How to enchant weapons in Skyrim. Cheats for enchanting in Skyrim. Improving weapon skill

Pentagrams of souls are intended for enchanting items: weapons, armor, armor, rings and amulets. To create an enchanted item in TES5, you need to know the corresponding enchantment, have in your inventory, preferably a great one, and a non-magical weapon or piece of armor. Weapon Enchantment can only be applied to weapons. The strength of the enchantment is adjusted using the slider. Stronger enchantments absorb more energy with each hit, meaning the weapon will have to be reloaded with soul stones more often. Some armor enchantment Can only be applied to specific types or pieces of armor. To do this, you must first select the armor that will be enchanted, and then the available enchantments - or vice versa. The soul stone used determines the power of the spell. Enchantments for armor, amulets and rings work constantly and do not need to be recharged. Learning new enchantments in TES5 occurs by destroying objects on the pentagram of souls, after which the extracted property can be used to enchant any number of objects. Items with various enchantments are often sold from merchants in cities (the range of goods is randomly updated every 48 hours) or obtained independently while wandering around Skyrim. For convenience, soul pentagrams, like alchemical laboratories, can be installed in , which become available for purchase after completing tasks for jarls.

With the Enchantment skill developed to the maximum, two different properties can be applied to one thing. When things are destroyed, only the enchantment property is removed, but its characteristics when applied depend on the character’s skills. For example, if you destroy an item with the property of paralysis for 4 seconds, then casting a spell of the same power on another item with an undeveloped Enchantment skill will no longer work, they will be weaker, so to strengthen it you will have to develop the skill and drink special potions. Artifacts and unique things cannot be destroyed on soul pentagrams to study their magical properties.

Properties and effects of enchantments for weapons in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Legendary Edition):

  • Hunter's Valor(Huntsman’s Prowess) - animals take additional damage.
  • Exile(Banish) - summoned Daedra below a certain level are banished back to Oblivion.
    • Elven Sword of Expulsion - 000be1f9.
  • Soul Trap(Soul Trap) - if the enemy dies within a certain time, his soul falls into the soul stone.
    • Steel ax of catching souls - 000a6982.
  • The Magic of the Quiet Moons(Magic of Silent Moon) - under the moons, the enemy receives additional damage from the burn.
    • Lunar Iron Mace - 0003b0bf.
  • Fire Soul Trap(Fiery Soul Trap) - the enemy takes fire damage, and if he dies within a certain time, his soul falls into the soul stone.
    • Steel ax of ardent souls - 00040002.
  • Repelling the Undead(Turn Undead) - undead below a certain level scatter in panic for a short time.
    • Blessed Hunting Bow - 000a735a.
  • Paralysis(Paralyze) - the enemy is paralyzed for a short time.
    • Ebony Bow of Shackling - 000bf410.
  • Absorbing Stamina(Absorb Stamina) - a fixed amount of strength is drawn from the enemy.
    • Elven sword of threshing - 000be1f7.
  • Health Absorption(Absorb Health) - a fixed amount of health is drawn from the enemy.
    • Elven sword of devouring - 000be1f0.
  • Absorbing Magic(Absorb Magicka) - a fixed amount of magic is drawn from the enemy.
    • Elven sword of weaning - 000be1f3.
  • Fear(Fear) - creatures and people below a certain level run away in panic for a short time.
    • Elven sword of fear - 000be1fa.
  • Damage to Stamina(Stamina Damage) - the enemy loses a fixed amount of stamina.
    • Steel Ax of Fatigue - 000a6984.
  • Magic Damage(Magicka Damage) - the enemy loses a fixed amount of magic reserve.
    • Iron Sword of Loss - 0005b475.
  • Fire Damage(Fire Damage) - the enemy receives fixed fire damage and ongoing damage from burns.
    • Elven Sword of Burning - 000be1fd.
  • Cold Damage(Frost Damage) - the enemy takes damage from cold and loses a certain amount of strength.
    • Ancient Nordic War Ax of Cold - 000ddd6d.
  • Electrical Damage(Shock Damage) - the enemy takes damage from electricity and loses a certain amount of magic.
    • Steel ax of electricity - 000a697d.
  • Chaotic Damage(Chaotic Damage) - the enemy can simultaneously receive damage from each of the three elements: fire, cold and electricity.
    • Defender's Baton - 0301a578.

Properties and effects of enchantments for things in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Legendary Edition):

“+” - the enchantment can be used with the marked item, “-” - it cannot. The “ID” field contains the identifiers of items with the desired enchantment properties. They can be added via the console with the command player.additem 1, and then disassembled on the pentagram of souls, saving time on searching. For example, you need to quickly get a necklace of water breathing in order to break it and extract the “Water Breathing” property: to do this, open the console with the [~] key, enter the command player.additem 000fc067 1, press . When you hover over the identifier, the name of the item that will be added to your inventory appears.

Water breathing(Waterbreathing)Enchantment allows you to breathe underwater- + - - - + + 000fc067
Increasing your stamina(Fortify Stamina)Enchantment increases maximum stamina by n%+ - - + - + + 000fcef8
Health boost(Fortify Health)Enchantment increases maximum health by n%+ - - - + + + 000fcefd
Magic Boost(Fortify Magicka)Enchantment increases maximum magicka by n%- + + - - + + 0010dd3a
Enhancing the Art of Trading(Fortify Barter)Enchantment improves merchant prices by n%- - - - - + - 0010df4b
Skill Upgrade: Alchemy(Fortify Alchemy)Enchantment increases the power of created potions and poisons by n%- + + - - + + 000fc004
Skill Upgrade: Blocking(Fortify Block)Enchantment increases the amount of damage absorbed when blocking by n%- - + - + + + 0010df1d
Skill Upgrade: Hacking(Fortify Lockpicking)Enchanting makes it easier to pick locks on doors and chests- + + - - + + 000b504e
Skill Upgrade: Recovery(Fortify Restoration)Enchantment reduces magicka cost for restoration school spells+ + - - - + + 000fc031
Increased magic recovery and regeneration(Fortify Restoration & Magicka Regeneration)Enchantment reduces the magic cost of restoration school spells and increases the speed of magic regeneration+ - - - - - - 0010d682
Skill Upgrade: Two-Handed Weapon(Fortify Two-Handed)Enchantment increases two-handed weapon damage by n%- - + + - + + 00100e50
Skill Upgrade: Change(Fortify Alteration)Enchantment reduces magicka cost for spells from the school of alteration+ + - - - + + 000ff7de
Increased Magic Alteration and Regeneration(Fortify Alteration & Magicka Regeneration)Enchantment reduces magicka consumption for spells of the school of alteration and increases the speed of magicka regeneration+ - - - - - - 00101778
Skill Upgrade: Illusion(Fortify Illusion)Enchantment reduces magicka cost for Illusion school spells+ + - - - + + 0010cfd2
Illusion boost and magic regeneration(Fortify Illusion & Magicka Regeneration)Enchantment reduces the magic cost of spells from the school of illusion and increases the speed of magic regeneration+ - - - - - - 0010d679
Skill Upgrade: Pickpocketing(Fortify Pickpocket)Enchantment increases the chance of successful pickpocketing by n%- - + + - + + 00100e32
Skill Upgrade: Conjuration(Fortify Conjuration)Enchantment reduces magicka cost for School of Witchcraft spells+ + - - - + + 000fc00d
Increased spellcasting and magic regeneration(Fortify Conjuration & Magicka Regeneration)Enchantment reduces the magic cost of spells from the school of witchcraft and increases the speed of magic regeneration+ - - - - - - 02015cbf
Skill Upgrade: Blacksmithing(Fortify Smithing)Enchanting increases the quality of crafted armor and weapons by n%+ - + - - + + 0010df21
Skill Upgrade: Light Armor(Fortify Light Armor)The enchantment increases the skill of wearing light armor by n units.+ - + - - + + 000acc94
Skill Upgrade: One-Handed Weapon(Fortify One-Handed)Enchantment increases damage when attacking with one-handed weapons by n%- - + + - + + 00100e2d
Skill Upgrade: Destruction(Fortify Destruction)Enchantment reduces magicka cost for Destruction spells+ + - - - + + 0007a125
Increased magic destruction and regeneration(Fortify Destruction & Magicka Regeneration)Enchantment reduces the magic cost of spells from the school of destruction and increases the speed of magic regeneration+ - - - - - - 02015cba
Skill Upgrade: Stealth(Fortify Sneak)Enchantment increases the chance of being undetected by n%- - + + - + + 000d53f2
Skill Upgrade: Shooting(Fortify Archery)Enchantment increases bow and crossbow damage by n%- + + - - + + 000fc02b
Skill Upgrade: Heavy Armor(Fortify Heavy Armor)The enchantment increases the skill of wearing heavy armor by n units.+ - + - - + + 00100e10
Increasing weight tolerance(Fortify Carry Weight)The enchantment increases the maximum carried weight by n units.- - + + - + + 000d53e7
Skill Upgrade: Unarmed Combat(Fortify Unarmed)Enchantment increases melee damage by n%- - + + - + + 0010a06a
Increased stamina regeneration(Fortify Stamina Regeneration)Enchantment increases the speed of stamina regeneration by n%+ - - + - + - 00100e55
Increased health recovery rate(Fortify Health Regeneration)Enchantment increases the speed of health recovery by n%+ - - - - + + 00100e51
Increased Magicka Regeneration(Fortify Magicka Regeneration)Enchantment increases magicka recovery rate by n%+ + - - - - + 000c5d11
Muting footsteps(Muffle)Enchantment allows you to move silently and sneak up- - - + - - - 000d5371
Disease resistance(Resist Disease)Enchantment increases disease resistance by n%+ - - - + + + 00100e65
Magic Resistance(Resist Magic)Enchantment increases resistance to any magic by n%- - - - + + + 0010dfb8
Fire Resistance(Resist Fire)Enchantment increases resistance to fire by n%- - - + + + + 000ad55e
Cold Resistance(Resist Frost)Enchantment increases resistance to cold by n%- - - + + + + 0001b3d0
Electricity Resistance(Resist Shock)Enchantment increases resistance to electricity by n%- - - + + + + 000ad4d1
Poison Resistance(Resist Poison)Enchantment increases resistance to poison by n%+ - - - + + + 00100e5f

Enchanting is the art of imparting magical properties to weapons and armor. To create an enchanted item, you must know the corresponding enchantment, have a soul gem with a soul trapped in it, and a non-magical item that can be used. The higher the enchanting skill, the better the enchanted item will be.

You learn enchantments by destroying magical items on the Pentagram of Souls:

You can find soul stones already filled in your travels, or you can fill them yourself using the “Soul Capture” spell, which places the soul of a creature in an empty soul stone.

Some types of enchantment are only suitable for weapons, others only for items of clothing, and others for strictly specific items, such as boots. Enchanted weapons lose charge with each hit, so they must be recharged. The number of charges is determined by the size of the soul in the stone and the selected position of the charge slider.

Enchantments on clothing items do not deplete, nor do they require recharging.

Pentagram of Souls

This is a special table with a skull and runes:

You can find it in the shops of magicians, alchemists, and in some dungeons. The very first such table you will meet in the main plot is in the city of Whiterun, in the building of the head of the city of Dragon Redistribution.

Enchantment FAQ

How to capture a soul?

Cast the Soul Capture spell on the target while it is still alive, and while the spell is in effect, kill it. Soul capture will only happen if you have a suitable, pure soul stone in your inventory.

How to capture a person's soul?

To do this you need a black soul stone.

How to enchant an item? There is magic, but I can’t enchant.

To obtain enchantment properties, you must first destroy (on the pantagram of souls) an object with the property. In addition, there are bound properties that cannot be applied to other items.

How to charge an item?

Open inventory, select item to charge, press T, select soul stone.

Properties table

A table showing which type of item can be given which property (assuming you've learned it).

Properties of armor enchantments

I have all the properties applied to armor constant Effect.









Skill Upgrade: Stealth

Skill Upgrade: Alchemy

Skill Upgrade: Change

Skill Upgrade: Shooting

Skill Upgrade: Sorcery

Skill Upgrade: Destruction

Skill Upgrade: Heavy Armor

Skill Upgrade: Illusion

Skill Upgrade: Light Armor

Skill Upgrade: Hacking

Skill Upgrade: One-Handed Weapon

Skill Upgrade: Pickpocketing

Skill Upgrade: Recovery

Strengthening the Blacksmith skill

Block Strengthening

Prices are n% more profitable

Two-handed weapon enhancement

Strengthening unarmed (one-handed?)









Fire Resistance

Cold Resistance

Electricity Resistance

Magic Resistance

Disease resistance

Poison Resistance









Health Regeneration

Increased Magicka Regeneration

Increased stamina recovery

Enhance Mana Change and Recovery

Increased Affliction and Magicka Regeneration

Increased Destruction and Magic Regeneration

Increased Magicka Recovery and Regeneration

Increase in characteristics








Increased Health

Magic Boost

Increasing your stamina









Increasing weight tolerance

Breathing underwater

Sound absorption

Non-transferable properties(only on special items)








Blessing of Mar (+10% Recovery)

Shadow Vision (bow damage)

Shadow Strength (Quiet Walking Skill)

Shadow Strike (damage to one-handed weapons)

Shadow Prosperity (Stamina)

Weapon enchantment properties

Properties applied to weapons are triggered when hit with this weapon.

  • Electrical damage;
  • Cold damage;
  • Fire damage;
  • Magic Damage;
  • Health Absorption;
  • Absorption of magic;
  • Absorbing power reserves;
  • Damage to stamina;
  • Soul Capture;
  • Hunter skill;
  • Causing undead to flee for n-seconds;
  • Fire Soul Trap;
  • Exile;
  • Paralysis;
  • Fear;
  • Quiet Moon Charm (burns the target if there is no moon);

We will start with alchemy, and for this reason: in the game, developing this skill seemed to me the most expensive due to a number of factors.

1. The first and main factor - You can’t improve your skill much with simple potions.

With simple potions you can level up your skill for a very long time, since in the mechanics of the game, Upgrading a skill depends not on quantity, but on quality. For example, the ability to wear heavy or light armor depends not on how many times you were kicked, but how much damage this blow caused you.

A banal potion for Magic Regeneration (Salt + Garlic),

Guide to Mastercraft.

Guide to Mastercraft.

after creation, it will increase the existing level of alchemy by about 1-3% of the strip.

Guide to Mastercraft.

Guide to Mastercraft.

While a complex potion, which has a bunch of parameters (by the way, both negative and positive),

Guide to Mastercraft.

Guide to Mastercraft.

for one can it can increase the existing level by about 10-15% of the strip.

Guide to Mastercraft.

Guide to Mastercraft.

Another omission from the game is that side- unnecessary alchemical effects only increase the cost of the potion. Although, logically, a poison that simultaneously causes damage and heals it is complete nonsense, this nonsense will cost more than a poison that causes damage and takes away magic, for example.

I think you will immediately see that complex potions are much more expensive than simple potions.

Since leveling up alchemy directly depends on the quality of potions, I will immediately answer your question:

Yes, if you put things on for a bonus to creating potions, the cost of the created potions will increase greatly, but, alas, this will have almost no effect on leveling up your skill.

Here is the cost of a created potion without items that give a bonus to the power of the created potions.

Guide to Mastercraft.

Guide to Mastercraft.

But the cost of a created potion brewed in things that give a bonus to the power of the potions created.

Guide to Mastercraft.

Guide to Mastercraft.
2. The second factor, which follows from the first, is that to create complex potions, you need to have a lot of different ingredients available.

Therefore, we simply save up all the fly agarics that we collect, all the fingers of giants, all the eggs. We save everything, everything that can be collected, stolen, bought! Yes, buy it, so you need to earn septims. (Thankfully this is not a problem in Skyrim)

3. The third factor - with increasing skill in Alchemy, pumping begins to slow down.

This is expressed as follows: if with an alchemy skill of 25 you make a potion - Magic Regeneration (Salt + Garlic) and to raise from 25 to 26 you need to make 10 cans, then to raise from 30 to 31 you already make 13 cans.

Therefore, I mastered alchemy in three steps:

From 1 to 40 you can level up by creating simple potions.

From 40 to 70-80 I studied intelligence from Arcadia in Whiterun. At the same time, he collected, bought, and stole tons of ingredients.

I don’t remember where all the alchemy teachers live, and I don’t need to, just look here.

From 80 to 100 I leveled up exclusively by creating complex poisons and potions.

Tips for munchkin sufferers

If you started the game again and suffer from munchkinism, then go straight to the second or third level in Whiterun. Kill the dragon, collect and sell all the trash that has become “white”, because the Jarl has become generous. Now you can take 90% of the trash out of Whiterun and sell it. Having acquired septims, every LVL AP do not forget to learn alchemy, so, without leaving the cash register, you can raise the skill to 70 and at the same time pump the hero to level 20. (of course, if you have money, or if you use a hole, to return the “septims” after training)

For those who are not familiar with alchemy, I will give a master class.

Let's look at everything here

I'll show you what's what with an example.

We look at what we have in our inventory and select an ingredient, say Dragon tongue. Select the property you like from the table - Fire Resistance And Skill Upgrade: Two-Handed Weapon.

Now we are looking for an ingredient that has these properties, plus some other positive properties. (negative ones are also possible) Let it be fly agaric- our potion will have two properties. Now you need to add an ingredient to “unlock” a couple more properties of the potion. Let's see what fly agaric does it have properties? - This Rabies And Stamina regeneration.

Alchemist 5/5(Potions and poisons are 20% stronger (+20% for each additional ability level) - well, of course, a good potion is a strong potion.

Healer(Your potions that restore health, magic or stamina are 25% more effective) – a passing ability to take the next ability.

Pharmacist(You can create potions that will have 25% more beneficial effect)

As you can see, I took only the most necessary abilities to enhance the potions I received.

Enchanting is a skill in Skyrim that allows you to add magical enchantments to weapons, clothing, armor, and jewelry. The more developed the Enchantment skill, the more the hero will be able to enhance his chosen item. Enchantments are special effects that must first be mastered. To enchant the desired item, you need to use a special pentagram of the soul, which can be found in the Guild of Magic, in taverns, in other places, or installed in your own home. In addition to this, you also need a soul stone, the effect with which you want to enchant in the enchantment menu and, of course, the unenchanted item itself on which you are going to apply this enchantment. You can study the enchantment effect by dismantling an item that is already enchanted. If an enchantment was placed on a weapon, then with each blow to an enemy, this enchantment breaks down. The cost of enchantment depends on the size of the soul stone chosen during enchantment. The larger the stone, the more damage an enchanted weapon can cause.

But since some enchantments are difficult to do, you can use the following cheats

PlayerEnchantObject Item_ID ID_enchant_1 ID_enchant_2 - get an item with the specified enchantments (item_ID can be found in the articles cheats for weapons or armor).

For example

PlayerEnchantObject 000877B1 0008850D 000F82FF
PlayerEnchantObject - get a Silver ring with a ruby ​​(its ID is 000877B1) with enchantments The time between screams is reduced by 20% (0008850D) + Additional transformations for the werewolf units. (000F82FF).

To improve skills

00109632 - The Enchantment skill increases the number of units you select.

0007A106 - Increases attack with two-handed weapons

0007A104 - The number of coins per item decreases

0007A103 - Increases stealth skill Selected percentage

0007A102 - Weapon and armor improvement skill increases

0007A100 - pickpocketing success increases

000D6933 -increases eloquence skill

0007A0FF - Increases damage from one-handed weapons

0007A0FC - Hacking is made easier by the percentage you choose

0007A0FB - Light armor wearing skill increases

0007A0F9 - Heavy armor wearing skill increases

0007A0F3 - Blocking with a shield increases the number of percent you select

000F6906 - The success of eloquence increases by the number of percentages you choose

0007A0FE - Bow damage increases by the percentage you choose

0008B65C - Created potions become stronger by the percentage you choose

0003EB29 - The enchantment of the selected item is more powerful by the number of units

0049507 - Increased stamina

00049504 - Increases magic

000493AA - Increased health

00109630 - Magic is restored by the percentage you choose

0007A105 - Restore your stamina at the percentage you choose

0007A0FD - Magic is restored by the percentage you choose

0007A0F8 - Health is restored by the percentage you choose

To increase resistance

00109638 - Increases resistance to electricity

00109637 - Increases resistance to magic

00109636 - Increases resistance to cold

00109635 - Increases resistance to fire

00049295 - Increases resistance to electricity

000FF15E - Increases resistance to poisons

000B7A35 - Increases resistance to magic

00048F45 - Increases resistance to cold

00048C8B - Increases resistance to fire

00100E60 - Increases resistance to disease

For spells

00109634 - Restoration spells are consumed more slowly

00109633 - Illusion spells are consumed more slowly

00109631 - Destruction spells are spent more slowly

0010962F - Conjuration spells are consumed more slowly

0010962E - Alteration spells are consumed more slowly

0007A101 - Restoration spells are consumed more slowly

0007A0FA - Illusion spells are consumed more slowly

0007A0F6 - Destruction spells are spent more slowly

0007A0F5 - Conjuration spells are consumed more slowly

0007A0F2 - The change spell is consumed more slowly

0010E809 - All spells cost 3 percent less magicka


0008850D - Time between screams is reduced by 20%

000EE5c4 - Enchantment Ring of Namira

000F82FF - Additional transformations for the werewolf for the number of units you choose.

000F8475 - You receive the Ancient Mask

0010FC14 = Mask - healing or summoning a priest

00092A57 - A mask that reduces the noise of your movement

00092A48 - You can swim underwater without choking

0007A0F4 - The amount of weight increases

00017120 - Increases armor class by one.

000FF15C - Sneak attacks with one-handed weapons deal twice as much damage

000424E2 - Damage without weapons

Weapon Enchant ID

PlayerEnchantObject Item_ID ID_enchant_1 ID_enchant_2 - receive an item with the specified enchantments.

PlayerEnchantObject 00013989 0002C593 000FEFBC
PlayerEnchantObject - get a Steel Sword (00013989) enchanted with Elemental Fury (0002C593)
By the Light of Meridia (000FEFBC).

To increase the charge, equip the necessary weapon, the charge of which you want to increase, and apply the following cheat codes:

player.setav LeftitemCharge N - charge the weapon in your left hand with N charges
player.setav RightitemCharge N - charge the weapon in your right hand with N charges

0004605A - Deals fire damage. Those who are set on fire take additional damage.

0004605B - ​​Increases Cold Damage and Stamina

0004605C - Increases Electrical Damage, takes away magic from the enemy

0010A273 - Inflicts the number of units you select on the enemy.

000AA157 - Absorbs the enemy's stamina

000AA156 - Absorbs enemy's magic

000AA155 - Absorbs enemy health

0005B44F - Takes away magic from the enemy

0005B450 - Takes away a certain number of power units

000FB409 - Draining enemy's health


0002C593 - Elemental rage (effect after scream - increases battle speed)

000FEFBC - Light of Meridia - increases Damage to undead, chance of explosion, causing fear in the enemy

0010B116 - Silver Damage (Silver Sword)

000F23F9 - Elf Slayer

0010582E - Additional damage to Nords

00105831 - Additional damage to animals

0003B0B1 - Under the moons deals additional damage

000ACBB5 - Summoned Daedra are banished back to Oblivion

000ACBB6 - Chance to paralyze an enemy

000F5D15 - Additional damage to trolls

0005B46B - The undead take flight

000F5D24 - Fills the soul stone

000FB404 - Capture Holdar's souls

0010FAF1 - unknown

0005B452 - unknown

00069CE6 - Bound sword FX

000C5BE1 - Bound Bow FX

000C5BE0 - Bound Ax FX

000BEE93 - Creatures and people take flight

0005B451 - Creatures and people take flight

000BEE94 - Creatures and people take flight

001019D6 - Increases Smithing and deals increased electrical damage