How to make a bronze ingot in minecraft. Where to get the necessary components

Brass in "Industrial Craft2"

The new variant offers crafters an alternative. If you wish, you have the opportunity to limit yourself to only this recipe in Minecraft. And if you wish, you have the opportunity to use refined or crushed copper ore as a replacement for bronze dust.

You can also replace tin dust with refined or crushed tin ore. Yes, you yourself have the opportunity to see everything in the illustration.

Learning how to make ingots, you have the right to ask a question that is not quite chronologically logical, why do you, by and large, need brass in Minecraft. Despite the fact that, most likely, you yourself are aware that with its help it is possible to do many necessary things. So yes, it's possible. And here are the things:

  • rails
  • composite ingot
  • Wrench
  • Leggings
  • Boots
  • Cuirass
  • copper block

Brass in "Forestry"

  • Rugged cars
  • wrench
  • picks
  • shovels
  • on the this moment engine, etc. how to make an ingot in minecraft How to make an ingot in minecraft - Money Portal

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Pure Minecraft has iron, gold, diamonds. And for some reason they forgot about brass. Such a popular alloy, which has become a strategic material more than once in history - and overboard!

What an injustice. But for every influence (respect to Newton for this wisdom) there is a counteraction, and even more so for inaction. Based on this, the guys who created Industrial Craft2 rustled and added brass.

Obviously, in order to make this alloy, it is also necessary to rustle and install the mentioned mod.

Brass in "Industrial Craft2"

Brass in Minecraft is a concept that includes dust, blocks and ingots (from this material, of course). Dust is the base from which the rest of the copper items are crafted, so it makes sense to learn how to mine it first. To make it, according to the old version, only tin and bronze dust are needed, which should be arranged like this.

The new variant offers crafters an alternative. If you wish, you have the opportunity to limit yourself to only this recipe in Minecraft. And if you wish, you have the opportunity to use refined or crushed copper ore as a replacement for bronze dust. You can also replace tin dust with refined or crushed tin ore.

Yes, you yourself have the opportunity to see everything in the illustration.

If you already have an ingot, and in the closet of Minecraft there is also a crusher, an additional recipe is made cheap for you.

Having dust, you actually become a copper tycoon in Minecraft - now you have the ability to smelt ingots. How the remelting process takes place is shown in the image.

Learning to make pigs, you

I have the right to ask a not quite chronologically logical question, why do you, by and large, need brass in Minecraft. Despite the fact that, most likely, you yourself are aware that with its help it is possible to do many necessary things. So yes, it's possible. And here are the things:

  • rails
  • composite ingot
  • Wrench
  • Leggings
  • Boots
  • Cuirass
  • copper block

And once again illustration helps us out. She demonstrates how to craft these items in Minecraft.

A copper block is crafted from nine ingots. Its only use in practice is compact storage of material. As in most cases in Minecraft, if ingots are needed, we crush the block, in other words, we perform the reverse process.

Brass in "Forestry"

Ingots in Minecraft can be made not only in Industrial Craft2. It is possible to craft them by installing the Forestry modification. In fact, with this mod, mining the alloy is also more successful. Here the ingredients are no longer dust, but tin and bronze ingots.

Simple math leads to the conclusion that such a strategy gives twice as much brass.

Some of the ingots can be returned back if broken items are repaired in Minecraft. Like, for example, on this screenshot.

In this mod copper and tin alloy are used for crafting:

  • Rugged cars
  • wrench
  • picks
  • shovels
  • biofuel engine, etc.

This metal is a component in the creation of the Minecraft electric lamp factory!

Hey all. This is the second part of the Industrial Craft tutorial. In the first part, I talked about generators, crusher and batteries (p.s. - above solar panel you can put glass). And in this series, I'll show you how:
1) You can make bronze
2) You can make iron if you have a lot of tin and copper
3) And not only!

Chapter 5
Have you ever thought that you can "multiply" the ore by 2 times? It's possible! Just make a crusher! All the ore that he "crushes" you will receive 2 piles of dust. Here's how to make a crusher:

Crusher - one of the crafting parts of fuel, diamonds, nano suit, ect
Yes, the shortest chapter, but nevertheless, the crusher is the main mechanism that every person should have. Even cavemen.

Chapter 4
Dust in IC can be mixed. And not just dust.
If there is a lot of tin and copper, but no iron, then you can do it, although it will be "expensive".
So let's see the recipe!

It turned out to be a piece of iron.
And TWO iron crumbs can be mixed into a pile of iron dust

Understood with iron. Now on to bronze!
What is bronze? Bronze is the only metal that cannot be found and can be crafted into things (Armor/Weapons).
To get bronze, you need one crusher (stove - of course!). We crush copper and tin into crumbs in a ratio of 3: 1 (3 copper per 1 tin), you can mix even in your inventory.

Now look at the finished ingot

In addition to armor and weapons from bronze, you can also make rails, though you get 4 pieces

Chapter 5 Gears are coming!

If you are tired of waiting 10 seconds for things to melt in the stove, then you can also improve the stove. You can make a stove out of iron, or you can improve it! I recommend the second one. 1) you will save iron; 2) there will be no extra stoves

Features of an iron furnace: a regular furnace melts in 10s, an iron furnace in 8s, that is, in a regular furnace you need 8 coal per stack, in an iron furnace - ~ 7 (tilde = almost, I round up)

If you do not have "excess" fuel and you want the stove to "turn" into a "Microwave" - ​​your wish is fulfilled!

Features of the microwave: melts little things in 7s, runs on electricity.

Do you have many mechanisms? Do you want to break them because you have to rearrange them? Why break, because only the machine block will fall out, and the parts will burn. But there is a way out!

Features of the wrench: "dismantles" mechanisms (RMB), removes wires a little faster (Already LMB :)), very useful, although short-lived, only 16 uses, so use wisely.

Industrial boom #1.
Little iron. Need buckets. But you can also make buckets out of tin!

Industrial boom #2.
Walls of stone and wood blow up the creeper. But you found clay! But it is not enough. What to do? Progress will not leave you defenseless! If you are patient, you WILL have brick walls! All you need is a bucket of water, sand and gravel!

That's all for today. Good luck.

The article is taken from an open source. If you are opposed to posting an article, please contact the site administrator.

In pure Minecraft there is iron, there is gold, there are diamonds. And for some reason they forgot about bronze. Such a popular alloy, which has become a strategic material more than once in history - and overboard! What an injustice. But for every action (respect to Newton for this wisdom) there is a reaction, and even more so for inaction. Therefore, the guys who created Industrial Craft2 rustled and added bronze. Of course, to make this alloy, you also need to rustle and install the mentioned mod.

Bronze in "Industrial Craft2"

Bronze in Minecraft is a concept that includes dust, ingots and blocks (from this material, of course). Dust is the basis from which the rest of the bronze items are crafted, so it is logical to first learn how to extract it. In order to do it, according to old version, you only need tin and copper dust, which should be located like this.

The new variant offers crafters an alternative. If you want, you can be content in Minecraft with just this recipe. If you want, you can use refined or crushed copper ore as a replacement for copper dust. You can also replace tin dust with refined or ground tin ore. Yes, you can see for yourself in the illustration.

If you already have an ingot, and also a crusher in the closet of Minecraft, an additional recipe becomes available to you.

With dust, you become practically a bronze tycoon in Minecraft - now you can smelt ingots. How exactly the remelting process takes place is shown in the image.

Having learned how to make ingots, you have the right to ask a not quite chronologically logical question, why do you need bronze in Minecraft at all. Although, most likely, you yourself understand that with its help you can do a lot of useful things. So yes, you can. And here are the things:

  • rails
  • composite ingot
  • Wrench
  • Leggings
  • Boots
  • Cuirass
  • bronze block

And once again illustration helps us out. It demonstrates exactly how to craft these items in Minecraft.

A bronze block is crafted from nine ingots. Its only practical application is compact storage of material. As usual in Minecraft, if you need ingots, we crush the block, that is, we perform the reverse process.

Bronze in "Forestry"

Ingots in Minecraft can be made not only in Industrial Craft2. You can also craft them by installing the Forestry modification. In fact, with this mod, mining an alloy is even more profitable. Here, the ingredients are no longer dust, but tin and copper ingots. The simplest math leads to the conclusion that such a strategy gives twice as much bronze.

Some of the ingots can be returned back if broken items are repaired in Minecraft. Like, for example, on this screenshot.

In this mod, an alloy of tin and copper is used for crafting:

  • durable machine
  • wrench
  • picks
  • shovels
  • biofuel engine, etc.

This metal is a component in the creation of a Minecraft electric lamp factory!

Almost every gamer is familiar with a game like Minecraft. Everyone knows that her user community is very large, and most importantly - productive, which results in many large and interesting mods. One of which is Industrial craft-2. The article will provide basic information on how to create bronze.

Where can I get the necessary components?

To begin with, it is worth explaining that bronze is not a natural metal, but only an alloy of two other natural materials: tin and copper. The developers of Industrial Craft considered it necessary to make the process of making bronze as realistic as possible, so first the player will need to go to the mine in order to get some tin and copper. Fortunately, these metals are almost on the surface, and they can be mined even with a stone pickaxe.

If you are too lazy to dig your own mine, then you can find a cave, and there are a lot of them in the game. In one of them there will definitely be deposits of copper and tin. But how much ore is needed? If you need some kind of bronze tool, then you can get by with six ingots of copper and two tin. Why such a number, you will understand in the next paragraph.

How to craft?

Bronze is not a material that can be found in finished form. It must be crafted, that is, created independently. And here's how to make bronze in Minecraft. To create the material, you will need three elements of copper dust and one tin, as a result, the player will receive as many as 4 elements of bronze. If the player took exactly 6 pieces of copper and 2 tin, then he will receive as many as 8 pieces of bronze, which is enough to craft any tool.

However, as you noticed, dust is required, and not solid ingots. A tool such as a crusher will help us with this. If it is fed from an energy source, and the material is provided for grinding (in the specific case, it is copper and tin), then the dust of these metals can be obtained in the end result. When you have exactly 3 copper dust elements and one tin element, you can switch to crafting mode and put copper dust in the 1st, 2nd, 4th cell, and tin in the fifth. The end result will be bronze dust, which can be smelted into ingots using a conventional stone or electric furnace.


On this, the question of how to make bronze in Minecraft is closed. All the subtleties of the invention of such a sought-after material as bronze turned out to be much simpler than most players assume. You can craft anything in the game, the main thing is to know the intricacies of creating the necessary materials.