How to come up with something new in business. How to come up with ideas. #14 - Use limitations

Admit it, sometimes you are extremely jealous of those who came up with some cool idea that the whole world has learned about. We read Harry Potter and think: “Oh, why didn’t I come up with this story about a boy wizard from Hogwarts!” Or we watch a video that won at the Cannes Lions festival and think: “What a brilliant and simple idea this is. Why didn’t it occur to me?” Ideas are in the air, we all know that. But how to get out of this very air an idea that will “shoot”?

Creativity expert Michael Micalko talks about how to become truly creative in his book Rice Storm and 21 More Ways to Think Outside the Box.

The right to choose

Creative people are joyful and confident. They look at what is and what could be, rather than at what is not. Instead of eliminating possibilities, creators allow for all possibilities, both real and imagined.

Can you imagine Leonardo da Vinci being too embarrassed to claim much due to lack of education? Albert Einstein, afraid of looking stupid because the patent office clerk could not present a theory of the universe? Michelangelo refusing to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel because he had never painted a fresco before?

Or Vincent van Gogh, complaining about the inability to sell his paintings as evidence of his lack of talent? - .

We choose what makes us significant or insignificant. We decide to be creative or indifferent. No matter how indifferent the world around us may be to our decisions, we must make these decisions ourselves.

Ultimately, our own creativity is determined by what we choose to do or not do. And when we decide and choose, our destiny is determined.

Quota of ideas and Thomas Edison

Set a quota of so many new ideas per day related to your work, for example, five ideas per day for one week. You will see that the hardest thing is to come up with the first five, then they will come to mind on their own. The more ideas you put forward, the greater your chances of winning. Try to meet your quota, even if the ideas that come to your mind at first glance seem ridiculous or far-fetched.

Thomas Edison and his famous light bulb, -

Thomas Edison patented 1,093 inventions. He firmly believed in exercising his own mind and the minds of his employees, and believed that without an established quota of ideas he would not have achieved so much. His personal quota was one small invention every ten days and one large invention every six months.

Journal of Ideas

An idea journal is a great thing, you just need to know how it works. Usually the plan is to “just write down ideas”, but this is not very effective. The most important task is to constantly refer to the journal and look for connections between the ideas written down and the problems at hand. Here's how it works.

Imagine you're chewing gum to calm your nerves, and then you get a great idea: why not create a rubber band to measure your stress levels? You write this thought down in a journal and return to the entry you made from time to time. A few months later you read somewhere that the pH value is very important for human health. And then it dawns on you.

What if you come up with a chewing gum that will serve as a kind of indicator and, based on the use of pH, show whether a person is healthy or not? Let's say you chew this gum for three minutes. If the gum turns red, you are healthy; if it turns green, you need to go home and go to bed.

Play with words

You can start by... changing the words. For example, the production manager at OV'Action from France was faced with the following challenge: how to develop a new, unique food product? He replaced the word “unique” with “amazing”, the word “develop” with “transform” and formulated the problem in a new way: how to transform a food product into something amazing?

He began to think about what might surprise him. He would be impressed if a familiar object took on an unusual shape, such as a cow-shaped airplane, pyramidal tomatoes, or square potatoes.

The Japanese came up with square watermelons - .

In the end, the solution came: square eggs. And he “developed” boiled square eggs with a yolk inside, with a shelf life of 21 days, suitable for heating in the microwave (how they compare favorably with ordinary eggs, which “explode”). Needless to say, OV'Action was confident that Americans would immediately rush to snap up this amazing new food as soon as it went on sale.

Leonardo da Vinci's method

Leonardo da Vinci's way of developing ideas was to close his eyes, completely relax, and scribble random lines and scribbles on a piece of paper. Then he opened his eyes and looked for images and nuances, objects and phenomena in the drawing. Many of his inventions were born from such sketches.

Here is an action plan on how you can use Leonardo da Vinci's method in your work:

Write the problem down on a piece of paper and think about it for a few minutes.

Relax. Give your intuition the opportunity to create images that reflect the current situation. You don't need to know what the drawing will look like before you draw it.

Give shape to your task by defining its boundaries. They can be of any size and take the shape you want.

Practice drawing unconsciously. Let the lines and scribbles dictate how you draw and arrange them.

If the result does not satisfy you, take another sheet of paper and make another drawing, and then another - as many as needed.

Explore your drawing. Write down the first word that comes to mind regarding each image, each squiggle, line, or structure.

Link all the words together by writing a short note. Now see how what you wrote relates to your task. Have new ideas emerged?

Be attentive to the questions that arise in your mind. For example: “What is this?”, “Where did this come from?” If you feel the need to find answers to specific questions, then you are on the right path leading to solving the problem.

And finally, remember that great ideas are often in the air and occur to several people at once. He will tell you how to catch ideas out of thin air and make money on them.

The best way to come up with new ideas is to be extremely close to failure. The skill of generating new ideas is very similar to pumping up muscles. You only grow when you lift heavier weights.

IN real life, when there is a gun pointed at your head, you either urgently figure out what to do, or you die.

As soon as you cut yourself, you literally begin to gush with ideas. If you don't have a ruble left and you're close to eating rollton again, you start coming up with new ideas.

If you have ruined your life, you simply must come up with some way to rebuild it.

The only time I had to urgently come up with something was when I had no other choice. Life insurance seemed to tell me, “You have to find a way out of this situation, otherwise your children will get this insurance.”

I was at the airport when I realized that the business I had been working on for 4 years was worth nothing.

Or when I was sitting at home at 3 am and thinking that I was bankrupt and this house would soon be taken away from me... My brain was thinking how to commit suicide without anyone realizing that it was suicide.

Or when I was getting divorced, I was lonely and afraid that I would never be able to make enough money or meet anyone worthwhile again. Or that my children will hate me. Or that my friends will turn their backs on me.

The main problem is this: you are NOT in a state of panic most of your time. A state of panic is a unique opportunity. Think about it, it was at those moments in your life when everything seemed lost that you found a way to solve the problem, to become stronger.

That is why it is very important NOW to find this ability for critical idea generation and this post will tell you HOW TO DO IT.

Everything you had is lost. This is exactly how you feel when all your plans fall apart. All those billions of beautiful thoughts have brought you right here. You can no longer trust the old way of thinking. He came, he saw, he lost.

Now you have to come up with a new way of thinking. A new way to generate ideas. A new way to interact with the outside world.

You are in crisis. Time to change. Time to become IDEAS GENERATOR.

Everyone knows the expression “second wind”, when you have been running for a very long time and somewhere beyond the point of no return you suddenly find the strength to continue moving again.

400,000 years ago, people didn't run for fun. They didn't have sneakers or nice shorts

400,000 years ago people survived. And you either ran to catch your prey, or you ran away from an angry lion. You were the prey. And you needed this “second wind”, because otherwise you would simply die.

The same concept applies to the brain. The moment you are ready to die, a second wind opens. Ideas, experience, hidden unexplored capabilities of the brain and hormones that geneticists have yet to study.

But you don't get a second wind unless you're in good shape. If you're not used to long distance running anymore.

This is why it is very important to practice generating ideas now. If this skill atrophies, then you will not have ideas at the right time.

How long does it take for this skill to atrophy? The same time it takes for the muscles in your body to atrophy: two weeks without new ideas. Atrophied.

If you lie in bed for two weeks without moving your legs, you will need to undergo rehabilitation to walk again.

Many people need idea therapy. Not so they can suddenly come up with something cool now (although maybe you can), but so they can come up with new things when they need it: when they're stuck in a locked car, when there's a fire in their house , when they are fired from their job, when a loved one cheats on them, when their money runs out, or an important client leaves, their business is taken away, or when they get sick.

IDEAS ARE THE CURRENCY OF LIFE. Not money. Money exists until you lose it. But good ideas buy experience, even better ideas, better experience, time, save your life. Financial well-being is a side effect of the “second wind” of your idea generator.

Whoa! It turned out to be a great introduction. Depending on where I post this post, some people will write TL;DR, which means many bukaf, niasilil. These people can stop reading right now. This is fine. I'm not mad at you. I also write shorter posts. I even sometimes draw comics for you.

I write about my inner idea generator quite often as part of my “daily practice.” Every day I have to check off the things I have done for my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

And in the process, I usually have a lot of questions that I'm trying to answer. If you have questions, write to us and together we will try to find the answer.

Sometimes people ask, “Have you ever had any great ideas because you could do them before?”

ANSWER: I was hysterical because I didn’t have a penny left in my pocket, I was lonely and there was no ray of hope.

Now, 1000 words of the promised cheat sheet for becoming an idea generator.

Below I wrote about what I do and what works in my case. If you have anything to add to this list, please write in the comments, I would appreciate any advice.

1) What does it mean - “Idea Generator”

You will be like a superhero. It's almost a guaranteed spot in Justice League

In any situation you find yourself in, you will have a thousand ideas. You will know what to answer, no matter what question you are asked. In every meeting, you will go beyond the ordinary so much that you will find yourself on another planet. If you find yourself on an empty road, you will find a way to get to civilization, if you urgently need to earn money, you can find 50 ways to do this, and so on.

After I started training my “idea generator,” it was as if I had discovered a source of magical power. Do not believe? This is fine. Or do you think that I just screwed it all up here for the sake of saying something nice? Indeed, it happens that I have no new ideas. But this only happens when I stop doing what I am about to talk about.

Try it yourself. I'm not trying to sell you this. I don't even want to convince you to try this. I'm just sharing my experience. It's like part of your brain opens up to a flood of new things, good and bad.

Where do these new things come from? I don't think about it, and I don't care. But I use it.

In early 2009 I desperately needed this. I was either busy finding a girlfriend, trying to start a business, or both. I also lost all my money in the stock market and the bank was repossessing my house (until I personally saved the stock market, which I wrote about in my book).

Every evening, I took waffles and a bottle of wine (translator's note: eh, alcohol solves the problem!) and started writing down ideas. This was until I started eating right and quit drinking (5 sober years) and I wrote down 10-20, including the stupidest ideas.

And guess what? It worked.

2) How to start training an idea generator?

Take a small notepad. The kind that waiters usually use. Walk to the nearest cafe or Starbucks. Maybe read some cool inspiring book for 20 minutes. And then just start writing down ideas. What ideas? Wait. The key idea is to write down 10 ideas.

3) Why a small notepad?

A small notebook will fit into your pocket, and you can quickly take it out to write something down.

It's too small for you to start writing a novel, or even a paragraph, in it. In fact, it was specifically designed for writing down a list. And that's all he needs, a list of ideas.

A waiter's notebook is a great way to start a meeting. Sooner or later someone will tell you “double whiskey and a burger,” and someone might even laugh at such an obvious joke. They will melt the ice and you can put in your two cents.

The notepad is very cheap. You can buy 20 pieces for about 500 rubles. You don't need a hipster moleskine to come up with a great idea.

Oh yes, I forgot to give another reason why I wrote down my ideas in a small notebook. One time, dousing me with fumes, with a bottle in his hand, a man came up to me, looking as if he was going to kill me and asked me for money. I took my notepad and said “can I take your order” and then the guy walked away.

4) Why 10 ideas?

If I said, “Write down 10 ideas for a book you can write,” I bet you could easily write 4 or 5. I myself can write 4 or 5 right now. But after 6 everything becomes more difficult. You think: “mmmm…. What other options are there?”

This is exactly the point when your brain starts working. You may have noticed that muscles don't start to grow if you don't sweat in the gym. Metabolism does not accelerate until you work hard. The body will not destroy fat and create muscle if you don’t really strain yourself in the gym.

The same thing works for the brain. Somewhere around idea 6, your brain starts to get tense. This means that he begins to create something new. Break through this barrier. Come up with 10 ideas.

5) What if I can't come up with 10 ideas?

Here's a lifesaver: if you can't come up with 10 ideas, then come up with 20 ideas.

6) But if I can't come up with 10, then how can I come up with 20?

For obvious reasons. You're putting too much pressure on yourself. Perfectionism is the biggest enemy of your idea generator. Perfectionism occurs when your brain tries to protect you from harm. Because he is afraid that you will come up with something stupid or something that might make you feel pain.

Hello, dear readers. In this article we will share our thoughts on how to create something new, and also analyze an interesting moment from the anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Sometimes we face difficulties in life. We feel completely alone because of these difficulties. Perhaps we are not as sociable as everyone else or we may have some kind of disease. Something that makes us "different" from others.

And nowhere, it seems, is there a place where everything would suit us, where we would be accepted. So you can lose heart, thinking that “life has simply deprived me of something and that’s all.”

But what if our difference, which seems to be “punishment”, is actually gift? What if this is the problem that we need to decide(which means it’s quite normal that we are like this) and is it possible to help others with this? That is, if we are depressed, then we need to set ourselves the goal of finding a way out of depression, if we are unable to have relationships with the opposite sex, then we need to learn, and then as they say:

Save yourself and thousands around you will be saved.

A similar situation, in my opinion, is shown in the anime “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya”, in which the main character (Haruhi) was not happy with everything, the world seemed boring and monotonous to her. Let's look at the dialogue between the main characters:

Haruhi: I thought high school would be a little better with clubs, but here everything is the same as in the compulsory education system - maybe I was just in the wrong school... There is a detective investigation club. Kyon (Haruhi's classmate): So, how do you like him? Haruhi (disappointed): ah - funny people. They still haven't investigated any real cases. The members of the circle are ordinary fans of detective stories and among them there is not a single detective, they are not even looking for such a thing. Kyon: The usual thing... Haruhi: I was so hoping for a club for studying supernatural phenomena, but only psychos, obsessed with the occult, gather there - a nightmare, right? Kyon: What can I say? Haruhi: AAAA! - how boring! Even if there are idiots in such circles, what can we say about the rest? Kyon: Well, there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it - after all, people should be content with what they have and say thank you for at least having this... As for those who are dissatisfied, they are the ones who make discoveries - invent something and contribute in every possible way progress of civilizations. Those who love to travel invent cars and trains. Those who want to fly design airplanes and spaceships... And we got all this thanks to a handful of people with a sharp rational mind. In other words, we owe everything we have to these geniuses, these eternally dissatisfied...

So, it turns out that Haruhi was interested in something, but she could not find support from others in this, so she remained alone.

But after Kyon’s words, she just decided to open something of her own (her own circle), where she could realize your ideas. Interesting, in my opinion.

It's funny what Haruhi's facial expression was before she created "Team Sos":

rice. 1

And what happened after, when she was captured by the idea of ​​​​creating her own circle:

rice. 2

Found profitable business, which will surpass the glory of Google or Facebook - this is the dream of almost every young person of the 21st century. Even successful businessmen strive to launch more and more new projects, but as soon as it comes to creating this most ingenious new business, their enthusiasm is dashed by cruel reality. A huge number of questions arise from “How to find an investor who will invest money in an idea?” to “How to promote a business?”

We have collected 15 working methods for you that will help.


For some reason, many manufacturers believe that the more functions a product has, the wider the target audience will be. Accordingly, the more money you can earn from it. But often too much functionality scares off a potential buyer. Just imagine, you go to the store to choose an ordinary kitchen knife for cutting bread, and you are persistently offered to buy a Swiss folding knife for 42 items.

Sometimes it is enough to simplify the product and make it more specialized in order to get a sought-after item. Just think about which products you use frequently could be simplified. Which features do you want to remove and which do you want to keep? And after that, you can safely release a new product that will definitely get your client.


The more ideas you have, the more likely it is that one or more of them will turn out to be truly interesting and workable. Perhaps one of them will make you a real millionaire and provide the life you have always dreamed of.

“The best method for generating a good business idea is to choose the strongest one.”
Evgeniy Deineko

Create as much as possible! But you shouldn’t jump right in and try to implement them all. Set aside dedicated time to generate ideas. For example, one month. During this time, try to sketch out as many ideas as possible.

And after that, another month to critically analyze these ideas and choose among them the one that seems the most promising.


Creativity allows the mind to liberate itself and create new unusual and non-standard things. Taking part in music, drawing, dancing or any other creative activity allows you to let go of your imagination. And you will be surprised how many wonderful ideas your mind can create after such creative sessions.


This is the perfect place to find new ideas that people actually want. At the same time, forums can be very diverse: from specialized public forums for startups to small forums for designers or housewives. In almost any forum you can find a section where you can get ideas.

Just define your target audience for whom you want to work - artists, firefighters, students - absolutely anyone. You can do the math to choose or just pick at random - anything goes here.

Next, identify your audience's needs. On these very forums, topics are often created where forum users discuss problems and questions. You just need to go through them thoroughly - and five or two ideas will appear on their own.


“If you have an apple and a friend has an apple, you exchanged and got one apple each. If you have an idea and a friend has an idea, you exchange and you end up with two ideas each. Exchange ideas – it benefits everyone.”
Evgeniy Deineko

Of course, if you have created a new interesting idea, then there is always the fear that it will be stolen, that someone will use it to enrich themselves, and you will be left with nothing. But in reality this happens very rarely. Sharing ideas allows you to hear another person's opinion on it - which can often be very useful. People who hear about something for the first time often provide valuable comments that the originator of the idea may not have even thought of. In turn, this allows you to improve the product and make it more useful.

Share your ideas - it's simple!


If the brain gets a lot new information, he analyzes it in the usual way. And often creating something new just requires a fresh look at familiar things. Walking along a new route can get you thinking, which may spark new ideas. Plus, this is a good way to unload your brain from everyday activities and just relax - combine business with pleasure.


The human brain forgets up to 85% of information 24 hours after receiving it. This means that 85% of the ideas created may remain in the past, without a chance of implementation.

Once you have an idea, don’t put it off – at least write it down in a special notebook. But the written down idea will not go anywhere, and you can return to it at any convenient time.

IN modern history business is a perfect example. All TOP companies Richard Branson was required to carry around a notebook for his ideas. Later, 10 of the 11 TOPs became millionaires and multimillionaires. Writing down your ideas is helpful.


You created good idea, but there is already a solution on the market? Don't despair and switch to something else. Try creating a different solution to the problem.

It is possible that your solution will be simpler, cheaper, more understandable - there are many options why it could become more popular and widespread than the existing one.


You shouldn’t stop at just one area of ​​activity. Even if you successfully run a business, for example, selling children's clothing, what is stopping you from mastering a related business? And the combination of two dissimilar areas can generally create a new direction for business, in which you will become the first and only representative.


Any new product is an unplowed field for new ideas. Follow news in science, business, management - in all areas of knowledge that interest you. After all, among the new products there may be a product or service that will explode the market and become super popular.

Whoever owns the information owns the world. And it is this knowledge that will allow you to be one of the first who can occupy a new niche in a new industry.


There's nothing to say here. Reading has always been one of the best and simple ways charge you with new thoughts and ideas. It doesn’t matter what kind of book - science fiction, business, detective or drama - while reading, the brain works at its maximum, so ideas are born simply and in abundance. It's important to write down these ideas right away because they are quickly forgotten.


Be interested in the world around you! Often, some small information about everyday things can lead to a powerful idea. Ask questions, be curious, learn new things - and ideas will follow.


There are hundreds of objects around every person. And 95% of them can be made better, simpler, more convenient. There are very few objects that can be called perfect. But every imperfect object can be improved, brought to that same perfection.

Many people would happily purchase a familiar product that was more convenient, simpler, or aesthetically pleasing. You just need to choose one imperfect product and make it truly perfect.


Fresh air and active pastime are essential components of active brain function. A 15-minute walk can recharge your energy for the whole day. In addition, saturating brain cells with oxygen helps you think faster and more clearly.

This is especially true for people with a sedentary lifestyle. Go outside and you will see how you feel better. And to stimulate your brain, take a notepad with you and make a couple of interesting notes.


A successful product solves one or more problems for the buyer. Collect your problems and see how they can be solved in the simplest and most convenient way possible. Maybe you can find universal method, which will help not only you, but also hundreds of other people who are faced with a similar difficulty?

If yes, then you are already on your way to creating a great product that will be in demand among customers.

As you can see, coming up with an idea is quite easy! But this process can be brought to the point of automation - when the most insignificant thought will create dozens of ideas on which you can really make money. Teach your brain to generate business ideas and learn a number of effective techniques for creating a new business and improving an existing one in the course « » . Register now:

I once considered myself a person completely incapable of any invention. Well, your imagination doesn’t work, that’s all! You should have seen what nonsense I drew at school, when we were given the task of inventing a car of the future in the history of science and technology! :(One day I felt offended by such injustice, and I decided to scour the Internet in search of a cure. Because in life, you often really need to be able to come up with something (the topic of the issue for “Student Spring”, a way to make money, an advertising article, a slogan, yes You never know.) And self-esteem suffered from the awareness of such inferiority.
And just imagine, it turns out there is a cure! I don’t remember where I found this, but I made a cheat sheet for myself, which I look at from time to time, and now, here, I’m sharing it with you.
I have dug up several methods. They work automatically, just use them. I personally tried them all on specific personal and work examples, the results appeared immediately! Just like a hammer, take it and use it, no complications, no requirements for the user. Some you will like more, some less, some are suitable for some situations, some for others, there are also universal ones (but I will talk about them in a separate article, the topic is very broad). So, read, choose, use!
Yes, before I start telling you, I must mention one thingThe general rule for all methods is: When you come up with something, if you don't have paper and pen in your hands, you're just wasting your time. Stop pretending to be busy thinking of something when you're not even trying to write it down, and just keep spitting at the ceiling. Pen and paper are the basis for success in this business!

1. False Face Method
come up with something new, original .
To understand the essence of the method, look at the well-known picture:
Everyone knows that in this picture you can see either a vase or 2 faces, depending on what you focus on. And now we transfer this “depending on what to focus on” to our attempts to come up with an idea. After all, we often cannot see something new only because we focus on the old, well-known.Procedure here it is:

  1. write down the initial settings,
  2. we challenge them
  3. we find alternatives and direct opposites to them (we change words in places, give them the opposite meaning, etc.)
It’s probably not very clear yet, let’s look at it with an example. Let's say we were given the task of coming up with a scene for the same "Student Spring". Of course, we delayed this until last day, tomorrow is a concert, and we still have no actors, no props, no script. We don’t go on the Internet - it’s useless, especially since all the groups from the Internet will download and show the same thing. Well, don’t panic, let’s sit down and act on the list:
  1. Initial settings:a sketch about student life. Student life: studies, teachers, session, sports sections, coursework, diploma. In general, we write all our associations here. I could write more, but this will suffice as an example.
  2. We dispute: Is student life all about studying? How do students live outside the institute? What is interesting about being a student and not related to studies? Work, parties, hobbies, home, friends, books, computer games. We also write all associations here.
  3. Now let's start playing with everything we wrote down. We will imagine opposite situations and/or simply write down antonyms:
  • study: work, leisure, disco
  • teachers: students, parents, children
  • session: vacation
  • teachers teach - teachers don't teach
  • students studying - students messing around
  • teachers-intelligentsia - teachers-workers
  • job: student boss - student boss
  • subordination: student-teacher-rector (switch places)

The list can be continued for a long time, but even while I was writing this down, a lot of ideas were already swarming in my head. What if we imagine a situation where teachers are someone’s children? And what do they look like at home, in communication with their parents? You can come up with a very funny scene about this. Or show a skit about what will happen if students and teachers switch places for one day? This, however, is not very original, this has happened more than once in KVN, but the method works. Or the director of some enterprise becomes a student, you can show how, for example, he passes an exam, using the support of his deputies and secretary. But what if we imagine a university where teachers treat lectures and exams the same way as, for example, housing office workers? Hehe, I’ve already got pictures in my head, like a drunken drunk teacher, wallowing in the mud, tumbling into the classroom with a canvas knapsack on his shoulder... And after he left, the students know even less than before :))) In general, you see, it’s a fantasy I'm playing out, just have time to write it down. Test it with your own example and make sure.

2. Slice and dice method

The method is good for those cases when you need solve a problem or improve something .
The method is this: don’t tackle the whole problem at once, in its entirety. Divide it into slices/cubes and handle each piece individually. Let me explain with an example. I, after all, have already mentioned the nonsense that I once drew as a car of the future at school? So, if I had known about the slices and cubes method back then, I would have come up with something better than an incomprehensible iron monster with a mysterious purpose. So, we have a task: to invent a car of the future. Instead of staring painfully at a blank piece of paper, let's do it scientifically: divide the problem into pieces. We will send the car into the future in parts. Let's say we divide it into 2 slices: functionality and design. You can come up with a few more slices if you want, but for the sake of this example, two are enough. So far, life has not become easier (although this will be enough for some), so let’s divide the slices into cubes, i.e. Let's write down what specific functions we want to see in the car of the future, and what design elements, in our opinion, it should have. Well, for example, we write:

  • flight (only VAZs will not have this function in the future, it’s a no brainer),
  • full automatic (throw out the driver's seat),
  • personal means of information and communication (well, there, tell the weather forecast, tell a joke, tell your boss that you are stuck in a traffic jam),
  • refueling from space energy (for free),
  • Well artificial intelligence, of course: choose the optimal route, reserve a parking space in advance, diagnose yourself and promptly inform about the necessary prevention, and all that.
  • in any case, there should be something similar to wings, a stabilizer and an elevator, unless we decided that our car would fly on miracles. Moreover, in general, the body should be very streamlined, that is, slick. It may be worth hiding the wheels during the flight.;
  • Since drivers are no longer needed, the steering wheel and pedals should not stick out from the interior. Let's think better about how we position the passenger: facing the traffic or with his back, or maybe sideways? What if he won't be alone? Would he also like to watch a movie? In general, we make a screen out of the windshield, and the details of the interior are not particularly important to us - this is just a school drawing, we are not required to draw all the angles;
  • Well, we won’t be able to depict the car’s ability to carry on a casual conversation with us during a trip in any way, but for communication we can stick a couple of small satellite dishes somewhere;
  • For the function of refueling from space energy, we’ll install some kind of thing on the hood to receive and convert this very energy. We can, with a clear conscience, make it in the form of a plate. Or let’s dream some more;
  • Artificial intelligence is probably difficult to draw, so now let’s think about the color of the car, perhaps airbrushing, and small tuning details (the spoiler has not been canceled in the future;)).

Now let’s draw what we imagined. It's much easier now, isn't it? I may not be the best car designer in the world, but with this example I showed how you can figure out the problem in parts, even if at first it seemed completely overwhelming (believe me, to draw a car of the future for a 12-year-old girl, who also knows the cars of the present) then on the drum - not the easiest task).

Well, now you have 2 ways in your arsenal to come up with a brilliant idea. I only have 11 more left to write :)

I wish you all a creative flight, the crew bids you farewell until next week! ;)

Continued here:Part 2 , Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 (last)