The best farming technique in wot. The best premium tank in WoT. Which tank to choose

Oct 08, 2018 by in

Earlier, in game world of Tanks, it was possible to earn silver on tanks of levels 6-8, but at the present time, the policy of wargaming has changed, and actively earn inside game currency only available on premium tanks. All premium vehicles have different technical characteristics, which divides tankers into different opinions about the best tanks to earn money. Below is a list of the best tanks to farm based on player feedback.

If you need

German premium heavy tank tier 8 Lowe, holds the record for earning silver. This technique appeared in the premium store at the beginning of the popularity of the game and was subject to changes in technical characteristics, almost every six months. Last changes The lions were very successful, as the heavy tank finally became a formidable rival among the same-tier vehicles. Engine power was increased, declination angles were increased, and armor was added in the hull and turret. The German Lion did not become a dynamic tank, however, he began to get to his destination faster. On the this moment the tank is equipped with an engine with a power of 1000 hp. Since the weight of the tank is 90 tons, the specific power is 11.15 hp/t.

As for armor, according to the performance characteristics, the front of the turret is only 120 mm, however, it has a huge gun mantlet, which is also 120 mm. As a result, the frontal part of the Lion's tower, armored by 240 mm. This is enough to tank lvl 8-9. The hull of the tank was also improved, armor was added to the VLD (120 mm) and sides (100 mm). That is, at an angle, the armor increases significantly and the tank is already quite difficult to penetrate. With improved armor on the sides, Lev can tank enemy shells with the sides, but at optimal angles.

The gun of the tank is its main advantage. Accurate cannon with high degrees of declination, allows you to aim the enemy at long distances. The average armor penetration of the base projectile is 234 mm, which is one of the best indicators at level 8. However, there is also a downside. An 11.5 second cooldown that delivers an average damage per minute of just 1600 damage.

The last advantage of the tank is its viewing radius of 400 meters. Not all level 8 STs have such indicators.

The German king of beasts, a rather colorful technique. The tank has both many pluses and minuses. Leo is able to hold back the breakouts of rivals, playing from the terrain. A large viewing radius will allow armored vehicles to shine independently in battle, while earning a lot of in-game currency.

Preferential French premium TT level 8. This tank has always been played by experienced tankers. It has almost no armor, but it has a good quick-firing gun, a good sight radius, and a powerful engine.

After updating the balancer in the game and introducing a large number of vehicles, with good technical specifications, FCM 50 t began to noticeably lose in all respects. Since the vehicle belongs to the preferential level of battles, the maximum level that the Frenchman will reach is 9. With all its current performance characteristics, the tank almost always plays with 9 levels. However, even there he from time to time shows his agility and rate of fire.

If you look at the characteristics, the FCM 50 t has pretty good armor in the upper part of the hull - 140 mm, but the angles of its declination are arranged in such a way that the reduced armor is practically non-existent. The tank is capable of speeds up to 51 km/h, and the specific engine power is more than 18 hp/t, which allows you to quickly drive on hilly terrain, change positions and retreat. As for firepower, the Frenchman has a 90 mm gun with 212 mm armor penetration of the base projectile and a one-time damage of 240 units. The tank's cooldown is 7.19 seconds, which allows it to deal an average damage per minute of 1920 HP.

Currently, this tank is quite difficult to play, because in battles against 9 levels, one-time damage of 240 HP is too low. In terms of farming, the FCM 50 t has one unique feature. Armor-piercing shells of the tank cost only 250 units. silver. This means that after the battle, there will be small deductions of the in-game currency.


The American heavy tank costs slightly less than the Lowe and has its own unique abilities. The T 34 has a strong 280 mm turret, which is almost impossible to penetrate even for Tier 10 tanks. The only weak point on the tower is the hatch, which is located on the back of it. However, it is quite difficult to target it, because its size is too small. The hull of the tank is lightly armored, only 102 mm. Therefore, for comfortable game, should take positions with reliefs so that the hull can be hidden. Tanking with a turret also helps with the gun depression angle of -10 degrees. Since the hull of the tank is low, it is able to hide it even on steep hills.

The dynamics of the T34 is very weak - only 12.44 hp / t. The maximum speed is 35 km / h, which is also a low figure. However, this heavy tank has a powerful gun, with an average armor penetration of 248 mm and a one-time damage of 400 HP. Deal a lot of damage per minute, does not allow a long cooldown of 14.38 seconds. The viewing radius is average, like many TT lvl 8. - 380 m.

The tank is equipped with a powerful gun with high armor penetration and high one-time damage. Declination angles allow you to tank from the turret, while being sure that it will not be penetrated. However, the tank is too slow, has poor gun stabilization and a large spread when firing. The T 34 will be effective on the hills, in battles at medium range and closer.


The Chinese branch of tank destroyers appeared in the RU region relatively recently. Almost all of them appearance reminiscent of anti-tank installations of the USSR, however, they have different performance characteristics. This also applies to premium PT level 8 WZ-120-1G FT. Premium vehicle has a powerful weapon with a high one-time damage of 440 HP. and an average armor penetration of 258 mm. The reload time of the gun is 9.39 seconds, which allows you to deal 2807 average damage per minute. This is one of the best indicators among all tier 8 tanks. However, 122 mm guns are too big time information 2.8 seconds with a spread of 0.35.

There is no armor as such, the front part is 120 mm, the sides are 80 mm and the feed is 45 mm. For all its firepower, the tank destroyer has good dynamics. Specific engine power 16.24 hp / t. This allows you to quickly develop a maximum speed of up to 50 km / h.

The viewing radius of the Chinese premium AT is 380 m. With the skills of the crew pumped and additional equipment, WZ-120-1G FT can detect penetrating tanks on its own.

The new Tier 8 Chinese Premium Tank Destroyer has a good weapon that can deal a lot of one-time damage every 9 seconds. However, the large spread and long convergence make it possible to shoot effectively only at medium distances. Many tankers consider this tank to be one of the best in its tier, despite the fact that you can still earn good silver on it.

M4A1 Revalorise

Average french tank Level 8, which was improved by the developers at the request of the players. At the moment, the premium CT has a rather powerful 105 mm gun with a high one-time damage of 390 HP. and an average armor penetration of 200 mm. The accuracy is acceptable, with a spread of 0.33, the convergence is only 2.3 seconds, which allows you to hit the enemy at long distances. Minus the firepower, it's a long reload of 12.27 seconds. With declination angles of -10 degrees, the tank can play comfortably from the terrain, however, the armor of the turret, as well as the hull, leaves much to be desired. The maximum armor thickness in the turret is 63 mm. The Frenchman can deflect some projectiles, but tanking with a turret won't work.

The dynamics of the tank is average, with a high specific power of 15.84 hp / t, the M4A1 Revalorisé is able to reach a maximum speed of only 40 km / h. That is, the speed is gained quite quickly, but the tank will drive moderately.

The visibility of the M4A1 Revalorisé is 390 m, which is a good indicator for a medium tank. With the equipment installed and a trained crew, the Frenchman will well illuminate enemy vehicles.

Since the tank is not preferential, with weak armor it will be quite difficult to play with 10 levels on it. However, an accurate gun allows you to aim weak spots enemy and inflict large one-time damage. Together with a good overview, the French CT can bring good profits.

The choice of the best premium tanks for farming silver in World of Tanks Today we will look at the best tanks for earning silver, premium tanks will be excluded! Heavy tanks. 5th place - KV-2. Kv-2 is a Soviet tier 6 tank. Main advantages: good armor, choice between two powerful guns. Being on the KV-2 in the top, you can bend down quite well, and being at the bottom of the list, you can annoy 8 levels well from the shaitanka. By placing a level 7 gun (damage 300, penetration 167) you can do good damage with levels 6-7 (with 8 it’s hard). By placing a shaitanka, you can get a lot of fun from a lot of one-shots and good damage across 8 levels. Of course, the first weapon (300, 167mm) is more suitable for farming, and the shaitanka is more suitable for the fan. Therefore, I would advise you to still install a 107 mm gun (level 7) if you are going to farm. Average farm 10-15k credits. 4th place - Churchill I (British). British heavy tank 5 levels. It has pretty good armor for its level and a good gun. Being at the top of the list, this machine can tear everything in a row without much effort, it is enough to use it correctly. Try to become a rhombus as often as possible on Churchill and tank sideways from buildings. Beating 145mm is enough for 5-6 levels, with 7 levels it will be harder. Thanks to good accuracy, you can target various weak spots and pierce through enemies. The average farm is also 10-15k credits. 3rd place - T1 Heavy. American heavy tank tier 5. It features excellent frontal armor, good mobility and a very average gun. The heavy problem is that it is useless with level 7 tanks, the only salvation is gold shells, and using them, you will generally go into the red (I am generally silent about farming). Excellent frontal armor and good mobility allow us to often rush short flanks, and our gun can attack weakly armored opponents on the move. Other strands should already be aimed well, or try to bypass from other flanks and go into the side or stern. The average farm is still the same 10-15k credits. 2nd place - BDR G1 B. French heavy tank tier 5. It has medium mobility and a very powerful weapon for its level, but very poor armor. The average damage of the top gun in 240 units allows you to damage even with 7 levels. A beating of 135 mm is enough for 5-6 levels, with 7 levels the same story as with Churchill. Basically, you need to attack the BDR from a medium distance, because. from close it is sewn by everyone. The average farm has finally increased a bit, it varies around 12-17k credits. 1st place - KV-1. Here we come to the leader in this group! KV-1 is a Soviet tier 5 heavy tank. Our KV-1 has excellent armor (similar to Churchill), a good gun, and average mobility. Many tactics work on the KV-1: rush, defend, flank, etc. It is universal. And in terms of damage, which we need so much for farming, KV-1 is far from losing. Average good fight KV-1 deals about 1200-1600 damage, which is a bit much for a level 5. As a result, the average farm reaches 14-20k credits. Medium tanks. 5th place - Chi Nu. Tier 5 Japanese medium tank. It has medium mobility and a very powerful, but oblique gun. Average farm 12-17k credits. 4th place - Pz IV. German medium tank tier 5. The main advantages are the same as those of Chi Nu, in addition to good armor and armor ricochet in the forehead. The average farm is the same 12-17k credits. 3rd place - Type T-34. Tier 5 Chinese medium tank. It has excellent mobility and a medium gun. Sometimes you can even shine on level 7 tanks. Average farm 14-19 k credits. 2nd place - T-34. Soviet medium tank tier 5. In fact, he and the Type T-34 are one and the same, there are only minor differences. For this, everything is the same, including the farm. 1st place - M4 Sherman. American medium tank level 5. It has excellent mobility, a good weapon, and sometimes ricochet armor. On it you can bend everywhere and with 5, and with 6, and even with 7 levels! Average farm 16-22k credits. Tank destroyer. 5th place - SU-85. Soviet PT level 5. It has an excellent top gun with good penetration and good mobility. Average farm 12-16k credits. 4th place - Stug III. German PT level 5. The advantages are the same as those of the SU-85. According to this, the farm is the same 12-16k loans. 3rd place - S35 CA. French PT level 5. It has a very powerful gun (damage 300, penetration 165mm), which can easily dismantle even armored tanks of 7 levels, not to mention classmates. Average farm 15-20k credits. 2nd place - T67. American PT level 5. Differs in a small silhouette, excellent dynamics, high speed and great weapons. However, the car has practically no armor, and the tower rotates slowly. The average farm is the same 15-20k credits. 1st place - M18 Hellcat. American PT level 6. The advantages are the same as those of the T67, but in addition the gun is much more powerful and more penetrating. Average farm 17-23k credits. As for the other types of tanks (LT and Arta), it's hard to find the best ones there. Some tanks are better, some are worse, besides, arts and LTs are the hardest to farm, because. thanks to the light, they give few credits, and on art after a global nerf it’s hard to damage.

At a certain stage of the game, everyone asks one question, and profitable.
To begin with, let's decide at what level it is best to farm loans. As we know, "silver" is given to us to a greater extent for the damage done.

This suggests the conclusion that the best farm should be on level 10 tanks. But it's not. This is because shells and repairs are very expensive on high-level vehicles, we really do a lot of damage, they give us a lot of credits, but almost all of them go to resupply and repairs.

And if you trace the whole picture, then the best in WoT tanks for pharma, in terms of income and expenses, they are at the 7.6.5 level. Also consider that tanks up to level 5, although they have a “penny” repair and the price of shells, the damage they cause per battle is extremely small.

The best tank for farming silver World of Tanks

But still the best and most comfortable farm is at level 6. The fact is that almost all level 7 differ from level 6 ST only in armor and the amount of HP. Our main working tool, namely the tool, remains at the same level. The price for repairs goes up, we get to tanks of tier 9 and 10 more often, and accordingly we die more often and spend credits on repairs.

We see the same picture in , as an example, in which the price of shells grows very much, and penetration compared to the SU-100 has not increased. Accordingly, we spend credits on ammunition, I get the same income. Looking at tier 5 tanks, it is clear that they have excellent weapons for their tier, a comfortable level of combat, cheap repairs, but here it should be remembered that most tier 5 tanks die after receiving two or three "buns". We often do not have time to deal enough damage to the enemy, we go to the hangar.

Playing and farming without a premium account on CT5 (T-34, PzIV, M4)

Consider specifically each tank for farming

T-34-85 - the legendary T-ashka has already earned a place in the hangar with its name. What you should know before you rush to buy this farm machine. She is cardboard. Hull armor can be penetrated by Tier 3 tanks. But our 85mm gun has an excellent rate of fire and accuracy, which is generally of little relevance to the Soviets. We have excellent mobility, which allows us to have time to deliver pinpoint strikes on all parts of the map. Playing in a platoon, two three thirty-fours pose a serious threat to any tank of its level and even higher.

VK3601 or popularly "mini-tiger". This tank got its nickname for a reason. His frontal armor is excellent at holding a blow, he has an excellent cannon that can "bite" even a high-level enemy. In general, this tank brings a "sea" of pleasure and fun. Its main disadvantage is the cost of repair. When playing on this tank, you should remember that "draining" at the beginning of the battle will not bring farm, but rather a minus.

VK3001 (which is Henkschel, which is Porsche) - the same “mini-tiger”, only without armor. It is more mobile compared to VK3601, picks up speed faster and spins in place. The rest is the same as on the mini-game. Here it should be remembered, we are the CT of the second line, quickly attack, deal damage and back. You can also fire from the second line, since the gun allows. Also expensive repairs.

M4A3E2 (Jumbo) is an excellent farming machine, the cast-iron forehead allows you to take a hit well, the gun has excellent penetration and damage. The main disadvantage of this machine is its mobility and high silhouette.

M4A3E8 Sherman doesn't farm well due to weak gun and weak armor. We quickly leave for the hangar.
Cromwell is also bad for farming due to his armor, although the cannon allows you to deal damage, but the alpha damage is very low.

World of Tanks - Fundamentals of Savings - Game Silver

Let's consider level 6 PT

Here the main farm "harvester" is the Su-100. The Soviet anti-aircraft gun has excellent mobile performance and best gun.
YagPz4 is an amateur car, yes, we can hide in an open field, but the gun is too weak to cause a lot of damage. You need to be very careful when farming on this PT-ash.
M18 Hellcat is an excellent turret anti-tank gun. It has the speed of a "firefly", a magnificent weapon and a wonderful camouflage. This tank is a lot of fun to play. Great farm machine.
Although the M36 Slugger follows the line of “classic” anti-tank guns without a turret, this tank still has a turret. This allows us to often remain invisible, but all this before the first shot. The high silhouette, weak sides and stern, as well as the slow rotation of the tower make us an easy target. Not suitable for farming.
ARL V39 is not suitable for farming. Having a wonderful cannon, we have absolutely no disguise. The mobility of the tank, although good, but the high sides at a right angle easily break through.
If we consider the "Tyazhi", then only one tank should be distinguished here -. Only he can farm for the price of shells, the level of guns and repairs, the rest of the tanks often, although they do not go into the red, do not bring big profits


It is almost impossible to single out for farming. Much depends on the player's ability to play one or another technique. But it is possible to narrow the search circle as much as possible. From the above, it follows that the best farm harvesters are at level 6.

In this article, we will look at 10 most profitable vehicles for farming silver in World of Tanks. Indeed, in WoT, each vehicle brings a different amount of silver and experience, repairs for some tanks cost much more than others. For those who have a premium account, this may not be a significant difference, but for those who have a regular account, it is very noticeable. Sometimes, in order to play on your favorite 10, you have to earn extra credits on 5...

Do not forget, for good farming it is desirable to choose the technique that you know how to play, know all the subtleties and often win. If such a machine is on the list - great! We advise you to install all the necessary modules on it, pump the crew to the maximum - then you will receive not only silver, but also a bonus in the form of a pleasant game on the pumped tank! By playing on such a vehicle, you can increase your efficiency and win percentage in World of Tanks - improve your statistics. And if you play in a platoon on the same type of vehicle, it will happen much faster.

10 most farm tanks:

1. pzkpfwIII
This tank is good because at its fourth level it has quite good review to detect the enemy, as well as the caliber of the gun (75 mm) allows you to often break through and destroy the enemy. pzkpfwIII is welcome in company battles, if you like this kind of battles - this is a great option for you!

2. Grille
Level 5 Arta occupies the second position, she is also in demand in companies. Her opponent is su5, which has too little ammo.

3. su26
This artillery can be thrown at maximum at level 5 tanks, and due to the high rate of fire and accuracy due to the rotating turret, the artillery brings a good profit, dealing good damage.

4. sq2
The tank was nicknamed the shaitan because of the 152 mm gun, which can one-shot from one penetration. With a 107 mm gun, the damage is not as high, but it has more penetration and faster reload.

5. su85
This tank has a 107mm gun that has good penetration and good damage. su85 farms an average of 5000 silver thanks to inexpensive ammo and repairs.

6. StuGiii
StuGiii is another German tank farmer. Fri-sau which is similar to su85 in farming. The gun of this tank has high accuracy and fast reloading.

7. kv3
This tier 6 tank outperforms even the M6 ​​and ARL 44. The kv3 is the best heavy tank among the tier 6s! When playing in company battles, a 122 mm caliber gun will work well. Since one projectile costs about a thousand, then the profit naturally depends on the hits. Therefore, for random battles, it is better to install a 100 mm or 107 mm gun.

8. su8
Distinctive Features no, but this art can be farmed at higher levels.

9. T-34-85
This tank with top modules brings good profit and is very good in company battles, thanks to a 100 mm gun that can penetrate tanks up to lvl 9.

10. A-20
Many will think, why not the T-50, why this particular tank? Because the A-20 is superior to the T-50, because the T-50 is just a firefly that does not stand out in anything else, and the A-20 farms silver well, but only with the right game. It is because of this that he is ranked 10th.

This information on tanks is subjective. After all, in different hands the same tank can win, bringing a bunch of silver and experience, or lose in the first minute without firing a single shot. If you know a good tank for farming silver, you can give a couple of examples from successful battles - write in the comments!
If you are still a beginner, you don’t know how and what to do, we advise you to read the article - how to become an excellent player in World of Tanks. Simple tips will help you quickly get acquainted with the intricacies of the game.

In the game World of Tanks, the best way to accumulate in-game currency and get more experience for upgrading your crew is to play with a premium account, on premium tanks. Also, the developers have provided the opportunity to play without buying a premium account and equipment. The accrual of silver and experience depends on the usefulness of the player in battle. How much damage was inflicted, the initial light of the enemy, the damage inflicted by the allies with the help of the player (light, immobilized the car), the amount of equipment destroyed.

Equipment is divided into classes: heavy, medium, light tanks, as well as tank destroyers and artillery. Since the highest coefficient is given for dealing damage (damage), heavy vehicles are considered the most farming. The highest coefficient is given to premium cars of the eighth level.

Which tanks bring in the most revenue?

This is a technique that can do something in combat. On any premium vehicle of the eighth level, you can even get more than 150,000 silver and a couple of thousand experience. But this is with a premium account and a lot of damage. Basically, on average, on premium technology, 80,000-100,000 silver with damage dealt more than 2000 points of durability. Prem equipment is set by the developers in terms of technical indicators somewhat worse than the pumped equipment. So, for example, the Soviet IS-6 and the American T26E4 SuperPershing are exhibited with preferential combat levels +1, that is, they do not fall into the tenth levels.

This is due to weak armor penetration, the IS-6 has 175mm armor-piercing and 217mm gold ammunition, the pershing has 170mm armor-piercing and 258mm gold ammunition. And of course, at the tenth levels, you can’t do anything with such a penetration of a bb shell. Cars with a preferential level of battles do not often get to a higher level, more often the game takes place with classmates. And here, I would like to note the medium tank of the American branch - T26E4 SuperPershing.

It does not quite look like a medium tank, it is slow because of the frontal armor hung on it, with a weak penetration of 170mm armor-piercing ammunition and excellent penetration of a gold shell of as much as 258mm. This medium tank of the first line, it is difficult to break through it in the forehead, of course, you need to be able to play it, but it does its 2000 damage even with a pumped crew in capable hands, it is quite a formidable machine.

A very good farming machine is the FCM 50t heavy tank. Like any Frenchman, there is almost no armor, except for the frontal part, he is, as it were, considered a tank of the second line, conducting sniper shooting, and sometimes he can tank damage with his 120mm armor. T-34 and LOWE armored bands are also great for good farming.

In terms of premium vehicles, the third-tier anti-tank self-propelled artillery mount FCM36PAK40 can be singled out separately. The highlight of this machine is its visibility of 400m. At the third level of the level, no other car has such a view. And what happens if the disguise is pumped, the brotherhood in arms, there is a stereo tube. This is an invisible tank. Another interesting easy way earn silver, this is an unloved artillery, the premium vehicle of this class in the game is represented by the only variant of the French self-propelled artillery mount LeFN18B2 of the fifth level vehicle.

How to farm if there is no premium account and premium vehicles?

After all, starting from the eighth level, the pumped equipment requires a lot of silver, and often playing without a premium account at the end of the battle leaves you in the red. The developers took care of this. This is a level 5-6 game. Anti-tank self-propelled artillery mount Tier 5 T-67, light, fast, with a good camouflage coefficient, quick-firing and with good one-time damage, with a pumped crew, will bring a stable income of 7000-15000 silver. According to many reviews, as well as going into the statistics of the players, you can see the leading places in terms of the number of battles are occupied by the Soviet heavy tank of the fifth level KV-1. The tank is unpretentious in the game, forgives mistakes and is stable, without premium account brings owners 10000-20000 silver.

The best tanks for farming silver in WOT.

I would like to sum up and pay attention to another 10 tanks presented below, with skillful management and tactics, they can become one of your best tanks for farming silver in World of Tanks.

  • Grille;
  • SU-26;
  • KV-2;
  • SU-85;
  • StuGiii;
  • KV-3;
  • SU-8;
  • T-34-85;
  • A-20.

As a conclusion, it can be noted that the best farm is - good game which is rewarded with an increased rate of return.