Game Animal Habitats: Find Objects online. Didactic game "Who, where lives" Didactic game "what fruits grow on which tree"

Natalia Poluyanova
Didactic game "Who lives where"

Game description: 5 pictures on each of which is depicted (forest, body of water, courtyard, shroud, north pole). Pictures depicting different animals.

Target: To form the ability of children to correlate the image of an animal with its place a habitat to name the animal correctly. Develop verbal-logical thinking, monologue and dialogic speech. Cultivate mindfulness.

Game progress:

Guys, let's arrange all the animals according to their place. habitat caregiver, says that all animals have their own environment a habitat, the place where he is best cozy and comfortable. In a different environment, he will feel bad, uncomfortable.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the pictures. Encourages children to look and tell what they see (forest, pond, savannah, etc.). After listening to the children's answers, he suggests considering the animals and putting them in their places. a habitat. It asks the question, for example: why did you put the hare in the forest? Answer: this is a wild animal, it lives in the forest, etc.

Surely many of you are familiar with the hero of the popular cartoon - Nemo the fish. If we compare this small brightly colored fish with the main character of our article - Esox, then some similarities can be established between them. For example, they are very hard to find. Nemo, as you remember, was elusive, Pike in reality is also not so easy to find. Yes, there are days when the pike bites at everything indiscriminately, like crazy. But sometimes it seems to disappear from the reservoir, and no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, it's all in vain. That's when the location of the pike may be the only chance to catch it.

The ability to correctly determine the parking lot comes with experience. The pike is one of those fish that are very adaptable to their environment. She lives where it is difficult to even imagine - in reservoirs in which, in fact, she should not be. If you know for sure that Esox lives in a particular body of water, then in order to find her, you need to learn how to put yourself in her place and think like her.

This toothy predator takes root everywhere. It can be found in small artificial channels and in natural streams, in large reservoirs and muddy ponds, in fresh and salt water, in stagnant water bodies and in turbulent currents. If you realize this, you will be already a quarter of the way to find this predator, although this will take some work. Throughout my fishing career, I have often encountered difficulties in catching Esox. Sometimes I had to solve puzzles for several days, wondering where the pike was and what to do. to catch her. And I'm still facing completely new circumstances, so I'll be right if I say that in my whole life I will never be able to learn everything about this predator.

As I said, Esox lives literally everywhere. I caught it in small channels, natural lakes and rivers, found it under water lilies and sea kale. She came across in flocks of bream, among garfish and cod. I have fished for pike with tiny spinnerbaits and huge plastic lures weighing over half a kilo. Where conditions were right, I was able to successfully fly-fish for pike. Sometimes it happened that I knew for sure that the predator was in the chosen place of fishing, but I could not catch it on any artificial baits until I set the rig with a dead fish. What to do to achieve maximum efficiency in catching this predatory fish?

I believe the key to success is locating the fish. Choosing the right bait and the right presentation is, as they say, a matter of technology. Go to a fishing store or the Internet; You will be amazed by the incredible number of lures currently on the market. If you are a beginner and do not have enough experience in fishing with artificial lures, then you need to be very careful in your choice. Among them, there are often low-quality and non-working baits, catching them is an unaffordable luxury.

The lure must be flawless. You can count on your fingers the companies that produce really high-quality wobblers that meet all the requirements of a modern spinning player. The guys from the company make great lures, and here's why. Piotr Piskorski and Radoslav Zavorski spend a lot of time on the waters testing their lures in a wide variety of conditions. They don't operate on the "look, we make lures too" principle that other companies follow. This distinguishes them favorably from other wobbler manufacturing companies.

As for the choice of bait, the first thing to start with is to choose the right size. The principle is simple: the larger the area of ​​​​the reservoir, the larger the bait should be. This principle works if you are trolling on a large lake. If you are catching small areas of a lake, river or canal, then you should use a smaller bait to catch cast. For trolling at depths up to four to five meters, the Fatso wobbler or large silicone lures such as Bull Dawg, Twinler and Mega grub are ideal. You can also try large spinnerbaits. The pike loves them!

At greater depths, you will need deep water wobblers such as the Perch 14. If you throw the Perch 14 behind the boat's motor, it can reach a depth of 10 meters. Do not be afraid to use this lure if the place is not so deep! The shorter the fishing line and the closer the wobbler is to the boat, the smaller the depth of its immersion. If you start it immediately after the motor. Perch will descend to a depth of no more than three to four meters. To increase the working depth of silicone baits, a heavier jig head must be used.

Trolling is a fairly effective way to catch pike, but not always. To achieve the maximum result, in my opinion, it is better to use the spinning method. It's pretty easy to explain. When trolling, the bait moves in the water in one line at a depth of four to five meters or more, you catch a vast area of ​​water, but quantity does not always translate into quality. boat drift. The spinning method allows you to be flexible with the lure you are using: you can slow down or increase the speed of the lure on one reel, you can use twitching or jerking, you can let the lure rise to the surface or sink down. All in your hands. But what to do if the pike is not in place. The only way out is to find her.

Let's now look at the most likely situations that you may encounter.

On the big lakes

Let's say you are on a large lake. For one, a large lake is a reservoir of several hectares, for another - a reservoir with no other shore visible. I belong to the anglers of the last category. Regardless of which category you fall into, you need to make it easier for yourself to find pike in a large reservoir. To do this, it is necessary to conditionally break it into several parts. A completely unfamiliar lake must first be studied on a map, a promising site selected, and notes made. The selected section of a large lake is best viewed by boat, although even a map can determine the most promising parts of the island. For example, lakes formed during the ice age in Scandinavia, Canada, North America and part of Ireland have the same shape and are located from north to south. Numerous islands in these lakes also have a similar structure. Glaciers usually move from north to south. In nine out of ten cases, there is depth on the north side of these islands, and shallow water on the south side, which gradually turns into depth. It is on these small areas, characterized by distinct structural elements and the presence of near-bottom aquatic vegetation, that I concentrate my attention.

In nine out of ten cases, fishing on the north side is a waste of time, and in the southern part of the island there may be pike. The same happens with underwater structural elements or, in other words, underwater islands. As a rule, on the north side of such an island it will be shallow, and on the south - deep. The fish feel safe if the shallow water smoothly goes into the depth, otherwise you should go to the north side. In most cases, finding fish is not difficult. On a detailed map, you can find elongated islands, followed by a smooth drop to the depth. In such places you will definitely find fish!

Look for structural features near the shore: bumps, piles of rocks, ledges, etc. You can find a large number of such areas in one lake. Concentrate on those that are surrounded by a dense carpet of benthic vegetation. Rocks and rocks also attract a predator, and if the rocks or rocks border on an area with underwater vegetation, then you have found a promising place. Having caught one pike in one place, you should not immediately change it, because there can often be several predators there at once.

For pike, I prefer to use jerk baits like the Slider for example, or use Twinler silicone lures. These are universal baits that work effectively at a depth of up to four to five meters. In small areas overgrown with vegetation, I use surface wobblers. Try these wonderful lures, enjoy their game and unforgettable sensations while playing pike.

in harbors

If you happen to be on a large lake, why should a harbor be considered a promising place? The answer is simple: harbors, like a magnet, attract small fish. Here, small forage fish can find both shelter and food, which, in turn, attracts predators, including pike. No owner of an expensive boat or boat will be happy to see how after casting your bait hits the sides of expensive yachts, so it is much more efficient and safer to use trolling. You are required to carefully maneuver the boat, trying to get the bait as close as possible to the sides of other boats and yachts. The little fish loves to hide there, and the predator loves to lie in wait for his prey. Since these areas are dominated by small forage fish, it is preferable to use medium-sized lures.

As I said before, fishing conditions in the harbor require the angler to have a certain skill in managing the boat. For greater efficiency, I would recommend launching the bait behind the motor and making as many turns and maneuvers as possible, trying to get the bait as close as possible to the boats and yachts in the harbor. For these purposes, the Perch wobbler of bright colors is the best fit, which the most fastidious pike can hardly resist. At what time of the year does this method work most effectively? Many anglers believe that pike usually enter harbors in autumn or winter. Believe me, she visits such places throughout the year.

On the river

I must admit, the river is a very complex body of water. Some eccentrics believe that the conditions of the river are not very suitable for pike. However, in large rivers, the pike reaches an impressive size. I'm just amazed how she manages to survive in strong rivers. I remember one incident when my wife Monique and I were fishing on the Tri-Sila River in Norway a few years ago. We were accompanied by a local guide who showed us fishing spots, mostly sections with a reverse flow, exits from whirlpools, etc. When asked why you never cast into the middle of the river, for example, he said that nothing good can be expected from such places. do not have to. You will either tear off an oscillating lure or spinner, or hook the wobbler's tee to a stone or a flooded tree. Monique nevertheless decided to take a chance and threw Turbo Jack into the middle of the river, which, to the great surprise of our colleague, did not catch on a tree, stones and other debris, but brought a weighty pike. Coincidence? I don't think. After some time, I managed to catch two more good pikes in a strong current.

The pike loves the current, it loves whirlpools and constantly spins there. Don't ignore these places. If after two or three casts there was no bite, go to another place. In the summer I like to fish with surface lures, jerkbaits work well at this time, especially Slider 10. Spinnerbait wiring near vegetation or directly above it is unlikely to leave a toothy predator indifferent.

Here you can find animals, birds, insects, plants, reptiles and amphibians of our planet, which are divided according to the natural conditions of a certain area.

The materials are designed for children from 1 to 7 years old, depending on the type of game presentation (how to play is described below)

With the help of this game, we can introduce the baby to the living organisms of our planet, give elementary ideas about the diversity of the world around us.

Games under the collective name "Habitat" help to develop memory, horizons, speech, logic.


The set contains 9 habitats of living organisms:

Rainforests (insects, animals, birds, plants, reptiles and amphibians);

Deciduous forests (insects, animals, birds, plants, reptiles and amphibians);

Coniferous forests (insects, animals, birds, plants, reptiles and amphibians);

Mountains (insects, animals, birds, plants, reptiles and amphibians);

Desert (insects, animals, birds, plants, reptiles and amphibians);

Steppe zones (insects, animals, birds, plants, reptiles and amphibians);

Polar regions (animals, birds, plants, marine mammals, fish);

Seas and oceans (sea inhabitants);

Freshwater reservoirs and rivers (inhabitants of rivers, lakes, reservoirs).



There are several options for playing with these cards, but there is no limit to fantasy :)

1. Broadening our horizons

The general essence of the task is to introduce the baby to animals, reptiles, birds, etc.

Show pictures of nature, tell us what is special about the environment here. Then gradually lay out cards with the inhabitants, you can tell something special about each of them, maybe someone has a bright red color, like a tomato, or someone makes an interesting characteristic sound, let the baby repeat and make faces. Naturally, prepare in advance.

Recommendation: do not release all materials at once. If you're talking about an area, dedicate an entire day or more to it, as long as you have enough inspiration. Perhaps you prepare toys - animals or other inhabitants, or a sensory box, or you have such plants in the park, or maybe you go to the zoo and see the birds, animals or reptiles from the picture.

2. Develop memory

You can play these games when the baby is familiar with all the inhabitants on the cards (he can say or show them).

Linking memory & Memory grid - how to play you can watch

The development of instant memory (Photo memory game) - how to play you can see

3. We develop logic

Grouping by area. Lay out two or more location cards. Then give the baby cards with animals from different areas in turn. Let him try to "seat the animals in their homes." Do it for him if he fails, and be sure to praise :)

Grouping by type. Lay out several types of inhabitants, for example, a bird, a plant, and an animal. Then give the baby one card with a bird, plant or animal, let him "take them to his family"

Search for a couple. You can print two sets of cards and invite your baby to look for matching pairs.

Puzzles. The main pictures can be cut into several parts (small cards can be cut into 2 parts) and offered to be assembled as a puzzle

Find differences. You can look for differences or say what is common, for example, between frogs or between snakes

- "Who's doing what?". Tell or ask the baby which animal walks, crawls, jumps, flies, swims, etc. Separate them into groups, for example,

fly: butterfly, dragonfly, eagle;

- "Who eats what?". Tell or ask your baby what animals, birds, fish, etc. eat. Which animals are predatory and which are herbivores. Which snake is venomous and which is not, etc.

- "Who lives where?" Tell me where the fish live and where the birds live. For example, a shark lives in the water, and an owl lives in a tree, a fox lives in a hole, just like a badger, etc.

4. Mathematics

- "A lot/a little". Here, cards can be laid out on plates or glued to the wall with double-sided tape. Lay out cards, for example, with birds, so that on one side there are 1-3 pieces, and on the other, 7-10 pieces. Let the kid show where there are fewer and where there are more birds. Here you can use numbers, for example these

Grouping "Large/small". Choose cards with small and large animals in advance. Then mix them up. Let the kid put the big animals in one box, and the small ones in the other.

5. Color perception

Here you can invite the baby to arrange the animals by color. For example, frog, praying mantis and grass are green, but hawk, bear and deer are brown, etc.

6. Letters and reading

Choose a few of your baby's favorite cards and match them with the letters of the alphabet (for example, with these). For example, a thrush - D, a titmouse - S. Or make up whole words.

7. Associations with sound

Find audio recordings of the sounds of certain animals or insects. Let the kid guess "who says what"

You can also come up with a lot of games with cards :) If you have ideas, write them in the comments, we will add them here.

Play with pleasure!

The world is full of various animals. Each of them has its own habits, food and habitat. We can meet living beings in the sea, in the forest, in the jungle and even in the desert. If you want to know a little more about the place of residence of the panda, or goldfish, then the game Animal Habitats: Find Items will come in handy. Try to go through all four levels at once, which will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with several types of animals, find out where they live. But you won't just look at the pictures. You need to find some parts of the picture in the image to move on to the next beast. Play Animal Habitats: You can find objects for as long as you like, but the number of stars you get after the level depends on the speed of your actions. To find the seven pieces of the picture, you are given three margins for error. After each one you will see a red cross at the top. These are your conditions for playing Animal Habitats: Find Objects. And your task is to quickly find everything. As animals adapt to environmental conditions, so you need to adapt to these conditions of the game in order to complete your task. Fish, bears and other animals will be glad to get acquainted with your resourcefulness and attentiveness.