Me assembly terminal. Applied Energistics - advanced storage and crafting systems. Ores and simple tools

ME Controller(English) ME Controller) is the "brain" of the ME-network. Controls all devices connected to it and supplies them with power. Nothing will work without it. If 2 controllers are connected to the same network at the same time, then a conflict will occur and the network will stop working. Can run on energy from mods industrial craft 2, BuildCraft and Universal Electricity. The controller itself consumes 6 EU/t, each chest connected to it via the ME network and a hard drive another 1 EU/t.


Ingredients craft
Iron ingot ,
ME Advanced


By opening the graphical interface of the device, you can see the network energy consumption indicator and a list of connected devices.

1 - When pressed, you can change the display of energy consumption from different mods.
2 - Displays the current energy consumption, taking into account all connected devices on the network.
3 - Slot for installing a Wireless receiver to bind it to this system.

Energy costs

Applied Energistics can use energy from the following mods:
Industrial Craft 2- 2 ee for one ee
Buildcraft- 5 Ee for one MJ
Universal Electricity- 1 Ee for 20 joules

Most of the blocks in this mod are constantly consuming energy. Also, energy is consumed by the operations performed by the system.

Constant energy consumption of blocks

Block System power consumption
ME Controller 6 Ee/tic
ME Chest / ME Drive 1 EU/tic + each hard drive
Interaction bus 1 Ee/tic
Terminals / I/O port 1 Ee/tic
Import/Export Buses (In Single Mode) 1 Ee/tic
Import/Export Buses (in stack mode) 2 Ee/tic
Template Provider / Crafting Processor 1 Ee/tic
quantum bridge 200 Ee/tic
All kinds of cables (including working dark cable) 1/16 Ee/tic
Build Chamber Body / Heat Sink do not use energy

I present to you the second part of the guide toApplied Energistics 2. In the last article, we learned how to grow crystals and speed up this process. Let's look at how to create processors and build the simplest ME network for storing items.

Processors are an integral part of the mod, most recipes require them. There are three types:

  • Engineering - to create complex components and elements
  • Computing - maps for tires, simpler components
  • Logical - simple components and elements

Each is crafted from a matching imprinted outline, red dust, and imprinted flint.

  • Imprinted engineering outline - engineering press and diamond
  • Computing Circuit - Computing Press and Pure True Quartz Crystal
  • Logic circuit - logic press and gold ingot
  • Imprinted silicon - silicon press and silicon (the result of remelting quartz dust, ordinary is not suitable)

Accordingly, there are 4 presses, each used to create a specific contour. Also, there is a naming press, we will talk about it in the following guides.

You can find them in a meteorite; in its very center there is a chest in which you can find from 1 to 3 presses; or you can buy on spawn "e / from players.

A meteorite is a structure that spawns on world generation, usually on the surface along with a funnel, although it can also be found underground. To facilitate the search, a meteorite compass is used, the arrow points to the nearest meteor. Consists of skystone, can be smelted into a block of skystone, which is necessary for crafting an ME controller.

To create processors, you need a carver, crafting is quite simple: 5 iron, 2 sticky piston, 1 (pure/) mutable crystal:

Energy must be supplied to the puncher, from any side, with the exception of the recess - this is the side to be extracted in case of automation. All recipes can be found in NEI, they differ slightly, it is only necessary to change the press and raw materials.

Automating a die cutter is easy, and there are quite a few ways. I will give only two, the first is a budget option, the second is if you already have an ME network (taken).

It remains to build a simple network. To do this, we need an energy source, a controller, a storage device, a terminal, and a storage cell.

We install the elements closely, supply energy to the controller, and you can use the storage.

There are cards for 1k, 4k, 16k and 64k, each resource takes up a certain amount of memory on the card, while one card cannot store more than 63 varieties of items. Use cards with the capacity that suits you best based on your resources.

That's all, in the next guide we will consider a way to automate mechanisms: processing resources on order and processing raw materials without user intervention.

Have you reached the pinnacle of technological power with the Industrial Craft 2, Build Craft and RedPower mods, but still have to use awkward storage and crafting systems with huge and complex pipelines? With the Applied Energistics mod, you will get rid of the boring routine of crafting, digging in chests, manually transferring processed ores and other things.

Applied Energistics is a mod for Minecraft that adds new basic tools, electrical tools, and an advanced storage system called the ME Network that allows you to compactly store a huge amount of items.

ME Network capabilities provide:

  • simple but reliable automation tools compatible with objects from other mods;
  • includes a system that allows you to create and use automatic crafting systems;
  • ways to connect storages from other mods and vanilla game;
  • allows you to display stored items and manage them through redstone;
  • alternative ways to set up redstone signals;
  • provides wireless access to your Network;
  • and much more.

Ores and simple tools

The mod adds quartz ore to the generation of the world, the extraction of which can drop quartz crystal and dust. Quartz ore can be found at a height of 64-18 blocks in the overworld for 1-4 blocks of ore in a vein. Quartz is used when crafting machines and wires from the mod. Also, crystals can be used to craft a set of tools.

All tools are similar to iron and provide a good alternative when you are low on iron. The key is used to rotate and tune the machines. You can use the key from BuildCraft if available.

Quartz whetstone is used on early stages game, allows you to get quartz powder from crystals, as well as iron and gold powder from ores and flour from wheat. When used, it doubles the extracted ores, flour can be roasted in the furnace and bread can be made from two units of wheat, instead of three.

electrical tools

The mod adds two tools that allow you to work on blocks. The vibration catalyst smelts any block without mining it, if the result of the smelting is an item, then the block will drop. The Entropy Accelerator works exactly the opposite, freezing water and turning stone and lava into cobblestone and obsidian.

Crafting Parts

Quartz fiber is the basis for crafting ME Cable.

ME Processors are required to craft almost all machines in Applied Energistics. If you have the BuildCraft mod, instead of processors, redstone and diamond chips will be used, created using the assembly table from BuildCraft.

ME Memory Cells are used to craft ME Memory Cards, which will contain information about stored items.

ME Transformation Matrix is ​​used in crafting items that convert matter into energy and vice versa.

The wireless transmitter is used in crafting wireless terminals and access points.

ME Wireless Amplifier is used to increase the range of ME Wireless Access Points

Cables and busbars

ME Cables are a reliable transport system of the ME Network, they can connect to any devices and buses located nearby. Can be painted and connected only with unpainted cable. Colored cables connected to the device paint the display in their own color.

ME Dark cable works like a switch and is useful for disconnecting unnecessary sections of the network.

The ME Emitter emits a signal depending on the amount of the specified object in the ME Network.

The ME Import Bus takes items from the connected inventory and imports them into the ME Network. Items and their quantity can be configured in the device interface. Can import items one at a time or in stacks.

The ME Export Bus exports items from the ME Network to the connected inventory. To work, you need to specify which items should be exported.

The ME Storage Bus allows any container from a vanilla game or mods to be adapted to interact with the ME Network. It has an interface with which you can configure the allowed items for storage in the container.

ME Network Elements

The center of your network, the ME Controller is the power supply of the network and ensures the operation of all elements. It is recommended not to install two controllers on the same network. Requires 6 energy/tick to operate, can be powered by IndustrialCraft2 (2 energy per EU) or BuildCraft (5 energy per MJ). In its interface, it displays the energy consumption of each element of the ME Network and the total energy consumption in units of energy.

The ME Access Terminal gives you access to all items and crafting recipes on the web. You can change the sorting mode: alphabetically, by number of items, priority.

The ME Crafting Terminal gives you access to the ME Network and allows you to craft using items from the network.

ME Memory Cards store information about items that can be placed and removed from the card using the ME Chest, ME Drive and ME IO Port. There are four types of cards, 1Mb, 4Mb, 16Mb and 64Mb. The capacity of the cards is quite large, for example, 520192 pieces can be placed on a 64 MB card. any item of the same kind. A large number of types of items takes up more space on the map, so it is more profitable to set the types of stored items using the ME Preformer.

ME Preformer allows you to give names to memory cards and determine what items will be stored on it. It is not part of the ME Network and does not need access to it.

The ME Chest is the easiest way to use the ME Memory Cards, it will give you direct access to the contents of the card. When you place a card in a chest, it will change the color of the indicator. Red - there is no place for anything, green - there is a place for objects and their types, orange - there is no place for types, but there is a place for objects, if there is no energy, then the indicator is off.

The ME Drive is designed to hold memory cards and can hold ten cards of any size. Access to cards in the ME Drive can only be provided by the ME Access Terminal and the ME Crafting Terminal.

ME IO Port allows you to quickly move items from the ME Memory Card to the network and vice versa. It has an interface for setting the data movement mode.

The ME Storage Monitor shows the quantity of a certain item in the ME Network. RMB with any item on the monitor will set the type of the displayed item. Shift+RMB using the key will lock the monitor and prevent it from updating. Shift+RMB with an ME Transformation Matrix will set it to the monitor and allow you to remove the stack of the displayed item when you RMB.

ME Interface allows you to interact with pipes and machines from other mods. You can set up the export and import of certain items from the ME Network to the interface and vice versa for use by machines from other mods.

The ME Wireless Access Point allows you to use the ME Wireless Access Terminal to connect to your network. It has a default radius of 16 blocks, which can be extended with ME Wireless Amplifiers, which will increase the radius by another 16 blocks in total.

ME The wireless access terminal is similar to the fixed terminal. To use, you must put it in the ME Controller to define the network. Only one network can be recognized by the terminal, to work with another network, the wireless terminal must be reprogrammed in the controller.

crafting system

ME An empty template on which you can write any crafting recipe.

The ME Template Editor is used to write a recipe for an empty template, which can later be placed in the ME Molecular Synthesis Chamber or the ME Interface for autocrafting an item on request. You can overwrite templates. The template editor is not part of the ME Network and does not need to be connected to it.

ME Crafting Monitor allows you to view current crafting tasks, their status and gives you the option to disable running tasks.

The ME Molecular Synthesis Chamber serves as a crafting center and contains recipe templates. To work, you need to be connected to the ME Network.

Consists of four types of blocks:

  • Corners are built from the ME Walls of the chamber.
  • All walls of the chamber consist of the ME Heat Sink.
  • ME Template Storage is used to store templates. One storage unit holds one page with templates (how many?) and is located inside the chamber.
  • The ME Craft Processor speeds up the crafting process by adding one extra operation every three ticks.

As a result, you can get a camera of any size, from 3x3 blocks to infinity. But do not forget that the larger the camera, the more energy it will consume.

Installing Applied Energistics

  • Download and install latest version Forge, you can download .
  • Delete the META-INF folder from minecraft.jar
  • Move the archive with the Applied Energistics mod to the /mods folder