Fallout 4 destroy hostile robots no caravan. Destroy hostile robots

By installing the Automatron add-on for Fallout 4, when you enter the game, the Mechanical Enemy quest is automatically activated.

The task begins with the fact that the Survivor's Pip-boy receives a caravan distress signal, after listening to the message we rush to help the suffering.

The target will be near the Watts Electronics location.

In the basement of the Watts Electronics building, on the table near the terminal is the Total Hack magazine.

Arriving at the place of the signal for help, the Survivor will face a grandiose battle with hostile robots. We will be attacked by new types of machines: Integral Flybots, Servo-Driven Robo-Eyes and Utilbots, click and pray!

We do not hesitate to loot, we take modifications and repair kits from the destroyed robots. All the parts will come in handy to work on the robot workbench, and repair kits will restore your iron companions if damaged in battle.

Having dealt with the evil pieces of iron, it turns out that, unfortunately, only one remained alive, and even then not a person.

We examine the corpses of the killed caravaneers, using Pip-boy we listen to Jackson's holotape and Zoe's diary.

With gratitude for the support provided, a robot with a beautiful female name - Ada will rush to the Survivor.

All of Ada's friends died, and besides, it turns out that such incidents with the attack of robots are not the first time.

The caravan that was accompanied by Ada and her comrades was engaged in trade and repair of mechanisms. Apparently, this, coupled with modifications to the robots themselves, attracted the attention of the aggressors.

Jackson, who led the caravan, was also the creator of Ada and those destroyed in battle - Turing, Hertz and Porter.

Now Ada, by all means, wants to avenge the death of her friends. She asks the Survivor to join her and help destroy the source of evil - the Mechanist. He is the leader of the killer robots.

After you start playing through the expansion of the game, you will hear a distress signal, according to which several caravans have come under attack by hostile robots. Head east of Cansumer Electronics and look for caravans. You can use fast travel. When you get there, you will see a huge cluster of robots in front of you. One of all these robots is trying to protect the caravan.

Destroy hostile robots

Swarmbot - one of the attacking robots - has a decent amount of health. Try to destroy it using your the best weapon. Then deal with the crowd of conventional mechanized drones protecting the main robot.

Talk to the robot

Once you've dealt with the hostile robots, it's time to talk to one of the good robots that was protecting the caravan. The robot calls itself Ada. He will talk about how his friends died and how the Mechanic tried to send him to the Commonwealth to kill the survivors, the settlers and destroy the caravans.

She (Ada, this is a girl) wants to take revenge on the Mechanic, and you will help the robot in this. Ada will tell you about the next place where you can find a clue about the Mechanic. You have to go to the Atomic Factory (General Atomic Factory). Move to the specified location.

New threat

According to Ada, General Atomics has a lot of good parts and therefore the robots can still guard this place. So to get started, collect parts from a nearby robot to create your own partner.

Explore the General Atomics plant

When you finish working on the robot workbench, then go to the indicated place. Upon entering the location, you will encounter several opponents (robots) located in front and up the stairs. Deal with them. Don't forget to collect all the parts!

Find the robot's brain

After killing the robots, go upstairs and jump over to the other side. Kill the main enemy. Check out the parts.

Talk to Ada

Ada will thank you for your participation. She will ask you to install a new part on her so that you can remove more information about mechanics. Open the robot's built-in workbench and set up a radar beacon inside Ada. Ada will detect a strong signal from another robot in the Commonwealth. You will have to track him down. You need to find as many robot brain parts as you can to find the Mechanic.

Head hunter

Robobrains are known to travel in groups. Therefore, you will have to face serious resistance. Once you upgrade Ada by inserting a radar beacon, your Pip-Boy will have a new location for the robots. Just move to a new location on the map.

Continued on the next page!

As you probably already know, the Automatron add-on brought some pretty interesting features to Fallout 4. side missions and quests, as well as the ability to take cool robots as your partner. In addition to the rest of the step-by-step, which we published on our website, we decided to write for you complete guide completing the Automatron add-on in Fallout 4.

Mechanical Enemy

In order to start playing Automatron, you need to upgrade your character to level 15 or more. In this case, you will be able to immediately complete the Mechanical Enemy quest. You can find this task in the menu of your Pip-Boy. First of all, you will need to mute the caravan's distress signal, and then go to the indicated place. The building of Watts Electronics, which is closest to this point, can become a landmark for you. At this place, the robots attacked the caravan. It is worth noting that in this mission, you may see some of the modifications for the first time. You will need to destroy all these robots. To make it easier for yourself, you can upgrade the Robotics Expert skill and use this ability. Next, use VATS and sip coffee to watch the colorful destruction of pieces of iron in the style of a soldier Kyle Reese.

After you put down the uprising of machines, you will need to walk around the battlefield and collect various useful items that you think you need. After that, you will need to talk to the Ada Assaultron. Ada will offer you some workbench blueprints for helping them fight the Mechanist. Take the blueprints and head towards the General Atomics plant. After that, the Mechanical Enemy quest will be completed and you will be given a new mission.

Also, you can put a workbench for robots and try to modify the same Ada.

New threat

Approaching the General Atomics plant, and specifically on the territory of the plant itself, you will meet aggressive representatives of the “machine uprising”. When fighting them, your best bet is to use some kind of powerful weapon or serious melee weapon.

Directly at the factory, you will come across a serious robot Quantum Robobrain. It's not that easy to fight this. This guy moves very fast and knows how to counter your attacks. When you do manage to destroy this guy, you will need to remove the Mechanist device from him.

Head hunter

Next, you will need to go to Fort Hagen station. There you will need to thoroughly clean the area and there you will get the first direction finder. You will find the next direction finder near the satellite dish. In the hangar itself, you will need to go down and turn right. Here you need to look both ways. Various traps and ambushes will be placed along your path.

Now you need to find Jezebel, who will ask for help. You will need to speak with her. BUT BE CAREFUL! As soon as you pick up Jezebel's head, a huge robot will come to life behind her and start moving. To destroy it, it is better to use a grenade launcher.

Here, in these rooms, you can get a Tesla rifle, as well as power armor. You can get this after you deal with Ivy and his cronies.

Putting things in order

Next, install the satellite module on Ada and go to RobCo's office. You will need to go through a large hall with robots, and then go down to the floor below. Already there you will need to disable the turret using the terminal. Further, making your way through the fights, you need to reach the tunnel with minecarts. There you need to turn right and go up the stairs. There, find the platform and move along it to another part of the hall. The main thing is to be careful, along the way you will have to come across an armory room, which will contain a large amount of ammunition.

Then move along the corridors towards the elevator. On the way to the elevator you will meet ghouls, so be careful. On the elevator you will go down. There you will need to cross the hall with robots and open the locks. In the end, you will reach the room with the Mechanist.

22 March 2016 15:58

Locations to explore:

  • Watts Electronics (neighbourhood)

As soon as you enter the game after installing the Automatron add-on for Fallout 4, you will immediately activate the first quest of the Mechanical Enemy add-on.

Listen to the caravan's distress signal

Your Pip-Boy has received a distress signal. Listen to the message. To do this, you need to: select the "Radio" tab in your Pip-Boy, and then activate the "Caravan Emergency Frequency".

The message says that the caravan was attacked by hostile robots just east of Watts Electronics. If you want to help them, then hurry up there.

Find a caravan

Watts Electronics is located north of the junction of Cambridge and Charlestown. When you arrive at the place, there will already be a fierce battle.

Destroy hostile robots

Meet new types of robots: cybernetic robotic eyes, flybots, utilitybots and that's just the beginning.


Examine the killed robots for modifications and repair kits for robots. The former will add new modification options to the robot workbench, while the latter is needed to repair robots that have been damaged in combat, similar to stimulants for human companions.

Talk to the robot

Of the entire caravan, only one robot, Ada, survived. You can ask her about the attack, about the hostile robots and their leader the Mechanist, she will tell you everything she knows.

Ada asks you to join her in the fight against the Mechanist, and in return she will give you blueprints for a workbench for robots, which allows you to create a huge number of modifications for them. The last time Ada and her friends from the caravan saw the Mechanist's robots was at the General Atomics plant, perhaps there you can get information that will lead you to him. From that moment on, the next quest "A New Threat" will become active.

Before setting out, collect what little remains of the caravan. Do not waste good.

Do not be too lazy to look into Watts Electronics, to the east of which you found a caravan. There you can get hold of some supplies, but you should beware of radroaches. The robots are not active, but if you accidentally turn on the demo mode in the basement terminal, you will have to fight with them too.

Classically, there is a first aid kit in the toilet. In the office on the second floor there is a chest with ammunition and weapons, as well as a safe that can be opened using the terminal. Climbing another ladder to the second level, you will find a small vault (the level of the castle is difficult) with a nuclear mini-charge in the safe for the "Fat Man" and a stealth-boy on the rack.

Now get down to the basement, you can through the gap in the floor or the stairs located behind one of the blue doors on the first floor. The door in the only room of the basement is opened using the terminal hanging nearby. In the corner of this room you will find a floor safe (the level of the lock is difficult). 13

Mechanical Enemy

This task will become available automatically. You will need to listen to the distress call on the pip-boy radio, to do this, tune in to the caravan's emergency frequency. Then this same caravan will be displayed on the map.

We go to this place and observe a fight between robots. Many of them will aggro you. However, among them you will find an assistant who will accompany you throughout the add-on.

His name is Ada. After all opponents are defeated, talk to the robot. will happen automatic completion quest and the next one will begin.

New threat

Go to the General Atomics plant, which is located near the castle (you will see a marker on the map). Here you will meet a large number of robots that you need to kill. Once inside the plant, turn left and either climb through the hole on the second level, or hack the terminal at the far wall. We get into the room where the robots will be, and then using the stairs rises to the second floor. We turn the corner, there you will meet several robots behind bars. Contact combat can be avoided by simply attacking them through the bars. After killing all the robots, use the terminal to open the door and take the mechanist's device from the integral robotic brain.

Then talk to Ada and use fast travel to any settlement that will place a workbench for robots. Talk to Ada again and use the workbench to install a direction finder that is not a robot, which is located in the special modifications section. We speak with Ada again, after which the quest ends and a new one is given.

Head hunter

AT this quest You have to find two more direction finders, then you can track the signal and find the Mechanist. The coordinates of the first robotic brain can be obtained from Ada. We go to the indicated point and eliminate all the robots on the spot, among them there will be one more complex and strong, then we pick up the direction finder and talk with Ada. With its help, you will find out where the second device is, go to the Fort Hagen base.

After you reach the satellite dish, you need to kill all the opponents, and then open the door that leads to the hangar. This is done through the terminal on the bridge. After going inside, we go down the stairs and eliminate the mister assistants and the rusty devil. Opening the door, we see a hangar with tanks. The room must be cleared, after which you can climb the stairs at the end of the room. Then we go down and open the door using the terminal. We move to the marker, where you need to talk with the robotic brain Jezebel.

He will offer a deal, we agree. After you pick up Jezebel, AHAB, a robot with considerable power, will stand in your way. He is able to attack with fireballs from a long distance. Defeat him and go through the door in the front left corner of the room. You will enter a room where you can take a mini-game from the computer Automatron . We pass further, we kill opponents, we rise upward. After opening the door, we go down and go through the bridge. Be careful with traps. Here you will meet Ivy, who is quite difficult to kill because she is wearing power armor. After her death, the armor can be removed, as well as the Tesla carbine, which fires ricocheting electric projectiles.

After that, use the terminal to open the door and go outside. We talk with Ada and move to the workbench for robots. We build a new robot and attach Jezebel's head. We talk with the robot and complete the mission.

Putting things in order

This mission is the last one in the expansion. Automatron . We talk with Ada and with the help of a workbench we cling to her satellite module. Then we go to the indicated point on the map, to the lair of the Mechanist. We go down, where we ask Ada to unlock the lock. We go forward, cope with traps and open massive doors.

You will then encounter a kebyrnetic robotic eye that will attack you. In the wake of this, several more robots will run out. We destroy them, and with the help of Ada opens the door on the right. We follow a linear path. We go down and deal with another gang of robots. We go forward until we find a room with a workbench. With it, you can pump Ada. There is a ladder on the right, climb it. We pass a little along the corridor, we find a room with conveyors. We kill a pack of robots, go forward and unlock the gate. We deal with the tank robot, climb the bridge. By pressing the red button, we move the bridge and move on.

On the way, you will meet the robo-eye again, who will attack you after a short monologue. Then reinforcements will arrive, in the ranks of which there will be a legendary junkbot. After his death, an explosion occurs, be careful. We go down, we get into the corridor with water, we go straight. We go into the room with the wagons. We clean the area and go up the stairs. Once again, we deal with the robo-eye, go to the bridge, press the red button. You will be thrown to the opposite side. We go past the cameras, press the button to open the gate, take the elevator down. We go straight and turn left.

Here, robots will open fire on you and attack turrets, we will destroy all this. We take the password of the medical terminal from the servo-driven robotic brain and open the door. Having gone forward a little, we finally meet the Mechanist.

After talking with him a little, you will be attacked by robots. After eliminating them, you will have some time to rest, while the Mechanist will make a speech. Then you need to survive another wave of robots. This will continue until the power is turned off. After turning it off, you will talk with the Mechanist. Having high level charisma, battles can be avoided. We get the password from the complex and seize control with it. Then we talk with Ada and the Mechanist, of course, if you did not kill him. Congratulations, you have completed the expansion.

After that, you will be able to complete radiant tasks to find and kill robots.