Mann, Ivanov and Ferber bingo card game for kids. Thematic cards for the game "bingo" in English lessons Video: animals and their babies in English

About the book
"Bingo for kids"is a set of game cards for children 2-3 years old.

For the little ones

In the set:


Read completely

About the book
"Bingo for kids" is a set of playing cards for children 2-3 years old.

How to play "Bingo"? Give the baby a card and let him find everything around him that is depicted on it. With "Bingo" you can walk and search simple items in the yard, forest, countryside. And you can play at home.

For the little ones
Especially for kids in this set cards-windows are provided. On the left they have a drawing of an object that can be easily found at home or on the street, and on the right is a window through which you need to see this object. Also in the set there are window cards with which you can search for objects by color.

Older children can play "Bingo" with thematic cards ("City", "Out of town", "On the sea", "In the forest"). The goal of the game is to find around you everything that is drawn on the card. Stickers can "close" those items that were found. Once the entire card is filled with stickers, Bingo! - game over.

In the set:
15 item cards
11 flower box cards
8 thematic cards for walks
Card Envelope - Put a few cards in it so you don't have to take the whole set with you.
Reusable stickers - mark your "finds" with them.

About authors
Ksenia Dryzlova is a graphic designer by education, but in life she is just a very creative person. Ksenia admits: “For as long as I can remember, I’ve been inventing something, making, sewing, cutting, reworking, repainting all the time. I made my first Barbie myself from some kind of Russian doll and a skein of silky rope, which then became gorgeous hair.”

Ksenia is the author of the social project "Mishkina Book", beautiful books with ideas for games and activities, creative calendars, the famous "Neskuchalok". Currently just a mom and designer of her own brand of ko-ko-ko products, as well as the author of the popular parenting blog kokokoKIDS.

Nastya Sleptsova is an illustrator and designer from Simferopol. Together with her sister, she is engaged in the creative project kontora sisters. She draws illustrations for various spiritual projects, creates original postcards, dishes, jewelry. Her warm lively illustrations, ingenious in their simplicity and touchingness, captivate both children and adults. Nastya illustrated the books "Wonderful Time: Winter", "Wonderful Calendar 2015", "Bingo for Kids", "Road Bingo".
For children 2-3 years old.


Explanatory note

Board game Bingo is one of the most popular games in the UK, and it is also used to teach English to preschool and younger children school age. The spirit of competition, the desire to win, violent emotions make this game exciting and useful for kids and adults. This game is played with the help of thematic cards, which depict subjects on the topics being studied.

Target use of cards "Bingo" - consolidation of vocabulary on the topics studied with the help of the game.



    to acquaint children of primary school age with the culture and traditions of the countries of the language being studied;

    Expand words knowledge.


    develop cognitive interest in learning a foreign language;

    develop phonemic hearing, attention, memory, the ability to imitate, to guess.


    to form interest and respect for the traditions and customs of people who speak English;

    develop motivation for further study of a foreign language.

What are Bingo cards in English for?

Firstly, they develop memory well, since the illustration forms a strong connection between the word and the visual image.

Secondly, with the help of them the correct pronunciation is worked out. Thirdly, when working with cards, attention is trained. And the result of all this can be called a significant replenishment of the active and passive vocabulary.

The relevance of the use of thematic cards is that they contribute to an increase in interest in the study of the subject, deepen and expand the knowledge gained, enable students to show their language and cognitive abilities. In addition, it contributes to the development of active and passive speech in children, as well as the correct sound pronunciation.

The novelty of this development is that thematic cards are used in accordance with the goals and objectives of the additional general educational program "Playing and Learning English". They are adapted to the topics studied and are their logical continuation. Cards can be used for collective, individual or differentiated work with students.

This methodological folder contains thematic cards independently developed by the teacher on various topics:

    ABC Bingo (Alphabet)

    Animal Bingo (Animals)

    Bingo Food (Food)

    Bingo Sports (Sports)

    Easter Bingo (Easter)

    Bingo Numbers

    My Day (Daily schedule)



Rules of the game:

The game "Bingo" is advisable to carry out at the stage of fixing the lexical material on the topic. To play the game, you must have cards and chips for each player or for a group of players, as well as a set of cards with words for the leader. You can use different variants of the game "Bingo".

Option 1

Each child is given a thematic card with subject pictures or words. The number of pictures on each card is less than that of the leader and can vary from 9 to 24 depending on the topic and the level of complexity of the card. The teacher explains the rules of the game to the children: the leader has a set of cards with words for each subject picture. The leader, at a slow pace, takes turns calling words in English, the participants in the game carefully listen to the leader and look for the named word on their card. If the picture denoting the word is on the player's card, he covers it with a chip. The first person to cover all the pictures on their card says the word "Bingo" out loud. He becomes the winner.

Option 2

Each participant chooses a thematic card, on which next to each picture there is a number from 1 to 50. The host explains the rules of the game to the children: he calls the numbers in English, the participants find this number on their playing field, raise their hand and name a word or phrase. If the participant quickly and correctly named the word in the picture next to the number, he receives a token. At the end of the game, all participants count the tokens. The one with the most tokens wins.

Option 3

This version of the game requires single-use cards (printed on a black and white printer) and colored pencils for each participant. The facilitator distributes cards and explains the rules of the game to the children. He calls the word, the participants find and color the picture corresponding to the given word. When all the pictures in a row from left to right or top to bottom are colored, the participant says the word "Bingo" and becomes the winner.

Thus, with the help of these cards, you can achieve all the tasks set, create a relaxed atmosphere in the classroom and please the children with an exciting game.

Lexical units used in thematic Bingo cards:

Bingo Animals : a cat, a dog, a bird, a frog, a pig, a duck, a fox, a mouse, a parrot, a hippo, a zebra, a swan, a lion, a hedgehog, a hen, an elephant, a horse, a bee, a bear, a tiger, a monkey, a goat, a squirrel, a hare, a penguin.

Bingo Food: oranges, bread, soup, fish, jam, chocolate,lemonade, juice, sweets, spaghetti, tea, pizza, coffee, a cake, strawberries, a hamburger, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, apricots, raspberries, beetroot, cherries, carrots, a pineapple, garlic, apples, bananas.

Bingo Sports : table tennis, figure skating, skipping, golf, swimming, football, basketball, volleyball, snowboarding, badminton, judo, hockey, sledging, chess, riding a bike, running, gymnastics, skiing.

Easter Bingo : Easter Bunny, four butterflies, a daffodil, two Bunnies, hot cross buns, four eggs, chocolate Bunny, three daffodils, two baskets, a golden egg, three chicks, Easter cake, a basket with an egg, a chick.

Bingo My Day : get up, do homework, have dinner, have supper, have lunch, have breakfast, do exercises, come home, go for a walk, play chess, help about the house, wash hands and face, clean teeth, take a shower, watch TV, go to bed, dress.

Bingo School : a pen, a pencil, a calculator, a ruler, here, paints, a book, an exercise-book, a school bag, a rubber, a lot of, a desk, a computer, a girl, a boy, a school bus, paper, to draw, to read, to write, to paint.

Bingo clothes : a hat, a sweater, boots, a skirt, a T-shirt, a dress, a scarf, a cap, jeans, a jacket, shoes, shorts,boots, trousers, socks, tights, a coat.

Each player receives at least one game card. Cards consist of 25 cells with random numbers, and the top row is occupied by letters from the word "BINGO". Your goal is to cover 5 squares in a row to make a vertical, horizontal or diagonal row.

  • Bingo cards can be bought online or in a specialized store.
  • If you play Bingo with your kids, you can print cards from the internet and write your own words, images or symbols.

Explain to all participants the rules of the game. The standard bingo game uses 75 different combinations of letters and numbers. Each combination corresponds to a cell on the playing cards.

  • For example, all numbers in column "B" correspond to combinations with the letter "B". So, if the host calls "B-9", then you need to look for a cell with the number "9" in the "B" column.
  • Children can play a simpler version of Bingo, which uses images or words instead of combinations of numbers and letters.
  • Choose a leader from the players. The leader in the game of Bingo is a person who reads out the letters and numbers, according to which the cells on the cards must be covered. The leader participates in the game with everyone else.

    • If you are playing in a club, then the host will be selected in advance. In this case, he will not play on a par with others.
  • Distribute cards to all players. Each player must receive at least one card. Players can use more than one card if they feel comfortable keeping track of all the letters and numbers on the different cards.

    • Several cards increase the chances of winning, but require increased attention.
    • If you use multiple cards, you can win on multiple cards in one game.
  • Give each player a set of chips. Chips are needed in order to cover the cells on their cards. Instead of chips, you can use any small items, which correspond to the size of the cells.

    • Poker chips, coins, and even small pieces of paper will do.
  • Cover the center square with a chip. In Bingo, the center cell on the card is empty because it does not contain a number. All players immediately cover this cell.

  • Give the leader the letters and numbers to play with. Letters and numbers can be written on small sheets of paper and folded in half. You can also use special bingo balls that have letters and numbers on them. All combinations must match the combinations on your game cards.

    • Place pieces of paper or balls in a bucket, bowl, or lottery drum for the facilitator to choose randomly.
    • If you are playing with children and use cards that have words or pictures on them, then the facilitator should have the appropriate words or pictures.
  • "Road bingo" is what it's called interesting game for children from 3-5 years old. The game can be played in the city, walking through the park and the streets, and in the car, and on the bus, and on the train. I'll tell you about how we played "Road Bingo" on the street.

    First, about the game itself. The game is sold in a collapsible box:

    The set includes game cards, instructions and a set of stickers:

    It's nice that the publishing house "", which released this game, took care of the convenience and also included a thick envelope for several cards and stickers in the kit.

    In order not to take the whole box with you, just take an envelope with the necessary cards and stickers.

    In set 34 cards with 6 images each:

    The cards are divided into topics:

    In the country

    The airport


    The drawings on the cards are understandable to the child, each picture is signed.

    The essence of the game Easy - find items and stick a sticker.

    The game can be played as 1 player or 2, and you can play even a large company.

    If you go for a walk, it is better to choose cards from the city theme ("In the city" + cards with transport "Road bingo"), if you go out of town, you can take cards with cars + "Station" cards, "Out of town" cards + "Passengers". Lots of options!

    We played road bingo in the park.

    It just took a long time to sit and wait on the bench for the passers-by we needed, and we ourselves went in search of them. Tigran rode ahead of me on a scooter and looked out for people, and I walked behind with a card and stickers.

    My son drove up, studied the card and, from memory, was looking for the people or transport we needed. Therefore, it can be said that the game trains not only attention, but also the memory of the road finder!

    And also she develops thinking: Well, people with ice cream did not want to catch our eye. What to do?! And then the son suggested a logical option - to go outside the park directly to the ice cream stand. And, of course, there we met a lot of people eating ice cream.

    And a motorcycle was parked next to the stall, we were lucky:

    And in the set there are paired cards that are designed for two players.

    Players are given the same card, the winner is the one who finds all the items faster than the opponent.

    And there are also these cards of the same color:

    There was no stopping us here, and we didn’t manage to do it with stickers! We took felt-tip pens and noted the number of cars. The one with the most amount wins.

    We had so much fun that dad joined us the next day and on the way to the store we played Road Bingo with the whole family!

    Here are my favorite men found "a car with a wheel in the back."

    Today, there are many methods in which teaching a child English necessarily takes into account all the psychological characteristics and contributes to its development. Successfully used are bright colored cubes that stimulate the work of fine motor skills, and large posters that use the visual channel for perceiving information.

    But, probably, one of the most popular means for both teachers and parents is cards for learning English. After all, it is they that are so easy and simple to use for conducting many entertaining games in English.

    The disadvantages of cardboard cards, perhaps, can only be attributed to the fact that they require a very careful attitude to themselves.

    But the cards have a lot of advantages:

    1. Visibility.

    If the cards are of high quality, then the colors on them are bright and juicy, and the image is large and clear. They invariably attract the attention of the child, and he just wants to take them in his hands as soon as possible and properly examine them.

    And if the cards are black and white and printed on a regular printer, then they give even more room for the kid's imagination when he picks up a pencil or brush and starts coloring the pictures. And who said that the pig must be pink, and the bunny must be gray? Let it be fabulous multi-colored animals, as in the picture below.

    2. Ease of use.

    Unlike a picture book or the same cubes, you can always put cards in your pocket with you and go on the road, they can be laid out, turned over, and swapped in different ways. Accordingly, they are very convenient to use in games for learning English words, even in a car or on a bus.

    3. Benefits for the development of the child.

    Cut out cards, color them, stick them on cardboard - all these actions are not only interesting for the child, but also useful, because in this way fine motor skills of the hands are trained, which is so important for writing, and even for speaking.

    During games with cards, memory, imaginative thinking, and logic of the baby develop. In addition, talking about the habits of a particular animal depicted on the card, the child can jump, run, stomp his feet and clap his hands, thereby doing a little exercise, which is simply necessary for the full development of children of any age.

    Below are seven popular English games with cards, the rules of which can be changed according to the age of the child and the level of language proficiency, while getting new interesting games.

    Bingo game (Bingo)

    Bingo is probably the most famous card game in teaching English to children. The spirit of competition, the desire to win, violent emotions and joyful cries of Bingo make this game invariably popular among both 3-4 year olds and 7-8 year olds.

    Bingo Rules

    Each player is given large cards with marked rectangles (about 8-9). In each of these rectangles there is an image corresponding to the theme that needs to be repeated with the children. These can be animals, body parts, clothing, buildings, etc. The images may be the same for all children, but the order of their arrangement on the sheet must necessarily be different for each.

    Further in the course of the game, the leader slowly calls each of the objects (animals) in English, also raising the card up. Children should cross out on their sheet the image corresponding to the word they heard and the picture. When the child sees that all his images are crossed out, he must shout out the word Bingo. Since the images are the same for all children, the one who does it first wins, provided that all the images are crossed out correctly.

    Alternatively, each child can be given a set of cards that need to be laid out during the game into pictures that correspond to the spoken leading words. Bingo can be successfully used in the classroom of English language at school, and as one of the fun at children's holiday, and even just to spice up a boring winter evening at home.

    The rules of the game are quite simple and clear. At the same time, it will be a great way to repeat English words and develop the child's auditory and visual memory, as well as his attention.

    If the children are already familiar with how to read the words corresponding to the pictures, you can distribute sheets in which English words are written instead of pictures. As the game progresses, offer to cross out exactly them when the host says the word out loud and shows the picture.

    Game What's Missing? (What is missing?)

    Another great game that not only teaches English but also helps develop a child's memory is What's Missing? You can play it from the age of three.

    You should not allocate more than 15 minutes for one game with cards: this time is enough to support the motivation to learn English and repeat all the necessary words.

    For her, you will need cards with thematic images, which can be found in the relevant sections of the Englishlittle website. The younger the children, the fewer cards should be in a row. For example, for 3-4 years old, six cards will be enough, and for older children, their number can be increased to 9-10.

    As the game progresses, the cards are laid out in a row (two rows) with the image up. Children carefully examine the pictures, trying to remember them and the order itself. Then the children close their eyes, and at this time the leader removes one of the cards. After everyone has opened their eyes, you need to figure out which picture is missing and name this word in English. The one who did it right becomes the leader.
    You can see an example of such a game with fruit cards in the video below.

    Game What's missing? helps me remember English words

    Odd One Out (What's extra?)

    This English educational game is similar to the previous one, but it is suitable for repeating vocabulary in the case when children have already gained sufficient vocabulary on several topics.

    Cards with images that correspond to one topic are laid out in a row. For example, this is the theme Farm Animals (Pets), and in a row there will be pictures of such animals: a horse (horse), a pig (pig), a chicken (hen), a sheep (sheep), a goose (goose) and a rabbit (rabbit). Then the children close their eyes, and an image of, say, an apple (apple) is added to the named pictures.

    Children need to understand which card is superfluous and say this word in English. At the same time, both visual memory and abstract-logical thinking develop well.

    Kim's Game

    This game, in addition to its educational task, also develops memory, as well as the ability to notice details.

    It is interesting

    She got her name thanks to the novel by R. Kipling "Kim", in which main character learns to be a spy and trains his memory in the game, remembering the items that lay on a tray covered with a handkerchief.

    The game itself consists in the child carefully examining and remembering the cards or objects lying on the table in front of him. Then the cards are either turned over or covered with a handkerchief, and the child's task is to name all the words aloud in English, preferably in the correct sequence.

    Whoever can name the most words will be the winner.

    The Bad Card

    In this game, one of the cards is conditionally "bad". For example, in the Zoo Animals theme, it could be a picture of a crocodile. The host raises each card in turn and calls the name of the animal aloud, and the children repeat it. Seeing a “bad” card, the children need to jump up and say this word out loud.

    Anyone who is distracted and does not get up from his seat is given a playful punishment: to perform some action, for example, stomp your feet, clap your hands.

    The game is well suited for getting to know English words and for reinforcing them, and in addition, it develops attention.

    True/False (True/False)

    The game itself consists in the fact that, by raising one of the cards, the presenter deliberately makes a mistake in the statement about it. For example, holding up a tiger card, you can say It's a crocodile. Is it true? The answer, of course, should be No, it's false.

    Such alternating true and false statements invariably cause children to laugh and help create the necessary positive atmosphere in the English class.

    At the same time, the game helps to develop the attention and abstract-logical thinking of the child, because in order to say True or False (True or False), you need to remember the English name of the animal and correlate it with the statement.


    The main thing in the game is to connect two cards together or a word and a picture. However, the rules of this game can vary from case to case. For example, one time you can invite the children to lay out the food cards on the corresponding pictures of a plate and a jug, which they can cut out of paper on their own.

    Another time, you can give the children cards of animals and their cubs and suggest finding a matching pair.

    This game is both educational and educational at the same time. On the one hand, with its help, you can perfectly remember English words, on the other hand, it develops the logic of the baby well.

    In the video below you can see how to use certain cards in an English lesson.

    Video: animals and their babies in English

    Fruit cards with voice acting in English