How to play cards like a pro. How to Win at Durak: Some Tactical Tricks

First, find maps, friends, and a place to play.
People are different, so it is advisable to play with friends and idiots. Thus, you will not only not be thrown, but you may also earn extra money. I will describe everything in different ways.
Rules of the game of "fool".
The number of people is 2-6, so that there are enough cards, then 6 cards are distributed to everyone, the one who gave out shows a “trump card” - a card of any denomination, only the suit of the card is important, this suit will be “trump”. The cards are divided by seniority from 6 to ace, and from 2 (1) to the joker, respectively. Of course, the seven will beat the six, and the king will beat any of these cards. (For a special category of citizens). you can put a card of the same denomination nearby (for example, 6 clubs and 6 hearts) and say that you have translated), the goal of the game is to be left without cards by the end of the game, so plan your tactics in advance. “Trump cards” beat any non-trump card, themselves the “trump cards” beat each other according to seniority. (nominal value).
Now about the entry, it's hard to describe. so then, if anything, I’ll edit it. You can start your move with any card (I advise with small ones), Let’s say you have two 6 two 7 and two 8 in your hands, your opponent has the same,
let’s start the move with 6-ok, (if you threw 6 and you don’t have more sixes, then you have nothing to throw, wait until the opponent starts to beat with the card that you have), the opponent beats with 7, throw him 7s, he beats them with eights, throw him 8s (if the opponent cannot repel the attack, then he takes all the cards that he could not repel (in short, the whole run, including his own)). If you threw out a couple of cards, then you should get them from the deck so that you again have 6 cards in your hand. There you go, everything seems to be simple.

2 step

METHOD #1: “Tossing”
Everything is simple here, you need to be a subtle psychologist if possible. At the height of the game, when someone is fighting, you can suddenly throw a card that no one threw to him and that he didn’t cover. This is cheating, of course (but you want to win), but if no one noticed, so there was nothing. You can also throw the “wrong” cards when you cover yourself, but here surveillance will be better for you. (especially if they want to fill up). Try it usually works.
METHOD #2: “AP o Down”
Try to get as close as possible to the “bat” (cards that are out of play).
And as soon as everyone is distracted, you can pull the joker out of the “bat” or throw off the sixes, cards, usually rarely anyone counts, much less remembers. You can distract the crowd by telling something interesting, or transfer the arrows to someone else (it seems it was he who spoiled the air) something like that, you need imagination and acting skills.
METHOD #3: “Team play”
As the name suggests “ team game”, Here you need an accomplice, preferably a greedy one, so as not to betray.
Get up or sit down so that you can see the cards each other, and it was possible to exchange a few words, and then it was a matter of technique, and the patience of other players. It is desirable that you have significant authority in the team, and no one could say a word to you. If you are so cool that you can skip your turn sitting on four aces and two jokers, then this is only a plus for you.
METHOD #4: “My deck”
Most easy way, personal marked cards. You can make holes with a needle in the corner of the cards, notches with a knife or
barely noticeable marks, bruising, abrasions, etc.

3 step

I'll give you some general advice here.
Firstly, mix the cards yourself, for example, everyone knows me and the cards trust me, even when I lose, which is very rarely natural, others hang out the deck. For when I interfere with the deck, I have 4 aces and 2 jokers at the beginning of the game. By the way, I can skip moves).
Secondly, if you play 4 or 6, sit opposite strong players, it’s not profitable for them to bring you down, the chance of winning increases.
If you think that you are a master and it is unrealistic to deceive you, you are only deceiving, then it’s time for you to work at the station as a petty gambler, they will explain to you that you are zero, and no one is against you. (By the way, to the instructions “How to make money quickly and easily and spend money?

At a picnic, during a meeting with friends, on a long-distance train and just in the park, you can often hear the perky “bito! Your move”, and no one will have to explain what is happening there – people are playing cards. In the post-Soviet space, the game "fool" has been and remains the most popular among card games, it is known to everyone, regardless of gender, age and social status. Let's list its rules again in order to learn exactly how to play the fool.

As you know, the game uses a deck of 36 cards with the participation of two to six players. At the first deal, everyone receives six cards, the suit next card becomes a trump card this game. The rest of the deck is placed on top of the revealed card (face down), from which the players take cards as needed. The aim of the game is to get rid of all the cards before other players. The last player with cards is left in the "fools".

The game begins with the move of the player with the lowest trump card, then they go "from under the fool". Moves are made clockwise, usually with one or more cards of the same value, and the attacked player must cover them with the highest card of the same suit or trump. If the player covers all the cards, the turn passes to him; if not, he takes everything open cards, and after the other players draw up to six cards from the deck, the turn passes to the next player.

The types of this game are simple fool, throw-in and transfer, each of which has slightly different rules. Flip got its name from giving all players the right to "throw" cards of the corresponding value to the battler; in a transfer fool, the player being played has the right to redirect the move to the next player by laying out a card of the same rank.

To learn how to play the fool, it's not enough to know general rules. This is one of the few card games in which you can develop a certain strategy and tactics. The strategy of the game, in fact, is based on memorizing cards and understanding the statistics of the game, the psychology of the game and the theory of probability. When playing for two, knowing that the total number of cards is 36, of which 9 are trump cards, we calculate that a third of the deck is dealt at once, and on average, the players have one and a half trump cards in their hands, and one trump card is open. At the beginning of the game, players do not know 23 cards, and how more maps during the game, the player is able to remember, the more successful he will be - at the end of the game, it becomes possible to predict the opponent’s remaining cards in order to plan winning moves.

When you start playing cards like a fool, in addition to keeping statistics, it is also important to carefully observe your opponent, determine his tactics and develop your counter-tactics in a timely manner - experts in this field have developed a number of specific recommendations for each specific case. General recommendations include the following: at the beginning of the game, you should not discard trump cards, fight back with paired cards if possible, remember the sequence in which cards exit the game, and, if necessary, resort to bluffing - as in any card game, the method of subtle deception of the opponent remains very effective.

It would seem that the Fool game is difficult, because even children play it. You just need to learn the names of cards and suits, understand what a trump card is, and know for yourself - go and fight back, the rules of the Fool game are extremely simple. But why do we sometimes, sitting down to play, lose game after game? Perhaps our opponent knows some secrets?

Memorize cards

If a good memory- this, alas, is not your dignity, do not be upset. After all, you can remember at least only trump cards that have left the game. There are 9 trump cards in total, and one of them will lie open until the very end of the game. Also, we hope that some of the trump cards will be in your hands, and then the task will be greatly simplified.

Have you tried it, did it work? Excellent. Then you can complicate the task - try to remember the released color cards - jacks, queens, kings and aces. Some players even develop their own memory systems, such as by numbers or by letters. If you can do this, then you will be more or less in control of the situation and will be able to calculate the moves.

Collect pair cards

Moreover, you can collect both small paired cards (they will be useful to you for the move), and large ones. Ideal Development events when you have collected four high cards of the same value, for example, 4 queens or 4 aces. Then, fighting back, you do not risk anything, no one can throw anything at you. And at the very end of the game, with good luck, you can use these cards as a formidable weapon against an opponent.

We suggest you take advantage of some more tips from experienced players:

  • try to always fight back, especially when the game comes to an end;
  • if at the beginning of the game only one trump card came to you, but a large one (for example, a king), and you cannot fight back, you should not feel sorry for it. Otherwise, you risk sitting with her until the very end of the game;
  • get rid of small cards and collect large ones;
  • if at the very beginning of the game of Durak you have bad cards, while they looked like you with a card that you have nothing to beat off, and you have only one large trump card, you can lay out this trump card in the hope that similar cards of other suits will be thrown to you, and you can get hold of quite good cards;
  • play confidently, do not show your emotions to the opponent.

And, of course, practice more! On the LuckForFree website you can play Durak for free and without registration. Moreover, you can choose one of the varieties of this game - Throw Fool,

Some gamblers use the tactic of remembering the released high cards and trump cards to win. However, as practice has shown, knowing some of the secrets and rules of the game in the "Fool", you can not look at the opponent's cards. But how to play the "Fool" without the usual technique? When there are only two people in the game, then you can use the following strategies to win: determine the opponent's playing style or develop your own. To determine how the opponent's method of playing one game will not be enough, you will need to play at least five games. Most often, people use four basic playing styles. They collect trump cards - in this case, the player will never throw them to the opponent. They collect senior cards - in this case, the player will try to collect four dominant cards from himself, such tactics can be determined only at the end of the game.

In some cases, the player chooses the tactic of throwing small cards to his partner. In this case, the player will try by any means to force the enemy to take the cards that have come to him. The last style is the collection of a paired composition of cards of different denominations. It should be noted that this style of play gives an advantage both when repulsing enemy cards and when entering, therefore it is used most often. The listed strategies are the most popular, the rest just combine them with each other. That is why, having determined the style of the opponent's play, you can understand his tactics and try to break it, thereby confusing the opponent when he seems to be playing, but not able to control the process.

When creating your own style, if a player collects trumps, then first you need to determine a suit that is weak for him (which he does not have), and then try to make him discard all trumps. A player who collects high cards is even easier to make a fool of, since he does not collect trump cards and at the end of the game he hopes to take advantage of a full set of cards (four aces, a king, etc.). He needs to be forced to fight back. assembled combination shortly before the end of the game. If the opponent uses the tactics of throwing the enemy with small cards, then at the beginning it is necessary to try to fight back only with the cards of the highest suit, and then attack the opponent with small cards, forcing him to fall into his own trap.

It is quite difficult to compete with a person who collects paired cards, since he always has a pair of cards in his stash, designed to hang up or move. In this case, it is necessary to act with the methods of the enemy, that is, also try to walk and fight back with paired cards. If three people gathered at the gaming table, then you will have to act a little differently. In this case, it is best to collect both pair and trump cards at the same time. The main thing in this game is not to throw a person to whom you are making a move. This can only be done by being alone with him, feeling that the enemy can be the first to leave the game. If four people participate in the game, then the first step is to decide on the style of the game: every man for himself or a couple for a couple.

Much easier to play in pairs. In this case, the attack must be done on an opponent who is on the opposite team. It is better to start with small cards, which will allow you to gradually "test the ground" and find out which suits are not popular with the enemy. If the opponent starts to fight with large cards, then it is better for the player to discard them, since he will still not be able to fight them off, because the opponent will immediately throw up paired cards to him. You can’t throw your partner in this game, you are only allowed to throw cards to him when he picks up, and even then it’s better than a higher value to help him in the future. In the case when the game is not a pair against a pair, but against everyone, it is recommended to take the low card with which the game was started, since there is a high probability that, starting to fight back, you will have to take too many low cards.

If for card table five or more people gathered, then it will no longer be possible to play in pairs. In this case, it is also recommended to pick up the low card. If the player decides to fight back, then it is better to do it with high cards, playing on the enemy's greed or in the hope of replenishing his arsenal with good cards. In addition to the secrets described, the player should keep a close eye on their opponents, as their play style can reveal a lot. For example, if an opponent fights off with trump cards from the very beginning, then he plays very weakly, because initially there is no point in discarding a trump card - it is better to take the beaten cards, and then try to win back. To force the opponent to fight back with senior cards or trump cards, you must first be like the youngest card, and then throw the opponent a trump card of the same nomination.

We must not forget about the bluff. Usually, if the opponents see that the player is fighting at the end of the game big card, then they think that the others have no less dignity. However, it is not recommended to abuse the bluff, otherwise the opponents will quickly "see through" the player's tactics. If, nevertheless, the player prefers to use the tactics of remembering the cards that have come out, then it can be slightly improved, making the process easier for himself. When memorizing cards, the easiest way is to mentally create combinations, assigning each card its own image. Such a technique may resemble a kind of journey, when a player encounters all sorts of obstacles on the road, which he will associate with the cards that have come out or the cards that the opponent has taken. Thus, each card will be "on the job" and it will not be difficult for the player to remember whether it came out or not, which will allow him to get even closer to the desired victory.

When playing with no more than 2 players

You can learn to win at the fool. To do this, we define 2 stages of creating a winning strategy.

1. Determining the opponent's style of play.

2. Create your own counter-style of play.

Determining the opponent's style of play

In order to determine in what style the opponent plays, it is necessary to play several control games with him. Often, there are 4 main styles of play:

a player who collects trump cards - a player who, during the game, never throws up trump cards, makes the first move from one card and throws up any cards, in order not to overwhelm the opponent, but to throw off unnecessary cards in order to take trump cards from the deck.

Game variant

I was introduced to this version of the game by one of the users of my program, when there was this gap in the algorithm of playing the fool. This gap was in the following tactics of the game.

If at the beginning of the game you get 2-3 large trump cards (it is possible with small trump cards), then during the game you do not beat off the opponent’s cards, but accept them as long as there are at least eight to ten of them left in the deck (you can find out how many cards are left , if you keep counting them during the game), then you start walking with the smallest cards, which should be 3 or 4 of the same value. In this case, the opponent will either have to fight back (then in any case you will have cards that you can throw to your opponent), or accept cards. If the opponent fights back, then after the end, when he draws cards from the deck, he will most likely take non-trump cards, since he fought them off and then, having beaten his move, you will easily beat him. But if the opponent accepts cards from you without fighting back, then he will have a chance on the same tactics (as you played), to beat you (the opponent will take cards from you for the time being, after which he will fight off and fill you up with the same cards that I received from you).

Most often, few people know about this game tactic and, having played once, they lose, and experienced player immediately understands what is happening and will try to interrupt the game in its middle.

When playing 3 players

In such a game, you need to collect trump and pair cards. To do this, you must try to fight back. The most important thing in such a game is to never throw cards at the player you are playing under. This can only be done at the end of the game, when the cards in the deck are over and you see that this player can be the first to leave the game. This is explained by the fact that if you throw cards of this player, then the next move will be made under you by the next player and you will not be able to throw off unnecessary cards again and throw a player who can come to you. You can even cheat, take the card with which they came to you and then the next player will go to the player who will have to go to you. You will have a chance to throw cards at this player.

When playing with 4 players

In this game, you need to decide whether you are playing against everyone or against two, that is, a pair for a pair. If the player who sits opposite you plays with you at the same time, then it will become much easier to play. Usually such a game is called a couple on a couple. The player to your left is paired with the player to your right, and you are paired with the player to your right. In such a game, it is necessary to throw players to the left and right. To do this, it is recommended that the player on the left at the beginning of the game walk from the lower pair cards. If there are none, then choose the lowest card of the suit that you have the most. If this is not the case, then you can make a pair of low cards, for example: a trump six and a diamond six.

If you managed to fill up the player to your right and the move passed to you, then it is advisable for you to go from those cards that the player on the left or right does not have. After the first round of the game, you can already guess what kind of cards these are. For example, in the process of rebounding, the player showed cards 8, 10, jack, and the player on the left showed 7, queen, in this case it is recommended to go with 6, 7, 9, since the chance that your partner has these cards is great.

If the player to your left or right takes cards and among these there is a card of higher value, for example, a queen or a king, then try to get rid of it, since you won’t be able to fight it off (since the rest of the paired cards will immediately be thrown to you) and you will have a chance to draw a pair or trump card from the deck. If you couldn’t fight back and the player to your right takes cards and you are sure that you can fill up the player to your left, then you don’t have to throw up the highest card, since obviously the player to your right can be beaten off when your partner walks and You can already throw it up.

When playing in pairs, you should never throw your player. You can only throw cards to him when he takes them, and then only of a higher value and so that they make him a combination of 3 or four cards, so that the probability that he will fight off next time is high.

If you are playing against everyone, not a pair against a pair, then it is recommended to take the low card with which they came to you to take, otherwise you risk taking a large number of low cards. For example, you beat off a six with an eight, respectively, all sixes and eights will fly to you. Otherwise, you will take only sixes.

When playing with 5 players or more

In such a game, of course, everyone plays for himself, so try not to beat off the low card with which they came to you, just take it. If they came to you with a high card, and you see that you cannot fight back, then fight back with a higher card so that these high cards are thrown to you and you have best cards in relation to the cards of other players.

If the opponent fights off with trump cards at the beginning of the game, then we can definitely say that he plays cards badly, since at the beginning of the game there is no point in throwing off the trump card. It is recommended to take the beatable cards along with the trump cards, but next time it is better to try to fight back.

If you are going to fight back. In this case, your cards should not contain low cards and more than two cards of the same suit, with the exception of trump cards. Otherwise, you risk taking cards.