Contracts in contract wars are new. Contract Wars gameplay. Symbols for graphic elements used in Contract Wars

Contract Wars is a modern free browser-based 3D first-person shooter created using Unity 3D technology by the St. Petersburg company AbsolutSoft. It is currently in the release candidate stage and exists as an application for 4 social networks and one game portal.

Contract Wars makes the most of the Unity 3D game engine, making the CW very different visually from many other browser-based free online shooters. The game uses a free 2 play monetization model based on microtransactions. Also in Contract Wars, in addition to an abundance of tactics, tasks and pumping opportunities, there is a large arsenal of weapons (about 60 samples) and skills to learn (over 100).

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The game takes place in the near future, in the fictional city of Tarkov, where a mercenary war between two private military corporations called BEAR (Battle Encounter Assault Regiment) and USEC (United security). Despite the fact that they are mercenaries, both sides of the conflict have references to their origin. BEAR are formed from former specialists of special forces units of the Russian Federation and the CIS and are most often depicted in such equipment, they also represent the interests of the Russian Federation in the conflict. USEC, on the other hand, are made up of former specialists from European and American divisions, having in their kit the appropriate uniforms and equipment, they represent the interests of NATO and the company called Terra Group, which employs them.

Game process

Contract Wars is a first-person shooter with RPG and tactical elements. The basis of the gameplay is the confrontation of ground units of PMCs.

  • RPG elements:

There are elements of pumping in the game, that is, the ability to improve the characteristics of your character by purchasing "skills". Skills are divided into 6 skill trees by class (scout, attack aircraft, sniper, destroyer, gunsmith and careerist).

To learn skills you need skill points ( Skill Points, SP), which are given as a reward for progress (leveling) and completing contracts. You can also buy additional skill points for the in-game "gold" currency - GP. Gold Points can be transferred by exchanging the currency of the social network/portal. A certain amount of GP can be obtained by completing complex, "gold" contracts.

  • Contracts:

There are daily tasks in the game, the so-called contracts. For the completion of each contract, the player receives a certain reward, which is indicated under the terms of the contract. The player must complete the contract within 24 hours, otherwise it will be reset and its execution will need to be started again. The player can only access the next contract by completing the current one. In total, 3 types of contracts are given for execution, copper, silver and gold, which are divided according to the complexity of execution, and one contract of each complexity can be completed per day. Also, with each new contract, they become more difficult, but the reward for them also grows.

As the socio-economic sphere of society develops, the need for legal support increases not only for commercial transactions, but also for civil relations. More and more respondents prefer to consolidate their agreements through a contract.

Definition of a contract

A contract is a written agreement between two or more parties that provides for the observance of mutual rights and obligations. The subject of the contract may be the acquisition of some value (tangible or intangible) for a certain remuneration or the legal regulation of the rights and obligations of the interacting parties.

Contract principles

All types of contracts are based on the implementation of a number of principles, including:

  1. Freedom of contractual relations - is based on the voluntary entry of both (all) parties into a kind of transaction, as well as on the free choice of the counterparty, the form and content of the document. Thus, this principle implies the absence of pressure and coercion on the parties signing the contract.
  2. Mutual benefit. Mutual benefit must be at the heart of the agreement. Since each of the counterparties pursues its own goal and benefit, the implementation of the principle comes down to finding contract terms that satisfy both (all) partners. Otherwise, the agreement will have to be terminated.
  3. Mutual responsibility. Along with the rights and possible benefits stipulated by the partners, the contract contains information about a number of mutual obligations, the failure to comply with which entails negative consequences for the offender. In order to avoid damage to one party due to discrediting actions of the other, all types of contracts should provide for a list of obligations of counterparties and conditions for resolving conflict situations.
  4. Bargain. Practice shows that to a greater extent this principle is used when signing not civil, but economic types of contracts, especially those related to purchase and sale transactions. Bargaining implies the desire of the parties to minimize their costs by putting forward their own conditions for the implementation of the agreement.

Main types of contracts

The classification of contracts includes various criteria, but the most important is the division from a legal point of view. Depending on the subject of the legal content of the contract, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Credit.
  2. Purchase and sale.
  3. Hire and lease contract.
  4. Labor.
  5. Marriage.

From an economic point of view, contracts can be grouped according to various criteria: by duration (short-term, medium-term and long-term), by method of regulation (self-executing, regulated by a third party), by type of agreement (formal, informal), by the number of counterparties (individual, collective) , according to the degree of standardization (typical, non-standard), etc.


A loan contract is concluded between the lender and the borrower. The subject of the agreement is the n-th amount of money or other tangible assets, which the borrower undertakes to repay on time and in the agreed amount. The benefit to the lender is the cash reward in the form of interest on the loan.

The terms include a fixed benefit for both parties as well as their obligations. A feature of this type of contract is a guarantee condition, by which the lender minimizes possible losses in the event of unfair behavior of the borrower. A guarantee of the fulfillment of the payer's obligations may be his pledged property/assets or other conditions (certificate of income, information on the solvency of the counterparty, etc.). As a loan, both money and real estate or goods purchased in installments act.

Purchase and sale

A contract of sale implies an agreement to transfer from one counterparty (seller) to another (buyer) the right of ownership of a product or service free of charge. In addition to the object of the agreement, the contract clearly stipulates the type, quantity, price of the asset and the method of payment, the delivery time and the penalty for the party that violated the terms of the contract. Force majeure circumstances that make it impossible to fulfill the terms of the contract are considered separately. Both individuals and legal entities can act as parties, and the most common model today is a legal entity + legal entity. Also, through a contract of sale, international trade transactions in various areas of the economy are most often formalized.

Hiring and renting

Mutual agreement on the transfer of the right of temporary use of the property category from one party to the other is accompanied by the signing of a lease and rental contract. Leased property most often includes residential premises, vehicles for various purposes, equipment, commercial space, agricultural land, etc. This type of contract is very similar to a trade contract, with the only difference being that the subject of the contract must be returned to the owner within the agreed time frame.

Labor contract

Relations between the employer and the employee are regulated by a special document that specifies the rights and obligations of both parties. The employment contract implies that the job seeker performs work in accordance with his official duties and the regulations of the enterprise and receives in return from the employer wages in the amount established in the document.

marriage contract

Marriage has a special place in civil law. Future spouses who want to protect themselves from disputes over the division of property in the event of dissolution of the union sign a marriage contract. This document is also suitable for those people who do not agree with the regime for the division of joint property established by the current legislation. It is the contract that makes it possible to establish other, different from the state, property relations between spouses, as well as their children, of course, with their mutual consent.

An interesting fact is that the distribution of property between spouses should be carried out, if not in equal shares, then at least without a significant difference. For example, if the husband is entitled to a tangibly large part of what he has acquired, and the wife only a small share, then this contract may well be declared invalid on legal grounds. It should also be noted that only the material side of the relationship can be the subject of a marriage contract, personal relationships (the rights and obligations of spouses) will not be stipulated in this document.

In the addition of Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, a previously unfamiliar type of activity appeared - contracts. In fact, these are all the same side quests, for the completion of which you will receive coins or something else useful. In the first task, you can pick them up right on Billy's table immediately after loading the game. But the rest are taken on the boards near the black market. In our guide, we will tell you how to get through them all.

Walkthrough of contracts in Dishonored: Death of the Outsider

In total, we counted 13 contracts. In general, it was not difficult to perform them and quite interesting. The most important advice - do not try to combine them with the passage without killing. Some contracts directly require you to destroy a specific target, so your bloodless mission is doomed to failure in advance. In the menu for each contract, you can turn on a marker on the map, so there should be no problems finding the place.

Task 1 - The Last Stand

  • Industrial espionage- in the first mission it is more convenient to start with this contract. As soon as you enter the baths, there will be a locked door to the right of the entrance. Knock on it and the eyeless one sitting next to it will say that the passage costs 100 gold. If you don't have the money yet, go a little further to the ring where Daud is being held. Above him hangs a portrait of the Alien. If you jump up and pull it off, you'll get 200 coins. Enter the door and kill the man inside to take the key from him. After that, go behind the counter on the right and find the recipe in the drawer under the small sink. Next, you need to kill all the bottles until the contract is counted.
  • Burn the white dog- after completing the previous contract, go through the far door and move to the target mark. Along the way, you will have to kill another eyeless one. At the end of the corridor you will run into two doors - one leads to the leader of the gang and a cage with a white dog, the second - to a small room with mines. This room has a viewing window through which you will see three dogs. It's easier to get them out of here. After that, enter the next room and clear the room. Open the cage and take Snowball's corpse. In the corridor through which we went here, you will have a new marker pointing to the ovens. It is in them that the animal must be taken to be burned. Keep in mind, if you accidentally cut the dog into pieces, you will have to burn each one separately, otherwise the contract will not count.

Task 2 - On the ink trail

  • bartender kidnapping- move through the story until you get a tattoo of the eyeless in the Red Camellia beauty salon. With her, you can easily pass in the Spector club for your own. Inside, you can kill everyone except your target. The bartender must be stunned, otherwise the contract will fail. If you want to do without casualties, explore the top floor. There should be jars of ether to help put the visitors to sleep. Once you're done with the bartender, you'll have a new objective marker. That's where you need to drag his carcass to fulfill the contract.
  • Mimu's death- you need to frame everything as a suicide, so you can’t just kill a mime. It is also impossible for someone to see you with the body. Therefore, your first goal is to disperse the two peaceful citizens in front of him, and even so that they do not set guards on you. We hid as we should and shot the mime with an electric charge. The townspeople got scared and ran away, but no one saw that we did it. If you steal a coin from a mime, the townspeople will also run away, but the guardians of law and order will start chasing you and greatly complicate the task. Shoulder the stunned mime and move towards the target marker. It would be better to clear the path for yourself in advance. Right next to the right place sits a fisherman who will definitely see you and fail the contract if you do not take care of him in advance.
  • Threats at work is a very simple contract. Turn on the objective marker and sneak into the bank. There you can overhear how the eyeless threatens the cashier. Put a mark on it and follow. Don't worry about her noticing you. Madame is quite careless and does not expect surveillance. If you lose sight of her, you'll have to catch up. She will go to Spector's club and meet her accomplice there. Kill them and the contract will be fulfilled.
  • missing brother- it will be more convenient to make this contract last. The target marker will lead you back to Spector's club, where you will find your missing brother on the top floor. It is connected to the device that needs to be switched in the opposite direction. After that, Alberto can be disconnected from the device. It cannot be endangered, so it is better to clear the path in advance. Follow the new objective marker and place Alberto on the bed next to his brother. After that, your contract will be fulfilled.

Task 3 - Bank robbery

  • From rags to riches and back to filth- a very simple contract that can be completed as part of the main story. When you find yourself in the basement storage Archive and safes, look around. You need to find Morgan Yu's safe. You can turn on the mark so that you definitely don't pass by. The code for it is indicated in the description of the contract itself - this is the number of coins, 315. Take the stone and the mission will be completed.
  • Quieter than water, lower than grass- the complexity of this contract is that you cannot be seen and you cannot harm anyone. Therefore, the only way is to complete the side quest Put the bank workers to sleep. After that, make your way to the director's office, following the objective marker, and copy the desired page from the book. We recommend that you save as often as possible and monitor the status of the contract. If you fail, download and try again.
  • art connoisseur- one of the easiest contracts, which also helps you get . Turn on the target marker and move towards the boat. There you will have to kill two unpleasant types, and then dive into the water. A corpse floats under the boat, in whose pocket you can find the key to the cabin. Climb inside and pocket the painting. After that, the contract will be fulfilled.
  • Happiness pickpocket- This contract is not as simple as it seems. You need to steal the note from the guard's pocket without being seen. You can't kill or stun a guard before or after that. He must remain alive until the end of the main mission. If you haven't disturbed him before, he will sit inside his closet, where the objective marker will lead you. You will be able to steal the letter through the hatch.

Task 4 - The Stolen Archive

  • Alvaro and the Abbey- according to the terms of the contract, you need to kill all opponents in the location except Cardoza's brother. He must be stunned and seated on a special chair marked with a target marker. Unfortunately, the surviving enemies do not have any marks, so you will have to explore the level yourself. There are no secret places here, just be extremely careful. It is necessary to clean not only the main building, but also everything outside it. It is better for all enemies to deal a control blow to make sure that they are really dead, and not just lying around unconscious.
  • Stealing prophecies- a very simple task without any pitfalls. You just need to enter the Royal Chamber of Curiosities and follow the objective marker. You will find the book you need inside the broken elevator. You need to get into it through the mine.
  • dangerous bet- as part of this contract, you need to pick up a special item left inside the apartment. The entrance is located quite high, but there are plenty of opportunities on the facade to get there. Inside you will find many traps, so be extremely careful. Next, just follow the objective marker and pick up the item from the safe. After that, the contract will be fulfilled.

You can change the name of the character by pressing the SETTINGS button in the main menu.

SP is skill points. Given for getting a new level. You can spend them in the Skills window in the Career.

Press F5 to take a screenshot (screenshot). It will automatically be saved to your album.

The more shots you fire, the faster the weapon breaks. To make a weapon indestructible, you can use the MAKE WEAPON UNBREAKABLE option in the repair window.

You can enable full screen mode by pressing the F12 button.

The game servers are restarted every 10 matches in order to increase the stability of the game.

To change the command in Beacon Setting mode (Target Designation), press the M key.

To change the fire mode of a weapon, press the Z key.

Longshot (longshot) - a hit in the head from a distance of at least 20 meters.

The graphics options of the game can be changed by pressing the SETTINGS button in the main menu and selecting the AUDIO/VIDEO tab.

To improve the performance of the game, play from the Google Chrome browser, update your video card drivers, and do not download the Internet channel.

Premium items in the game are marked with the word PREMIUM and a yellow icon. You can purchase premium weapons or skills with GP. You can get GP by transferring the currency of the social network. Click on the TOP UP BALANCE button in the main menu to view transfer options.

Be careful! Some objects are shot through depending on the weapon. Hide behind cover wisely.

By making a series of kills without your own death, you get the opportunity to use armstrike support (sonar, mortar strike).

Under the application there is an ENCYCLOPEDIA button. In it you will find explanations of the most popular terms in Contract Wars.

W-TASK is a weapon mission to get unique upgrades for weapons (collimator and optical sights, silencers and compensators, etc.).

Each player has an indicator of pure authority in the game - reputation. Do not neglect voting for players after the match or in the rankings.

In battle, you can only change previously saved sets of equipment.

Do not rush to immediately install the beacon in the Target Designation mode, make sure that there are enough forces to defend the installed beacon

When receiving support (sonar, mortar strike), press the "3" key to use it

To take a screenshot (screenshot) press F5

To get sonar (detects enemies) you need to kill 4 enemies without dying

To get a mortar strike (mortar strike) you need to kill 6 enemies without dying

To stab with a knife, press the V key

In order for grenades to appear, you need to unlock the corresponding skill in the Destroyer branch.

Skill trees are located in the Career.

Getting Started in Contract Wars

Getting Started in Contract Wars

Dedicated to all CW beginners, a small guide on how to start playing CW correctly, what to choose from weapons and, as a result, a faster level.

At the beginning, each beginner is given the following items: Makarov Pistol (permanent + unbreakable), 4000cr, 15gp, H&K MP5SD6 (for one day + unbreakable).

The best solution is to play H&K MP5SD6 while it lasts and accumulate the maximum amount of money (cr). If you have accumulated more than 8500 cr then you should buy KAC PDW. They can be used with confidence at any distance. If you have accumulated less or did not have time at all, then you can save up for KAC PDW using a “double-barreled shotgun”. It is unbreakable and can be obtained by inviting 20 friends (they can be found in the official Contract Wars group in the "Add as friends" topic). Some say that it is impossible to play with a “double-barreled shotgun”, but they probably do not know one feature - the ability to fire with a doublet (to use it, you need to change the firing mode, by default, the “Z” key). In this fire mode, both barrels fire at the same time, thereby dealing double damage. This allows you to kill opponents with one hit at beyond close, close and even medium distances. If it doesn’t even kill (although very rarely), then it takes a lot of HP and the enemy can be finished off with a PM. If you do not want to add strangers as friends, you will have to buy weapons. For money you can buy: APS, PP "Kedr", H&K MP5c. Here your choice depends on the ability to play. If you feel confident in the battle, then take the APS. But if you have KD (kill / death - The ratio of kills and deaths, the more the better) is less than 1.00, then take the Kedr PP. In it, the following indicators may scare you: low accuracy and a magazine with a capacity of 20 rounds. But they are compensated by small dispersion, high rate of fire, fast reloading, low recoil and high mobility. When playing, they should release the entire magazine at the enemy at any distance and (if this is not enough) finish off with a pistol. The H&K MP5c is also popular, but I strongly advise against buying it. Here are its disadvantages: low rate of fire (compared to other SMGs in the game), long reload time and complicated W-task. Of the advantages, only good accuracy.

You also have 15gp, which is increasingly being spent on premium pistols (buy them for one day). But the best solution is to make the weapon unbreakable. This is enough to make an unbreakable APS or PP "Kedr". To make a weapon indestructible, you need to click on the wrench in the upper right corner of the weapon icon, in the window that appears, check the option "make weapons indestructible", then click on "Yes".

The game has a reputation. If it drops below -100 then you will not be able to play in the "TargerDestroy" mode. Reputation is determined by other players. Here's what not to do so that it is not lowered:

Don't kill teammates - it makes other players nervous and takes away points for it. It can also cause your death at the next start of the round and naturally lower your reputation.

Not insulting other players entails a decrease in reputation.

If you find some kind of bug, then you should inform the developers about it in a special topic, if the bug report contains enough information, then the developers can thank you financially in the game.

PS: None of the guides or tips should be taken as a kind of panacea, perhaps you will find some other ways to develop your game character.