Ksenia Martyanova - crazy speed. Ksenia Martyanova - crazy speed racing game crazy speed 3d

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Ksenia Martyanova

breakneck speed


Since childhood, she had to fight for everything she wanted to achieve. Jennifer Pierce is used to everything in her life being planned in advance. Every day, she created unique decor ideas, developing a specific style, thinking over colors, materials, accessories: the only way she knew how to cope with what was going on in her head. But everything changed overnight when Dylan Bailey - "racer in law" - brought wild chaos and sensual disorder into her serene life.

Her unshakable life philosophy cracked, letting confusion, excitement, and passionate desires into her vast cosmos. What will take over?

Chapter 1

Lord God, where the hell are you?

I'm sorry Emma, ​​I'm on my way! - Jennifer quickly overcame people in the crowd, skillfully seeping through tired, and sometimes irritable figures. Once again, she was grateful to nature for giving her cat's flexibility, resourcefulness and speed. “I’m really sorry I’m late, I just…

I'm not interested in the reasons for your lack of assembly, Jennifer, - interrupted her Emma. - From 9 am to 6 pm you should not worry about anything except your work. I'm not going to run around the office looking for you. If you are not at work, I will consider it absenteeism, and no excuses will help you. Even if you end up in the hospital, I must see you in my office at 9:00 sharp and not a minute later. Is that clear to you?

Jennifer exhaled and nodded as if someone had seen it.

Yes. Extremely.

I'll give you 15 more minutes. If you don’t meet it, you can safely write a letter of resignation.

After these words, she passed out.

Jennifer put her cell phone in her purse and quickened her pace. Emma Moreno was her boss and aunt at the same time. Yes, yes, do not be surprised by her last name, Emma, ​​indeed, was her own aunt, just while still very young she fell in love with the then little-known Spanish football player Antonio Moreno and jumped out to marry him. They divorced four years later, because Emma realized that she wanted to build a career, and the family, as you know, is a big hindrance for so many successful business women.

Her older brother Max hated Emma fiercely, believing that she was a domineering and selfish bitch who only thinks about how to glorify her name to the whole world, and she doesn’t care at all how she will do it. In general, he was partly right. Okay, more than just kind of. He was very much right, but that didn't mean he had the right to say that about a person who was still part of their family. Even if it is a very distant part of it.

Jennifer ran into the glass doors of a high-rise building and, completely oblivious to anything around her, flew like a bullet into the almost closing elevator doors.

Come on, come on, - she looked at the flashing numbers, which alternately replaced each other and prayed to God for only one thing: that now no one urgently needed to press the elevator button on one of the intermediate floors. When the screen finally showed the number 21, she let out a sigh of relief and tapped her heels on the floor.

She vomits and thrashes,” said a fair-haired girl flying up to Jennifer, passing her a folder and lowering her tone of voice, “where have you been?

Kate Wilson - tall blue-eyed blonde was Emma's personal secretary and very good friend Jennifer. She understood her almost perfectly and always covered up if she was late for work for any reason. But this time, Jennifer herself was to blame for not warning Kate, so she, of course, could not shield her.

I overslept, ”Jennifer answered just as quietly.

Lord, you are...

Shh, - Jennifer covered her mouth with her palm, - found where to talk about it, - she hissed. “And no, we don't,” she answered curtly, moving down the long corridor and opening a folder. - I'll tell you later. What happened?

She doesn't like sketches, she sighed, Dick and I can't do anything. Do you remember her a month ago before the deal with the Charm agency?

Oh God, is it really that bad?

No, - Kate giggled nervously, and then looked her straight in the eyes, - even worse.

Jennifer grimaced, expecting the worst storm in history, because the state in which their boss was when the most important contract in her life was covered, probably the whole office remembered. She screamed, tore documents, threw vases and fired four ... four (!!!) of their best employees, who subsequently went to work for their competitors. And that pissed Emma off even more. Of course, their entire family was distinguished by excessive irascibility and extreme emotionality, but what Emma Moreno did with people, probably, could not only be imprinted on the cover of The Time, but also go down in world history.

So," Kate began, and Jennifer broke away from her thoughts, looking down at the open folder she was holding, "she says that the cover is terrible and that at this rate our ratings will simply creep down dramatically. She simply tore up Dick's article and threw it in the trash. You yourself will hear all these damn words that she calls our entire office and her magazine in particular, so I will not retell them to you. But Jen, honey, only you can calm her down. I understand that you are not in a perfect relationship if you are considered as a family, but at work, she trusts you more than anyone else.

I understand, I'll try to do something.

I'll go and calm Dick, - Kate sighed, - he again locked himself in the toilet and does not want to go out. Probably a little more and will have to call a rescue team.

Do you think he will do something bad?

Yeah, - her friend threw after her, - drown us in the ocean of her own tears.

Jennifer's lips curled into a faint smile. Dick Summers was the kindest and most sincere man Jennifer had ever met. But because of his excessive sensitivity, it was very difficult for him to cope with his duties, because in order to work under Emma Moreno, you need to be: A. Restrained. B. Purposeful. V. Volevym. G. Cold-blooded. D. You need to have character. Unfortunately, Dick Summers never had any of the above, but in Jennifer's family these qualities were in serious excess. And especially for herself.

Slowly closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, then knocked on the door and pushed it inside.

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Ksenia Martyanova

breakneck speed


Since childhood, she had to fight for everything she wanted to achieve. Jennifer Pierce is used to everything in her life being planned in advance. Every day, she created unique decor ideas, developing a specific style, thinking over colors, materials, accessories: the only way she knew how to cope with what was going on in her head. But everything changed overnight when Dylan Bailey - "racer in law" - brought wild chaos and sensual disorder into her serene life.

Her unshakable life philosophy cracked, letting confusion, excitement, and passionate desires into her vast cosmos. What will take over?

Chapter 1

Lord God, where the hell are you?

I'm sorry Emma, ​​I'm on my way! - Jennifer quickly overcame people in the crowd, skillfully seeping through tired, and sometimes irritable figures. Once again, she was grateful to nature for giving her cat's flexibility, resourcefulness and speed. “I’m really sorry I’m late, I just…

I'm not interested in the reasons for your lack of assembly, Jennifer, - interrupted her Emma. - From 9 am to 6 pm you should not worry about anything except your work. I'm not going to run around the office looking for you. If you are not at work, I will consider it absenteeism, and no excuses will help you. Even if you end up in the hospital, I must see you in my office at 9:00 sharp and not a minute later. Is that clear to you?

Jennifer exhaled and nodded as if someone had seen it.

Yes. Extremely.

I'll give you 15 more minutes. If you don’t meet it, you can safely write a letter of resignation.

After these words, she passed out.

Jennifer put her cell phone in her purse and quickened her pace. Emma Moreno was her boss and aunt at the same time. Yes, yes, do not be surprised by her last name, Emma, ​​indeed, was her own aunt, just while still very young she fell in love with the then little-known Spanish football player Antonio Moreno and jumped out to marry him. They divorced four years later, because Emma realized that she wanted to build a career, and the family, as you know, is a big hindrance for so many successful business women.

Her older brother Max hated Emma fiercely, believing that she was a domineering and selfish bitch who only thinks about how to glorify her name to the whole world, and she doesn’t care at all how she will do it. In general, he was partly right. Okay, more than just kind of. He was very much right, but that didn't mean he had the right to say that about a person who was still part of their family. Even if it is a very distant part of it.

Jennifer ran into the glass doors of a high-rise building and, completely oblivious to anything around her, flew like a bullet into the almost closing elevator doors.

Come on, come on, - she looked at the flashing numbers, which alternately replaced each other and prayed to God for only one thing: that now no one urgently needed to press the elevator button on one of the intermediate floors. When the screen finally showed the number 21, she let out a sigh of relief and tapped her heels on the floor.

She vomits and thrashes,” said a fair-haired girl flying up to Jennifer, passing her a folder and lowering her tone of voice, “where have you been?

Kate Wilson, a tall blue-eyed blonde, was Emma's personal secretary and a very good friend of Jennifer. She understood her almost perfectly and always covered up if she was late for work for any reason. But this time, Jennifer herself was to blame for not warning Kate, so she, of course, could not shield her.

I overslept, ”Jennifer answered just as quietly.

Lord, you are...

Shh, - Jennifer covered her mouth with her palm, - found where to talk about it, - she hissed. “And no, we don't,” she answered curtly, moving down the long corridor and opening a folder. - I'll tell you later. What happened?

She doesn't like sketches, she sighed, Dick and I can't do anything. Do you remember her a month ago before the deal with the Charm agency?

Oh God, is it really that bad?

No, - Kate giggled nervously, and then looked her straight in the eyes, - even worse.

Jennifer grimaced, expecting the worst storm in history, because the state in which their boss was when the most important contract in her life was covered, probably the whole office remembered. She screamed, tore documents, threw vases and fired four ... four (!!!) of their best employees, who subsequently went to work for their competitors. And that pissed Emma off even more. Of course, their entire family was distinguished by excessive irascibility and extreme emotionality, but what Emma Moreno did with people, probably, could not only be imprinted on the cover of The Time, but also go down in world history.

So," Kate began, and Jennifer broke away from her thoughts, looking down at the open folder she was holding, "she says that the cover is terrible and that at this rate our ratings will simply creep down dramatically. She simply tore up Dick's article and threw it in the trash. You yourself will hear all these damn words that she calls our entire office and her magazine in particular, so I will not retell them to you. But Jen, honey, only you can calm her down. I understand that you are not in a perfect relationship if you are considered as a family, but at work, she trusts you more than anyone else.

I understand, I'll try to do something.

I'll go and calm Dick, - Kate sighed, - he again locked himself in the toilet and does not want to go out. Probably a little more and will have to call a rescue team.

Do you think he will do something bad?

Yeah, - her friend threw after her, - drown us in the ocean of her own tears.

Jennifer's lips curled into a faint smile. Dick Summers was the kindest and most sincere man Jennifer had ever met. But because of his excessive sensitivity, it was very difficult for him to cope with his duties, because in order to work under Emma Moreno, you need to be: A. Restrained. B. Purposeful. V. Volevym. G. Cold-blooded. D. You need to have character. Unfortunately, Dick Summers never had any of the above, but in Jennifer's family these qualities were in serious excess. And especially for herself.

Slowly closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, then knocked on the door and pushed it inside.

Go ahead and redo everything! If this place is dear to you, then you will not make such a mistake again!

Jennifer stopped at the door, watching Emma chastise Eddie, the young guy who did the cover art and had only been with them for a couple of weeks. Their boss's eyes burned with such uncontrollable fury that she took Eddie's half-finished sketches from Eddie's hands in full view and tore them into small pieces.

Yes, Kate clearly wasn't exaggerating when she said it was rubbish.

Once again you bring me such nonsense - you will immediately fly out of work! Are you clear?

Y-y-yes, Miss Moreno...

Stop stuttering and go to work! The release of the issue is just around the corner, and we haven't even finished the cover yet!

Jennifer squatted down carefully, picking up bits of what was once a whole sketch from the floor and putting them into her folder. The guy ran out of the office like a scalder, and she sighed, knowing full well that she would have to look for a new candidate for Eddie's position.

Where have you been?! Emma left the table and walked over to her niece. - Do you even know what a mess is going on in this damn place, while you are walking around somewhere?!

Emma, ​​I...

These people will take me to the grave, - she put her hands on her head and began to massage her aching temples with her fingers. “Did you see what a lousy cover these ungrateful boobies offered me for the Saturday issue?! It's just a shame! And the article by that animal-obsessed Summers?! He wrote about how to, quote, "keep pets out of your furniture"! Pets from furniture, and not vice versa! As if the furniture is spoiling the animals! Jennifer pursed her lips tightly, trying not to show the gaiety that Dick's article aroused in her, and made a mental note to remember to look at the poor guy, who, most likely, is now going through not his best moments. Well, and, apparently, you will again have to save him from another dismissal, offering Emma new theme. “God,” moaned her boss, falling into a black leather chair, “they will ruin my reputation. Ruin the reputation of "HappyStyle". And we all have to look for a new job.