Codes for the game corsairs city of lost ships. Cheat codes for Corsairs: City of the Lost Ships (PC). Ships. We generate a new one, change the characteristics

In engine.ini (which is located in the game folder) change
debugwindow = 0 change to debugwindow = 1. Then we go into the game, press F5 and enter the codes.



and other characteristics of the character, melee and firearms:

For change
PIRATES, in the left column enter:

Pchar.skill.freespecial - to change PIRATES points for GG

Characters[i].skill.freespecial - for officers and other people/characters (instead of i, enter the index of the desired
Persian, how to find it is described above)

In the right
column we get the value 0, change it to any other desired number -
we get PIRATES points, which can be distributed to any skills as at the beginning
games. For example, entering 6 will get 6 additional PIRATES points. If by
For some reason, we want to lower the values ​​on the contrary, then we also enter, for example
1 in the right column, decrease and then set to zero again.


Characters[i].chr_ai.charge - how many charges the barrel is charged

Characters[i].chr_ai.charge_max - maximum number of charges in the barrel

Characters[i].chr_ai.charge_dlt - barrel charging speed

(make yourself a machine gun from a cheap pistol)

- minimal barrel damage

- maximum barrel damage

- minimal blade damage

- maximum blade damage

- health recovery speed

- maximum energy level, BUT due to the fact that this parameter is calculated,
the entered value will work (the energy bar will correspond to
entered value) only until its next calculation (and it is calculated
maximum energy level each time you press F2)

Well, on the right
column after entering cheats, experimenting with increasing digital values, but
do not overdo it

Attention everyone
the parameters set by these codes are reset when changing weapons!



On the left side:

[N]- No.
The ship... it can be found by typing pchar.ship.type... appear on the right side
ship number.

RealShips[N].turnrate - maneuverability

RealShips[N].maxcrew - maximum team with overload

RealShips[N].mincrew - minimum command

RealShips[N].capacity- lang=RU"mso-ansi-language:EN-GB"> capacity

RealShips[N].weight - the mass of the ship without cargo and crew (affects the inertia calculated by the engine
games) so that it does not skid on corners

RealShips[N].HP - hull

RealShips[N].optcrew - optimal command (no overload)

RealShips[N].cannon - the maximum type of guns that can be installed on board (see the type of guns in
spoiler "Energy, reputation, gun caliber, rank, health, money,

RealShips[N].maxcaliber - this value will be displayed in the ship's characteristics as the maximum
caliber of guns (but you need to enter the previous cheat, otherwise you will put it anyway
you can't)


RealShips[N].Stolen - 1 = your ship has "captured" status, 2 = your ship has
status "purchased" (affects the cost of the sale)

RealShips[N].Ship.Upgrades.Sails - texture of sails 1-3 (1 = parus_common (common sails), 2 = parus_pat, 3 =
parus_silk (silk sails))

PChar.Ship.Upgrades.Sails - the same only for the GG ship

RealShips[N].Ship.Upgrades.Hull - hull texture 1-3 (one ship has 3 types of textures from the game folder)

PChar.Ship.Upgrades.Hull - the same only for the GG ship

RealShips[N].SpeedDependWeight - influence of hold load on ship speed (0 = load does not affect
for speed, i.e. speed remains maximum regardless of
hold load)

- the influence of the hold load on the maneuverability of the ship. (0 = Load not
affect maneuverability)

On the right we see
the current value and replace it with the desired one, press Enter, enjoy...

Degree2Radian(X) - where X is the angle in degrees, we get the angle in radians

realships[N].cannons.borts.cannonf.firezone - angle of engagement from bow guns
(enter in radians obtained by the function described above)

Realships[N].cannons.borts.cannonb.firezone - angle of destruction of stern guns

Realships[N].cannons.borts.cannonl.firezone - port side impact angle

Realships[N].cannons.borts.cannonr.firezone - starboard engagement angle

Realships[N].cannons.borts.cannonf.firedir - the angle of deviation of the affected area (also in radians, we count from 0 i.e. the nose
ship clockwise) for bow guns

Realships[N].cannons.borts.cannonb.firedir - firedir deflection angle for stern ships (here the default angle is
180 degrees = 3.14 in radians i.e. number Pi)

Realships[N].cannons.borts.cannonl.firedir - angle of deflection of the affected area for the port side

Realships[N].cannons.borts.cannonr.firedir- - firedir zone deflection angle for starboard side

And the meaning
deviations of the firing zone in that it is possible to shift the firing zone of the airborne
guns towards the bow and thereby fire a volley from two sides and bow
guns. Something like modern ship guns on rotating platforms =)



Pchar.skill.FencingLight - Ability to handle light weapons

Pchar.skill.Fencing - Ability to handle swords

Pchar.skill.FencingHeavy - Proficiency with heavy broadswords, axes and swords

Pchar.skill.Pistol - Pistols

Pchar.skill.Fortune - Fortune. She is luck.

Pchar.skill.Sneak - Stealth

Pchar.skill.Sailing - Navigation.

Pchar.skill.Accuracy - Accuracy


Pchar.skill.Grappling - Boarding



Pchar.skill.Commerce - Trade

Pchar.rank - rank

Pchar.Reputation - Reputation

LAi_SetImmortal(pchar, true) - immortality

LAi_SetImmortal(pchar, false) - disable immortality

Pchar.rank - hero level

LAi_SetLevelHP(pchar) - health according to hero level

AddMoneyToCharacter(pchar, amount of money) - money


GiveItem2Character(pchar, "item")

List of some items:

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "blade1-35") - swords

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "topor1-3") - axes

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "toporAZ") - Macuahuitl, the most powerful thing in the game

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "pistol1-6") - pistols

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "mushket") - blunderbuss


GiveItem2Character(pchar, "pistol7") - shotgun

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "cirass1-5") - cuirass

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "spyglass1-5") - telescopes

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "potion1") - healing potion

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "potion2") - elixir

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "potion3") - antidote

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "suit_1") - cast-off merchant clothes nobleman clothes

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "suit_2") - merchant's clothes,

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "suit_3") - nobleman's clothes

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "indian11") - rat god - rats on the ship don't eat anything anymore

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "bullet") - bullets

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "ShipyardsMap") - the drawing that is ordered to be obtained at the shipyard

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_LSC") - map > GPK

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "gold") - gold



GiveItem2Character(pchar,"EngTradeLicence") - eng trade license

GiveItem2Character(pchar,"FraTradeLicence") - French trade license

GiveItem2Character(pchar,"SpaTradeLicence") - Spanish Trade License

GiveItem2Character(pchar,"HolTradeLicence") - goal. trade license

colonies we will be told from day to day that licenses are left to serve only


GiveItem2Character(pchar, "Totem_1")

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "Totem_2")

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "Totem_3")

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "Totem_4")

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "Totem_5")

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "Totem_6")

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "Totem_7")

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "Totem_8")

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "Totem_9")

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "Totem_10")

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "Totem_11")

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "Totem_12")

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "Totem_13")

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "Totem_14")

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "Totem_15")

Totem_1- Totem Shochiketsal.(+20 luck)

Totem_2 - Totem of Mictlantecuhtli. (+20 stealth)

Totem_3 - Totem of Quetzalcoatl (+20 defense)

Totem_4 -Micoatl's totem. (+20 Accuracy)

Totem_5 - Totem of Tezcatlipoca. (+20 pistols)

Totem_7 - Totem of Huitzilopochtli. (+20 medium weapons)

Totem_8 - Totem of Tlaloc. (+20 light weapons)

Totem_9 - Totem Mayahuel. (+20 heavy weapons)

Totem_10 -Totem of Tonacatecuhtli. (+20 trade)

Totem_11 -Totem Kamashtli. Camashtli, god of the stars, hunting, war and fate. Fire maker.

Totem_12 - Totem of Sinteotl. (+20 Navigation)

Totem_13 - Totem Tlasolteotl. Goddess, cleanses from illicit passions

Totem_14 -Totem Tonatiu. Tonatiu, god of the sky and the sun.

Totem_15 - Totem Shipe-Toteku. (+20 to repair)


AND SO ON.........


GiveItem2Character(pchar, "sculMa1") - White crystal skull

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "sculMa2") - Pink crystal skull

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "sculMa3") - Blue crystal skull

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "indian1") - Idol of Akamapichtli (+10 authority and stealth, -20

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "Indian5") - Koshkoshtli figurine. (+10 stealth)

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "indian10") - Idol of Chuck-Moon(+20 pistols, +10 accuracy, -20 stealth)

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "indian12") - Jaguar Warrior Image (+10 heavy weapons)

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "indian14") - Picture of Yakatekuht-li. (+20 trading, -20

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "indian19") - Statuette of Akkuatsin. (+20 hit, +10 guns, -20 stealth)

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "indian22") - Atlantean warrior(+20 defense, +10 light weapons, -10
prestige and luck

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "indian15") - stone disk (+10 prestige and defense, -10 luck)

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "indian18") - An idol of an ancient deity. (+20 navigation, -20 stealth

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "indian17") - Dog figurine. (+10 stealth)

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "indian11") - Rat god (no rats on ship)

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "indian6") - The Disk of Chimalpopoku. (+10 medium weapons)

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "indian7") - Idol of the Great Mother (+10 luck)

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "statue1") - Stone (+30 repair)

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "jewelry4") - Emerald (+10 prestige)

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "jewelry8") - Bronze ring (+10 luck

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "jewelry9") - Bronze cross (+10 luck

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "jewelry15") - Emerald Pendants (+10 Skr


GiveItem2Character(pchar, "xxx where xxx is:

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "Key1" - key for a simple lock (simple key)

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "Key2" - a key for ordinary locks of medium complexity (regular key)

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "Key3" - key for complex locks (complex key)

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "keyPanama" - the key to the chest in the residence of Panama

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "keyQuestLSC" - the key to the chest of Governor General of Curacao Peter

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "keyPanama_LSC" - Admiral's key (Admiral's lost key)

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "keyQuestLSC_Tizer" - Tizer Dan's mysterious key supposedly from
mysterious island. Why it is needed is unknown.


GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_normal") - normal map

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_LSC") - GPC map

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_Pearl") - map of pearl fisheries

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_beliz") - map of Belize

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_santa") - map of Santa Catolina

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_jam") - map of Jamaica

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_cuba") - map of Cuba

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_hisp") - map of Hispaniola

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_antigua") - Map of Antigua

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_barbados") - map of Barbados

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_cayman") - map of Cayman

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_Curacao") - map of Curacao

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_guad") - map of Guadeloupe

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_TORTUGA") - map of Tortuga

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_dominica") - map of Dominica

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_martiniqua") - map of Martinique

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_trinidad") - map of Trinidad and Tobago

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_nevis") - map of Nevis

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_sm") - Martin's map

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_terks") - Turks map

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_maine_1") - map west of Maine

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_maine_2") - map south of Maine

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_panama") - map of Panama

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_maracaibo") - map of downtown Maine

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_cumana") - map of Cumana

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "map_puerto") - Puerto Rico
""" - GG Energy

Pchar.Ship.Crew.Quantity - ship command

Pchar.Ship.HP - ship hull

Cheat on morality

Pchar.Ship.SP - sails as a percentage of the GG ship;

Pchar.chr_ai.charge - GG weapon charges (1.0 one barrel fully charged 2.0 two barrels fully
charged) and

Pchar.chr_ai.charge_max - maximum charges maximum value that can be displayed 6 (which
will be if set no longer checked);

sailors experience
- pchar.ship.crew.exp.sailors;

Gunners experience

Soldier experience -

- team experience


On the left side
write pchar.perks.list.N, where N is the name of the perk you want
add. On the right side, replace "error" with 1.

abilities added in this way take effect only after the change
locations. For example, after moving from home to the street.

So we write
pchar.perks.list.N, where N is:

Pchar.perks.list.BasicDefense - Basic Defense Skill

Pchar.perks.list.AdvancedDefense - Advanced Defense Skill

Pchar.perks.list.CriticalHit - Critical Hit

Pchar.perks.list.Ciras - Cuirass

Pchar.perks.list.SwordplayProfessional - Professional Swordsman

Pchar.perks.list.Grus - Additional weight

Pchar.perks.list.Rush - Berserk

Pchar.perks.list.Tireless - Tireless

Pchar.perks.list.HardHitter - Hard hand

Pchar.perks.list.BladeDancer - Blade Dance

Pchar.perks.list.Sliding - Irresistible Strike

Pchar.perks.list.Gunman- Shooter

Pchar.perks.list.GunProfessional - Marksman

Pchar.perks.list.IronWill - Iron Will

Pchar.perks.list.SharedExperience - Sharing experience

Pchar.perks.list.Medic - Excellent Health

Pchar.perks.list.HPPlus - Growing Life

Pchar.perks.list.EnergyPlus - Growing energy



Pchar.perks.list.Trustworthy - Trustworthy

Pchar.perks.list.ShipEscape - Boat Escape

Pchar.perks.list.FastReload - Fast Reload

Pchar.perks.list.ImmediateReload - Pre-Reload

Pchar.perks.list.HullDamageUp - Increased hull damage

Pchar.perks.list.SailsDamageUp - Increased damage to sails

Pchar.perks.list.CrewDamageUp - Increased team damage

Pchar.perks.list.CriticalShoot - Critical shot

Pchar.perks.list.LongRangeShoot - Increased shot distance


Pchar.perks.list.LongRangeGrappling - Long Range Grappling

Pchar.perks.list.MusketsShoot - Musket volley

Pchar.perks.list.GrapplingProfessional - Master Grappling

Pchar.perks.list.BasicBattleState - Basic ship defense

Pchar.perks.list.AdvancedBattleState - Advanced ship defense

Pchar.perks.list.ShipDefenseProfessional - Ship Defense Professional

Pchar.perks.list.LightRepair - Light repair

Pchar.perks.list.InstantRepair - Instant Repair

Pchar.perks.list.ShipSpeedUp - Increase ship speed

Pchar.perks.list.ShipTurnRateUp - Increase ship maneuverability

Pchar.perks.list.StormProfessional - Swimming in storms

Pchar.perks.list.Turn180 - Maneuverable turn of the ship

Pchar.perks.list.SandbankManeuver - Shallow water maneuvers

Pchar.perks.list.SailingProfessional- Experienced sailor

Pchar.perks.list.FlagPir - Pirate Flag

Pchar.perks.list.FlagEng - Flag of England

Pchar.perks.list.FlagFra - Flag of France

Pchar.perks.list.FlagSpa - Flag of Spain

Pchar.perks.list.FlagHol - Flag of Holland

Pchar.perks.list.Brander - Brander

Pchar.perks.list.Troopers - Amphibious landing of allied ships

pchar.perks.list.BasicCommerce - Basic trading

Pchar.perks.list.AdvancedCommerce - Advanced Commerce


Pchar.perks.list.Builder - Shipbuilder

Pchar.perks.list.WindCatcher - Increase dynamics

Pchar.perks.list.SailsMan - Fast Sails

- Doctor

Pchar.perks.list.Doctor2- Life saver



On the left side
we write:

PChar.Perks.FreePoints_Self - Adds personal perk points to distribute

PChar.Perks.FreePoints_Ship - Adds ship perk points to distribute

On the right side
set the number of points that we want to distribute, i.e. writing for personal
abilities, for example 10 we can get 10 points with which we can take 10
any personal perks/abilities.



Generate a ship using the GenerateShip(N, ​​true) function where N is the template number
ship from the list:

true) Tartane

true) WarTartane - Longboat

true) Lugger

true) Sloop

true) Barque

true) Schooner - Schooner

true) Caravel - Caravel

true) Fleut - Flutes

true) Barkentine

true) Brigantine

GenerateShip(10, true) Brig - Brig

GenerateShip(11, true)

GenerateShip(12, true) Corvette - Corvette

GenerateShip(13, true) Galeon_h - Heavy Galleon

GenerateShip(14, true) Pinnace - Pinnace

GenerateShip(15, true) Frigate - Frigate

GenerateShip(16, true) LineShip - Ship of the line

GenerateShip(17, true) Battleship - Battleship

GenerateShip(18, true) Warship - Warship

GenerateShip(19, true) Manowar

GenerateShip(20, true) SoleyRu - Royal Lineman aka Royal Man-o-var

GenerateShip(21, true) BRIGQEEN - Unique brig

GenerateShip(22, true) BRIGSW Brig Sea Wolf

GenerateShip(23, true) XebekVML - Chebek

GenerateShip(24, true) CORVETTE_QUEST - Corvette equal to which can not be found

GenerateShip(25, true) ArabellaShip Arabella frigate", ex-Cinco Llagas

GenerateShip(26, true) Flyingdutchman - "Flying Dutchman"

GenerateShip(27 ,true) NoneBoat - No ship

After which in
on the right side we get the unique number of the created ship (remember this number).

2. Now
we will enter pchar.ship.type, and in the right column we will enter the number that we remembered in
item 1.

Everything, the ship
GG has changed


Everyone had a problem with the lack of rum, provisions, etc. From today with this
pococchino. Let me introduce: pchar.ship.cargo.goods.N - goods in the hold
ship, where N is the ship's goods, for example pchar.ship.cargo.goods.bombs - bombs.
We write pchar.ship.cargo.goods.N in the left column, and indicate the quantity on the right
goods (as much as your heart desires). N can be written:

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Balls - cores

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Grapes- buckshot


Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Bombs - bombs

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Sailcloth- sails

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Planks - boards

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Slaves- slaves

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Wheat- wheat


Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Chocolate- cocoa



Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Linen- canvas

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Rum - rum



Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Mahogany - mahogany

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Cinnamon- cinnamon


Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Paprika- paprika

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Fruits - fruits



Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Clothes- clothes

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Cotton- cotton





Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Weapon - weapon



Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Powder- gunpowder



Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Cannon_12- Cannon

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Cannon_16- Cannon

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Cannon_24- Cannon

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Cannon_32- Cannon

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Cannon_42- Cannon

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Culverine_12- Culverine

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Culverine_16- Culverine

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Culverine_24- Culverine

Pchar.ship.cargo.goods.Culverine_32- Culverine


All cheat codes that can be applied to the main character through the pchar command, with the same
success can be applied to any officer (including quest ones), through the command
Characters, but for this we need to find out the unique number of the officer, for this
enter in the left column:

GetPassenger(pchar,N) - the function returns the index of the officer on board the ship GG where N is the number of the officer
starting from 0 (including captives)

GetCompanionIndex(pchar,N) - the function returns the index of the officer appointed as the captain on the incoming ship
to the GG ship group where N is the ship number starting from 1 (0 will return the GG)

Some functions-cheats for officers:

Characters[i].Reputation - set the reputation on the left side

In the same way, you can increase his loyalty (although Ogle has it disabled):

Characters[i].loyality - on the left side we set loyalty, it is set from 0 to 35.
Loyalty 35 a loyal officer, but in reality it is kept at a level in the game

Or add perks/abilities:

Characters[i].perks.list.N - where N is the name of the perk (see spoiler above)

Characters[i].chr_ai.HP - standard of living

Characters[i].chr_ai.HP_Max - maximum level of life

Well, for the health bar (which in the parameters of the Persian by F2 changes from
"Terrible" to "Excellent"

Characters[i].health.Hp - current health level

Characters[i].health.MaxHp - maximum health

In general, we received a command of the form:

Characters.... where instead of 339 we write the index of any other officer we find, and after
this we prescribe any of the cheat commands that were described above, but only there
through the pchar command, and here through Characters

Characters[N].OfficerWantToGo.DontGo - on the right side, instead of error, set 1, so we get an officer
who will never leave the service, even with zero loyalty (to cancel
we also write a cheat and set it to 0)

How to force an officer to take the right weapon:

If the officer does not want to take the saber / pistol in his inventory, then write in the left

Characters[N].equip.blade - used blade

Characters[N].equip.gun - gun respectively

In the right column
respectively, enter the name of the item from the inventory, for example, to take
cavalry saber enter "blade30".

transfer points from some thread characteristics to strength


7=32lb; 8=42lb; 9=48lb - guns per ship

Mummy Powder
GiveItem2Character(pchar, "Powder_mummie")

TakeNItems(pchar, "Mineral3",400) Sort of like candles

TakeNItems(pchar, "Coins",666) black pearls...




In the left column:

SetNationRelationBoth(XXX, YYY, ZZZ) - the function sets the ZZZ relationship between nations XXX and YYY.

0 or ENGLAND - England

1 or FRANCE - France

2 or SPAIN - Spain

3 or HOLLAND - Holland

4 or PIRATE - Pirates


0 or RELATION_FRIEND - Friendly

1 - Trading


Enter without "" or just numbers.

For example:

SetNationRelationBoth(4, 1, 0) will set friendly
relations between pirates and France


teleportation, you need to know the id of the location you want to move to. His
you can see in advance if you enter pchar.location, then on the right side
the ID of the location in which the GG is currently located will be displayed. If it is needed
move to a previously visited location, you can find a save in it and load it
see ID

You can also
look at the location IDs in the file at:



DoReloadCharacterToLocation("location id "goto", "goto1")

DoQuestReloadToLocation("location id", "goto", "goto1", "")

Empty quotes
in the second option at the end are required!

teleportation does not work when trying to move to quest locations,
for example, to the Temple of the Great Life Force ...

I've somehow reduced it by 10 pages, if inserted into Word.

In Game Corsairs: City Lost Ships there are no explicit codes, but there is a way to partially change the scripts in the game, with the help of this loophole we will act. So in the game folder we find the engine.ini file. Open it with notepad and look for the line debugwindow = 0, which we change to debugwindow = 1.

Launching the game City of the Lost Ships and press the F5 button in it. The console appears.

Enter the cheat code in the left line, the list of which is attached below:

LAi_SetImmortal(pchar, true) - makes you and your ship invulnerable, but not your officers and their ships
LAi_SetImmortal(pchar, false) - disable immortality
GiveItem2Character(pchar, "xxx", #) is the number of items #, and xxx is:
AddMoneyToCharacter(pchar, "1000000000") - 1000000000 piastres in your pockets.

blade1 - blade35 - swords, sabers, rapiers...
topor1 - topor3 - axes
toporAZ - the most powerful melee weapon in the game, and the heaviest
pistol1 - pistol6 - pistols
pistol7 - shotgun
cirass1 - cirass5 - cuirasses
spyglass1 - spyglass5 - spyglasses
potion1 - healing potion
potion2 - elixir
potion3 - antidote
indian11 - Indian rat god, thanks to which you will completely forget about rats
bullet - bullets
ShipyardsMap - a blueprint of a ship that asks you to find the owner of the shipyard
MayorsRing - an engagement ring that asks you to find the governor
UsersJew- gem who asks you to find a loan shark
map_LSC - LSC map
gold - gold

The following codes work differently, enter the code itself, and then in the right column a number, from 1 to 100. The codes themselves

pchar.skill.Leadership - Authority.
pchar.skill.FencingLight - Light weapon.
pchar.skill.Fencing - Medium weapon.
pchar.skill.FencingHeavy - A heavy weapon.
pchar.skill.Pistol - Pistols.
pchar.skill.Fortune - Luck.
pchar.skill.Sneak - Stealth.
pchar.skill.Sailing - Navigation.
pchar.skill.Accuracy - Accuracy.
pchar.skill.Cannons - Weapons.
pchar.skill.Grappling - Boarding.
pchar.skill.Defence - Defense.
pchar.skill.Repair - Repair.
pchar.skill.Commerce - Trade.
pchar.rank - Your level.
pchar.Reputation - Your reputation.
pchar.Money - Money.
GenerateShip(xx, true) - where XX is a two-digit number, then some number appears on the right side. Then, below, enter the following pchar.ship.type, after that a number will appear again on the right side - this is the number of your ship. After we enter the number from the right column, which appeared when writing the previous cheat.
pchar.Ship.Crew.Quantity - the amount of your ship's crew. As you type the cheat, a number will appear in the right column - this is the number of your team, change it to the desired one.
pchar.ship.cannons.type - after entering the cheat, a number appears in the right column - these are the guns that are already on your ship. You need to enter from 1 to 9. 9 - 48 pounder guns (fort guns) 8 - 42 pounder guns and so on.

Corsairs City of Lost Ships

Hack Money.

Start > All Programs > 1s > K:GPK > Settings
In the settings, uncheck "Full screen mode" and the column "800 * 600"
Launching the ArtMoney program
Launching the game
We go to the store
We buy any thing
Remember how much money is in the account
Using the Alt + Tab keys, go to ArtMoney, click "Search" in the "value type" column, set the "text"
In the value field, write the amount of money in your account and click search
Then we go back to the game, sell a little of what we bought, remember how much money was after the sale
In ArtMoney, click "weed out", enter how much money is left after the sale, and restore justice, i.e. We indicate the amount of gold we need.
After sifting, it can give out several values, but as a rule, the number we need is the first, if it doesn’t help, do it with subsequent numbers.

Hacking Skills/Abilities.

Launching ArtMoney
Minimize the game (Alt+Tab)
Search options: Search for "Exact value", Meaning "write the number of free skills on the account in this moment", Type "Text"
Let's go to the game, use the skill.

We correct the number of skills to what we need (for example: 50 (this is quite enough).

Hacking perks.

Launching ArtMoney
Launching the game in windowed mode
Minimize the game (Alt+Tab)
In ArtMoney, select the process with the game, click "search"
Search options: Search for "Exact value", Meaning "write the number of perk points on the account at the moment", Type "Text"
Let's go to the game, pump the perk ..
Click "Discard" and set a new value.
We add the first one in the list of found addresses (as a rule, this is it), you can try the second one, etc., if it doesn’t work out.
We correct the number of skills to what we need (maximum - 100)
We return to the game, save.

In principle, any value of the game can be hacked in this way, starting with the number of piastres and ending with the carrying capacity of the ship.

Note: do not hack 2 game parameters at once (that is, 2 duplicate programs are open at once), this threatens to lose information.


In the root directory we find the engine.ini file, open it and look for the line debugwindow = 0, edit it to debugwindow = 1
We go into the game and press F5 (in windowed mode)
A window for introducing cheats will appear, in this window we set a specific function perceived by the game, set

the desired values ​​and get some item, experience, key, etc.


On the left side of the DebugWindow, enter:
GiveItem2Character(pchar, "blade1") - we get dusak into inventory!

In order to add a certain number of any item, similarly, in the left side of the DebugWindow, enter:
TakeNItems(pchar, "blade1", 5) - get 5 Dusaks!

Hacking All Totems.

On the left side of the DebugWindow, enter:

Totem_1 - Totem Shochiketsal. (+20 luck)

Totem_2 - Totem of Mictlantecuhtli. (+20 stealth)

Totem_3 - Totem of Quetzalcoatl(+20 defense)

Totem_4 - Totem of Mixcoatl. (+20 Accuracy)

Totem_5 - Totem of Tezcatlipoca. (+20 pistols)

Totem_6 - Totem of Chalchiuitlicue. (+20 prestige)

Totem_7 - Totem of Huitzilopochtli. (+20 medium weapons)

Totem_8 - Totem of Tlaloc. (+20 light weapons)

Totem_9 - Totem Mayahuel. (+20 heavy weapons)

Totem_10 - Totem of Tonacatecuhtli. (+20 trade)

Totem_11 - Totem Kamashtli. Camashtli, god of the stars, hunting, war and fate. Fire maker.

Totem_12 - Totem of Sinteotl. (+20 Navigation)

Totem_13 - Totem Tlasolteotl. Goddess, cleanses from illicit passions

Totem_14 - Totem Tonatiu. Tonatiu, god of the sky and the sun.

Totem_15 - Totem Shipe-Toteku. (+20 to repair)

Important: When we get totems in such a dishonest way, they will not be credited to us when passing the Aztec quest, in order to be credited we need to go

To a shopkeeper or merchant and sell him all the totems received by the cheat, immediately buying again - now they have become "playable".

Hacking Skills.

To add experience: AddPartyExp(pchar, number of experience).

We enter one of the codes below on the left side, while on the right we have the current value - change it to the desired one.

pchar.skill.FencingLight - Ability to handle light weapons

pchar.skill.Fencing - Ability to handle sabers

pchar.skill.FencingHeavy - Proficiency with heavy broadswords, axes, and swords

pchar.skill.Pistol - Pistols

pchar.skill.Fortune - Fortune (Luck)

pchar.skill.Sneak - Stealth

pchar.skill.Sailing - Navigation

pchar.skill.Accuracy - Accuracy

pchar.skill.Cannons - Weapons

pchar.skill.Grappling - Boarding

pchar.skill.Defence - Defense

pchar.skill.Repair - Repair

pchar.skill.Commerce - Trade

Hack "Energy, reputation, caliber, rank, money, immortality".

We enter one of the cheats on the left side, on the right we see the current value (percentage for reputation) - change it to the desired one

pchar.rank - Rank

pchar.Reputation - Reputation

pchar.ship.cannons.type - caliber of guns:

value 0 - 12 lb. culverins;
value 1 - 16 lb. culverins;
value 2 - 24 lb. culverins;
value 3 - 32 lb. culverins;
value 4 - 12 lb. guns;
value 5 - 16 lb. guns;
value 6 - 24 lb. guns;
value 7 - 32 lb. guns;
value 8 - 42 lb. guns;
value 9 - 48 lb. guns.

Enter on the left side

LAi_SetImmortal(pchar, true) - immortality of both the main character and his ship

pchar.chr_ai.immortal, on the right side enter 1 - only the main character is immortal

If we want to remove immortality, then we enter accordingly:

LAi_SetImmortal(pchar, false) - for the first cheat

pchar.chr_ai.immortal, on the right side enter 0 - for the second cheat

Increase Energy:
On the left side write on the right side specify the amount of energy. Be careful and do not set sky-high values.

On the left side we write pchar.Money, on the right side we set the amount of money.

Hacking goods in the hold.

We write in the left column: pchar.ship.cargo.goods.N - goods in the hold of the ship, where N is the goods
In the right column, indicate the desired quantity of this product in the hold (as many as you like)

For example
pchar.ship.cargo.goods.bombs - bombs.

Instead of N we write:

Balls - cores

Grapes - buckshot

Knippels - knippels

Bombs - bombs

Sailcloth - sails

Planks - boards

Slaves - slaves


ebony - ebony

Chocolate - cocoa

Sugar - sugar

Wine - wine

Linen - canvas

Rum - rum

Tobacco - tobacco

Coffee - coffee

Mahogany - mahogany

Cinnamon - cinnamon

Copra - copra

paprika - paprika

Fruits - fruits

Ale - ale

Silk - silk

Clothes - clothes

Cotton - cotton

Sandal - sandal


Oil - oil

Food - provisions

Weapon - weapon

Gold - gold

Silver - silver

Powder - gunpowder

Brick - bricks

Medicamen - medicines

Cannon_12 - Cannon 12f. (in hold)
Cannon_16 - Cannon 16f.
Cannon_24 - Cannon 24f.
Cannon_32 - Cannon 32f.
Cannon_42 - Cannon 42f.
Culverine_12 - Culverine 12f.
Culverine_16 - Culverine 16f.
Culverine_24 - Culverine 24f.
Culverine_32 - Culverine 32f.

Hack Ammunition.

In the left column we write:
GiveItem2Character(pchar, "xxx") where xxx is:

blade1, blade2, blade3...blade35 - all swords (to get a specific instance, enter blade and for example 27 and in this case we get Morgan's rapier, with the rest as well)

topor1, topor2, topor3 - axes

toporAZ - Macuahuitl, the most powerful weapon in the game

pistol1...pistol6 - firearms

pistol7 - Shotgun, the best firearm in the game (quest)

bullet - bullets

mushket - blunderbuss (current for sale)

questMushket - double-barreled musket (quest)

cirass1...cirass5 - all cuirasses

spyglass1...spyglass5 - spyglasses

suit_1, suit_2, suit_3 - cast-offs, merchant's clothes, nobleman's clothes

potion1 - healing potion

potion2 - elixir

potion3 - antidote

potion4 - potion

potion wine - excellent wine

Hacking team morale and experience.

pchar.ship.Crew.Morale - morale of the team, write the function on the left side, and the current morale as a percentage will appear on the right side, set 100 - the morale will become "Heroic", if we set 1000, we will get an instant recharge

Similarly with experience - on the left side we write a function, on the right we get the value in%, set 100 and we get sea wolves:

pchar.Ship.crew.exp.sailors - sailors experience

pchar.Ship.crew.exp.Cannoners - Cannoners experience

pchar.Ship.crew.exp.soldiers - soldier experience

Hacking amulets, etc.

· GiveItem2Character(pchar, "sculMa1") - White crystal skull

· GiveItem2Character(pchar, "sculMa2") - Pink crystal skull

· GiveItem2Character(pchar, "sculMa3") - Blue crystal skull

Indian5 - Statuette of Koshkoshtli. (+10 stealth)

indian10 - Idol of Chuck Moon. (+20 pistols, +10 hit, -20 stealth)

indian12 - Image of a jaguar warrior. (+10 heavy weapons)

indian14 - Picture of Yakatekuht-li. (+20 Trade, -20 Authority).

indian19 - Statuette of Akkuatsin. (+20 hit, +10 guns, -20 stealth)

indian22 - Atlantean warrior. (+20 defense, +10 light weapons, -10 prestige and luck)

indian15 - Large stone disc. (+10 prestige and defense, -10 luck)

indian18 - An idol of an ancient deity. (+20 navigation, -20 stealth

indian17 - Figurine of a dog. (+10 stealth)

indian11 - Rat god (no rats on the ship)

indian6 - The Disk of Chimalpopoku. (+10 medium weapons)

indian7 - Idol of the Great Mother. (+10 luck)

statue1 - Stone mask (+30 repair).

jewelry8 - Bronze ring (+10 luck)

jewelry9 - Bronze cross (+10 luck)

jewelry15 - Emerald Pendants (+10 Stealth)

Breaking keys.

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "xxx") where xxx is:

Key1 - key for simple lock (simple key)

Key2 - key for ordinary locks of medium complexity (regular key)

Key3 - key for complex locks (complex key)

keyPanama - the key to the chest in the residence of Panama

keyQuestLSC - Diffindur's key (from the chest of the governor-general of Curaçao, Peter Stuevesant)

keyPanama_LSC - admiral's key (lost admiral's key)

keyQuestLSC_Tizer - Tizer Dan's mysterious key allegedly from the mysterious Island (from the chest to the Diffindur ships).

Hack Miscellaneous.

On the left side:

pchar.Ship.HP - GG ship hull;

pchar.Ship.Crew.Quantity - command of the GG ship;

pchar.Ship.SP - sails in percentage of the GG ship;

pchar.chr_ai.charge - GG weapon charges (1.0 one barrel fully charged 2.0 two barrels fully charged) and

pchar.chr_ai.charge_max - maximum charges, the maximum value that can be displayed is 6 (what will happen if set no longer checked);

pchar.model.animation, in the right column, specify "woman" or "man", to select the animation of your hero (useful for women playing, because sometimes the animation goes astray)

On the right side, write the desired value ...

TakeNItems(pchar,"xxx",n) - for a certain number of any item, where n - number (see sp.1) orGiveItem2Character(pchar, "xxx") - for a single instance, where xxx is :

Mineral10 - bag of salt

Mineral2 - lute

potionwine - wine

potion5 - grapes

coins - black pearls

Card hack.

b>GiveItem2Character(pchar, "xxx") where xxx is:

map_normal - normal map

map_LSC - LSC map

map_Pearl - map of pearl crafts

map_beliz - map of Belize

map_santa - map of Santa Catolina

map_jam - map of Jamaica

map_cuba - map of Cuba

map_hisp - map of Hispaniola

map_antigua - Map of Antigua

map_barbados - map of Barbados

map_cayman - map of Cayman

map_Curacao - map of Curacao

map_guad - map of Guadeloupe

map_TORTUGA - map of Tortuga

map_dominica - Map of Dominica

map_martiniqua - Map of Martinique

map_trinidad - Map of Trinidad and Tobago

map_nevis - map of Nevis

map_sm - map of San Martin

map_terks - map of Turks

map_maine_1 - map of the west of Maine

map_maine_2 - map south of Maine

map_panama - map of Panama

map_maracaibo - map of the center of Maine

map_cumana - map of Cumana

map_puerto - Map of Puerto Rico

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Go to the game folder and find the file there engine.ini debugwindow=0, which we change to debugwindow=1.

LAi_SetImmortal(pchar, true)

blade1-blade35- swords, sabers, rapiers...
topor1-topor3- axes
pistol1 - pistol6- pistols
pistol7- shotgun
cirass1 - cirass5- cuirasses
spyglass1 - spyglass5- spyglasses
potion1- healing potion
potion2- elixir
potion3- antidote
bullet- bullets
map_LSC- GPC card
gold- gold

You also need to say that again, each time you don’t need to open the console and drive in cheat codes, everything will load automatically. And this means that if you left an item registered there in the console, then with each transition to a new location or download, these items will be added again and again. Therefore, as soon as you have registered the item you need, then immediately erase it from the console. We go into the game folder and find the file there engine.ini. Then open it and find the line debugwindow=0, which we change to debugwindow=1.

We start, in fact, the game, and already in the game we press the F5 button. The console appears.

We drive the cheat code into the left line, the list of which is attached below:

LAi_SetImmortal(pchar, true)- makes you and your ship invulnerable, but not your officers and their ships
LAi_SetImmortal(pchar, false)- actually disables immortality
GiveItem2Character(pchar, "xxx", #)- the number of items #, and xxx is:

blade1-blade35- swords, sabers, rapiers...
topor1-topor3- axes
toporAZ- macuahuitl, the most powerful melee weapon in the game, and the heaviest
pistol1 - pistol6- pistols
pistol7- shotgun
cirass1 - cirass5- cuirasses
spyglass1 - spyglass5- spyglasses
potion1- healing potion
potion2- elixir
potion3- antidote
indian11- Indian rat god, thanks to which you will completely forget about rats
bullet- bullets
ShipyardsMap- a drawing of a ship that asks you to find the owner of the shipyard
MayorsRing- a wedding ring that asks you to find the governor
UsersJew- a gem that asks you to find the loan shark
map_LSC- GPC card
gold- gold

You also need to say that again, each time you don’t need to open the console and drive in cheat codes, everything will load automatically. And this means that if you left an item registered there in the console, then with each transition to a new location or download, these items will be added again and again. Therefore, as soon as you have registered the item you need, then immediately erase it from the console.

There is an engine.ini file in the game folder. Open it with notepad, and find the line: debugwindow = 0 replace it with: debugwindow = 1 While playing, press the button to bring up the console window. Enter one of the following cheat codes in the left line: LAi_SetImmortal(pchar, true) - makes you and your ship invulnerable, but not your officers and their ships LAi_SetImmortal(pchar, false) - actually disables immortality AddMoneyToCharacter(pchar,<число>) - get the specified count. money GiveItem2Character(pchar, "xxx") or GiveItem2Character(pchar, "xxx",<число>) - get the specified number of items xxx, where xxx is: blade1 - blade35 - swords, sabers, rapiers ... topor1 - topor3 - axes toporAZ - macuahuitl, the most powerful and heaviest melee weapon in the game pistol1 - pistol6 - pistols pistol7 - shotgun cirass1 - cirass5 - cuirasses spyglass1 - spyglass5 - spyglasses potion1 - healing potion potion2 - elixir potion3 - antidote indian11 - Indian rat god, thanks to which you will completely forget about rats bullet - ShipyardsMap bullets - drawing of a ship that asks you to find the shipyard owner MayorsRing - engagement ring a ring that asks you to find the governor UserersJew - a gem that asks you to find the pawnbroker map_LSC - map GPK gold - gold or just open file X:\<папка_с_игрой>\Resource\Ini\texts\russian\ItemsDescribe.txt and select what you need from the descriptions. For example (pchar,"pistol6") Be sure to write in quotation marks! TakeNItems(pchar, "xxx",<число>) - enter the specified number of items where xxx is the name of the item pchar.ship.cannons.type - allows you to put any guns on any ships. after entering the cheat, a number appears in the right column - these are the guns that are already on your ship. You must enter from 1 to 9. 9 - 48 pounder guns (fort guns) 8 - 42 pounder guns. pchar.Ship.Crew.Quantity - the number of your ship's crew, as you enter the cheat, a number will appear in the right column - this is the number of your crew, change it to the desired one. We enter one of the following cheat codes, and a number appears in the right column, change it from 1 to 100: pchar.skill.Leadership - authority pchar.skill.FencingLight - light weapon pchar.skill.Fencing - medium weapon pchar.skill.FencingHeavy - heavy weapons pchar.skill.Pistol - pistols pchar.skill.Fortune - luck pchar.skill.Sneak - stealth pchar.skill.Sailing - navigation pchar.skill.Accuracy - accuracy pchar.skill.Cannons - guns pchar.skill.Grappling - boarding pchar.skill.Defence - defense pchar.skill.Repair - repair pchar.skill.Commerce - trade pchar.rank - your level pchar.Reputation - your reputation pchar.Money - money editable file! In the \Resource\Ini\interfaces\ folder, find the file character_all.ini In it, find the line and two lines below: command = click,event:ExitPerkMenu replace it with the line: command = click,event:AcceptPerk Now in the game in order to to add any perk to yourself or one of your officers, it will be enough just to select the perk from the menu and in the window that appears, click: "Cancel". The selected perk will be added, but the perk counter will decrease by 1. if it was 0, it will become -1. This is a very interesting cheat, a lot of room for experiment: GenerateShip(xx, true) - where in xx enter, for example, 20, a certain number appears on the right side. Then, below, enter the following cheat - pchar.ship.type, then a number will appear again on the right side - this is the number of your ship. After we enter the number from the right column, which appeared when writing the previous cheat. From now on, you have the royal manovar "Soleil Royal". You can also enter other numbers. Just make sure that you don’t have a fort instead of a ship, otherwise you won’t be able to go to sea - you will be thrown out of the game.