What do dice look like. Random number generator. Round game dice


Traditional dice


Dice- a popular source of randomness in board games (especially in the game of the same name). Among role players, the name "dice" is also common. dice).

The dice is usually made in the form of a six-sided die with numbers from 1 to 6 applied to its sides, and the sum of the numbers on opposite faces should be equal to seven. A dice can be viewed as a random number generator in an integer interval with the same probability of all numbers in the interval falling out. Such generators are denoted by 1dN. So, for example, a regular six-sided die is 1d6; tossing a coin is the work of the 1d2 generator, and so on.

The abbreviation MdN stands for the sum of M applications of 1dN. It should be noted that MdN gives integers in the interval . The probability of a number falling out of this interval grows as you approach its middle (see binomial distribution).

So, for example, using a d4 die and rolling it twice, we get a 2d4 generator giving the following options:

Number of points Outcome Probability %%
2 1/16 6,25
3 1/8 12,5
4 3/16 18,75
5 1/4 25
6 3/16 18,75
7 1/8 12,5
8 1/16 6,25

An example of a generator that does not fall under the definition of MdN: a deck of cards into which no drawn cards are returned. It will be 1dN only for the first attempt, the distributions of subsequent attempts will depend on the previous results.

A set of dice for D&D games. The last two are "percentage dice" d100 for units and tens

Role-playing games (such as those based on the Dungeons & Dragons rules) use dice with 4 (tetrahedron), 6 (cube), 8 (octahedron), 12 (dodecahedron), 20 (icosahedron) and other number of faces. Lowe Zocchi invented the zochchihedron, a 100-sided dice. However, to obtain a number from 1 to 100, two 10-sided dice are more often used.

In the roleplaying environment, the type of die is often denoted by the letter "d" ( d ices) or "to", ( to awns) after which the number of sides is indicated. In addition to the six-sided dice (d6) familiar to many, four- (d4), eight- (d8), ten- (d10), twelve- (d12) and twenty-sided (d20) dice are used. The designation d100, d% or "percentage cube" is also used, which is two decahedrons, one of which is used to determine the number of tens, and the second - units.

Asian bones (top) and Western (bottom)


The exact date of the appearance of the dice is unknown. However, it has been established that the backgammon game, where such ancient random number generators should have been used, is more than 5 thousand years old.

In the 11th century, astragalomancy developed in Byzantium - the art of predicting the future by dice.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what the "Dice" is in other dictionaries:

    PROBABILITY, a number in the range from zero to one, inclusive, representing the possibility of this event happening. The probability of an event is defined as the ratio of the number of chances that an event can occur to the total number of possible ... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    And, genus. pl. shek, dat. shkam, w. unfold 1. A joint that protrudes at an angle when the hand is folded into a fist or the fingers are bent. The little girl tapped her dry knuckles on the table. Shukshin, Shameless. 2. A small item usually made of bone, plastic, etc... Small Academic Dictionary

    I 1. Separate component human and vertebrate skeletons. 2. trans. unfold Body type. II well. Fangs of some animals (elephant, walrus, etc.) used for various crafts. III. Playing dice or record originally ... ...

    I unfold 1. The joint of the finger, protruding at an angle when bent. 2. The protruding bone of the body. II well. unfold A small piece of bone [bone II]. III. unfold The dice or plate was originally made of bone with the designation of numbers or points; … Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova encyclopedic Dictionary

    Expected value- (Population mean) Mathematical expectation is the probability distribution of a random variable Mathematical expectation, definition, mathematical expectation of discrete and continuous random variables, selective, conditional expectation, calculation, ... ... Encyclopedia of the investor

    knuckle- and; pl. genus. shek, dat. shkam; and.; unfold 1) A joint that protrudes at an angle when the hand is folded into a fist or the fingers are bent. Tap your knuckles on the table. 2) A small item usually made of bone, plastic, etc. (dice, button, etc.) ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

Advantage online generator dice in front of ordinary dice is obvious - it will never be lost! The virtual cube will cope with its functions much better than the real one - the manipulation of the results is completely excluded and you can only hope for His Majesty the case. Online dice is, among other things, great entertainment in your spare time. The generation of the result takes three seconds, warming up the excitement and interest of the players. To simulate dice rolls, you just need to press the "1" button on the keyboard, which allows you not to be distracted, for example, from an exciting board game.

Number of cubes:

Generate dice roll

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When we hear such a phrase as "Dice", then the casino association immediately comes, where they simply cannot do without them. To begin with, let's just remember a little what this subject is.

Dice are dice, on each side of which numbers from 1 to 6 are represented by dots. When we throw them, we are always in the hope that exactly the number we have chosen and desired will fall out. But there are times when the cube, falling on the edge, does not show the number. This means that the one who threw it like that can choose any.

It also happens that the cube can roll under the bed or closet, and when it is removed from there, the number changes accordingly. In this case, the bone is thrown over again so that everyone can clearly see the number.

Dice roll online in 1 click

In a game involving ordinary dice, it is very easy to cheat. To get the right number, you need to put this side of the cube on top and twist it so that it remains the same (only the side part is spinning). This is not a complete guarantee, but the winning percentage will be seventy-five percent.

If you use two dice, then the chances are reduced to thirty, but this is a considerable percentage. Due to cheating, many player campaigns do not like to use dice.

Just the same, our wonderful service works precisely in order to avoid such situations. It will be impossible to cheat with us, as the online dice roll cannot be faked. A number from 1 to 6 will appear on the page in a completely random and uncontrolled way.

Convenient cube generator

A very big advantage is that the online dice generator cannot get lost (especially since it can be bookmarked), and an ordinary small dice can easily disappear somewhere. Also a huge plus will be the fact that the manipulation of the results is completely excluded. The generator has a feature that allows you to select from one to three dice to roll at the same time.

The online dice generator is a very interesting entertainment, one of the ways to develop intuition. Use our service and get instant and reliable results.

4.9 out of 5 (ratings: 113) dice). In Central Asia and the Caucasus they are called zariks (singular zarik).

A dice (in English "dice", derived from the Old French dé, and also from the Latin datum, meaning "gift, object for playing") is a small object that, when dropped on a flat surface, takes one of several possible positions with one face up . Dice are used as a means of generating random numbers in games of chance. They are also widely used in desktop and role playing.

The traditional dice is a dice with six sides marked with numbers from 1 to 6. The purpose of the dice is to show a random integer from one to six, each of which is equally probable due to the correct geometric shape. There are a huge number of varieties of dice: in shape - dice can be polyhedral or irregular in shape, in terms of information content - symbols instead of numbers can be applied to their faces. Differences like these allow dice to be used to produce results that differ from the classic 1-2-3-4-5-6 pattern. There are also dice that are weighted on one side or with other changes that are invisible to the eye, designed to rig the results. The purpose of such dice is to deceive other players for the sake of winning money or just for fun as tricks.

A die is usually made in the form of a cube with numbers from 1 to 6 marked on its sides (they are usually arranged so that the sum of the numbers on diametrically opposite sides is 7). A dice can be considered as a random number generator in an integer interval with almost the same probability of falling out of all numbers in the interval. Such generators are denoted by 1dN.

So, for example, a regular die is 1d6; tossing a coin is the work of the 1d2 generator, and so on.

The abbreviation MdN stands for the sum of M applications of 1dN. It should be noted that MdN gives integers in the interval . The probability of a number falling out of this interval grows as you approach its middle (see binomial distribution).

So, for example, using a d4 die and rolling it twice, we get a 2d4 generator giving the following options:

10 sides


An example of a generator that does not fall under the definition of MdN: a deck of cards into which no drawn cards are returned. It will be 1dN only for the first attempt, the distributions of subsequent attempts will depend on the previous results.

A set of dice for D&D games.
The last two -
"percentage dice" d100 for
units and tens

Modern dice owe their origin to the ancient game of skill called “grandmothers”, which was played mainly by women and children. Game process consisted in throwing small bones of ungulates, pasterns, from where the name of the game appeared. The four-sided shape of the pastern became the first dice shape in history, and the material used to make it gave the name we still use today - "bone". Modern Mongols still use such tetrahedral “step” dice for games and predictions. For the manufacture of modern dice, in addition to the classic bones of domestic animals, materials such as ivory, wood and plastic - cellulose acetate are used. In historical annals, dice and money games are often confused, but each of them has gone its own way from ancient times and is still popular today.

In Asia, dice have been common since time immemorial: the oldest dice were found in a backgammon set during the archaeological excavations of the city of Shahri Sukht, in southeastern Iran. Examination showed that the set is over 5,000 years old. Other excavations of ancient burials of the Indus civilization point to the South Asian origin of dice. The dice game is referred to as indian game in the Rig Veda, the Atharva Veda, and in the list of the Buddha's games he will not play; In the great Indian epic Mahabharata, Yudhishthira and Kauravas play dice for the northern principality of Hastinapura, over which a war begins.

There are several biblical references to "throwing the dice", such as in verse 22. This fact shows that the game of dice was common in the region known as King David's kingdom.

gambling with two or three dice were a very popular form of entertainment in Greece, especially in the upper strata of society. And they were constantly played during feasts.

The Romans were passionate players, especially during the heyday of the Roman Empire. Therefore, the game of dice was also widespread, although it was forbidden to play it; the ban was lifted only at the time of Saturnalia. Horace ridiculed the typical young people of the time who spent their time playing dice instead of riding horses. Throwing the dice for money was the cause of many special laws in Rome: one of them said that a person who allowed gambling in his house could not sue, even if he was deceived or beaten. Already in those days, professional cheaters appeared among the players: in order to win, they deliberately made the dice heavier on one side, which they used. Now some of these bones are kept in museums.

Dice players were regulars in drinking establishments: the surviving frescoes show quarreling gamblers being chased out of the tavern by the owner.

Twenty-sided bones date back to the 2nd century AD. e.

Tacitus noted that the Germans were passionate fans of the game of dice and could, in the absence of money, bet on their own freedom.

In the Middle Ages, dice was a favorite pastime of knights; there were schools of the game and guilds of players. After the fall of feudalism, the Landsknechts gained a reputation as the most scandalous dice players of the day; the cubes were decorated with skillful carvings depicting people and animals. In France, both knights and ladies played dice, despite new and new laws, including the prohibitions of St. Louis in 1254 and 1256.

Marking on Chinese dominoes originated from the marking of cubes.


Standard dice are small dice, most commonly 1.6 cm across, whose faces are numbered from one to six, usually with round dots called points. Traditionally, the opposite sides of the cube add up to seven, with faces 1, 2, and 3 having a common vertex, these faces can be located clockwise or counterclockwise with respect to the vertex. If faces 1, 2 and 3 go counterclockwise, the die is called right and vice versa. Western dice are usually right handed while Chinese dice are left handed.

The points on the dice are arranged in a special order, as shown in the figure on the right. On Asian dice, the scoring order is similar to European, but the scoring is closer to the center of the face; one point is larger than the others, and four points are colored red. In some of the old sets, one point was indicated by an indentation without staining. Black face "one" and a combination of black and white flowers on the verge of "four" was considered unlucky, so red, the color of luck in Chinese culture, was supposed to neutralize this sign. The Chinese word for four (四 si) sounds like the word for death (死 si) and is considered unlucky. It is likely that the red "fours" are of Indian origin.

The result of throwing a dice is considered random, since there are such uncertain factors in this process as the movement of the thrower's hand and the position of the die before the throw. Thus, the dice can be considered the prototype of the random number generator. Some people believe that dice-styled glasses cause a slight bias, but no research has been done to support this idea. By the way, this may be true for Asian dice with an enlarged image of one point. Casino dice are produced with filled markings, which confirms the even distribution of random numbers.

Dice are thrown one by one or in groups, from the hand or from a device designed for this purpose, onto a flat surface. On the face of the die, which will be the top after it stops, you can see the value of the roll. A typical dice game today is craps, in which two dice are rolled at the same time and bets are placed on the sum of the points of the two dice. Dice are often used to determine the number of moves on the board. A similar method for determining the distance traveled by a player's chips by playing field used in the popular board game Monopoly.

For board games you can use the results of a dice roll generated by a computer. Values ​​are usually determined using a pseudo-random number generator and then displayed on the screen in the form of some facet of a die. The opposite is also possible, when dice rolls provide the generation of random numbers for computers.



  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
dice). In Central Asia and the Caucasus, they are called zary (zariki); unit - zarik.

A dice (in English "dice", derived from the Old French dé, and also from the Latin datum, meaning "given; what is given or played") is a small object that, when dropped on a flat surface, takes one of several possible positions one side up. Dice are used as a means of generating random numbers in games of chance. They are also widely used in board and role-playing games.

The traditional dice is a dice with six sides marked with numbers from 1 to 6 on each. There are a huge number of varieties of dice: in shape - dice can be polyhedral or irregular in shape, in terms of information content - symbols instead of numbers can be applied to their faces. Differences like these allow dice to be used to produce results that differ from the classic 1-2-3-4-5-6 pattern. There are also dice that are weighted on one side or with other changes that are invisible to the eye, designed to rig the results. The purpose of such dice is to deceive other players for the sake of winning money or just for fun, such as tricks.

A die is usually made in the form of a cube with numbers from 1 to 6 marked on its sides (they are usually arranged so that the sum of the numbers on diametrically opposite sides is 7). A dice can be considered as a generator of random numbers in an integer interval with almost the same probability of falling out of all numbers in the interval. Such generators are denoted by 1dN.

So, for example, a regular die is 1d6; tossing a coin is the work of the 1d2 generator, and so on.

The abbreviation MdN stands for the sum of M applications of 1dN. It should be noted that MdN gives integers in the interval . The probability of a number falling out of this interval increases as you approach its middle (see binomial distribution).

So, for example, using a d4 die and rolling it twice, we get a 2d4 generator giving the following options:

Number of points Outcome Probability %%
2 1/16 6,25
3 1/8 12,5
4 3/16 18,75
5 1/4 25
6 3/16 18,75
7 1/8 12,5
8 1/16 6,25

An example of a generator that does not fall under the definition of MdN: a deck of cards into which no drawn cards are returned. It will be 1dN only for the first attempt, the distributions of subsequent attempts will depend on the previous results.

Other excavations of ancient burials of the Indus civilization point to the South Asian origin of dice. The game of dice is mentioned as an Indian game in the Rig Veda, Atharva Veda, and in the list of the Buddha's games he would not play; In the Indian epic Mahabharata, Yudhishthira and the Kauravas dice the northern principality of Hastinapura, over which a war begins.

According to Greek tradition, dice were invented by Palamedes in order to entertain bored Greek soldiers awaiting battle near Troy.

Modern dice owe their origin to the ancient game of skill called “grandmothers”, which was played mainly by women and children. The gameplay consisted of throwing small bones of ungulates, grandmas, from which the name of the game appeared. The four-sided shape of the pastern became the first dice shape in history, and the material used to make it gave the name we still use today - "bone". Modern Mongols still use such tetrahedral “step” dice for games and predictions. For the manufacture of modern dice, in addition to the classic bones of domestic animals, materials such as ivory, wood and plastic - cellulose acetate are used. In historical annals, dice and money games are often confused, but each of them has gone its own way from ancient times and is still popular today.

There are several biblical references to throwing bones, for example, in Psalm 21 (" "). This fact shows that the game of dice was widespread in Palestine during the reign of King David [ ] .

Gambling with two or three dice was a very popular form of entertainment in Greece, especially among the upper classes. They were constantly played during feasts.

In the Middle Ages, dice was a favorite pastime of knights; there were schools of the game and guilds of players. After the fall of feudalism, the Landsknechts gained a reputation as the most scandalous dice players of the day; the cubes were decorated with skillful carvings depicting people and animals. In France, both knights and ladies played dice, despite new and new laws, including the prohibitions of St. Louis in 1254 and 1256.

The markings on Chinese dominoes evolved from the markings on the dice.


Standard dice are small dice, most commonly 1.6 cm across, whose faces are numbered from one to six, usually with round dots called points. Traditionally, the opposite sides of the cube add up to seven, with faces 1, 2, and 3 having a common vertex, these faces can be located clockwise or counterclockwise with respect to the vertex. If faces 1, 2 and 3 go counterclockwise, the die is called right and vice versa. Western dice are usually right handed while Chinese dice are left handed.

The points on the dice are arranged in a special order, as shown in the figure on the right. On Asian dice, the scoring order is similar to European, but the scoring is closer to the center of the face; one point is larger than the others, and four points are colored red. In some of the old sets, one point was indicated by an indentation without staining. The black face of "one" and the combination of black and white colors on the face of "four" were considered unlucky, so red, the color of luck in Chinese culture, was supposed to neutralize this sign. The Chinese word for four (四 si) sounds like the word for death (死 si) and is considered unlucky. It is likely that the red "fours" are of Indian origin.

The result of throwing a dice is considered random, since there are such uncertain factors in this process as the movement of the thrower's hand and the position of the die before the throw. Thus, the dice can be considered the prototype of the random number generator. Some people believe that dice-styled glasses cause a slight bias, but no research has been done to support this idea. By the way, this may be true for Asian dice with an enlarged image of one point. Casino dice are produced with filled markings, which confirms the even distribution of random numbers.

The corners of some dice are rounded for a reason: the dice gets a slightly spherical shape, the sliding on the table surface increases, it rolls almost like a ball, and the distribution of the probabilities of falling out of certain numbers becomes uniform.

Dice are thrown one by one or in groups, from the hand or from a device designed for this purpose, onto a flat surface. On the face of the die, which will be the top after it stops, you can see the value of the roll. A typical dice game today is craps, in which two dice are rolled at the same time and bets are placed on the sum of the points of the two dice. Dice are often used to determine the number of moves on the board. A similar method of determining the distance traveled by the player's chips on the playing field is used in the popular board game Monopoly.

For board games, computer-generated dice roll results can be used. The values ​​are usually determined using a pseudo-random number generator and then displayed on the screen as some sort of facet of a die. The opposite is also possible, when dice rolls provide the generation of random numbers for computers.

Dice have been used by man for thousands of years.

In the 21st century, new technologies allow you to roll the die at any convenient time, and if you have Internet access, in a convenient place. The dice is always with you at home or on the road.

The dice generator allows you to roll online from 1 to 4 dice.

Roll the die online honestly

When using real dice, sleight of hand or specially made dice with an advantage to one of the sides can be used. For example, you can spin the cube along one of the axes, and then the probability distribution will change. A feature of our virtual cubes is the use of a software pseudo-random number generator. This allows you to provide a truly random variant of this or that result.

And if you bookmark this page, then your online dice will not be lost anywhere and will always be at hand at the right time!

Some people have adapted to use online dice for divination or making forecasts and horoscopes.

Cheerful mood, good day and good luck!