How to stand on the table in the avatar. Avatar secrets. We pass the levels and get the status of the Guardian in the Avatar

So, today we will figure out how to become an outcast in Avataria. In addition, we will generally get acquainted with such a concept as reputation in this game, and also learn how to control it. It is worth considering the fact that not all characters have a rating. And at the very beginning of the game, you are unlikely to see this column in the player's passport. Let's try to figure out how to become an outcast in "Avatar" quickly and without problems.

What is it?

But first, let's consider why reputation is needed in the game? This innovation, as already mentioned, attracted many users to the application, aroused interest in it again. Reputation is available only from level 15. Until this moment, you should not even think about how to become an outcast in Avataria, because all actions will be useless.

Reputation helps to show your behavior in the game, and also gives you access to new costumes, actions and features, which is exactly what keeps the audience in the game. Now it makes sense to somehow control your behavior during gameplay after all, any activity will begin to affect the rating. How to become an outcast in "Avatar" quickly? What does that require?

Names and advertisements

For example, come up with a name (nickname) for yourself that would break the rules. Or just make it something obscene so that users complain about you. A filed complaint is just a downgrade. This is what we need to achieve the desired status. An outcast is a character whose reputation has reached a point of approximately -600. And you have to work hard to be successful.

Another option that will help you figure out how to become an outcast in the Avataria game is spam and advertising. In the chat, write as many messages of this kind as possible. In this case, complaints against you are inevitable. And you will lower the reputation lower and lower, approaching the desired result. This is exactly what is needed. But in this way, achieving the status of an outcast is difficult, tedious and long. The process can be accelerated. How exactly?


The holy rule of the future outcast is to swear with everyone and over various trifles. This is not only a fast, but also a sure way to success. If it became interesting how to become an outcast in Avataria, then it's time to start swearing, insulting and offending other players. And you need to do it in such a way that they complain about you.

Obscene language helps a lot. This is a very popular trick. If you have a lot of friends, then try to negotiate with them. For example, you offend a friend, and he complains about you. In the end, everyone will be happy. Your rating will drop, and that of a friend will increase. So no one will have to think long about how to become a guardian or an outcast in Avataria.

In cases where there are no friends or there are few of them, you will have to brawl in the application itself. And do it regularly, often and actively. By the way, if you do not show activity in the game, then the reputation also decreases. With all this, try not to behave decently. The more inadequate the behavior, the closer you are to the goal. Remember this, and then you will not have to suffer for a long time with getting the title of outcast.

Lies and betrayal

The last scenario is the filing of so-called false complaints against other players. For this, the reputation will also be lowered by the administration of the application. True, not immediately, but only after checking your request.

A very popular trick is complaining about the "asterisks" in the chat. So the system masks obscene expressions. Practice shows that complaints about this phenomenon will really lower your reputation. After all, antimat (the so-called replacement of words with "asterisks") was invented for this, so that users could express their emotions without harming other players. And complaints about it are inappropriate.

Above all, complain about other players for any reason. But so that they are false. For this, you will approach the status of an outcast. For example, pester administrations with messages that someone insulted you or wrote an obscene expression. Blame everyone in a row for a variety of violations that do not really exist. Lying is another way to get your rating down to -600. You will have to try and work hard on this action every day. And be careful in cases where your complaint turns out to be true. Then the rating will go up. And in the case of receiving the title of an outcast, this is very inopportune.

End of all things

As you can see, becoming an outcast in Avataria is pretty easy. Although many players claim that in practice everything is much more complicated than it seems. Behave like a bully and a bandit. In this case, you will be able to reach the rogue point in the application.

Do not believe the offers that tell you to install special reputation editing utilities. All this is just a hoax. Plus, the use of such content entails the blocking of the game account. Even if you really want to try the application in action, don't do it. After all, honest ways of working with reputation were specially invented in the game. And you can easily understand how to become an outcast in "Avatar".

How to become a Guardian in Avataria?

    To become a Guardian in the Avataria game, you need to do everything the other way around than Outcasts. That is, to have diligent behavior and observe all the rules of the game, do not violate them. But this alone is not enough. Another important quality of the Guardian is to monitor the observance of these rules by other players and punish those who behave inappropriately. Namely:

    1. Pay attention to names. They should not contain profanity and offend other players,
    2. Monitor behavior in the general chat.
    3. And of course, follow the events created by the players.

    For all these violations, any character above level 15 can complain and receive rating points. In the end, you will increase your rating to the Guardian.

    The new Avatar update brought some changes. The Outcast costume will no longer be available. But you don't have to be an Outcast. You can become a Guardian instead. Keeper can't break the rules. The custodian must monitor the behavior in the chat. For the correct behavior, the status of the Guardian is assigned. See more

    To become a keeper you just have to be diligent.

    You need to follow the rules of the game, as well as report violations.

    Many interesting information about the game you can highlight from this video below:

    Any interested player from the Avataria can become a Guardian. At the same time, his in-game rating must be at least the fifteenth level. After that, you can start complaining about other users' violations and grow your reputation as a keeper and receive gifts for it.

    In August 2015, as many remember, the developers of the game Avataria - a world where dreams come true created completely new system punishments of rude swindlers. Previously, they were punished by moderators, now the players must follow the order in the game.

    Of course, players need to be encouraged, otherwise few people will undertake such a difficult job. This is how Reputation was born. Reputation can be positive (this will give you some bonuses, they are lower), neutral (mark 0 you are a simple citizen, you have no bonuses, no penalties), negative (you may be deprived of some rights, you can even become an Outcast for everyone).

    Now about the Guardians. I’ll tell you right away, you can only become one from level 15.

    How to become a Guardian:

    1. send complaints aboutmessages in the general chat(not personal!). If you open the chat, you can see a red exclamation mark to the left of the player's nickname. Click on him to complain. You can complain if a player spams, floods, insults someone, swears, tries to deceive players (for example, asks for a phone number and password in exchange for gold). You can also report messages WRITTEN IN CAPITAL LETTERS, but only if the caps is longer than 7 characters.
    2. send player nickname complaints, if the players violated the rules for creating nicknames in the game. For example, if you see a nickname containing a swear word, file a complaint against it. To send, open the player's passport, click on the red flag next to the nickname. Read more onynames here.
    3. You can send a complaint and a player-created event if the event violates the rules of the game.

    Attention! For false complaints Reputation can be taken away, be careful! If you do not send complaints, then the Reputation will also decrease.

    And you shouldn't wind up your Reputation, believe me, the game doesn't need such Guardians. All cheaters are mercilessly banned.

    Before becoming a Guardian, you must go through several stages.

    First you're ordinary Inhabitant. You have no bonuses, no restrictions. Reputation from 0 to 25.

    This girl is a Resident. Ishtampik in the passport does not match:

    Next step Observer. Reputation from 25 to 65. Here is the first promotion, now your character has increased the probability of falling out of game resources by 20%. It's great, right?

    And this is what the Observer's passport looks like:

    Then you can become Assistant, if you get a Reputation from 65 to 110. Now you can get a bonus when buying a VIP status (for example, if you buy a VIP status for 5 days, you will receive 1 more day as a gift).

    This is how the Assistant's passport looks like:

    Next step Guardian. Sounds cool? Score from 110 to 190 Reputation points, become one. The bonus in the Wheel of Fortune mini-game will delight you every time you play outside.

    Guardian Passport:

    Once the player reaches the status Citizen, he will receive a 5% discount in Avataria stores. Only now your Reputation should be from 190 to 270.

    The Citizen's Passport looks like this:

    Citizens can move to the next level activists. Activists can receive a bonus in the Top Active Players. Reputation from 270 to 360.

    And here is the Activist's passport:

    Not much left to the Guardian! But first be sentinel. Reputation from 360 to 460. From now on, you can create events with this asterisk:

    And your passport will look like this:

    Becoming Guardian, you can change your nickname for free an unlimited number of times. Reputation from 460 to 550.

    And finally, the last step, which is so difficult to reach! You will become a Guardian if you reach 550 to 600 Reputation! Then you can click to put on a special costume. This suit will not hang in your wardrobe.

    And this is what the Guardian's passport looks like:

    Keeper in popular game The avatar can only be a player from the fifteenth level, not earlier. You just have to see and notice the messages that violate the rules of the game and make a complaint about them, as well as the names of the players if they are contrary to the rules of the game. So you will become a keeper when you score more than five hundred and fifty reputation points.

    In order to become a keeper, you need to increase your reputation to at least 550. Next, you need to show activity and initiative. If you notice any violation of the rules (creating incorrect names, statements in the chat), then immediately report it. All this will bring you closer to the right reputation to become a Guardian.

    If you want to become a Guardian in the Avataria, then you have to work hard. You will be required to report violations of other players at all times. Only after accumulating a certain number of points, you can become a custodian. More details can be seen in this video:

    The Avatar Keeper is a simple player who is not indifferent to the ugliness that can happen during the game. If you have reached level 15, the Complain button becomes available to you, then for sending complaints you earn Guardian points.

    In the game Avatar, you need to make a lot of effort to become a Guardian.

    For example, a particularly reverent attitude to the chat and cleaning it of swearing, flooding, insults, excessive formatting, etc. are valued. In this case, your actions will be valid only from the fifteenth level.

    For more detailed information I recommend watching the video below.

As you can remember, the developers followed the order in the Avataria game earlier, but now the players have entrusted this work, for this they give you some benefit in the form of Reputation, of course, who wants to spend their time filing complaints against rude people, spammers and scammers.
Reputation can be positive, neutral, and negative. So, if you are an ordinary resident who does not violate anything, you have a reputation of 0, that is, neutral, but if you are the same malicious spammer and rude person, you will be issued some restrictive sanctions or even made an Outcast, how exactly to do this, click here.

So let's move on to the most important ""

1. It is necessary to file complaints about messages in the general chat. To the left of the player's nickname there is an exclamation mark, you click there and select the reason, namely insults, spam, swearing or fraud, you can also file a complaint about SMS written in caps (capital letters).

2. If the player's nickname contains obscene words, you can also file a complaint, you can do this through the player's passport, you need to click on the red flag next to the nickname.

The above steps will help you become a Guardian.

Attention, you can become one starting at level 15, and do not abuse it with false complaints, this can affect your reputation for the worse!

Your reputation can be viewed by going to the passport and clicking on the stamp.

Reputation is measured from -600 to 600 points, I will write about each level of development below.

0 reputation points

25 reputation points

65 reputation points

110 reputation points

190 reputation points

270 reputation points

360 reputation points

"Avataria" is a popular computer game which you can find in any social network because it's incredibly common. In fact, it is quite close to the legendary Sims series, where you have to create your own family, that is, in essence, this is a life simulator. However, there is one important difference in "Avatar" - you play online, play the role of only one character, and there is no specific goal as such. You simply buy yourself new outfits, do your hair, equip your home, buy vehicles, while developing relationships with other players, communicating with them, and also completing some tasks. But at the same time, you must understand that you will first need to earn money in order to be able to buy any goods and perform various actions. Given the fact that many outfits are quite expensive, gamers are wondering how to buy clothes for free in Avataria.

Buying clothes

So, if you are interested in the question of how it is free in Avataria, then you will have to try hard, since it is not so easy to do this. To begin with, it is better to consider options for purchasing outfits for game currency, and for this you need to know how to get it. First of all, you need to log into the game every day, and then you will receive a daily cash bonus. Of course, it is not very large, but in this case you do not have to choose, and any little thing can be extremely useful when buying any items, especially if we are talking about clothes. You also need to complete the tasks that the game offers you daily - of course, you can only enjoy a pleasant pastime in virtual world, but then you can forget about all the goodies that you can get for your hero. If you want to fully play, and not stagnate in one place, you need to earn. However, this money can be spent on a variety of things, and now you will find out how you can save it, namely, how to buy clothes for free in Avataria.

First way. Turning time back

There are three ways in total how to buy clothes for free in Avataria, but all of them are not entirely legal, so you should not abuse them. Use them as little as possible so that the administration cannot trace illegal activity from your account. The first method is to set time back, as in many similar projects. Only here it's a little unusual, and it's very important that you follow all the instructions exactly, otherwise you may accidentally spend a large amount of money that you wanted to save. So, when you find yourself in a clothing store and select the items you want to purchase, a purchase confirmation window appears in front of you - you need to close it by clicking not on the "Cancel" button, but directly on the cross. After that, you need to close the game and set the time on the computer exactly one year ago - then go back to your account and buy things that you previously added to your cart. They will be with you, but the money for this will not be debited. And this is only the first method of how to steal clothes in "Avatar".

The second way. Let's go to the future

Clothes in "Avatar" can get you for free in other ways. For example, you can move the time forward - this also works, but only if you have enough money to buy the item of interest. After adding it to the cart, you need to change the date to January 1 of the next year, and then make a purchase - you will get the items for free.

Third way

You can also take advantage of the bug when buying things that are too expensive for you. When you receive a message about the lack of funds, you need to close the game and leave it until the next day. When you enter it tomorrow, the selected item will be in your inventory.

The creators of the famous game "Avatar" have developed a new system to punish unscrupulous players. Do you want to help moderators keep order in the game, identify cheaters and raise your status? We will tell you how to get the honorary title of the Guardian and what it will give the player.

Who can become a Guardian in Avataria?

Your reputation must be at least 550 points and reach level 15. At lower levels, the coveted title is not granted. Complete the following stages in the game to raise your reputation and get the coveted title:

  • resident (from 0 to 25 points). You will start the game with a zero indicator, there are no restrictions and bonuses;
  • observer (from 25 to 65 points). The first bonus appears - the possibility of the game resource increases by 20%;
  • assistant (from 65 to 110 points). The next nice bonus is that when you acquire a VIP status, one more gift extra day is added to the number of days;
  • guardian (from 110 to 190 points). At this stage, you will be pleased with the constant luck in the game "Wheel of Fortune" when you play it;
  • citizen (from 190 to 270 points). Receive a five percent discount in fabulous stores;
  • activist (from 270 to 360 points). You will be listed in the "Top Active Players";
  • sentinel (from 360 to 460 points). Can create events with asterisks;
  • guardian (from 460 to 550). This step is the final one to your cherished dream - the status of the Guardian. A nice bonus is that you can change your nickname in the game as much as you like.

With the status of Guardian, which is difficult to reach, you will become a Guardian in a special suit.

We pass the levels and get the status of the Guardian in the Avatar

Learn the rules of the game, it has all the ways to create game events. Use the following methods to level up with reputation:

  • view usernames. They must not contain obscene language. If you notice swearing, complain to the administration;
  • keep order in the general chat. For example, you saw someone's message written in capital letters - immediately write a complaint. If someone insulted another player or offers to provide him with some information for gold, this is a reason for complaints;
  • follow the events created by other players in the game. If someone created an event prohibited by the rules, complain.

For each complaint, the administration awards 3 points. There are a lot of boors and rude people in the game and controlling them will help you increase your reputation and become a Guardian. Complain about flooding, spamming and swearing from players daily to get the appropriate number of points as soon as possible.

Complain about real violations to become an Avatar Guardian

Complain about the matter. For false reports, you will lose reputation and become an Outcast. For each unfounded complaint, reputation is reduced by 4 points. All messages are moderated, if your words are confirmed, points are awarded. In one day, without complaints, they will remove the same number of points, “knock” on the players every day. Do not try to cheat your reputation, you will be banned and you will no longer be able to play in Avataria.

What will give the title of Guardian in Avataria

After assigning the coveted title, you will receive the original inscription in the profile, a positive reputation and a bonus costume. For the Outcasts, the costume looks like a devil, while for the Guardians it resembles a noble angel. You also get various new features in the game. Agree, these are all nice bonuses.

To get the status of the Guardian, get ready to devote a lot of time to the game and visit "crowded" places. You will have to keep order by changing the moderators. Get 550 points - and you will be pleased with the long-awaited title of the Guardian.