Games for girls rpg adventure winx mermaids. Why games about tailed beauties are attractive

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Mermaid Winx we all know! Also, many people know that we can meet with them not only as part of the cartoon series, but also on our website in the section free. Young fairies are very skilled and powerful sorceresses, but sometimes they make mistakes in magic. And now, for the sake of entertainment and to train their magical skills, the Winx fairies decided to reincarnate as mermaids. It seemed to them that it would be very funny to swim among the underwater inhabitants and make new friends among the fish, sea turtles, crabs or squids. And the dream of all fairies is to ride a horse, but not a simple one, but a sea one! So, in the hope of such a great pastime, the fairies began to work magic. But during the enchantment, something went wrong. It is possible that this is not even the fault of the Winx themselves, but someone's evil interference from the outside, for example, the evil Trix sisters. As a result, instead of frolicking and splashing in the waters of the warm sea in the form of mermaids, they were locked in a strange picture that we see on the computer screen. And no matter how the fairies try to free themselves, they fail. But they learned that they could be helped from outside. And this important mission fell to you! It is necessary to solve the proposed puzzle as quickly as possible. If you succeed, then the girlfriends who are in trouble will be freed from magic spells.

And now let's talk about mermaids that are not from the Winx category ...

Many of us are very interested and concerned about the question, who are the mermaids? What are these creatures that live in surface waters? Can they harm a person? But each nation has its own idea of ​​​​mermaids! They came to Slavic mythology from Ukraine and Eastern Europe, they sang songs, swayed on the branches, had fun and danced. However, already in Russia, their character has changed - legends depict mermaids as evil and treacherous, with tangled hair and green eyes that can tickle to death or drown. A week after the Trinity in Rus', the “mermaid week” begins - at this time the girls themselves were not allowed into the forest. According to myths, mermaids live not only in water, but also on land. After the Trinity, they come out of the water and walk through the fields, forests and groves. They choose a sprawling willow or birch near the water, and live there, swaying on the branches and singing songs. It is believed that the grass grows greener and thicker in those places where the mermaids had fun and ran. And the harvest is more generous and richer in those fields where they led round dances. Although they bring a lot of trouble. What are the fishermen's tangled nets, or the millers' ruined millstones and dams! Mermaids can send devastating storms, heavy rains and hail to the fields. Threads are stolen from women and tangled in the branches of trees, while singing wild songs. To combat such mermaid pranks, people use wormwood, which mermaids are afraid of like fire. Housewives spread wormwood grass around the house to protect the household. Also, horseradish, garlic and aspen are unpleasant for mermaids.

It has long been believed that if a person wants to see a mermaid, he needs to put on two crosses after the Trinity on the full moon - one in front, the other behind, and go into the forest. Mermaids always sneak up on a person from behind to tickle him, because they are afraid of the cross in front. According to legend, mermaids are the souls of drowned girls who committed suicide. Also, mermaids steal unbaptized girls or women who bathe in the river without a cross. Subsequently, they also become mermaids. These water creatures are found in the mythologies of different countries and peoples. They are called differently everywhere, but the attitude of the indigenous people towards them is the same - people admire them, but at the same time they are wary. While Christians are bathing in rivers with a crucifix on their chest, science is looking for an answer to the question of who are mermaids, and do they really exist?

Returning to the game “Winx mermaids” I want to note that the goal of the puzzle is to make a whole picture fit from the scattered pieces. You can do this by moving adjacent elements with fragments of the image. As a result, each fragment of the picture should be in its place. Fold the picture, as if from bricks, thereby bringing the moment of liberation of the young Winx mermaids, who were no longer a little afraid that they would not soon be able to get out of the one in which they accidentally ended up.

The world of magic and magic enchants, it is full of mystical secrets and mysterious miracles, which is why the girls fell in love with the Winx fairies so much. It is never boring with them, every time new adventures await them - they prepare for the arrival of guests, change outfits, surf and even turn into mermaids in order to ride sea horses. But not everything always goes as the Winx planned - Lord Darkar changes the plans of the sorceresses, and they have to save the little Pixies, their friends and themselves from his evil spells.

Such games not only develop the imagination, but also teach to solve puzzles, because in order to escape from evil witchcraft, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks, and some of them must be completed in a certain order. And with the Winx mermaids, such adventures become twice as interesting and informative, because the events unfold on the seabed full of inhabitants! The girls get to know different types fish, octopuses, dolphins and even sea horses, which you can ride on the next task.


Games for girls in which Winx characters turn into beautiful mermaids have many variations, but the most popular and interesting are:
  • Mermaids with dress up - in these games you need to help the little mermaid get ready for a celebration, a date or a birthday celebration. There are so many outfits and jewelry in the Winx wardrobe that she herself is unable to choose the most beautiful outfit, and in this she asks the little fashionista to help;
  • Sirenix Mermaids - in this game, you should help Winx transform, the stylist girl has at her disposal not only a variety of outfits, but also a huge number of lipsticks, eye shadows, hair dyes that can be braided into intricate hairstyles or left loose;
  • Mermaids with walkers - help the little mermaid solve her tasks, you should go through all the dangers of the game with her. At the same time, after completing one task, the opportunity opens up to move on to the next, and events develop at the bottom of a huge ocean. The marine inhabitants come to the aid of Winx, who should be found;
  • Mermaids Fairies - the game begins with magic - the Winx fairies ask you to help them turn into mermaids, and after that, having played enough with the inhabitants of the sea day and having studied it, you should return to the reverse appearance, but this is not so easy, and you cannot do without the help of the Winx ;
  • Mermaids with adventures - getting to know the marine inhabitants, exploring the day of the sea and its mysteries turn into exciting adventures. As the game progresses, new tasks appear, for example, you need to get to a beautiful pearl, while on the way of the mermaids there are evil sea inhabitants that should be avoided.
When playing Winx Mermaids, you have the opportunity to choose who exactly you will control - the beautiful Leila or the mysterious Bloom, or maybe the beauty Flora or the nimble pixie Livi. Whomever you choose - the mysterious world of magic is open before you, touch the secrets of magic!

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Why games about tailed beauties are attractive

Beautiful girls with fish tails are found in several diverse stories about Barbie at once, so beloved by the children's audience, one cannot help but be touched and watching the underwater adventures of the charming daughter of the sea king Ariel. There are many mermaids, and even more games about them. You may not believe it, but the Winx fairies try on this role, and the girls from the monster high school, even Dasha the Pathfinder, could not resist and for a while turned into a charming baby with a fish tail. Mermaid games are so diverse that you can choose any of the famous cartoon characters and swim with them underwater.

The charm and beauty of the underwater kingdom has always attracted and enchanted people. Underwater travels full of dangers and adventures are attractive and interesting. You can play games about mermaids for hours, while underwater beauty will attract you with its unusualness and novelty all the time. Flocks of fish and jellyfish passing by, starfish and underwater corals, shells with pearls of unprecedented beauty, sunken ships silently keeping centuries-old secrets, this is the mysterious, unique underwater world, the veil of which is slightly opened in games about sea beauties.

The plots of many games are somehow connected with travel. There are numerous rpg and platform games here, a lot of interesting quest games related to finding items. There is no time to be bored in the company of mermaids, you need to sail towards adventures all the time, look for countless treasures in the depths of the sea related to the stories of sunken ships. In addition to all this, you can take part in swimming competitions, frolic with dolphins, and if you really want to, then ride a whale. And yet, there are Winx Mermaid games that will tell about the adventures of the famous Winx cartoon heroines in the underwater kingdom.

Along with numerous beauties, there are dangers under water. Agree, it is not always pleasant to encounter a predatory shark or octopus, and meeting with jellyfish, which can hurt painfully, does not add joy. You also need to stay away from oil slicks that are found here and there in the vast expanses of the sea. The same applies to meetings with fishermen or corsairs hunting for the treasures of sunken ships. So mermaid games are not just fun for little girls.

Nothing human is alien to mermaids

First of all, mermaids are pretty, and, of course, perfectly aware of this. In many games, tailed beauties visit beauty salons, where they choose their hairstyles and clothes, accessories and all kinds of jewelry. For those who have not re-read the fairy tale about the little mermaid for a long time, we recall that it is customary to decorate even the tail. So the mermaids have to spin on their own tail in order to have time to put themselves in order and look elegant. Something, and these lovely inhabitants of the seas have more than enough precious jewelry, it remains only to choose what will suit the most.

Having a tail does not stop mermaids from going shopping, shopping or even having their own business selling cosmetics or jewelry and antiques. Combs and brooches, earrings and necklaces, all this luxury will be appreciated by the players. Well, who, if not mermaids, will offer you the most selective pearls collected in the Pacific atolls or rubies and emeralds that have rested on the seabed for centuries. In addition, mermaids know how to cook well, sing great and can, if desired, turn any ordinary day into an unforgettable holiday.

Mermaids are never boring

The variety of tailed beauties is sometimes amazing. Puzzles and dress up games, pictures and mahjongs are suitable for the smallest fans computer games and for older girls. After all, they are all so colorful and well-executed graphically that it is a pleasure to play them, even despite the very easy control, and maybe just because of it.

Where chases and competitions in agility begin, management is already much more difficult. Often you have to use not only the mouse, but also the arrow keys. However, this is what makes the rest in the company of mermaids especially interesting. All mermaids are aesthetics. You can watch for hours how these beauty lovers admire their flawless appearance. And even if the clothes they need to pick up are somewhat extravagant from the point of view of a simple person, but at the same time they look elegant and rich, it simply doesn’t happen otherwise, because mermaids from computer games are mostly special royal blood or, at least, those close to the retinue of the sea lord.

Charming conquerors of the deep sea love to frolic in the company of their own kind. Mermaid games allow you to verify this. To do this, it will be enough to select the game mode for two and choose the keys that are convenient for control. Do not miss the opportunity to get to know the cute little mermaids better, by doing this, you will not only get a lot of positive emotions, but also get to know the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom better.

Mermaid and fairy Winx "in one bottle"? Easy! All your dreams come true in a new fashion game Winx Mermaid!!!

Have you been reading a fairy tale about the Little Mermaid since childhood and did not miss a single cartoon or movie in which these beautiful creatures participate? Oh, you can understand! After all, who can be more beautiful than mermaids? Half-woman, half-fish, these mystical creatures have been haunting people's imaginations for centuries. It is no accident that in all the mythologies of the world there are mermaids as the embodiment of grace, beauty and wonderful unity with nature.

It is no wonder that millions of girls around the world dream of being able to turn into a mermaid - at will, turn their legs into a marvelous scaly tail, which is a pass to the world of miracles and bright fish. Under water, everything seems different: the sun shines differently, instead of winds - ocean currents, and distant and mysterious marine inhabitants become your friends.

If you are a mermaid, you can not only talk to dolphins and crabs, but also look for sunken ships and explore the mysterious treasures that are filled with their holds. The most beautiful pearls are available to you right in their shells - choose which one you like best! You can look at the most beautiful coral reefs and make friends with the colorful fish that live in them.

But you never know what you can do, being a mermaid! The life of these underwater princesses is so fascinating and unusual that it is simply impossible not to dream of opening the veil of secrecy and trying to look into their life. That is why so many cartoons and films are created in which the main characters are mermaids and countless games are released.

And even if the era of the little mermaids has changed for you for the period of the Winx fairies, this is not a reason to consign water beauties to oblivion! Moreover, there are many games that lovers of both mermaids and Winx fairies can play at the same time! One of them is the Winx Mermaid game, which tells about the underwater adventures of the beautiful Leyla, who suddenly grew her tail and plunged into the depths of the sea.

Gameplay Winx Mermaid games for girls

Travel across underwater world with Layla! You want the finest crystals you can find in the deep sea. But remember that Layla is not a 100% mermaid. Unfortunately, she cannot learn to breathe underwater in any way, but she will not be able to float to the surface to replenish air supplies.

How much air Leila has left is shown by a special pink indicator at the top game screen. If the indicator value drops to zero, the game will be lost. Don't let Layla lose her breath! Collect pink crystals that magically restore air to her lungs. Thanks to this, Leila will be able to swim further and score more points.

Don't forget to collect all those beautiful things that you meet along the way. Crystals, jewelry, outlandish animals and hearts - all this can and should be collected from the seabed! At the end of the game, the result will be summed up - the score that you managed to score. You can enter your name and have it immortalized in the game's hall of fame. And if you get into the top ten, then everyone who enters the game will know about your results.

During the game Winx Mermaids for Girls you will have to beware of the fish. It's unfortunate, the little fish are getting in the way of your mission! That is why every collision with a fish will take one life from you. Keep in mind that sometimes fish behave unpredictably, appear suddenly; sometimes they are not visible behind the bottom rocks, and sometimes they also float up and down, not giving you the opportunity to avoid a collision. Most likely, they do not do it on purpose: conger eels still do not feed on mermaids. They're just bored and want to play, and they don't even realize how inconvenient they are for you!

In principle, encounters with fish can be avoided altogether by moving in the uppermost water layers. However, it is not visible from there when it is worth going down to pick up a crystal or other value. And because you quickly run out of oxygen. And if you can meet fish up to 5 times (after all, at the beginning of the game you have 5 lives), then you can suffocate - only one. Although it's sad.

Management in the game Winx Mermaids

The Winx Mermaid game is controlled from the keyboard. To set your little mermaid to move forward and backward, you will need the control keys with the right and left arrows. Use it regardless of whether the little mermaid is swimming or standing on the seabed. In any case, they will do exactly what you need: they will start moving the girl in a given direction.

In order to float up, press the spacebar. After pressing the space bar lifts you up a bit, you will begin to sink to the bottom again under the influence of gravity. You can also pause the game by pressing the P key - to pause. Please note that it only works when the keyboard is in the English layout!