"Call of Boethiah", "Skyrim". Passing the quest. "Call of Boethiah", "Skyrim". Skyrim quest walkthrough Boethiah quest walkthrough

This task is very demanding on the character’s level - by the time the passage begins, he must exceed 30. Soon after this, you will be attacked by a militant cultist, in whose corpse you will find the book “The Trial of Boethiah.” Reading the book initiates the start of the quest “Call of Boethiah” - a sanctuary marker will appear on the world map. "The Trial of Boethiah" can also be found in the home of Septimius Segonius and in an abandoned house during the quest. However, if you have the required level, and the mad warrior still doesn’t attack, and you don’t want to look for the book, then you can go straight to the sanctuary.

When you arrive at the place, a follower of Boethiah will tell you that in order to attract the attention of the Daedric princess you need to “go to the dark side of the force”, drag your friend to the sacrificial pillar and stab him with a sacrificial dagger, which you will be immediately given.

There is no alternative way to complete the task, so you need to decide on a victim who will be used up: it can be a member of your guild or a companion. Bring him to the shrine and order him to activate the sacrificial pillar. After that, he will be tightly chained to the pillar, and you will only have to finish the dirty work with the help of a sacrificial dagger.

Boethiah will obviously like your feat, and she will speak to you through the body of her murdered companion. Now you will have to take part in the “hunger games”: you need to kill the cultists of Boethiah. This is not so difficult to do, since each of them will be for himself. When you've dealt with the last servant, return back to Boethiah. She will ask you to secretly eliminate her follower and his entire gang in the Knife's Edge mine. By the way, it is not at all necessary to do this secretly.

As a reward for completing the task, you will receive an excellent artifact - which allows you to move quietly and, in addition, drenches nearby enemies with poison. If you prefer close, stealthy combat, then it is better not to wear this armor: before you raise the dagger over the enemy's head, you may be discovered.

Call of Boethiah(orig. Boethiah's Calling) — quest of the Daedric Prince in the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Brief walkthrough

  1. Find the Shrine of Boethiah.
  2. Find fans of Boethiah.
  3. Trap someone in the shrine and kill them.
  4. Kill the rest of the believers.
  5. Talk to the conductor of Boethiah's will.
  6. Secretly kill everyone in a place called Knife's Edge Ridge.
  7. Find and equip the Ebony Chainmail.


If while reading your blood boils in your veins and your mind is on fire, Boethiah will call you. It is prudent to heed Her call. Find Her on the mountain overlooking Windhelm. Meet us there and be tested
- "The Trials of Boethiah"

The quest is only available after the character reaches level thirty. Starts after discovering the Sanctuary of Boethiah or reading the book “The Trials of Boethiah”. The book can be found at the post of Septimius Segonius, in Hoba's cave on a shelf in the cabinet in the hall with the pentagram of souls, or in an abandoned house in Markarth during the Molag Bal quest. It is also possible that Dovahkiin will simply be attacked by a fanatic of Boethiah immediately after reaching level thirty - a book can also be found on his corpse.

Chapel of Boethiah on the Skyrim map

Boethiah's Chapel is located in the mountains east of Windhelm. The easiest way to find it is to follow the road east from the stables, past all three Windhelm farms - Brandy Mug, Hlaalu Farm and Holly Farm. After the third farm, you need to go a little more east and turn towards the mountain, from the foot of which there is a path leading up to the chapel. There may be several ice trolls along the way.

It should be noted that next to the chapel there is eternal night. Even as you climb up the mountain, the day will quickly fade. Around the sanctuary, which is a large statue of Boethiah with a sacrificial column next to it, there is a camp of Daedra worshipers. The camp consists of several huts with sleeping bags, a small fighting arena surrounded by stakes and a priestess's dwelling, where you can find an alchemical laboratory and a pentagram of souls.

Note: near one of the huts you can find three vials of skooma.

In the arena, Boethiah's fans, trying to please the Daedra Prince, stage deadly duels. The priestess is also there. If Dovahkiin has already reached level 30, she will come up and start a dialogue.

During the conversation, it becomes clear: in order to attract the attention of the Prince of Intrigue, it is necessary to carry out a ritual of sacrifice. As a sacrifice, it is necessary to lure to the sanctuary someone who completely trusts the Dragonborn - a friend or a mercenary. To carry out the ritual, the priestess will give out a special sacrificial blade.

Here the question arises about potential candidates for victims. There are few options; any mortal companion is suitable as a sacrifice, except for summoned creatures, raised corpses, horses or dogs.

Together with his companion, Dovahkiin will have to go up to the statue and order him, using the orders menu, to activate the sacrificial column, after which the companion will be pulled to the column and immobilized. Upon completion of the sacrifice, Boethiah will enter the body of the victim and speak to Dovahkiin through him. Dialogue can be conducted in different ways: obsequious or impudent - it doesn’t matter. Everything will lead to Boethiah organizing a tournament among all his fans, including the main character. The survivor will receive further instructions.

You need to be prepared for a brutal meat grinder “all against all.” There are at least five cultists in total; they are good fighters and use various attack options - both magic and melee weapons.

After destroying the last fanatic, Boethiah will again inhabit the nearest body and inform that the hero is now worthy of the title of Boethiah's Warrior. But there is a nuance: at the moment the title is occupied, and in order to assume the rights, the Dragonborn will have to destroy the previous champion, who no longer meets the requirements of the Daedric Prince.

This subject is hiding in a place called Knife's Edge Ridge, being the leader of a large gang of bandits. Boethiah asks to eliminate not only him, but his entire gang and, if possible, to do it unnoticed.

Note: if you look into Knife's Edge Ridge before the start of the quest, there will be simple bandits there. Even if you kill them all, new opponents will appear during the quest. At the same time, the corpses of previous opponents will not go anywhere.

Knife's Edge Ridge is located northwest of Falkreath and is a large camp settlement with a mine in its depths. There is everything necessary for a full-fledged life in a small community. The camp itself is located on a hill, surrounded by a palisade and well guarded.

Note: in the camp, on the table next to the forge, you can find the textbook “Vernaccus and Burlor” (“Shooting”).

There are eight bandits in total in the camp. Six more, including Boethiah's Warrior, are in the mine. Here, in addition to the high level of the “Stealth” skill, the spell of the “Illusion” school “Invisibility”, a high level of the “Alchemy” skill and the “Poison Carrier” ability of the “Pickpocket” skill will come in handy. If the mentioned skills are high, and the abilities and spells are present, then fulfilling Boethiah’s condition to secretly kill all gang members will not be difficult.

After the last member of the gang dies, the Ebony Chain Mail will need to be removed from the leader’s body. Boethiah will speak to Dovahkiin again. She will declare the hero the new champion and the task will be completed.

And remember: “Everything will be the way you want it.”
— Boethiah's parting words to Dovahkiin

  • Only mortal characters are suitable for Boethiah's sacrifice. Assassins of the Dark Brotherhood, available as followers after completing the Brotherhood storyline, or, for example, Companions, are not suitable. The exception is Aela the Huntress.
  • It must be remembered that if a friend is sacrificed (for example, the drunkard Kosnach from Markarth), then a fine of 1000 septims will be assessed in the corresponding domain. However, if the victim does not see who is killing him, then no fine will be charged, so it is better to do this in stealth mode. A fine can also be assessed if a companion is killed again in the arena. Therefore, it is better to wait until Boethiah’s fans kill each other.
  • The best candidates for sacrifice for the ritual are Adelaisa Vendicci, who only has well-developed non-combat skills; Among the male companions, we can recommend Roggy Beard Knot, who is also deprived of combat skills. Both Adelaise and Roggi live near the Chapel of Boethiah. The first is in the office of the Eastern Imperial Company in Windhelm, the second is in Kin Grove. However, if you use mercenaries for the sacrifice (for example, Jenassa), then the penalty will not be assigned.
  • It is not at all necessary to perform the ritual with the help of a sacrificial blade. Any method will do for this.
  • The most correct way to perform the sacrifice ritual would be to use the Ebony Blade, which would help complete part of the quest of another Daedric Prince - Mephala.
  • If it’s difficult to defeat Boethiah’s fans in a tournament, then you can change the sequence of actions: first kill the cultists, and only then sacrifice someone.
  • During the tournament, everyone fights against each other. If the Stealth skill is sufficiently developed, you can hide near the arena and wait for the fanatics to kill each other. After that, all that remains is to finish off the winner.
  • At high levels, it is worth leaving Dovahkiin's horse away from the fighting arena. Rushing into the thick of battle, she is likely to be quickly killed.
  • You can immediately kill the entire cult and after that Boethiah will appear to the Dragonborn and instruct him to bring the victim to the altar. It is very convenient to destroy cultists from the side of the rocks with a bow - they cannot climb there.
  • According to the entry in the journal, three bandits, including the leader in the Knife's Edge Ridge location, must be killed secretly, as Boethiah commands, but in reality the method of murder does not matter.


  • Ebony Chainmail;
  • Sacrificial blade (6-8 pieces), including specimens from the bodies of Boethiah's worshipers;
  • Skooma - 3 pcs;
  • Textbook "Vernaccus and Burlor" - in the Knife's Edge Ridge camp, on the table next to the forge.


  • If a spouse was chosen as a victim, then Dovahkiin may not be able to marry another character.
  • Boethiah in the victim's body does not initiate dialogue about the tournament. You can't talk to her followers either. There is only one solution - just attack them.
  • Sometimes it happens that after the death of the last remaining admirer of Boethiah, there will be a target marker on the stairs that needs to be killed, and nothing can be done. Even the killall code, which, in theory, should kill everyone in the location, does not help.
  • At the end of the tournament, Boethiah does not inhabit the body of one of the followers. Accordingly, there should be no dialogue with her. The marker points to the corpse and nothing happens.
    • Solution: loading an autosave and initially killing all followers followed by sacrificing a companion.
  • If, after finishing the dialogue with Boethiah, you immediately quickly move to another place, the image will remain the same as when talking with her - wild colors, tunnel vision.
    • Solution: loading autosave and waiting for the special effects to disappear after the conversation. Second method: after completing the task, learn any word of power.
  • If you resurrect a victim companion using the resurrect console command, then communicating with him will only trigger Boethiah's dialogue. After completing the quest, the companion will be found at home (or in the tavern), alive and well. After patch 1.4, resurrection triggers the normal dialogue for that character. One caveat: you need to kill in stealth mode so that the victim does not see the killer, otherwise after resurrection the companion will be aggressive.
  • If you raise the alarm in the Knife's Edge Ridge location in a cave next to the house, then everyone, including the Warrior of Boethiah, will look for Dovahkiin. At the same time, his chain mail will quite possibly cause damage to members of the gang. The bandits will begin to fight with the Warrior, as a result of which they will be killed.
  • If you try to kill all the fans on the way to the camp, ordering your companion to wait before doing so, a bug may occur in which all the fans die, except for those fighting in the arena. Two competitors will be invulnerable to arrows and weapons and will ignore what is happening around them, and the companion will stop engaging in dialogue and will make endless attempts to attack invulnerable rivals.
  • If the character was wearing a full set of ebony armor before equipping the Ebony Mail, then there is a chance that dialogue with Boethiah will occur without the visual effects that would normally accompany it. But after the end of the dialogue, the effect will appear and will never disappear.
    • Solution: load an earlier save and remove all pieces of ebony armor from the character before equipping the Ebony Mail.
  • In some cases, the quest cannot be started - reading the book will have no effect.
    • Solution PC : type the commands in the console:
      • startquest DA02
      • SetStage DA02 1
      • SetObjectiveCompleted DA02 1 1
  • When resurrecting a fallen Warrior Boethiah with the “Dead Thrall” spell, you can get an infinite number of Ebony Chainmails. The procedure is described in detail here. One subtlety - you can resurrect the Warrior only after completing the task.
Note: When loading an autosave at the beginning of a new location, the thrall sometimes lags behind the entrance and does not follow the character.

The quests of the Daedra Lords are one of the most interesting parts of the Skyrim game. There are sixteen of them in total, but now we will talk about only one of them - the quest “Call of Boethiah” (Skyrim). The passage of the quest itself, as well as the ways in which you can get it, is below in the article.

How to get the quest

Only a character of level thirty can receive the quest “Call of Boethiah”. Most likely this task will find you on its own. Shortly after reaching level thirty, you will be attacked by a member of the Cult of Boethiah. After killing the villain, do not forget to search him and you will receive the book “The Trial of Boethiah”. Read the book and a shrine will appear on the map that you need to head to. However, neither the cultist nor the book is a trigger that starts the quest. It is the sanctuary itself. Therefore, there are other ways to start the "Call of Boethiah" quest. If the mad cult representative takes too long to attack you, or you don't want to wait, then the book can be obtained in other places. "The Trial of Boethiah" is located in the abandoned house from the quest "House of Horrors" and in the home of Septimius Segonius. However, you don’t even have to look for a book: you can go straight to the shrine.

You need to look for the shrine in the mountains east of Windelhem. As the book “The Trial of Boethiah” itself says about the goddess: “...Find her on the mountain overlooking Windelham.”

If you follow the road east from the Stables location, you will meet three Windelham farms along the way. After the third farm (“Holly”), turn towards the mountain. Next, follow the path that goes from the foot of the mountain. She will lead you straight to the chapel. This is where the quest “Call of Boethiah” (Skyrim) starts. The passage is possible in the following sequence.

A follower of Boethiah (priestess) will meet you at the shrine. She will tell you how to summon the Daedra princess. Of course, you will have to do something dark and evil, namely, make a sacrifice to her. You will need to bring some of your partner to the sacrificial pillar and kill him with a ritual knife. The ritual knife is kindly provided by the priestess.

"Call of Boethiah", "Skyrim". Walkthrough: Deadly Tournament

If you decide that it's worth it, then start looking for a victim. She can be any of your companions or members of your guild. You just need to bring him to the sanctuary and through the companion orders menu, click on the sacrificial pillar. When a certain sphere forms around your partner, paralyzing him, it’s time to take out the ritual knife.

After you do your dirty deed, Boethiah herself will contact you (by the way, Boethiah’s gender is not determined, since the original sources do not mention pronouns in the Skyrim game. “Boethiah’s Call” is no exception: the quest also does not give an answer to this question that occupies so many people). She will speak through the body of your dead companion. What’s interesting is that you can conduct a dialogue with her both obsequiously and in a very impudent manner - nothing will change from this. She will have news for you: of all her followers, only one should survive. The last of the priests will receive the right to be her protector.

A mortal battle between all the cultists will take place not far from the chapel. Everyone will be for themselves, so this part of the task will be fun and without much difficulty. When Boethiah's last worshiper falls, the dark goddess will speak through his body again. She has a new task. This time it's the last one. In a place known as Knife's Edge Ridge lives a gang of her followers led by her current protector. Their leader has somehow disappointed Boethiah, and now you need to eliminate the entire gang. They say, this is the only way you can become her protector. After all, the place is officially still occupied, and dismissals in the world of the dark gods occur only through death.

Skyrim, Call of Boethiah: Knife's Edge Ridge

The place where the gang settled is a camp settlement with a mine. There are eight robbers in the camp itself. The matter will not end with them, and you will have to visit the mine, where six more will be waiting for you, including the leader.

Having dealt with each of the enemies, you will have to remove the leader from the body. As soon as you put on it, Boethiah’s voice will tell you that you are now her new protector. The quest will end here.

This is the quest “Call of Boethiah” (Skyrim). Completing this task should not cause you much trouble, but a few more tips should be given.

The victim at the pillar can be killed with any other weapon, not necessarily a ritual knife. This won't change anything.

Participation in a deadly tournament can be avoided. To do this, you need to kill all the cultists in the chapel before making the sacrifice. For example, if you are not sure of victory in an open battle, you can attack everyone covertly when the enemies are not expecting it.

Or, again using stealth, it is possible to hide during the tournament not far from the battlefield and wait until Boethiah’s followers kill each other. All that remains is to finish off the wounded winner.

Also, do not leave your horse near the arena. When the massacre begins, she will certainly rush to your aid, and, most likely, she will be quickly killed.

List of artifacts.

The full list of Daedric artifacts includes 17 items, but one character can only have 15 artifacts at a time. This is because some items represent alternative rewards for the same quest depending on how you complete it. Thus, possession of the Azura Star and the Black Star, as well as the Ring of Hircine and the Skin of the Savior, are mutually exclusive.

It is important: There are several items that appear in quests related to the Daedric Princes, but are not counted in the character's statistics as Daedric artifacts and do not affect the achievement of the corresponding achievements.

*Ax of Sorrow(unlike the Mask of Clavicus Vile, another possible reward for the Clavicus Vile quest);
*Skeleton Key, elements of the Nightingale armor and weapons (Nightingale Blessings), associated with the Daedra Nocturnal.

It is a myth: Most players carry Daedric artifacts in their inventory, thinking this is the only way to get the achievement, but they take up a lot of weight in their backpack and suffer from it. The main thing is to complete the Daedra's task and having received this artifact in your backpack, these trophies can be placed in the chest. Continuing to complete other tasks from the Daedra with a half-empty lightweight inventory.

List of artifacts

*Ebony Blade*
Code (0004A38F)
Damage: 12
Weight: 10
Cost: 2000
Features: Absorbs the life essence of your enemies. Forged in the blood of betrayal

walking nightmare

Skull of Corruption
Once the Dragonborn reaches level 18, residents of Dawnstar will begin to receive complaints about poor sleep.

1 Talk to Erandur at the Peak of the Winds tavern in Dawnstar.
2 Follow Erandur to the Night Callers Temple.
3 Find the book “Sleepwalking” in the temple library.
4 Find Vaermina's Apathy in the temple laboratory.
5 Drink Vaermina's Apathy and remove the magical barrier.
6 Follow Erandur to the Skull of Corruption.
7 Defeat Veren and Torek.
8 Wait until Erandur removes the barrier.
To complete the achievement we need to kill Erandur and take the staff before he destroys the staff.
It is important: Before taking this task, it is better to save the game in an empty cell. Since due to bugs you may not receive the staff. Sometimes Erandur does not open the door and gets stuck.


The Light of Dawn
The task can be obtained after the character reaches level 12 by finding an unusual crystal in a random container - Meridia's guiding star. After this, Meridia herself will speak to the hero and ask to deliver the crystal to her sanctuary.

If the guiding star is not found for a long time, you can get a marker for it by finding the Statue of Meridia yourself and talking with the Daedric Prince.

1 Find Meridia's guiding star;
2 Deliver the guiding star to Mount Kilkreath;
3 Set a guiding star;
4 Bring Meridia's light through the temple;
5 Destroy Malkoran;
6 Receive the reward - the Daedric artifact “Radiance of the Dawn”.

The only cure

Spell Breaker(the shield looks vaguely like a satellite dish)
After Dovahkiin reaches the tenth level, you can wait a long time for a meeting with an possessed refugee who will tell you where the sanctuary of Peryite and its guardian Kesh the Pure is located. You can try to find this place yourself in the mountains northeast of Markarth and northwest of the Karthwasten settlement, south of the Druadach stronghold and southeast of the Dwemer ruins of Bthardamz.

1 Find Kesh the Pure in the Peryite Shrine.
*vampire ashes;
*poison bell;
*silver bar;
*flawless ruby.
2 Deliver ingredients.
3 Inhale the vapors.
4 Kill Orkendor.
5 Inform Peryite of Orkendor's death.

An unforgettable night

Rose Sanguina
When the main character reaches level 14, an unusual character will appear in the tavern of the city where he is at that moment - a strange, cheerful magician named Sam Geven. Sam is already drunk and slurring his tongue and offers our protégé a bet: who will outdrink whom. If he wins, Dovahkiin will become the owner of a certain staff that belongs to Sam.

1 Complete the task “Drink Sam Geven”;
2 Talk to Senna in the Temple of Dibella, in Markarth;
3 Ask in Rorikstead about Sam and his staff;
4 Talk about the staff with Isolde in Whiterun;
5 Find and return Isolde's engagement ring;
6 Go to Morvunskar;
7 Go through the Morvunskar portal;
8 Talk to Sam.

Beyond the ordinary

Ogma Infinium
Far north of the College of Winterhold there is a small cave called the Post of Septimius Segonius. Septimius Segonius lives inside, studying a strange large Dwemer object. He claims that within is the “heart of God,” the “heart of you and me.”

1 Find the Elder Scroll
2 Complete the dictionary for Septimius
3 Take the dictionary to Septimius
4 Appear to Septimius after receiving a letter from him
5 Collect the blood of Orsimer, Bosmer, Altmer, Dunmer and Falmer
6 Give the collected blood samples to Septimius
7 Get the book from the box
8 Decide whether to become an emissary of Hermaeus Mora (to complete the achievement it is better to agree with him)
It is important: After you collect the blood of different races, you should save the game in an empty cell. Since this character Septim also likes to stand in a stupor, which prevents him from completing this task.

The dog is a friend of the Daedra

Clavicus Vile Mask
When you first visit Falkreath, Dovahkiin will be stopped by one of the guards and asked if he has seen a stray dog ​​in the area. From the conversation it will become clear that the local blacksmith Lod decided to tame the dog and announced a reward for its capture and level 10 is required.

1 Talk to Lod in Falkreath about a dog running around the city.
While wandering around the world of Skyrim, Dovahkiin may accidentally meet the dog himself.
2 Talk to Barbas about helping him reunite with his owner.
3 Travel with Barbas to the Shrine of Clavicus Vile in Heimar's Cave.
4 Clear the cave of Daedra-worshipping vampires.
5 Activate the statue of the Daedric Prince and talk to Clavicus.
6 Find the Ax of Sorrow in the Frost Cave.

The quests of the Daedra Lords are one of the most interesting parts of the Skyrim game. There are sixteen of them in total, but now we will talk about only one of them - the quest “Call of Boethiah” (Skyrim). The passage of the quest itself, as well as the ways in which you can get it, is below in the article.

How to get the quest

Only a character of level thirty can receive the quest “Call of Boethiah”. Most likely this task will find you on its own. Shortly after reaching level thirty, you will be attacked by a member of the Cult of Boethiah. After killing the villain, do not forget to search him and you will receive the book “The Trial of Boethiah”. Read the book and a shrine will appear on the map that you need to head to. However, neither the cultist nor the book is a trigger that starts the quest. It is the sanctuary itself. Therefore, there are other ways to start the "Call of Boethiah" quest. If the mad cult representative takes too long to attack you, or you don't want to wait, then the book can be obtained in other places. "The Trial of Boethiah" is located in the abandoned house from the quest "House of Horrors" and in the home of Septimius Segonius. However, you don’t even have to look for a book: you can go straight to the shrine.

You need to look for the shrine in the mountains east of Windelhem. As the book “The Trial of Boethiah” itself says about the goddess: “...Find her on the mountain overlooking Windelham.”

If you follow the road east from the Stables location, you will meet three Windelham farms along the way. After the third farm (“Holly”), turn towards the mountain. Next, follow the path that goes from the foot of the mountain. She will lead you straight to the chapel. This is where the quest “Call of Boethiah” (Skyrim) starts. The passage is possible in the following sequence.

A follower of Boethiah (priestess) will meet you at the shrine. She will tell you how to summon the Daedra princess. Of course, you will have to do something dark and evil, namely, make a sacrifice to her. You will need to bring some of your partner to the sacrificial pillar and kill him with a ritual knife. The ritual knife is kindly provided by the priestess.

"Call of Boethiah", "Skyrim". Walkthrough: Deadly Tournament

If you decide that it's worth it, then start looking for a victim. She can be any of your companions or members of your guild. You just need to bring him to the sanctuary and through the companion orders menu, click on the sacrificial pillar. When a certain sphere forms around your partner, paralyzing him, it’s time to take out the ritual knife.

After you do your dirty deed, Boethiah herself will contact you (by the way, Boethiah’s gender is not determined, since the original sources do not mention pronouns in the Skyrim game. “Boethiah’s Call” is no exception: the quest also does not give an answer to this question that occupies so many people). She will speak through the body of your dead companion. What’s interesting is that you can conduct a dialogue with her both obsequiously and in a very impudent manner - nothing will change from this. She will have news for you: of all her followers, only one should survive. The last of the priests will receive the right to be her protector.

A mortal battle between all the cultists will take place not far from the chapel. Everyone will be for themselves, so this part of the task will be fun and without much difficulty. When Boethiah's last worshiper falls, the dark goddess will speak through his body again. She has a new task. This time it's the last one. In a place known as Knife's Edge Ridge lives a gang of her followers led by her current protector. Their leader has somehow disappointed Boethiah, and now you need to eliminate the entire gang. They say, this is the only way you can become her protector. After all, the place is officially still occupied, and dismissals in the world of the dark gods occur only through death.

Skyrim, Call of Boethiah: Knife's Edge Ridge

The place where the gang settled is a camp settlement with a mine. There are eight robbers in the camp itself. The matter will not end with them, and you will have to visit the mine, where six more will be waiting for you, including the leader.

Having dealt with each of the enemies, you will have to remove the Ebony Chainmail from the leader’s body. As soon as you put it on, Boethiah's voice will tell you that you are now her new protector. The quest will end here.

This is the quest “Call of Boethiah” (Skyrim). Completing this task should not cause you much trouble, but a few more tips should be given.

The victim at the pillar can be killed with any other weapon, not necessarily a ritual knife. This won't change anything.

Participation in a deadly tournament can be avoided. To do this, you need to kill all the cultists in the chapel before making the sacrifice. For example, if you are not sure of victory in an open battle, you can attack everyone covertly when the enemies are not expecting it.

Or, again using stealth, it is possible to hide during the tournament not far from the battlefield and wait until Boethiah’s followers kill each other. All that remains is to finish off the wounded winner.

Also, do not leave your horse near the arena. When the massacre begins, she will certainly rush to your aid, and, most likely, she will be quickly killed.

Journal Entries

  1. Find the Shrine of Boethiah.
  2. Find fans of Boethiah.
  3. Trap someone in the shrine and kill them.
  4. Kill the rest of the believers.
  5. Talk to the conductor of Boethiah's will.
  6. Secretly kill everyone in a place called (Knife Edge Ridge).
  7. Find and equip Ebony Chainmail.


  • Walking through the expanses of Skyrim, you can meet a representative of the cult of Boethiah. Killing him will give you a book called "The Trial of Boethiah." Now you need to find the Sanctuary of Boethiah and find out how to summon the Daedra.
  • The Shrine of Boethiah is located east of Windhelm. There, the priestess Boethiah will meet you and explain that in order to summon Deirdre, you need to gain someone's trust, lead him to the sanctuary and, when he is pulled to the sacrificial pillar, pierce him with a ritual dagger.
  • Any companion or mercenary will do as a victim.
  • When the ritual dagger pierces the victim's body, it will become a conductor of Boethiah's will. Boethiah will inform you that only one of her admirers can become her champion, so you will have to fight in the arena located next to the sanctuary.
  • The last person killed in the arena will become a conductor of Boethiah's will and will inform you that now you, as the chosen one, need to go to a place called Knife's Edge Ridge and destroy there the gang and its leader, who was previously the Protector of Boethiah, but has recently ceased to meet those requirements , which the Daedra puts forward.
  • Knife's Edge Ridge is located northwest of Falkreath. Upon arrival, you need to secretly kill all the bandits there, then kill their leader and pick up the Ebony Chainmail from his corpse.
  • Having put on the Ebony Chainmail, you will hear the voice of Boethiah, who will tell you that you are now her guard and are free to do whatever you want.


  • The quest appears to be reset at level 30, so if you have started it before then (eg sacrificed a follower) prior it may not proceed correctly.

  • If you refuse the quest and kill the cultists or something happens to cause Boethiah's current body to enter combat mode (eg a dragon attack), she will be stuck in the same conversational loop repeating the line “You've received my attention mortal, that is most unwise" when approached. To get around this, kill all the cultists and priests.
  • This can be a pain if you want to continue doing radiant quests for the Companion leaders. If you use a Companion (one you’ve married or just as a standard follower), and sacrifice them at the Pillar, the game doesn’t register them as “killed”, and the radiant quests from the Companions will break. The follower DOES indeed die, the quest for Boethiah still proceeds as normal, but the Companion leaders don’t acknowledge the death, and their speech is still, “Aren’t you already running a job for (name)?”
  • After slaying a follower, Boethia may enter an endless conversation loop. If this happens kill all of the cultists and the quest should continue as if nothing happened.
  • If you kill the priestess before talking to her, the two current fighters will become unkillable and so the quest will become unfulfillable.
  • If you enter the menu or journal while the blurry “vision” effect is happening, it is possible for the effect to stay permanently. This visual effect happens when Boethiah possesses a corpse; either your sacrificed follower or one of her slain followers. Loading a previous save is the only fix. It cleared the blurry vision once sacrificed a follower.

  • On entering Knifepoint Mine, possibly due to having been there previously outside of the quest, you may be presented with a wall of Iron Ore blocking your path to the remaining bandits and the Boethiah Cultist, making the quest unable to be completed. The only known way around this is to look at the bottom left corner of the wall of Iron Ore, where you will be presented with the option to mine a Corundurum Vein. Mining this will pull you through the wall, allowing you to continue with the quest as intended. However this will only work once, so make sure you have completed everything before heading back up this path — as soon as you have walked through the location of the wall it will reappear, making the rest of the mine unreachable.
  • There is a common glitch where the Conduit of Boethiath will not talk to you and if you try to activate it it will say “Euuugh! Wearing flesh is so…. distasteful." If this happens, kill all of the cultists to continue.

Quest stages

DA02 Hook (WEDA02)
Completing the task Journal entry
10 (Stage): Find out more about the worshipers of Boethiah.
Boethiah's Calling (DA02)
1 I came across a book that talks about the sanctuary of Boethiah in the mountains near Windhelm...

(Stage): Find the Shrine of Boethiah.

5 I managed to find the sanctuary of Boethiah in the mountains near Windhelm..

(Stage): Find fans of Boethiah.

10 I need to bring someone to the sanctuary of Boethiah, persuade them to touch the Sacrificial Pillar, and when the victim falls under the influence of magic, he will need to be killed. Then Boethiah will appear to me.

(Stage): Trap someone in a shrine and kill them.

15 now in another world, and Boethiah appeared to me, possessing the body of my late comrade. She will give a special task to one of the believers who survives the battle against the rest.

(Stage): Kill the rest of the believers.

20 Boethiah appeared to me. I need to kill her former protector and thereby earn the Ebony Mail. So I will become her protector.

(Stage): Secretly kill everyone in a place called

30 (Stage): Find and equip Ebony Chainmail.
40 I managed to prove my loyalty to Boethiah, and she made me her protector...
(Stage): Kill the Jarl of Solitude.
100 (Stage): Talk to Boethiah's will guide.
  • The following empty quest stages were not listed in the first table: 0, 10, 255
  • The following empty quest stages were not listed in the second table: 0, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 17, 21, 41, 60, 70, 80, 81, 200

Skyrim – Call of Boethiah (walkthrough)

The Call of Boethiah is a relatively small quest in which you must sacrifice a hero who trusts you.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows who to choose for this ritual and how to lure him into a trap.

Therefore, this article will focus passing the call of boethiah scarima, starting from the choice of a comrade and ending with the reward.

Receiving a task:

First of all, you must reach level 30, otherwise you simply won’t be able to take on the task.

There are two ways to receive a task:

1. While traveling through Skyrim, you may be attacked by Followers of the Cult of Boethiah. After killing one of the cult, search the body and take the book called "The Test of Boethiah". As soon as you read it, a new task will appear in your journal "Call of Boethiah".

2. A more reliable option would be to get to the chapel of Boethiah, it is located next to Windhelm on the top of a cliff. Having reached the small arena, you will meet the priestess of Boethia, who will tell you that to perform the ritual you must bring a friend and ask to touch the column. As soon as he touches the pillar, he will be paralyzed, and you can kill your comrade using the sacrificial blade.

Search for a friend:

You can sacrifice any companion who follows you (with the exception of quest companions). Of course, it is best to take a character who will not be too important or dear to you. A suitable victim would be mercenaries, who can be hired at the tavern for 500 gold.

You can also take the companion Adelaise Vendicci from the office of the eastern company located in Windhelm. She usually doesn't have any special skills, and losing her won't be a big deal to you. You can hire Adelaise after completing the task "The sun rises in the east".


After choosing a companion, head back to the Boethiah Chapel. Rising a little higher, you can see a small column slightly smaller than a person. Once your companion is nearby, press the use button. Next, the companion will approach the column and will be pulled towards it, completely immobilizing him. To complete the ritual, take out the sacrificial blade (or some other weapon) and kill your victim.

After a few seconds, Boethiah will possess the victim and begin a conversation with you. No matter what words you use, Boethiah will declare a tournament between all her fans, the last one standing who kills everyone else will become her warrior. Next, everyone around will begin to chop each other, including you. Using the tactics that are convenient for you, kill everyone and thereby emerge victorious.

Killing the warrior Boethiah:

After the battle ends, Boethiah will again inhabit one of the dead and say that you are now her warrior. But to become full warrior of Boethiah you must kill the previous champion who also passed a similar test. You can find him in the ridge of the knife's edge, where the warrior is the leader of the gang. According to Boethiah, you must kill all gang members using stealth, although this is not so important.

Knife's Edge Ridge is located near Falkreath and is a heavily defended settlement with a cave. Having reached the settlement, kill all its inhabitants and go into the cave, where the warrior of boethiah clad in ebony armor.

To summarize:

Now you know news of the process of passing the call of boethiah skyrim. As a reward you will receive ebony chain mail, as well as the book “Vernaccus and Burlor”, after reading which you improve your archery skill.