Game baby patrick care online. Game baby patrick care online Games spongebob quest 1 play

A very smart squirrel, Sandy, decided to show the inhabitants of the Laguna what she was capable of, so she decided to arrange a public performance in which teleportation would be demonstrated. However, something went wrong, and the brains of the experimental SpongeBob and Patrick's Stars have been swapped, and now SpongeBob will move throughout the game in the body of the Starfish. This has its advantages, because although he is a little clumsy, he is so strong that he can calmly move stones and even throw these boulders at enemies. You must return everything as it was before, but for this you need to repair and repair the teleportation station back. Sandy the squirrel says that for this she needs parts, and she needs to start with an engine, the liquid of which can be replaced, for example, by a potato. As before, you need to talk a lot with the inhabitants of Bikini Bottom, find out what they want, find it, explore dungeons, collect pearls, pump and improve your weapons in order to solve all the puzzles and complete the main task. Good luck! More games with Sponge Bob.

First part of the game:

What could be more beautiful than blowing bubbles with your best friend, says SpongeBob, and he is absolutely right, because he is so tired of two previous parts adventure. But then, out of nowhere, strange sounds were heard, and behind them appeared the Flying Dutchman, who, thanks to his magical power, began to make fog on Bikini Bottom and promised that the whole city would be covered in green haze if Sponge Bob did not help him return the lost thing. It will not be easy to do this, since each inhabitant of the underwater city has its own whites, problems and worries. You have to talk to everyone, complete many different tasks, find many items, visit the dungeons, where not only jellyfish live, but also strange ghosts who are afraid of the light. Different enemies will require special weapons and equipment, and all this must be gradually found. And for the pearls found, it can be improved, so that it becomes more powerful and more efficient. In the inventory, you can buy simple uniforms, which will change the appearance of the main character, which will make him cool. Explore all locations and return the missing item to the antagonist! More games with SpongeBob.

The first part of the game.

I think everyone knows the cartoon about the incredible adventures of Sponge Bob in underwater world. And he is always accompanied by his faithful friend Patrick, thanks to whom our hero is able to cope with any problem on his way. But in the game Patrick Baby Caring we will go back a little and find the period when our Patrick was still a small child and he had to be constantly looked after. His mom is away somewhere, so you'll have to fill in for her for a while. Our Patrick will cry as soon as he needs something and it will be your responsibility to give it to him. Try to be as quick as possible in Baby Patrick Care so that he doesn't cry as much as possible. At your disposal will be a large number of items with which you can entertain and feed our baby. You need to use them in a pre-prepared sequence, which we will be informed about by special hints. When everything is done, you should dress Patrick up for a walk where he can possibly meet SpongeBob. To do this, in his wardrobe you can find all the necessary things and toys, without which our Patrick in the game Patrick Baby Caring does not leave his house. Choose the most stylish outfit for him, reviewing all the things and you can safely send him for a walk, having performed perfectly all the actions assigned to you.