Lbz on about 260 what tasks. The complexity of the implementation of LBZ

Hello. Due to the unclear situation in the guides section (whether it was abandoned or something else), I decided to write my thoughts here. If the admin evaluates this article as useful and can place it in the guides section in the near future, it can be supplemented as necessary and turned into a real "Guide for completing 15 LBZs".

So, many players perform LBZ. Someone passed only Shtuga 4, and someone even managed to get Ob.260. And if tasks 1-14 differ only in tasks and the amount of silver / consumables / days of premium, then task 15 gives players sheets and tank girls. Sheets are needed to obtain equipment (at stage 1 StuG IV, at stage 2 - T28 HTC, at stage 3 - T-55A, at stage 4 - Ob.260). Also, task 15 is for many the most difficult to complete. Here I want to suggest on which vehicles and on which maps it is easier to complete these tasks.

It should also be noted that the type of vehicle and maps are suitable for completing LBZ both at stage 1 and at stage 4, because 15 tasks differ only in numbers (or slightly different as for ST).

To begin with, let's determine the complexity of completing task 15 by class (this is my personal opinion, if this list looks different for you, you can write it below in the comments). The list consists of 5 places, where 1 place is the most difficult class.

V. Tank Destroyers. The problem is only in the quantity damage done. Namely, causing damage is the main task for Pt.

IV. ST. Destroy/deal damage to tank destroyers. The task could be put on the 5th place, but it is not a fact that you will see the much-needed Fri.

III. ART SAU. Getting into the top n in terms of damage or experience is quite difficult, and besides this, the task is supplemented by a certain amount of damage dealt.

II. TT. Tanking in general is a difficult thing, because everyone shoots gold, but the amount of tanked damage can be corrected by the damage dealt.

I. LT. 4,5,7 etc. thousands of total exposure, damage dealt in the conditions of the current random is a rather difficult task, given the fact that LTs rarely survive by the end of the battle anyway.

Well, since the top is already there, we will work on it.

Tank destroyer.

No matter how much damage is needed, it is important to know one thing for this task - level 10 PT. Of course, you can complete this task on PT 9, and on PT 8, and even on Fri 7 (he did the PT-15 on the T28 HTC on the Su-122-44).

But from Fri-10, the most suitable technique is: Waffle, Ob.268 and Fv215 b183.

From the map, it is worth highlighting Prokhorovka / Arc of Fire, Steppes, El-Khalluf, and for Fri with a tower, it’s suitable Ruinberg and all its variations.

Medium tanks.

If the task is not limited by the amount of damage (stage 1, 3), St 6. T-34-85 and Cromwell will do. There are quite a lot of Fri-Saus at this level, you should not be affected by the problem of their presence.

If there is a fixed amount of damage in the task (stage 2), St 10 is needed. If St 10 is not in the hangar, St 9 or Ob.416 level 8 will do. There is also the problem of having Fri in combat. It remains only to hope and wait for that very battle with a bunch of Fri.

City cards are needed (because many Fri in the city are practically powerless and will not be able to oppose you with anything). But also open cards well suited to this task.

The main problem of this task, I will say, probably already 5 times, is the presence of Fri in battle.


Regardless of the stage, the S-51 is excellent for this task (the Su-14-1 is also possible, but this barn is extremely slow and noticeable). Take the S-51 and a co-breeder of level 10. When dealing at least 2 thousand damage, you will be 100% in the top in terms of experience, and getting into the top in terms of damage depends only on you. A 203 mm gun, even at level 10, can deal a huge amount of damage.

Open cards are required, such as Malinovka, Prokhorovka, Fiery Arc. Also Barrens, Sandy River and Redshire.

Heavy tanks.

The main thing is crustaceans-opponents who will shoot at you. E100, Is-4, Tapok B. These tanks are capable of tanking and, if necessary, inflicting damage.

If you can't tank, deal damage. T57 Heavy, FV215b are the best for this.

The ideal tanks for this task are the E100 and FV215b.

City maps are needed: Himmelsdorf, Ruinberg or Ensk. The main thing is to properly tank and deal damage.

Light tanks.

In my opinion the most difficult task. Therefore, we will discuss it in more detail.

First, let's choose a technique. AMX 13 90 is the best. Drum, dynamics, masking and review. If you don't have 13 90, Ru 251 will do. If you don't have that either, take an ELC AMX with a pumped crew, pipe and network.

It is also necessary to have a platoon of 2 artillery (best of all GW E100), which will deal damage according to your intelligence.

Now about the cards. There is a very narrow choice, consisting of only cards: Prokhorovka / Fire Arc, Malinovka, Redshire.

Prokhorovka / Arc of Fire (red is the top rep, green is the bottom).

The top rep is best, because it is faster to take a place on the alley, or a place on the mountain.

If there are a lot of Lt in the battle, or you see that there are few tanks in the alley, then drive to the bush on the mountain. So you illuminate the crossing through the railway, and then move to the center, from where you illuminate for the allied artillery.

In another case, get up in the bush in the alley and wait for the light. As soon as they fired at your light, move deeper into the alley for further light.

Also deal damage. In 0.9.8, the task was changed, now, in addition to light, you can deal damage. Use it.

Robin(red color - left rep, green - right).

The most suitable is the right rep.

Lt is not enough, feel free to go to 1 position. From 2nd and 3rd position you will enlighten the mountain, from 4th position you will enlighten the base.

From the left spawn, move to position 2. However, you can enlighten the base from the 3rd position. If there are a lot of Lt in battle, get on 1 or squeeze on 4.

redshire (red color-upper rep, green-lower).

Best rep bottom. Go to position 1 in the bush and see through the passage on the 9-0 line.

From the top respawn, you also see through this direction, however, because of the houses, it is extremely difficult to shoot through.

There are only 2 light spots on this map, so play very carefully.

Remember, there is not enough light - shoot. Damage can greatly help in completing the task.

That's all. I hope that helped those who did not know how to complete the 15 tasks. In many ways, the execution depends on luck (for example, an open card rarely falls on Lt). The main thing is not to get hung up. Unable to complete the task, rest. Ride something else, get distracted. Sooner or later, but you will fulfill it.

Here I am such an extra, I took three tanks in about four in-game weeks.

Truth tank of these all, the tongue turns to call only the T-55A NVA DDR God, every time I get high from this name.

It just so happened that, out of some incomprehensible principle, I began to pass all the lbz perfectly and, as a result, I was fucked to death by crooked descriptions. Therefore, I request the known inaccuracies in setting tasks for the 260th object, so that it is played dry and comfortable.

Well, we share our progress on lbz, of course.

At the request of the workers, I am enclosing my impressions, my strategies for completing some bases and the inaccuracies known to me (from the cycle of tasks for obtaining the T-55A). So:

Impression: I passed without much tension, most of all I was bothered by lbz with double arson on st (I had to put skins, in the end I did it completely by accident) and lt-15 (because open cards simply stop falling out). I also had to suffer over the killing of opponents on the move (for Fri).

Most of the tasks for st passed on ob.140 - I recently had a tank in the hangar, I'm running it around. Killing tanks at a higher level is either a Cromwell or a T-54.
I tried to set fire to two tanks or one tank twice per battle - I tried to do it on a Cromwell, but I accidentally did it on ob.140.
Tanking - I had to buy a sneaker. Basically, no regrets.
I did tasks for Fri on e-25, fosh and hellcat (hell kitty with 4 perks, cola, gasoline and pipes - ok). The latter, by the way, goes well for tasks such as "kill n enemy tanks on the move" and "cause damage 4 times your own strength".
Lt - did on t71 and 13 90.
Most of the tasks from the strand branch are 50V.

Inaccuracies - in the t55-a cycle, I know a few:
1) LT-7: SPG hunter.
Throw in the description, you just need find three arts and give each of them a poke. Everything. Just killing them by your light does not seem to count, you must definitely give them all damage. Then your allies can finish them off, and without your light. If you are going to kill art yourself - I don’t know, I haven’t tried it, but I don’t advise you to take risks. Just find them and deal damage.

2) LT-12. Combat watch.
Finished lbz. Your platoon is required to have 5k total exposure and at least one survivor.
What you need in the end: illuminate 5k per platoon (the glare does not count - this is important) and must survive at least two companion, not just one.
As far as I understand, the damage inflicted by your teammates on your exposure is taken into account. I repeat, damage to enemies immobilized by you does not count.

3) PT-4. Ambush attack.
You are required to destroy three enemy vehicles, remaining invisible to them at the time of destruction. The task is strange (done on a hellket) - I made 4 frags during the assault on a sandy river, only two of them were exactly from invis, but I did the third (artu) and fourth (kv-85), being illuminated by this very artillery (the third killed ), and almost immediately finished off the kv-85 (fourth frag), being in the light from the already killed artillery and at the same time being within the viewing radius of the kv-85 (it was a little more than 200 meters before it). It turned out very strange.

World of tanks is multiplayer online game combining such genres as strategy, action and tank battle simulator. In wot, physics and sound are incredibly deeply developed, thanks to which you can completely immerse yourself in military operations. Do not forget that most tank models are taken from real-life or developed vehicles, and that is why you should pay attention to wot and enjoy the spirit of World War II.

Since the game has a fairly wide range of tanks, choose the most best cars becomes very difficult. However, the developers, as best they can, help the players with this, and with the introduction of such an innovation as Personal combat missions (lbz) find best tanks became much easier. Lbz contain chains of quests that test the player's skill and his combat skill. After completing 75 quests, or 60 if the missions are completed with honors, you will receive one of the 4 tanks of the first season ( StuG IV, T28, HTC T-55A, Object 260).

Each of these tanks is a real monster of military equipment, but it is worth noting separately last tank Object 260, access to which is opened only after completing all the chains of quests for previous tanks (StuG IV, T28, HTC T-55A). After completing lbz on the Object 260, you will have the right to use this universal heavy tank, which has an effective cannon, as well as good maneuverability, despite complex and reinforced armor. As you can see, this is an excellent tank, but getting it into your hangar is an incredibly difficult and long work, since it is the last one in the first season of lbz. And if you were wondering where to buy object 260 world of tanks or IBZ(individual combat missions) to any other tanks, then our "site" team is ready to help you.

"site" is a completely secure service with a positive history, excellent for valuable purchasesobject 260. The purchase process is incredibly simple, you just need to contact us for details contacts. After that, you need to discuss with the operator the main points like the price of the 260 object, the game time, the deadlines and the payment service that you are comfortable using.

Our service during and after the execution of the order for lbz will provide full reporting, including screenshots and replays, the execution of lbz takes place without fake fights. Once you make payment for our services, all you have to do is wait a little while our professional driver completes the missions with honors and delivers the tank about 260 wot to you in the hangar .

We provide 2 ways to buy lbz object 260 in world of tanks:

- partial completion of missions on certain types of tanks with a negotiated period (price and period depends on the quantity and complexity of the ordered lbz)

- full execution of all 5 chains lbz (LT, ST, TT, PT, ART) with a free gift bonus in the form of female crew with 2 skills pumped to 100%. Leveling with a modest cost of 18000 takes 23 to 27 days.

Conditions for fulfilling and pumping LBZ World of Tanks

When buying the passage of personal combat missions wot on Ob.260, our service has several simple conditions:

1) to complete lbz, you need to have at least one or more of the allowed tanks, and if you don’t have the necessary equipment, we will be happy to take on its pumping

2) the vehicle on which the task is being completed must be fully equipped (if it is not available, you should order a boost), the necessary equipment, as well as a crew with 1st skill (the crew commander must have "Sixth Sense")

3) the account must have a certain amount of gold, if you need to re-equip the modules and re-train the crew

4) statistics should be at least at around 55%, since the passage of LBZ will be the main task

5) if, when performing LBZ, it was done with additional condition, then it does not need to be paid and is a free bonus gift for you

6) 15 tasks are performed in 2 variations with honors and without distinction

In this, minimally capacious and small article, I will describe to you.

How I myself perform lbz on ob260 and t55a pt 15 (triumph) in my account boosting serviceWOT assistance 2018-2019

Basic WOT conditions for ob 260 pt 15


Additional terms



On the this moment, and this is the end of 2018 on the wot website, only two Fri self-propelled guns are in the lead in technology.

Let me remind you, for the fastest passage of Fri 15 to object 260 with honors.

I’ll immediately answer to help, where does this info come from - I work in an account boosting serviceWOT3 years and 15 points on about 260 and t55a made more than 1000 pieces with honors, from this experience I am writing tips for you.

Grill 15 pt Germany - advantages

- Disguise from God;

- high dpm;

- high alpha up to 850 units. (suck frags);

- speed up to 55 km. per hour (as in st) .

Object 263 fri sau ussr

— the biggest dpm at its level;

- gold subcaliber shells;

— speed 55 km. in hour;

- disguise is one of the best;

- not penetrating armor in the forehead.

You can, of course, perform lbz pt15 on the site in World of tanks at object 260 and on other pts, but this can last for months, but we need it quickly.


Tactics and secrets of passing lbz pt 15

Platoon two heavy tank— e100 germanium and is7 tips. Let them tank ahead of you, but in no case do damage to the enemy - super strict. Only skating. After the cords have taken damage and the enemy has gone to reload, they must quickly leave, give damage with penetration and hide without receiving in response. Use your consonants, sometimes even like fireflies, only non-standard tactics. Even if they were killed, you can always run to the other flank at the expense of speed and continue to deal damage. I go through lbz this way and nothing else.

If you do not have time for all this, contact me at the account boosting service, I will help you. If you want me to go Fri 15 to object 260 in a day, write to any contact on the site or call.

There is only one way to complete the 15th task quickly - It is to hire a player and get help in completing the wot 2019 lbz with our service for leveling accounts in the world of tanks and 260 and t55a tt about will be completed in the shortest possible time.

Do not forget that the second season of lbz 2.0-2018 has already begun, we will help you get through the excaliber tanks. chimera and object 279. For money on order (hiring a top player) sotik wasap viber 7 968 ​​657 90 13 Cyril. and WE ALSO ACTIVELY ACCEPT FOR MONEY TO ORDER FOR A NEW COMPANY NEW LBZ 2.0 FOR SINGLE TASKS IN 2018-2019 AND FULL PASSAGE OF PREMIUM TANKS 1. British tank destroyer 6 level Excalibur;
2. British level 8 ST Chimera;
3. Soviet TT level 10 Object 279 (p) Object 279 (EARLY)

We will also help you pass any 15th lbz on the t 55a and the concept. Deadlines on the site in World of tanks 1 or 2 tasks per day. We will get marks on the barrel officially in WOT. Platoon training. Let's raise the percentage of victories. How to pass the 15th task lbz on about 260 - everything is simple if you quickly hire a player from the top clan from us.