How to enable a satchel in industrial craft 2. II What kind of mod

source mod Gravity Suite
ID Name unknown
type armor
Stackable no
Energy 3,000,000 EU

The is an upgraded version of the Electric Jetpack . While worn in the chest armor slot and charged with , it allows the player to fly. It provides no armor protection, but will charge tools being used in the same manner as the Advanced Lappack from its 3,000,000 EU internal storage. An MFE or higher tier energy storage device is required to charge it.

The Advanced Electric Jetpack is limited to a maximum flying height of 256 meters (blocks) above the bedrock layer. For comparison, it is slightly better than the normal Jetpack (which is limited to ~245 meters above bedrock) and superior to the Electric Jetpack (which can only fly ~185 meters above bedrock).


Controls [edit]

  • flying: Hold space bar/jump key while jetpack engine is on.
  • Toggle Jetpack engine on/off: "F" by default. Configurable under Options > Controls > Gravi Fly Key. Turns the jetpack on/off. This keybind is also used for toggling the GraviChestPlate . Unlike the GraviChestPlate, energy is not consumed while the player is not actively flying. While on, "Jetpack engine ON" will be displayed in the upper left corner of the screen.
  • Toggle Hover mode on/off: "M" by default. Configurable under Options > Controls > Mode Switch Key. Works only while also holding space bar. Hover mode will make the player ascend and descend more slowly (roughly equivalent to ascending a ladder) and prevent any fall damage. By default the "M" key is also used for VoxelMap options. It is therefore advisable to change the keybinds for one of them.
  • energy storage The percentage charge remaining is shown in the upper left corner of the screen while the Advanced Electric Jetpack is worn.
  • Tool Charging Using any EU powered tool while wearing the AEJ will cause it to instantly refill that tool's energy storage. Care should be taken when using tools such as the Mining Laser on high energy settings, as it will continue to refill tools until completely drained.
  • boost mode: Left "Ctrl" key by default. Configurable under Options > Controls > Boost Key. Increased flight speed but energy consumption is also increased by 5x. This keybind is also used for the GraviChestPlate flying boost. Works in Direwolf20 5.2.0 & Mindcrack 8.2.0 (not functional in MindCrack Pack 8.1.1)

NOTE In order to avoid confusion: The jetpack's Boost mode affects horizontal speed, not vertical speed (i.e. the distance traveled over the ground). It only works while the jetpack engine is running, so, for example, with Hover Mode turned ON, you will travel very fast horizontally while holding space (or your jump key), and travel moderately fast while descending, because the engine pulses on and off in order to lower you slowly. This also means that when Hover Mode is turned OFF, you will travel very fast while holding Space (and also climb vertically very fast), but as soon as you let go of space, you will slow down and only travel normal speed horizontally.

Therefore, the most horizontally efficient way to travel would be to start out close to the ground with Hover Mode ON, fly with boost until you are very high up, then turn hover mode OFF, falling very quickly to the ground, and turning hover mode back ON as you approach, resuming your boost.

Do you mind flying like a bird in the sky?

I Introduction

Hello my dear friend! This time we will dedicate this guide to the "IndustrialCraft2" add-on "Gravitation Suite" (or simply "GraviSuite". That's what I'll call it from now on). This add-on is on our server "", which has other equally exciting and interesting mods: IC2Ex, GregTech, BC, Applied Energistics 2 and others. But this guide will contain information and crafting of those items that will be available on the server!

II What kind of mod?

So, Gravity Suite is an addition to the IndustrialCraft2 mod that will give you the ability to fly, store more energy on the go and add more advanced tools. I think you have always wanted to be able to fly, but, for example, without taking off the quantum breastplate? Or store 10kk * eE in an ordinary knapsack? Or maybe you couldn’t even dream of such a tool that could be an electric faucet, a hoe, and a wrench all at once? But now with this addition your dreams will come true!

III Crafting Parts

In this paragraph, you can see the crafting parts that will be required to create more interesting items:

IV Breastplates

In this section, you will learn about crafting and information about bibs that will allow you to fly and not only:

This chestpiece has all the same functions of the quantum chestplate, allows you to fly in the same way as in the Creative mode (by default, the F key). Also has a 10,000,000 EU energy storage. The bib can supply power to all power tools! A full charge is enough for 30 minutes of flight.

But this chestpiece includes the properties of a regular nano chestpiece. Also has a built-in advanced jetpack(F on/off). But it already has an energy storage of 3,000,000 EU. But it can supply energy to all power tools. The flight altitude is not more than 256 blocks. You can turn on the power saving mode by pressing the space bar and the Mode Switch Key (Settings-control)

V Satchels

And here are the backpacks! Here you can read a little information and see the craft:

This pack is designed to fly (F on/off), but because of this, the energy storage is 1,000,000 eE.
The maximum height is now 256 blocks. In addition, it can supply energy to all power tools.

VI Tools

Here you can (if you want) learn about the latest in the hi-tech world in the field of tools:

As you understand from the name, this is an electric saw, but with its own innovations: 35% faster than an ordinary electric saw. But on the other hand, the energy consumption is 100% more than that of an electric saw. Can effectively cut: wool, watermelons, pumpkins, cacti. Internal energy intensity - 45 to EU. May be enchanted. With it, you can shear sheep (RMB), cut foliage and grass

* - 1 to EU = 1,000 EU
1 kk ee = 1,000,000 ee

in fashion IC2 there are many things with several modes of operation. In this "guide" I will tell you how to switch them.

First, let's figure out what's where.

There are 3 main buttons in the control settings:

Be sure to change the keys so that you are comfortable and do not burn red! If they are on, then there will be a conflict and they will not work. Personally, this is my setup.
What do they mean? Let's find out below.

Press Numpad9 (Mode Switch Key) and clickRIGHT mouse button

Vajara, turn on/off neat mode (break block by right clicking on it)
- Improved diamond drill, mode switching: Normal, energy saving, maximum performance, large holes.

Improved electric saw, Switching modes: normal and without cutting (In normal mode, you can use it as scissors - shear sheep, extract foliage and trees)

Grave tool, switching modes: hoe, wrench (in 100% mechanism removal mode), tap and screwdriver (screwdriver works like a key from BuildCraft)

Electric saw, Switching modes: normal and without cutting

Irridium Dril - Turn silk touch on/off. (in normal mode - luck 3)

Electric key, mode switching: Normal and lossless (in lossless mode, the key spends all its charge, but with 100% probability it will remove the mechanism)

Foam sprayer, switching modes: single and normal

Hold NumPad9 (Mode Switch Key) and Spacebar , CHANGE flight mode
F (Gravi Fly Key) INCLUSION flight mode (nano cuirass only)

- Improved Nano Cuirass

Electric jetpack


Alt Left (ALT Key) + NumPad9 (Mode Switch Key) - turn on NVD (night vision device)

Night-vision device
- Nano helmet

F (Gravi Fly Key) - Power on (must be worn)

Enhanced jetpack
- Gravity chestplate

Also an addition from

  • night vision (night-vision device) can also be turned on in a quantum helmet.
  • The quantum cuirass has a built-in jetpack, which is activated using the Boost Key + Mode Switch Key buttons.
  • The quantum cuirass also supports gliding mode (switching flight modes).
  • Improved Nano Vest, Improved Electro Jetpack, Gravity Vest are accelerated by pressing the Boost Key (increased energy loss).
  • Enabling flight mode via the Gravi Fly Key is more suitable for the Enhanced Jetpack and Enhanced Nano Vest as they don't waste energy when idle. At the same time, the gravity chestplate eats energy after the engine is turned on, regardless of whether the player is flying or not.
  • Ultimate lappack and improved lappack when held in hand, pressing the Mode Switch Key and RIGHT mouse button, activates external power, in this mode it will charge armor equipped on the player.
  • Quantum and nano helmets have the ability to use the HUD in three modes (disabled, normal, extended), to switch them use Alt Key + Hub Expand Key.

    thanks to him

Would you like to be able to fly? In minecraft, namely in the industrialcraft 2 add-on, such an opportunity is implemented, and the implementation is quite interesting. Is in industrialcraft 2 jatpack(in Russian it would be more correct to call it a jetpack), which allows players to move through the air, spending only energy on it. You can charge the jetpack using any energy saver.

Crafting this device is not as difficult as it might seem initially, and the result will be very, very pleasant and useful. First, consider the scheme for creating a knapsack.

Let's analyze each ingredient: iron shells are created from iron plates (2 pieces out of 1), and they, in turn, from iron ingots, for this you need a hammer (the easiest way); glowing dust is mined in the lower world (you should know about this) - all these are the simplest things, we will consider the energy saver and the improved electrical circuit separately.

Energy Saver is quite an interesting block, it is the easiest block to store and transfer to other Industrial Craft blocks that require energy, in fact it is a simplified MFE. To create this device, you will need to get batteries, tin wire with insulation and boards.

Tin wires are made from flattened tin ingots and insulated with rubber. Get boards in the forest. And the batteries will have to be crafted according to the following recipe:

If you notice, then there is also a tin wire, as well as a tin sheath. Shells can be made from tin plates, 2 pieces come out of one plate.

AT Industrialcraft 2 jetpack requires not only an energy saver, but also an improved electrical circuit. You will often have to craft this part, because it is needed for many devices in this modification. It is used in the crafting of high-tech devices, such as the CR scanner, MFE and MFSU. To craft it, you will need the following: an electrical circuit, lapis lazuli, red dust, light dust and lapis lazuli, everything should look like this:

An electrical circuit is crafted from an iron plate, red dust and copper wires.

Having collected everything received together, we can assemble a jetpack. Now let's talk about how to use it, because. for beginners, this may seem like a rather complicated process, but we assure you that it is not.
Before taking off (if the energy saver was empty), we will have to charge the device, any generator can help us with this, for example, solar panels, even the simplest generator that runs on coal will also suffice.

To take off, you need to hold down the button responsible for the jump - the spacebar. Also in the device there is another important button, which is designed to facilitate the flight on this device - the selected key in the settings. To select this key, you need to go to the control and select the line Modeswithkey. The key you select will be responsible for the hover mode, however, turn on or off this mode it will work only in one case - if the spacebar is pressed simultaneously with this button.

The vaping mode is different from normal mode the fact that the player will never be able to crash by falling to the ground, as well as when using the hover mode in Industrialcraft 2 jetpack consume less energy. However, there are also disadvantages - the player will not be able to instantly rise into the air, because in this mode the speed of the player's movement up and down slows down significantly, which does not allow him to crash on the ground.

Also interesting fact is that there is no decrease button in the jetpack control - this role is played by gravity, after you release the spacebar, the character will begin to fall to the ground, the speed of his fall will depend only on the selected mode. the tallest, a regular jetpack flies higher.

If the energy runs out during the flight, the player will simply fall to the ground, so do not forget to charge your satchel so as not to crash on the ground.