computers, I will have to become a citizen and for this I will have to provide a particularly valuable service to the City. The problem is in the city of GEKKO, with the nuclear power plant there. It turns out that this settlement is inhabited by ghouls, who don’t care about radiation, but the waste from the station threatens to reach the City through groundwater in the future. Hotheads are ready to resolve the issue by force as a last resort, but for now shooting enthusiasts can still control themselves and it’s worth finding a peaceful way.

This means there is a way to the north - to the city of ghouls.

Before leaving, I decide to meet the First Citizen... yeah. McClure correctly said that she is the Face of their Vault City to present to the outside world. She carries within herself the embodiment of all the cleanliness that I have encountered in the City individually. Even the fact that I mentioned GEKK with a request for help in his search led to the utmost bewilderment - how could anyone else know about even the existence such advanced technologies?.. I decide to resort to arguments - I show my overalls, taking off leather armor. Well, the attempt to reduce the matter to a substantive conversation is not entirely hopeless. True, Lynette, in addition to asking for help with the issue of the GECCO nuclear power plant, also insists on complying with all formalities for passing the citizenship tests. So it’s better to carefully bypass her and resolve all issues with McClure in my turn.

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3


Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

It didn't take long to get to GEKKO and there were no incidents.

Staying in Vault City definitely softened me - the sight of shacks cobbled together from garbage is depressing and it seems as if nothing interesting awaits here. Moreover, the inhabitants staggering here and there are not entirely pleasant in appearance.

The station is visible nearby. I begin to study the situation and question the residents. As a result, I find a building that houses the local government apparatus. To my surprise, I had the opportunity to speak personally with Harold - the same ghoul that Founder Arroyo spoke about.

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Harold turned out to be well informed, including about the problems their station was causing to the City of Refuge. At the meetings he himself held on this issue, the ghouls established that the station needed repairs and found a part that required replacement - a hydroelectric magnetosphere regulator, phew! in their own interests. McClure will probably meet you halfway.

In the meantime, let's take a walk around the city.

In the north of the city, some kind of landfill and another, abandoned, reactor station were discovered. Percy the ghoul lives in a small shack. I chatted with him about various things, and he asked me to help me find my friend Woody. He says he disappeared in Dan... Dan. This place seems so far away now. However, you never know where the road will lead, so I promise to help if possible.

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Nearby, in big house, filled with workbenches and other technical rubbish, lives a local technology lover, Skeeter. I also met him. He has a need for special tools, he would be grateful if I could get him a so-called super repair kit. The offer is tempting because he just had a part for the car from Dan! He explained to me that Smitty had incorrectly identified the cause of the problem with the car, and Skeeter would not only give me the part needed to replace it, but also teach me how to repair the car with it. It looks like there are more reasons to visit the Hole. Yes, and on wheels I will move further faster. I'll think about it.

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

And in a house not far from the abandoned reactor, a surprisingly well-informed ghoul was discovered, who shared ambitious plans for the possibility of mutually beneficial cooperation between the two settlements. The station is capable of generating more energy. And energy will soon be needed for the further growth and development of Vault City. So GEKKO can transfer their excess energy to them in exchange for medicine. To prove and confirm the calculations, the disk has already been prepared. And he himself would have handed it over there long ago, if not for the disgusting attitude of citizens towards strangers.

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

I think it's worth talking to McClure about this.

On a note: there is another option. Take the cheese balls from the cabinet in this house and go down the stairs, which are not visible just outside the walls of one of the houses near the abandoned reactor. Below there will be a certain community around some leader. Which turns out to be a healthy, smart pink mole rat. For a portion of cheese balls, he will enter into a conversation and begin the same quest to optimize the station.

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3


On the way back to Vault City, we met a detachment of bandits who recklessly decided to attack us. In the end, I admired the well-coordinated work of my team and was pleased with the collection of good loot. When I got to the outskirts of the City, I very conveniently managed to exchange this goodness for that very plow and get some extra money. The new farmer was delighted with his purchase. Since they decided to live under the protection of the City, he gave me his cannon with ammunition as a reward. Ha, there will be one more product.

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

On the way to the administrative center I stopped in to visit Valerie. She had good news in store that her long-standing order for tools had been fulfilled... and they had exceeded the plan!.. She shared the extra super repair kit without objection - and for Skeeter the problem was solved. At the same time I put in a good word for Vik...

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

McClure doesn't mind providing the part one bit and sends it to the equipment distribution center. Now I’ll agree with the local manager, Randal, who is strict to the rules, to at least get this... hydroelectric regulator of the magnetosphere.... Then he told McClure about the possibility of an energy deal. The idea interested him and he promised to familiarize himself with the disk data. All that remains is to pick up the part and return to GEKKO to set up the station.

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3


It's time to meet the nuclear power plant personnel. You have to make your way to the control center through several doors, some of which can only be unlocked with key cards. I had to look for extra copies in the nearby cabinets - it’s surprising that they were found.

Station Manager Festus is surprisingly smug. Well, if he is so good in the field and topic of nuclear energy, and he is not afraid of radiation, then I persuade him to do a service for his city and chalk up the feat to his own account - to install... a hydroelectric magnetosphere regulator... where it is supposed to be.

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

I meet with Harold, who, of course, is grateful for fixing the station, but asks for help in solving other problems with their station. Why not. However, no one at GEKKO seems to know how to optimize the station. I chatted almost amicably with Harold: it was nice to hear about my ancestor from this, ahem... man who had seen a lot.

I proceeded north to Skeeter and gave him the coveted super repair kit. In addition to the promised part for the car, he also offered to improve some weapon for free. I'll save that service for another time.

Finally, before returning to Vault City, I took a walk around GEKKO and entered information for Captain Stark.


Again, on the way to the administrative center, I look into various establishments, including to report to Captain Stark. Easy Money. Now he has a new assignment - to simply get to NKR and then return to him with a report. Well, it will be fulfilled over time.

McClure is pleased with the work done. He did not disappoint and provided me with a certificate of citizenship, now I can finally get into their Vault. He can’t suggest anything about possible optimization of the station - I’ll continue to look for a solution.

The refuge is mesmerizing. Nowadays it is mainly a warehouse and a computer center. On the second level, strange sounds were heard from the ventilation - after rummaging around in it, I pulled out a nuclear battery, what a find!

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Many doors are jammed. I wish I had more strength... The rest of the doors work fine, the main thing is to crack the locking mechanism. Maybe I can find some useful supplies.

And on the third level - main console with access to their databases. I comb it this way and that with a variety of requests for useful facts. I'm collecting information about the location of Vaults numbered 13 and 15. At least something useful.

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

Now it’s time to move on, to the south to shelters 13 and 15. As a farewell, already in the status of a citizen, I visit all the establishments and study the now noticeably expanded range of goods for myself and my company. And then I’ll drop by GEKKO to complete the work of optimizing the station by getting to the station operation control console and using the disk with the program.

Fallout 2: Wasteland Adventures - Part 3

On a note: The battle is not an easy one. By the way, I don’t know if this has something to do with version 1.02 from gog com, but the AI ​​of the companions is somehow depressing compared to the version of Fallout 2 from Fargus or 1C from the special edition of the Fallout series. Be that as it may, it turned out to be more convenient to leave the companions in the previous cave location and start fighting the bandits alone. Tactical trick- break both doors so that enemies can run closer to the Chosen One, move further away from the doors and shoot in bursts from time to time. The opponents themselves will not hit accurately enough, plus they will stretch out in a chain, running through two doors, and will conveniently expose themselves to bullets. The main thing is to stock up on ammunition. And yes - improvements to weapons for reload speed, for example, from Cedric will come in handy here.

To be continued...

Gekko in fallout 2 is located near Vault City. There is a quest for these two cities about fixing the power plant. But this is not a city, but rather a small settlement of peaceful undead. The dead live, in principle, well. Everyone likes the background radiation from the station.

The story is like this. A long time ago, even before the war, the United States built a nuclear power plant. Why not, it's a necessary thing. After the war, people came out of Vault 8 and founded Vault City. They lived without bothering themselves, and then suddenly a few years ago the ghouls found an abandoned power plant, restored it and founded the settlement of Gekko. Everything would be fine, but due to the fact that the station is old, groundwater is poisoned. And Vault City didn’t like this at all, because they were very close. What to do? All the undead understand that this cannot continue for long and soon their comrades from the Vault will cover them forever. The situation is difficult. But then suddenly we (the chosen one, that is) appear out of nowhere and decide to help both of them (if we are good).

Solve the problems of the Gekko power plant

Having gone down, we will find there an intelligent large Rat, who, presumably, is a relative of that same Rat God in Klamath. And this rat, who calls himself the Brain, will tell us his plans to take over the world, to restore and other similar Napoleonic crap. And it is he who will mention that it is necessary to approach Consul MacLure. We go to McLure, show the disk with economic data (if any), ask for permission to receive a spherical thing. We go to the City warehouse and get it. We return to Gekko.

Now this magno-sphere needs to be installed. This can be done by Festas (high conversation skill required) or a repair robot. Or we can create this ourselves. The main thing in this case is to leave your partners so that they don’t accidentally get fried. You also need to take a couple of rad-x to increase your resistance to radiation. We need to go very quickly to the cooler control panel.

In the picture above there is this panel with a red valve. And use the hydro-magno-sphere there. If we turn the red valve three times, we will close the cooler. Therefore, the rector is not cooling down and will soon explode. All the undead will get angry at us and start fighting. But if we manage to escape from Gekko, the dead will leave these lands. And in subsequent visits the settlement will be empty.

If repairs are made using a robot, then difficulty will arise when drawing up a movement program for the robot. Some logical circuits are broken. This means that the robot cannot navigate well in space. Therefore, we need to manually specify route points. If we take a close look at the reactor, we will see that it contains all sorts of mechanisms that are called as in that very program. For example, in the picture above you can see the Jovian Compiler and Plutonium Gamma Shield. Accordingly, the program must be compiled so that the robot moves from one such mechanism to another. But there is one problem. Translated by Fargus, it is difficult to find a match between the mechanism and the team name. Therefore, those chosen from Fargus often do everything themselves, or ask Festas. They say that the translation from 1C is better in this episode. But even from this predicament a way out can be found. We need to guess at one point on the route. The first and fourth points are clear - these are Pluto and Jupiter. For the second, there are only three options left. After we guess the second point, there will be two options for the third. The fifth point will be without options. Therefore, in the worst case, it is necessary to search only five times. After we add five commands, two more commands will appear - close the valve (that is, destroy the station) and install the magneto thing (that is, repair it).

This solves the problem. We go to Festas to receive the next task.

Optimize the power plant in Gekko

So we fixed the station and that's good. But it can be optimized and it will be even better. The quest is simple. We need to take the disk, take it to the Central Computer of Vault City (since we must already become a citizen, there is no problem), optimize it, and return back to Gekko. Insert the disk into the reactor computer (the computer, in fact, is also in the picture above).

Get a super repair kit for Skeeter

Skeeter, a local mechanic, asks us to get him a super repair kit. We can buy this set from Smitty in Den, or receive it as a reward from Valerie for finding a wrench and pliers (the wrench and pliers are written about in the article about Vault City). Or we can find it somewhere else. In particular, they are sometimes sold in San Francisco. As a reward we will receive a fuel battery controller, without which we cannot buy a car from Smitty (because our car does not drive without this part). This is what the set looks like.

Super repair kit

Get a three stepper converter for Skeeter

To do this, you will need permission, which can be taken from Harald's closet, or from Festas (you can steal or persuade) Or you can steal this very converter from Jeremy. As a reward, Skitter will improve some of our weapons.

Find Woody

Percy, a Gekko merchant, asks to find his friend Woody. Woody is lying around in the Den and pretending to be a mummy for the Great Ananius. Moreover, he himself knows nothing about it. He just fell asleep and is sleeping. He doesn't care that he's a mummy.

There is a merchant named Percy at the junkyard. In my opinion, he is the only merchant in fallout 2 who trades at a loss. If possible, you should visit him more often.

One of the reactor guards has a Cat's Paw. There is a scientific book on the bookshelves in the reactor. The wandering undead has one more paw. In the bar, one of the dead also has a Paw. There is a medical book in the house in the dump.

From the main reactor computer you can access the Poseidon network. A certain person will appear on the screen with whom you can have an intimate conversation.