Games for two are dangerous weapons. Dangerous weapons Dangerous weapons 10 full screen

The Dangerous Weapons simulators that you will find here are quite unusual, because in them you will find yourself in an unforgettable virtual world. There is no one here except you and your enemies, who are trying to deal with you in every possible way. To prevent this from happening, you need to work hard, using all the necessary skills to achieve your goal. To begin with, you will need accurate shooting, thanks to which you will be able to hit the target. Logic will help you think through how to quickly and efficiently complete the task.

These simulators are unique, because here you can fight not only with bot enemies, but also with your comrades, setting the mode for two or even three players. There are also many hints in games that will help you understand which keys you need to use to move around the playing field and strike enemies. Training levels will allow beginners to hone their skills and learn various techniques that will help them deal with enemies quite quickly. Thanks to such entertainment, you will have fun spending your free time and will be able to meet characters who never retreat back, but always move forward.

Here you can play the online game for free - Dangerous Weapons 2, original name - Gun Mayhem 2. This game was played 81504 times and received a rating of 4.5 out of 5, voted by 103 people.

It's best to start by becoming familiar with all the features of character control. If several participants have entered the game, then distribute among you the options for controlling your fighters. In the next steps, players choose the appearance of their characters. Try to give them maximum individuality, let it become bright and noticeable. This is important, but the issue of choosing weapons should be given maximum attention. Still, your future success depends on the ability to use powerful weapons. If your first arsenal is not diverse, and you received a light weapon of small caliber, then in the future it is possible to improve it. To do this, earn more points and soon you will be able to afford to buy a real gun that fires huge projectiles. The more powerful the weapon, the more damage you can inflict on enemies in a very short time. As the game progresses, not only improved weapons appear, but also very useful bonuses. Learn to quickly obtain them and use them correctly. At any level there is a rule - there can only be one winner. This means that you will have to fight either until complete victory and the destruction of all opponents, or until your own death. Naturally, everyone just wants to win.

Throughout history, people have been trying to find the best way to kill each other. Ever since the first man sharpened a stick and pointed it threateningly at another man's groin area, someone thought: “What would happen if the end of this stick was dipped in buffalo excrement?” In the modern world, it is no longer necessary to use excrement to prove something, since we have weapons that can literally turn a person into a pink blur. Here is a list of ten terrifying weapons that humanity possesses:

10. Hollow Point Rounds

Expansive bullets are, roughly speaking, bullets with a depression in the head, instead of the usual solid shape. While taking something out of a bullet sounds weird if you want to make it more dangerous, this little trait turns them into objects so dangerous that their use is banned in warfare. This is due to the fact that, unlike other bullets that leave “smooth passages” in the human body, hollow point bullets refuse to wipe their feet upon entry, drink all your alcohol, and do not flush down the toilet when they are “invited” into your body. Instead, the bullets lurk relatively silently somewhere in the body, after which they can explode into small pieces, leaving behind an exit hole the diameter of which looks like the ghost of Bruce Lee tried to tear apart a person's ribs. This will happen if they leave the body at all. Because all of the bullet's energy is expended in exploding the person's chest, they rarely leave the body. For law enforcement agencies, they are an ideal choice due to the fact that such bullets are much less likely to hit another person after passing through the first target. So don't argue with the police. They have bullets that cause so much pain that the army is prohibited from using them.

9. Lockheed AC-130

The AC-130 (that huge plane from the Call of Duty games) is unlikely to be any new technology to most people reading this list, thanks to the aforementioned coverage of the aircraft in the world's most popular game. What will surprise people, however, is the sheer firepower of this thing, coupled with how little any human can do against it. If you've played Call of Duty, you already know that a heavily armed AC-130 aircraft can rain death on the ground from an altitude of one and a half kilometers, literally hitting enemies through windows, and even when next to an enemy at a short distance there is an ally. In addition to this, let's be honest, crazy firepower, the AC-130 is also equipped with so-called "Angel Countermeasures" - a combination of reflectors and decoys that make the aircraft virtually invulnerable to any homing technology. But here's the sneaky part - they are known as angelic due to the fact that when the countermeasures are released, a huge angel is formed in the sky. This means that once upon a time it was entirely possible for a person to look into the sky, see an image of an angel, and a second later receive a cannon shell in the face. So, unless your day included being “blown up by God,” you can rest assured that someone in this world has it worse than you.

8. Dragon’s Breath Rounds

The name "dragon's breath" alone suggests that it's best not to get in the way of something like this, but as with all weapons, the reality is actually worse than the name. "Dragon's Breath" are shotgun shells that, instead of shot, are filled with magnesium fragments that instantly ignite when in contact with air. This means that somewhere in the world there is a person who looked at a shotgun - a weapon that can turn a man's face into a piece of meat - and decided that it would be nice if it shot fire. "Dragon's Breath" is, of course, completely illegal, and has actually never been used in battle. For these reasons, it is unknown what they would do with the human body, but this YouTube clip may give us a clue. Again, getting shards of hot metal into your body is hardly a pleasant feeling, so let's just say that Dragon's Breath rounds are quite dangerous.

7. Metal Storm

"Metal Storm", in addition to being a great name for a band, is actually the name of one of the most feared weapons systems created by man. Why? How about the fact that Metal Storm is capable of firing a million bullets in a minute. That's 16,000 bullets per second! If that doesn't scare you, the Metal Storm system fires so many bullets in such a short time and with such accuracy that it has been compared to the FGM-148 Jevlin shot. Jevlin, consisting of bullets. This fact provides the system with enormous penetration potential, because if one bullet cannot penetrate something, then another 16,000 will definitely do it. And what? Sometimes you really need to make sure someone is dead.

6. Depleted Uranium Rounds

Hey, come back! You shouldn't run away from depleted uranium bullets so quickly. Although, we get it, even with the word "depleted," these things sound worse than wasps made from anthrax. In short, depleted uranium ammunition is what you guessed it: bullets with a small amount of uranium added because a sharp metal thing flying towards you at 600 kilometers per hour wasn't dangerous enough. However, what makes these bullets scary is not what they do to the human body - but how they interact with armored vehicles. If your enemy has depleted uranium ammo, the worst place for you to be is in a tank. This is explained by the fact that such ammunition is “self-sharpening”, or to put it simply: when it comes into contact with a hard target, the bullet “hardens” and burns through the unlucky surface, and also when it comes into contact with air, it ignites and explodes. When one of these rounds hits a tank or armored personnel carrier, the vehicle's fuel and even its ammunition will ignite and explode, usually killing everyone in the vehicle at the time. Who would have thought that the world was missing a bullet that could explode other bullets?

5. AA-12

The AA-12 is a shotgun, but not an ordinary one: it is a fully automatic shotgun. For those who don't understand, this weapon fires 300 rounds per minute. As if shotguns weren't dangerous enough, imagine if someone could be shot with an AA-12 and it would be the equivalent of being hit by six shotguns within one second. This is the best description of the AA-12 we could come up with. Now let’s take it all to the point of absurdity: as with other shotguns, the AA-12 can be used with various types of ammunition, from buckshot to grenades. If your eyes missed the craziness of the last sentence - the AA-12 is a shotgun capable of firing grenades. 300 grenades per minute. Is it worth telling what such a weapon can do to a human body, or has everyone already seen puddles and puddings in their lives?

4. Barrett M82

The Barrett M82, or Barrett 50 caliber as it is also known, is a high-caliber sniper rifle that fires bullets at nearly three times the speed of sound. Of course, sniper rifles are nothing new, but the Barret's range alone earns it a spot on this list - it's a weapon capable of blowing someone's head off from over a kilometer away, even if they're standing behind a concrete wall. None of these statements are exaggerations - for starters, the Barret has a maximum range of 1800 meters. And secondly, the size and speed of the bullet gives it enough kinetic energy to blow a person into pieces. Imagine talking to someone and the next second their head literally explodes. And only a few seconds later you will hear the sound of a shot. Imagine the fear you would feel knowing that your enemy is capable of blowing people's heads off from a distance of more than a kilometer, and through walls. It seems that not even one of the X-Men is capable of this. Hey comics, keep up with reality!

3. Phosphorus ammunition (WP Grenades)

Phosphorus ammunition, namely white phosphorus grenades, are ammunition that (believe it or not) release a cloud of white phosphorus, which is very, very harmful to the body. How harmful? One particle of burning phosphorus can easily not only burn through a person’s skin, but will continue to burn until it reaches the bone, but even there it will not stop burning until the person tears out his spine to end the pain. It is not surprising that this substance is prohibited: something like this should only remain on the covers of albums of any rock bands. But wait, we're just getting to the worst part. The grenade has an effective range of 35 meters. An ordinary person can throw a grenade 30 meters, which means this grenade, as planned, can melt the bones of the person who throws it.

2. Kinetic Bombardment

Kinetic bombardment happens when you ask scientists to create a device that can shake even Mother Earth itself. The aptly named "God Rods" are approximately meter-long rods of tungsten that, in theory, could be dropped to Earth from a satellite in orbit. Let's move on to the scientific explanation of weapons. Kinetic bombardment, as its name suggests, does not use explosives. This bombardment would use only the kinetic energy of the rods falling to the Earth. Despite this, the weapon could in theory be as powerful as a nuclear weapon (though without the radioactive contamination) - the rods would reach speeds exceeding Mach 10. Although this weapon currently only exists in theory, don't you feel the security, knowing that somewhere, with taxpayer money, there is a scientist working to create an equation that calculates what would happen if a small metal rod fell on someone's "melon"? We suspect he definitely screamed “Eureka!” when he realized how extreme the results of such an experiment would be.

1. Thermobaric Weapons

Let's start right away with the fact that volumetric explosion ammunition is most likely the most powerful weapon that humanity possesses. One such bomb is enough to wipe out an entire city block, but what makes this weapon truly scary is how it affects people outside that block. Those unfortunate people who find themselves close to a volumetric explosion bomb, but not close enough to instantly burn, are doomed to a death full of pain. In addition to the fact that the ammunition generates a huge amount of heat, it also creates a powerful blast wave that literally causes people's lungs to explode! We will give the following quote, just so that you remember: “What actually kills is the blast wave, or, to be more precise, the vacuum that follows it, which ruptures the lungs. If the fuel ignites but does not explode, victims will suffer severe burns and will likely inhale the burning fuel. Blast waves have little effect on brain tissue... so it is possible that victims of volumetric explosion munitions do not lose consciousness from the immediate explosion, but suffer for several seconds to minutes until they suffocate.” If this weapon were called a “lung explosion,” most likely all wars would instantly cease, due to the fear such words induce.

Are you a fan of spectacular action films, where just one brave warrior calmly deals with crowds of cunning and powerful opponents? Then dangerous weapons games for two will definitely appeal to you. In addition to the fact that the passage guarantees a lot of adrenaline, you can play together with a trusted friend, which adds interest to the process.

If your energy is seething, and meeting well-prepared and agile opponents does not frighten you, quickly choose the game you like from the dangerous weapons category, select the ammunition necessary for victory and join the deadly battle.

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Fascinating stories

All games of this genre have a unique plot component. The developers tried to take into account the wishes of all users, so everyone can find a suitable mission for themselves. Thus, some shooting games with dangerous weapons are designed for completing tasks alone, and the opponents in such a confrontation are known in advance.

Games for two involve participation in battles with a partner, and there are shooters that four users can connect to at once. Companions are selected randomly, so first you will need to adapt to your colleagues and develop effective tactics, without which triumph in confrontations cannot be achieved. For added excitement, all parts of the game include a number of exciting modes. Therefore, before starting, it is advisable to read the annotation so as not to be unprepared for extreme situations.

For example, the Lastmanstanding campaign sets the task of destroying all enemies, and you need to come out of the battle alive. In the group level of the game called Teammode, the whole team must win, and you can reach the final if the squad does not suffer losses. A complex version of the game - Ducksurvival - is suitable for real pros. Dangerous weapons are not issued here, and you will have to fight with whatever you can find on the field. And GunGame will provide access to upgrading the hero and his equipment.

The more achievements you can get, the more powerful the game character and his equipment will become. There are some cunning people who manage to play with cheats, thus gaining a temporary advantage over their competitors in the form of armor or additional bullets. But such tricks can do nothing against experience and consistency of manipulation.

Initially, the game produces dangerous weapons for two from simple guns with minimal characteristics. Only absolute accuracy will help to kill the enemy from them, since their destructive power is extremely low. But if you constantly strengthen a dangerous weapon without changing it between stages, you can get a completely decent firearm.

Remember that with each replacement you get a weak gun that needs to be pumped up again. As for body armor, it is not particularly recommended to rely on them. They can withstand no more than 5 direct hits, so it is more effective to evade enemy bullets by making unexpected maneuvers.

Mastering the game controls

The dangerous weapons arcade has about twelve locations that need to be fully explored to identify hidden intruders. Before starting the mission, you can fantasize about the appearance of the protagonist.

In the appropriate settings, set the skin tone you like, height and muscle parameters, select a protective suit, etc. It is not necessary to create a hefty and pumped up special forces soldier. Sometimes the wimp manages to disguise himself better and secretly deliver a crushing blow.

To guide the actions of the ward in the adventure of dangerous weapons, several options for keyboard shortcuts are used. So, the arrows and the WSAD combination are responsible for movement. The I and T buttons activate fire, and the letters J and Y are used to throw a grenade. The interface is convenient, so you can get used to it quickly, especially since all options are customizable, which makes the passage as comfortable as possible.

How to play:

Control is done only on the keyboard and is designed for four people. The first user can move on the arrow keys and attack with the X and B keys, which are located nearby. The second person uses WASD and attacks with the T and Y buttons. The rest of the settings can be seen in the main menu if needed for more people.

Gun Mayhem 1

A fun shooter with good graphics and a great selection of weapons. The online game Dangerous Weapons has become one of the best in the genre; the most dynamic shootouts take place here, when you have to constantly move and shoot accurately. The rules are quite simple and require a good reaction from a person. All participants appear on the map and begin to quickly collect ammunition to get a better chance of winning. It is impossible to kill the enemy with precise shots, but each projectile gives a great push to the side. Try to push your opponent off the cliff to completely deprive him of his health. After a few seconds, the enemy falls from above and continues to fight. The total score is indicated at the bottom of the screen, and the best one can win!

The real gun chaos begins with the participation of a large number of people, when it is almost impossible to dodge shots. Try to find the most powerful guns, they will help push out your opponent faster. An important feature is the double jump; it allows you to cleverly deceive the enemy. In some cases, you can return to the map when you are outside the safe area. In addition to the main passage, there is a standard battle mode where you can customize your victory conditions. Playing together on the computer will be fun, time passes unnoticed!