Resident evil 4 treasure combination gems. Passage (second option). Ada Wong costumes


Six years have passed since the tragedy in Rakon City. "Umbrel" no longer exists, everything seems to be calm... No matter how it is... Leon, the protagonist of the second part of the game, got a new job, and here is his first serious task: to find the kidnapped daughter of the President of the United States. The thread led to an unknown European country, apparently - to Spain, where a missing girl should be in a lost village.

Walk a little along the path until you reach the crows. These creatures are fraught with many unusual things, ranging from cartridges with grenades, ending with medicinal herbs and caskets of gold. To get to the trophies, you need to shoot the birds. Just remember that after the first shot, the crows will take off and have to be shot down in the air. Try to aim as accurately as possible, ammo is also not infinite.

After a brutal massacre of birds, enter the house and chat with a local resident. He will refuse to make contact and begin to swing an ax. Shoot the weirdo and inspect the body. It doesn't look like a zombie. But kind of weird.

Now you can’t just leave the house, three local residents are waiting outside. You'll have to fight through. Climb to the second floor, pick up the ammo from the table and jump out the window. Having dealt with the enemy, break the barrel next to the cart and run to the bridge. There is no way back, you have to move on.

In a small hut by the road, you can record the game. Next, find the dog that fell into the trap. Release her and get invaluable help in the future. Next to the second signpost you will find red grass, just be careful not to fall into a trap. Also, the road is blocked in several places by stretch marks. Go around them or shoot the explosives to clear the path. There are only a few steps to the village. I don't think what you see will make you happy.

Residents burn the corpse of a policeman in the square, while muttering something under their breath and sweeping the streets. Unfortunately, the collision is still unavoidable, so we will try to get the most out of it.

We act in such a way as to get the maximum amount of money, but I warn you that it will be difficult. First, run through the village to get the attention of the villagers. Then try to exit through the gate next to the tower. A second squad will appear, led by a maniac armed with a chainsaw. Now run to the large house with the fence in the northeast. This will attract a bunch more villagers and a second guy with a chainsaw.

Now you can start wrestling. Barricade the door to buy time. Climb up to the second floor, grab the shotgun from the wall (the ammo is nearby) and break the sideboard glass to get to the grenade. If you have time, you can pick up other things.

Take a place so that you can see the window and the stairs. Gradually, the residents will begin to catch up. Shoot them down with shotgun shots, and when a large crowd gathers, throw a grenade. Everyone who gets hit by the explosion will die. Including maniacs with chainsaws that kill with one hit.

It remains to finish off the survivors, wait for the bell to ring and start collecting trophies. From the inhabitants you will receive a standard set of prizes, from two maniacs - a ruby ​​and 10,000 pesetas. If you can’t do this, then start the battle right on the square. It will be much easier, at least you won’t have to fight maniacs, but the production is much poorer.

Now it's time to start plundering the village. In the house where they held the defense, in addition to the items listed above, you will also find pistol cartridges and baskets, they are located on the first floor. At the eastern wall, find a gem. There are pistol cartridges on the chimney of a neighboring house (you can get there by jumping out of the window).

In the northwestern house you will find herbs (they are on a canopy) and cartridges for a pistol. In one of the small huts is an interesting document. In the southwest corner of the grass. If you knock out the lock on the barn, you will get a lot of useful things. Next to the church is pistol ammo, and on the tower is shotgun ammo.

There is nothing else to do here, so go to the farm. Record your game before jumping into action. There are not so many inhabitants, so methodically go around and clear the area. When you destroy the enemy, you can do looting. By the way, do not forget about chickens, eggs fall out of them.

Read the blue announcement to start the mini-game. There are fifteen medallions hanging in the village that need to be collected. They are displayed on the map, so there shouldn't be any problem finding them. If you shoot at least ten, you will receive a prize.

There is a sump near the typewriter hut. Knock down the board to lower the lid, and then shoot the medallion hanging from the tree. By the way, if you knock down the medallion without lowering the lid, you will get it anyway. Only dirty and therefore cheap.

Search houses for valuables. Then climb to the second floor of the barn, climb out the window and jump down from the very edge of the roof (not where the wheel is spinning). Come into a small office and pick up a precious thing. Push the cabinet to exit and leave the area. Although you can return to the village and collect the eggs that appeared from nowhere. Let me remind you that they also restore life.

After walking a little along the path, you will receive a boulder as a gift that threatens to crush Leon. To avoid this, press the indicated buttons in time. In the tunnel knock down the jewels from the ceiling. Going out to the house, strictly look around.

On the right is a resident who loves to throw dynamite. Another flock of mischievous people sat in the house. They are not scary yet, so do not pay attention. First, run up closer to the dynamite, and when he throws a charge, run back. This will destroy the traps in the small shed. Now shoot the enemy from afar.

To get through the courtyard, you have to shoot a couple of traps. It is easy to deal with the inhabitants in the house. Show your face and run away. The speaker throws a charge "do not understand where" - and kills all colleagues along with him. It remains to shoot the last enemy in the north.

Pick up the grenade from the table and knock down the crow's nest next to the big house. Then go inside. Here you will find cartridges, money and grass (you will have to neutralize the trap). Now open the cabinet and watch the cutscene. Congratulations, you've been caught.

A peaceful awakening was interrupted by a villager with an axe. Press the indicated buttons to dodge the blow. Now you can look around. All things remained in place, for which special thanks. At the same time, buy items from the merchant, you will notice him through the window, he still speaks in a strange voice. The most valuable and necessary purchases: a larger backpack and a rifle, the rest is worth taking depending on the desire and availability of free money.

After that, collect the items in the house (pistol ammo, rifles and green grass) and go to the quarry. There are about a dozen people wandering around. Attract their attention with a shot from a rifle and get a pistol. They will climb in a crowd, so dealing with them will not be a problem. Speakers are more dangerous. But, given their accuracy, colleagues are more likely to suffer than Leon.

Having reached a certain place, you will get a pack of inhabitants who will run out from nowhere. Probably from a parallel universe. However, these are the last opponents, after their destruction, you can start collecting.

In the house you will find shotgun and pistol cartridges, a blinding grenade, the left half of the emblem. In a small outbuilding next to the lift - money, yellow grass, shotgun shells. On the detour - rifle cartridges and the right half of the emblem.

Connect the two halves of the emblem and insert it into the door to go further. Break three barrels before you pass the gate. Inside, search for another barrel and lure the inhabitants who have settled around the corner.

When you reach the end of the corridor, break the barrel and jump out the window. There, in addition to ordinary residents, a couple of dynamites are waiting. Hide behind the container, wait for the explosions, and go collect trophies. Infected thanks to the "accurate" throw of dynamite will destroy themselves. Just don't forget to defuse the traps. Break open three barrels to get some jewelry and pistol ammo, and look at the stoves.

In the next room, find green grass, finish off two inhabitants and break the window. Through it you will get into the room where you will find the Elegant Mask. Go down, deal with the enemy and search the pond. There you will find pistol cartridges, a blinding grenade and money. Also gut the fish in search of valuable and necessary items.

On the street, shoot the crows and destroy the traps. Nearby hang a clock that can be knocked down with two shots. Also nearby will be found three caskets with money.

Visit the house. Here you need to turn the crystal to open the door. First turn up, then left. Take the money, pistol cartridges, key and document in the room. Then open the door and go inside.

Immediately after the beginning of the chapter, go back to the room if you want to watch an interesting scene. Go back, collect items (money, grenade, green grass) and go outside. A couple of residents will be found there, led by a maniac armed with a chainsaw. He will need 6-7 shotgun headshots.

Walk along the path, collecting items along the way (red weed, ammo and a chicken egg) and knocking down tree nests (jewels). Then go to the village. Nothing interesting happens here, if you do not take into account a dozen angry residents who returned from a sermon. Finish them off - pay special attention to the roofs of the houses - and go into the tunnel where the opponents ran away not so long ago.

Pick up clip from the table. In the next room, break the barrel to get to the machine gun ammo and knock down the lamp to get the jewel. Then go down. In the cave, shoot the lamp, and then the objects from the ceiling. Next will be a merchant, and after him - an exit.

Few opponents. Two near the cemetery and several near the church. But hidden things... Explosive and incendiary grenades, rifle cartridges - you will find in the nests on the trees. Crows will drop a lot of money and cartridges for the pistol. Ammunition for the pistol can be found in the boxes that are in the huts

You can shoot the remaining 8 blue medallions to get a legitimate prize - the Punisher pistol - from any merchant. And finally, before moving on, it's worth solving the puzzle. You will find it next to the church, and the correct answer is 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3. The reward is a gem.

The next area is a flock of crows that need to be jammed with a grenade so that they don't have time to fly away. Get a lot of money. Also find cartridges, two jewels and go to the merchant. Make the necessary purchases and claim the blue medallion prize. Move on.

Pick up the ammo and follow the path. Residents will once again roll a huge boulder, so you have to run a little. When the mini-game is over, look for the hidden prize on the cliff and shoot it down.

There are many enemies wandering in the water, so I advise you to try to lure them into a trap. Or just gather a crowd and detonate a grenade. This way you save ammo that you will need later. Already dealt with the enemy? So, it's time to do what the heroes love - looting.

In the huts (there are three in total) you will find cartridges for a shotgun, machine gun and a grenade. The second "lemon" can be found in the water. Be careful when opening the boxes - two of them have snakes inside. You can also get Antique Pipe by shooting down a nest from a tree. It is located next to the hut.

When you reach the lake, first turn right. From the cliff you will see a funny scene, I hope that the monster has eaten and calmed down. Take the red herb and go down. Shoot down the Gold Bangle and collect the Handgun Ammo, Yellow and Green Weed from the hut. Now get on the boat. By the way, you can hunt fish, also a pleasant pastime. Swim to the middle of the lake, get the first boss.

It's easy enough to defeat him. Despite the hooked anchor, the boat can maneuver, which allows you to avoid snags and tail blows. In a minute free from maneuvers, do not forget to throw a harpoon so that the “goldfish” does not become too impudent. Sometimes the creature gets angry and goes on a frontal attack. At such a moment, you need to determine where it will come from, let it get closer and throw the harpoon into its mouth.

If Leon is thrown out of the boat, then press the indicated button as quickly as possible if you want to return alive. When you finish off the monster, you also need to torment the buttons in order to have time to cut the rope. This will end the chapter.

After waking up in the cabin, take the letter from the bed, the pistol cartridges and the grenade from the table. Get back into the boat and swim to the cave with the merchant. Break the barrels below first to collect ammo and money. Then push the box and climb onto the roof.

Carry out a punitive raid on the barrels, in one you will find a gem. Another one can be obtained by shooting at the lantern (you have to run down to pick it up). Then jump into the hut, take the ammo for the rifle and sell the unwanted items to the merchant.

Shoot the villager who is standing on the tower. Collect the pistol ammo and the gem. Now shoot down the boxes and jump to the opposite side. There you will find a lever. Pull it to remove the water, and go to the central passage.

It is worth getting to the middle, as a crowd of residents will come running. Run back and hold the line. The shotgun helps a lot, because the enemy goes in a friendly crowd and dies together. Search the barrels and don't forget to shoot down the Amber Ring that is hanging between the two torches.

Go to the opened passage, take the Round Insignia and climb into the boat, which will take you to the cave to the merchant. Upgrade the shotgun and record the game before moving on. There will be a monster fight.

The local analogue of the troll, despite its impressive size, is a fairly harmless creature. The main thing is not to spin under your feet, so as not to get hit. Considering his movement speed, this is not difficult.

The troll has the following attacks. Kicks with his feet, beats with his hands. Not too dangerous. Can slam his body into the ground. This is serious and should be avoided by all means. He can grab and start breaking bones. At this point, press the indicated buttons to break free.

Also, the troll can throw a stone. You have to dodge by pressing the appropriate keys. Or grab a tree. It takes a couple of accurate shots to get them to quit. And the last - a sharp acceleration with a blow. This is hard to dodge, because you usually have to run away, and there is no way to follow what the monster is doing.

If you saved the dog at the very beginning of the game, then the four-legged friend will help in the battle. It will distract the monster for a while, and you can shoot it in the head with impunity. After the death of the troll, pick up a reward of 15,000 pesetas and search the huts for valuable items. Unless, of course, the giant accidentally destroyed the houses, waving his arms and legs.

Take the money from the table and gut the barrel. Then climb up and jump over to the other side with the help of the chandelier. Here, also search the barrels and go to the remote control. You have to solve a simple puzzle. You need to rotate the three patterns so that they match the central pattern. Answers: turn red twice, blue once, green three times. Combine patterns.

Go to the opened passage. There you will find the president's daughter, who from now on will become a burden and a constant source of headaches. Search the barrels and return to the church. After the cutscene, the next chapter will begin.

Search the barrels in the room and go outside. Shoot the cart and finish off the survivors after the explosion of the inhabitants. Collect the dropped prizes and run into the tunnel. When you reach the house, break the barrels and knock down the lantern to get a stone. Go to the village.

There are about eight inhabitants and a bunch of traps. Keep your eyes open and carefully clear the area. After that, search the village for new items, the most valuable find is a stone on the tower, then go to the farm.

Hide Ashley in the crate and search the shack for new items. Then start destroying the appeared opponents. Pay attention to the large barn, there are especially a lot of items and ammunition. After that, call Ashley and run to the double gate, the girl will help open them.

Before approaching the house, buy new items from the merchant. After the video, the defense of the house will begin, which can be included in the nomination "the ten best gaming moments of the year." While there is time, collect the items that are scattered on the floor. Then you need to shoot the enemy, stubbornly climbing through the windows. Luis will help where he can, but it's best to rely on the shotgun. He definitely won't let you down.

After a while, the Spaniard will rise to the second floor. I advise you to follow him. It's a little harder to defend here. In addition to the stairs, which will become a place of mass death of opponents, you need to watch the windows. Infected residents will try to climb through them. To prevent this from happening, push the stairs. Of course, they will put them up again, but to overturn them again is a matter of a few seconds.

After the death of a certain number of inhabitants, or maybe after the time has elapsed, a signal will sound, and the enemy will retreat without completing the job. They are strange, or maybe the local authorities have plans for Leon? This will end the chapter.

After the battle, collect trophies and remaining items. Go outside, find cartridges for the machine gun and run to the merchant. After the necessary purchases, record the game. Now there is a choice which way to go further. If you pull the lever to the left, the left gate will open; if you pull the lever to the right, the right gate will open. Let's consider both ways.

Left path. This area has a lot of inhabitants, even too many, if you remember what kind of siege you had to endure. First, shoot the cart to make an explosion. Collect the dropped items and turn right, where several opponents are wandering around. Climb the stairs, finish off the villagers and hide Ashley in the container.

Clear the upper level and collect items. Don't jump into the big hole in the middle just yet, there's a nasty surprise waiting for you. First, go down to the small area on the left (you should see a cart) and collect the ammo.

It's time to go down into the hole in the middle. Suddenly, two girls with chainsaws and a few ordinary villagers will jump out. Throw a blinding grenade and take a comfortable position. Now use the shotgun to fight off opponents. The main rule is to keep the lady out of striking distance. You can, on the contrary, climb up and shoot back from there. Only in this case, you will have to finish off two crossbowmen, but, on the other hand, this will have to be done anyway.

After repulsing the attack, pick up trophies, among which there will be a key, open the door and go outside. Move forward by collecting items. You will find especially valuable things in shacks (jewel and grenade).

A crowd of residents is waiting for the next turn, so first hide Ashley in a container. Gather more people and throw an incendiary grenade, then repeat the technique. If you run out of grenades, pick up a shotgun or machine gun. After destroying the enemy, collect trophies, search the barrels and exit through the gate. After calling Ashley, of course.

Right path. For me personally, the right way is much easier. The enemy, though healthy, but only one. At first, everything seems to be calm. But, when you come to the gate, a giant will come running, with whom we have already dealt. The tactics of beating are the same: blinding grenades, shotgun shots to the head, a dashing swoop and knife attacks. Repeat three times.

Search the area for barrels, then talk to the merchant. It's time to move on. When you reach the cable car, climb onto the platform and ride forward. Take out your machine gun and shoot at the inhabitants, who also decided to ride at their leisure.

Once on the other side, search the control room and go down. First go left. Before entering the tunnel, tell Ashley to wait at the turn. There are several residents waiting there, among whom one dynamite hid (he, again, will do most of the work). After fighting off the enemies, go upstairs and pick up the treasure.

Go back and follow the second path. There you will meet another merchant. Buy a grenade launcher from him (I remind you that there are no problems with in cash, read the relevant chapter... and, of course, carefully search the area). Sign up. Now go to the next area and enter the house.

After the cutscene, press the indicated buttons to avoid death. Happened? Then another video. When it ends and the monster confidently walks towards the main character, take out the grenade launcher and make an aimed shot. The lower half of the monster will fall off, it remains to finish off the top.

You can do it differently. Running in circles, throwing grenades, blowing up barrels ... this, in principle, is also not too difficult. But one shot from the RPG-7 is much more reliable, so do not spare money. Only if you don't save money.

The upper half of the monster will briskly climb onto the rafters and start jumping along the beams. If you shoot well, you can have time to shoot down the creature on the approach, when it rushes at Leon. Otherwise, run from end to end of the building, shooting from the machine gun. After defeating the monster, take the money, artificial eye and carefully search the building. There are a lot of ammo and items here. Then exit through the hole in the wall and go to the gate that leads to the castle.

Pick up ammo and finish off the inhabitants who are guarding on the road. It is worth moving forward, as you will hear the approach of the car. Shoot the driver or blow up the engine to avoid getting hit by the wheels. Climb up, turn around and deal with the crowd of inhabitants. It was possible to run away, but trophies are not superfluous. It remains to clean the barrels and move to the castle.

The cutscene will start soon, which means that the second chapter has come to an end.

The chapter starts surprisingly peacefully. No enemies. Therefore, start collecting cartridges and search the barrels, do not miss the chest with money. Then hand over the stolen goods to the merchant and buy a new shotgun with a rifle. It is also desirable to get a backpack more spacious.

Then go up the stairs. When you reach the basket, grab some rifle ammo and shoot the two monks. Move on. After the cutscene, wait for the explosions to die down, and run to the left, and then down. There, search the barrels and go into the corridor. By the way, Ashley should be with you, because the monks will be coming soon.

As you go up the stairs, look up. On the roof you will see the first catapult. Shoot at the fuel barrel and move on. Because of the loophole (it is next to the exit to the roof), blow up the barrel at the second catapult. Now shoot the fellow monk in the cabin.

Wait a little. Soon there will be two monks who will come from the rear. After dealing with them, run into the house and wait out the explosions. From the house, blow up the barrel at the third catapult. There is very little left. Leave Ashley in the house, and slowly move forward, constantly looking to the right. There will be a fourth catapult, near which stands a lone fanatic. It can be shot down without getting into the fire zone. A convenient place is a battlement wall at a small passage.

Use the lever to raise the cannon. One shot and the gate will shatter into pieces. Return for Ashley, explore the surroundings around the house, among other things, find the Gold Bangle and go into the resulting passage.

Inside the castle, remove the platinum sword from the wall and go upstairs. Finish off the monks and pick up the golden sword. In response to such rudeness, a detachment of clergy will rush in. Return to the stairs and stop their attempts to break through to the top. Collect the items and insert the platinum sword in place of the gold one, and the gold sword in place of the platinum one.

Meet Luis in the next area. Still a strange person. Go through the next door and lure out the monks. Then go into the room and finish off the surviving enemies, including the crossbowman. A little further you will meet two shield bearers. Poke neat holes in the shields to get to the torso of the infected zealots.

When you pick up the key from the chest, a crowd of monks will come running. Blow up the barrel and retreat. Find a place where it will be convenient to hold the defense, and get a shotgun. After clearing the area, move forward. Soon you will meet with the owner of the castle, who, having stammered a prepared speech, will block the path and move away.

There is nothing left but to move around, but before that, search the barrels and knock down the gem above the archway. Go to the door on the right. Inspect the dining room, collect items (a picture of the main reptile, 5000 pesetas will pleasantly surprise you), read the document, look pointedly at the fire, grab the prison key and go down to the cells.

Leave Ashley on the stairs, and search the casemates yourself. Shoot the shotgun shells off the wall and go into the chamber with the strange statue. As soon as you get close, a creature with huge claws will jump out. In spite of scary look, the monster sees almost nothing. Therefore, if you disappear from view for a few seconds, he will lose Leon and begin to wander in search of a victim.

Each bell is designed for two encounters with a monster. Therefore, you need to keep within four calls, otherwise you will have to endure a painful meeting with the claws and suffer from a lack of a first-aid kit in the future. After defeating the monster, pick up the money and pull the lever in the chamber to turn off the fire.

Go back. Infected comrades are already waiting in the dining room. Hidden among the monks were several crossbowmen and a dynamite. Shoot down the dynamite with a shot, and the number of opponents will be drastically reduced. You can also shoot at the lamp to set it on fire.

There is an incredible amount of fanatics in the next room. Without moving, get a shotgun and start shooting. You can run from corner to corner, but if you keep the situation under control and vigilantly look around, this is clearly superfluous. Only leave Ashley alone is not worth it, because the monks sometimes jump from the top floor.

When you finish off the enemy, stand on one plate in the room, and put Ashley on the other. After that, a detachment of monks will come running. Lure them into the room and kill them one by one. Then go to the appeared pedestal and make the girl rotate the lever.

The ladder will go down. Go to the next part of the hall, collect the ammo and reload the rifle. Now there is an intense battle ahead. Climb Ashley up to the ledge so she can reach the lever. Then run to the platform near the water and get a rifle.

You need to cover the girl while she turns the two levers. There are not many monks, but you need to shoot quickly and accurately. They will try to drag Ashley away, so don't worry about the girl's health - if they grab you, you can always beat them off. Also don't forget to switch to your shotgun and shoot back at the fanatics who try to get to Leon, or use grenades to save time. They help out great.

When the platforms rise, help Ashley jump down and run to the exit. There are no enemies in the next room yet. You can take a break, besides, a merchant stopped nearby, if you want, buy the necessary items. Also do not forget to knock the gem off the sculpture, if you wish, you can play a mini-game.

When you have made the necessary preparations, run down the corridor next to the regular merchant. You fool, where did you run? However, as in the saying - "a woman with a cart, it's easier for a mare." For now, all you have to worry about is yourself.

Maybe Leon was mourning the loss of Ashley. Maybe he's right. But it has become much easier to play, there is no longer a burden and a potential source of problems. Turn right and enter the sewers. There live vicious insects the size of a ram. Their approach can be determined by the characteristic sound. But to see the monsters is difficult, they are able to become invisible. True, not quite: if you look closely, you will see a slight distortion in the air.

The first creature will run out of the corner. Shoot it down with a shotgun, then finish it off with a grenade. Two beetles live in a water hole. Retreat into the corridor and hold the defense. Then you will fall into a dungeon, where four monsters are already running. The farther into the forest, the angrier the partisans.

Then go up to the control room and turn the lever to dump the water. Don't forget to pick up the Butterfly Lamp. The path is clear and you can move on. When you pass through the doorway, an insect will fall from above. Be prepared and keep your shotgun at the ready. Don't forget to pick up Velvet Blue near the broken grate.

In the next corridor, swinging knives are waiting to get past them, look at the shadow, it is easier to navigate along it. Passing the third and fourth "rocking chair", note that they move together, so you have to run even faster.

You will go out into the room where the merchant was (he did not disappear anywhere, he just moved to the landing). Below you will see a bunch of monks who are holding some kind of ceremony. Each of them has saved a jewel, and the leader will share a valuable pendant. But, if they see Leon, they will immediately rush to retreat. Therefore, you need to kill everyone at once and quickly go down until the trophies disappear. First throw a blinding grenade, and then a regular one.

It remains to find a way down. On the chandelier, jump over to the other side. Then go back on the other chandelier. Pick up the Elegant Mask and pull the lever to open the passage. Go down and collect trophies. Return to the merchant and hand over the stolen goods.

In the next room, there will be a battle with the monks. They are led by a leader in a red hoodie. When you deal with the enemy, he will hasten to get away. We'll have to catch up with him, kill a pack of monks and again give chase. This mess will end when he sits down at the machine gun in the center of the room. Get behind cover and get your rifle. Wait for the machine gun to stop firing. You have a few seconds while it recharges. Remove the leader from cover with a headshot. Take the key from the body and go to the next room.

To get out of this room, you need to switch the paintings so that there are six corpses. The combination is simple - 2, 1, 4, 3. The owner of the castle is waiting in the next room. After a ridiculous conversation, the dwarf will hide, leaving a bunch of monks. A lot of people is a good target for a grenade. Much more dangerous are the crossbowmen on the second floor and the dynamites, they can spoil the nerves, especially if you do not pay attention to them in time.

After dealing with the monks, flip the two switches to open the door and extend the bridge to the chest with the Goat Ornament. Next will be a peaceful area. First, you can shoot the crows in the passage, they sit on the windows, hiding boxes of gold in themselves. On the roof of the castle, the birds are located on the fountain, which hides many precious stones. Note the closed door. You need to return here when you find Ashley.

Then go to the labyrinth garden. There are a bunch of monster dogs that love to jump around the corner and bite painfully. It is usually impossible to predict where they will appear from, so keep a shotgun ready. To get out of here, you need to find two halves of the Blue Moonstone, which will unlock the door. They lie near small fountains.

When you go up to the bedroom, you will meet Ada for the second time. After a short conversation, the girl will disappear in an unknown direction, leaving Leon in bitter loneliness.

Although Leon is abandoned by everyone, we are not upset. One is also very unhappy, so happily search the room for ammo and money. Don't forget to check the crate next to the merchant for a Mirror with Pearls and Rubies. After the trade and health course, go to the dining room.

Collect everything that is bad, go to the counter and press the bell. A painting will appear, shoot it with a pistol to open the door. But, before you go into the opened passage, run to the room next to the roof. There are many boxes that require a search, just remember that one contains a snake.

Return back and iditol into the opened door. After the cutscene, run out of the cage and start killing the monks, then deal with the monster with long claws. Be careful not to get confused and don't let yourself be surrounded. Then collect all the items, including the hourglass from the chest.

Break the jug to get to the rifle ammo. Then start shooting monks. After successfully completing the task, jump down and pull the lever. Climb back up the stairs. Immediately take out the shotgun and finish off the two cultists. Then turn around towards the bridge that appears and shoot a couple more monks.

Cross the bridge and go down the stairs. The exhibition is a grenade launcher and a bunch of grenades with cartridges. If you can not carry away at once, leave for the future. You can still come back here, but the grenade launcher will not be needed for a long time.

Go to the merchant, sell junk and buy the necessary items. The backpack should be free, so return to the exhibition for the grenade launcher. To finish the chapter, go out into the hall and watch the cutscene. Damn it, quick it, only lasted half the game.

Before saving Ashley, run around the hall and collect items. Now take out the rifle and shoot the chains. The monks seemed to be waiting for a prearranged signal and rushed into the room. First there will be ordinary opponents. Then crossbowmen and a leader in a bloody cloak will appear. Until you kill the leader, the girl will not be able to get out of the room, because he has the key to the door. And until the girl picks up the key, new opponents will constantly run out.

Rescuing the girl will turn into the need to play ... for her. Without weapons. You have to rely on the agility and speed of the legs. Take a breath and pick up the gem, yellow grass. In general, they ran as fast as they could.

A monk is already waiting in the next room. He can be killed by throwing three lamps with oil (iron calculation - no more), which are hung on the walls. Thank God that there is only one clergyman, otherwise it would have been difficult. If Ashley is grabbed, press the indicated button to escape from the hug.

After finishing off the first monk, collect the items and pull the lever to get into the next room. Take on the second enemy, then take the loot. It remains to raise the gate, to do this, turn the valve and leave the room.

Search the area for ammo, money, and weed. Then go into the room with the raised bars. Crawl under the table, press the red switch and pick up the Stone Tablet. Then pull the next switch. Finally move the shelf and pull the last switch to get to the back door.

You will enter a room with knightly armor. To unlock the entrance, you need to solve a simple puzzle. Mentally number the field in this way: 1 - upper left corner, 9 - lower right. The combination is as follows - 6, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 8, 9, 6, 5, 2, 1, 4, 7, 8, 5, 6, 9. After that, insert the found plate and move on.

In the room, pick up the gold bracelet, jewel, Salazar Family Insignia and Serpent Ornament. When you take the last item, the armor will begin to come to life and wave healthy swords. Run from there, dodging the attacks of the knights along the way (you need to press the indicated buttons). Insert the Salazar Family Insignia to open the door, it's the only one you can't miss, and go up the stairs. The chapter is over, Ashley is back with Leon.

Before moving on, return to the rooftop and use Ashley to open the locked door. There you will find red weed, Elegant Perfume Bottle and the great terrible Broken Butterfly. After that, return to the room where the chapter started and go through the double doors.

Step into the room opposite the corridor (for this you will have to ride on a strange cart). When you find yourself inside the hall filled with lava, take out your rifle and shoot the monk who controls the stone dragon. After passing the rotating room, beat off the attack of eight monks and move forward.

More stone dragons will appear. Dodge the flames and knock down the shooters. When the last one dies, you can pick up the Lion Ornament. Now that you have three ornaments, you can remove the wall that appeared at the very beginning of the chapter. Go back to the hall, remembering to grab the pendant from the chest.

Run left. There will be a cart that will bring you almost to the very beginning of the map. Insert the found ornaments into the fresco. The wall will move smoothly to the side, now you can go through. Before moving on, run to the balcony where the owner of the castle spoke, take the money behind the painting and search the vase.

In the next room, visit the merchant, and then run to the right. Here you need to put two statues on stone tablets. Place Leon and Ashley on other tiles. The door will open. Salazar is waiting in the hall, who will soon wash out of there, leaving you alone with the descending ceiling. In order not to get on the stakes, shoot at the four red stones on the ceiling.

Run after the owner of the castle. Ashley will fall into a trap in the hallway. You need to shoot the monks with a rifle until the drill machine smeared the girl on the grate. Act quickly - time is short. Collect ammo and money, don't forget Queen's Grail and Elegant Chessboard, kick the door and leave the room.

Go to the next room. A shock detachment of knights lurked there. Lure them closer and throw a grenade into the crowd, and then finish off with a shotgun (blinding grenades also work well). Here you will find King's Grail.

Finally, another detachment will be found at the exit. The distance is great, and you can shoot them with a rifle. Before moving on, collect the jewels from the statue. Then place the King's Grail and Queen's Grail on the stands to unlock the door.

To go further, you need to get out the window and climb to the roof. Take the ammo from the boxes and jump down. When you pass by an incomprehensible nest, Ashley will be dragged away by a flying bug. But a dozen others decide to come to grips with Leon. Shoot them down with a shotgun and collect the crystals. Now you can do the hive. To destroy it, you will have to spend about 50 pistol rounds. But you will get so much jewelry that you don’t have to worry about the financial situation.

Then pull the lever and shoot off the rings that prevent the bridge from lowering. In the next room, sell the junk to the merchant and be sure to buy a grenade launcher. Although, if you did not spend the one found in chapter 3-3, and there was nowhere to spend it, this is not necessary. Get outside.

Run across the bridge. When the catapults start firing, I advise you to speed up. Turn left on the stairs and finish off the monk. Search the barrels, shoot the monks behind the catapults and enter the tower.

Come out of the tower and be ready to greet a squad of fanatics. Throw a grenade, they'll love it. Remove the gold bracelet from the leader's body and enter the tower. Inside the hall, in addition to the clergy, there is a creature with long claws. Shoot from a grenade launcher to get rid of a dangerous monster. Then finish off the monks and collect items.

Enter the hall and after the video, press the indicated buttons so as not to break to death. Once in the pit, collect ammo, grenades, yellow grass and Crown from the corpses. Buy a grenade launcher from the merchant and go up the stairs.

Run down the corridor and collect items. Do not pay attention to the disturbing video, they only scare you. In the next area, run straight down the corridor until the critter appears. You can’t engage her yet, so keep rushing forward - I beg you, don’t turn anywhere - remembering to dodge blows.

Once in the room, pull the lever and go to the door. Press the button... That's what you are - a personal bodyguard of a dwarf. The usual way to not kill him, you need to act cunningly. Run to one of the nitrogen tanks and when the monster comes close, push the tank to freeze the enemy. Run away and hit with a grenade launcher. The bodyguard will crumble into small pieces, leaving behind the Crown Jewel.

Pick up a stone, go around the rooms and collect items. Then get into the elevator and go upstairs. This long chapter (although a sub-chapter, to be precise) will end.

Pick up the green grass, search the barrels and exit through the door. In the tunnel, pick up another green herb, ammo, and Velvet Blue. Look who's working in the cave! Good old (albeit fairly strengthened) peasants. I've already missed these idiots. Take out a pretty dusty pistol and start doing your usual thing. After that, collect trophies and search the cave.

Then pull the switch at the bottom. The trolley will roll. Run upstairs and use another switch. A crowd will come running, led by another maniac with a chainsaw. Hide in some corner and fight back with a shotgun. Use the switch at the bottom again to lower the cart. Take the dynamite from it and lay it under the boulder. You will have some time to run back to a safe distance. Prepare the Magnum before entering the next room.

Collect ammo, grenades and go to the double doors. From there, two giant monsters will jump out. Run to the platform and climb up. When it starts to swing, get down on the rope. Grab the lever - wait for one of the giants to stand in the center of the circle - and open the shutter. The feat of the Terminator is repeated.

This cave is inhabited by many beetles - flying and running. They will attack in groups of three or four. Keep your shotgun ready and keep your eyes peeled for creatures and objects. You need to pull the two levers that you will find in the “sleeves” of the tunnels in order to go further. Before you leave the cave, take the Royal Insignia from the grave.

Break three kegs and sell unnecessary items to the merchant. Now inspect the area: peasants are hiding in the ruins. Two are standing at the entrance, the rest are warming themselves by the fire. If you manage to get close unnoticed, then you can finish off the entire squad with one grenade. After getting rid of opponents, carefully search the area. There are many valuable items in secluded corners. When you're done, enter the house through the window and drop down to the basement.

Having reached the cave, start luring the inhabitants one at a time. Then take out the rifle and finish off the man with the chainsaw on the second floor. Now search the area, and in one of the graves you will find the Staff of Royalty. Climb into the building on the stairs. There is a second chainsaw lover on the first floor, so it's best not to disturb him.

Pick up the yellow herb from the barrel and take out the shotgun. About 30 residents will come to visit soon. They will mostly climb through the window, so knock down the ladder in a timely manner and do not forget to throw grenades.

Search the barrels and climb into the cart. Shoot the lever to get going. I advise you to sit in the last cart. Soon the inhabitants will start jumping from above. You can shoot them down before they jump. Or vice versa - wait for them to climb inside in order to collect trophies after death. But most importantly - do not forget to dodge obstacles by pressing the indicated keys.

After going about half way, the cart will stop. After that, a considerable number of residents and one maniac with a chainsaw will land on you. Grenades and a shotgun will grind all the problems to powder. After dealing with the enemies, collect trophies and fire on the lever to go further.

The rest of the way will be disturbed by the inhabitants, plus a “sawmill” will jump into the cart. Try to deal with them quickly, because soon the cart will fall into the abyss, and you will have to jump, pressing the indicated keys in time. Once on the other side, pick up the Stone of Sacrifice and go up the stairs. Insert the found stone into the statue and go inside.

It will be quiet at first. Suspiciously quiet. After reaching the statue, go along the path. Damn it, the statue is twitching its arms! After shooting the cultists, climb the stairs. There are several monks here, perhaps without a shotgun they can not cope. Having caught a good moment, jump on your hand and, having risen up, jump to the right. Having dealt with the enemy, pull the lever and go back.

Go to the ledge near the statue and shoot the switch on the back. From there, jump to the platform, collect the ammo and search the vase. Then another fight with the monks, you can throw them down to deal with later. On your hand, go down to the level below and jump to the platform.

The leader of the cult wanders downstairs. Lure him with a shot and throw him down the stairs until he dies from bruises. Then go down, through the grate finish off the fallen opponents and pull the lever. After fighting off four monks, run out onto the path...

I knew I couldn't trust the giant stone dwarfs! The statue came to life. To avoid death from an indecently sized leg, press the indicated buttons. When you reach the door, quickly go outside. Again, a tense sprint, a dashing jump across the abyss - and the statue flies into the abyss.

After the next scene with the dwarf, you have to make your way to the tower, the road to it is difficult. Grab the yellow weed from the crate and go upstairs. From falling barrels, you can hide in small branches to the right and left. Having reached the flooring of wooden boards, run to the stairs, climb up and pull the switch to crush the monks with barrels. Although someone will surely survive, and will have to finish it off on their own. Don't forget about the leader of the cultists, who hid a lot of money in the pockets of his hoodie.

Return to the elevator and push the boxes. Now start the lift. When the elevator starts, take out the shotgun and fight off the jumping monks. Certain problems crossbowmen will deliver, but, fortunately, you can just drive through them. In general, this is a rather difficult fight, so keep an eye on the amount of ammo and don't be lazy to use grenades.

When you get to the very top, heal your wounds, be sure to buy a grenade launcher and reload Broken Butterfly. Also mandatory. The evil dwarf, the damned Salazar, the headache from chapter 3-1, will now taste the lead in full.

If you have a grenade launcher, it will not be difficult to deal with the monster. First shot from Broken Butterfly in the eye. The altered body of the dwarf will appear. An accurate hit from a grenade launcher - and you can take out the monster, the comrade is completely baked.

If there is no grenade launcher, then alternate attacks: eye, dwarf, shot at the tentacle - again the eye. And so on. After winning, collect the money (Salazar will leave 50,000 pesetas), search the upper and lower levels for items and exit the room. Take the ammo from the boxes and go up the elevator. The merchant has significantly expanded its assortment, so take a closer look at the goods, make the necessary purchases and improvements.

Then go through the door to meet Ada and move to the island. The game is nearing completion, but the main surprises are ahead. We are waiting for old friends, references to previous parts and much more.

Game release date Resident Evil 4: Ultimate HD Edition- February 27, 2014.

Developer: CAPCOM. Publisher: CAPCOM.

System requirements
Resident Evil 4 HD / Biohazard 4

Characteristic Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz
AMD Athlon X2 2.8 GHz
Intel Core 2 Quad 2.7 GHz
AMD Phenom II X4 3 GHz
video card NVIDIA GeForce 8800GTS
ATI Radeon™ HD 4850
DirectX 9.0c
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560
DirectX 9.0c
15 GB 15 GB
Operating system Windows 32-bit: XP / 7 / 8.1 Windows 64-bit: 7 / 8.1

Resident Evil 4. Game 2014

We play as Leon Kennedy, a young employee of an organization dedicated to the protection of the first persons of the state. We are sent to a remote province in Spain to find Ashley, the kidnapped daughter of the President of the United States.

Upon arrival at the place, it turns out that all the locals are infected with a strange disease. The disease turns people into some new kind of zombie. The Umbrella Corporation has long been destroyed, but now a completely new biological threat of unknown origin has emerged. Our task is to survive this nightmare and get Ashley out of here.

Resident Evil 4 How to play

During the game, events sometimes occur during which we need to press the buttons indicated on the screen (QTE actions). But the problem is that the keys for the PlayStation 2 console, on which the game first appeared, are indicated on the screen. In the PC version of Resident Evil 4, you need to press completely different keys. Above, in parentheses, the meaning of the keys of the PlayStation 2 gamepad is indicated, and behind the brackets are the corresponding keys on the computer keyboard.

Weapon change
Resident Evil 4 Weapons

In Resident Evil 4, you cannot switch weapons with keyboard shortcuts. To change weapons, go to the inventory, select the desired gun or grenade, select the "Take" item. The item in Leon's hands is marked with an "E" on the item in the inventory.

Mixing Herbs
Resident Evil 4. Herbs, health

On the way, we will very often find healing herbs of three different colors. But if you eat the grass raw, it will do little to our health. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you need to mix various herbs with each other and use the resulting mixture. All herbal blend recipes are listed below.

Point damage system for enemies
Resident Evil 4 Enemies

Resident Evil 4 uses technology that calculates exactly which part of the enemy's body you hit. Each type of hit has its own effect.

TargetHit effect
HeadshotIncreased damage, the enemy covers his face for a while and is inactive. At this point, you can come up and kick
Shot in the handEnemy drops a weapon if it was in that hand
Shot in the shoulderThe enemy is thrown back and turns a little to the side, from this he lingers for a while
Shot in the bodyNormal damage. If you fire a gun, the enemy will fly far back
Shot in the legThe enemy falls to his knees, after a while rises again. At this point, you can come up and kick
Shot in the footThe enemy falls completely to the ground. At this point, you can approach and finish him off with a knife. If the enemy is close to a cliff, then after hitting the leg, he will fall down the cliff

Trade, precious things
Resident Evil 4 Merchants

In the fourth part of the Resident Evil game series, they made a small innovation - they added trade and a monetary system. Now, for killing enemies, we get not only herbs and cartridges, but also money.

In the secrets you can find especially valuable items. Not all items should be immediately sold in the store. Some items can be improved by inserting gems into them. In this way, you can earn much larger amounts of money.

Collected coins can be spent on traveling merchants. You can buy new types of weapons, medical sprays, more spacious cases and additional body kits for weapons from them. For money, you can improve the characteristics of your weapons. There are no cartridges for sale, so you still have to save them.

Walkthrough text
Resident Evil 4. Text

This walkthrough text Resident Evil 4 has information about all game items, including story items, jewelry, and weapon upgrades. The box contains optional actions: collecting bonuses, additional tasks.

Herbs and other things to increase health are highlighted in green.

Rounds and ammunition are highlighted in red.

Hidden gems are highlighted in gray, for which you can get a lot of coins.

Important game objects are highlighted in bold: merchants, typewriters, new types of weapons, things necessary for the plot.

The frame highlights the location of the secrets for which you get achievements in the game. Performing the actions highlighted by the frame is not necessary for the story passage of the game.

Passing levels. Chapter 1

Chapter 1-1
Resident Evil 4 Chapter 1-1

House by the bridge

Local police took us to the first house near the village of Pueblo. We get in touch with our dispatcher girl Ingrid Hannigan. We get the task, then we go on foot through the dried forest.

We enter the house. Inside we see a single person, he looks healthy, but behaves like a zombie. We kill him before he hits us with an ax. Outside enter three more peasants with axes. We rise to the second floor, take on the table ammo for pistol, jump out the window.

On the street we shoot three enemies. It is better to save ammo and not waste it on such simple enemies. We look around and see that the truck blocking the way forward has now driven off. We go further along the path.

Behind the fence in the barn on the right, you can save. To save in Resident game Evil 4 in use typewriter. We hit the boxes standing on the shelves with a knife to find something valuable.

Further to the right of the road we see a dog caught in a trap. We free her to get her help in the future. And now this is just a warning for us - look carefully under your feet, as there are still many traps ahead. From the dog we go to the far right corner, surrounded by a fence, there we find red grass.

Ahead we see two streamers with explosives. We pass in the center between the stretch marks, but we go closer to the right pillar so as not to fall into the trap on the left. We kill another farmer. We go into the barn on the left, we find green grass and some money. Then we meet two more enemies.

We cross the bridge. In the shed on the left behind the wall, the enemy hid, so we enter carefully. Having collected things, we go forward, we open the metal gates.

We have almost reached the village. You can use binoculars to see what's going on in the village. Local residents burned a policeman at the stake. To remove the binoculars, press the "right Ctrl".

It is better to go along a small path on the left, so as not to fall into the eyes of the locals ahead of time. On the way to the left fence we will find green grass. We enter the second house, inside we destroy the barrel and boxes, we find money, cartridges and incendiary grenade. We jump out of the window of the house, near a woman with a pitchfork we find green grass. We begin to kill the encountered enemies.

We pass to the south side of the village, inspect everything around. Behind the stall with the cow we find yellow grass, next to the cart we find red grass. At the neighboring house behind the far wall behind the tarpaulin we find green grass.

We go to the square in the center of the village. When we finish the first group of enemies, another group will appear. We see a large two-story house. If you enter the house without killing all the enemies, then an enemy with a chainsaw will appear on the roof (we will get 10,000 coins for defeating him). If we come in later, we will avoid this dangerous meeting. Inside the house we take cartridges, and on the second floor we find a new weapon - a shotgun. Next, with the help of a knife, we break the glass in the closet, pick up a combat grenade. We take on the bed shotgun ammo.

We jump out the right window, we find ourselves on the roof. We approach the chimney pipe, take the cartridges. We go around the second floor around, on the other side of the roof we find a gem spinel.

We go around all the other houses, collect money and cartridges. Doors with a dragonfly-like symbol cannot be opened yet. Focusing on the map (key "M") we go to the northeast corner. Before leaving, we go into the house on the right, we find documents and our photographs on the wall. It turns out that the residents were warned about our appearance. We enter the iron gate.

In the next location, we enter the barn on the left, use the typewriter to save.

Behind the dog booth we find a combat grenade. We enter a two-story barn, shoot the enemies.

After collecting all the bonuses, we go to the southeast door.

We walk along the path, suddenly a large stone boulder is thrown at us. We quickly run forward (we often press the "Enter" button), at the end of the path we jump to the side (if the inscription "5 + 6" appears, then we press the left and right "shift" at the same time; if the inscription is "1 + 3", press "right Ctrl " and "Enter").

We enter the tunnel. We shoot at the shiny jewels on the ceiling of the tunnel, we select two spinels. We go out into the yard.

Ahead is a dilapidated house, all its doors and windows are boarded up, and several enemies are sitting inside, throwing dynamite. We take aim, wait for the farmer to get ready to throw dynamite, at this moment we shoot at the enemy, he will drop explosives and blow up everyone inside.

In the shed on the left we see stretch marks, we shoot at them from afar. There are several traps in the yard, they can also be neutralized if you shoot at the center of the trap.

You can still enter the boarded-up house, but for this you need to go around it and climb through the window on the southeast wall.

We enter the distant house, use the third typewriter. We collect bonuses in boxes and on tables. We pass into the back room, we see a closet in which some person is locked. We open this closet, we find a stranger. Outside, enemies burst in and stun us.

Chapter 1-2
Resident Evil 4 HD Ultimate Edition. Chapter 1-2

We regain consciousness, we communicate with a man named Luis Sera, we learn about the location of the hostage. We dodge the blow of the ax in time (we press the keys shown on the screen). Inside the house we take cartridges from the shelf, there is a typewriter at the exit.

We leave the house, go around it around on the left side. We meet a merchant behind the house. In his store, you can sell unnecessary jewelry (we don’t sell Birshtein yet, it can still be improved) and buy more practical things: cartridges, first-aid kits, new types of weapons. It is better to spend money on improving the power of the pistol and shotgun.

We open the metal door, we enter the quarry. Here, a dozen residents from all over the area come running to us at once. We are on a small hill a good place, we stay here and shoot back from the approaching peasants. Exploders will throw dynamite, but will not be able to throw it on high ground, so the explosions will only kill our enemies, not us.

Having dealt with the attackers, we go down and go into the house on the left. Inside we take cartridges, we finish off two enemies. In the second room we go up the stairs, on the roof in the chest we find emblem (left side).

We enter the second house, collect bonuses there. At this time, a crowd of peasants will go behind us. We go outside, climb to the roof of the house, from here we shoot back from enemies. If the enemies start climbing the ladder, at this time you can push the ladder and knock the enemies back down. It is better to throw a grenade into the crowd so as not to waste precious ammo.

Cross the bridge to the other side of the quarry. There we find rifle cartridges, as well as a chest inside which emblem (right side).

We approach the locked metal door. In the inventory menu, combine the two parts of the emblem, then use the resulting hexagonal emblem.

We destroy barrels in dead ends on the left and right, we find coins. We enter the door in the center, inside we enter the right door. We kill three enemies. At the end of the corridor, we jump through the window into the next room of the warehouse.

We see serious fortifications in the room: on the way there are two waist-high walls, a lot of traps are laid out on the floor, and from an ambush two peasants throw sticks of dynamite. We follow the dynamites, shoot them in the hand when they set fire to the dynamite and are about to throw it. One precise hit, and the enemies themselves will die from the explosion. We clear the traps on the floor by shooting from a pistol at their center. We destroy the barrels, collect the trophy. On the right we open the doors of the furnace, inside we find spinel stone. We go to the next room.

The next room is the basement. We kill a couple of enemies, go down. From the metal platform we jump to the left, in the water we find ammo, blinding grenade and coins. In the water, you can try to hit a fish with a knife to get some other useful thing.

From the platform we climb up the stairs to the surface.

Leader's House

We get out of the well. Ahead we see a barrier of stretch marks and several traps. We shoot explosives from afar, the birds will die from the explosion, we collect bonuses that have fallen out of them.

In the house nearby we find cartridges and coins. Climbing the hill, we enter a two-story house.

Inside the house on the door we see a small puzzle. We turn the crystal first "up", then "left". In the room we examine the cabinet, the drawer of the table, we find cartridges and money. We find a document on the bed, take the sign key from the nightstand. We go to the next room.

Chapter 1-3
BioHazard 4. Chapter 1-3

Leader's House

On the lower floor we collect useful items. In the toilet under the stairs we kill the only enemy. In the back room we find money and cartridges. In the kitchen in the oven we find an egg.

On the street, we are attacked by a maniac with a chainsaw and several ordinary peasants. Shooting with a pistol, the maniac cannot be stopped. And he can kill us with one blow of a chainsaw. We immediately switch to the shotgun and shoot the maniac in the face as soon as he comes closer. Five or six shotgun blasts and the enemy is down.

We go down the path. We knock down the nest from the tree, we select the fallen spinel. In the shed on the left we find red grass. We meet four more enemies at the gate. You can throw one grenade at them and get out of here.

We return to the village through the southern gate. We kill the newly appeared enemies. If everything was collected last time, then there is nothing more to do here. Immediately go to the house in the east, use the key of the sign to open the door with the dragonfly symbol.

underground tunnel

Inside the house we take pistol cartridges and rifle cartridges, use a typewriter to save.

In the next narrow room, we shoot at the lamp under the ceiling, we select the fallen spinel. Open the hatch in the floor and jump down.

Under the ground through the tunnel we reach the cave. Shoot at the shiny dots on the ceiling to get gems.


From the crypt we go to the cemetery. Here we kill one enemy in the field, another one in the house on the right. Also, in the house on the right there are two boxes of ammo. In the cemetery, we shoot at nests and flying crows.

Near the church we fight with several more enemies. The front door is closed. We go around the temple around, behind we find a puzzle.

Leon himself jumps over the fault, by pressing the "Enter" key. In the house on the left we find documents about the location of the key, we find cartridges on the side shelves, and a snake is hidden in a box on the table, if we open it, we must immediately strike with a knife.

round arena

We enter and see a large flock of crows on the ground. To kill all of them at once, you need to spend a combat grenade. For this we get several thousand coins and one grenade. In the first house we find cartridges and spinel, in the third house - cartridges, in the cart in the north of the arena - spinel.

The big door is closed, so we go along the right path. We go down and go into the south door. Inside we destroy the barrels, we find cartridges in them. We approach the merchant in the real store. When we buy, you can save on a typewriter. We return upward, we go into the door in the east.

We go down the path, and at this time the locals again throw off a huge stone boulder on us. We run fast, we jump aside in time. Having run away from the stone, we turn back, shoot at the ceiling of the stone cliff, pick up the spinel.

Here you can walk on wooden decks and on the water. On the way there are a lot of stretch marks with explosives, and a lot of enemies. You can walk in circles along different paths so that enemies fall into traps. In small houses we collect cartridges. In the second and third houses, a snake will be hidden in a box, immediately hit it with a knife, we get a brown egg. One grenade lies north of the first wooden bridge, the second grenade lies on a bench on the second part of the bridge.

We go to the left on a high cliff, we watch a small video. In the corner we find red grass. We go down the tropic.

In the first house we take yellow grass and cartridges, in the second house we take green grass and use a typewriter. We sit in a motor boat. On the coast, you can shoot fish, and then swim up and collect the catch. Fish can be used to replenish health. After that, we swim to the middle of the lake.

Boss: Del Lago

A huge monster emerges from under the water, we cling to it with a hook. Now this big fish is dragging us around the lake. We control the boat so as not to crash into snags.

When the fish calmly swims ahead, we take the harpoon and throw it at it. When the fish goes under water, we immediately put the harpoon away and start dodging the boat to the left or right so as not to get hit by the boss. If the fish hits us, then we will have to get out of the water - quickly swim to the boat by pressing the "Enter" button.

Sometimes the fish will go deep into the water, at which time the boat will stop in place. We carefully look around, trying to notice a fish attacking from afar. We need to hit the fish with at least one harpoon so that it does not damage us with a frontal attack.

When we hit the boss with more than ten harpoons, the battle will end. It remains only to press the button in time to cut the rope.

The review of which was published in the previous article. What will happen this time? Today we'll talk about the additional goodies of the game in the form of exclusive weapons (of course, with infinite ammo) and additional costumes.

With the help of these "fortified" additives, you can greatly facilitate the repeated passage of the game. Yes, not just lighten it, but turn it into a jet shooting range, practicing accuracy and setting speed records (my personal one is 6 hours 33 minutes). The only thing worth noting is that for the so-called "facilitation" of the game, you will first have to significantly tighten up.

What is all this for? First of all, to satisfy their own vanity. How nice it is to run around an abandoned European village or an old medieval castle in the costume of a Chicago gangster of the 30s with a Thompson machine gun at the ready. Or shoot the silly Salazar with a lethal Magnum with infinite ammo. If you consider yourself a true connoisseur of Resident Evil 4, at the same time being an enthusiastic pioneer of the famous horror series, then earning all the secrets in the game should be on your list of obligations.

And finally, a few words about his exploits. Everything that you read below, the author personally earned, tested, tested on opponents and enjoys using the achievements to this day.

And now let's go!

Secret weapon

P.R.L 412

An experimental weapon that only kills Pluga's larvae. It does not work on ordinary people and animals. It has a narrow radius of destruction, but extreme power.

In fact, this is the most powerful weapon in the game, since it acts on all opponents equally effectively, destroying any individual with a single shot. Particularly pleasing is the fact that super-strong monsters, protected by armor from small arms, are also vulnerable to P.R.L 412. For example, El Garrador.

To kill this creature with classic pistols, shotguns, rifles, etc., he needs to hit only in the back, in the Pluga's larva. P.R.L 412 allows you not to engage in such nonsense. Just flash it with a radiation beam in any direction, and voila! - the tramp will give his soul to God, like a demon from Demon's Souls.

The situation is the same with Salazar's servant - the Henchman, who must be frozen before being killed with a firearm.

If you have P.R.L 412 in your hands, leave the liquid nitrogen tanks alone. One volley at the monster - and he's dead! Even the final boss in the form of an overgrown Ozmund Saddler dies after the first shot, and you don't even have to run after the flare gun that Ada throws.

Among the shortcomings of the P.R.L 412, it is worth noting the slow rate of accumulation of beam energy and single shots, which makes the weapon absolutely useless in the fight against crowds of opponents. But there are other "toys" for destroying the crowds of the enemy.

Brief description of P.R.L 412.

    Ammo: infinite

    Cost: free

    Killing Power: Ultimate

    Available: Leon only

    Available in version for: PlayStation 2 Wii

    How to Earn: Complete the game on Professional difficulty once. When restarting the game from the last entry, P.R.L 412 will be available for purchase from the merchant

Infinite Launcher

What can be said here? A classic rocket launcher that sweeps away everything in its path. You probably operated one of these in GTA 4. With one shot, kills any ordinary monster and most bosses. There is an optical sight that allows you to use the "apparatus" at long distances. Thanks to the shock blast wave, it clears dense ranks of evil spirits well.

In principle, if you get a little used to firing at close range, you can easily go through the whole game with this one “gun”.

Brief description of Infinite Launcher:

    Ammo: infinite

    Cost: 1,000,000 pesetas (fuck!)

    Killing power: very high

    Available: Leon only

    Available in version for: GameCube, PlayStation 2, PC, Wii

    How to earn: Complete the game on any difficulty once. When restarting the game from the last entry, the Infinite Launcher will be available for purchase from the merchant

Chicago Typewriter

The most powerful large-caliber machine gun, an analogue of the world-famous Thompson machine gun. Uses .45 caliber bullets. I say with full responsibility that this is the most versatile weapon in the game. You can mow down crowds of enemies and hefty bosses with equal efficiency. The terrible lethal power of one bullet (10 units) is supported by a wild rate of fire. For comparison, the initial bullet strength of the Broken Butterfly revolver of the Magnum system is 13 units. Now imagine a flurry of these bullets flying at the enemy at the speed of sound. Villagers, sectarians, commandos and other living creatures break in half, like matches, it is worth pointing the barrel at them and pulling the trigger.

By the way, this machine has two different modifications. You saw the classic version of the Chicago Typewriter in the picture above. If you play Leon in a Chicago gangster costume, then the clip of the weapon will have a rounded shape, and appearance fully correspond to the legendary Thompson machine gun of the 30s (those who played Mafia 2 will understand what I mean).

Another interesting feature of this infernal machine is the only bonus weapon available when playing as Ada Wong.

I don't think it's worth mentioning how helpful the Chicago Typewriter is to a young girl struggling with crowds of maddened evil spirits, Osmund Saddler and Jack Crowser to the brim.

Brief description of Chicago Typewriter:

    Ammo: infinite

    Cost: 1,000,000 pesetas for Leon Scott Kennedy, 300,000 pesetas for Ada Wong

    Killing power: high

    Available: for Leon and Ada

    How to earn: Complete the Assignment Ada mini-game once


Tremble, ghouls and ghouls! It's coming to you! The most powerful six-shot revolver of the Magnum system, truly HUGE in size, has been the very personification of Resident Evil since the very first part. Remember the red-bearded old Barry Burton, boldly brandishing something like that,

and smashing zombie heads like walnuts.

Think of Leon from Resident Evil 2 blasting a mutated William Birkin with an upgraded version of the Desert Eagle.

Remember the epic carnage in Resident Evil Code Veronica and the desperate Chris Redfield, skillfully pressing the trigger of a .45 Colt Python,

whose bullets flew into the bloated body of Alexia Ashford.

And of course, do not forget Marine Billy Cohen from Resident Evil Zero, who in the final scene destroyed the Queen of Leeches (in the person of Dr. James Marcus) with just such a weapon.

Remembered? Now multiply the power of these guns and enjoy the immortal creation live...

Bullet FIFTY caliber.

Huge barrel with frame weighting and passive cooling system.

The infernal lethal force of each bullet is 99.9 units!

Frost running on the skin? That's it! No wonder the name of this "toy" literally translates as "Hand gun".

Crazy lethal force does not leave a single chance for anything alive. The lucky one, who is lucky enough to catch a bullet from this barrel, flies off a good five meters, dying right in flight. His associates, who are NOT lucky enough to be nearby, are thrown two meters away from the air current created by the bullet and immediately prepare to die. But for the most part, this is not the case. Usually it is enough for enemies to see the chrome barrel in Leon's strong hands from afar, as they immediately rush in all directions.

An excellent weapon for aesthetes, but not without flaws. Let's list them.

1. Low rate of fire. In the crowd of opponents, the player needs to call for help all his skill and accuracy in order to get out of the slaughterhouse not only a winner, but also without a single injury.

2. When you first purchase a pistol, you need to upgrade it to the highest level in order to enjoy maximum power and endless ammo.

3. And the most important drawback is the monstrous difficulty of obtaining. To earn this "toy" you need to complete all the scenes of the Mercenaries mini-game with all characters for five stars. It is useless to say how much alcohol I drank to strengthen courage, courage and reaction before I managed to earn this weapon.

Brief description of Hahdcannon.

    Ammo: Infinite after maxing out. Initially 3 rounds

    Cost: free basic version. Max upgrade cost 790000 pesetas

    Killing power: very high

    Available: for Leon

    Present in the version for: GameCube, PlayStation 2, PC, Wii

    How to Earn: Complete all Mercenaries scenes with all characters with 5 stars


Nine-millimeter pistol with a stock for firing bursts. Nothing outstanding, except for belonging to the class of secret weapons and a capacious magazine.

Brief description of Matilda.

    Ammo: 100 rounds after maximum pumping. Initially 15 rounds

    Cost: 70,000 pesetas. The cost of a full upgrade is 303,000 pesetas

    Killing power: low

    Available: for Leon

    Present in the version for: GameCube, PlayStation 2, PC, Wii

    How to earn: Complete the game on any difficulty once. If you restart the game from the last entry, Matilda will be available for purchase from the merchant.


An interesting exhibit. Literally translated as "Punisher". It is interesting for its feature to pierce through the shields and bodies of opponents from two units and above. After maximum pumping, it pierces five ghouls with one bullet.

    Ammo: 28 rounds after maximum pumping. Initially 10 rounds

    Cost: Basic equipment is free. The cost of a full upgrade is 266,000 pesetas

    Killing power: low

    Available: for Leon

    Present in the version for: GameCube, PlayStation 2, PC, Wii

    How to earn: Break all the blue medallions in the village (15 pieces). After that, it is available for purchase from the merchant

Well, that's actually all the secret weapons in the game. Let's move on to the costumes.

Bonus Costumes

Option one

Leon's police uniform from Resident 2.

In addition to the nostalgic feelings caused by this form, the costume is interesting for one feature. In it, Leon's stabbing is stronger. For example, if you break a box in which a snake is hiding, then with one blow the container is opened and the poisonous creature inside is killed. Not bad!

Ashley Graham in the first version also has a different costume. These are white trousers and a blouse with a deep neckline. Extravagantly!

To earn these costumes, you only need to complete the game once on any difficulty level. Available on all consoles and PC.

Option two

Suit of a classic Chicago gangster from the 30s. A wide-brimmed hat, a silk scarf, a red tie, leather gloves and white-toed patent leather shoes - Leon is more beautiful today than ever!

The outfit is interesting in that the Chicago Typewriter machine gun with this suit takes on the appearance of a Thompson machine gun, and instead of a combat knife, Leon has a gangster miscarriage. And most importantly - Ashley Graham is dressed in knightly armor that makes her, attention! … absolutely INVINCIBLE!

The sectarians cannot even carry it away. They put the body on their shoulder and immediately collapse under the weight of iron. And when Leon catches Ashley jumping from a hill on her hands, he falls to one knee. Then he gets up and holds on to his back, as if he has sciatica. Cool!

Ashley's iron suit helps a lot in the game. It is useful to leave Miss Graham in the thick of things, and while numerous opponents all in a crowd pile on the poor girl, trying in vain to destroy her, the ghouls can be easily killed.

And one more small nuance. If Leon in a gangster costume tries to reload an infinite weapon, then instead of the usual manipulations, he throws his hat into the air, does an enchanting somersault and deftly catches it with his head. The beauty!

To earn these costumes, you must complete the Separate Ways mini-game with Ada Wong once. Unfortunately, this game is not in the GameCube version, so owners of the Nintendo console are somewhat left out.

Ada Wong costumes

When the costumes of the main characters change, the outfit of the beauty Ada also changes accordingly. In total, three types of outfits are available for this heroine. Here they are.


Well, that's the end of our small review secrets of Resident Evil 4. If you were inspired by my report, hurried to search for a lying disk and are ready to plunge into the thick of things again, putting your reflexes and reactions to a severe test, know that you have something to strive for!

Oh yes, I completely forgot to pay tribute to the one without whom all the above achievements would not have been possible. Firstly, a good bottle of the "Old Brand", which blows up the mind and repeatedly increases luck and invulnerability on gloomy winter evenings.

And of course, the famous vagabond, who supplies us with the necessary arsenal for a hard coin throughout the game.

Thank you for your attention, dear friends. And see you again...

To start, a little introduction. There will be a lot of letters in the text, so before you start, I advise you to stock up on a mug of coffee / tea (well, or whatever you drink there), put a pack of cookies in front of you (you can take them on dark side, they have cookies, this is 100%), sit back and get ready (Well, if you read this at all, of course). Well, are you ready? Then let's go!

It all starts with a video (if anyone does not know the history of RE, I advise you to look, everything that happened earlier is briefly described there). You (Leon Kennedy) are thrown into a forgotten part of Europe to bring home the president's kidnapped daughter, Ashley Graham. Two local cops drop you off at some forgotten village called Pueblo, where RE 4 actually begins.

Chapter 1-1

Go along the path, as soon as you come to the house, turn left and take a couple of steps, behind the house on the cart there will be a box of gold. Come into the house, there, seemingly an ordinary man, will be an abnormal psycho who tried to kill you. Don't let him do that, and respond with a couple of lead babies, preferably in the head. Go further (if you want to see what the local guys keep at home, go to the right before the stairs), go up the stairs, take the ammo from the table and jump out of the window. Three of the same crazy are already waiting for you downstairs. Deal with them, and if you want, you can go check on how your fellow policemen are doing. And they no longer live, however, like the bridge. In the absence of other options for the development of events, we move on. Come into the old shed, there is a cult typewriter and a lot of all sorts of goodies. By the way, I advise you to look at the trees and at the sky, and if you are good with accuracy, shoot the crows and their nests, something tasty also falls from them. For example, from the first crow, at the very beginning, a hand grenade fell out to me. Moving forward, you will hear barking, this is a wolf caught in a trap, better help him, then he will thank you the same. And in order not to fall into a trap yourself, look under your feet. Between the trees, stretch marks will sometimes be stretched, do not come close, shoot from afar. Do not shoot the first stretch, wait until the collective farmer comes closer, and only then, with one cartridge, deal with him. In the next shed, you will see a "fun" picture, some wooden boxes that can and should be broken. Be careful near the third shed, a zombie is waiting for you in it (it's more usual to write this way). By the way, they can throw axes, which they have infinity and one more. Outside the gate you will find a village with an ordinary, at first glance, life. Everyone is busy, everyone is working, only in the middle of the yard a man is burning, guess who? That's right, your new "friend" is a cop.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Ordinary life of the locals

There are two options here, either fly into the very center of the courtyard and pile on everyone and everything, but not seeing the "heavy artillery", or go around the path to the left and sow in the house, shoot the infected, the second is better. Entering the two-story house, you will see a short video of everyone running to “look at you”, including a guy with a chainsaw and a bag on his head (“heavy artillery”). We immediately move the cabinet to the window, it will not last long, but it's better than nothing. Don't forget to pick up the treats under the stairs. Having risen to the second floor, a gift awaits you - a gun and cartridges for it, plus a grenade. Since zombies climb not only through the first floor, so from time to time it is worth throwing off the set stairs. Kill everyone, get out onto the roof, through the window, there are cartridges on the right pipe, on the other side of the house (on the roof) there is spinel. After you deal with all the enemies, the bell rattles, which calls all the remaining enemies to you. You have at your disposal all the goodness of the former civilians, you just have to collect it. We run around the houses, behind the houses and collect herbs and cartridges. By the way, run near the wooden outbuildings to the house, there may be something in them, although this is not visible. In one of the houses there is a note with instructions, where the person who wrote it burns hard, revealing the place where the girl is being held.

Pistol Punisher, hitting two targets at once

Knock down the blue necklaces, shoot the chickens, be the bad guy, or you can wait for them (the chickens) to lay an egg. Just don’t touch the cow, it will hit back (if you hit with a knife, you will get under a hot ... head). There is no point in shooting at a dog, it is immortal. In a small building there is another machine, and next to it is a "well", over which a necklace hangs. First we knock down the stick holding the cover of the "well", then we knock down the necklace. Climbing up to the second floor of the barn, and jumping over the window, take a step forward and jump, you will find an expensive mug (it’s better not to sell it right away, later you can insert “cat’s eyes” into it, with which it is sold several times more expensive). Move on.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4
We are moving forward. When you see a zombie with dynamite, wait for the moment when he throws it, and shoot at the dynamite (preferably right after he was thrown), so you will spend only one round on several enemies. You can also quickly kill the enemy after he took out the dynamite. Collect all the good in the area, shoot at the nest of crows, pick up what you found and run up to the house. Knock down the lock on the door of the house, go ahead and pick up supplies, go to the closet in the farthest room, open it, and go on an adventure!

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

The same closet

Chapter 1-2

If you do not want to stay here forever, dodge the infected ax by pressing the combination of the indicated buttons in time. When you go out, a silhouette of a man in a hood and with a backpack will flash through the window - this is a merchant. Going behind the house, you will find it. Go even further and find two barrels.

Shoot the zombies in the legs (below the knee), if everything is correct, they fall to their knees, allowing you to perform a beautiful blow. Or shoot at the head, if it doesn't blow, then the zombie can grab onto it, allowing you to perform another blow. And if he did not die after the blow, finish him off with a knife (if the situation allows). When breaking wooden boxes, do not immediately remove the knife, because snakes sometimes jump out of the boxes. And lastly, for a quick reversal, press the left shift twice.

We collect two halves of the "key" and insert it into the door. Further, where there will be two zombies with dynamite and two ordinary ones, do not be lazy and open the furnaces. In the next room, take the precious mask. Move on. When you pass by the sewer, go down and "fish", fish, as well as eggs, can be eaten, and the fish is raw, and the eggs are in shell. Eat like Leon, be a fucking man!

As you get out of the sewer, you will see a well, over which a golden watch hangs, we repeat all the actions, as in the first case. In the house on the door is a mini-game for the baby. You need to rotate the object so that it becomes the emblem of "Los Illuminados" (once to the left, once up). Here we see someone's office, look in the closet, and in the drawer. Leaving the door, watch the video.

Chapter 1-3

As soon as you appear, turn around, search the drawer under the portrait, and if you want, go through the door again, see what's there, and how. Go down the stairs, you can go to the toilet (well, if you really need to), but there, unfortunately, it will already be busy. Open the stove in the kitchen, there you will find an egg. Leaving the house, local guys will want to play something interesting with us. One of them, with a chainsaw (better not to approach him). We go further, knocking down crows' nests along the way. We remove the beam on the gate, and we get into the already familiar courtyard. We kill everyone, go to the door with the sign of the closed club "Los Illuminados" and use the key that was skomunizdili from the big man. We knock down the lamp, wait until the fire goes out, rejoice. We go down into the cave. We run forward and see a puddle of water, there is another lamp above it, but there is nothing in it, and on the ceiling of the cave (near the lamp) someone carefully attached jewelry. Go further and see the ubiquitous shoe salesman Gena Bukin the merchant. We go further, we go out to the cemetery with various interesting monuments. Look at them carefully, a little later, it will come in handy. We kill enemies, collect trophies, knock down nests (all according to a well-established scheme). We go up, we see the church.

Go behind the church, you will see not only a medallion, but also a puzzle, a little more difficult than the previous one.

We go further, we kill the people on the bridge, we break the remaining medallions, we go into the building, we read, we continue the path. Come in the door, go a little and you will see a flock of crows, one grenade, and a worthy reward awaits you. Run around the houses, collect good. Before the door, turn right and go downstairs. There will be a typewriter and a merchant. Having sold everything superfluous and bought everything you need, we pick up our "Punisher" and move on. Here we again have to run from a pebble, kindly dropped by a handful of locals. We deal with enemies, we find an antique pipe of Sherlock Holmes (in the nest), be careful, in this place you will meet three snakes, good testicles fall from them. We go forward, near a small hut we finish off the rest, we go into it, collect sweets and go to the gate leading to the next location. There we rise to the hill (to the left along the path). Our gaze opens up a magnificent, no, divine in beauty lake, into which the corpse of the second cop is thrown.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Not a lake, an ocean!

We go down to the boat. You can go fishing on the pier, just don't overdo it, the locals don't really like it when their relatives are killed. We climb into the boat with, oddly enough, cool controls that allow you to drift on the water, and swim. Before reaching the shore, we watch a video showing us the inhabitants of the local fauna. Here he is friends, the boss of my dreams, I've been waiting for him for a year, hefty boss, the first boss. But this is not the time to celebrate the first difficulty in the game, we must deal with the “miracle Yud”. This is done with the help of harpoons lying in the boat, in an amount equal to infinity. The fight is not difficult, and if you try, you can win it without spending a single point of health. After the victory, we watch another video, and ... the end of the third chapter.

Chapter 2-1

You wake up in a house on the other side of the lake, with no idea how you got there. Here, Leon suddenly has an attack, he passes out again, and wakes up already cheerful as ever. There is an anonymous letter on the bed, if you think a little, you can understand from whom it is. In the house, collect everything that is badly lying, and, if you want, you can save it again. I advise you to get out of the house, get back into the boat and swim to the shore from which you came. There is someone very caring, laid out a few gifts. But in addition to gifts, you will meet with a new monster. An infected wolf and three of his cronies. You can also swim into the cave at the other end of the lake. There, a merchant's shop. We return to where we woke up, and after going forward a little, we go into the large blue gate. Here, a hitherto unseen spectacle opens up to our eyes, one infected person's head bursts, and, excuse me, some kind of crap crawls out of it. We are trying to aim for it. We go further, we jump along the broken bridge, we go down the rope. We get to the local hydroelectric power station.

We kill the "observer", we move forward. And then you won’t pass, too much distance between the bridges. The end. We shoot at the boxes, you can at the chain that holds them, and brings them to us with water. We pass to the other side, climb the tower, turn the lever. It activates millions of complex mechanisms, thanks to which the dam closes and the river changes its course, which opens the way to the cave hidden behind the waterfall. Not a small number of infected flies out of the cave. You can deal with them in two ways. First: stand on the box and throw the zombies into the water with one blow, without getting all sorts of tasty treats from them. And the second: we act according to the old scheme - we kill manually. After killing everyone, we go into the cave, inspecting another "tower" along the way and knocking down the amber ring from the board. At the end of the cave we pick up the “Round Amulet”, and, lo and behold, a hidden door opens. Move on. Immediately after the exit, look to the left, a spinel shines on the torch, knock down, pick up. You don't have to shoot at bats, they don't drop anything. We sit on the boat and watch how it sails to the merchant's shop, in which we have already been. Here you can save, buy, sell, sell what you don't need, upgrade what you need. And be ready for anything. We leave the shop, and run to the gate. But suddenly the gates are closed, and the infected with the whole bunch is dragged out of the cave of the same “El Gigante”. Yes, this is your second boss, slightly ahead of the first in difficulty. This is where the wolf that you freed from the trap at the very beginning will help you. During the fight, he will distract El Gigante to himself, giving you the opportunity to take a couple of shots that are safe for you. When you finish off the boss to a “critical state”, and this is not done for a very long time, it crawls out from his back, sorry again, some kind of garbage, which you need to shoot at, or you can use a knife, running up close to the boss and pressing the desired button. During the battle, I do not advise you to run near the boss, it will crush you. And also, in the houses that you searched recently, there will again be something to profit from. The boss drops a good 15,000 coins. After the battle, collect everything that lies badly, and good things lie there badly, you can do this during the battle, but it’s better not to, and then go where you went. And we go to the church, or rather return. On the way to it, once again we will meet infected wolves. We deal with them, we go to the church. We pick up the gold, break the barrel on the right, and go up the stairs to the left. We jump onto the chandelier, wait until it is as close as possible to the opposite edge, and jump. Here you will find another puzzle, we solve it, we take Ashley, we bring down home. The essence of the puzzle is to correctly rotate the three colored circles, so that in the end we get the emblem of the Los Illuminados club.

Solution: We turn the red circle twice, green - three, blue - one.

We go to the door, the passage to which was closed. We watch a video where a 20-year-old girl cannot distinguish a normal person from a zombie, and throws a stick at Leon. As you can see, now you have to protect not only your life, but also the President's daughter Ashley, who, unfortunately, does not know how, or maybe does not want to, hold a cannon in her hands and shoot from it and does not know how to go down stairs, which can also get bored in some places. In addition, next to your health, Ashley's health appears, which can also be increased by mixing yellow, red and green grass. We are heading for the exit, but we are interrupted by a video that shows the head of this society, Osmund Saddler, who appeared out of nowhere. Lots of chatter, you end up running, jumping out the window.

Chapter 2-2

Nobody is going to catch up with you, so you can not rush. And a lot of people have already gathered at the cemetery, so as not to kill each one individually, we shoot at a wagon with barrels and kill almost everyone. We move on, or rather, we return back. There will be a merchant in the cave, and over the puddle of water, the lamp you knocked down (if knocked down) will hang again, but again there will be nothing in it. But in the lamp a little further, hung again, there will be a spinel. After leaving the cave and returning to the first village, climb the tower, there will also be a spinel. Deal with enemies, collect good. Be careful and look under your feet, the locals have already set traps for you. Then head towards the entrance to the farm. In order to avoid Ashley's health problems, tell her to get into the garbage can, and you yourself can easily dump to kill the enemies. On the table near the typewriter, you will see a note with information about Luis, whom you "got out of the closet". At the whistle, Ashley will get out of the tank and come running to you. Together with her, run to the gate that was previously closed to you, with your help, Ashley will climb over the gate and open it. After walking a little, you will see a merchant and a bridge. Think carefully about what to buy, what to sell and what to improve. Something more difficult than a fight with some bosses awaits you. Run across the bridge, watch the cutscene, and start fighting off waves of infected. Help you, you know who. If you have a lot of herbs and ammo left, then this part will not be difficult for you, but for others you will have to sweat, despite the fact that Sera will periodically throw ammo and herbs at you. Move all cabinets, collect herbs and start fighting back. Until the zombies crawl in a huge pile, and Sera does not go to the second floor, stay on the first floor. Then slowly rise to the second, by the way, they will also climb through the windows on the second floor.

I don't know about you, but this is my favorite and most memorable part of the game.

Chapter 2-3

After the massacre, go to the house near the merchant and read the note, save and trade (if necessary). Now you will have two roads. To the left, to a bunch of people, and to the right, to one single El Gigante. Here it is up to you to choose for yourself where you want to go and what you do best: blow off the heads of infected collective farmers, or dodge the blows of a giant, and release a clip into his head. I chose the first one, because you can collect good "taxes" from a bunch of inhabitants. The only problem there is the two chainsaw sisters - the Bell sisters, but it is solved with grenades and a shotgun. If you go on the right road, then I'm sorry, you won't see help here, look, in these your internets;)

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Two sisters laughing

Then you go out to the gate, which can only be opened by the eye of the head of the villagers, the local hero and just a good person, the eye of Bitores Mendez, which means you need to find him and finish him off. We go to the left, as the doors on the right are closed. Here you have to ride. Along the way, the infected will drive towards you and throw axes, some will stand on the left and wait for you to drive up. It's best to kill them from afar. If you have a rifle - class, if it is missing (like mine), you will have to shoot from something long-range and accurate, in my case a pistol, the sight of which was terribly twitching. But, in general, it is not so difficult. Having descended, we head to the lift control point, pick up the good there and go down. We go into the cave, at its end you will see a chest, open it, take out the yellow "cat's eye" and insert it into the mug, the expensive jewel is ready (if you have not sold it before). Go back.

The stone where Leon discovered fresh blood almost became the site of Ada Wong's death.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Go downstairs, on the way to an abandoned factory, you will meet a merchant, think carefully about what to improve and what to buy, because you will not have the easiest fight. We approach an abandoned factory, watch a video. In the video, there is a small mess, and Leon, knocking over a barrel of fuel, says the legendary “Hasta la vista, baby” and we watch Bitores turn from a killing machine into a super machine for mass killings. And this is what we have to overcome. In fact, there is nothing terrible here, except for the look and shape. The lower part of the monster fell off after 26 accurate hits to the head from a fully pumped Blacktail pistol (Blacktail). The upper part "threw the skates" for 7 hits on it from a fully pumped "Light Gun" (I did not always shoot close).

Game difficulty - easy

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Now I can look at him without fear

After defeating the enemy, collect all the goodies if you didn't during the fight, and there are quite a lot of these goodies. Now with a pure soul and a fake right eye of a thug, you can safely return to the closed door. Open it. Immediately you are shown a medieval castle - the "second part" of the game. Take the ammo on your left, go upstairs, a truck will drive towards you, aim at the driver and kill him, then fire bullets at the truck's engine, which will cause it to break and further turn the car on its side. Run up to the car, take the money. A lot of people will run out from the side of the village, it's up to you to either kill them all or run away. Run up to the bridge, watch the cutscene. Congratulations, chapter 2-3 ("the first part" of the game) is finished.

Chapter 3-1

We play on. We immediately break all the barrels, etc. and collect everything that fell. We hand over to the seller what we don’t need, we buy what we need. Upstairs, we deal with the fanatics, shoot at the barrels near the catapults, you can shoot at the fanatics, next to the catapults. We will do the same a little later. We collect trophies and raise the cannon, shoot at the gate, go there. We go in the door, listen to Heinigen, pick up the cartridges from the shotgun, pick up the platinum sword. We go upstairs, kill everyone there, take the golden sword, insert the platinum one there, and insert the golden sword into the hole below. Where you inserted the platinum sword, the door opens, we go in there, we watch the video. The big doors are locked, so we go through the smaller doors. We kill everyone, we pass on. We go into a small room, before picking up the key, get ready, now you have to fight off the fanatics, there will not be many of them, but they are stronger than the collective farmers. Take the key, go to the big door. Let's go ahead and watch the video. After the video, we turn around and aim at the arch, it has a precious purple stone on it. Now we have to find several parts of the engraving in order to open the passage further, well, if we need it, then we will search. We turn right and go there. We break the barrels on the left, and on the right we see Saddler's porter, we come closer to him and op, and it turned out to be a hiding place. There is a lamp hanging in the middle, but do not knock it down yet, it will help you a little later. We run forward, go down the stairs, then the horses spitting fire from Ksenia Soobchak blocked the road. We turn to the right, we see the portrait, we approach it and remove the key from the portrait. We return back to the door that was closed (near the barrels). We open it and go down there. This is a dungeon, and like in any dungeon, there is a prisoner sitting there. And this prisoner is not a simple fanatic, but a new kind of enemy - Garrador. A clawed zombie in armor, blind as a mole, focuses only on hearing, so we shoot at the bells on the left and right. He is distracted by them, which gives us a chance to shoot him in the back - the only weak point. We kill him, switch the lever, take the green grass. We go to the "fire-breathing horses", we see that the passage is already free, we go there. We shoot everyone, we move into the last room. Here we see two yellow squares. We put Ashley on one, we ourselves stand on the other. A lever pops out in the middle of the hall. We deal with enemies and go to turn the lever that lowers the bridge. As soon as the bridge sank, another group of fanatics will come out from there, we turn the same thing with them as with the others. Move on. This is where you have to split up. Get Ashley upstairs to turn the levers there, and shoot the fanatics who are trying to grab her, but do not forget about those who are trying to kill you. Once Ashley does her job, take her off the top and go forward. We find ourselves in a large hall, here you can find a lot of things, the main thing is not to click you know what. Near the merchant there is a door to the shooting range. There, another merchant offers you to win bottle caps with figurines different characters and enemies. How, what to do, he will explain. We move on, but, oh horror, Ashley falls into a trap! Because of this, you will have to make a lot of unnecessary fuss in finding her, but now you will not be disturbed by a 20-year-old girl.

Chapter 3-2

Move on. We have to face another new kind of enemies. This time it's Novistadores, large bugs that can turn invisible. But in order not to see them in their "invisibility", one must be blind. Killing them is easy, 6-7 rounds from a fully upgraded Blacktail Pistol, or 3 rounds from a fully upgraded Light Gun. In addition, they can be kicked when they jump on you, the main thing is not to miss the moment. These types of enemies are pretty easy, and on top of that, they drop a lot of jewelry. Then we just go forward, collecting all the "cookies" along the way. We reach the last room, turn the red valve that drains the water, pick up an expensive lamp (in which you can insert gems) and head to the open passage. Another Novistador will be waiting for you near the door, don't yawn. Leaving the dungeon, we find ourselves in a room with a "trap" - swinging giant axes. We just wait for the right moment (when the ax is as far away from you as possible) and stop running. Then we again find ourselves in a large hall. This time, there are a bunch of fanatics downstairs, with spinels around their necks, and their “chief”, in a red robe, wears an expensive brooch, made in the style of “Los Illuminados”. We kill them with a grenade, collect everything that has fallen from them. We go up again and jump over the chandelier to the opposite side, then run a little to the right and jump over the other chandelier to the other side again. Walk a little to the left, take another mask, pull the lever and voila, the path is open! We pass through the opened door, here you have to spend some ammo. Your main goal is the leader in a red robe, the rest is just interference. Immediately shoot the exploding barrel, finish off the rest of the crossbowmen and go left (but before that, don't forget to break the vases and collect the ammo). We climb the stairs and see that the door to the leader is open, but on the left you can jump to him. As soon as we jump off, the leader immediately starts to run away. We demolish the fanatics who came running and catch up with the main one. You will catch up with him somewhere on the stairs, then so that he does not run away, shoot at him with a shotgun. Kill, take the key. If you succeed, then you will not have to dodge machine gun bullets (like I did last time). We run to the closed door, open it and see a simple puzzle. The inscription reads: "Kill exactly six people" (something like this). There are four pictures in front of you. One person is killed on one, two people are killed on the other, and three people are killed on another. You need to make sure that there are six corpses in the pictures.

The clue is 2, 1, 4, 3.

We go in the door, watch a video with the participation of Salazar, who subsequently leaves (as usual) and leaves a bunch of fanatics. We kill everyone, we click one button that raises the chest on the marble slab. Then we go in the door, break the vase, under which the button is hidden, and press it. This button extends the bridge to the chest. Carefully, two grenade launchers are already waiting for us near the chest. We kill them, we approach the chest, open it and see the missing part of the engraving, but wait, this is not the missing part of the engraving, this is the missing part of the missing part of the engraving! We go further, in search of other missing parts. Then a little break, do not strain with the thought that someone will jump out now, this is not Silent Hill. We shoot the crows sitting on the windows, knock down the jewel (above the door) and move on. We see a fountain that is no different from the rest, but there are a lot of treasures hidden in it. By the way, when you see a closed door, remember this place, a great surprise awaits you behind that door. Soon (already with Ashley), be sure to come back here. Then go to the garden, grown in the form of a labyrinth. A bunch of infected wolves are waiting for you there, which will annoy you with their sharp fangs, claws and grown tentacles on their backs. Here it is best to take either a shotgun or an ultrasound. To get out of the garden, you need to find two halves of the "key" that opens the closed door. Both halves are in chests, and the chests are near the fountains. We go to the open door, watch a good video with Ada (well, what video with Ada can be bad?). End of chapter.

Chapter 3-3

Collect everything neatly scattered by someone, go to the merchant, climb the cabinets, find a mirror that can be sold for 12,000 coins, break the vases. Read the note near the merchant. You can save in the next room. Move on. In the next room, there will be a lot of different quotes featuring food. Read it if you like. Walk a little and approach the "shooting gallery". As soon as you ring the bell, the mechanism will work, and the white canvas will be replaced with a picture. Here you need to shoot at the glass and bottle of wine that stand out from everything. The door will open. get ready, now you have to sweat. But do not immediately go through the opened door, but go into the passage to the left, there collect the cartridges and money (there will be a snake in one of the vases). Go back. As soon as you approach the chest, a cage will be thrown at you, with a candy wrapper and Garrador (clawed), plus many enemies will walk around the cage, among them there will be a crossbowman, so kill him first. Do not stand close to the walls, they will beat you from the back, the cage will not hurt. Immediately throw a grenade on the floor (if any) and finish off Garrador, if there is no grenade, it will be a little more difficult for you. Then knock down the lock (preferably with a knife or a shot, you will knock down with your foot for the rest of your life). Don't forget to pick up what you came for - the hourglass. Deal with the rest and run to the next room. And in this room lies, you won't believe it, a rocket launcher! We kill enemies, put forward the bridge. We go along it, wait until all the fanatics come out of the door and stand under the lamp and knock it down. We turn left, go down, kill everyone there and rejoice. To take or not to take a rocket launcher, that's up to you. I cleaned up my suitcase and found a place for a rocket launcher, throwing out just one grenade. But running forward a little, I saw a merchant, and thought that I could sell this grenade.

We go in the door and watch a sad video. Before our eyes, poor Sera is being killed.

A lot of fans who liked Cera fell into a severe depression after that moment.

End of chapter.

Chapter 3-4

Here you are together again! Leon and Ashley Ashley and Leon Don't shoot at Ashley's chains, collect money and ammo first. Behind the huge portrait of Saddler you will find 5000 coins. Then turn on the "sniper" mode (if there is no rifle) and start firing at the fanatics. As you kill everyone, Ashley will pick up the key from the main fanatic and go through the door, where you will have to play as an unarmed girl. Its only plus is its compactness. He will be able to crawl into small holes, unlike fanatics. As you appear, pick up spinel and yellow grass from the floor. Run forward, there you will find the first problem - a hefty man, eager to pick up Ashley and bring it to his master. You need to kill him with lamps, just like the second fanatic. We crawl under the tables, wait for moments and throw lamps. In the next room, kill the second enemy and lower the gate so that no one bothers you. And start turning the lever. We go to the opened passage. Take the red herb, collect the jewels in the room on the left and go to the other door. Ashley has a flashlight in the next room. Where he came from and where she could hide is not clear (everything is clear, if you understand what I mean). Move the drawer, press the red button, crawl under the table and press another red button. Take the stone tablet and press the third red button, run back and press the first red button, go through. Do not forget to pick up the gold in the closet, and the crystal on the shelf. Next, you have to solve a puzzle that is several times more difficult than your previous relatives. Once decided, insert the missing piece.

After solving the puzzle, the door will open. We run into it, take a golden bracelet in the chest and take the emblem from the statue. After the emblem leaves its native place, evil forces will awaken in the castle, and the knights who once stood for decoration will become alive. Take the missing part of the missing part of the engraving and run. Insert the emblem into the circle and turn the lever. Climb the stairs, take the gold and that's it, end of the chapter.

Chapter 4-1

I immediately recommend that you turn around and go to the fountain, in which they found a lot of different jewelry, there was a locked door next to the fountain. Go there, seat Ashley and she will open the door to the local treasury for you. Red Herb, 5,000 Coins, Beautiful Perfume Bottle, and *drumroll* Butterfly Magnum are waiting for you! We return back to the trolley. But don't get into it, but move on. A ride on a device that works on some incomprehensible principle. We find ourselves in a bathhouse, hell, a room with lava and statues of fire-breathing dragons, controlled by fanatics. Killing the enemy on the statue is not difficult, just one shot from anything is enough, just run around the statue from the other side so that the enemy is open and shoot. Along the way, you can pick up 5000 coins, another Los Illuminados brooch, and at the end of the room is the last missing piece of the engraving. We go back to the trolley, which brings us to the wall that cut off our path, almost at the very beginning of the second part. We paste all the parts of the engraving there and move on. In front of the second cart, jump over both fences and break the vases and collect things. The cart will take you to another part of the castle. Go right immediately. Come in the door, there is a merchant, a typewriter and a shooting range where you can practice shooting and at the same time get a prize.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Here is the device

We leave from the merchant, turn left and go to the door. We arrange the statues of the knights into squares, Ashley too, and we ourselves stand on the last, fourth square. The door to the room opens, we go there. But here, oh no, it was Salazar's trap that will wipe you off the face of the earth for all eternity! In fact, there is nothing complicated here, there are four glowing red crystals on the slowly lowering ceiling, just shoot at them (one cartridge) and that's it, the ceiling stops, we pick up the cartridges and move on. And then another trap that will kill anyone who falls into it if Leon is not around. We kill two drivers of the "infernal car" and that's it, the door opens, Ashley is alive, everyone is happy, except for Salazar. It will be a little more difficult if you don’t have a rifle, and if you do, then this is not a trap at all, and not even a dirty trick, and very close, on the box on the right, someone quite accidentally forgot the cartridges from the rifle, just like in the last room, someone forgot the bullets from the pistol. In the room, break the boxes and barrels, open the chest of drawers, take the expensive chessboard and the "Queen's Cup" from the chest. Come out of the door, head to the other end of the corridor, read the note, pick up the yellow grass and go through the door. We pick up the cartridges for the pistol and turn left, I think you should be alerted by the statue of a knight, standing out from the crowd of others, holding a halberd at the ready with trembling hands. Yes, now you have to press the buttons in order to avoid losing health. We pass the corridor with the knights and find ourselves in a round room, with the "King's Chalice" in the middle. The inscription, when trying to take the cup, should also alert you, it says: “Let anger fall on the one who disturbs this sacred cup.” Collect in advance everything that lies in the room, because you will not have the easiest fight. Three knights dressed in steel armor will come to life, and you have to deal with them. They are quite strong, besides, when killed, another “head” comes out of them. After the first three players of knights, the second will follow. Now the path is clear, you can go further. In the corridor you will find a group of fanatics and four jewels on the necks of the statues. On the palm of the statue of the Queen we put her bowl, on the palm of the statue of the King his bowl, and go through the opened door. We pass along the corridor, collecting money along the way, and go into the large door. Here one of the most daring Novistador steals Ashley, leaving his relatives to deal with you. We kill them, collect jewels. It is very hard not to notice the huge nest of Novistadors, located in the very center of the room. It's up to you whether you shoot him or not. You will spend a lot of ammo to destroy it, but a worthy reward awaits you. I shot down (because the game was not played for the first time, and I had a fully upgraded Grenade Launcher (not to be confused with RPG), which destroyed the nest with two charges). Go back in, climb through the window and up the stairs, after running a bit, you will find an expensive lamp, with holes for gems. We pass a little further and pull the lever that lowers the bridge. But the bridge has not sunk completely, it is held by chains that need to be knocked down. Break the chains and move forward. Next, you will find a merchant, a printing machine, and pistol cartridges. Going further, knock the spinel off the torch stand. We go forward to the tower. We rise along the side stairs, we deal with the fanatics, we go in the door. We rise upward, simultaneously examining each floor of the tower, for the presence of something useful. On the last floor, read the note that says that the mechanisms of the tower are locked in three places with wooden bars (tricks in the style of "Home Alone"). We knock down all three bars and turn the lever. We go down to the very last floor, kill everyone and go outside. Where we are waiting for another detachment of fanatics. We go in the door. In this room, another group of fanatics awaits you, only with two Garradors (clawed ones) already with them. We kill them, move on, take the spinels from the busts and go through the door, watch the video. You appear in a pit where those “who behaved badly” were dumped, including you, but unlike the previous ones, you survived. Here you can find a lot of interesting things, including the forgotten crown of the Salazar family, a typewriter and a merchant. Climb up the stairs and run down the corridor. On the way, you will have to press keyboard shortcuts so that you are not hurt by the tail of Salazar's bodyguard. Run to the last room, collecting things in others along the way, the main thing is not to touch the nitrogen bottles. In the last room, lower the lever so that the power supply to the elevator resumes. In the same room, you will meet with this same bodyguard. You can't take it in the usual way. It must be frozen with nitrogen, thereby weakening its armor, and only then shoot, or you can beat it, coming closer. You can freeze it with nitrogen bottles, wait for it to come to you and knock over the bottle. After killing him, get one of the two missing pieces of the crown. Then go to the already working elevator. End of chapter.

Chapter 4-2

You appear in a certain mine. There is a merchant standing there, there is another shooting gallery, a typewriter, a note and many useful things. We go in the blue door, two collective farmers will already be waiting for you there (yes, it's them again, they just work in the mine). Then we go to one of the excavation sites. We kill all enemies, we collect fallen and scattered things. We approach the lever and pull it. A trolley with dynamite will go from above, dynamite is needed in order to destroy the rock that prevents us from going further. There is a trolley next to the lever, come closer to it and interact, there lies a crystal invisible to the eye. The trolley arrived, but did not sink completely, someone turned off the power. We run to the other side, climb the stairs and apply current again. Behind the switch is 5000 coins. We run back, here again we will have to meet with the "chainsaw", this time not as scary as it was for us before. We deal with him and his assistants and start the mechanism again. The cart with dynamite is lowered, we take the explosives and set them on a stone barrier. We kill Ganados, we break barrels and we go in the door. An unusual picture is immediately given to the eye. We find ourselves in a room under which lava (or red-hot iron) flows. By the scale of the room, you can understand that something unusual is waiting for us now. We go to a huge blue door, when suddenly two El Gigantes come out of it! We immediately run to the counter, climb onto it, and wait for the monsters to approach it. We roll down the rope to the lever, and as soon as one of them will stand in the center of the room (in a circle), we pull the lever. One giant will not bother us anymore, he bathed in lava. With another giant, the same trick can not be repeated. For some reason, Leon "can't do anything with that lever anymore." We'll have to deal with the enemy, just like last time. Fortunately, this time our arsenal is much more dangerous. After you have killed the second giant, collect everything that lies, if you have not already done so, and go through. Next, we get into a cave with Novistadors (flying beetles). As we already know from past encounters, they are best dealt with with a shotgun. You need to find and click on two buttons to find them and not get confused, use the map. When you press both, two beams of light will combine and be reflected in a certain mirror, and this beam will melt the iron door. We approach the passage, raise the gate and move on. Before you will be a simple "obstacle course", through which even a small child can pass. In the center of the cave, pick up the royal symbol (the third part of the crown of the Salazar family, the cost of which is 48,000 coins) and interact with the grave. End of chapter.

Chapter 4-3

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Leon is not one of the timid and can easily lift himself, along with a shotgun and a bunch of equipment in an invisible suitcase with one hand

Chapter 4-4

Next, we will see a giant statue of Salazar, yes, the dwarf's pride does not suffer. You don’t have to try to run across to the other side of the room, the fanatics will lower two plates into the water, thus blocking your way, and Leon won’t go there, because you never know what can swim there (in the water). Therefore, we will need to jump on the moving hands of the statue and switch levers. We immediately go up the stairs, in the room, to the right of the statue. As soon as the hand of the statue is in front of you, we jump over to it, after getting rid of annoying enemies. Jump to the floor above and switch the lever there, shoot the lever on the back of the statue and lower it on your hand into the room opposite, kill the enemies and collect the good. Then, on your hand, go down to the floor below, to the second lever that raises the slab. He is guarded by the "leader" of the group. Once you're done, go forward to the door. But suddenly the statue came to life and is chasing you, simultaneously overturning the pillars right at you. Yes, and on the door, as luck would have it, the lock weighs, we quickly knock it down and run on. The bridge can't support the statue's weight and collapses, and Leon repeats his trick again (Vera's jump).

After the "battle" collect ammo, herbs and money. A dwarf fused with a bodyguard into one big monster leaves behind 50,000 coins! Run further, collecting ammo and herbs along the way. The merchant will be waiting for you, and with him the end of the chapter. We watch a video where Leon meets Ada again, but she no longer tries to escape, but only helps him find Ashley and transports him to a military base on the island - the last, most difficult and interesting part games!

Chapter 5-1

As soon as you appear, go straight to the very end, without turning right. At the end, climb the stones and break the boxes, there will be an emerald. Only then we go along the boards to the military base. We run up to the first house, run out a little from behind it to attract the attention of the most healthy with a machine gun and run back behind the house, just flash through the window so that it does not hit you. The point of the tactic is that the big man will shoot all his own while they run from him to you. If you fail, climb onto the roof of the house, kill the crossbowman from another building and shoot the rest. It is better to hit the big man with something powerful, for example, with a Magnum, or with a grenade. As you kill everyone, turn the mirror to the right light. Then collect everything and run to another building with a mirror. Climb onto it and shoot all the enemies again. Turn this mirror to the first. Run up to the door and inspect it, a laser will appear. If everything is turned correctly, the door should open. If not, run and change the direction of the mirrors. Pick up the ammo behind the bags and run further. Before entering the cave, a stone will be thrown at you. If you don’t want to live under a stone until the end of time, or go through this segment of the game again, press the indicated combination in time. Break the barrels and move forward. The crossbowman and his former colleague will be waiting for you. Climb up the stairs, as soon as you rise, turn right and take the emerald. Kill enemies as you move forward. In the cave where three psychos will be waiting for you, take the red weed and shoot the red barrel. They will scatter stones blocking the passage to another room. There is a statuette of a golden lynx. Move on. There are already two crossbowmen standing there, one warrior with an RPG, and one guy with dynamite. Immediately kill the enemy with RPG, he is the biggest threat. And then everyone else. To use less ammo, you can shoot a cart with barrels, it will roll and explode. A merchant will be waiting for you in the next cave. Another group of enemies ahead, consisting of two guys with electric batons, a crossbowman and two ordinary warriors. Going through the door, take a shotgun, you still need it. Passing by the garbage container, open it, although nothing is visible, but there will be an incendiary grenade. When you walk past the rotten pork carcasses, get ready, a burning surprise will fly out of the oven. Dodge the warriors, or shoot with a shotgun, which is more reliable. There is a hand grenade in the sink, which is also not visible at all. We pass forward, and we meet a huge carcass with a hammer, and even in armor! It is better not to let him close to you, and use the previously found grenades. One shotgun shell on the legs, the carcass falls, we throw grenades. If grenades are a pity, or there are none, we shoot in the head. We will meet two such enemies at once. One is in a small corridor to the stairs, you will see the second after you go down this stairs. In addition, there will also be a crossbowman. Therefore, we knock down the carcass, take a pistol and kill a warrior with a crossbow, only then we take on a big man with a hammer. Under the stairs lies yellow grass and coins. In the suitcase is the Red Stone of Faith (inserted into the figurine of the golden lynx). As you pick up the weed, a couple more enemies will come running to you.

Upon entering the room, you will hear Ashley's screams. In fact, she is not here, she is filmed by a camera. Take 5000 coins from some soldier's box. Go back to the control panel, turn left and go through the door. Run along the left side of the corridor, near the filing cabinet. One of the boxes can be opened, there are shotgun cartridges. We go to the merchant and buy a bulletproof vest, which takes 30% of the damage received. There is a shooting range next to the merchant. We go further. Now they will play a game of speed with you. The door opens for a few seconds, we kill two dynamites. Then three crossbowmen will already be standing there, we kill them, we take the emerald from the ajar box, and from the fire box (a little further), we take the cartridges for the TMP. Next, a typewriter is waiting for us, we go up the stairs and open another fire box (red). On the shelf with various tools there will be an inconspicuous box, and in it there will be rare magnum cartridges. The next room should alert you with its obstonovchka - this is a research laboratory. I wonder what they were researching here? To open the door, you have to think a little with your brains.

Combination: blue, yellow, green, green, red, red, red.

After entering the door, read Luis's note, which will explain everything. Take the key card and go to the door. Hear how the Regenerator broke the door from his "room" and is now heading towards you. The note says that there are a lot of Las Plagas in the body of the Regenerator, you need to kill them all, it is they who give life to this dead body. You can't see them without an infrared sight, but you can still kill them without it. We just randomly fire at the monster from head to toe from anything, preferably from a shotgun, until you kill all Las Plagas. Or use grenades. In the room where he lay, break the glass and take another emerald. Another regenerator awaits you in the corridor, and a little further, another one! There is an emerald in the suitcase, do not forget to pick it up. Enter the blue doors using the keycard. This is a cryogenic chamber. Here you can change the data on the key card so that it opens the passage to the garbage bin. And take an infravisor. If you don't want to spend a bunch of ammo and grenades on Regenerators, and if you have a rifle, we immediately run here and take the infravisor. This room is creepy, there are a bunch of Regenerators hanging here, since they won't come to life. We go further and "play" with the warriors. Two standing nearby can be thrown together if you aim well, the rest one at a time. In total, you can use the device three times, after which the guys will figure out that you need to kill you. Going further, you will hear painfully familiar screams. This is Ashley, guarded by two fat men with hammers. After killing them, we find that a key card is also needed here, we go to the door nearby. We run further, kill a bunch of warriors and go down the stairs. Behind her are shotgun shells. In another laboratory, you will meet, guess who, right, another Regenerator. But this time it will be even deadlier, with spikes. Don't get close. Break the glass and take the ammo from the TMP. In one of the "pillars" there is an emerald, green grass is waiting for you under the glass, red under the other glass, and shotgun cartridges are in the safe. Run through the door. There are barrels and a merchant, and a little further the elevator. We rise, pick up green grass, cartridges for a shotgun and go down back. After leaving the laboratory, go to the door nearby, there is green grass and a typewriter. Run back to Ashley. Open the door, run behind the boxes and watch the video. End of chapter.

Chapter 5-2

Again, an extra load hangs on your shoulders. Grab your shotgun ammo and move on. You will see a paper airplane flying towards you with a kiss, it is not difficult to guess who it is from. Ada writes that the only way out of here is a dumping pit. Well, let's run there. As you exit the cell, you will meet a detachment of warriors, led by a fat man. And further in the control room, one of the warriors will close the room, I wonder who he wanted to make worse. We run up to the pit and watch the video.

I wonder how they did not break all the bones, because the distance was decent. Prepare your weapons, soon you will have to deal with the Iron Maiden (spiky Regenerator). As soon as you pull the lever, he will wake up and be ready for battle. In the next room, there are rifle cartridges, and there is a barrel of fuel. The fight will not be the most difficult. If Ashley gets in the way a lot, order her to hide in the trash can. As you go a little further, the situation will repeat itself. Next will be the battle. Not the easiest, so get ready. Put Ashley at the control panel so that she breaks the door. Stand behind you and watch the aisles. Once you've killed everyone, go through the door. In this room, you will be lucky enough to meet two Regenerators. Press the button, the door will not open completely, but Ashley will be able to climb through and open the door from the other side. Turn right, go through the door. There stands a merchant and his love is a typewriter. Go to the big blue door, and leave Ashley near one lever, and go to the other yourself. Get ready to press, on the fourth signal (when the round light comes on), press. In the room we see a large car and boxes, collect everything, now again you have to spend a lot of ammo. Ashley will drive the car, you fight off groups of warriors. In addition to the usual enemies, a truck will want to crash into you. Don't let him do it, shoot at the hood. A little later, this truck will start up again and want to finish what it started. We shoot him in the hood again. Almost at the end of the road you will have to take the elevator, along with the car. We climb the stairs and shoot the enemies above, at the same time I look down, because these "soldiers" willingly beat even girls. As you kill everyone, lower the lever and run down. The trip continues. Now we have to look further ahead. Take out two on the upper bridge and a group at the back. Then the truck will drive at you again, this time to ram. Accidents cannot be avoided. Your car pulls sharply to the left, and it breaks through the wall of the building, from where you continue your adventure. There is already a merchant and a typewriter here. Check the nightstands, find the Green Stone that can be inserted into the statue of the Golden Lynx and go through the door. We watch the video, with the participation of Saddler and ... the end of the chapter.

Chapter 5-3

Here you are alone again. However, this is even better. To the left of the stairs, pick up 5000 coins that no one needs, read Saddler's note (to whom does he even write them, Leon?) and run further. The path will be more or less calm. When we reach the place, we watch the video. The most beautiful part of the game has come - the battle with Krauser with knives. We press the necessary combinations, or we watch the death of Leon. As always, we are saved, according to Krauser, "Bitch in red dress", in other words, Ada. There will be another interesting place in the next room. Maybe even an easter egg to some extent. It will be a closed room with lasers. Run the first two lasers yourself, and in other cases, press combinations, at the same time looking at how Leon is a dodger and lucky. In the next room, knock down the hairpin and, if you want, go to the chair, press the desired button and smile.

Take the elevator down into the cave. Under the stairs, a surprise awaits us in the form of an emerald and green grass. In the cave we find a merchant, a typewriter, and notes of the everywhere-visited Louis Sera. Get ready, there will be a fight soon. The whole tactic is that you have to shoot at the green lights, thereby opening closed doors, press the red buttons (there are two of them), dodge the monster's blows and run to the next cell. If the monster descends and stands in front of you, shoot at point-blank range (it won't work any other way) from a shotgun. So you have to go through three cells. Then this running will turn into real fight. Before the battle, all the necessary cartridges lie, so the monster is not particularly difficult, in extreme cases, there is a knife. For the boss they give 50,000 coins. We collect what lay on the battlefield, if we have not done this before, and move on. You will meet a large group of warriors. But do not despair, there are barrels of fuel all over their "camp". The main thing is to wait for the moment when to shoot at them. Collect trophies and jump down in one of the tents. The first turn to the right, you will see a blue stone inserted into the statuette of the Golden Lynx. At the end of the cave you will see a typewriter, a merchant and a shooting range. If you haven't shot at a range, I advise you to do so. For every assembled row caps, you get a decent amount of coins.

Then again the boss. This time Krauser, whom we met quite recently. A couple of bullets in the head from a pistol and Krauser will jump towards you. Be careful, it is very fast and you will have to press the indicated combinations more than once. Basically use a shotgun and a knife. Run, collect herbs and ammo and shoot back from Krauser when he grabs his own, throws a blinding grenade and runs away to hell. Your task is to find three parts of the picture. You will find two on the battlefield, the second will be in Krauser's pocket, you already understood how to get it. The main thing is to shoot the Krauser robots in time, or they can do you a good job. They are destroyed with one cartridge from a pistol. Having collected two parts of the mosaic, we rise to the tower. Here we have the second part of the battle, a fight with a former partner face to face. His left arm had turned into a wily weapon, some kind of mutated semblance of a sword. You need to beat him with something very powerful, for example, a Magnum, the cartridges from which lie next to you. Shoot in the head or in the legs, as the blades on his arm are invulnerable. As you kill the boss, take the third part of the picture and run away, the commando laid all the ruins with dynamite, and you don't have much time left. Run to the painting, insert the missing pieces and go through the door. End of chapter.

Take the green grass and move on. You are in a real military base. At first, it may seem that the fight will be difficult. But Mike, the pilot of the sent helicopter, will do the main work for us. The main thing is not to ignore his chatter. When he tells you to run away, listen to him, or taste the rocket. The main thing for you is to find a good hiding place and wait for Mike to do everything. In the second part of the military base, two more machine gunners will appear, who will shoot off half of their soldiers if you hide correctly. If not, a helicopter will help you out. After the fight, collect a bunch of ammo and herbs. Pull the two levers and go through the opened door. We watch a video of how a bunch of enemies surround us and Mike saves us again. But then the helicopter is shot down and Mike dies. We see a grenade launcher and Saddler standing next to him, who is next on our black list.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Final chapter

Buy a grenade launcher from the merchant, it will come in handy for you. Collect herbs, ammo and run to the elevator. Going upstairs, we see that Saddler has caught Adda and she is hanging tied up, well, another reason to put lead in the villain's head. We immediately run to the end of the platform and wait for Saddler to be near the fuel barrel. One accurate cartridge and the boss has already opened his eye - his weak point. Cartridges from a rocket launcher in the eye, as we watch the video that Ada threw us another RPG. We run across to the other side of the platform and wait for the monster to jump towards us. We shoot at the eyes on his legs, he falls, revealing his weak spot, and we shoot with the RPG that Ada gave us (Interestingly, no matter where you aim, the rocket will fly exactly into Saddler's eye, even if it is the opposite side ). The boss drops a good 100,000 coins. A friend gives you the keys to a jet ski, with which you will get out of this cursed island. We go down the elevator to Ashley, strange, but she is still alive. We run with her to the jet ski and drive as fast as we can along the collapsing tunnel, dodging falling fragments. The last push and you fly out of the tunnel into fresh and clean sea air. Congratulations on the successful completion of the mission, now home, on a jet ski, from Europe to America!

Basic Rules

1. First and most important: try to reduce the number of opponents behind you to zero by moving around the location: an extra hit on the hump on the Professional will not end in anything good. If the situation does not allow you to spin around to see the whole crowd, then take a shotgun and clear the path to a more advantageous position. An alternative is a flash drive under your feet, but you will need flash drives for other purposes.

2. It is advisable to spend flash drives only on the plug.

3. Cartridges are good, but do not abuse the knife and go on the attack on the enemy with a weapon if you are not sure that you can dodge the blow. Too much is punished here for such tricks.

4. Fourth in a row, but not least: the fact that you have green hp does not mean at all that you will not be killed with one hit. Do not relax and think that you will be able to live up to red and then spend healing. 90% of the time it won't work.

5. If resources allow, you should buy a rocket launcher before each boss (except Krauser and Bitores Mendez)

6. Enemy shields should only be broken with a shotgun blast

7. Crossbowmen and other guys who like ranged combat should be killed first: it will be unpleasant if you red pass any difficult moment, and Inokentius with a crossbow, which you did not notice or simply ignored, will kill you from the other side of the room /locations.

8. If you see that things are bad and you are being squeezed, then don't be stingy and spend a couple of magnum rounds: it scatters enemies almost the same as a shotgun, but does MUCH more damage.

9. During each visit to the merchant, if possible, buy two first aid sprays: they are relatively inexpensive, and can save lives more than once.

10.Participate in the shooting range to earn easy (and quite large) money without spending on ammo and hp (note: it is better to use TMP in the shooting range)

11. Treat Ashley only if absolutely necessary: ​​most of the enemies do not attack her, and there is not too much benefit from her, but an extra heal for Leon (who is attacked by absolutely everyone) will help you stay alive once again.

12. Buying the largest case is only worth it if you are convinced that there will not be enough room in a smaller case: in other words, you can shell out your 70,000 pesos, but only if you are 100% sure that you can save a large enough amount a cartridge and other good things, otherwise the inventory floor will be empty, and no one will return your money to you.

Bosses / Mini-bosses and tactics for their passage.

1 El Gigante
Ideally, you need to kill him with a rocket launcher, but if you don’t get hold of it, then TMP and running around will help (and free the dog from the trap at the very beginning, then you will thank her)

2 Del Lago
There is no special tactic for passing this boss, I can only advise when she first dives, and then emerges nearby and swims at you, it is better to go to the side, otherwise you will be thrown off the boat and a lot of damage will be inflicted.

3.Bitores Mendez
The elder of the village, in appearance and physical characteristics, looks like some new Tyrant model (this is such a boss from the past parts of RE, like Nemesis in the 3rd part). The battle with him is divided into 2 parts: first, Mendez walks on his feet, while trying to grab Leona. At this stage, it will be most effective to run from one end of the map to the other, along the way feeding the bald horseradish with lead from TMP (note: in the first stage the boss has only 1 attack that does not depend on QTE, so be vigilant), then, when the legs separate from the body, Mendez will begin to cling to the beams and get to the main character along them. The most important thing here is to carefully monitor him to understand where he will jump a second later. Also feed him lead from TMP or a shotgun (which at this stage is still can be effective as a means of dealing damage), just run from one corner to another, but now trying not to lose sight of the boss. Why not spend a rocket launcher on him? In the 1st stage when firing a rocket launcher as far as I know, his legs will simply fall off, and in the 2nd, due to the fact that Mendez will constantly move, getting into him from such a weapon will be problematic and you will most likely miss, or at best, hit him with an explosion yourself and get out of the boss with a hit.

4 Dr.Salvador/Bella Sisters
The peculiarity of these mini-bosses is that they kill Leon with one hit on any difficulty. Based on this, I would not advise you to let them get close to you, and for this all means are good (but a shotgun is the best solution)

This blind guy (which means you shouldn't make too much noise around him) has a weak spot on his back (thanks, cap), and he can be easily killed if you give ""signals"" with short runs: in this case, he will stick your claws into the wall (you just need to move away in time so that Leon doesn’t appear in the place of the wall), and while he tries to pull them out, you need to shoot him at the worm on his back. It’s also worth saying that he can be killed with body shots, but it will be extremely unreinventable. There is also an armored version of this mini-boss, but it is no different from the normal one except that it is invulnerable to body shots, but you are not going to shoot him in the body, right? Shoot in the back, by the way, can be from anything, but I prefer to cut with a knife.

One of the most difficult bosses in the game, which, nevertheless, is killed with one shot from the Rocket Launcher "and (you must first freeze it). If you pass it without it, then you should freeze it and then process it from the magnum. He will die not the first time, but sooner or later he will drop the skates. A successful QTE is also required, otherwise you have practically no chance of killing him, especially on a Professional.

7 Ramon Salazar
A vile dwarf, to whom Leon pierced his hand with a knife. The boss is rather not him, but his mixture with the second guard-hulk (the first was Verdugo, whom the dwarf sent to kill Leon). This boss is quite easy, he, like most, dies from one shot from a rocket launcher, but to kill him, you must first open the "cocoon". A magnum or TMP is suitable for this task, and after opening you just kill him with one shot from you-know-what.

Such an incomprehensible creature, designed to kill GG. In the battle with him, 2 stages are also waiting for you: in the first, you should not pay attention to him and just activate the necessary panels and react to QTE. In the second stage, you make one shot from the Rocket Launcher" a, followed by one stab. On this, U3 is sent to eternal rest.

9 Jack Krauser
Former comrade of Leon Kennedy, infected with the Las Plagas virus, which gives him superhuman abilities. We will meet him 2 times: the first time will be very spectacular (especially by the standards of the time when RE4 was released) a knife fight scene with QTE elements. The second time we ourselves will have to deal with the former partner. Here's how to do it: shoot at him when he wants to throw a grenade. In this case, it will explode in his hands and damage him. In hand-to-hand combat with him, just press the QTE buttons in time. In the final scene, when Jack transforms his hand into something similar to a sword-wing-shield, you should avoid his normal attacks and, through his ""opening"" for a shot using the same QTE, shoot with a magnum.

11.Osmund Saddler
Indecently easy boss. Use the levers at the ends of the platforms to knock Osmund down, then his weak spot opens (an eye in his mouth, no matter how stupid and disgusting it sounds), and there is already a shot from a rocket launcher in this eye, then a cat will be launched -A scene where Ada will drop you another "special" Rocket Launcher with a red rocket that you will need to finish off the boss.

Fan weapon.

1. Matilda
A semi-automatic pistol that fires a burst of three rounds. Obtained by beating RE4 on any difficulty

2.Infinite Rocket Launcher
Same as regular Rocket Launcher, only with infinite ammo

3.Chicago typewriter
.45 assault rifle with damage, almost like Broken Butterfly. Has infinite ammo. Obtained by completing the Ada Quest

A magnum with 99.9 damage, initially having 3 rounds, but as it is upgraded, it gets infinite ammo. You can get it by going through all 4 "Mercenary" cards for five stars.

5.P.R.L. 412
My favorite. Cannon of incredible power, when fully charged, destroys all living things in range. Has infinite ammo. When not fully charged, blinds all living things in range (and kills the plug, like a regular flash drive). Obtained by completing RE 4 on maximum difficulty.

Knife tricks.


At the request of readers, I decided to add a section to this guide about all kinds of features with knives. Well, let's start!
So, it is reliably known that it is completely safe with proper skill and only with a knife you can go through one boss and one mini-boss: Krauser and Regenerator (NOT Iron Maiden!). Next will be presented instructions for passing ordinary Ganados with a knife (these are the most common enemies , if anyone is unaware).

Killing Krauser with a knife

All you need to do for this is to get close to him and first stab him in the legs or wait until he opens, and then, when he gets on one knee, hit him in the infected hand. As a result, he will constantly kneel and eventually he will die. The key point here is this: do not miss on the arm, please, and if you miss and he gets up, then repeat the whole procedure again.

Killing the Regenerator with a knife

Here we cheat a little and use a small bug: it consists in knocking the regenerator off its feet and without stopping, coming close, hit with a knife. The regenerator will get stuck in the ""regeneration"" animation and will not be able to get up, and then will die. The only caveat can serve the execution time: it will take a long time to beat. Very long. Well, try not to get under the jump.

Killing simple Ganados

Here the whole trick is to let the enemy hit, but miss. Here's how to do it: see that the enemy is swinging a weapon, move away, the enemy misses, quickly come up and stab in the face with a knife, and then knock down with a blow, and finally, you finish off the fallen enemy with melee weapons. You need to be more careful with maces, they have a larger attack radius, which means you need to retreat faster and further. Against shields, you should approach, stab in the leg, and then beat the one who opened up, but again , you have to be careful, otherwise you’ll hit your head. With a plug, it’s better to figure it out with a flash drive, but you can also come up and kick, but you shouldn’t get close to an already lying plug, and therefore the procedure will need to be repeated several times. If Ganados is in a mask, then you need to stab not in the face, but in the legs, and then grab and finish off the one who was thrown.

Choice of weapons.

Choice of weapons.
So, let's figure out what is best suited for the destruction of the local fauna:

1.Broken Butterfly
As for me, this is the best magnum in the game. It is obtained for free with the help of Ashley in the Castle location (you need to give her a lift so that she opens the door for us), and in terms of lethal force at maximum pumping it is in second place after the rocket launcher.

Final score: 10/10-must take (preferably free).

2.Killer 7
A pretty good magnum, but inferior to Broken Butterfly in terms of lethal power at maximum pumping, and it costs a lot of money, while it is impossible to get it for free.

Final score: 6/10 - in principle, you can take it, but it is not recommended.


A good pistol for passing on a Professional, but on the condition that the owner shoots very accurately (Extra upgrade: X5 chance of critical damage when hit in the head), otherwise it will not bring the proper result

Final score: 8/10 - pump only if you are confident in your accuracy.

Honestly, I underestimated this weapon until I realized that on the Professional this pistol is indispensable. A kind of "light version" of the TMP, this pistol will help you stop the crowd before the opponents even approach you. its incredibly fast reload, fire rate and large magazine. These aspects are key to maxing out RE4, as it will help you quickly change priorities in combat.

Final score: 10/10 - must take

My favorite pistol to play on Easy-Normal, however on Professional this weapon is too slow to be effective. Its only advantage relative to the Blacktail is its incredibly high damage (the highest in the game among pistols, not counting the X5 head crit from the Handgun), so it will only be good for single, but strong targets, and the return due to the purchase of a buttstock is reduced by 80%. Otherwise, Red9 loses to Blacktail without any chance of rehabilitation.

Final score: 7/10 - you can take it, but not on the Professional.

I didn't use this pistol at all when going maxed out. It might be good for punching through enemies and save money on the shotgun, plus you can get it for free, but anyway, I personally don't have much respect for him. and on the Pro you can do fine without it.

Final rating: 8/10 - if you take it, it's only free. I don't see the point of taking it for a fee.

Everything is the same as with a regular rifle.


(Note: Shotguns on the Professional are used primarily not as a means of dealing damage, but as a means of controlling large crowds and breaking shields).

An unremarkable shotgun that can be found in the village in one of the houses on the second floor.

Final score: 7/10 - you need something purely to repel enemies and break shields before it becomes possible to buy Striker "and about which a little later. (Note: it will be better if you do not upgrade it. Save a lot more than you lose) .

2.Riot gun
For an additional (and quite impressive) price, small benefits in the form of lighter weight and a larger magazine. Do you need it? If you do not speedrun and go to the pro for the first time, then no.

Final score: 5/10 - do not take if you are not going for speed.

The best shotgun in the game. The lack of a bolt action makes it an ideal weapon for crowd control, but it can also handle single targets.

Final score: 10/10 - a must-buy .

Other weapons

Masthead on all RE4 difficulties. You will not find a better combination of flexibility-price-usefulness in this game. You can use it to bring down bosses, stop the crowd, and kill the plug, and what you can’t do.

Final rating: 10/10 - definitely take.

3.Mine Thrower
The most controversial weapon in the game. Some love it, some don’t. Personally, I did all my passages (and this is about 15 times) without it and never felt the need for it. If it’s really tight with money and you can’t afford buy a rocket launcher before every boss, or you don't want to fill your case with a huge barrel, then this weapon can serve as a cheap alternative.

Final score: 4.5 / 10 - strictly for an amateur. Very strict. Just nowhere stricter.

So, based on all of the above, we can conclude that you should have the following arsenal of weapons:

1.Rocket launcher
2.Blacktail (priority is to upgrade reload speed and magazine capacity).
3.TMP (Max it all the way as fast as possible).
4.Striker (magazine capacity upgrade is a priority).
5.Broken Butterfly (in the priority of pumping firepower).
6. Sniper rifle .233 (do not upgrade at all, put an IR sight and use it only on regenerators/iron maidens or if you are not at all sure about hitting the enemy).

That's all, friends! Good luck on the virtual battlefields and let the war stay in the games!