Game bot for world of tanks. Punishments for using bots

Hello, I would like to start a blog with something interesting. I am happy to present you my bot for a very popular Online Games World of Tanks or WOT, it seems to me that there is no player who has not heard about it.

You probably thought: "Another program for stealing passwords." I want to immediately reassure you, in the program it is unnecessary to enter your data from the profile. It was developed by me at the request of friends. I personally have never been fond of this game, but nevertheless I took up the development of the bot.

How does it work? In short, you need to run the client in the background and then turn on the program. It’s hard to call the bot intelligent, but it works and pretty well. I developed it for more than 2 months in my free time and tested it with friends for another 2 months. As a result: I had to redo only 1 rad for the update. For the entire time of use, out of 10 people, 2 got banned (due to their greed). Of course, if you use the bot of the week without a pause, you are guaranteed a ban.

Now let's take a look at the functionality one by one. The setup plan is extremely simple:

  1. We go through the client to our hangar;
  2. We start the bot;
  3. We press “Start”, we look at the logs, if there are no errors, we can continue;
  4. We set the number of fights (do not put too many);
  5. Pause (I usually set 3 minutes);
  6. If you do not need additional functions, click "Start";
  7. Everyone can go drink coffee or watch a movie 🙂

You are probably wondering what the bot does? After the start of the game, he starts to ride, it is more likely to drive into the wall and get stuck for a while until he changes direction. The chance to kill the enemy is quite good, provided that there are enough projectiles (many will go into the void).

Artillery mode - before activating it in the hangar, you must select the appropriate vehicle. When using this mode, the probability of a ban is lower, but as a result, the income of silver after the battle is lower.

Spam in the chat - 2-4 times per battle, a message will be sent to the chat like: "We have every chance to win", "Guys, we have gathered", etc.

Here is my result for several months using the bot:

Let's now talk about technical side question, the program is written in Java. Therefore, if it does not start for you, update / install Java. Also, 2 people had a problem with establishing a connection between the program and the client, unfortunately I have not been able to solve this problem yet.

As far as possible, I will improve the software and fix errors, this moment it works stably under Win7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10, I'm not sure about xp (in theory it should work).

Do not forget to leave comments/suggestions for improving the bot for World of Tanks in the comments. It's brand new and still works great.

Of course, you can download it here, for free / without registration and SMS :). Link below.

We somehow already published one of the working bots for our game with you (), but Cyber ​​Tank, although paid, also deserves attention, because it has existed for a long time, and constant updates to the behavior algorithm allow the tank to behave almost humanly.

Tankers use bots in two cases.

  • When you need to quickly buy some kind of tank, but there is not enough silver, and even time.
  • When you need to earn experience to research modules, because without them (for example, without a top gun) it is simply unpleasant to play, the tank cannot reveal its full potential.

Too lazy to play on a stock tank, there is no silver, but did the cat cry for experience? In these cases, various bots come to the rescue and send the tank into battle and fight automatically, without human intervention. Of course, the efficiency of the bot will be much less than if the tank was driven by a live person, but the farm still goes on and looking at the client after several hours of bot actions, you will be pleasantly surprised by the growth of silver and experience.

AT new version Cyber ​​Tank received several changes at once:

  • new logic for capturing a base and optimizing the tank's behavior for a more cautious style, which greatly increases the vehicle's survivability;
  • aiming now occurs at the weakest point of the enemy tank;
  • taking into account deep places where equipment can sink;
  • Kharkov was added to the list of maps and the changed landscape on other battlefields was taken into account;
  • fixed bugs with connection;
  • as the bot began to act more carefully, the profit when playing at the first levels decreased slightly, in the future the authors will rework the behavior for effective low-level battles.

Installation and setup

  • Run the bot (the game must be closed).
  • We enter into the program the Cyber ​​Tank received on the official website (the free one is given for 20 launches, it can be updated every 8 hours).
  • We start the game and go into the hangar.
  • We set up the tanks for the game and their priority in the bot, then press the "To Battle" button.
  • Done, the tank will go into battle automatically.

The bot is paid!


On February 12, 2019 patch was released. Now the mods need to be installed in the "mods\\" and "res_mods\\" folders. If after the update the mod stopped working for you, then just transfer it from the "" folder to the "" folder. Some mods and mod assemblies may not work or work with bugs. In the very near future, all non-working mods and assemblies will be updated. Be patient and stay tuned for updates. If after updating the mod / build your client freezes or crashes for no reason, download the game cache clearing script and run it, the problem should be solved.

17 Feb 2015

What is a "Cyber ​​Tank"?

"Cyber ​​Tank" is a so-called bot, a program for automatic play in World of tanks without human intervention. While you are working or doing other things, "Cyber ​​Tank" earns (farms) in-game silver, experience and upgrades the crew for you. By using Cyber ​​Tank to farm premium tanks or low level tanks, you will always have silver to play on level 9-10 tanks.

What can "Cyber ​​Tank" do?

1. Marksmanship. The bot instantly detects a visible enemy, aims a tower at him and starts shooting, choosing the most vulnerable points. The bot can shoot well at moving enemies, calculating lead.

2. The bot is well oriented on all maps, it is able to reach any visible enemy and attack him.

3. In the absence of opponents nearby, the bot follows allies.

4. The bot knows how to retreat in case of increased danger.

5. The bot has a caution setting for each tank and, in accordance with it, chooses its behavior.

6. The bot can capture the base.

7. The bot has a priority setting for going into battle for each tank.

8. You can choose any tanks and TDs for farming, excluding self-propelled guns.

9. You can set a pause between fights, as well as set the maximum number of fights for a certain period.

10. The bot can automatically enter the game, can wait for a temporary loss of connection.

11. The bot can restart the game in case of a sudden crash.

12. And much more.

General settings.

1. The number of battles for a period is the maximum allowable number of battles for a certain period, for example, per day. When the bot plays this number of battles, it will wait for the next period to start. The setting is necessary in order for the game mode to be more human-like, because continuous round-the-clock play is one of the signs of a bot, from the point of view of WG.

2. Period length (in minutes) - this is the period for which the number of fights is limited (previous setting). The default is one day.

3. Break between battles (in seconds) - this is the pause that the bot will take before starting the next battle.

4. Restart the game. If this flag is set, then the bot will restart the game if it closes for some reason. Useful in case of unstable operation of the game client.

Tank settings.

1. Caution is a parameter characterizing the behavior of the tank. The lower it is, there the tank uses more risky behavior.

2. Priority corresponds to the frequency of choosing a particular tank to go into battle. The higher it is, the tank will fight more often there. It is wise to give higher priority to those tanks that bring more income.

Do you play tanki online? But you don't have time pump your tank? That is why they came up with a bot for world of tanks. Just imagine, you come home after a hard day, come in into the game, and there is a lot of money, a lot of new achievements. So what do you think?

A bot for wot, in fact, is not such a secret program as cheats and codes. The antivirus is not afraid of her, and the most important thing is that the administration does not have the right to ban you, since the bot does not infiltrate the game and does not kill everyone, and is not unkillable itself.

A working bot for World of Tanks will do everything for you

Everything is very, simple, when you turn on the computer, the program starts automatically, selects any tank and sends it into battle. Everything is the same as with a real player, only the bot plays a little weaker, otherwise everything is fine, the tank drives around the map, shoots at the enemy, and often kills enemies. When defeated, he leaves the battle, takes another tank and repeats everything in the same way. If all tanks are destroyed, then the autobot for world of tanks restores everything for your money and plays until it is ordered to stop. The bot does not climb under the fly of the enemy, he quietly sits in the bushes or behind the house and waits. You can tune the behavior of the bot, he will furiously go into battle or peacefully wait for enemies, it is better to combine behavior, so it will seem that just a weak player is playing.

Exist paid bots and free. As you already understood, paid ones have advantages over free ones, firstly, free bot there are limits on fights per day, usually this number is 50, but the paid one fights unlimitedly all day. Also, with a paid bot, the tank fights a little better in terms of tactics.

Anyone can download a bot for wot, but it is not a fact that it will not be a virus. There are files that can be used by another player to take over your data and take away your account. There is also a bot that makes everything worse in your game. sells good tanks, buys the worst. He deliberately loses in battles, thereby spending your earned money.

Install working Bot World of Tanks is not difficult. Usually such a program weighs about 4 megabytes. The game mode must be windowed, and the extension must be 1024x768. Also, bots are updated every day and they no longer work on old windows, the bot can only be used on 7 and 8 windows.

Also, I almost forgot to tell you before turn on bot, you need to make sure a hundred times whether the cheat is enabled, otherwise it will lead to exposure, and then to the ban of the account.