Skyrim Lost to the Ages. Walkthrough Lost of Ages in Dawnguard Where to find 4 etherium shards in Skyrim

During his journey, he visited many corners of the homeland of the Nords, met many both good and bad people, saw many amazing miracles, and it seemed that nothing could capture his imagination.

But as soon as he talked to a ghost somewhere in the Dwemer ruins that are scattered throughout the province of Skyrim, where the fragments of etherium are and how to get to the magic forge, he began to worry more than anything else.


While exploring the ruins of Arkntamz, the hero met the ghost of Katria, an adventurer who died here during a collapse. She told how she had been trying to solve the great Dwemer riddle for 20 years and how she was then deceived by her own assistant, who appropriated her guesses for himself. In general, until she finds the “Etherium Forge”, her spirit will never be able to rest. From this moment the mission “Lost in the Ages” (Skyrim Dawnguard) begins.

Etherium is a rare mineral with magical properties. Katria did a whole investigation while trying to find the forge. And you can learn about the results of the adventures from the diary and the ancient book if you search her rotten corpse. Her body will lie not far from the meeting place with the ghost of the adventurer, down the overturned column, over the abyss. By the way, Katria will kindly offer help in finding the forge. And her tips can be very useful.

First fragment

After reading the book and diary, the hero realized that the entrance to the forge was securely hidden from prying eyes. To get in there you will need a special key. Its parts - fragments of etherium - are hidden in four places. Luckily, one of them is here in Arkntamza. True, to get it, you will have to activate five locks in a certain order. There is a clue, it is on the last page of Katria's diary or on the body of a dead adventurer lying not far from the gate.

Only after this the hero will be able to pick up the first fragment. All he has to do is find the remaining etherium fragments. And although you can mine them in any order, it is unlikely that it will always be as safe.

Second fragment

He finally got here. Mzulft is made up of four zones. The entrance to them opens only after receiving a certain task, but the hero does not need to get inside. The etherium fragment lies in the Dwemer storeroom, which is located south of Mzulft.

There are no enemies there. But you can find a lot of Dwemer metal and other valuable items. But most importantly, there will be another key fragment. The difficulty is to open the three locks separating the fragment from the hero. But he managed, and now two pieces of etherium fragments lie in his shabby pocket.

Third fragment

Somewhere north of the ruins of Btardamz there is an architectural monument of the Dwemer race. This is a bridge over a shallow and fast river, and behind it is an octagonal pedestal. There must be another shard here somewhere. It won't be difficult for the hero to get here. The most difficult thing will be to find the fragment, since it is not indicated on the map. He will find it behind the pedestal and will immediately see the ghost of Katria, who will praise him for his success.

The fourth fragment

The last part of the key is hidden in the Dwemer ruins of Raldbthar, located southwest of Windhelm, between the White River and Lake Yorgrim. Of all the places where etherium shards can be found, this area will be the most dangerous. Here the hero will meet many marauders, Dwemer spiders and spheres. The path to the fragment will not be easy, but he must go through it, otherwise it was all in vain.

In one of the rooms of the city, somewhere at the very end, on a stand, there will be an etherium fragment, and the ghost of Katria will stand next to it. They are just a stone's throw away, but in the passage there is a Dwemer sphere and a spider. The hero will have to destroy the obstacle, because only after that he will be able to take the fourth part of the key.

The job is done, the etherium fragments have been collected, now you can collect the key. The spirit of Katria will breathe a sigh of relief and say that everything is almost over, and only one, the very last stage remains. And then, offering to meet near the forge, she will disappear again.

Aetherium Forge

The Etherium Forge is one of the many magical places in the province of Skyrim. The etherium fragments must be brought here. Here, in the ruins of Btalft, there will be a Dwemer structure in the form of a sphere and an arrow, with a small depression in the middle. There the hero will insert fragments so that they merge into a certain symbol - a key. After this, the elevator leading to the forge will open, and all that remains is to close a couple of valves to block the steam that interferes with the passage.

Having reached the forge, the hero will meet several Dwemer spiders, spheres and a huge centurion attacking with fire. The price of victory is too high, but it's worth it. When the last enemy falls, he can calmly examine all the chests and collect trophies, and then go to the forge to choose a worthy reward for himself:

  • Etherium crown - allows you to activate two guardian stones at the same time.
  • Etherium Staff - allows you to summon a Dwemer spider or sphere.
  • Etherium shield - when the shield is hit, the enemy dematerializes for 15 seconds.

For Katria, the best gift would be the completion of her life's work. She will be glad to know that all her theories turned out to be correct and that the forge really exists. After that, she will disappear again, only this time forever.

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Quest: Walkthrough of Skyrim Lost in the Ages

Lost in the centuries is a secondary task in the official DLC Dawnguard for the game Skyrim. In this quest, with the help of the ghost of Katria, you will explore such Dwemer ruins as Arkngtamz, Btalft, Mzulft, Raldbthar and Crossing of the Deep Folk in search of an etherium forge.

In this article you will learn.

Receiving the task and meeting with Katria:

This task is quite difficult to obtain, since for this you need to read a book "War for Etherium" or find the ruins of Arkngtamz yourself. That is why few gamers know about this quest.

You can find the book in different places, from a laboratory in Dragonsreach (Whiterun) to the Thalmor embassy. Immediately after reading the book, a new task will appear in your journal "Lost in the Ages" and the mark of the ruins of Arkngtamz on the map.

If you do not want to search for the book, then immediately go to the ruins, which are located near the orc settlement of Dushnik-Yal in the south-eastern part of Markarth. The entrance to Arkngthamz is not difficult to find, just go up the stairs and look for the golden gate.

Once inside, you will hear the voice of a girl who will beg you to leave, since these ruins are dangerous. It turns out that this voice belongs to the spirit of a treasure hunter named Katria, who died in these ruins as a result of a collapse. Katria will tell you that she was looking for an etherium forge, which is located deep in the caves.

If you can convince Katria to finish what she started and find the forge, she will agree to accompany you and give advice at the right time. After this conversation you will have a task "Lost in the Ages" and you can continue exploring Arkngthamz.

First of all, you need to find Katria's body and take the diary from her, it is marked with a marker, so you won't have to search for long. Taking the diary, go further along the corridor, there you will come across a Dwemer device that periodically opens the door due to a twisting mechanism. One door will open automatically, but the second only after moving the broken torque mechanism.

You can turn the mechanism using "impact spell" or arrows, there is no other option to open the door.

As you move through the tunnels, you will come to a tree and a small crevice through which sunlight passes. Having reached the crevice, Katria will say that on the edge of the log lies her bow Zephyr, which you can take for yourself. After going through a few more tunnels, you will reach a huge Dwemer gate with the image of a centurion's head at the top.

Once downstairs, Katria will stop you and tell you that the gate is locked with a “tone lock”. To open the gate you need to correctly rotate all the turning mechanisms (resonators), using a bow or magic. If you make a mistake, many arrows will fall on you, as well as several more dangerous traps (you can understand what will happen to you by the numerous bodies near the gate).

You can figure out in what order the resonators need to be moved from Katria’s diary and several scraps of pages from the adventurers who died near the gate. If you are too lazy to do this, then here is the correct order:

First shot— resonator in the lower part on the left;

Second— in the lower part on the right;

Third– in the upper part on the left;

Fourth– in the upper part on the right;

Fifth- at the bottom in the middle.

After this, the side gate will open and you can enter the vault, which will contain an etherium fragment. Taking the fragment, Katria will tell you that there are three more, but they are hidden in other Dwemer ruins, the location of which can be found in her diary.

Finding an etherium fragment in Mzulft:

Second etherium fragment Found in the Dwarven storeroom south of the entrance to the Dwemer ruins of Mzulft. There are no enemies in the storeroom, just go to the eastern wall and look for an etherium shard on the pedestal.

Finding an etherium fragment in Raldbthar:

The next ruins where is the etherium fragment, there will be Raldbthar, which will be marked with a marker on the map. In general, the upper part of the ruins does not have particularly difficult moments, and the main opponents in them will be bandits and Dwemer spheres.

To go down to the caves you need to get to the elevator and turn the lever in the middle. Once you go down the elevator and onto the steps, spinning blades will appear from the floor that you need to jump over from the side.

Next, you will have to make your way through hordes of Falmer and spheres until you come to a raised bridge that is activated with a button. To lower the bridge, jump into the water and pull out the metal piece from the gears. Behind the bridge there will be a master-level Dwemer centurion.

After this, you will again see the spirit of Katria and another fragment of etherium.

Search for a fragment of etherium in the crossing of the deep people:

The main difficulty searching for the fourth etherium fragment there will be a hidden location of the ruins. To find the ruins of the Crossing of the Deep Folk, you need to get to Btardamz and go north from it. There will be a crossing almost a few tens of meters away.

Then everything is simple, just go upstairs and find the pedestal on which the etherium fragment will lie. After this, you will see Katria again, who will say that by collecting all the etherium fragments, you can determine the location of the forge.

Finding the Etherium Forge in the ruins of Btalft:

So, now you have come to the final part of the quest “Lost in the Ages”, in which you must find the etherium forge.

To do this, you must travel to the ruins of Btalft in the Rift District. Katria will be waiting for you there, who will ask you to put all the etherium fragments into a special gear.

Next, the mechanism will begin to move and a tower with an elevator will appear from underground. After going down and walking a short distance, you will find yourself in the Aetherium Forge, a passage that is blocked by hot steam. To go further, turn the valves on both sides, and the passage will become open.

After this, whole waves of attacks from Dwemer spiders and spheres will follow you, and in the end you will have to fight a huge enemy, a master blacksmith.

At the end, you must talk to Katria, who will tell you that you can forge one of three items from etherium fragments: a crown (a blessing from two sign stones at once), a staff (summoning a Dwemer sphere or a spider) and a shield (having hit it, the enemy becomes incorporeal for 15 seconds ). Having forged one of the items, Katria will thank you and her soul will go to another world.

To summarize:

Now you know the whole process of passing, lost in the centuries of Skyrim. In general, you will receive an excellent reward for completing the task, and you can’t forget about the Zephyr bow.

The quest begins in the Arkngtamz location, you can find it by reading the book “Wars for Etherium”, or find it yourself. There will be many Falmer, Chaurus and Dwemer guards in the location. After talking with Katria, you will need to find other Etherium fragments in Raldbthar, Mzulfta and Crossing of the Deep Folk. As soon as you enter the forge, you will be attacked by Dwemer spiders, then spheres, and then the Master of the Forge will appear - a huge Dwemer centurion.

Making your way further through the ruins of Arkntamz, you will find the corpse of Katria, from which you can remove her uniform and take a personal diary, and this will definitely be useful in completing the quest. After finding the correct answer to the riddle, your character will be awarded the first of the etherium fragments. To find the remaining fragments, you should visit the locations of Raldbthar, the external warehouses of Mzulft and the Crossing of the Deep People. South of Ivarstead are the ruins of Btalft, where the ghost of Katria awaits the hero again. Katria will offer to place all the found fragments in a special Dwemer device, as a result of which the fragments will be reunited together, transforming into the Etherium element. Be on your guard - after removing the latter, you need to run away as quickly as possible, because a platform will immediately rise from the bowels of the earth and open the gates to the Etherium Forge.

Once downstairs, Katria will stop you and tell you that the gate is locked with a “tone lock”. You can figure out in what order the resonators need to be moved from Katria’s diary and several scraps of pages from the adventurers who died near the gate. After this, the side gate will open and you can enter the vault, which will contain an etherium fragment. Next, Katria will move to another place, and you can continue your search.

Aetherium Shards, a Forgotten Forge, and Other “Lost to the Ages”

While exploring the ruins of Arkntamz, the hero met the ghost of Katria, an adventurer who died here during a collapse. There are no enemies there. But you can find a lot of Dwemer metal and other valuable items. Of all the places where etherium shards can be found, this area will be the most dangerous. The Etherium Forge is one of the many magical places in the province of Skyrim. The etherium fragments must be brought here. Here, in the ruins of Btalft, there will be a Dwemer structure in the form of a sphere and an arrow, with a small depression in the middle.

During the quest "Lost in the Ages", the participant is given the opportunity to visit the forge and create an artifact from etherium. Etherium Shards appear exclusively in chests in Dwemer ruins. Etherium fragments are quest items that we will need when completing the quest “Lost in the Ages”.

It turns out that during her lifetime Katria managed to get close to solving one of the greatest mysteries of the Dwemer - the location of the forge of etherium, an extremely rare mineral with unique properties. If this location has not yet been visited, then a pleasant addition to the fragment awaits you - a huge amount of Dwemer metal and other valuables. In Arknthamz, I met Katria, the ghost of an adventurer trying to find the legendary etherium forge. Together we found one of the four fragments of etherium - parts of the key to the forge. Objective 150): Locate the Aetherium Forge. Together we found four shards of etherium and recreated the key to the forge, where we were attacked by its ancient guardians. (Goal 200): Defeat the forge guards.

After reading the book "Aetherium Wars", you will automatically start the side quest "Lost in the Ages". Not far from this place, on a log above the abyss, there is also a Zephyr bow - pick it up if you wish, this is the former property of Katria, she will no longer need it, as you can guess. You can find the fourth and final fragment in the Crossing of the Deep People; to get there, follow a northeast direction from Markarth. When all this fraternity is finished, use the symbol to activate the forge, but it is important to consider that you can only create one of the listed artifacts.

Further exploration of the ruins will lead you to the exact point of the collapse, where Katria (Katria) will remember the details of her death, and also point to her bow, Zephyr, located on top of the log. Quite a large and intricate network of dungeons; to get to the fragment you need to go into the very depths of the ruins. By and large, you need Raldbthar - Market, or rather its crossroads room. Short - if you already have Raldbthar open, then you can get to the fragment very quickly. Katria will be waiting for you there and she will tell you to put the fragments into the Dwemer mechanism. At the forge you will be asked to turn off the steam. After the task is completed, the battle with the Dwemer mechanisms begins. Once they are all destroyed, The Forgemaster will emerge from the lava to the left of the forge.

Receiving the task and meeting with Katria:

You can find the book in different places, from a laboratory in Dragonsreach (Whiterun) to the Thalmor embassy. If you do not want to search for the book, then immediately go to the ruins, which are located near the orc settlement of Dushnik-Yal in the south-eastern part of Markarth. If you can convince Katria to finish what she started and find the forge, she will agree to accompany you and give advice at the right time. After this conversation, you will have the quest “Lost in the Ages” and you will be able to continue exploring Arkngthamz.

The war between the Altmeri Dominion and the Empire ended 30 years ago with the White-Gold Cocordat, which infringed on many rights of the inhabitants, including the worship of Talos.

After this, whole waves of attacks from Dwemer spiders and spheres will follow you, and in the end you will have to fight a huge enemy, a master blacksmith.

9) In a very difficult case, you can agree and answer “truly yours,” but the questions that arise in your head are: “Where did you get such a rare copy of the game?” and “what kind of mods were they stuffed in there?” I bought it for myself and went to Proventus Avenicci for improvements (children’s room, kitchen, alchemy laboratory, etc.). I bought four upgrades at once, but only a kitchen appeared in the form of a cauldron over a fire... I looked at the ID of this glowing crystal - it was from a fragment in Mzulfta, although everything was fine there. Perhaps this is due to the fact that between Mzulft and Raldbthar I did repeated clearing of saves. Naturally, I didn’t have such ancient saves (before the start of the quest).

Not all quest stages may appear in the quest log. Which of them will appear and which will not depend on how you complete the quest.

This is a hidden quest in the Dawnguard DLC. It lies on the table, next to the lever that opens the bridge in the abandoned part of the Volkihar castle. In short, I can't find the forge itself.

Now, if there was a bow or a sword, then yes, you can take it (in my opinion, Gazebo added very few things to the Etherium Forge). This is one of the easy and understandable quests, there is nothing boring there. And the story of this quest is also well thought out. can you not understand something if everything was written in Katria’s Diary? It was a bit difficult for me to get through, I didn’t notice any special clues in Katria’s diary, I stupidly went into all the locations located in the same region as on the map, and lost a lot of time and nerves. So my character was also at level 16-20, I hadn’t studied the Reach and Eastmarch yet, and that’s where there were places with parts of Etherium.

This quest is only available in the Dawnguard expansion.

The quest begins in the Arkngtamz location, you can find it by reading the book “Wars for Etherium”, or find it yourself.

Entering the location, we hear the sounds of ghostly voices. Later we find the ghost of Katria, who tells us that she was brought here by legends about Etherium, but it is very dangerous here and she died here. We go with her to reveal the secret of this legend. Along the way we will notice this strange thing and a closed door.

You just need to hit it or activate it with an arrow/bolt, and the door will open. There will be many Falmer, Chaurus and Dwemer guards in the location. At the location we will find Katria-Zephyr's signature bow, which shoots 30% faster than a regular bow. Afterwards we will see a huge wall and those things that were described earlier. They must be activated in this order:

If you make a mistake the first time, then several Dwemer spiders will attack you, if the second time, then two spheres, if the third time, then shots from Dwemer crossbows, if the fourth time, then a centurion will attack you, and if you continue to make mistakes, then they will shoot at you crossbows. But if you activate it in the correct order, the door to the Etherium Fragment will open.

After talking with Katria, you will need to find other Etherium fragments in Raldbthar, Mzulfta and Crossing of the Deep Folk.

You may have a problem in Raldbthar with Dwemer gears, in which all sorts of objects are stuck, if you have this problem, watch the video.

There shouldn’t be any problems in other locations (and if they do, write in the comments).

After finding all the Etherium fragments, Katria will approach you and say: “Meet me at the Etherium Forge.” The Aetherium Forge is located in the Ruins of Btalft.

In the ruins you will find an incomprehensible mechanism; you need to put all the fragments in it, then pull it out, and then move away. Afterwards, an elevator will appear to the forge itself. There will be strange things there again. First you need to activate the right one, and then the left one. Just before entering the forge you will have an autosave. As soon as you enter the forge, you will be attacked by Dwemer spiders, then spheres, and then the Master of the Forge will appear - a huge Dwemer centurion.

After defeating them, you can forge one of three items at the forge: Etherium Crown, Etherium Staff, or Etherium Shield.