How to return from the outlands to Azeroth. Expeditions to the islands in the Battle for Azeroth. Return to the lost planet

In Battle for Azeroth, we visited two legendary places for the first time - Kul Tiras and Zandalar. We've been able to go to Tol Barad, Gilneas, Uldum, Tomb of Sargeras and Suramar for a long time. We've been to Draenor twice. Even places we once considered mythical (Pandaria) are now accessible to visit too. Will Azeroth be able to surprise us with something else?

We even reached the legendary Argus - the home of the Eredar and the stronghold of the Burning Legion. Therefore, at first glance, it may seem that there is nothing left unexplored in Azeroth, or beyond. But there are still several places where we have not been, and if we have been, we have not had the opportunity to thoroughly explore them.


In Battle for Azeroth we return to Kezan. Or at least part of it - a five-player dungeon called GOLD MINE!!! However, Kezan itself and the Mine have remained unexplored since Cataclysm. I'm glad that Blizzard gave us the opportunity to return there.

We were never shown the Mine itself, and not much time was spent on the goblins. They played an important role in Mists and Warlords, and serve as the main Azerite experts in BZA. But I would like to see some content related to their society instead of them just mining Azerite for the Horde.

The mine is a huge underground city, and we know almost nothing about it. It's time to see what the goblins are doing there. It would be great if the city turned out to be a sprawling underground metropolis in a noir style.

Kingdom of Spiders

We got a glimpse of Azjol-Nerub in Wrath of the Lich King. We stopped the Scourge from conquering this place, and killed the servants of the ancient gods to boot. However, when we last left An'kahet, its future remained uncertain. The Upper Kingdom of Azjol-Nerub was infested with the Scourge, as was Anub'arak itself. But the Old Kingdom was divided between the Scourge on the upper levels and the mad servants of the ancient gods on the lower levels. The strike of Sargeras' sword in Silithus threatens the world, but who knows what is happening in the fallen kingdom of the Nerubians?

The Nerubians were once part of the Black Empire of the Old Gods. It is unlikely that we will be able to resist the curiosity to return there and find out some secrets about our most important opponents, which we could discover in the ancient citadels of the Nerubian rulers. Remember that many outposts of the Nerubian Empire are located around Northrend, from Dragonblight to Icecrown just south of the Argent Tournament. This means that there are still many potential areas left for us to explore.

Emerald Dream

We've been to the Twisting Nether, Argus, and Outland. But there is one reality, intertwined with ours, to which we have paid too little attention.

The Emerald Dream is like the blueprint for Azeroth as the Titans forged it. It is a wild, untamed, pristine world that looks like Azeroth, but without all the torment and chaos of the past millennia of war and strife that corrupted it. But not everything is so perfect there either. The corruption of the ancient gods has seeped there in the form of the Emerald Nightmare, trapping travelers and destroying what it can reach.

We explored the Emerald Nightmare in one of the Legion raids, but left it immediately after defeating Nightmare Lord Xavius ​​without having explored much of the Dream. With Ysera's death, the Eye of Ysera, the former source of power for the green dragons in the Emerald Dream, was left unprotected. Existence itself is under threat. Moreover, the opposite can also happen. Without green dragons, the threat may arise from within the Dream and freely enter our world.

At its core, the Dream is the state of Azeroth before the advent of the mortal races. Imagine prehistoric Kalimdor without the Sundering. It is a vast landmass, much larger than the entire map of Azeroth today. If you take the current Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Northrend, Pandaria, Broken Isles, Kul Tiras, Zandalar and move them to the Emerald Dreams, there will still be a lot of free space there. If anything, it may be too big for one expansion.


If the Emerald Dream is the reality of lush, primordial life, then the Dark Lands is the reality of death and decline. If you went through the death knight starting area, you visited this place briefly. But we have no idea what they really look like. Maybe this is just a twisted reflection of reality, where everyone goes after death? Maybe it was this dark place that Arthas saw at the moment of his death? The dark lands are so unexplored that it is difficult to make even the slightest guess.

The prospect of visiting the Shadowlands is quite daunting, but it is most likely possible to get there. This may require powerful necromancer magic, but there has been a previous case of traveling there. Odin gave his eye to an entity from the Dark Lands in exchange for the power to create the Valkyrs. Valkyrs could move between the realities of the living and the dead, searching for the souls of worthy champions. The reality of Helya, which we visited in Legion, can be considered one of the examples of a pocket dimension within the Shadowlands. But there may be others out there that we need to explore. We might even encounter one of the creatures Odin made a deal with.

Unexplored Azeroth

We don't know what else Azeroth is hiding from us. What lies in the waters that wash the Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Northrend and Pandaria? They arose when ancient Kalimdor shook during the Sundering. Most of it went under water. Even today, the inhabitants of Azeroth prefer to navigate the Great Sea, despite the dangerous Maelstrom at its very heart. But there is very little information about this in the game itself. If Azeroth is spherical, then why don't people ever sail east from the Eastern Kingdoms to get to Kalimdor? Or does it just take longer? Maybe threats or obstacles await travelers there? Or is it just that no one dares to explore those places?

Azeroth has many more interesting places to explore. Somewhere out there there could be entire continents the size of old Kalimdor. Or island chains like the Broken Isles. Or small continents scattered across the ocean. We don't yet know the exact size of Azeroth. There may be nothing else there. Or vice versa, many new places are waiting to be found.

And we are talking only about land. What can you find underwater? They say that the ancient god N'Zoth sleeps somewhere in Ny'alotha, but we still know almost nothing about this. And even though we haven’t been there yet... there’s still more to come.

Running a dungeon in World of Warcraft feels like what Groundhog Day in the movies would have been like if Bill Murray had never escaped the infinite loop on February 2nd. It's the same experience all over again - only instead of a weatherman I'm a druid, pounding my head against the keyboard wondering why I'm fighting this same boss for the hundredth time.

I truly love WoW dungeons, but they get repetitive. Mastering the specific strategies that each dungeon requires is like a choreographed dance, with timings and positioning that take a lot of practice. But if World of Warcraft's dungeons are choreography, the new expansion's Isle Expeditions, Battle for Azeroth, are like a night at an impromptu show. Except that other performers are trying to kill me. It's an adventure that makes World of Warcraft feel exciting and unpredictable again.

Island Expeditions have long been available in the Battle for Azeroth Closed Alpha. I spoke with Senior Producer Travis Day about them at a preview event this week, where Blizzard finally gave us the expansion's release date and some other interesting details.


Island Expeditions are a new form of content in Battle for Azeroth. As a reminder of the scenarios from Mists of Pandaria, players will be part of teams of three to travel to a remote island to collect Azerite treasures and secrets. As with the old scenarios, your party's team composition is independent of role - you can have an Expedition with three DPS, three healers, or three tanks, and you should be able to complete it! The idea is that Island Expeditions should be quick content that typically lasts no more than 15-20 minutes.

Players will be dropped onto an island populated by various types of creatures. Even if it's an island you've visited before, Island Expeditions are randomly generated and can have different creature types, capture points, chests, Azerite nodes, quests, consumables, shrines, events and more!

Members of the opposing faction will compete for the same resources as you, and the first team will reach 6,000 victories! You will have to fight with enemy factions for resources and treasures on the island. The opposing faction AI is new to Battle for Azeroth and will try to play smart; The AI ​​comes in three difficulties: Normal, Heroic, and Mythic, which affects the difficulty of the AI. You can also choose PvP mode to play Island Adventures against other players.

How it works

It's Horde versus Alliance in a battle to collect 6,000 Azerites.

At the start of the match, players will spawn on their faction's ship and be released to explore the island. Goblins and Dwarves have developed technology to show the location of nearby Azerite on a map. All enemy creatures on the Island are composed of Azerite when killed, and players can find Azerite fragments throughout the island.

Around the island, players will find Rare Elite NPCs that are more powerful but cost more over time. Hostile players also cost Azerite when you kill them; the longer they live, the more they are worth!

Throughout the island, players can also find unique items that can be used to interact with other things on the island. For example, players can find a shovel around the island, which allows them to interact with a pile of dirt, or find a key that opens a cage with a friendly NPC.

After 10 minutes, the gnomes and goblins set up their technology to show every stack of Azerite and creature on the map. Elemental storms spawn a large number of Azeri nodes in the area, but also a large number of powerful creatures. In other cases, the elemental portal will be marked on the map, and taking the portal will lead you to the lair of the Elemental Boss. Killing the boss will reward a large amount of Azerite and two chests containing even more Azerite!

Island paradise

Island Expeditions is a seven-layer immersive dynamic systems experience that will result in a wildly different experience every time you play.

Isle Expeditions is one of two exciting new game modes coming to Battle for Azeroth. This is a unique PvPvE experience in which two opposing teams from three countries on uncharted islands collect Azerite, a new resource key to the conflict between the Alliance and the Horde. The mode is divided into regular difficulties from Normal to Mythic, which pits you against a team of advanced AI players with predefined personalities and playstyles. There's also a PvP mode that pits you against a team of real players.

Island Expeditions is a seven-level immersion of dynamic systems that will have a completely different experience each time you play it. “One of the things with the Island Expedition is that it's really just a boost for game agency and decision-making,” says senior producer Travis Day. "I think some of the best gameplay comes from actively making decisions about where you want to go and what you want to pursue."

Each team randomly appears somewhere on the island and begins killing creatures and performing other gathering activities. But here's where those seven levels of fall make a difference: while the basic layout of the island remains the same, almost everything about it is dynamic. “We achieve complexity and variability in several ways,” Day says. “We start with handmade islands, of which there are six, so that’s our base layer. And then there are hundreds of different groups of NPCs and "events" that can appear in all the different places. AI that also works, that has its own behavior and really creates these unique experiences.”

What creatures spawn and where, random Azerites, your team composition, boss monsters, hidden puzzles, wild random events, and the enemy team's strategy will be different every time you play.

The types of elections and mentions of the Den agency are related to the on-the-fly strategy of what is the fastest way to engage in Azerite. Your team composition isn't tied to the trio of tanks, healers, and DPS, so it's important to know how to play to your strengths and compensate for your weaknesses. If you're a bunch of squishy DPS, you might choose to clear out weak packs of mobs but avoid a long boss fight. If you have a healer, you might decide to go after the enemy team or do your best to avoid them.

During my pass, we landed on the beach and started munching through a group of powerful hydras that appeared there. Slowly we made our way deep into the country, killing monsters, opening treasure chests and mining Azerbaijani deposits. It was a bit perplexing at first, but things really started to heat up a few minutes in as we went up against the enemy team. They may be AI, but they are still capable of kicking our asses.

A big part of Island Expeditions is the advanced AI behind the NPC team. World of Warcraft's monsters have been pretty stupid so far. If you get too close they will start attacking you with maybe one or two abilities. There's a reason they're called "garbage" in the dungeon. But during Island Expeditions, the enemy team is made up of characters that feel truly real. They have access to their full range of abilities, changing targets and adapting to new threats, and they even emulate the way most players jump around aimlessly like 90s teenagers.

It was easy for me to forget that these were AI opponents, especially after they shouted different words and slaughtered a large amount of Azerite in the process. The intensity of the race increased significantly and I loved the wide variety of choices my team had at every moment.

Compared to running the dungeon, it was refreshing how quickly things change during an Island Expeditions match. At some point, both teams were discovered in Azerite locations. Some time later, a massive Azerite golem spawned from vast reserves of this substance. As we tried to engage it, the enemy team arrived and put up an epic three-way battle as we desperately tried to stay ahead. After this battle, things got even crazier.

When the Azerite golem died, the elemental lord engulfed the entire island in wreaths of flame, turning all enemies into fire demons. Suddenly everything was different. A portal opened up that led to an entirely separate area where an elemental lord could be contested in exchange for crazy amounts of Azerite. Wanting to achieve victory, we beat it. Killing that boss, nervously looking at the portal, knowing that at any moment the enemy team could swoop in to steal our kill was exhilarating. I can't wait to try this against (hopefully) smart real players.

Killing that boss, nervously looking at the portal, knowing that at any moment the enemy team could swoop in to steal our kill was exhilarating.

If there's one area where Island Expeditions falls short, it's the "visual storytelling" that developers like Day have talked about. The idea is that the events of each expedition come together in a cohesive, anecdotal way. But in my experience it was more like pure chaos. I completely agree with this. A much more important success is that every time I stood in line for Island Expeditions, the experience felt fundamentally different.

At the same time, Day tells me that there will be a feeling of repetition when it comes to certain meetings. In the end, you should see the same bosses because there is satisfaction in learning how to fight them. But it's important to know if you need to do it. Near the enemy team? Are there faster ways this class lineup can manipulate Azerite? Is this boss really annoying?

I can't wait for Battle for Azeroth just to see how island expeditions fit into the casual WoW player's already packed schedule. Blizzard hasn't been too open about it, but when I asked Day, he said Island Expeditions would "sit in the same space as dungeons and raids." This is a system that is designed to become the main activity. Not only will expeditions to the island reward you with the Azerite you need to upgrade your gear, but they'll also lose you equipment, currency, and maybe some nice cosmetics to boot. Similar to dungeons, there will likely be some kind of daily bonus to encourage playing at least once a day.

Honestly, I can easily see that I want to play a lot more. Island Expeditions feel like the perfect vehicle for a repetitive dungeon task. It's unpredictable, wild, dirty, and damn fun. Already this looks like the kind of innovative idea I'm expecting to see.

The easiest way is through portals located in the capitals of the Horde and Alliance. Their location was known to all players for a long time until update 6.0 (Warlords of Draenor) was released. How can those who have continued to develop their character to level 100 get from Orgrimmar to Outland? This is what we will talk about in this article.

Outland- This is one of the smaller locations in the WoW game. It is intended for leveling up characters from level 58 to 70 and consists of several completely different areas. There are several ways to get to this mysterious area.

The easiest way to ask a magician

opens a portal to Outland

The easiest way to get from Orgrimmar to Outland is to contact a magician. Any sufficiently well-trained magician will organize your tour to this separate continent “for a fraction of the price” without talking. But this method also has its disadvantages:

  • Price issue. The magician will take no less than 1015 gold for his services;
  • If the purpose of your trip to Outland is to level up your character, then this method is not very rational due to the fact that the magician sends the “client” to the starting location (the capital of Outland - Shattrath).

Portal in the Blasted Lands, does it work after 6.0

As old-timers of the WoW universe remember, the simplest and most understandable way to move to the Hellfire Peninsula (this is the starting location in Outland) was to teleport through a portal in the Blasted Lands. After the launch of the 6.0 Warlords of Draenor add-on, this method became unavailable to players level 90 and above, since the portal in the Blasted Lands on the other side was besieged by the Iron Horde troops.

Portal to Outland

Where can I find portals to Hellfire Peninsula in WoD? It’s worth immediately reassuring Horde players: the portals to Hellfire Peninsula have not disappeared, they have simply been moved. Representatives of the Horde will be able to find him not far from the place where he was before. To do this, just take a good look around when entering the Cleft of Shadows.

Question how to get to Outland found very often in the World of Warcraft fan community. This is not surprising, since Outland is not connected to the WoW game worlds by land routes and travel there is only possible with the help of mysterious mystical forces. However, it is, of course, possible to get there. We will present all the methods, starting with the simplest and ending with the most difficult and dangerous.

Any magical whim for your magical money!

The easiest way to find yourself in Outland is to turn to a magician. Any sufficiently well-trained magician will organize your tour to this separate continent “for a fraction of the price” without talking. But this method also has its disadvantages:

  • Price issue. The magician will take no less than 1015 gold for his services;
  • If the purpose of your trip to Outland is to level up your character, then this method is not very rational due to the fact that the magician sends the “client” to the starting location (the capital of Outland - Shattrath).

Normal heroes always take a detour to end up in Outland.

Therefore, many choose a more difficult path, entering Outland through the Dark Portal, which is located in the Blasted Lands. You can get there on your mount, however, you must take into account the likelihood of encountering quite serious monsters, so you should not go on such a risky journey without reaching at least level 58. The location of the Dark Portal is marked on the map below:

If you don’t have the strength or desire for a long and adventurous journey, you can use the portals located in the capitals. They will transport the player to the Scorched Earth, from where, in turn, the Dark Portal will transfer the character to the first location of Outland, that is, to the Hellfire Peninsula

In the capital of the Alliance, such a portal is located in Stormwind, near the entrance to the tower in which the magician trainers are located. If you play for the Horde, then your path should lie in Orgrimmar. Climbing the stairs leading to the trolls, you can find the desired portal.

Other known and legal ways in Outland does not exist. True, they say that there is a portal to the capital of Outland, Shattrath, in Dalaran. It would be nice to check it out!

It remains only to remind you that all of Outland consists of the following locations:

  • Hellfire Peninsula
  • Terokkar Forest
  • Shadowmoon Valley
  • Ostrogorye
  • Nagrand
  • Zagrantol
  • Netherstorm

Have a nice trip!

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Hi all. Today I'll tell you how to get gear for the first Battle for Azeroth raid and Mythic Keystone dungeons in the first weeks of the new expansion.

So, first, let's talk about game equipment in general and item levels in particular. Before the release of Battle for Azeroth, the game went through a flattening, meaning all the numbers got smaller, which is a little confusing. If you just hit level 120, chances are your item level is somewhere between 285 and 295. That's where we'll start. There are several ways to obtain equipment in the game.

The most obvious of these is dungeon crawling. In normal mode, equipment drops at level 310, in heroic mode – level 325, in Mythic mode – level 340. As part of a pre-assembled group, you can enter the dungeon at any time and at any item level. To use the Heroic Dungeon Finder you will need to be level 305.

The second most popular way to obtain equipment is by killing rare monsters. The level of loot from monsters scales depending on the character's level. Gear obtained this way can be used to fill problematic slots, but in general, loot from rare monsters is not nearly as good as loot from dungeons.

You can also equip equipment that serves as a reward for local quests. Its level ranges from 290 to 340. Quests for high-level equipment appear less frequently than all others. Good items are also contained in chests, which serve as rewards for the envoy's quests. They also scale from the overall level of the character’s items, so tasks must be completed constantly.

Another source of good equipment is professions. Using professions, you can create level 300 BoE equipment without any additional training, as well as personal epic equipment of level 355, 370 and 385 (the last two types of equipment require materials from Uldir). Engineers can craft level 340 helmets, which are relatively inexpensive, but require the Engineering skill to wear and reputation with Talanji's Expedition or Proudmoore Admiralty to purchase.

By the way, about reputations! At the Respect level, each faction sells level 320 cloaks. Respect can be upgraded by completing story chains, so no additional actions are required to obtain the cloak. At the Revered level, you can purchase level 335 equipment from each faction, one item per faction, and at the Exalted level, level 350 equipment. We have Azerite helmets for all classes, and this is very important because Azerite talents significantly strengthen the character. Exalted is required to purchase. In other words, you still have to do story missions in locations - not only for the sake of reputation, but also for the Pathfinder achievement (the reward for this is an effect that increases movement speed in open locations of the Battle for Azeroth).

The last way to get equipment is by killing world bosses. Based on data from Legion, the world boss loot level will be 345. For the first few weeks, the maximum level of titan-tempered items will be 355, so this is the level to aim for. So, guaranteed sources of high-level equipment are factions (one level 350 item per faction, requires Exalted), professions (two level 355 items), and Guardians of Azeroth (level 355 helmet). Otherwise, you'll have to rely on hardened items (particularly in Mythic dungeons, where the base loot level is 340).

Now let's talk about and, since they play an important role in character development. The Heart of Azeroth is an artifact that can be obtained at the very beginning of your journey to new continents. This artifact is enhanced in two different ways. By completing story missions, the player receives items with artifact power, which increases the overall level of the Heart of Azeroth. Each general level increases the item level of the Heart of Azeroth by 2 units. The first general level corresponds to item level 280, the twentieth general level corresponds to item level 318, and so on. If you're going for Mythic raids, you'll need a total Heart of Azeroth level of 25-28 (or roughly item level 326). At each new level of reputation with the Guardians of Azeroth (Amity, Respect and Honor), you can receive a special task that increases the level of the Heart of Azeroth item by 15 units. There is no such quest at Exalted; instead, the player gets access to a level 355 helmet. All this means that by the time Uldir is released, your artifact should be level 360-370.

How can I upgrade the Heart of Azeroth and gain reputation with the Defenders of Azeroth?

First of all, you need to collect items that give the power of the artifact. These items are obtained from various sources. The most important source is the weekly task to collect Azerite in expeditions to the islands. The player needs to collect 40,000 units. Azerite in several expeditions, he will receive 2500 units as a reward. artifact powers. On average, to complete a task you need to take part in seven expeditions. For completing each expedition, additional Azerite is awarded, the amount depends on the difficulty and result, the maximum - for winning in Mythic mode, 300 units. Thus, for seven Mythic expeditions you will receive 4600 units. artifact powers. In terms of time investment, this mode is considered the most effective, and I advise you to focus on it. While wandering around the island, you may come across a rare quest with a reward of 750 units. artifact powers. Quests to kill the world boss give 500 units. artifact powers, regular local quests – 150 units, envoy quests – 500 units. (with the exception of Defenders of Azeroth, who give 750 units; some envoys have additional reputation). Thus, I recommend completing the expedition quest first and then focusing on world quests and envoy quests.

In addition, artifact power can be obtained by completing important stages of the military campaign (you will have to go through it in any case), fighting bosses in dungeons, and fighting with other players. If you like these activities, you can devote some time to them, but it is worth remembering that these farming methods are not as effective as you would like. Another source of power is fronts, but they are not in the game yet. The military campaign will give you access to followers and tasks for these followers. As a reward for these tasks you can also receive artifact power. To level up your reputation with the Defenders of Azeroth, you need to complete all available world quests, if possible, first using a special contract made by the Scribes. Thanks to the contract you will receive 10 units. reputation with Defenders of Azeroth for each world quest completed. Similar contracts exist for all factions, but it seems to me that reputation with the Defenders of Azeroth is what players need first and foremost.

Well, now let's summarize all the information presented above and draw up a specific action plan.

Local quests.

Remember that rewards for world quests scale from level 290 to 340, depending on the average item level of a particular character, meaning you should first equip all the best items and then go on quests. If you have a frankly bad item - say, level 240, find a rare monster with the desired type of loot, kill it and replace the item. At level 120 you will get around level 280 loot, and upgrading from level 240 to 280 is a great temporary solution. If you have completed at least one storyline of quests in its entirety and have leveled up at least one reputation to Respect, visit the quartermaster of the corresponding faction and buy a level 320 cloak from him. If you don't have financial problems, buy level 300 equipment made using professions from the auction. If you have the required profession, make this equipment yourself. Most likely, by level 120 you will have accumulated enough resources from the recycler. All this will help you gain a good starting level, after which you will be able to kill the world boss (as a rule, these bosses have primitive mechanics and can be defeated with any equipment). After that, start local quests. Most likely, the rewards for them will look quite decent. Clear the map, change equipment, level up! By the way, local missions on the continent of the opposite faction open when completing a military campaign. Get into the campaign as early as possible so that there are as many world quests as possible. When leveling up your reputation, remember that at the Revered and Exalted levels you can buy level 340 and 355 equipment from the corresponding factions. Presumably, all reputation can be upgraded before the raid is released.

Mythic Dungeons

As I already said, increasing the average level of items affects the rewards for world quests, but, as usual, the matter is not limited to world quests. If you have experienced friends who are focused on progression, you can put together a team for Mythic dungeons. Start going into Mythic dungeons as early as possible - if you're not dressed too well, you'll find it really difficult, but you can win through coordination and good gameplay skills. The reward for your efforts will be equipment of level 340 (and if you’re lucky, even higher). If you hit a Mythic dungeon at, say, level 310, the gear you receive will give you a solid boost and improve your world quest rewards, which can help fill problematic slots.

Expeditions to the islands

In expeditions to the islands you can obtain a large amount of artifact power, which increases the level of the Heart of Azeroth.


In the Battle for Azeroth dungeons, you can get Water Nature, a rare material that is required for crafting equipment using professions. In addition to materials, you will need profession level 120; recipes can be purchased from merchants. Crafted items have a level of 355, so I highly recommend collecting materials and leveling up the profession with the right type of armor. You can take Engineering as a second profession, it will allow you to make a helmet, but this will also be a temporary solution, because in the end you will replace this item with an Azerite helmet from Defenders of Azeroth. By the way, Azerite armor cannot be hardened, and additional restrictions are placed on the methods of obtaining it. In particular, Mythic dungeons cannot be farmed indefinitely and can only be completed once a week.

So, for three to four weeks before the raid opens, your goals should look like this:

  • - accumulate artifact power, reach 28 overall level and 360 level of the Heart of Azeroth item;
  • - find three Azerite items of at least level 340;
  • - find other items of equipment level 340-355 (hardened items, goods for reputation, and so on);
  • - craft two level 355 items using professions.

It seems to me that this will be quite enough to feel confident in Uldir. If you do everything wisely, you will still have time to level up secondary characters, hunt for mounts, explore continents and so on.