Quests in the starting location of the gnomes. Quests in the starting location of the gnomes Quests from 1 to 20 lvl

1. We are born in the starting location. We are looking for the Novice Assistant with a look, he tells you that you need to get a blue crystal and Imps. Beat the nearest Imp and get level 2 and a crystal.

2. We hand over the knocked-out item to the Novice Assistant, standing in the starting location. We get some nubososok.

4. We are transferred to the village of Kamael. We talk there with the Beginner's Assistant (Beginner's Guide or Traveler's Assistant) (hereinafter referred to as PN). He gives the task to pass the quest
Supply check. Reward: Wooden Cuirass, Wooden Gaiters, Wooden Helmet, Leather Boots, Gloves, 2,466 Adena, 5,672 XP, 446 SP

Explanations: This is where the innovation of grace begins. Tasks and rewards from PN, allowing you to quickly get the first professional.
Mon gives 5 tasks different depending on the race. For the quests themselves, the reward remains the same as in the previous chronicles. The main award is given from PN. To receive a reward after completing the quest, you just need to approach and talk to Mon.
Tasks are given at the following levels:
2, 6, 10, 15 and 18 are already on the pro.
There is also a vitality system that gives you a percentage of experience depending on the time spent in the game. The principle is simple if you spend 2-3 hours in the game, then vitality will not fall below 300%

5. We run to NPC Markel (you can not look into the description of the quest, but run along the locator).
Let's go. The passage is a couple of minutes of running around the Kamael village from NPC to NPC.
We get a reward from her and run to PN, he raises the level to 6 and gives some money.

6. At level 6, a new buff becomes available. And it is also wired from the PC. Called Blessed Protection, protects against PC 10 levels higher.
You also need to get coupons for shadow weapons from NG. From him we get the weapon itself. The weapon has a wear period, and if you decide to leave the chara and move away from the computer, then remove the weapon.

7. And so we take the buff, we get the second task from PN. As a rule, this task is to knock out an unlimited number of items for which we will receive money. It will be necessary to knock out one item no more, so as not to waste precious vitality on nubomobs.

8. We hand over the quest, choose to complete. We talk with PN get a reward. It will raise your level to 10.

9. We are talking to PN again. We get a new job. The quest is again not difficult, for each race it will be different.
The reward is the same for everyone: weapon + 50 kree + 7k ssh + 100heal + 187k exp + 10k sp + 31k Aden
The reward raises us to the 15th level.

10. At level 15, we get the next task from PN. For all races it is different but the reward is the same.
The reward will be 285k exp + 58k sp, which will raise us by about 18.5 lvl.

11. We take the quest for the 1st profession from the corresponding NPC.

12. After completing the quest for the 1st profession, you will receive a reward that will raise you to the 20th level. And they will give you money. Money is normally given only for the time being to two races - Dark elves and Kamel, the rest are given 1000a each

13. So we are lvl 20 and took the first pro and in our pocket, depending on the race, from 150k to 400k. The elapsed time should not exceed 1 hour.
In Gracia, an opportunity has appeared that is not spent on the purchase of armor and weapons. Now all weapons and armor are divided into two types, normal and normal. The difference is in price and room for improvement. The usual costs a penny, well, it is not possible to improve it.
You can buy such weapons and armor in the shops of Giran, Oren, Aden, Rune and Studgard. The money received should be enough to buy top class D items

This one lists (in my opinion) the most useful quests from 20 to 40 lvl.
As well as those that, with a low complexity of execution, have a normal reward.

20 lvl.

Dragon Fangs - Langk Lizards
Reward: 435,000 experience, 34,000 sp and D item (n).

Hidden text:

We take the quest from Lewis, who is located in the northwestern
exit from Gludin, tp to the Settlement of Langk lizards, there we kill
lieutenants and sentinel langk lizards, bye
we will not get 100 langk feathers, then we return to the npc.
We go to the temple and talk with Iris, then go to
master Romer in Gludio, we return to Iris, who instructs
us to kill shamans and leaders of langk lizards until we get
50 fangs, back to Iris. Quest over

Disturbing News - Conversation with Karuda
Reward: 45,000 experience, 2,300 sp and 8,900 adena.

Hidden text:

We take the quest from Moira, located in the city of Schutgart in the guild
orcs, then TP to the crypts of shame, we talk with Karuda.
Quest is over.

path of destiny
Reward: 112,000 experience, 5,700 sp and 22,000 adena.

Hidden text:

We take the quest from Livina, who is located in the orc village,
in a building near the portal keeper, tp to the crypts of shame,
we talk with Karuda. Quest is over.

21 lvl.

Blood Enemy - Crimis' Revenge

Reward: 35,000 experience, 1,800 sp, 42,000 adena.

Hidden text:

We take from Crimis in trading shop in the Elven Village.
Tp to the Elven fortress, then we run to the very end and kill
Kirunaka, back to Crimis. Quest is over.

Curse of the underground fortress
Available to everyone except dark elves.
Reward: 28,000 experience, 1000 sp, 24,000 adena.

Hidden text:

We take from Unoren, in the weapons shop, in the Elven village.
Tp to the Elven fortress, there we kill incorporeal horrors, dark
reapers, fog reapers, underground skeleton shooters, underground
skeletons and dead soldiers until we get 3 elf skulls and 10
fragments of bones, we return to Unoren. Quest is over.

Dangerous Temptation - Succubus Hunt
Only for dark elves.
Reward: 38,000 experience, 4,000 sp and 102,000 adena.

Hidden text:

We take from Velior in the temple of shilen in the village of dark elves.
Tp in the swamp, from where we walk to the school of dark magic, we kill there
Merkenis. We return to Velior. Quest is over.

25 lvl.

Lizard Conspiracy - Guardian's Report
Recurring quest.
Reward: 42.000 sp.

Hidden text:

We take from Prague at the western exit of Gludio. We speak with the master
Romer. Next, we kill the warriors of the shamans and the matriarchs of the lizards,
as well as poisonous and kings of arachnids, until we get 50 sparkling
crystals and 50 red crystals. We return to Master Romer.
Quest is over.

27 lvl.
Atrocities - Battle Between Orcs and Gnolls
Reward: 160,000 experience, 9,000 sp and 103,000 adena.

Hidden text:

We take from Alva in Gludin. We speak with merchant Arodin in
Gludin. Tp to the orc camp, there we beat the shooters, militias, minions
and Turkish Orc foot soldiers until we get 20 blade molds.
We refer to Tire. We return to Arodin in Gludin. Moving on to Alva.
Tp into the ruins of suffering and wet the cannibals there until we get
four reports. Now we go to the abandoned camp and kill
gnoll generals until we get an arms trade contract and
attack order. Again we speak with Alva and then with Neti. Tp to the wasteland
there we speak with the merchant Rolento. He sends us to the leader of the orcs
Turkish Burayu. Again we go to the abandoned camp and kill the captains there
gnollvo until we get 30 of their skulls. We return to the leader of the orcs.
We speak with Alva in Gludin. Quest is over.

30 lvl.

Beyond the snowy hills - Items for Filara
Reward: 82,000 XP, 5,000 SP, 1740 D-grade Soulshots or
17.000 adena.

Hidden text:

We take from Philar, in the house of elders in the village of gnomes. We buy
in the trading shop 10 master keys, 5 energy stones and
20 bandages. Next, we go to the lineman Obi. Quest completed.
p.s. everything you buy stays with you.

35 lvl.

Temple Executioner - Proof of Loyalty
Reward: 30,000 experience, 2,000 sp and 17,000 adena.

Hidden text:

We take from Shegfield in the Temple of Einshad in Dion. Let's go
to Alex, then we beat the mobs until we collect 30 things, we attribute
them to the warden of the warehouse Sonin, the grocer Pano, we speak with Alex.
Back to Shegfield. Quest is over.

Temple Preacher - Goddess of Order
Reward: 30,000 experience, 2,000 sp and 15,000 adena.

Can be performed alone
Can only be taken once
Races: All
Classes: All
Where to get the quest: Talking Island Village
Reward: Necklace of Knowledge + Experience

Darin of Talking Island has a huge crush on Gatekeeper Roxy, but he is too shy to tell her how he feels. You just have to help him!

1. Talk to Darin in the center of the village, he will give you a letter for his beloved - Darin's Letter.
2. Take it to Gatekeeper Roxxy. It turns out that she also sympathizes with Darin and gives him her Roxxy's Kerchief handkerchief.
3. Return to Darin. He is happy to hear good news from you, but he is not confident in his abilities and asks you to help him get love potion. Take Darin's Receipt from him.
4. Find a Magister Baulro in the church who can make this potion - Baulro Potion.
5. Return to Darin, return the bottle and get a reward.

Quest for Fishing Shot

Can be performed alone
Can re take the quest
Races: All
Classes: All
Reward: Fishing shots

Can't imagine your life without fishing? Fishing Shots will help you catch more fish!

1. In any city, go to the Grossery Store and talk to the Fisherman Guild Member. He can make fishing shots for you, but for this he needs a sweet liquid - Sweet Fuids, obtained from some mobs. By clicking on the inscription “Show me the list of monsters”, you will see from which mobs in which region these items fall.
2. Kill these mobs and collect Sweet Fuids. At any time, you can return to Fisherman to make fishing shots. To do this, in a conversation with him, select "Make one with the fluid I have", and he will change the quest items to any fishing shots that you want.

Deliver Goods

Can be performed alone
Can only be taken once
Races: All
Classes: All
Where to get the quest: Talking Island Village
Reward: Two Rings of Knowledge + Experience

A couple of days ago, during a storm, several merchant ships sank. Guard Arnold, who has been tasked with retrieving the remains of the cargo, requests that some salvaged goods be delivered to their owners.

1. Talk to Guard Arnold (North East Gate), get a Delivery List and items: Clay Pot, Cloth Bundle and Heavy Wood Box.
2. Take Pot to Warehouse Keeper Rant and get 1st Receipt.
3. Take Cloth to Trader Silvia and get the 2nd Receipt.
4. Take the Box to Trader Jackson and get the 3rd Receipt.
5. Take all recipes to Guard Arnold and he will reward you.

Sacrifice to the Sea

Can be performed alone
Can only be taken once
Races: All
Classes: All
Required level: 2
Where to get the quest: Talking Island Village
Reward: Mystic's Earring + Experience

Lighthouse Keeper Rockswell blames the recent storms on the fact that no one else is making sacrifices to the goddess Shilen. He wants to perform a secret ceremony, for which he will need a maiden doll, an alternative to human sacrifice. He asks you to collect fox skins and make a doll out of them.

1. Talk to Lighthouse Keeper Rockswell (lighthouse keeper)
2. Kill Beared Keltirs, Young Keltirs and Elder Keltirs until you have 10 Fox Fur.
3. Take them to Cristel (near Warehouse), get Fox Fur Yarn.
4. Take them to Warehouse Keeper Rolfe, get Maiden Doll.
5. Take it to Lighthouse Keeper Rockswell for a reward.

Miner's Favor

Can be performed alone
Can only be taken once
Races: All
Classes: All
Where to get the quest: Dwarven Village
Reward: Necklace of Knowledge + Experience

Miner Bolter is a member of the Gray Column Guild and lives in Strip Mine. He asks to bring some of his things from the village..

1. Talk to Miner Bolter. It is located on the road from the city to the starting location of the gnomes (Strip Mine). Take Bolter's List and Bolter's Smelly Socks from him.
2. Talk to Trader Garita in the magic shop, get Mining Boots.
3. Talk to Trader Shari in the weapon shop, get Boomboom Powder.
4. Talk to Warehouse Chief Reed in the warehouses, get Redstone Beer.
5. Take Bolter's Smelly Socks to Blacksmith Brunon and get a Miner's Pick.
6. Take all of these items to the Miner Bolter and get your reward.

Supply Check

Can be performed alone
Can only be taken once
Races: All
Classes: All
Where to get the quest: Kamael Village
Who to take the quest from: Marcela
Reward: Wooden set + Experience

Marcela complains that recent times she had trouble trading. Since the island was open to the rest, she had become too busy to transport goods. Please help her.

1. Find Zerstorer Marcela near the south exit of the city where the Dark Elf Guild is located. She asks you to go to the warehouse manager to negotiate with him.
2. In the Warehouse, talk to Warehouse Keeper Benis and get the Warehouse Manifest from him.
3. Return to Marcela. Now she will send you to negotiate with the merchants.
4. In the Grocery Store, talk to Trader Nika and get the Grocery Store Manifest from her.
5. Run to the weapon shop to the merchant Erunu and take a trade declaration from him. Return to Marcela.
6. She will ask you to take the report to the Hierarch of Casca at the Temple
7. Return to Marcela. She is very grateful for the help and, having rummaged through things, she will present you a brand new Wooden Set.

Collect Arrowheads

Can be performed alone
Can re take the quest
Races: All
Classes: All
Where to get the quest: Talking Island Village
Reward: 2200 adena and experience

Master Minia collects various weapons and asks you to go to the Ruins to bring her the arrowheads used by the Orcs..

1. Talk to Master Minia at the Fighters Guild in the village.
2. Kill Tunath Orc Marksman in Elven Ruins until you have 10 Orcish Arrowhead.
3. Take them to Master Minia for a small reward.

Shards of Golem

Can be performed alone
Can only be taken once
Races: All
Classes: All
Where to get the quest: Talking Island Village
Reward: Wooden Breastplate and Experience

A few days ago, a storm damaged the roof of the temple. Magister Harris asked the village blacksmith Altran to make tools to repair the roof. He will ask you to take an order for tools to the local blacksmith.

1. Talk to Magister Harrys in the temple and get Harrys's Receipt1.
2. Take it to the Blacksmith Altran and get Harrys's Receipt2.
3. Kill Stone Golems until you have 5 Golem Shards.
4. Take them to the Blacksmith Altran and get the Tool Box.
5. Take everything to Magister Harrys and he will reward you.

Cure for Fever Disease

Can be performed alone
Can only be taken once
Races: All
Classes: All
Where to get the quest: Talking Island Village
Reward: Round Shield + Experience

The students of the School of Magic were stricken with a terrible fever. Their teacher, Elias, is very interested in getting them to stop getting sick and get back to work.

1. Talk to Elias in the center of Talking Island Village. He needs an antidote, but he lacks the stings of a poisonous spider.
2. Go to the west coast of the island and kill Giant Spiders until you get 1 Poison sac.
3. Take the stinger to Priest Yohanes in the church. He will make a potion - Fever Medicine for Elias.
4. Return to Elias and give the medicine.

To Lead and Be Led

Can be performed alone
Can only be taken once
Races: All
Classes: All
Where to get the quest: Town of Gludio
Reward: D grade Clan Armor

Academy members can purchase D-grade armor set through a quest that can be completed by regular clan members.

1. Talk to Blacksmith Pinter in Gludio. (you need to be accepted as a student)
2. He will ask you to collect 10 Blood of Maille Lizardman for him. To do this, go to Maille Lizardman Barracks, located to the left of Gludio Castle, and kill Maille Lizardman, Maille Lizardman Guard, Maille Lizardman Scouts.
3. Return to Pinter, he will ask you what type of armor you need to make (Heavy, Light, Robe). Reap D grade crystals for him.
4. Now you need to get 8 Legs of King of The Araneid for him. They live in the Maille Lizardmen Barracks.
5. We return to him (Pinter) and get the long-awaited armor.

Dragon Fangs

Can be performed alone
Can only be taken once
Races: All
Classes: All
Where to get the quest: Gludin Village
Reward: D grade gear + a lot of experience

The lizards living near Gludin have become very organized and pose a serious threat to the city. Rumor has it that some of them have incredible magical powers. The city needs your help in ridding the south coast of the Langk Lizardmen.

1. Talk to Guard Luis, who is located at the southeast exit of Gludin. So that he can understand the problem, you have to bring him the teeth of lizards.
2. Go to Langk Lizardman Dwelling and hunt Langk Lizardman Warrior, Langk Lizardman Scout, Langk Lizardman Lieutenant, Langk Lizardman Sentinel until you get 100 Feather Ornament.
3. Return to Guard Luis. After a thorough examination of the teeth, it turns out that one of them is endowed with mystical power. Since the guard himself cannot figure it out, he asks you to take this tooth to Master Iris, who is standing in the temple. Get a Tooth of Totem from him.
4. Talk to Magister Iris in the church. She is delighted that you volunteered to help the city and says that the tooth is connected with the magic of the lizards, which they have been trying to solve for a long time. But what to do in this moment Iris doesn't know either, and in turn sends you with Letter of Iris to Magister Rohmer, who works at the Temple of Gludio. Iris asks to hurry up, because the magic of the tooth is constantly growing.
5. Talk to Magister Rohmer in Gludio, get Letter of Rohmer from him. He says that the lizards in the south seem to have gotten some very powerful sorcery out of their hands and asks you to take your notes to Iris, which she will need to finish the job.
6. Return to Magister Iris again. After carefully reading the letter, she will tell you that the lizards use dragon teeth for their witchcraft. The brought document explains that this magic can only be neutralized by the same components that are called. Therefore, the more components are collected, the more successfully it will be possible to neutralize magic. Therefore, Iris will ask you to collect dragon teeth for her.
7. Kill Langk Lizardman Shaman and Langk Lizardman Leader until you get 50 Tooth of Dragon .
8. Take all Magister Iris. She is overjoyed that you have helped her and asks to accept a gift from her and the guards as a modest token of their gratitude. “We may not have kicked out the Lizardmen for good, but they have lost their powerful source of power and are no longer a deadly threat,” she says.

Walk of Fate

Can be performed alone
Can only be taken once
Races: All
Classes: All
Where to get the quest: Orc Village
Reward: Enchant Armor D and Experience

Seer Avalanche senses some kind of negative energy emanating from the place of the Crypts of Shame..

1. Seer Livina says that her fears turned out to be nothing, but still asks you to meet with Karuda and convey her request to come to the Orc village.
2. Teleport to Schuttgart, from there to Crypts of Disgrace. Find Karuda and talk to him. He will thank you for your visit and promises to visit Livina soon.

Acts of Evil

Can be performed alone
Can only be taken once
Races: All
Classes: All
Where to get the quest: Gludin Village
Reward: 200k adena + experience

Recently, the inhabitants of Gludin have had a lot of problems with the Turek Orcs. They are engaged in robbery and robbery: recently a wagon crossing the Dark Elven Forest was attacked and looted. The Aden Trade Union has asked for help from the Gludio guards, but they have many problems of their own. They are at war with the Ol Mahums and cannot leave their post even for a minute. Therefore, the only way out is to resort to someone else's help to drive out the Orcs. Are you ready to become a mercenary and help the inhabitants?

1. Start the quest by talking to Guard Alvah at the north gate of Gludin Village. He will ask you to speak with Trader Arodin at the Gludin Weapon Shop.
2. Trader Arodin will send you to hunt Turek Orcs and collect 20 Blade Molds. Orcs can be found on the map north of Gludin.
3. When you have collected 20 molds, talk to Tyra. She lives to the west of Alter Of Rites.
4. After talking to her, return to Trader Arodin. Trader Arodin will send you back to Guard Alvah near Gludin's server gate.
5. Guard Alvah will tell you to hunt Tumran Bugbears in Ruins of Agony and get 4 Ranger Reports from them.
6. When you have collected all 4 reports, return to Guard Alvah.
7. He will now send you to the Abandoned Camp to hunt Ol Mahum Generals and get two items: Weapons Trade Contract and Attack Directives.
8. When you get these 2 items, return to Guard Alvah. He will send you to Neti in the central square.
9. Neti will give instructions to speak to Trader Rolento at the Southern Entrance to the Wastelands.
10. Rolento will tell you to go to Orc Barracks to talk to Turek Chief Burai. It is located near the center of Orc Barracks (follow the mark on the map).
13. Turek Chief Burai will ask you to kill Ol Mahum Captains and collect 30 Ol Mahum Captain's Head for him. You can find these monsters in the Abandoned Camp.
14. Return to Turek Chief Burai when you have collected all 30 items. He will ask you to return to Guard Alvah in Gludin.
15. Talk to Guard Alvah and he will give you a reward.

If we play on more or less high-rate servers, then we should not bother with these quests (well, unless this is the first character on the server and there is no one to help in development), but if these are low-rates, then we will have to get confused and work already from the starting location .

By the way, you have to do them not only at low rates. On the notorious "Erika", the admins cut all the rates for adena, drop and spoil so much that despite the fact that the project was announced as x10, at the start everyone had to do all the quests, including even for 1 pro, although it cost only the NPC 100k, even that kind of money was impossible to collect (not, of course, I collected 100k to the 20th level, but then I would have been running around naked, I had to go through).

Since we are gnomes, all quests are taken in the gnome village and completed in and around the village itself.

The first thing we do when we appear in the starting location (this can’t even be called a quest) is to approach the nubo-helper, he will offer to wave a little with a knife, we go to beat the gremlins until the Blue Gemstone drops (usually falls from the second gremlin), pick it up, go brag to the helper. He will give out 200 noograde soulshots for noobs and send them to the NPC, which is standing nearby, click on it and select the first line, the NPC will give some more nipples and send them to the village to the local noob helper.

We don’t particularly resist, we run, the nubo-helper in the village gives more soulshots, gives 12 nubo-tokens, with which we can teleport between starting villages (they will help a lot when knocking out recipes for resources). TP with their help from the same nubo-helper (last line). Please note that at level 20 they can no longer be used. We have already solved the problem with TP on starting locks.
By the way, remember this NPC, starting from level 8 we will buff from him, on the eighth level only Wind Walk buffs, then more, by the 15th level there will be both a vampiric and a life cube. On some servers, the buff is given only to the first character on the account, on some, everyone can be buffed.

Next, let's look at quests with which we will get a sufficient number of soulshots, a good no-grade hatchet for noobs, a couple of no-grade rings (pretty ones), a hundred noob heals and other garbage that will still help us brighten up the first hours of being on the server.

Now let's pay attention to the round house opposite the teleport, it's called Elder Council. wise gnomes have gathered in it, from whom you will receive almost all tasks.

Miner's Favor
The quest is taken from Miner Bolter(from the second level), which stands on the way from the gremlins to the village, stands on the road on the left side. He will ask you to run into the village, collect his things and bring them to him. We need to visit the following NPCs:
Trader Shari - wearon shop
Trader Garita - magic shop
Warehouse Chief Reed - Ess-no in Warhouse
Blacksmith Brunon - forge
We return to the miner and get a reward Necklace of Knowledge. The joke of the Koreans is interesting, because the starting NPC allows you to take his smelly socks (Bolter's Smelly Socks) to the village. That's even what we have to do)).

into the world
Do to everyone! The quest is taken from the third level Silver Scale's Balanki in the round house, about which I wrote above. We run to Warehouse Chief Reed, then to Priest of the Earth Gerald (it stands at the entrance to the village at the first house), then we return to Reed, and after that to Balanki. Get award: Scroll of Escape to Giran Castle Town- the scroll is simply necessary for spoilers during the passage of the quest for the first profession, and it will also be useful for crafters if they urgently need to fly to Giran to sell recipes and resources, and then return back. Traveler's Mark is also given so that Trader Galladucci in the Giran Luxor will help you get back to our village.

The Road Home
This is exactly the return quest to return to Dwarven Village, in Giran we run to the luxor, the huckster Galladucci will send us to three NPCs in different parts of the city, as a reward we will give Scroll of Escape to Dwarven Village.

Brigands Sweep
Given at the fifth level of the NPC Spiron in a round house near the TP. The quest is generally garbage, you need to beat all kinds of goblins, the reward is a little adena, but let it be to the heap when we leave the starting village, hand over the items on the quest and abandon it.

The Hidden Veins
Everyone must do it! The quest is taken from the sixth level in the house of the elders at the NPC Filaur(far right of the entrance), you need to beat Utuku Orcs on the quest (there are three types of them, including the one from which the recipe for crafting the resource will be spoiled), the next level 6 is around the village. Crysolite Ore and Torn Map Fragments will drop from them (map fragments fall very badly, but if you collect 4 pieces, then Priestess Of The Earth Chichirin can glue them together in a Combined Map for 1000 adeno). But this is bullshit, as soon as we fill a few Crysolite Ore, we go to the starting NPC, and at the first delivery of the quest, he will give out NG nipples (the last time I received 6000 soulshots for beginners). Then you can refuse the quest, but let it be, we still rush around here, a little adenok drips.

Jumble, Tumble, Diamond Fuss
The quest is taken from the NPC Gouph(from the tenth level), which stands in the farthest house at the exit from the village on the left side. He will send you to wander around the village from NPC to NPC, changing some quest items, I won’t list them all, you can see everything on the quests tab, I can only say that when you look for Carrier Torocco, he is either in the warhouse or behind him, if you look behind the house from the side where the passage is littered, you will see it there, but if you run around the house from the other side, where there is a passage, you may not see it. It doesn't matter, we go into the entrance to the place where he is approximately standing behind the wall and write to the chat twice /target Torocco
From the first time he will be caught in the target, from the second a dialog box will appear with him.
We run like this until Blacksmith Brunon sends us to beat the goblins Goblin Brigand Lieutenant 10th level. They are located in the Western Mining Zone, the easiest way is to run along the path that comes out of the far end of the village (where the starting NPC for this quest Gouph stands). We run to the very end of the path, cross the river and see goblins. In general, in these clearings, all three types of mobs (goblins, bats and flying muzzles with ears) are needed for quests, so we immediately take all available quests, and only after that we go to the mobs.
We knock out 10 Aquamarines and 10 Chrysoberyls from the goblins, return to the blacksmith and hand over the items. We rush around the village again until Airy in the warhouse sends to knock out Star Diamond from the Blade Bat (all in the same clearing where the goblins are). Having received the diamond, we return to hand over the quest to the starting NPC Collector Gouph.
Quest reward: 7000 NG soulshots for beginners, 50 music crystals (10 of each type) and 100 small heals. And of course the hatchet Silversmith Hammer- 14 attacks, not so hot, but it will do for a start.

Covert Business
Starting NPC - Keef(all in the same house of elders), you need to kill Blade Bats (look at the previous quest where to find them), for such a mouse they give from one to three Bat Fangs quest items, and if you go even further and cross another river, then they live there Barbed Bats, for which they give up to four items. In total, you need to fill 100 things, at the first delivery of the quest they will give a ring Ring of Raccoon and some SP, with the next SP and adenku.

Dreaming of the Skies
Taken from the eleventh level from the NPC Black Anvil's Arin(all in the same house), you need to beat the mobs Magical Weaver Level 11 (these are the same muzzles with ears that I wrote about in previous quests), that is, we run to the same place as in the quests above. You need to fill 50 Floating Stone.
The reward is the same as in the quest above, only at the first turn they will give another ring Ring Of Firefly, so pretty.

In general, of course, these rings and nafik are not needed, but if you do not have one of them, you will not be allowed to do the following quest:

Tarantula's Spider Silk
Given at the fifteenth level Trader Mion. We go to the Western Mining Zone (all the same location as in the previous quests, only a little further and to the right on the map), hunt for spiders and (16 and 17 levels). Mobs will drop Tarantula Spider Silk and Tarantula Spinnerette. The first item will be turned in for the quest right away, and the second item will be exchanged with Defender Nathan for 20 pieces of Tarantula Spider Silk for each item. When you get tired of hitting the mobs, we return to Mion, hand over the spider silk and get an adenka.

Go Get the Calculator
Quest for a calculator. Nafik is he needed? And to be)).
We get the quest from Blacksmith Brunon (in the forge) from level 12. He will send them to the house to the elders (we already tortured them all there with our perseverance - but nothing, we had to immediately give a lot of adena and prof, but now it's too late, let them endure). From all NPCs we select the item about the calculator, from the NPC Elder Spiron, when he asks us which guild is the best (Which is the best Dwarven trade guild?), we answer "Golden Wheel". Balanki will ask for money (for a bastard, and also an elder), we give him 100 adena. After talking with the people there, we go to Blacksmith Silvera (in the forge, this is the gnome from whom we learn skills), she wants to have 10 items from us that fall from the Gemstone Beast mob. You can run into the mine on foot, we leave the village through the bridge, which is located just opposite the forge and run straight to the mine itself. There are already mobs in the first room, but there are a lot more of them in the next one. From the same mob fall COE. Having stuffed 10 crystals, we return to Silvera, she will change them to a calculator. But this is not yet the one we need. Right there in the forge we approach Brunon, from whom we took the quest, we boast of a little thing, he begins to convince us that his calculator is much better, and offers to exchange. What is there, we are changing). That's it, the quest is done, you can either count it or sell it right away. The quest is repeatable, if anything.

Gatekeeper's Favor
Quest for everyone! Taken at level 15 Gatekeeper Wirphy. We kill Whinstone Golems. Mobs are easy to find, according to the quest for the calculator, we ran to Abandoned Coal Mines. Here, before reaching this mine, the road will have a descent to the left, we run a little along it and at the first snowy mountain we turn towards it along the left slope. There will be two types of golems level 14 and 15 and agra goblins level 15. You need to knock out 20 Starstones, they fall badly, but recipes for synthetic coke will be spoiled from the same golem, and varnish from goblins with a good chance, so be patient. As soon as we get 20 items, we go to turn in the quest, they will give us a Gatekeeper Token, with which you can teleport immediately to Gludin, which is what we need in order to complete the quests for the professions.
On the last server, they even gave me two tokens, I gave one to a spoiler (or you can sell it). To tap into Gludin using a token, GateKeeper has a special string.

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Profitable EXP and adena quests for lvl 1-40

Quest rewards have been adjusted for the Chocolate x7 server if possible ( Quest reward: adena, exp, sp x6).

Quests from 1 to 21 levels, starting locations.

Humans, Orcs, Light Elves, Dwarves.

Quests for the nipples of Humans, Orcs, Dark Elves, Light Elves, Dwarves.

First, let's note the quest with which you can get Soulshot: No Grade for Beginners/ Spiritshot: No Grade for Beginners. Practice shows that there are problems with these quests.

The Guard is Busy (LVL 6+; Talking Island Village)

Spoiler (+/-)

To make the island safe, you must exterminate the orcs and werewolves. Whoever destroys them and brings back evidence of victory is guaranteed the Lord's reward.

  • Talk to Captain Gilbert at the exit leading to the lighthouse. He will give the task and Gludio Lord's Mark.
  • Kill Werewolf and Orc:
    + Werewolf, Werewolf Hunters and Werewolf Chieftains- killing them will give you Werewolf's Fang
    + Orcs, Orc Grunts, Orc Archers, Ork Fighters, Orc Lieutenants and Orc Fighter Leaders- Killing them will give you Orc's Amulets and Orc's Necklaces.
  • Take them to Captain Gilbert. He will pay for each 25-75a apiece.
    If you returned to him for a reward for the first time, you will receive in addition to the money Soulshot: No Grade for Beginners/Spiritshot: No Grade for Beginners.

The Hidden Veins (LVL 6+; Dwarf Village)
Reward: 3k mage nipples NG grade \ 6k military nipples NG gr.

Spoiler (+/-)

Elder Filaur from the Gray Column Guild asks you to find a hidden crystal vein and bring him some ore..

  • Talk to Elder Filaur in Elder Hall.
  • Hunt for Utuku Orcs, collect Chrysolite Ore and Torn Map Fragments.
    From 4 pieces of Torn Map Fragments, you can assemble a whole map - Combined Map. To do this, you need to visit the Priestess Of The Earth Chichirin, which stands opposite the elders' building.
  • Talk to Elder Filaur and give him the items. He will pay 25a for the ore, 10,000a for the whole map, and 2,500a for each map fragment.

Invaders of the Holy Land (LVL 6; Orc Village)
Reward: 3k mage nipples NG grade \ 6k military nipples NG gr.

Spoiler (+/-)

Atuba Varkis reveals that the devils have invaded the immortal lands, polluting the holy land of the Orcs. According to his explanation, they are created and controlled by someone using black magic. Destroy the invaders of the holy land and collect the soul stones embedded in their hearts to find out who is behind them.

  • Talk to Atuba Chief Varkees, he is in the main building on the stairs on the right.
  • Kill Rakeclaw Imps, Rakeclaw Imps Hunters, Rakeclaw Imps Cheiftanes while collecting Black Soulstone and Red Soulstone.
  • Give items to Atuba Chief Varkees and get a reward. For each Red Soulstone he will pay 250a, for Black Soulstone - 25a.
    If you returned to him for a reward for the first time, in addition to the money, he will also give Soulshot: No Grade for Beginners.

Chains of Slavery (LVL 6+; Dark Elven Village (Sentry Kristin))
Reward: 3k mage nipples NG grade \ 6k military nipples NG gr.

Spoiler (+/-)

The former slaves of the Dark Elves, the Imps, managed to escape from their masters while they were engrossed in the war. The guard wants to take revenge on the villains, because no one can get away from the Dark Elves with impunity!

  • Talk to Sentry Kristin inside the western entrance to the city.
  • Kill Imps and Imp Elder. Almost every Imp will drop Imp Shackles.
  • Return to Sentry Kristin at any time with any number of items to receive your reward.

Reward: 65a per item. If you returned to her for the first time, you will receive in addition to the money Soulshot: No Grade for Beginners/Spiritshot: No Grade for Beginners.

Hunt the Orcs (LVL 6+; Elven Village)
Reward: 3k mage nipples NG grade \ 6k military nipples NG gr.

Spoiler (+/-)

Kabu Orcs from the Misty Mountains have invaded the Elven Forest. They are so insolent that they are not afraid of anyone and run around in full view of the guards! Guardian Rayen is looking for daredevils to help deal with them.

  • Speak to Sentinel Rayen at the southwest entrance.
  • Kill Kaboo Orc, Kaboo Orc Grunts, Kaboo Orc Archers, Kaboo Orc Fighters, Kaboo Orc Fighter Lieutenants and Kaboo Orc Fighter Leaders, you will receive Orc's Amulets and Orc's Necklaces.
  • Take them to Sentinel Rayen. Reward for each Orc's Amulets will receive 25a, for Orc's Necklaces - 75a. If you returned to him for a reward for the first time, you will receive in addition to the money Soulshot: No Grade for Beginners/Spiritshot: No Grade for Beginners.

On this adventure in the starting village for Humans, Dwarves and Orcs can be considered over. It is highly recommended using the Newbie Travel Token (obtained from Newbie Helper when you first visit your village) to teleport to Elven Village (teleports Newbie Helper). Unlike Dark Elves, The Light Ones are more tolerant of other races and offer their quests for everyone to complete. Here you are waiting for perhaps the most profitable tasks that you can get on the segment 1-21 levels. Staying at home doesn't make sense!

Let me explain one thing, quests for weapons in starting locations are not included in the guide, for reasons of non-profitability, because. from Cats, you can absolutely freely get weapons for coupons. The time spent on completing such quests is not worth the meager revenue.

Collect Spores (LVL 8+; Elven Village)
Reward: 21,000 Adena.

Spoiler (+/-)

The wind carries the poisonous fumes of the Sea of ​​Spores to the Elven Forest. The territory is surrounded by mountains, but even they cannot protect the inhabitants from the poison. The elves are desperately trying to find a way to stop the smog.

  1. Talk to Trader Herbiel.
  2. Kill Spore Fungus until you have 10 Spore Sac.
  3. Take them to Trader Herbiel.

Legacy of the Poet (LVL 11; Elf, Human, Orc, Dwarf; Elven Village)
Reward: 83,340 Adena.

Spoiler (+/-)

Guard Starden is a veteran of the battle in the Underground Fortress. His longtime friend the poet Rumiel died in battle and his poems were lost somewhere underground. Starden asks you to go there and find the work of an old friend of his.

  • Speak to Sentinal Starden at the southwest exit of Elven Village.
  • Head to Elven Dungeon, which is located southwest of Elven Village. Kill Baraq Orc Fighters and Baraq Orc Fighter Lieutenant in the first room until you have 4 sheets of Missing Rumiel's Poems .
  • Take 4 Missing Rumiel's Poems to Sentinal Starden.

Curse of the Underground Fortress (LVL 12; Elf, Human, Orc, Dwarf; Elven Village)
Reward: 144,000 Adena and Bone Shield.

Spoiler (+/-)

Ghosts have begun to appear in the Elven Ruins. Merchant Unoren says that these spirits in the dungeon are former soldiers who have been cursed. He wants to find out how to remove this curse, and for this he needs the bones and skulls of dead soldiers.

  • Get the enchant from Trader Unoren in the weapon shop. He will ask you to hunt the dead in Elven Fortress and bring him some things.
  • Head to Elven Fortress and hunt Skeletons, Dark Terror, Mist Terror and Shade Horror there. When you get 10 Bone fragments and 3 Elven skulls, return to the city.
  • Give the items to Trader Unoren and he will reward you generously.

Collector's Dream (LVL 15; Elven Village (Alshupes))
Reward: 6,000 Adena and 12,000 Exp.

Spoiler (+/-)

Alsupes, an amateur zoologist, has a great interest in the skin and claws of rare animals. He pays well for someone who brings him the legs of giant mutant spiders lurking near the village.

  • Talk to Alshupes.
  • Kill Crimson Spiders, Hook Spiders and Pincer Spiders until you have 8 Giant Spider's Legs.
  • Take them to Alshupes and you will receive a reward.

Catch the Wind (LVL 18; Elven Village)
Reward: 35,000 Adena.

Spoiler (+/-)

Lyraines are wind spirits that can easily cause a storm! Inside their bodies, you can find stones that can be used for a variety of purposes.

  • Talk to Rizraell, who is standing under the big tree in the center of the village.
  • Go hunt Lirein and Lirein Elders and collect Wind Shard from them.
  • Take the stones to Rizraell.

Reward: After an item they give 200 Adena, but for the first ten there is another bonus of 14,940 Adena.
That is, if you hand over 10 items, you will get 16,940 Adena, and if you hand over a hundred at once, then only 34,940 Adena.
- Why such a strange calculation? At one time, the developers assumed that this would protect the quest from bots.

Important! Blood Fiend (LVL 21; Elf, Human, Orc, Dwarf; Elven Village)

Reward: 252,780 Adena.

Spoiler (+/-)

Blood Lord Kirunak, leader dark forces, killed many warriors in the final battle of the Underground Fortress! There is a legend that he is still alive and hiding near the battlefield...

  • Talk to Trader Creamees at the Elven Village magic shop.
  • Go to Elven Fortress to find and kill Kirunak. We need to get the Kirunak Skull as proof of his death. Take your friends with you to help you get to the last room of the dungeon and keep the guards of Kirunak while you kill him.
  • Take Kirunak Skull to Trader Creamees. He will rejoice at the good news and reward you.

Trade with the Ivory Tower (LVL 8; Dark Elven Village (Trader Vollodos))

Reward: 18,000 Adena.

Spoiler (+/-)

Merchant Vollodos will tell you about the increase in demand for special spores that can only be found in the Dark Elven Forest. He promises a reward to all who bring him these spores...

  1. Talk to Trader Vollodos.
  2. Kill Green Fungus and Blood Fungus until you have 10 Spore Sac.
  3. Take them to Trader Vollodos.

Scent of Death (LVL 11; Dark Elven Village (Trader Minaless))

Reward: 20,100 Adena + Lesser Healing Potion.

Spoiler (+/-)

Merchant Minaless grows nightshade in his garden. Nightshade is a beautiful, sweet-smelling plant that blooms only at night. To fertilize a flower, he needs special ingredients, namely the crushed ashes of zombies living in the swamps... And so, he is looking for a daredevil to bring zombie skin for him.

  1. Talk to Trader Minaless.
  2. Kill Marsh Zombie and Marsh Zombie Lord in Swampland until you get 5 Zombie's Skin.
  3. Take them to Trader Minaless. He will pay you with money, as well as give you a bottle of potion from the juice of this marvelous flower.

Offspring of Nightmares (LVL 15; Dark Elven Village (Magister Vlasty))

Reward: 102,180 Adena + Bone Gaiters.

Spoiler (+/-)

The Master of Power is going to do some tests on the dead. To prove the validity of his theory, he needs an object of research, and he is looking for a daredevil who can get him skulls ..

  1. Talk to Magister Vlasty. He will send you to the swamp to kill ghosts, but he cannot conduct his experiments using only broken skulls, so he agrees to reward you only after you get him a whole one.
  2. Kill Dark Horror and Lesser Dark Horror until you get the Perfect Skull. In addition, you will receive a Cracked Skull.
  3. Take them to Magister Vlasty and he will reward you handsomely.

Sweetest Venom (LVL 18; Dark Elven Village (Astaron))

Reward: 34,860 Adena.

Spoiler (+/-)

A few days ago, a batch of grapes grown in the lands of Gludio was brought into the tree. Astaron wants to buy it to make some bottles of sweet wine, which is made according to a special recipe. The hardest ingredient to get is from processed spider venom, and he wants you to get that venom for him.

  1. Talk to Astaron.
  2. Kill Poison Spiders and Arachnid Trackers until you have 10 Venom Sacs.
  3. Take them to Astaron and get your reward.

Important! Dangerous Seduction (LVL 21; Dark Elven Village (Tetrarch Vellior))

Reward: 616,080 Adena.

Spoiler (+/-)

Tetrarch Vellior has been tormented by terrible dreams for several nights in a row. When he wakes up, he cannot remember any of the scary stories. He summoned all his magical abilities, and he managed to determine that the monster that appears to him in his dreams is a succubus, who found shelter inside the abandoned School of the Dark Arts. Tetrarch asks to destroy this evil monster...

  1. Talk to Tetrarch Vellior in the Dark Elf Village.
  2. Kill the Merkenis succubus that lives in the center of the School of Dark Arts dungeon. It is important for you to strike the last blow - this is the only way you can get Nightmare Crystal.
  3. Take the Nightmare Crystal to Tetrarch Vellior and he will give you a reward.

Next is a selection of, in my opinion, the most interesting and cost-effective quests for levels 21-40. Do not neglect tasks, the reward for which will be resources. Why? The answer is visible to the naked eye in the Giran market, resources have jumped in price recently. Who knows, maybe it is on such quests that you will earn more than on direct cash.

In addition, it is worth considering that even if, in your opinion, the reward is not significant, do not be too lazy to take the quest. If it matches the mobs you are hitting. An extra penny for teleport or shots never hurts!

Hunting for Wild Beasts (LVL 20; Floran Village)

Reward - 22,260 Adena.

Spoiler (+/-)

Pano, the grocer, intends to open a fishing spot, but is puzzled by the bears that often appear on the shore at the water's edge. He asks the heroes to help him and drive out the coastal bears.

  1. The quest can be picked up in Floran from Grocer Pano near the Grocery store. He asks you to destroy the bears that prevent him from opening his own business: Dion Grizzly around Dion or Red Bears, Grizzly Bears, Brown Bears around Gludio. The reward does not depend on which bears you kill.
  2. When killing bears, collect 20 Bear Pelts.
  3. Return to Grocer Pano in Florent and receive your reward - 22,260 Adena.

Grave Robber Annihilation (LVL 20; Crypts of Disgrace)

List of rewards: 30 Varnish, 40 animal Skin, 40 Animal Bone, 30 Iron Ore, 30 Coal, 30 Charcoal.

Spoiler (+/-)

  1. Teleport from Shtuttgart to Сrypts of Disgrace. We talk with Karuda.
  2. Karuda asks you to bring him 120 Orc Grave Goods. You need to kill any Grave Robber. They are in the Graverobber hideout.
  3. After we collect the items, we return to Karuda for a reward. Select an award from the list. Karuda will give crafting materials selected from the list.

Important! Acts of Evil (LVL 27; Gludin Village)

Quest reward: 588,000 Adena.

Spoiler (+/-)

Recently, the inhabitants of Gludin have had a lot of problems with the Turek Orcs. They are engaged in robbery and robbery: recently a wagon crossing the Dark Elven Forest was attacked and looted. The Aden Trade Union has asked for help from the Gludio guards, but they have many problems of their own. They are at war with the Ol Mahums and cannot leave their post even for a minute. Therefore, the only way out is to resort to someone else's help to drive out the Orcs. Are you ready to become a mercenary and help the inhabitants?

  1. Start the quest by talking to Guard Alvah at the north gate of Gludin Village. He will ask you to speak with Trader Arodin at the Gludin Weapon Shop.
  2. Trader Arodin will send you to hunt Turek Orcs and collect 20 Blade Molds. Orcs can be found on the map north of Gludin.
  3. Once you have collected 20 molds, talk to Tyra. She lives to the west of Alter Of Rites.
  4. After talking to her, return to Trader Arodin. Trader Arodin will send you back to Guard Alvah near Gludin's server gate.
  5. Guard Alvah will tell you to hunt Tumran Bugbears in Ruins of Agony and get 4 Ranger Reports from them.
  6. Once you've collected all 4 reports, return to Guard Alvah.
  7. He will now send you to the Abandoned Camp to hunt Ol Mahum Generals and get two items: Weapons Trade Contract and Attack Directives.
  8. When you get these 2 items, return to Guard Alvah. He will send you to Neti in the central square.
  9. Neti will give instructions to speak to Trader Rolento at the Southern Entrance to the Wastelands.
  10. Rolento will tell you to go to Orc Barracks to talk to Turek Chief Burai. It is located near the center of Orc Barracks (follow the mark on the map).
  11. Turek Chief Burai will ask you to kill Ol Mahum Captains and collect 30 Ol Mahum Captain's Head for him. You can find these monsters in the Abandoned Camp.
  12. Return to Turek Chief Burai when you have collected all 30 items. He will give a reward of 48,000 Adena for help and ask him to return to Guard Alvah in Gludin.
  13. Talk to Guard Alvah and he will give you the rest of the 540,000 Adena.