Is it possible to play minecraft online. How to play together in "minecraft" on a local network or via the Internet. How to play minecraft on LAN

Greetings friends, finally got around to write an article "How to play Minecraft online with friends." Quite an interesting question that almost every player in the Minecraft universe faces. Therefore, I will tell you some of the easiest ways to play with a friend. All of our methods below are free! How to play Minecraft online for free.

And so we went:

The attachment:

  • Each method works in licensed version Minecraft and pirated.
  • Each method works on all versions of the game including early ones (1.0.1, 1.1, 1.2.5, 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.4.2, 1.4.6, 1.4.7, 1.5, 1.5.2, 1.6, 1.6. 2, 1.6.4, 1.7, 1.7.2, 1.7.5, 1.7.4, 1.7.10, 1.8, 1.8.1, 1.8.8, 1.8.9, 1.8.7).
  • More than 5 working ways to play online with friends in Minecraft

How to play Minecraft with a friend using Hamachi

To get started you need download Hamachi for all gaming PCs which will be used for online play. Next, all players need to have same versions of Minecraft.

With the help of Hamachi, we will create a virtual server where you can play with friends. For the one who creates the server, you need to do:

  • Open (create) a new room in Hamachi.
  • Do not write anything in the IP-server field (leave it blank).
  • Start the server.
  • Send received IP-Address to friends with whom you will play.

For those who join:

  • Go to the same room with the server (which was created by 1 player).
  • Connect to the provided IP address from the room creator.
  • Note: To play online, all players must have the same version of Minecraft.

How to play Minecraft with a friend on LAN

This method is suitable for those who do not have internet. To do this, respectively, you need an Ethernet cable (connect them between PCs).

On Windows 7:

  • Go to the start menu - Control Panel - Network and Sharing Center - Change adapter settings (in the left column).
  • Find a local connection and click on right button mouse click "Properties".
  • In the window that opens, uncheck "Internet Protocol 6 (TCP/IPv6)".
  • Below you will see "Internet Protocol 4 (TCP / IPv4" - click on the property.
  • Check the box: Use the following IP addresses and enter the following data:

IP address:

Subnet mask:

Default Gateway:

  • Next, check the box and on: Use the following DNS servers and write:

Preferred DNS Server:

Click on the button - OK. Ready! Finished guys.

How to play Minecraft with a friend online

More easy way does not require any software.

  • Open Minecraft.
  • We create new world and select in the menu (ESC) - "open for the network."
  • We select all those settings that you chose when creating the world.
  • Click on: "Open the world for the network" and in the chat you can see not the full address of your world.
  • Next, you need to find out your IP address and write IP:Port instead of zeros.
  • We already saw the port in the chat, it looked like this: (the last 5 digits are different for everyone).
  • After that, instead of Zeros, we write the IP address and give it to a friend. It should look something like this:

How to play Minecraft with a friend on a server

Well, I think one of the most simple ways. To play with a friend over the network, select from our monitoring of Minecraft servers any free server or the server that you like best and you can play with a friend and with other players. Well, or choose any one free (less popular) server and stay there with a friend.

Another way:

Play Minecraft with friends online


There are two methods by which you could play with other people.

  • The local network.
  • Internet.

At their core, they are very similar and do not differ in many ways, but each has its own nuances that you need to remember. For example, you can create your map for a long time and work hard, and then make it available to local game. Remember to make a copy, otherwise it will be very disappointing when other players destroy what you painstakingly created.

In any case, you will need some things without which you will not be able to play with other people. This is the Internet, the Minecraft client, "direct" hands. You also need to remember that you will have to make changes to the settings of the computer, so be careful, the entire responsibility for bringing the PC to a non-working state will fall on your shoulders. And now let's figure out how to play Minecraft with friends.

The local network

Imagine that there are a couple of computers without Internet access, and they are located in the same room. Moreover, a local network exists and is configured between them. In this case, you can play Minecraft online. 2 friends must install the same version of the client on both computers. Now the sequence of actions is quite simple:

  1. One of the players must create single player with the desired settings.
  2. After that, he needs to press ESC and open the game for multiplayer.
  3. A message will appear in the chat about starting a server with a specific IP address. He must be remembered.
  4. The client also starts on the second computer. Only the other player enters the multiplayer mode already. If the game does not automatically find the server, then you need to add it by entering the IP that you remembered a little earlier in the search bar.

Thus, the question is solved, how to play together in "Minecraft" according to local network.

Imaginary network

If your computers are separated by a huge distance and connected exclusively by the Internet, you can also play as a couple. Exist different ways how to play together in Minecraft via the Internet, so first we will consider an option that does not require enhanced computer settings.

To do this, you will need to download and install a utility such as Hamachi. Both friends must install it and register, after which one of them creates a server room in the program, to which his friend must connect. This method creates a virtual private network - an analogue of a home local area network, only organized via the Internet. The quick-witted user probably already understood that further actions are similar to the previous paragraph. There is only one "but". If your computers do not see each other, then add Hamachi to the firewall and antivirus exceptions.


If you do not want to be smart again? Theoretically, if you download the same version of the client from one site and perform all the same manipulations as in the first case, you will be able to connect to a friend. On the other hand, you can use Minecraft. Download it on any site specializing in this game, install and run. After that, you will only have to send out your address to people with whom you would like to play together. There is nothing difficult in this. So good luck in mastering the cubic world and trying with a network game. And most importantly, if something does not work out, do not be discouraged and try again and again, then you will certainly succeed.

When you have learned to play MineCraft well, mastered all the basics of the game, got to know its inner world, you can go to online game, which can be played both with people from other cities on Internet servers, and with friends on a local network. In this article I will tell you how to play Minecraft on a local network and on the Internet.

How to play minecraft online?

You can play MineCraft on the Internet on servers specially created for this purpose, you can find them on various online monitoring and ratings. To start the game, we need the game itself (preferably latest version), a powerful computer (otherwise the game will slow down), high-speed Internet access (a channel of 1 Mb / s will be enough) and the address of the game server. So, let's begin. Launch the game, log into it with your login, then select the item " Online game» (second button). A connection window will appear in front of you, in the first line we enter the address of the server on which we will play, after which we click on the "Connect" button, in the English version of the Minecraft game with skins "Connect" and we get to the server. Once on the server, you will find that you cannot do a single action, it happened because you are not registered on this playground, this is done quite simply, in just a few steps. To register on the server, press the English letter “T”, a chat will open, enter the following command “/ register pass” in it, where we change the word “pass” to our own password, that is, it looked like this for me - “/ register trash784". After a couple of seconds, the server will issue a confirmation of your registration in the chat and allow you to enter the game, to do this, enter the command “/login pass”, where we change the word “pass” to your password. It will look something like "/login crosh". After registering and entering the server, you can start playing, perform various actions and do any business, from building buildings and farming, ending with their destruction and traveling around the game world.

How to play minecraft on LAN?

You can also play MineCraft over a local network with friends, for example, this is quite relevant for playing for fun or just when there are problems with the Internet (for example, technical work). To play on a local network, we need several computers (from two or more), an Internet cable of a decent length, if there are a lot of computers, then also a router or a Wi-Fi access point. We connect all computers with a wire, after which we go to the network settings. AT windows 7 is done like this: Start -> Network and Sharing Center -> Change adapter settings. We find the name of our own network, open the properties, the “Network” tab, first select the TCP / IPv6 setting, a small window opens, uncheck it, save it, open the TCP / IPv4 setting, go the following way: Properties -> Use the following IP address. Enter the following parameters:

  1. IP address:
  2. Subnet mask:
  3. Default Gateway:
  1. Preferred DNS Server:

After we press the button save, "ok" and close the settings. See the server setup below, after setting up the local network for windows xp. Settings for Windows XP: First, open the Control Panel and go to next path: Control Panel -> Network Connections -> Local Area Connections. Open the properties, the General tab, open TCP / IP, a window with properties will open, select the item "Use the following IP address", enter the parameters:

  1. IP address:
  2. Subnet mask:
  3. Default Gateway:

Open the tab "Use the following DNS server" and enter the parameters:

  1. Preferred DNS Server:

Save the changes and close the settings. Creating and configuring a server. When we have set up the local network, we can proceed to the creation and installation of the minecraft servers, which is not so difficult to create, it is done as follows:

  1. Download any game server appropriate for your version of the game, save it to a folder.
  2. Open the "" file, find the line "server-ip=..." and remove everything after the "=" sign so that you have a line with an empty value "server-ip=".
  3. We find the line “online-mode=false” in the same file, delete “False”, insert “true” in its place.
  4. The server is ready, now you can start it. To start the game, open MineCraft and in the line with the server address enter: (for Windows 7) or (for Windows XP).

The second way, suitable for all types operating systems, in the line "server-ip =" enter the value "localhost", save the changes, open the game and write localhost in the line with the IP address and then click on the connection. But, this method does not work on all computers and far from all (due to many subtleties and features), so it's easier to use the first option. That's all, with such simple and quick steps you can set up Minecraft to play on the Internet and with your favorite friends on the local network.