Murdered soul suspect secrets walkthrough. Full walkthrough. Exhibition in the museum

Murder Game: Soul Suspect was released on June 3, 2014 for the following platforms: Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4 and PC. The developer was the American studio Airtight Games, the publisher was the Japanese company Square Enix.

Murdered Soul Suspect Review

Not every detective manages to solve intricate murders. While looking for the killer of his beloved, Detective Ryan O "Connor falls directly into the clutches of the killer himself, dying heroically in the line of duty. Of course, the cop is in no hurry to heaven, because he needs to solve his last case. To carry out his plan, Ryan finds himself a medium partner , which helps him in the investigation of the crime.

The passage of the game Murdered: Soul Suspect is quite exciting, because the plot turned out to be quite good, with amazing elements of mysticism, tense moments and scenario tricks. The setting is also pretty well developed. Do not forget that you are a ghost, and therefore some objects real world you have nothing now. Of course, there are also laws in the ghostly world, which come down to traps and alternate manifestations of demons. The atmosphere of the afterlife is felt at 100%! Nevertheless, the gameplay in Murdered: Soul Suspect 2014 gets boring pretty quickly: the same game situations, the constant search for clues, the endless introduction into people and animals - all this is terribly annoying after 3-4 hours of play.

Of course, if it was a little harder, it would be more interesting to play. But it was not there! For any mistakes made by the player, you are not punished in any way, which practically reduces the entire detective component to nothing. There are also secondary tasks, but they are rather faded. The result is not the brightest picture: the game has an exciting setting, a good plot, good sound and nice graphics, but the gameplay, which is the main element of any game, is boring and monotonous. A little further we will give a complete walkthrough of the game Murdered: Soul Suspect.

Technical problems

Of course, without this, nowhere. So, if you're having trouble playing the game, match your PC's specs with those required to run Murdered: Soul Suspect. Requirements (recommended) for PC:

  • Windows: Windows 7/8 (only 64-bit operating systems are supported).
  • Processor: AMD FX-8000 or equivalent from Intel.
  • Video card: Radeon TM R9 270/GTX 660.
  • RAM: 4 GB.
  • DirectX 11.

As for other problems, standard solutions can usually be applied to them.

1. Murdered: Soul Suspect (PC version) freezes or crashes.

You can solve this problem by installing latest versions drivers for your video card and a decrease in the quality of graphics settings. Licensees are also advised to verify the cache on the Steam service.

2. Murdered: Soul Suspect won't start. Observed slowdowns and lags.

Install the latest patch for the game. If the problem persists, then set all settings to a minimum (be sure to turn off anti-aliasing). If it still doesn't work, you'll have to upgrade your outdated PC.

Also remember that Murdered: Soul Suspect will not run on 32-bit OSes.


Let's clarify right away that if you want to play a pirated copy of Murdered: Soul Suspect, "Mechanics" (RG "Mechanics") have one of the best repack builds. Use it.

The game begins with clippings from the news that will tell us about a maniac named Zvonar. After a small flashback, our hero will fly out of the window, because of which his whole life will flash before his eyes: from childhood to the very moment when he becomes a policeman and loses his beloved. We found her killer, but it was he who threw us into the street. By some miracle, Ryan manages to survive, and therefore will have to quickly get to the house. For some reason, we can't open the door. Grandma will help us. As it turns out later, we are already dead. The hero will almost succeed in returning to the body, but the Ringer will shoot Ryan, because of which we will become a 100% ghost.

Follow the light, where you will meet an ex-girlfriend who will talk about the bridge and unfinished business. In general, they do not allow our hero to go quietly into another world. Then we will be returned to the place of our death, where civilians will fuss in crowds, calling cops and an ambulance. At some point, we will notice a girl who must be followed to the alley. Since we became a ghost, we have the ability to pass through any objects. AT certain moment time we will be shown a story video, after which Ryan will ask questions to the girl, which have accumulated in 10 minutes in Murdered: Soul Suspect. The passage in the future will only be more intriguing.

The death of the hero will be considered by a dumb cop, who in a fraction of a minute will have time to spoil all the evidence. Fortunately, we will arrive on time, having reasoned with the unthinking policeman. Look into Patrolman Stuart's diary, and then carefully inspect the scene of the murder. After collecting evidence and successfully overheard the conversation, you need to move into Stuart by looking into the diary again. There we select the final point of evidence, mentioning something about weapons. Next, move into a girl standing nearby, awakening memories in her. When you collect 8 evidence, think about the current situation and run to the house. When you enter it, you will be met by another ghost with whom you can exchange a few words. Climb up to the second floor and enter room 4a. Here you need to find evidence that will help us in the investigation. Weapons, mental traces of the girl and the killer, a hole in the wall, Cassandra Foster's request on the kitchen table. That's all for now. Compiling a general picture of the crime, we understand that the witness, who was on the spot at the time of the murder, is on the run, and the maniac is in search of her. We just need to find the witness herself.

We are looking for other evidence: the book "Supernatural", lying on a shelf near the bathroom, as well as a bag with things. After that, approach the policeman and try to look at the photo. "Infiltrate" a cop's brain, forcing him to show a photo with the "Mystery Photo" clue. Focus and choose the one where the girl will be with the priest. Next, solve a simple puzzle that will let us understand that there was a witness here, but he managed to escape. Of course, we need to find it. We remember the church. Let's go to her.


Come into the church. There you will immediately find a priest and a girl. Go on and move into the servant of the Lord in order to safely pass the trap. Next, we need to get to the attic, which has become a temporary refuge for the girl. Once in the next room, move into the cat and run to the right place.

After that, we move into the girl, trying to make her remember the maniac with the help of the "Search for the Killer" evidence. Unfortunately, she will push us out of her body for the reason that she herself is a medium. Ask her a couple of burning questions. After some time, the girl will refuse to help us, after which she will try to escape. Catch up with her, move into the cat again and jump out into the street through the window. Next, go to the exit from the church. Here you will be prevented by a trap, and therefore you will have to improvise with a poltergeist, with which you should start a vacuum cleaner, attracting the attention of a priest. Move into it and bypass the trap. There are 2 demons in the church, which, of course, will have to be dealt with quickly. Move on. Unfortunately, we will not be able to catch up with the witness, because she will have time to disappear. Where could she go? Through the evidence "Mother's Note" we guess that she went to the police station.

Police station

We keep talking about storyline Murdered: Soul Suspect. The passage brings us to Ryan's "home" - the police station. Enter the building and look at the evidence. When you look through all 9 pieces, a policeman will enter the headquarters and sit down at the computer. Move into it and force it to break through new facts about the missing tenants. From the same cop, you can learn about the arrest of Joy Foster (witness). Now we need to help her. Go into the interrogation chamber, where turn off the camera and let the girl out. Talk to her near the cops. She will start to freak out.

Distract the servant of order behind the coffee machine, then continue to use your ghostly essence until the girl reaches the doors that lead to the second floor. There will be another trap here. You will not be able to cross it, but the witness will help us get over it. We are on the second floor. There you will have to distract 2 more policemen. Follow the girl to Baxter's office. Here you will have to find a lot of evidence, including photographs and books. Then pay attention to the missed message and tell Joy to listen to it. Go to the weapon rack, choosing what we need. When you solve the mystery with the cache, talk about it with Joy, then take the dossier.

It is also worth mentioning that Murdered: Soul Suspect sounds amazing in Russian, so try not to miss the story cutscenes and atmospheric character dialogues. Next, we urgently need to leave, as the police will start looking for the missing girl. Distract the cop with the printer and go down to the 1st floor. Talk to Joy, then watch a short cutscene. We leave the site and catch up with the girl. Stop her and prove that it will be difficult for her alone (using the "Mother's Note" clue). We go to the cemetery.


At the entrance to the cemetery you will meet an unusual kind of ghost, which is a little girl. Unfortunately, she will immediately disappear among the gloomy tombstones. Here we will have to show all our detective skills by questioning a ghost sitting nearby. You will learn that he saw something on the shore. We go there and find the corpse of the ghost itself. After a little debriefing, we will see a brief vision that will clearly show us another ghost that saw the body of the victim. Ask Joy to shine on the bushes in the back and pull out the evidence (rope). We recall the evidence "Peculiarities of murders". Then it turns out that Sophia (the ghost of the girl) was following us, and therefore we will have to follow her, destroying 3 demons along the way, which appear so often in Murdered: Soul Suspect. Passing half of the game behind your back, in front - the remaining 50%.

Later, the girl will lead us to the field hospital, where she will try to tell us something. Unfortunately, she will not succeed, as her mouth is sewn up. Then she will run away again. Learning to teleport. After one of the unsuccessful attempts, our hero will find himself right in front of 3 angry demons, from which he will have to escape using previously studied methods. Having dealt with them, we continue to follow Sofia. As it turns out, she did not run away, but simply led us to a certain place. Approach the tree and select the sound: "Crack". After watching a couple of videos, you will learn about some kind of contract. Sophia will start freaking out and "knock out" us with her scream. Return to Joy in order to clarify the situation a little. In her diary there is an entry about a contract that will lead to a surviving crazy woman. We go to a psychiatric hospital.

Mental hospital

We continue to tell you what the passage of the main storyline is like in Murdered: Soul Suspect. In the hospital, you will need to find out Iris's chamber. Consider the evidence in which you should be interested in the photo of the boy. Move into the attendant and make her remember this photo. With the help of the monitor, we learn that Iris is in room 216. Hurry up!

On the 2nd floor, you will have to break the camera so that no one can find Joy. Then help her by opening the electric door. Hack the cameras again and distract the orderlies. Then you share with your girlfriend. Go around, get into the cat and make your way through the ventilation. In the rooms, deal with 3 demons. Go around the rest of the traps and obstacles in order to meet Joy. Break the locks so that the medium can go further. Don't forget the cameras! After all this, we get into room 216 and watch the video. Consider some drawings. The correct answers in the picture with the hounds are: "chase", "torture". With bells: "ringer", "burned at the stake". With sisters: "2 girls", "communication". After analyzing this, it can be concluded that Iris had a sister who gave her life in the name of saving her. A little later, she will appear before us under the guise of a burning ghost, and after a short conversation she will help us escape. The next clue is the museum.

History Museum

Entering the museum, we immediately begin the search for new evidence. You will find the first on the table, the second - at the pillar, after you solve the next riddle (rose, burned, torture), the third - on the bloody stone. The latter is much more difficult to obtain. First, focus on the gallows by selecting the trapdoor. Secondly, consider the picture with the estate painted on it, analyze the shameful chair. When the hero examines all the exhibits, he will conclude that the Zvonar killed his victims as if he were cracking down on witches. Then go up to the 2nd floor, where another obstacle will already be waiting for us - a ghost in the form of a train. With the help of teleportation and short dashes, you will still get to the desired floor, where you will meet Joy. Follow her to the hidden exhibits and focus on the medallion, which will let you know interesting information about media.

When you find all the necessary evidence, make a logical chain: a sign from the picture, a board of mediums and a medallion. Baxter becomes the only suspect. We go to his apartment, leaving the museum. But it was not there. First, demons interfere with us, and then we hear a conversation between 2 women who claim that some kind of incident happened in the church. As you remember, we sent Joy there. In this regard, we postpone the trip to Baxter's apartment and rush at all times to the church.

Church 2

Joy already tried to break into the building, but the cops caught her. Fortunately, this is no longer our concern. We go into the church and destroy the demons. Next, we pass through one of the doors on the right, after which we lure the policeman and move into it in order to avoid harmful traps. In the courtyard you will find the corpse of Iris, which, unfortunately, you did not manage to save. Next, we are again looking for evidence that will help us find a maniac. First, analyze the fact of Iris' death. Next, we will be shown a short video, after which we should go to the second floor, where you will notice a few more corpses. Possess a survivor, causing them to remember the last moments of Iris' life. After we go to the attic in search of a couple more clues. Look at the photo you found. Then re-create the murder scene, realizing that the maniac came for Joy's life, not Iris. When you touch the cat, you will understand that the Ringer has lost something. Move into the animal and climb into the ventilation in order to get the key from there. Thanks to him, you will remember the House of Justice. We go to him, having dealt with the demons along the way.

House of Justice

There will be a parking lot near the building, which means that Baxter is most likely here. Go to the second floor and enter the secret room. Take a good look around here to find all the evidence: newspaper expenses, trophies of victims, a map of murders. At some point there will be a click. Go down to the basement, dealing with demons along the way. After a few skirmishes, we go even further, where you will notice the corpse and the ghost of Baxter. We ask him important questions, after which we send him to Cassandra. We ourselves remain to search for evidence: a sign, a bunk, shackles, candles. We add all this into a single picture and understand that Abigail is the very killer. Of course, we need to find it very quickly. As you head towards the exit, you will hear a conversation on the walkie-talkie and learn that Joy and Rex are missing. We hurry to the museum.

The final

The game Murdered: Soul Suspect, which was quite intense, has come to an end. The museum will be full of traps, and therefore you need to be extremely careful in order to safely bypass them. As it turns out, the maniac moved into Rex, trying to hang Joy. You will have 20 seconds to make a decision. Go through the traps and move into a friend. Use the Loud Scream clue to exorcise the assassin's ghost from Rex's body. The maniac will be quick, and therefore will still try to kill Joy. Run up to him and grab his hand. Watch the video and ask burning questions. End!


Salem. The game is greeted with clippings from the news. Somewhere a maniac is walking around - a killer named "Ringer". And now we are flying out of the window and after that the whole life of the protagonist flashes before our eyes. From childhood and fights to becoming a cop and losing the woman you love. We find the criminal, but he throws us out the window.

By some miracle, we survived. We go into the house. At least we try, because broken ribs make themselves felt. We open the door, but nothing happens. Granny will open the door for us, push us onto the steps, get horrified and close the door. Turns out we're dead. We are trying to return to the body using the prompts on the screen. We almost succeeded, but the Ringer shoots our body and we become a real ghost.

For now, just walk into the light. We meet a former lover who talks about the bridge and unfinished business. They don't let us leave in peace.

The game returns to the place where we died. The civilians are already fussing and calling the cops. We try to talk to them, but they do not hear. Still, we've become a ghost. But suddenly we notice a girl. We follow her into the alley. Since we are a ghost, we can pass through objects in the real world. We continue to follow the girl, who obviously does not want this and puts up obstacles for us. We pass through the garbage container and watch the video.

We ask the girl the accumulated questions. Having received a brief educational program, we try to ask the girl in more detail, but we run into a trap of demons. Okay, time to get back to the city, to your corpse.

At the crime scene, we see a stupid cop who managed to spoil all the evidence. Basically a typical cop. Fortunately, our friend arrived in time and gave a sobering slap in the face to this dumbass. Okay, nothing to yawn. Let's take a closer look at Patrolman Stewart's diary, and then fully inspect the scene of the murder to get a complete picture of what is happening. After viewing the evidence and eavesdropping on the conversation, move into Stuart and look into the diary. Choose the last item there: about weapons. We move into the girl and awaken memories with the help of the “Ringer” item. Having collected eight clues, we think about the situation and understand that we need to go up to the fourth floor, but the door is closed. At this moment, Stuart opens the door and examines something carefully in the aisle. This is our chance!

Let's go to apartments. We are met by another ghost. You can talk to him. We go further, listen to the conversation of a crazy couple and go up to the second floor. Our old friend will be here, drawing some notes. She will not be very happy with our appearance. We go further to the fourth floor. Arriving in room 4a, we begin the search for evidence. The gun, the girl's mental trail (hiding, scared, watching), the killer's mental trail (seeking, purposeful), Cassandra Foster's request on the kitchen table, a hole in the wall. Enough for now. We draw up a picture of the crime: the killer is on the run, the witness is on the run. Turns out there was a witness at the crime scene. Now it remains to find her. Looking for other clues. The book of Supernatural is on the shelf next to the bathroom, the bag of things at the end of the room. After that, we approach the place where the policeman stands and try to examine the photo. We climb into the mind of a cop and force him to show a photo with the help of the “Mystery Photo” evidence. The policeman will look at the photo and we will see it too. We approach the photo, focus and choose the one where she stands with the priest. After that, we summarize and solve the problem. It turns out there was a witness, but he escaped and we need to find him. The clue is the church. We jump off the balcony and head there.


We go into the church and find a priest with a girl. He gave her shelter in the attic. We pass through the door, move into the priest to pass the trap and exit when he passes the trap. Now you need to somehow get to the attic. We pass into the next room and move into the cat. We run to the attic in the body of a cat, and then we leave it.

We move into the girl and try to make her remember the killer with the help of the "Search for the Killer" evidence. But! It wasn’t there, she pushes us out of her body. Turns out she's a medium. It's time to ask a couple of questions.

After being questioned, the witness will refuse to cooperate and will attempt to escape. Let's catch up with her. We move into a cat and jump out of the window into the street. I'm going to the exit. We are hampered by a trap. With the help of the poltergeist, we start the vacuum cleaner and attract the attention of the priest. We move into his body and bypass the trap.

There will be two demons in the hall of the church. You need to deal with them in order to move on. We disturb the crow and the demon flies up to him. We approach the demon from behind and eliminate it. Do the same with the second demon. I'm going to the exit.

We're late. The witness has already run away. We wonder where she might have gone. With the help of the Mother's Note evidence, we recall what she said about the site.

Police station

We go to the operational headquarters of the site and examine the evidence. As we consider nine pieces of evidence, one of the policemen will enter the headquarters and sit down at the computer. We move into it and force it to break through new data on the missing residents.

From the same policeman sitting at the computer, you can find out that Joy Foster (witness) has been detained. Apparently, she didn't manage to quietly steal the case. Now we need to help her.

We go into the interrogation chamber, cut down the camera and release the girl. We speak with her near the police, behind the shelter. She starts to get arrogant. We distract the policeman with a coffee machine. We continue to "poltergeist" until the witness reaches the door leading to the second floor. Oops! Trap! We cannot cross, but the witness agreed to "carry" us through the trap. We move to the second floor.

On the second floor, we distract one cop with a coffee machine, and the other with a printer. Let's follow the girl to Baxter's office, which has already been trashed, apparently in search of a dossier. We pay attention to several folders and select a dossier with a photograph (Ronan's dossier is ours), which was never released. Thank you brother for this. However, we digress.

We are looking for a dossier. First, let's look at all the evidence: books, photographs, then pay attention to the message left and tell Joy to listen to it. We approach the rack with weapons and select the right one: shadow, marks. Having solved the riddle with the cache, we talk about it to Joy and take the dossier.

The police have already caught on and are looking for the missing girl. Need to leave! We distract the policeman with the printer and go down to the first floor. We speak with the witness and watch a short video. Do not rush to leave, better listen to the conversation between Rex and the policeman about us. Inspirational speech!

The girl successfully leaves the station and again tries to walk alone. We prove to her that she cannot cope alone with the help of the Mother's Note evidence. Now we need to visit the cemetery. Symbolic, isn't it?


Before entering the cemetery, we are met by a strange-looking ghost, like a girl, and immediately retreats to the territory of the cemetery. You have to keep your ears open.

At the cemetery, Joy surrendered without a fight and was about to leave. This is where we step in with our detective skills and question the ghost sitting next to us. She says she saw something on the shore. On the shore we find the corpse of the same ghost that met us near the gate. We set the parameters: washed ashore, dead, ragged. Thanks to this, we are visited by a vision in which we can see how another ghost saw the body of the victim and he is in this cemetery. The witness saw something swam into the bushes. It is dark in the bushes and nothing is visible, so we ask Joy to shine a light into the bushes and pull out evidence - a familiar rope. We recall the evidence "Peculiarities of murders." It was necessary to go up the river and find the corpse, but apparently you can not bother. The ghost of a girl - Sophia was watching us. Now you need to follow her, but first we will destroy the three demons so as not to interfere.

The girl takes us to the field hospital and tries to tell us something, but she can't because her mouth is sewn shut. Frustrated, she runs away again, and we learn how to teleport to catch up with her. With the next teleportation, we will enter the territory with three demons. We use the raven to kill the first, bypass the second and finish the third. If you are noticed, then circle around the shelters and use the crow. Sometime they should be distracted by a crow.

We follow the ghost of Sofia. She did not try to run away, she led us to show something. We approach the tree and select the sound: "Crack". We watch a couple of short videos and learn about some kind of contract. Sophia freaks out and knocks us out with a scream. Now you can return to Joy for questions. Joy has an entry in her diary about treaties that leads to a surviving lunatic. Guess where we're heading? Mental hospital. Classic.

Mental hospital

In the hospital, you need to find out Iris's room. We look at the evidence. We are interested in a photo of a boy. After that, we move into the duty room and make us remember this photo. With the help of the monitor, we learn that Iris is in room 216. But we need to hurry, she has electroshock therapy scheduled for the evening. On the second floor, break the camera so that Joy can go further. Don't forget to open the electric door for her. We break open the cameras again and distract the orderly so that Joy can pass.

Then we split up with Joy. We go around, climb into the cat and make our way through the ventilation. In the premises we deal with three demons. We go around the rest of the traps and obstacles and meet Joy. We crack electronic locks so that Joy can go further. Don't forget the cameras! After all this, we crack the lock on the ward 216 and watch the video.

We are trying to move into the girl, but she pushes us out. Okay, time to look at the pictures. In the picture with the hounds, the correct answers are: chase, torture. In the picture with bells: a ringer burned at the stake. In the picture with sisters: two girls, connection. We draw a conclusion. Iris had a sister who saved her at the cost of her own life. She enters the stage in the form of a burning ghost and, after arguments, helps us escape. We distract the guard with the help of a walkie-talkie, open the electronic door and escape from the psychiatric hospital. Next clue: the museum. Us there.

History Museum

We are looking for evidence in the museum. The first will be on the table next to the "judge", to get the second one you need to go to the pillar and solve the riddle: rose, burned, torture.

The third will be on a stone with blood, in the center you need to choose blood and you will see a vision.

Fourth evidence: focus on the gallows by selecting the “hatch”, examine the rack, examine the picture with the painted estate, analyze the shameful chair: water, Sophia, drowning. Having examined all the exhibits, we conclude that Zvonar dealt with his victims like witches. But why? To answer this question, let's go up to the second floor of the museum, since the door was opened. But it's not so simple. We will be disturbed by a ghost - a train. We wait until he passes into the wall and with short dashes and teleportation we pass to the second floor. In the same place we meet Joy and together we pass to the unexhibited exhibits. We focus on the medallion and find out that mediums used to be considered associated with impure forces.

Having found all the evidence, we make a chain: a sign from the picture (bell), a board of mediums, a medallion (just the one that caused the vision). Suspicion falls on Baxter, but why? Baxter is at the museum, Baxter asked about the girl and Baxter hid the dossier. We understand that Baxter is somehow involved and decide to visit his apartment.

We leave the museum along the way dealing with the demons. At the exit from the museum, we hear a conversation between two women who say that something else has happened in the city. There was an incident in the church, and we sent Joy there. Baxter's apartment is put off, we're heading to the church.

Church again

Joy tried to enter the church, but the police caught her and put her in a car. Okay, that's not our concern. We go into the hall and exorcise or avoid the demons and go through the door on the right side. We lure the cop with the help of a poltergeist and move into it to avoid the trap and go to the other side. In the courtyard we find the corpse of Iris. Still, we couldn't save her. Okay, let's try to find evidence that leads to the killer. First, we analyze how she died: crushed, the murder weapon, the stones of the statue. We restore the picture of the murder and watch the video of the reunion of the sisters. Now we go to the second floor and see that the Zvonar left a couple more corpses. Analyzing the crime scene: scared, falling, needs help. We move into the survivor and awaken the memory of the fleeing Iris, after that we recreate the crime scene and understand that these are random victims who fell under the hand of the Ringer. Let's go to the attic and look for more evidence. The priest was killed, and we need to understand why the killer went up to the attic. Let's analyze the evidence where he looks at the photo: he looks, he was found. After that, we recreate the scene and understand that the killer came for Joy, but killed Iris without finding the latter. Touching the cat, we see that the killer dropped something. We move into the cat and try to get the key in the ventilation. Thanks to this key, we remember the House of Justice. Now we leave the church in the same way as we came, but be careful, the demons are not asleep.

House of Justice

Near the house of justice will stand police car. Hike, suspicions are confirmed. Most likely, Baxter is here. The house is empty, but it is better to inspect. We rise to the second floor and go into a secret room, into the operational headquarters of the Zvonar. Here you need to see everything and better. After examining all the evidence: extracts from newspapers of past decades, trophies of victims, a map of murders - we come to the conclusion that a copycat is working here. We are distracted by a loud click. Need to check. We deal with two demons and go down to the basement. There will already be four demons in the basement, deal with them using the crows and teleportation. After the fight, we go down even lower and see the corpse of Baxter. It's time to ask a couple of questions. After the conversation, we send Baxter to Cassandra to take her to a safe place, while we ourselves remain in the basement to search for evidence. First evidence (judge): accuses, judges, severe; second piece of evidence (girl): in jail, pleading. Having found all the evidence: a sign, a bunk, candles, shackles and two pieces of evidence - we put all the memories together (the accuser, Abigail in captivity, the bell ringer's sign). In a fit of rage, Abigail drew the Ringer's sign, which would make every witch in Salem die. It turns out that Abigail is a killer. We need to find her urgently. Halfway from the basement we hear a conversation on the radio. Rex went missing with Joy and didn't show up at the station. Campaign it all started. We recall important evidence: Abigail is the Ringer, an old gallows, an instrument of death. We get out of the house and hurry to the museum.

Museum. The final

You can't go back to Salem after the final scene. So finish all your business in advance. There are many traps in the museum, so be careful. Abigail has possessed Rex and is trying to hang Joy. You have 20 seconds to think. We run through the traps and move into Joy. With the help of the "loud cry" evidence, we expel the ghost of Abigail from Rex's body. Abigail still does not give up and tries to kill Joy. We have 7 seconds to think. Approach her and grab her hand. Watch videos and ask questions.

End of the game.

Video walkthrough

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

This part will be more fun. The task of the character is to go up to the fourth floor and get into the room where the fight took place, after which our hero fell out of the window. Along the way, you can find the luminous remains of some kind of stoves in the corners of the rooms. Activate them and collect. These are boilers. If you collect everything, you will get a story from which the blood runs cold. The hero will be offered to collect similar items in each campaign.

When moving to one of the floors, we will meet a demon. You need to hide from him through the frozen ghost-clouds, moving quickly, and when the demon calms down and turns his back to us, we hold down "R", after which, without releasing the key, we press the combination that we will be shown on the screen. In order to neutralize the demon, each time you will need to press different keys. After that, there will be a couple more demons. You can pass them like this: wait until the second, far one turns away. You can see this if you hold down F - see through walls. Then go through the wall from the back to the first demon and neutralize it, you need to do the same with the second one.

Well, you got to the room, at the entrance to which there are a couple of policemen and a few onlookers. Now we are waiting for the second investigation: go into the room, on the right there will be a silhouette of the Ringer. We activate it and select an image for it: we need to specify what it does. In this case, it will be “looking for”, “purposeful”, “fighting”, however, it is possible that it will be possible to choose something else. In the next room we see the image of a hiding girl. She is "hiding", "scared", "watching". Now we go to the central room, where we select the evidence scattered on the floor. Do not forget to inspect the wall by the window and the broken window itself. In the room opposite there will be a bag - this is also evidence. We examine everything and even what lies on the table at the policeman. If you have found all the evidence, then by possessing a policeman, you can influence him. The two remaining pieces of evidence are on the table in front of the policeman. We study one with his eyes, and the second when he leaves. These are three photos. Now that we have collected 14 of the 14 clues, we watch the video and go outside, or rather jump off.

Now our path lies to the church. Along the way, you can help the ghost girl: activate all the finds that are scattered right there near the bottom. The most difficult find is a small bouquet that lies in a ghostly boat. Found, clicked on "Q" and told everything to the girl, after which we go to the church, where we are waiting for the search for one single piece of evidence, as well as special infernal holes-ashes that we cannot cross, because the hands of demons will immediately jump out of there and drag us hell.


Almost all events will take place in the church. First, we go into the main hall, activate all sorts of memories and collect the saws scattered here and there. Our road goes through the left wing of the church, where the priest is working with a vacuum cleaner. One can pass through the hellish quagmire only by moving into the holy father and crossing the trap in his body. We are watching a video where it is said that our witness took refuge in the attic.

Further we pass along the corridor, we activate the image of the girl at the elevator. There will be a cat on the right - we need it. We move into a cat. With the shift pressed, she will jump on tables and chests of drawers, but we need her to first run into the vent below, which is being repaired by a plumber, from there we jump from a run into the window (I remind you: you don’t need to press any buttons other than the shift), after which we will find ourselves in a large room with a demonic bog on the right on the floor. Our path is a bedside table by the stairs. We jump on it, then even higher, after which we get into the ventilation. We run forward and turn right at the first opportunity.

Now we find ourselves in a room with an open door. We run out into the yard. We jump onto a pile of cinder blocks at the central door, go through the scaffolding, then go along the branch, jump onto the ledge again, climb up the ivy and finally climb into the window.

Now we move out of the cat and enter into a dialogue with the girl and click on the memory behind the Ringer. The girl turns out to be a medium. Now we have a long dialogue, where we learn from her about her mother. That's it, we leave the room, move into the cat, return to the room and jump out of the window.

Again our hero is in the yard. We return along the main corridor back to the door with the inscription NAVE. Let's look at the intro. Now we approach the vacuum cleaner and call the priest, after which we move into it and safely cross the corridor.

We are back in the big room. There are two demons at work here. It is quite easy to pass them: first we attract their attention with crows, after which we sneak up from behind and eliminate them. Next, we go out into the yard, we approach the cat and select the memory "Mother's Notes".
Now our path lies in the police station.


The task begins with a trip to the police station. In addition to the main task, there are a lot of visual images and secondary objects lying around in the area. Some just give the atmosphere, but not which make it possible to complete additional tasks.

So, let's go. The first and main task at this stage is the investigation in the room with the police. Our task is to search for 11 clues. We go around the room, we approach the walls, we look at the cards. Next, you need to remember to turn on the fan, which will blow several documents onto the floor, revealing the evidence we need. When you go around everything and nothing remains, a policeman will enter the room with a form in his hand. We move into it and study the contents of the notebook. Now is the time to move into the policeman who is sitting at the computer. We move in, and call in the police memory called "Request for personal data." Now we will access the computer. We study the contents of the computer by clicking once on the dossier of the daughter, mother, and then on the bottom line, which indicates that the mother of our witness was arrested. We make a conclusion and leave the room.

Now we need to go through a large room where the police are sitting behind the screens. They, these screens, should be bypassed, because on a couple of tables there will be several common clues that complement the complete picture. After turning left and going through the walls several times, you will see a policeman interrogating our female witness.

We watch the screen saver, after which we shoot down the video camera in the corner of the room. The girl gets up and runs out. Our task is to distract the police, including copiers and printers. If the plot is stuck, then go up to the girl and talk. The final goal is the office of policeman Baxter. Here we need to find the dossier.

The first step is to activate the "Police Photos" folder. We watch the video, after which we start searching for the dossier. After you inspect the phone, ask the girl to listen to her voice mail. After that, you need to pay attention to the shelf with the shotgun. Let's take a look at the right side first. When analyzing, we select “fits the rack”, “imprint” and “spot”. We watch a short video and switch to the left side of the shelf. There we will find a secret hook. We move the shelf and take out the dossier. Now we need to discreetly take the girl out of the station.


We bring a girl named Joy out of the police station. We distract the police a couple of times, and when Joy gets stuck at the stairs and does not want to go further, you just need to go up and talk to her. As soon as you get to the office, she will jump out the window. Despite the fact that the system will indicate to you that the investigation needs to be continued in the room, we still leave the station and watch a video cutscene, as a result of which it will be clear that now we have to head to the cemetery.

We go to the cemetery, cross the bridge, talk to Joy and proceed to the investigation. On the way to the cemetery, you can help the jealous ghost girl. To collect evidence, you will need to move into a couple standing nearby, read their thoughts, analyze the data received and tell the ghost girl about everything, choosing her memories in the following order: “heartbroken”, “death of an ex-girlfriend”, “cry in a vest” . It is strange that she herself could not move into her beloved and her new friend.

However, we are now in the cemetery. Here we are waiting for the main investigation of this series. We start collecting evidence. The key find is the image of a murdered girl lying on the shore. From the conclusions after examining the case, we select the following: “cast ashore”, “dead”, “torn off”. After that, you need to talk to a couple of ghosts nearby. The ghost guy will tell you that he saw something in the bushes. Approach the bushes that are not on the bank to the right of the image of the girl. Examine the bushes, then call Joy. She will pull out the rope. "Remember" the rope - the same one you saw in the photo at the police station.

Now we watch a new video and set off after an incomprehensible ghost girl. During the chase, you will need to deal with three demons. To do this is quite simple, you just need to wait for him to turn his back on us. After a long but linear loop, you will find yourself at the top of the mountain, where "Quarantine" will be written at the entrance to the house.

MURDERED: SOUL SUSPECT - CEMETERY. psychiatric hospital

We start from the hospital building, where a lot of people were once healed. At this stage, our hero will learn to jump from place to place. The ghost girl will be waiting for us in the yard, so leave the house and go towards the screen with two shovels. At the same time, actively use jumps. Get on the roof. Further, our path lies through the crypt, which is immediately behind the television staff. From the demons, which are difficult to eliminate, you can simply run away by running through two crypts.

The girl will meet you at the pond. Watch the video and select the "Crack" option, and then watch again two creepy video cutscenes. After everything back, go back through the gate located right next to it (on the left, if you look at the river). Along the way, do not forget that you know how to jump, and therefore actively move from coast to coast, collecting all sorts of different things.

Now talk to Joy. She will tell you about the mental hospital.

The first step is to do a mini-settling with the nasty lady behind the reception desk. We examine the evidence on the wall and table. After collecting all the evidence (it's easy to find them), we select a memory with a boy. Now we move into the lady again and select on the computer the part of the document where the seal is depicted in order to find out the number of the ward where the witness we need is located.

On the way, we distract the staff so that Joy can pass. Don't forget to shoot down the surveillance cameras. So we must go until we split up. Joy will run forward, and we will go along the cluttered corridor to the left until we find the cat. We move into it and run into the vent. We run for a long time until we reach a hole in the floor of the ventilation passage. On the new site, right next to the place where we jumped, you need to jump down again. Now you can move out of the cat and go solve the problem with the demons, which are in abundance on this floor.


The series begins with the fact that we need to go through three demons guarding the exit. The one on the left can be slowly neutralized, and the two that see each other at the very exit, so this is more difficult to do. You can distract them with a raven, or let yourself be discovered. They will fly to search the ghostly clouds, and at this time you run forward into the lecture hall. Now go further down the corridor until you meet Joy. Open the door for her a couple of times and knock down the camera, and here we are in the ward.

We watch the video, we try to move into the patient girl, after which we begin the investigation. The room is small, we examine everything. Don't forget to check out the bed. The picture with the bonfire has the keywords "ringer" and "burned at the stake." The drawing with two girls has the keys "two girls", "connection". The leftmost drawing has the keys "torture" and "chase". Now we draw a conclusion, watch the splash screen and take Joy and the young patient out of the hospital. Along the way, you will need to activate the radio to distract the orderly.
After the video intro, when it comes to the pole, select the "invitation to the exhibition" it is at the top. Now we move towards the museum.

Next, we are waiting for the investigation in the exhibition hall. We need to find 7 clues. We go around all the highlighted exhibits. No complications. At the pole with brushwood, select "torture", "burnt", "Rose". At the well-crane with a stool, select "Sofia", "drowning", "water". At the stone, select the "spot".

Next, we will need to go past the ghostly locomotive. Here we will need to jump from one side of the canvas to the other diagonally. Move away, because the locomotive can hook you and you will have to re-pass first.

The next investigation will take place in the hall with exhibits. We go around all the illuminated areas, look at the pictures, walls, tables. Separately, do not miss the picture behind the shelf in the entire wall. From the necklace and medallion, select the necklace. In the final, for the conclusion, we select “the goal of the Zvonar is mediums”, “witch mediums” and “sign from the picture”. We watch the video and select "Baxter in the museum", "Baxter hid the dossier" and "missing girl".

Now you need to leave the museum and go to the church after watching the next video screensaver.


The series begins with an investigation in the courtyard of the church, where Iris has filled up the Bell Ringer with a statue. On the deceased, we select the “murder weapon”, “stones of the statue” and “crushed”. All the evidence is located inside the fenced area, so there will be no problems finding them. In general, in the beginning it was more difficult to find evidence than now.

Now we return back to the corridor where the policeman stands. We approach the edge of the hellish bog and once again activate the radio, after which we move into the policeman and safely cross it.

Then we go up to the second floor and go into the room where the police are crowding. In the central image with three people, we choose “scared”, “falls” and “needs help”. Once you've collected five clues, approach the girl and evoke her memories through "Iris' escape". Now we watch a long video and leave the room.

Next, you need to go upstairs towards the attic, where Joy used to live. We watch the video and start looking for clues. The trick to this investigation is that here you need to go beyond the limits set by the system, because all the key evidence is in another room. On the image of the Ringer, select ""looks" and "detected". Press Q and select "father McCauley's death", "killer thwarted" and "broken photo".

Now we need to make friends with the cat. We move into it and jump into the tunnel by the window. As a result of the next fall, our hero will find himself in an already familiar room, where he will find the key, as it turned out, from the House of Justice. It is he who needs to be chosen to answer the question “where have I already seen this house?”.

We go down, exit through the central hall and watch another video. You can simply run away from the demons in the hall. Now we move to the House of Justice. In the house, first of all, find the stairs and go up to the second floor. The key will be the wall, with a false bookcase, which will be pushed back a bit. Next, you need to investigate the "operational headquarters in the Zvonar case." Six clues will be found very quickly.

Now we are watching the video and getting ready to hunt the demons, because it is they who guard the entrance we need.


This series comes to a head. First you need to deal with the demons that guard the stairs to the lower floor. This must be done by distracting one of the demons with a crow. To do this, go around the demons on the right, on the very right side, then click on the raven and deactivate the first demon attracted. The second one won't be a problem. Immediately behind them, a glowing note will lie on the floor. Now we go down to the basement, there a few more demons will be waiting for us, past which you can no longer run. By hook or by crook, but they will also need to be eliminated.

Now our goal is the basement. If before we always ran up, then we need to go down. Here we "meet" Baxter. After a long dialogue, we activate the ghost of the judge further along the corridor. We choose "judges", "severe", "accuses". Let's look at the intro. We pass through the wall, look at the situation in the immured room and we can already draw conclusions. We click on the "accuser", "Abigail in captivity" and "sign in the cell."

Now you need to choose the place where Abigail dragged Joy. We choose "the murderer's instrument of death", "Abigail is the Ringer?" and "old gallows". The system will drag us to the museum.
Next, you need to go outside and follow the already familiar direction.

The final scene is an exposition with a gallows, which is still actually functioning. As soon as the timer counts down 20 seconds, we approach the gallows, go around two hellish spots, move into Joy and select "loud cry". After that, there will be the most difficult task in the entire game. We need to approach the ghost of Abigail and hover over her left shoulder (right of the character). As soon as you point it, press "E", and not the usual "R". Now we are watching the final video, after which we immediately begin to wait for the second part of the game from Square Enix.


Salem. The game is greeted with clippings from the news. Somewhere a maniac is walking around - a killer named "Ringer". And now we are flying out of the window and after that the whole life of the protagonist flashes before our eyes. From childhood and fights to becoming a cop and losing the woman you love. We find the criminal, but he throws us out the window.

By some miracle, we survived. We go into the house. At least we try, because broken ribs make themselves felt. We open the door, but nothing happens. Granny will open the door for us, push us onto the steps, get horrified and close the door. Turns out we're dead. We are trying to return to the body using the prompts on the screen. We almost succeeded, but the Ringer shoots our body and we become a real ghost.

For now, just walk into the light. We meet a former lover who talks about the bridge and unfinished business. They don't let us leave in peace.

The game returns to the place where we died. The civilians are already fussing and calling the cops. We try to talk to them, but they do not hear. Still, we've become a ghost. But suddenly we notice a girl. We follow her into the alley. Since we are a ghost, we can pass through objects in the real world. We continue to follow the girl, who obviously does not want this and puts up obstacles for us. We pass through the garbage container and watch the video.

We ask the girl the accumulated questions. Having received a brief educational program, we try to ask the girl in more detail, but we run into a trap of demons. Okay, time to get back to the city, to your corpse.

At the crime scene, we see a stupid cop who managed to spoil all the evidence. Basically a typical cop. Fortunately, our friend arrived in time and gave a sobering slap in the face to this dumbass. Okay, nothing to yawn. Let's take a closer look at Patrolman Stewart's diary, and then fully inspect the scene of the murder to get a complete picture of what is happening. After viewing the evidence and eavesdropping on the conversation, move into Stuart and look into the diary. Choose the last item there: about weapons.

We move into the girl and awaken memories with the help of the “Ringer” item. Having collected eight clues, we think about the situation and understand that we need to go up to the fourth floor, but the door is closed. At this moment, Stuart opens the door and examines something carefully in the aisle. This is our chance!

Let's go to apartments. We are met by another ghost. You can talk to him. We go further, listen to the conversation of a crazy couple and go up to the second floor. Our old friend will be here, drawing some notes. She will not be very happy with our appearance. We go further to the fourth floor. Arriving in room 4a, we begin the search for evidence. The gun, the girl's mental trail (hiding, scared, watching), the killer's mental trail (seeking, purposeful), Cassandra Foster's request on the kitchen table, a hole in the wall. Enough for now.

We draw up a picture of the crime: the killer is on the run, the witness is on the run. Turns out there was a witness at the crime scene. Now it remains to find her. Looking for other clues. The book of Supernatural is on the shelf next to the bathroom, the bag of things at the end of the room. After that, we approach the place where the policeman stands and try to examine the photo. We climb into the mind of a cop and force him to show a photo with the help of the “Mystery Photo” evidence.

The policeman will look at the photo and we will see it too. We approach the photo, focus and choose the one where she stands with the priest. After that, we summarize and solve the problem.

It turns out there was a witness, but he escaped and we need to find him. The clue is the church. We jump off the balcony and head there.

We go into the church and find a priest with a girl. He gave her shelter in the attic.

We pass through the door, move into the priest to pass the trap and exit when he passes the trap.

Now you need to somehow get to the attic. We pass into the next room and move into the cat. We run to the attic in the body of a cat, and then we leave it.

We move into the girl and try to make her remember the killer with the help of the "Search for the Killer" evidence. But! It wasn’t there, she pushes us out of her body. Turns out she's a medium. It's time to ask a couple of questions.

After being questioned, the witness will refuse to cooperate and will attempt to escape. Let's catch up with her. We move into a cat and jump out of the window into the street. I'm going to the exit. We are hampered by a trap. With the help of the poltergeist, we start the vacuum cleaner and attract the attention of the priest. We move into his body and bypass the trap.

There will be two demons in the hall of the church. You need to deal with them in order to move on. We disturb the crow and the demon flies up to him. We approach the demon from behind and eliminate it. Do the same with the second demon. I'm going to the exit.

We're late. The witness has already run away. We wonder where she might have gone. With the help of the Mother's Note evidence, we recall what she said about the site.

Police station

At this stage of the investigation, Ronan goes to the local police station in order to track down Joy's only witness. The purpose of her visit to the local law enforcement department is to gain access to the dossier on Zvonar, compiled by the girl's mother.

We move through the pier and get to the city street, to the place of the murder of the protagonist, we pass through the park, past the gas station and get into the territory of the police station.

In the detectives' room, we begin to examine the evidence, it is necessary to find out if there is any progress in the investigation of Ronan's murder. On the table we study the records concerning the sign of the bell ringer, then, on the same table we find photographs from the crime scene.

On the office table, turn on the fan, which blows paper off the photographs, which are also evidence. We examine in detail the documents found, the report of the medical expert states that all the victims were tied before death.

At the booth we study the killer's sketch, which contains the main facial features and signs. We are examining a stand with photographs of the dead (the victims are young girls).

We move into Lieutenant Rex and eavesdrop on a conversation, the essence of which boils down to the following - the police have no evidence, since the killer did not touch anything in the apartment and was wearing gloves all the time. We study in detail the photograph of Joy and her mother, who lies near the officer in a white robe.

We influence the policeman sitting at the computer (evidence "Request for personal data"). Result, the officer makes an inquiry about the missing tenants of the apartment. We select the line with information about the detention of Joy (the girl is in one of the interrogation rooms).

Now you need to help Joy leave the cell and enter the second floor of the site (the mother of the witness worked with Baxter, it is in his office that the dossier is located).
We turn off the security camera and leave the room. We divert the attention of the police with the help of a poltergeist (coffee machine, soda machine, printer and white MFP).

We move into the girl in order to go up to the second floor (a pit with demons prevents us from passing). Ronan must divert the attention of two law enforcement officers so that Joy can get into Baxter's office (there are enough objects for interaction in the room for this).

In the detective's office, we investigate the case with Ronan's photograph. Now main character must track down Joy's mother's records of Zvonar. We study the detective's phone, on which there are several unheard messages, on the box with documents there is a figurine from a bowling alley. We ask Joy to turn on the recording of the message (Rex demanded a dossier on the Ringer).

On the bookshelf is a ticket to leave the city of Salem, on the wall near the table is Baxter's graduation photo, introduction and promotion. We analyze the spot on the wall, near the stand with the weapon ("imprint", "fits the rack", "spot"). The vision reveals that there is a cache behind the stand.

We study the cache and ask Joy to open it. A dossier on the Ringer has been found, the last entry says that the killer knows that the medium is dealing with him (Ronan also discovers an invitation to an exhibition at a local museum).

The police discover the missing witness. We again begin to distract the patrolmen, giving Joy the opportunity to quietly pass by and leave the site.

We leave the police and catch up with the girl on the street (again there is a conflict between the main character and the girl). Having chosen the evidence "mother's note", we convince Joy to continue the joint investigation.


Before entering the cemetery, we are met by a strange-looking ghost, like a girl, and immediately retreats to the territory of the cemetery. You have to keep your ears open.

At the cemetery, Joy surrendered without a fight and was about to leave. This is where we step in with our detective skills and question the ghost sitting next to us. She says she saw something on the shore. On the shore we find the corpse of the same ghost that met us near the gate. We set the parameters: washed ashore, dead, ragged.

Thanks to this, we are visited by a vision in which we can see how another ghost saw the body of the victim and he is in this cemetery. The witness saw something swam into the bushes. It is dark in the bushes and nothing is visible, so we ask Joy to shine a light into the bushes and pull out evidence - a familiar rope.

We recall the evidence "Peculiarities of murders."

It was necessary to go up the river and find the corpse, but apparently you can not bother. The ghost of a girl - Sophia was watching us. Now you need to follow her, but first we will destroy the three demons so as not to interfere.

The girl takes us to the field hospital and tries to tell us something, but she can't because her mouth is sewn shut. Frustrated, she runs away again, and we learn how to teleport to catch up with her. With the next teleportation, we will enter the territory with three demons. We use the raven to kill the first, bypass the second and finish the third. If you are noticed, then circle around the shelters and use the crow. Sometime they should be distracted by a crow.

We follow the ghost of Sofia. She did not try to run away, she led us to show something. We approach the tree and select the sound: "Crack".

We watch a couple of short videos and learn about some kind of contract. Sofia psi and knocks us out with a scream. Now you can return to Joy for questions.

Joy has an entry in her diary about treaties that leads to a surviving lunatic. Guess where we're heading? Mental hospital. Classic.

Mental hospital

The Ringer dossier mentions a survivor of a serial killer named Iris Campbell. After the attack, the girl received a severe mental disorder and began to constantly rave about some kind of contract (killing Sophia, Zvonar was also looking for this contract).

We move through the city to the target marker on the territory of the mental hospital. Near the entrance to medical institution Meet Joy.
The attendant refuses to provide information about the whereabouts of the patient, it is necessary to influence the person in order to get at least something. We study the evidence in the room - a picture on the wall, a toy dinosaur on the nightstand with a note "Get well soon", a visiting schedule on the table and a photograph of a sick boy. We move into a woman and exert influence ("Photo of a sick boy").

As a result, the attendant remembers her sick son and shows sympathy. We look at the monitor and select the block containing information about the whereabouts of Iris (ward 216).
We rise to the second floor of the building and move into the corridor to the right (before you get into the corridor, you need to remove several surveillance cameras so that Joy can pass).
With the help of a poltergeist, we divert the attention of the orderlies, allowing your companion to pass unnoticed (you also need to turn off another camera). We move further along the hospital building, we move into Joy in order to overcome the pit with demons.

Further, we find a ghostly wall, which cannot be bypassed. We send forward Joy, and we ourselves begin to look for a passage. We turn left and find ourselves in an abandoned hospital building.
We move into a cat near the hole in the floor and go through the ventilation, which leads the main character into a room with three demons. Next, we go to the large hall and again find ourselves in the corridor in which Joy is located.

We catch up with our companion and continue the search. We turn off the electronic lock on the door, the surveillance camera and get into room 216.

Iris is not sane, it is necessary to find out what exactly she knows about Zvonar and about the contract (her chamber is painted with various symbols, which are also in the dossier). We are trying to move into it, but Iris drives away the ghost that has instilled in itself.
We begin to explore the room. Evidence - upside down bed, drawing to the right of Iris, felt-tip pens on the table.
We analyze the drawing, to the left of the crazy girl ("chase", "torture"). The vision shows how the Ringer overtook Iris (or someone else) during the attack.
Further, we study the drawing to the right of the girl ("connection", "two girls"), it becomes clear that the patient had a twin sister named Rose.

After that, we analyze the last drawing of Iris ("burnt at the stake", "ringer"). The evidence reveals the scene of the murder of another victim of a maniac (a burnt girl at a pole).

We speak with Iris, she constantly repeats that the Ringer has blue eyes. We draw conclusions from the collected evidence - the maniac wanted to burn the sisters alive, but Rose sacrificed her life for Iris. At this moment, the ghost of the burned sister comes out of the girl's body, due to a strong emotional shock, freeing Iris. At first, Rose resists Ronan's actions, however, realizing the state of affairs, the ghost helps the main characters escape.
Now it is necessary to leave the building of the mental hospital, we again begin to distract the orderlies so that the girls can pass unnoticed.
Out on the street, Ronan begins to question the twins about the deal. It turns out that we are talking about a deal with the devil himself, but the twins have nothing to do with him. The protagonist is trying to remember exactly where he saw the pillar on which Rose was burned. The answer is in the museum (the dossier included an invitation to a museum exhibition).
Ronan sends Joy and Iris to the church while he heads to the museum to find a connection between the Ringer and the exhibit.

Ronan heads to the Salem City Museum to find out exactly how the exhibit relates to serial killer. We move through the city, to the target marker.

In the museum we pass through the ticket offices and get into the main hall, in which the court of the Inquisition takes place. We begin to study the evidence - documents about trials on the table of the secretary, a pillory, a picture depicting the "house of justice" (the house of one of the judges, in which trials took place and terrible sentences were executed).

We focus on the stand in the middle of the hall (a tied mannequin, littered with boulders), which shows one of the methods of torturing people ("blood stain"). The vision shows how the judge is trying to knock out a confession from a man of participating in a deal with the devil.
We go to the far end of the hall and find two more exhibits that were used to carry out the death sentence. We analyze a pillar with a tied chair ("Sofia", "Water", "Drowning"), another victim of the bell ringer was killed in a similar way - a girl from the cemetery named Sofia. We are analyzing the pillar ("Rose", "Burned", "Torture"), the victim of a serial maniac was killed using a similar object.

In the center of the hall, near the judicial platform, we study the last exhibit - the gallows ("hatch"). The vision shows how the Inquisitors carried out the sentence on a little girl named Abigail Williams (the same ghost girl from the alley).

We draw conclusions from the collected evidence - the Ringer dealt with his victims using the methods that were used by the inquisitors to execute "witches".

Some of the exhibits have not yet been exhibited and are located on the second floor of the museum, it is necessary to study them too. Let's go to open door, but a ghost train blocks the way. We move towards him (contact must be avoided, you can hide in the corners of the corridor on the left and right).

We go up the stairs to the second floor of the building and turn left. Through the corridor we get into the hall, which is being renovated. We pass it and go up to the third floor of the museum (at this moment Joy joins Ronan).

We get into the room of restorers and begin to study the evidence. On the table on the right is the first evidence - the painting "The Trial of the Witch", on the same table there is a stand with two medallions, select the one on the left and watch the vision (any clairvoyant puritans were accused of being connected with a demon).

We continue to investigate the evidence - a "summon to court" (an old manuscript), a large ship's anchor, an old cannon from the Civil War, a portrait of a judge, a large barrel of wine, a copper binnacle (it contains the ship's navigational instruments), a ship's telegraph, a steering wheel, a list of the accused , which dates from the late 1600s, is a judge's gavel.

We study in detail the historical stand with newspaper clippings (all articles are written about mediums who helped solve various crimes, all the girls mentioned in these articles were mediums).

At the far end of the room, behind a closet, is the painting that Detective Baxter put there. The painting is called "The Hanged Witch", and the mental trace of the Ringer is applied to the canvas.

We draw conclusions from the collected evidence ("The goal of the Ringer is mediums", The painting "The Hanged Witch", "Witch Mediums"). It is not clear why, but the serial maniac considers all girls with paranormal abilities to be witches.

It was Baxter who constantly showed interest in such people (in the output, we select "Baxter in the Museum", "Baxter hid the dossier", "Missing Girl"), everything indicates that the former detective is a serial killer. Now the protagonist goes to his apartment to find evidence.

When you try to leave the museum, several demonic creatures appear on the way of the protagonist, which must be destroyed. Leaving the museum, Ronan notices how several police cars are driving quickly towards the church, which means that trouble has happened.

Church again

Circumstantial evidence pointed to former Detective Baxter as the serial killer. When the protagonist leaves the museum, several police cars rush past him towards the church. So this is only one thing - a completely new serial crime by Zvonar.

We move to the target marker through the city to the church. Ronan's suspicions are confirmed, there are a huge number of policemen near the building, and patrol officers and officers are discussing some kind of crime.
Joy tries to get to the crime scene, but the patrol catches the girl (Lieutenant Rex sends her to the station for interrogation). We enter the main hall and find several demons that prevent further progress.
After the main hall, we go to the right corridor and, with the help of a policeman, we cross the pit with demons (the poltergeist will help to attract his attention). We get into the courtyard and find the crime scene, Iris is crushed by a small stone monument.

We begin to investigate the evidence - bloody drag marks, traces of a strong blow on the masonry, the original location of the statue, the shattered remains of the statue, broken glass. We analyze the body of the girl, the words for choice are the stones of the statue, crushed, the murder weapon. The vision shows that the Ringer was chasing the girl, but how exactly the maniac found Iris remains unclear.
We draw conclusions from the collected facts, the Ringer was looking for something else in the church on the second floor of the building (the ghost of Iris reunites with Rose and leaves this world). It is necessary to go upstairs and search the room for traces of a maniac.

On the second floor, three dead people are found in the room, judging by the situation, a wedding took place in the room. We examine the evidence - the bodies of the murdered victims, fragments of broken glass, a broken window and an open window through which the girl tried to escape from the maniac. Next, we find the mental trace of three people (groom, bride and Iris), in the analysis we select "scared", "falling", "needs help". The vision shows that the girl was running away from someone and accidentally got to the wedding.

We move into the only witness and influence him, the evidence is "Iris's flight." The woman remembers that the Ringer was chasing Iris, the rest of the victims just fell under the arm.

We rise to the attic of the building and find the body of the holy father. We go to Joy's room and collect evidence from the crime scene (bloody cat footprints, a mental trace of a frightened cat in Joy's room, a photo broken on the floor). We analyze the trace of the Ringer near the table ("discovered", "looks").

We study the body of the holy father ("wound"). The priest tried to protect the girl, but the maniac broke his neck. We draw conclusions and select the evidence called "the killer was prevented", "the death of Father McCauley", "the broken photo". The ringer came here to deal with Joy, but he came across Iris and the participants in the wedding.

We make contact with the last witness of the crime - a cat, it turns out that the maniac dropped some object, and he fell into the ventilation. We move into the animal and find the key in the ventilation. We analyze the evidence again by selecting the "House of Justice". Now the main character must get into this old mansion, which, apparently, is the lair of a maniac.

As soon as the investigation is completed, a demon will appear in the church, which must be eliminated. We leave the building and find Joy in a police car, Ronan convinces the girl to tell everything to Lieutenant Rex and releases her to the police station.

Now you need to go to the House of Justice, as this place may be the maniac's hideout.

House of Justice

The bell ringer dropped the key to an abandoned mansion called the "House of Justice". In the 1600s, witch trials took place in this house, and the sentence was carried out there. Perhaps this place is the refuge of a serial maniac.

We move through the city, to the target marker. Joy is arrested by Lieutenant Rex and heads to the police station to keep her safe. There is a police car in front of the entrance to the mansion, and a light is on on the second floor of the building.

We go up the stairs to the room in which the light is on, and go to the room behind the bookcase. It is here that the Ringer's hideout is located, a recently written poem on the wall suggests that Joy is about to be executed.

We study the room in order to find evidence (personal belongings of the victims on the table, a map of all the murders, photographs of the victims and how to eliminate them, a newspaper article from 1940, an old article about a similar series of murders). All evidence points to the fact that similar serial killers with similar methods of murder periodically appeared in the history of Salem.

Ronan hears an incomprehensible sound from the first floor and must find out the source of its noise, however, in order to move further through the building, it is necessary to eliminate the demons patrolling the corridors.

We go down to the first floor and get into the kitchen. We move further through the mansion and meet several demons again.

We go down to the basement of the building and find the corpse of Baxter, shot at close range. We interrogate the ghost of the policeman and find out that the Ringer killed him, Cassandra is safe, but Baxter has no idea where Joy is, however, the maniac during the fight with the policeman mentioned that there would be another murder today.

We continue to descend into the basement to find at least some traces. We collect evidence - the sign of the Ringer in the cell, extinguished candles, prison shackles.

We analyze the trace of the girl in the cell, whose ghost Ronan met in the alley ("begging", "in prison") and get the evidence "Abigail in prison". We study the trail of the judge ("accuses", "severe", "judges"), the vision shows the scene of how the judge accuses Abigail of witchcraft.

We draw conclusions from the collected facts ("Abigail in prison", "Accuser", "Sign of the Ringer"), Abigail swore before her execution that she would take revenge on every witch in this city even after her death.

We are trying to leave the basement, near the corpse of Baxter, Ronan hears the radio conversations of the police dispatcher. Rex went missing and took Joy away in an unknown direction. We are trying to understand where the lieutenant has gone ("the old gallows", "Abigail Ringer?", "The instrument of death"). Bell Ringer and Joy are now near Abigail's execution tool, namely near the gallows in the museum.

We leave the mansion and head to the Salem Museum.

Museum again

Ronan heads to the local museum to the gallows with which Abigail was executed (presumably she is the Ringer). We move through the city to the target marker.

Traces of the invasion are found inside the museum, we go past the ticket offices to the main hall of the building. Near the gallows, Ronan discovers Joy and Lieutenant Rex. Museum security intervenes, however, Abigail leaves Rex's body and forces the guards to shoot each other.

We quickly run to Joy and try to stop Abigail by influencing the medium ("loud cry"). The girl's scream drives the Ringer's ghost out of Lieutenant Rex's body. Next, we run up to the girl and take her hand. The touch transports the two ghosts to the moment of Abigail's execution.

We begin the interrogation, the ghost confesses that Rex committed the murder of the main character. However, it was Detective Baxter who committed the murder of the twins. Another contact with Abigail reveals the truth about the death of Sophia, drowned the girl Ronan.

The ghost manages to escape and causes a pit of demons right under the feet of the protagonist, but Ronan manages to get out and send the Ringer to hell.

Joy, knowing the truth about Abigail, helped Lieutenant Rex hide the evidence and finally met her mother, and the Ringer never disturbed the city of Salem again. Ronan returns to the place of his death and is reunited with Julia.