How to get a lot of diamonds in minecraft. How to get diamonds in Minecraft: instructions. Where can I find diamonds in Minecraft


Diamonds are a rare resource in Minecraft. The value of this block is in its strength. A diamond pickaxe is much more wear-resistant than an iron pickaxe, although iron items in Minecraft are also very strong. The number of uses for which a mineral pickaxe is designed is several times greater than the number of hits with an iron tool. A diamond drill is generally cool. Such a drill extracts obsidian faster. Such a drill, as a component of a drilling rig, is indispensable. Finally, such a drill, in comparison with a saw (chain), does less damage. This is the reason for the race for diamonds. The question is where to find them, and whether these minerals can be obtained quickly and in great quantity. Yes, since we mentioned the drill, we also need a mod that adds power tools to Minecraft, including the drill.

natural way

Diamonds are mined from "brilliant" ore. This is when talking about standard way(but there is also an industrial, artificial, giving endless supplies). The ore is located underground in Minecraft, at levels 1-16. The most popular levels are from 8-13. Well, the most “diamond” is level 12. It is here that the main deposits of diamonds. Here is the most logical place to look for them. The local ore, if you're lucky, can give 10 diamonds at a time. The ore is often found right under the lava. By the way, this is a serious reason not to dig under you - you can easily "swim". Pecking over yourself in Minecraft is no less dangerous. The ore that you find under the lava will give you its diamonds if you pour the molten rock into a pit dug nearby with a bucket.

Ore will not give up its treasures so easily. Only a diamond pickaxe, and even an iron pickaxe, are able to extract the desired mineral in Minecraft. Before you "dig in", you need to prepare. Here is the minimum you need to bring with you:

  • Pick.
  • A bunch of torches.
  • Sword. To defend against mobs, you need to make a sword. A sword is like a knife in the kitchen.
  • Then, when you have already scouted, drag the chest underground. Why constantly rise, if you can put a chest next to it and, once, the diamond is already there. Like a sword, a chest is an indispensable thing in Minecraft.
  • Stove. Extremely useful, as well as a chest and a sword, an item. By the way, the mined diamond can be given to the defense industry - diamond sword tougher than others. Again, by the way, if you make a double chest, it will be an incentive to mine more cool blocks like diamond.

Approximate algorithm: dig in Minecraft in the intended place, if you managed to find it, quickly work with a pickaxe, the ore is melted into a diamond, put it in a chest, continue.

Artificial Methods

Diamonds can also be found on the surface. In fortresses, mines, if you're lucky, you can find them, but if you need endless sources, then this is not it. Infinite resources will be provided to you by the al generator. Or, if you like, call it a plant, or a farm. The plant is an industrial, artificial method of extracting these minerals. How to make such a generator? There are different tricks, but we propose to make the generator, perhaps the simplest (and fastest). Details can be found on the video, but for lovers of reading short guide how to make a diamond generator in Minecraft:

  • First, you have to make an artificial portal to Minecraft hell.
  • From both portal columns make parapets 9 blocks long. For example, wool. Again, details on the video about the generator.
  • Pour 2 blocks of water into this pool.
  • Such a plant requires the installation of two workbenches on the parapets.
  • To clone endless al., you need to jump into the water. How exactly, see the video about the generator.

We told (and showed a video) how to make a diamond generator in Minecraft. Infinite supplies are possible, as the wiki says, if you use cheats, codes (commands). An artificial diamond can be obtained by writing a certain code. What kind of code can be found in the reference book. The codes are, by the way, completely different. But this method, like the diamond, is too artificial. Another artificial (non-industrial) method is cheating. But he, besides, still in Minecraft does not provide endless al.

For being with us, you get a bonus - super skin diamond armor for Minecraft. You can find it here.

Diamonds in Minecraft are the most valuable ore. Without them, it will not be possible to make an enchantment table, and a diamond pickaxe is the only tool that allows you to get obsidian for a portal to the nether world. From the diamond, you can craft powerful armor, as well as durable and fast tools.

To mine diamonds, you will need at least an iron pickaxe.

Diamonds are found on 1 - 16 blocks from the admin. The character's height can be found by pressing F3 and looking at the number opposite the Y coordinate.

Diamonds are arranged in veins of 1 - 8 blocks, but most often you will find 2 - 3 blocks together.

So how do you find a diamond in Minecraft?

The easiest way to find diamonds is in caves at the right depth. Examine them carefully, but be careful not to fall into the lava.

To search for diamonds, they usually follow this method:

  • Dig a passage down to level 16, make a corridor 20 blocks long and on either side of it break corridors through the block. If there are no diamonds, you should go down and continue working. And so on to the admin. This volume must contain at least one diamond vein.
  • It is better to dig a diamond vein from all sides first, so that the diamond does not accidentally fall into the lava, and we definitely did not miss any diamond block.
  • Diamonds can also be found in chests located in treasuries, temples, and NPC villages, but this is a rare luck.

If you already have an enchantment table, you can try to enchant the pickaxe with "luck", then when breaking a block of diamonds (and other ore) you can get more units.

How to create a diamond in Minecraft?

Creating a diamond in Minecraft is not difficult - it does not require any exotic resources. But you must have the Industrial Craft2 mod installed. For this purpose, you will need a compressor, a crusher, 64 units of coal, 8 units of flint, 1 block of brick, iron or obsidian.

  • First, we turn all the coal into coal dust using a crusher.
  • From coal and flint we craft a coal ball.
  • We compress it in the compressor and get a compressed coal ball.
  • We create a coal block.
  • We compress the coal block and get a diamond.

AT old version fashion in this way it was possible to obtain only an artificial diamond, the use of which was limited. In Industrial Craft2, this is how you can create the most common diamond.

Collect the necessary items. Diamonds are found at level 5-16 (y-coordinate is from 5 to 16), so create a base underground and dig two horizontal tunnels from it (2x2 blocks in size) in opposite directions. The more earth you dig, the sooner you will find diamonds. To prepare for diamond mining, put the following items in your inventory:

  • iron pick- crafted from three iron ingots, which are obtained from three iron blocks, and two sticks. Diamond can only be mined with an iron or diamond pickaxe.
  • Bed- crafted from three boards and three blocks of wool. The bed will become your respawn point, meaning if you die while mining, you will be respawned near the bed.
  • torches- Crafted with one stick and one charcoal/charcoal. Since you will go underground, the torches will help you see what is going on around you.
  • Chests- crafted from eight boards, which are obtained from two wooden blocks. Chests can store ore that you get while searching for diamonds.
  • Bake- crafted from eight cobblestones. In the furnace, you can smelt any ore (for example, iron, gold or diamond), that is, in theory, you can get an unlimited number of pickaxes.
  • Workbench- crafted from four boards, which are obtained from one wooden block. The workbench allows you to create different items and tools.
  • doors- crafted from six boards. The door will prevent mobs from entering the base when you are sleeping.
  • wooden blocks- there is no tree underground, but it is necessary to create tools and other items. We recommend stocking up at least 64 wooden blocks.
  • Map(only on the console and mobile device) - crafted from eight papers and a compass. The map displays your coordinates, which will be updated as you move down.
  • Raw meat- it is also not underground. Meat that can be cooked while in the mine will completely satisfy your hunger and restore health.

Dig down to level 16. Diamonds are found at levels 5-16 (y-coordinate is from 5 to 16), but most of them are between levels 5 and 12. To find out your Y-coordinate, open the map (on console and mobile) or press F3 (Windows) or Alt + Fn + F3 (Mac).

  • We recommend digging in a zigzag pattern because digging in a straight line can result in falling into a cave, a mob room (it's a room with 2 chests, a torch, and a mob spawn point), or even lava.
  • If you can't craft the map, or if it doesn't work, dig down to the bedrock (this is a layer of bedrock that can't be broken with any tools). This layer is at level 4, meaning you will be standing at level 5 or 6.
  • Create a base. To do this, dig a room with a size of 3x5x5 blocks (at least), create a doorway and place your items on the created area (for example, torches, a bed, a furnace and chests).

    Dig the main tunnel. It must be at least two blocks wide, two high and twenty blocks long. The tunnel can start right behind the door, or you can make a turn so that the tunnel is perpendicular to the base.

    • Secondary tunnels will branch out from the main one at right angles, so make sure that none of these secondary tunnels hit your base.
    • Place torches every few blocks so you don't get lost.
  • Dig a secondary tunnel to the right or left of the main tunnel. The secondary tunnel must be at least twenty blocks long and 1-2 blocks wide.

    • Dig a secondary tunnel a few blocks from the end of the main tunnel.
  • Dig another secondary tunnel on the same side of the main tunnel as the first secondary tunnel. Remember that secondary tunnels must be dug a few blocks from the end of the main tunnel.

    How to make a diamond in Minecraft?

    Diamond in Minecraft is considered the most valuable ore. Without it, it will not be possible to make most of the really necessary items. There are several ways to make a diamond in this game. More about them will be written below.

    Diamond mining in Minecraft

    You can get a diamond in Minecraft. To do this, you must arm yourself with an iron pickaxe. Diamonds can be found on 1 - 16 blocks from the admin. As a rule, a mineral is located in veins of 1 - 8 blocks. Most often there are 2 - 3 blocks together. The easiest way to find a diamond is to go down into the caves to the required depth. However, the caves are fraught with many dangers, because you can run into an evil mob or fall into the lava. For this reason, care must be taken.

    To find a diamond in Minecraft, you should dig a passage down and reach level 16. Then make a corridor 20 blocks long, then on both sides of it dig corridors through the block. It may happen that you do not find diamonds; in this case, you will need to go down below and continue working. Dig all the way to the admin and you will definitely stumble upon a diamond vein. When it is found, dig around it from all sides. Such a measure will save the find, and not a single diamond will fall into the lava.

    How can you make a diamond in Minecraft?

    Not everyone wants to go down into the cave and search for diamonds. This item is easy to do. You just need to install the Industrial Craft2 mod. You can download it here: Also, to craft diamonds, you will need the following components:

    Turn all coal into coal dust using a crusher. From coal and flint, make a coal ball, then compress it in a compressor. Then create a coal block, squeeze it. As a result of this, you will get a diamond. As you can see, making your own diamond in Minecraft is easy, you just need to install the mod.

    Where can you find diamonds in Minecraft?

    If you do not want to make diamonds and go down into the cave, you can look for this element. He can be stored in chests found in treasuries, temples, and NPC villages. There are only a few of them, and they come across very rarely.

    You can also try to increase the available amount of diamonds. However, this requires an enchantment table. If you put a "luck" enchantment on the pickaxe, then when you break a block of diamonds, you will receive more units.

    Where can diamonds be used?

    Diamond is the best stone and the most valuable item in the Minecraft game. After all, it can be used to make strong and highly effective tools. Among them are the following:

    For example, only with the help of a diamond pickaxe can you get obsidian, which is used for a portal to the nether world. In addition, powerful armor is crafted from the diamond, which means that the player will prevail over evil mobs.

    In fact, if you set out to get more diamonds, then this will not be a big deal. There are several principles that must be followed when mining any minerals. Therefore, if it seems to you that gravel is easier to get than diamond, then you are deeply mistaken. To explain this, let's look at how to get diamonds in Minecraft.


    The first way to get the item you are looking for at no cost and special preparation is provided by Minecraft itself. It won't be possible to do it quickly anyway.

    For starters, you can explore the surface of the world. Find an abandoned fortress or temple. There, in the chests, you can find a small amount of diamonds. This will be a good help before you dig deep into the mines.

    In addition to abandoned places, you should visit the village. In it, you can either buy diamonds from the villagers, or try to steal them from the blacksmith's chest. But how to get diamonds in Minecraft in another way?


    If long trips are not for you, then you should prepare for a fairly long digging of the earth's interior. Where to get diamonds in Minecraft? Rocks can be located at very different depths. In particular, it has been noticed that deposits of this mineral are found in large quantities at a depth of 12 blocks. Moreover, they can be found even more often near lava. But more on that later.

    Before you go digging for diamond ore, you will need to make some items to take with you, namely:


    So, how to get diamonds in Minecraft if you are already fully prepared? You have at least two options.

    1. We descend to a depth of 12 blocks and equip a room with all the equipment indicated above. Let's fully illuminate it. Be sure to put a door at the entrance. You now have three bare walls. Start digging straight in one direction. The hole should be 2x2. Every two blocks you create a half-room, from which a branch will then be built. It will also be 2 blocks in height, but already 4 in width and length. Then again we dig a 2x2 corridor. And so - as long as there is enough exposure. It’s better not to go too far: you can fall into a cave or dig a lake. In the same way, swarm from the initial room to the remaining sides. After you have dug in all directions, you can take up branches and dig them in the same way as the main tunnels.
    2. We descend to the maximum depth and look for lava. Dig along and near it, and also try to use the tips from the previous paragraph.

    big boom

    The fastest, but also dangerous way to get diamonds in Minecraft. Having descended to the required depth, which was mentioned earlier, you dig a long tunnel. At the end, place the dynamite and activate it. Now run as far as you can. The explosion will be strong, but it will allow to "work out" a huge layer of earth. The main thing is to make sure that there is no water or lava above and below, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.