What desire to make in cards. What wish to make a guy: a list of the best options

Funny, not vulgar, tasks for playing for forfeits. Find the best ones for you and don't forget to bookmark them. Fanta is a well-known game that is suitable for a large and fun company. Its roots go far back in history, and the name is translated from German as "pledge".

The essence of the game is to perform the so-called tasks for the phantoms. But none of the participants can guess what kind of assignment he will get.

It is a mistake to think that this game is only for children. It is also interesting to play for adults different ages. And this is a fact that has already been proven by time.

3 Types of Fanta Games

  • With the help of a leader. Players give the host any of their things, for example, jewelry, mobile phone, keys. The leader puts everything in a special bag, which can be used as a regular hat. Now the players take turns taking something out of there and asking: “What should Fanta do?”. The host comes up with a task for each fan. After the end of the game and the completion of all tasks, the item can go to its true owner.
  • The second version of the game is with the help of cards. All players come up with any funny tasks for the forfeits and write them on small pieces of paper. Then everything is mixed and placed in a bag. They take turns and do what is written. When coming up with tasks, do not forget that you can also get on your own card. Therefore, it is better to write what you yourself could do. But you also don’t need to come up with very easy and elementary desires, for example, jump on one leg ten times. This will make the game as uninteresting as possible.
  • Fanta with matches. This type of game is not safe, so you should not play like this with children. But still, it has its place. Players set fire to a regular match and pass it around to each other. The task must be carried out by the person who puts out the match.

As you can see, play this game can different ways. The main condition for a good party is a good and slightly noisy company.

But how to come up with tasks for forfeits if nothing comes to mind?

This article will come to your rescue. We have selected only the most interesting and funny fanta tasks that you and your loved ones can easily use and not bother.

So, friends, to your attention the 50 best fanta tasks:

  1. Show without words some of your actions, for example, what you do at school or work.
  2. Take a picture with all the players, but a prerequisite is to place everyone in some original poses.
  3. Fill your mouth with corn sticks, popcorn or candy. And then say something funny phrase. This is a good task for fans, but be careful!
  4. Approach any person and wish happiness, love and health. But you need to do this only on your hands! You can ask friends for help.
  5. Pretend to be very drunk and start pestering everyone in a row, and then defiantly lose consciousness.
  6. Put on a bathrobe and sunglasses and so go to the store. Ask the seller for a fly swatter and a pinch of salt. This is one of the best fantasy tasks in the summer, and preferably in the evening.

    Game for forfeits - find your task

  7. Draw or glue on a cute mustache and walk like that for the rest of the game.
  8. Go outside or onto your balcony and shout, "People, I love you all!"
  9. Feature an athlete, animal, plant, stripper, Harry Potter, famous politician or singer, etc.
  10. Let your imagination run wild and make delicious cocktails for the players.
  11. within an hour, inform all players, every five minutes, that five minutes have passed. If you forget at least once, then start again.
  12. Give any player a beautiful haircut or massage.
  13. Play a prank on someone on the phone.
  14. Tell us the most ridiculous incident in your life that you are ashamed of.
  15. AT winter time bring a snowman from the street into the house. It is possible in parts.
  16. Make a special medal for each player. From what and for what exactly - you decide.
  17. Spoon feed the players.
  18. 10 minutes pretend to be a foreigner. Speak any language, even your own.
  19. Say unfunny jokes for 10 minutes.
  20. Drink something with a pierced straw. If you pierce well, then it will be very difficult to do it.
  21. Do yourself a bright evening make-up. Continue like this until the end of the game.
  22. Juggle eggs. Be sure to clean up after yourself.
  23. Transform into a fantasy or cartoon creature for 20 minutes.
  24. Exchange clothes with one of the players.
  25. Drink something from a glass, but only without hands. A good fantasy task, especially in a company where alcoholic drinks are drunk.
  26. Write your phone number in lipstick on a napkin and toss it to someone when everyone forgets about this task. If a person notices, he has the right to throw a napkin to someone else. The one who ends up with it must kiss any of the players.
  27. Act out the scene with other players. For example, about how the husband returned earlier from a business trip.
  28. Play a performance called "Blue Light". Assign yourself to other role players.
  29. Kiss your neighbor on the knee.
  30. Pretend that you are a hereditary fortune teller and predict the fate of each of the players.
  31. Think of the best way to escape from prison. Don't be banal.
  32. Confess and repent to all players about your three worst sins of the last couple of years.
  33. Say 10 times how good you are in different voices and intonations.
  34. Picture a baby.
  35. Eat food that doesn't go well together. For example, herring with sugar. Be careful what you choose.
  36. burst balloon with your own buttocks.
  37. Imagine that you are running for president. Give your campaign speech.
  38. Dance a dance, such as a can-can, while holding a glass of water in your hands.
  39. Beg until you collect 100 rubles.
  40. Draw what they tell you, holding the pen between your teeth.
  41. Imagine that you are a reporter. Spread "yellow" and not true news about people sitting near you.
  42. For half an hour, call absolutely all the players by the same name, for example, Gennady is perfect.
  43. Make a marriage proposal to the neighbor on the right. Do it beautifully and as romantically as possible.
  44. Put tights on your head. Walk in this hat with ears until the end of the evening.
  45. Imagine that you are now graduating from high school. Give a heartbreaking speech.
  46. Recognize 5 different blindfold objects by touch, of course.
  47. Sing a popular song, but only use the vowels. It's fun.
  48. Talk in the style of Dzhigurda for 5 minutes.
  49. Draw yourself a solid eyebrow and sit like that until the end of the evening.
  50. Invite five people to a common slow dance. Do it as beautifully and sensually as possible.

Everyone, absolutely everyone loves to play, regardless of age! The difference between a child and an adult is only in the rates. If children most often play for slits, chips, sweets and similar trifles, then adults are unlikely to engage in such nonsense. They are already interested in adult games: for money, for undressing or for desire. The last option is the most common, because if money can ruin internal relationships, and naked bodies are not suitable for every company, then desires for games can be invented even in a circle of almost unfamiliar faces.

Fanta: rules of the game

Fanta is the most common wish game after cards. Its rules are easy to remember, but they can be modified depending on the imagination and capabilities of the players; no one bothers to propose something new and make adjustments to existing provisions. The main difficulty lies in coming up with high-quality and worthy desires for games; everyone understands that sometimes fantasy refuses to work at the most inopportune moment.

So, there are two main ones in Fanta.

1. Playing with papers

Each person writes a task on a piece of paper / cardboard / card, and when everyone is done, the sheets are mixed and re-distributed to the players. What's got is what needs to be done. Desires for games can be anything, but the danger of writing a too tricky task is that you can get your own piece of paper, so each participant needs to think three times before making a frank trick, because the chances of returning their own task, although small, are.

2. Playing with the hosts

First, any one thing is taken from each player and the leader - a phantom - and hides, for example, in a hat. It can be anything, but the more valuable, the more interesting: a mobile phone, an earring, a ring, a watch, etc. After that, the leader turns his back to the participants, and they take turns taking out one forfeit and asking what the person should do, whose item is in the player's hands. The facilitator must come up with a task that the owner of the item must complete, while keeping in mind that he himself may be the owner of the thing that the participant is holding. Upon successful completion, the item is returned to the participant.

Tasks for playing forfeits can be varied, ranging from the most banal to the truly unusual and original. In addition, most often they depend on how close the rivals are, because not in every company this or that task will be successful. The main desires for playing forfeits are given below and divided into two areas.

Wish list for "your" company

Often we in companies play entertaining games that make a party or any meeting fun. Everyone knows that in order to make games more interesting, you need to play on desires. That is, the loser fulfills the desire that was invented by the whole company before the start of the game.

As you know, games can be different: card games, board games, video games, team games (football, basketball, etc.), rock-paper-scissors, etc.

In the following list, you will find funny, crazy and really sick desires. Some wishes can be made in sober company, and some are best in cheerful company who will not take to heart what they will do!

1. Go to the trash can, bend over and say "Mmm, how delicious."
2. Run on your arms and legs in the entrance to several floors with the words "I'm in a tank!"
3. Put on women's-men's clean underwear on your head and play the next round in this form.
4. Approach a stranger (girl / guy) and say “Hello, I'm a nice little man who wants to get laid with you, can I?”
5. Put a cucumber, banana or something similar in your mouth and say the sentence “Darling, are you coming soon?” or something in this form.
6. For the whole store, confess to a not beautiful saleswoman in love.
7. Put on 2 sweaters, 3 hats, gloves and felt boots and go to the nearest store in this form for a bottle of beer. Appropriate in summer.
8. Make a path of flour and sniff it into both nostrils. Fun effect guaranteed!
9. Eat a whole lemon sprinkled with salt
10. Drink mixed alcohol. You can mix 3 drinks and sprinkle pepper on top for more effect.
11. Drink 100 grams of alcohol and make 20 chewed
12. Run around the house with your hands up saying "White horses"
13. Put your socks over your ears and sit like this for the next round.
14. Dance a striptease with some object (mop, banana, door, shoe)
15. Kiss the first guy/girl you don't know
16. Walk up to a stranger and say "My finger was in my ass and I won't forget it!!!"
17. Doggystyle and sexually say "Yaa, Eaa, Eaa" or "Ya, Ya, Zer gud mein Fuhrer!"
18. Stand near a high-rise building and shout “Smoke, I want to smoke !!” 40 times
19. Stick a female tampon up your nostril
20. The loser sexually removes the sock from the winner.
21. Drink 3 stops, between them do 10 push-ups
22. Drink a glass of strong alcohol
23. Take a broom and fly like Harry Potter
24. Get on all fours and bark like a dog at any of the participants
25. Roll a ball down the street with your nose
26. Put on skis to go outside. Summer
27. Goes to the store
28. Makes sandwiches and tea for everyone
29. Orders pizza and pays for it
30. Drinks a very strong cup of coffee.
31. Eat whole bread without drinking. At the end you can drink a glass
32. Stand in the middle of public transport and sit down 10 times
33. Ask a passerby how to get to Kyiv. This is if you are in Russia
34. Dance to your own music. That is, a person must himself create music with his lips, tapping, and so on, and dance to it.
35. Congratulate everyone on March 8, when it’s actually not March now
36. Confess your love
37. Pick a flower from a flower bed and give it to any person you meet.
38. Tell how passionately you want fruit (watermelon, grapes, apple). Be sure to show passion.
39. Ask neighbors for a glass of water (salt, sugar, etc.)
40. Drink 2 liters of water in one gulp.

Any games at a party begin with weak desires, such as wrung out 10 times. With each stage it is worth raising the stakes, making the game more reckless! The funnier the task, the more fun the people will have. Don't forget to take pictures of the losers!

The game of desire is one of the favorite pastimes of young people. Over the years, it does not lose its relevance, and even our grandmothers can boast that they once made some assignments to their male friends. But on the other hand, the question of what desires a guy can think of has also not lost its relevance. And many girls, having agreed to such a game, begin to puzzle over how to puzzle their friend. Let's try and think about this topic and figure out what to think of a guy, depending on our plans for this person.

The guy bet his wish - what to make?

To begin with, since the girl generally agreed to play for desire, it means that she still has certain expectations from the young man. Such is female nature - we will not communicate with those who are not interesting to us. This means that the very reason to make a wish to a guy should be beneficial for us. On the other hand, desire can be a great reason to take revenge on someone who you didn’t really like. Simply put, there are a lot of options and situations. Therefore, a list of specific desires for a guy should be compiled depending on your attitude towards him and your intentions. Let's try to figure them out.

1. If you like a guy, and you would not mind continuing closer communication with him, the options for desires may be as follows:

  • ask him to write you a letter in his own name on the entire A4 sheet. This will let you know if you have a chance to relate with this guy and how he feels about you. Even if your relationship does not work out in the future, you will have a wonderful memory of this moment;
  • let him ask you out on a date. Perhaps this will be a good step to get you closer;
  • ask him to kiss you. This option is for those who are completely unbearable;
  • ask for a gift from the bottom of your heart. Also a good way to check how he treats you.

2. What can you think of a guy who is a close friend to you?

  • you can save the desire until you need the help of this person (for example, take you if you are late or help out in a difficult situation);
  • if you like one of your mutual acquaintances, wish the betting friend to talk to this acquaintance about you, or invite him to take a walk with you;
  • if you do not have a soul mate, ask the one who argued with someone to introduce you;
  • you can come up with a comic desire from the category of warm and friendly. For example, to force them to eat a lemon without sugar, to confess their love to a local old woman, to sing some pop song in the middle of the square, or to go shopping in their underwear;
  • another option that concerns friends is the desire that the bettor surprise you with something. Sometimes this works well, given that a friend knows you well.

3. What wish to make a guy who likes your girlfriend? In this case, thoughts should go only in one direction. For example:

  • agree to go for a walk with this friend;
  • if a girlfriend is sitting nearby or such a moment is expected, this guy should kiss her on a bet, or spend time with her. Perhaps something will come of this.

4. Often there are situations when a bet is lost by an unfamiliar person who is indifferent to you, or you simply do not know him well. What wish can you make to such a guy?

Thinking about what desire to make a guy, try to proceed from your own interests. Perhaps you have a secret urge that you have been hiding from this person for so long. In this case, desire is almost your only chance to correct the situation. And remember, what you have thought of should not be humiliating for a person. No matter how you treat him similar games, and any disputes are usually joking and do not incline to anything special. If your desire is not an attempt to get close to a young man, turn him into the category of original jokes. And let your imagination help you!

Merry forfeits for adults

The game of forfeits will amuse any company and help make the holiday unforgettable. Choose from the proposed tasks the most interesting and suitable for your company. The cards can be placed in a hat, in a beautifully designed box, or on a tray.

Players take turns drawing forfeits at random, reading the assigned tasks aloud and demonstrating their creative and acting skills.

  1. Show without words what you like to do in your free time
  2. Looking in the mirror and not laughing, say enthusiastically 5 times the phrase: “I look the best today!”
  3. Try to bite yourself on the elbow, saying: “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite!”
  4. Pantomime an opening bottle of champagne
  5. Approach 5 other participants, shake hands with them and say: “I am the king. Very nice, I am the king!
  6. Hide behind the back of a chair and shout out loud 3 times: "I'm fine!"
  7. Choose any of those present and make an original declaration of love to him
  8. Sing any song as if you are very drunk
  9. Pinch your nose with your hand and say the phrase: “I have the most pleasant voice in the world!”
  10. You are lucky - the whole company “takes the rap” for you: everyone comes up to you and expresses their admiration or compliments
  11. Say in a sexy voice: “Are you sad and lonely? Then call me ... ”Then it is no less tempting to dictate your phone number
  12. “Saddle up” a chair and “jump” on it, while shouting: “You can’t be late for adventure!”
  13. Come up with affectionate nicknames for 7 players (for example, "cutie", "handsome" ...)
  14. Compliment yourself for a minute while looking in the mirror without laughing
  15. Depict any profession for other players to guess
  16. Be a “mirror” for several minutes (copy the facial expressions and movements of everyone who wants to look in the “mirror”)
  17. For a minute, stroke yourself on the head and stomach at the same time, but in different directions
  18. Approach any of the players, make a scary face and say: “Well, here we are!”
  19. Explain how to make scrambled eggs without saying a word
  20. Say the phrase: “I like to dance” in different intonations (joyfully, sadly, indifferently, surprised, languidly)
  21. Sing any song with your hand over your nose
  22. Talk about elephants for 1 minute
  23. Stand on a chair and tell in five sentences about your life
  24. Make a toast in the "Chinese" way
  25. Read any children's poem with a Caucasian accent
  26. Shout out loud 3 times “People! I love you!"
  27. Say fast 3 tongue twisters
  28. Show guests how to erotically eat a banana
  29. Pretend to be an astrologer and predict the future of any 2 players
  30. Fall on your knees and repent of your three most significant sins
  31. Choose any two players and together with them depict the dance of the African tribe Mumba Yumba
  32. Bow to five players in different ways without repeating
  33. Tell everyone: "I'm sad, don't disturb me!" and sit for 1 minute with a sad expression on your face (other players need to try to make you laugh)
  34. Draw a portrait of yourself with your eyes closed
  35. Portray a capricious lady who demands her husband buy her a diamond ring
  36. Portray a capricious husband who is unhappy with dinner
  37. Freeze in a certain position, depicting a sculpture. You have to stand still for a few minutes. Other players can approach and change the pose of the "sculpture".
  38. Take any item and try to sell it to one of the players, praising and advertising its useful qualities
  39. Play Journalist: Approach any of the players and interview them by asking ten tricky questions
  40. Take an unusual group photo: arrange the participants, choose the surroundings
  41. Pantomime the scales
  42. Sing the song "Two Merry Geese", while sending everyone air kisses
  43. Call someone you know and ask to be allowed to spend the night
  44. Depict a famous person for other players to guess
  45. Depict a person in a chair at the dentist
  46. Make a comic self-presentation: tell other players why they should be friends with you (marry you, marry you, etc.)
  47. Draw any 5 emotions on your face for other players to guess them
  48. “Pretend” for 10 minutes as a stranger and speak only in “gibberish”
  49. Show with accelerated movements how a woman puts on a marathon (does makeup, tries on outfits, etc.)
  50. Depict the gait of a man who walks barefoot on hot coals
  51. For three minutes, talk like a robot, asking questions to other participants in the game
  52. Depict a chicken that unexpectedly laid an egg
  53. Without opening your lips, say the proverb: "The one who laughs last laughs well"
  54. Within three minutes, quickly answer questions from other players, while not saying “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”