Left for dead walkthrough. In the trailer, Ellis was the target of all the Special Infected shown there.

Left 4 Dead

In the first part, you need to get to the metro station. Of particular danger may be fat men, hunters and the dead, who bind their prey with their tongue. You can pick up weapons and other items, as well as open and close doors by pressing the E key. During a large concentration of creatures, it is better to use incendiary grenades or bombs.

When you leave the house on the street, you will find a second pistol on the car, and you will shoot from two at once. Enter warehouses and different rooms to find medicine and pills. You can heal your team by choosing a cure and approaching the right person, and pressing and holding right button mice. When you arrive at the subway, close the door behind you and the first part will end.

Go through the subway station, and on the way you will have a goon, in a room that looks like a garage. Having got out, you will stumble upon a room where you will need to turn on the door, and while it is open, the dead will attack you. To the right of the door will be a machine gun. Run to him and make it easier to kill the critters. Witches are dangerous, it is better to stay away from them. When you are in the building, shoot the enemies from the windows. And having got out into the street, go along it to the pawnshop, there will be a shelter.

In this part, you follow up through the sewers. It's very dark and there are attacks from all sides. To go upstairs, you need to go through small tunnels until you reach the hospital. Just in front of the stairs to the top, a tank will be waiting for you, and since the space for fighting with him is small, you will be pretty dragged. In front of the hospital in the car you will find a first aid kit and quickly go inside, before that throwing a grenade. Get into the hideout and close the door.


The hospital is just teeming with these creatures. A witch and a tank will be waiting for you at the top of the building. The witch is best killed by throwing a bomb while she cries. Use the clues on the walls, they will tell you where to go. When you get to the elevator, there will be an invasion, choose one of the sides and hold it. Supplies will lie nearby on the table, so before you get into the elevator, get some ammo. When you get up, shoot everyone from a distance. There will be signs on the walls telling you where to go.

Exit the shelter and follow the arrows on the floor and walls. When you get to the roof, go to the radio and send out a distress call. You will not have the helicopter right away and you will have to repel a large zombie attack. Climb to a high position and shoot. As soon as the helicopter flies up, run to it and sit down, shooting back from the enemies. You can shoot from the cannon that is on the roof of one of the buildings, but you will be hit from behind.

Follow the road until you see that it is destroyed. Climb down, after killing all the reptiles in the area, and climb to the opposite edge of the road. There turn off, and go along the path to the shelter, it will be a house.

Continuing the path to salvation, you must go through the sewers and get out. How to get out, run to the left and there will be a door to salvation. Use Molotov cocktails to cut off the ghouls' path to you and gas canisters to blow up large swarms of enemies. A tank will be waiting for you almost at the exit of the building.

Come out of hiding and go along the cars. You will need to fight the tank and for the further way along the wagons, go over the fence, and then to the right. To repel an attack, stop in one house, and then in the last one. At first you will not be allowed there, and you will have to kill a lot of ghouls again.

Now you are moving along the streets of the city. You will need to reach a safe place on the roofs of buildings. Walk along the roof almost at the end, and jump down behind the fence. To the right is the escape room.

Leave the house and go along the road to the forest. Special attention pay attention to the Christmas trees, behind which smokers and just zombies often hide. When the road turns right you will see a house, there will be first-aid kits and supplies. Dial as many as you need and defend until the boat arrives. You will need to talk on the radio twice. There will be a pier to the left of the house. That's where you need to run to save yourself.

Your task is to reach the hotel, where you can hide for a while and heal the wounds. Make your way through ruined houses and over rooftops.

Coming out of the shelter you need to go down the stairs all the time. During the descent, a tank will appear. After going down, go down the street to the police car and try not to get into the car, otherwise the alarm will attract new zombies.

You are already closer to the airport. You just have to go through the streets to the airport building and on the left you will see an underground parking lot. Go through it and meet the tank. Climb to the second floor, and on the third there will be a shelter.

You have already entered the building, now it's tedious to get to the runway. Walk along the terminal and turn on the car to clear the path. The invasion will begin. Go to where the car left and on the left there will be a door to the luggage department. There, make your way up the stairs to the waiting room. There will be shelter.

You are already on the runway and you need to get to the plane. When you approach, find the walkie-talkie by the corpse near the tanker. Open the refueling tap and get ready for the invasion. When the tank is full, the rear hatch of the aircraft will open, and you can fly away.

Walk along the forest road. On one of the cars there will be a gun and pills. You don't have to jump down. When you reach the big house, you will find shelter.

You need to go along a large tunnel with rails. Use incendiary mixtures or bombs to neutralize large concentrations of enemies. There will be a tank almost in front of the shelter.

You are already on the surface. Follow the paths and kill the creeps until you see a dead end. Nearby should be a wagon with a lever. Press the lever and the wagon will break the bridge, which will take you to the shelter.

Come out of hiding and follow the path until you find a small house. There will be a tank on the second floor, and when you kill him, jump through the window and follow the paths across the bridge to the shelter.

Throughout the journey, keep an eye on the red tables near the doors. They point the right way. Your task is to get to the house, where you will face two tanks. It is best to collect ammo and get to the roof of the second floor. From there it will be better to shoot. When the truck arrives, get in and consider that you are saved.

NO MERCY Part 1 In the first part you need to get to the subway station. Of particular danger may be fat men, hunters and the dead, who bind their prey with their tongue. Pick...NO MERCY Part 1 In the first part you need to get to the metro station. Of particular danger may be fat men, hunters and the dead, who bind their prey with their tongue. You can pick up weapons and other items, as well as open and close doors by pressing the E key. During a large concentration of creatures, it is better to use incendiary grenades or bombs. When you leave the house on the street, you will find a second pistol on the car, and you will shoot from two at once. Enter warehouses and different rooms to find medicine and pills. You can heal your team by choosing a cure and approaching the right person, and pressing and holding the right mouse button. When you arrive at the subway, close the door behind you and the first part will end. Part 2 Go through the subway station, and on the way you will have a goon, in a room that looks like a garage. Having got out, you will stumble upon a room where you will need to turn on the door, and while it is open, the dead will attack you. To the right of the door will be a machine gun. Run to him and make it easier to kill the critters. Witches are dangerous, it is better to stay away from them. When you are in the building, shoot the enemies from the windows. And having got out into the street, go along it to the pawnshop, there will be a shelter. Part 3 In this part, you follow up through the sewers. It's very dark and there are attacks from all sides. To go upstairs, you need to go through small tunnels until you reach the hospital. Just in front of the stairs to the top, a tank will be waiting for you, and since the space for fighting with him is small, you will be pretty dragged. In front of the hospital in the car you will find a first aid kit and quickly go inside, before that throwing a grenade. Get into the hideout and close the door. Part 4 Hospital The hospital is simply teeming with these creatures. A witch and a tank will be waiting for you at the top of the building. The witch is best killed by throwing a bomb while she cries. Use the clues on the walls, they will tell you where to go. When you get to the elevator, there will be an invasion, choose one of the sides and hold it. Supplies will lie nearby on the table, so before you get into the elevator, get some ammo. When you get up, shoot everyone from a distance. There will be signs on the walls telling you where to go. Part 5 Exit the shelter and follow the arrows on the floor and walls. When you get to the roof, go to the radio and send out a distress call. You will not have the helicopter right away and you will have to repel a large zombie attack. Climb to a high position and shoot. As soon as the helicopter flies up, run to it and sit down, shooting back from the enemies. You can shoot from the cannon that is on the roof of one of the buildings, but you will be hit from behind. DEATH TOLL Part 1 Follow the road until you see that it is destroyed. Climb down, after killing all the reptiles in the area, and climb to the opposite edge of the road. There turn off, and go along the path to the shelter, it will be a house. Part 2 Continuing the path to salvation, you must go through the sewers and get out. How to get out, run to the left and there will be a door to salvation. Use Molotov cocktails to cut off the ghouls' path to you and gas canisters to blow up large swarms of enemies. A tank will be waiting for you almost at the exit of the building. Part 3 Come out of hiding and go along the cars. You will need to fight the tank and for the further way along the wagons, go over the fence, and then to the right. To repel an attack, stop in one house, and then in the last one. At first you will not be allowed there, and you will have to kill a lot of ghouls again. Part 4 Now you are moving around the streets of the city. You will need to reach a safe place on the roofs of buildings. Walk along the roof almost at the end, and jump down behind the fence. To the right is the escape room. Part 5 Leave the house and go along the road to the forest. Pay special attention to Christmas trees, behind which smokers and just zombies often hide. When the road turns right you will see a house, there will be first-aid kits and supplies. Dial as many as you need and defend until the boat arrives. You will need to talk on the radio twice. There will be a pier to the left of the house. That's where you need to run to save yourself. DEAD AIR Part 1 Your task is to reach the hotel where you can hide for a while and heal your wounds. Make your way through ruined houses and over rooftops. Part 2 Coming out of the shelter you need to go down the stairs all the time. During the descent, a tank will appear. After going down, go down the street to the police car and try not to get into the car, otherwise the alarm will attract new zombies. Part 3 You are already closer to the airport. You just have to go through the streets to the airport building and on the left you will see an underground parking lot. Go through it and meet the tank. Climb to the second floor, and on the third there will be a shelter. Part 4 You have already got into the building, now it's tedious to get to the runway. Walk along the terminal and turn on the car to clear the path. The invasion will begin. Go to where the car left and on the left there will be a door to the luggage department. There, make your way up the stairs to the waiting room. There will be shelter. Part 5 You are already on the runway and you need to get to the plane. When you approach, find the walkie-talkie by the corpse near the tanker. Open the refueling tap and get ready for the invasion. When the tank is full, the rear hatch of the aircraft will open, and you can fly away. BLOOD HARVEST Part 1 Go along the forest road. On one of the cars there will be a gun and pills. You don't have to jump down. When you reach the big house, you will find shelter. Part 2 You need to go along a large tunnel with rails. Use incendiary mixtures or bombs to neutralize large concentrations of enemies. There will be a tank almost in front of the shelter. Part 3 You are already on the surface. Follow the paths and kill the creeps until you see a dead end. Nearby should be a wagon with a lever. Press the lever and the wagon will break the bridge, which will take you to the shelter. Part 4 Come out of hiding and follow the path until you find a small house. There will be a tank on the second floor, and when you kill him, jump through the window and follow the paths across the bridge to the shelter. Part 5 Follow the red signs near the doors all the way. They point the right way. Your task is to get to the house, where you will face two tanks. It is best to collect ammo and get to the roof of the second floor. From there it will be better to shoot. When the truck arrives, get in and consider that you are saved.

If you are having problems playing the game Left 4 Dead 2, you can always use our advice and information for action. We detail the steps you need to follow to complete the game. Left 4 Dead 2. In the most difficult places, we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough Left 4 Dead 2 read on our website.

dead center

The action begins from the roof of a local hotel, it was a saving point for our group, where they were supposed to be taken from this hell, but something went wrong. Now your task is to pass through the dead center, which is completely saturated with the dead, and then you need to go to the helicopter landing pad. Start moving in the footsteps of the helicopter that left the evacuation zone. Don't forget to look back, because killing the dead is better with a hand weapon such as a tire iron, a bat or an axe. Get down and open the doors. A bunch of dead people will immediately attack you. Fight them off without leaving the doors, because the enemy can sneak up on you, which is fraught.

After clearing the location, go further and go into one of the rooms through the left doors. There, too, move to the left side, you will need to walk through the balconies and go to the window. There, run along the corridor to start to the right, and then to the left, go to the elevator.

There will begin discussions about the end of the world, which should only come, then quickly open the doors and get ready for the next global battle with the crowds of the dead. Here you need to pick up a machine gun for yourself, then go through the kitchen to the bedroom, and then to the living room. When killing all the enemy there, you have to be careful, because the tank can burp its infected goo at you. Having won, go to the shelter.

City streets

Stock up on weapons and open cover. In the next area, you need to immediately kill all the dead that surrounded you, then move to the right side of you until you see the basement. There may be a witch, so I advise you to be very careful. Come out, move to the left, shoot the dead, jump from the bushes and climb up the stairs. While you are climbing, the dead will still attack. Climb into the room, then follow to the left, and then straight and right.

So you will go to the store with ammunition. In it, you can get plenty of ammunition, as well as everything that your soul lies on. Then click on the buttons and move further up. There you will notice a hypermarket. Climb into it, take a cola, this was actually your goal, no matter how strange it may sound. Then run back to the button by the ammo shop. Leave the cola and go through the burned car and follow to the shelter.


Everything is easier than ever. Run through the floors and kill the enemies that will come across on your way, the main thing is not to let them surround you, press your back against the walls. At the sound of sirens, run to the third floor and turn it off.


Here you will need to get fuel for Jimmy Gibbs' car. But the task is by no means an easy one. In order not to get into long battles with heaps of recovering dead, you just have to run after bottles of fuel, not paying attention to what is happening, and most importantly, do not shoot. Ignore the environment. After running a certain number of times, the car will still be refueled, and you will successfully manage to get away from such a dangerous place.

dark festival

Things are bad. Something is wrong with the car and you stop right at the highway. Next, you will need to follow on foot. Run along the road, deal with zombies along the way. Do not leave the side of the road, turn around often, because very often enemies can attack you from behind.

Go through the road, head to the motel, where again you need to clear the area from the dead. After passing the motel, go down to the hill, go up to it and you will see the local circus. Head right, turn ninety degrees and run for cover.

The festival

Everything is pretty simple here. Go through the fairground and kill everyone who will attack you. There will be nothing complicated.

Roller coaster

Here, too, problems should not arise. There will be no labyrinths and difficulties with choosing a direction.


Follow to the rest area, climb up to the stage and give a signal message for the helicopter. While he will fly up, the dead will be selected. Sit in the center of the scene and start shooting, then evacuate with the help of a helicopter.

swamp fever

Here you need to go through the local swamps. This location is notable for a new type of opponents - Mudmen, they are very different from other types of dead. During the trip, you will be informed that Nick managed to kill the driver because he was infected. Get out of the car and move further through the city. Turn right at the first crossroads, you will see a pier with a small boat. Ride on it, move towards the shelter, while killing the dead that appear from everywhere.


Quite a difficult mission to complete. It is best to follow on solid ground, and not in any way on a liquid quagmire. Mudmen will spawn from the bushes and throw infected pieces of dirt at you. Keep moving forward, then you will hit the road, where you need to turn right to the house, which will serve as a temporary shelter for your group.


Quickly run through the village, do not linger, because there is nothing to catch here, but it is quite dangerous here. After completing the mission, along the path from which you cannot turn, go to the next shelter.


Move along the beautiful village paths, gradually turning to the left, until you meet the house of the gardener himself, he was killed by the dead a long time ago.

Climb into the house and go to the second floor. Go out to the balcony, and then jump down and call for help near the gate. Until help arrives, you need to fend off enemy attacks.

terrible downpour

Your ship's fuel reserves are running low. And you need to stop at some small town. Move to the shelter through the settlement, killing opponents, they will appear everywhere. Therefore, there shouldn't be any problems.

sugar factory

Here you need to deal with the crowd of the dead and a couple of witches. It is best not to trade and simply run to the exit to the fields. Then make your way to the shelter, but most importantly, do not forget to pick up fuel.

Escape from the city

Follow the same path you took here. There will be no particular problems, the only snag will be the rain that has already started, and as a result, it will block your view. The dead will crawl from all sides. At the end of the mission, you need to climb to the roof of the building near the plantation and call Virgill.


Since this mission is the last, then the complexity of it, respectively, will not be easy. You find yourself on the shore and your task is to cross the bridge, to approach the helipad, to call the helicopter and defend before it arrives.

The mission is focused on the streets of New Orleans. You will need to exterminate the dead in batches! The streets are just full of them. Once you fight off everyone, the game will be over. Now it remains only to wait and hope that the developers will still make the third part, about which there are a lot of speculations and rumors on the Internet.

At the time of writing, nothing concrete is known about the third part of the gaming zombie series Left 4 Dead 2, but not so long ago, Valve released the online shooter Left 4 Dead 2 on Steam for free. For several hours, while the game could be downloaded for free , the Steam service repeatedly fell and revived, the influx of people who wanted to get the game for free was monstrous. This once again confirms the popularity of the video game, which, however, not all fans manage to pass. Therefore, this article will be concise, but informative, about the sequential passage of all levels of the main campaign in Left 4 Dead 2.

Level #1.

Extinct center (Dead Center). Hotel.

We start on the roof of the hotel, which was supposed to play the role of an evacuation point, but, as it turned out, was already abandoned. The goal is to break through the extinct center, teeming with zombies and get to the helipad. We start moving towards the departed helicopter. We constantly look around and fight off zombies with improvised means such as a mount, a bat or an ax. We go down and open the door. A crowd of zombies will immediately flood over us. It is better to fight back without leaving the door, otherwise the enemy may surround, and this will be worse. After cleaning the room, we go forward and go into one of the rooms through the left door. There, also, moving to the left side, you will need to go along the balconies and reach the window. From there we run along the corridor, first to the right, and then to the left, until we hit the elevator. There we will have a scene with dialogues about the coming end of the world, after which we quickly open the doors and prepare for another large-scale battle with a crowd of ghouls. Here we can pick up a machine gun, after which we make our way through the kitchen to the bedroom, and from there to the living room. When you kill all the evil spirits there, you need to be careful, because the fat man can spew out his infecting slurry on you. After the victory, we retreat to cover.


We stock up on weapons and open a shelter. At the nearest location, it is better to immediately destroy all the surrounding zombies, after which we move to the right until the basement is visible. There may be a witch in the basement, so be careful. After leaving the lodge, we move to the left, shoot back from the zombies jumping from the bushes and climb up the stairs. While we climb, the zombies will continue to attack. We climb into the building, after which we adhere to this route: to the left, forward, and then to the right. There's a gun shop waiting for us there. Here you need to stock up on the maximum with everything we can. Then we press the button and move further up. There we will see a supermarket. We run into it, take a bottle of Coca-Cola, which, sadly enough, was the goal of our mission, after which we immediately run back to the button at the weapons store. We leave Coca-Cola, we pass through the burned-out car and go to the shelter.

Shopping center.

Everything is simple here. We run around the floors and shoot the enemy, do not allow ourselves to be surrounded, we press our backs against the walls. As soon as the sound of a siren is heard, we immediately move to the third floor and turn it off.


The objective of the mission is to fill up Jimmy Gibbs' car. However, this will not be easy to do. In order not to get involved in constant battles with crowds of regenerating dead, you just need to run after bottles of gasoline, not reacting to what is happening and not shooting back. After ten walkers the car will be refueled, and we will be able to leave such an unfriendly place.

Level #2.

Dark Carnival. Motorway.

Everything is very bad. The car stalled right on the highway. The rest of the journey will have to be done on foot. Run forward along the highway, shooting back from the zombies. Do not leave the side of the road, constantly look around, because here the enemy often attacks from behind. After passing a segment of the road, we head to the motel, where we again clean up all the zombies. After the motel, we move down towards the hill, climb it and see the local circus tent. We go to the right, turn around 90 ° and run to the shelter.


Everything is simple here. We walk around the fairground and kill everyone we don't like. No complications or mysteries. After that, our group will fall into the "Tunnel of Love", after passing which we can get to the shelter.

Roller coaster.

Also, no special riddles, except for the systematic shooting of all that arise. No labyrinths and difficulties with choosing a direction.


We head to the recreation area, climb onto the stage and give a prearranged signal to the helicopter. While he is flying, the zombies will climb like flies on honey. We occupy the center of the scene and shoot back from there, after which we evacuate by helicopter.

Level #3.

Swamp Fever. Town.

Here we make our way through the swamps. The level is marked by the fact that in the swamps we will be met by the so-called. Mudmen are a special kind of zombie, but first we find ourselves in a train car. During the trip, we are informed that Nick killed the driver, as he turned out to be infected. We leave the car and move deeper into the city. Turning right at the first crossroads, we will see a pier with a small boat. After riding a boat, we move towards the shelter, simultaneously shooting back from the crowds of zombies that were pressing on.


Difficult and unpleasant mission. You need to walk, choosing the ground, and not liquid bogs. Mud workers will actively press from the bushes, rushing at us with infected clods of dirt. We are moving forward all the time, after which we run into the road, on which we will need to turn right towards the house, which will play the role of our temporary shelter.


We quickly run through the village, not stopping anywhere, because there is no profit waiting for us here, but it is very dangerous. At the end of a linear and straight level, like an arrow, we hide in our next shelter.


We move along the picturesque village roads, gradually moving to the left, until you see the house of the planter himself, who was killed by zombies a long time ago. We run into the house and go up to the second floor. We go out to the balcony, from there we jump down and near the gate we call for help. Until help arrives, we traditionally fight off enemy attacks.

Level 4

Terrible downpour (Hard Rain). Factory town.

Our ship runs out of fuel, and we are forced to land in front of a small town. We move towards the shelter through the entire locality, shooting back at the enemy popping up all over the place. There shouldn't be any hitches.

Sugar Factory and Escape from the Factory.

Hordes of zombies and a dozen witches are waiting for us here. Yes, yes - 12 witches will be hiding in dark corners throughout the plant. It is advisable not to linger here and quickly get out into the fields. Having reached through the reeds to the shelter, you must definitely take gasoline with you.

Return to the city and escape from the city.

Return and retreat with bottles of gasoline in the bosom is the same way as we got here. No big surprises. The only thing is that because of the beginning of the downpour, visibility will drop sharply. Zombies will crawl out right under your nose. At the very end, we will need to climb onto the roof of the plantation house and call Virgill.

Level #5.

The Parish.

The last level is extremely difficult. If you describe even superficially all its details, then the description will stretch over several pages. The mission starts on the beach and ends on a bridge that you have to cross in order to run to the helipad, call for a helicopter and hold out until it arrives. On the streets of New Orleans, and it is there that all the action will take place, you will not be crowded by hostile ghouls running everywhere. Here we will have to say goodbye to Virgil and make our way through several missions, fighting off zombies both on the streets and indoors. You won't be able to rest here at all. We will especially need mutual assistance and support from each member of the team - to each. Above all - saving first aid kits. Don't forget to pick up wounded teammates from the ground. The final bridge will not let you get lost. Here we will be met by the entire royal army with an increased number of especially dangerous tanks and fat men. The key to survival is jumping on cars and firing from their roofs, although zombies jump on cars very easily, but such protection is better than none. Passing the level, we try not to attract the signaling. Separately, you need to be very careful when shooting zombie guards in bulletproof vests. They die very slowly.

But there is good news: if your group has reached not only the last level, but also the bridge, then you will already be so trained, and the actions of the group will be so coordinated that the passage will occur as if automatically. And the main thing to remember is that the game will end as soon as one member of the team goes into the forest, and the other for firewood. Only the most united squad can win.

Georgia was just another stop in this drifter's life. In any case, it would be much better there than in another cheap bar. Feeling an easy catch, Nick pulled all he could from poker games at local casinos. He did not plan to spend the rest of his life in Savannah, but the zombiecalypse intervened in his plans, and now who knows how stuck he will be here?

Nick is one of the four Survivors in Left 4 Dead 2, voiced by Hugh Dillon. Full name - Nicholas, 35 years old. He is an avid gambler and a slick con artist who wears an expensive suit. Nick joined the three in search of salvation, but still cannot decide for himself whether to trust them (which is against all his instincts), and constantly compares them with the Coward, Dunce and Experienced (in the original - with the characters of the comedy The Three Stooges ). Despite the zombocalypse, he is constantly trying to find a benefit from what happened, however, over time, he begins to appreciate his partners more and more.

Many players see Nick as an analogue of the businessman Louis from the original 4;

When Nick says "Shoot me again I'm not dead yet", the line is a reference to Metallica's "Shoot Me Again", in which lead singer James Hetfield sings : "Shoot me again I ain't dead yet";

When Nick says: Are you really going to shoot a guy in a $10,000 suit? Come on!" ("Are you really going to shoot a guy in a $10,000 suit? Come on!"), this line is a reference to the character George Oscar Bluth from the American TV series "Arrested Development", who constantly boasted about the high cost of his suit. For example : "Yeah, is a dude in a $25,000 suit going to carry heavy weights? Come on!";

Nick bears a striking resemblance to the character Tom Vercetti from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, who in turn was based on Al Pacino's Tony Montana from Scarface;

Just like Zoey and Louis, Nick stands next to Rochelle in all campaign posters;

According to the game's trailer and gameplay, Nick's favorite melee weapon is a frying pan;

Nick is the only Survivor in Left 4 Dead 2 whose appearance has not changed since the beginning.

Ellis is a simple-minded but not stupid guy who loves beer and poking around in cars. His friends just call him Al.

Most pissed in their pants in this zombiecalypse. But not Ellis - his indestructibility is not in doubt, as is the fact that he is 23 years old and he is absolutely immune. It can be said that Savannah's son respects his mother, loves work and enjoys what he has. And he is bold enough to show who needs to be scared here - him or the infected.

Many players see Ellis as an analogue of the biker Francis from the original four. Like Francis, he comments on everything that happens. Plus, he has a tattoo on his right arm. However, in character he is much more like Louis;

Designers changed several times appearance Ellis, starting with a green cap and blue jeans, ending with a white and blue NASCAR cap and mechanic work pants with a tool belt. In the teaser shown at E3, he wore a t-shirt with two crossed flags and the words "J.B. Autoservice" underneath, apparently his work t-shirt. Another yellow T-shirt can be seen in the Dark Carnival campaign cinematic, and the pants have been replaced with jeans again. The most recent clips showed Ellis wearing a "Bull-Shifters" T-shirt. Judging by the demo version, this version of Ellis is the final one;

In the trailer, Ellis put on a huge amount of weapons that you cannot carry with you in the game;

In the trailer, Ellis was the target of all the Special Infected shown there;

Ellis and Rochelle are the only survivors of Left 4 Dead 2 to have versions shown in screenshots or videos, but not on posters. In Ellis' case, these are early screenshots of him wearing a white t-shirt, green cap and jeans.

Former high school football coach who quit teaching after suffering a professional knee injury. After that, the Coach took up an easier sport, becoming a flabby fitness trainer. Zombocalypse made him look after his health instead of his students. Originally from Savannah, Georgia, she has a knack for dealing with children and their parents. He was voiced by an actor from The Wire.

Chet Faliszek once mentioned that the Coach "has a terrible hatred for zombies, especially the Witch", though he didn't elaborate on why.

Many players see Coach as Bill from the original 4;

According to both characters' backstories, both Bill and Coach had a knee injury;

The coach is very similar to Uncle Phil - the character of the TV series The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air;

The former coach has a slight defect in diction, especially noticeable when he swallows R and G. Perhaps this is due to the accent of the southerner;

The coach is religious, he comments on what is happening referring to the Bible. It was also mentioned in the game's first trailer that the last time he saw his grandmother, she asked if he was still praying;

His words - "If I go through the valley of the shadow of death" - a quote from the Bible (Ps. 22:4);

Initial sketches of the Coach were shown in PC Gamer magazine, including: a skinny coach, a white coach, a coach using football pads as armor. He also held a bow and arrows;

It is possible that the trainer's favorite weapon will be the AK-47. on two campaign posters, he holds exactly this weapon.

Rochelle is from Cleveland, 26 years old. She loves communication and therefore went into journalism. Friends call her Ro. For her success, she was promoted and sent to Savannah, the area of ​​the first campaign, to write an article about the strange things that began to happen in the town.

The outbreak in Atlanta gave her the chance to develop her career more actively. She was sent to the evacuation center to cover the events, but the unfolding chaos disrupted all plans. Nevertheless, Rochelle is not the kind of person who will reconcile and wait for death. She found a weapon and teamed up with the other Survivors. Her T-shirt has the Depeche Mode logo on it.

Rochelle is voiced by Rochelle Aytes.

Many players see Rochelle as an analogue of Zoya from the original four;

The designers of the game changed its appearance several times. In the trailer, she was wearing an orange T-shirt, but now she is pink. Her hair changed color from brown to black, and the girl herself became a little shorter. Also, her hairstyle has become a little shorter, before her hair was collected in a long ponytail, and now in a neat bun;

Rochelle has a slight French accent, which may have some connection to the "The Parish" campaign;

Just like Zoe and Louis, Rochelle stands next to Nick in all of the game's campaign posters;

In the campaign poster for Shop of Death, Rochelle wields a chainsaw and a katana in two hands. This will not be in the game, according to Chet Falizhek, the ability to use two weapons at the same time was removed after several tests.



A Brute is an Infected that destroys everything in its path. When attacked, it makes a sound similar to a donkey's cry. Its purpose is to scatter groups of Survivors in narrow places. Moving at the speed of the Survivors, he can instantly accelerate for a short time. However, after speeding up, the Brute slowly moves and turns. It's not as strong as a Tank, but it can still do about half of the Tank's damage when boosted. Also, the Brute is not very maneuverable, so it is easy to dodge him.

When grabbing a Survivor in his huge hand, he deals 15 points of damage per hit. The capture occurs on the condition that the Survivor was pressed against a wall or other "solid" surface. Externally, the Brute is a large Infected, reaching the height of a Tank, but twice as wide. The mutation affected him in a rather strange way: one arm tripled in size and turned into a kind of grip; the other was reduced to an absolutely useless process. The Brute is dressed in what looks like blue overalls from southern American farmers.

In early concept art, the Brute is depicted as a large zombie with a very small head and arms similar to a Tyrannosaurus Rex;

Initially, the Brute would instantly stop after capturing a Survivor;

At Comic Con, Brute made sounds like zombies from Ravenholm. In addition, some of his screams are remixes of zombies carrying poisonous headcrabs from Half-Life 2;

The Brute has the strangest sounds in the game. Some screams can be heard as "Don" t shoot me!" ("Don't shoot!");

In the picture of the "Meat Hammer" achievement, the mutated hands of the Brute are reversed;

While the artists were deciding on the appearance of the Thug, he ran in a modified model of the Hunter.


The Spitter, referred to by the Survivors as the "long-necked thing", is recognizable by its characteristic dry and hacking cough, after which it spits out what looks like a lump of mutated stomach acid, which turns into a large acid puddle when it hits the ground. Its damage increases every second. A similar puddle of acid, but smaller in size, pours out of the body of a slain Spitter.

Any Survivor caught in the acid pool begins to lose health, forcing them to leave the area. Which, of course, plays into the hands of the Infected - Survivors can no longer set up barricades in some narrow passages or deaf rooms. The Spitter is often compared to the Fat Man because both are more of a combat support than an offensive unit. Unlike the Fat Man, her secretions (a lump of acid) bounce off the walls, which can help the Infected reach deep-seated opponents.

It was previously discussed that the Spitter is the female version of the Fat Man. Under the influence of the virus, the neck lengthened, and the stomach began to produce acid, which, in turn, replaced the hormones that attract ordinary infected. But this version was rejected after the videos with the Fat Woman appeared;

Spitter is the first playable female character;

Acid does not harm other Infected.;

It is possible that Spitter's abilities originate from a mutated form of heartburn;

In the first part of the game, in the hospital, one of the x-rays shows an elongated neck. It is possible that this patient was infected with the Spitter Virus.


The Jockey is a small Infested hunchback that jumps on the back of the Survivors and grabs them by the head. The virus turned the Jockey into a heavily muscled creature in the back and neck, forcing him to move like a spider monkey. This is also facilitated by the fingers and toes increased in length. The stretched lips and the skin on the face tightly fit the skull. He is wearing a white T-shirt and blue boxer shorts. While running, it emits an indistinct muttering, similar to a monkey cry, turning into hysterical laughter when jumping on a Survivor.

The Jockey can jump long distances, but not as far as the Hunter. While on the Survivor, he can direct it in any direction. Jockey's damage is small. The player can weakly resist, slowing down the movement. Valve has mentioned that the Jockey works best in tandem with the Spitter, driving Survivors into acid. In the same way, you can force the Survivor to go into the fire or push him against the Witch.

This is the first Infected that can unhook from a Survivor at any time;

In the early stages of development, the Jockey was wearing a bright jersey;

Jockey was the first to be shown in a gameplay video;

Jockey is currently the smallest of the Infected;

The jockey is in many ways similar to "Fleaman" from the Castlevania video game series. Both are small, both jump like a monkey, and both can control players;

The player attacked by the Jockey sees a green light around him. Most likely, this is a clue to the possibility of resistance.

Wandering Witch

During the daytime, Survivors can encounter a Wandering Witch (also known as a Walking Witch or Day Witch), who attacks in the same way as in the first part, but instead of sitting and waiting for some curious Survivor to shine a light in her face flashlight, she wanders around the neighborhood. Sunlight has affected the Witch's body in a strange way, and now she no longer suffers from pain, which allows her to walk around the area. Nevertheless, she can be recognized by the characteristic sound of quiet sobs and new music. There is an opinion that the Witch is just trying to find a dark place, because. her eyes are closed. This explains why she attacks the Survivors with flashlights. The Wandering Witch is hard to get around, forcing new Survivors to take extreme measures. It is possible that the Survivors from the first part were aware of this behavior and therefore traveled at night.

When confronted by a Survivor, the Witch spreads her arms to the sides and, after a couple of seconds, rushes at him. It seems that the Witch needs to deal some damage before she will rush to the "accurate" shooter. She reacts to several pistol shots with a loud scream, after which she calms down and continues on her way. After sunset, the Wandering Witch sits down again and begins to sob, waiting for the Survivors. At night, the Witch in Left 4 Dead 2 is much less aggressive, even compared to the first part of the game. The player can safely stand next to the Witch until she shines a flashlight on her.

According to Game Informer Magazine, the player can easily sever the Witch's head from her torso with a single blow from an ax or katana, aiming at the back of the head.

Witch and Hunter are the only ones not featured in the Zombie Survival Guide trailer;

According to an interview with Chet Falitzek, the Witch clearly likes the smell of sugar, which explains the presence of a large number of Witches in the Rainstorm campaign.


First level weapon

A simple weapon that is available to players at the beginning of the company.

Submachine gun MAC-10 with silencer

Ammo in store: 50

Total ammo: 650

Damage per shot: 25

Damage per second: 416.67

Damage per magazine: 1250

Accuracy: Worst of tier 1 submachine guns

Submachine gun UZI

Ammo in store: 50

Total ammo: 650

Damage per shot: 20

Rate of fire: 1000 rounds per minute

Damage per second: 316.67

Damage per magazine: 950

Accuracy: Best of Tier 1 Submachine Guns


Rounds in the store: 8

Total ammo: 56

Damage per shot: 250 (10 pellets of 25 damage each)

Damage per second: 287

Damage per magazine: 2000

Accuracy: Worst of tier 1 shotguns

Chrome Shotgun

Rounds in the store: 8

Total ammo: 56

Damage per shot: 248 (8 pellets of 31 damage each)

Rate of fire: 69 rounds per minute

Damage per second: 285

Damage per magazine: 1984

Accuracy: best with tier 1 shotguns

hunting rifle

Ammo in the store: 15

Total ammo: 150

Damage per shot: 90

Damage per second: 360

Damage per magazine: 1350

Accuracy: Equivalent to a military sniper rifle

Second level weapon

Automatic shotgun

Rounds in the store: 10

Total ammo: 90

Damage per shot: 253 (11 pellets of 23 damage each)

Damage per second: 840

Damage per magazine: 2530

Accuracy: Worst for tier 2 shotguns

SPAS military shotgun

Rounds in the store: 10

Total ammo: 90

Damage per shot: 252 (9 pellets of 28 damage each)

Rate of fire: 200 rounds per minute

Damage per second: 836

Damage per magazine: 2520

Accuracy: best with tier 2 shotguns

SCAR military rifle

Ammo in store: 60

Total ammo: 360

Damage per shot: 44

Rate of fire: 486 rounds per minute

Damage per second: 356

Damage per magazine: 2640

Accuracy: best with tier 2 rifles


Ammo in the store: 40

Total ammo: 280

Damage per shot: 58

Rate of fire: 460 rounds per minute

Damage per second: 444

Damage per magazine: 2320

Accuracy: Worst among Tier 2 rifles

M-16 assault rifle

Ammo in store: 50

Total ammo: 360

Damage per shot: 33

Rate of fire: 685 rounds per minute

Damage per second: 376

Damage per magazine: 1650

Accuracy: Average among Tier 2 rifles

Military sniper rifle

Ammo in the store: 30

Total ammo: 180

Damage per shot: 90

Rate of fire: 240 rounds per minute

Damage per second: 360

Damage per magazine: 2700

Accuracy: same as a hunting rifle

grenade launcher

Ammo in store: 1

Total ammo: 30

Damage per shot: 400

Rate of fire: 16 rounds per minute

Damage per second: 106.7

Damage per magazine: 12,000


P220 pistol

Cartridges in the store: 15 (30)

Total Ammo: Infinite

Damage per shot: 36

Rate of fire: 300 (600) rounds per minute