Scary board games from Igropolyus. Unusual board games for the Serial killer company - Serial killer

Unusual desktop for the company today have become not just another opportunity to have a good time, but are also aimed at drawing the attention of players to pressing problems. In this article you will see the most unusual board games for children and adults.

Pandemic - Pandemic

Pandemic is unusual desktop company, in which the players are not rivals, but employees. Together you have to fight against terrible viruses that are rapidly spreading around the world. The playing field is a map of the world engulfed by a terrible pandemic.

According to the scenario, each player has special abilities. For example, the "organizer" can build a laboratory in any city, and the "dispatcher" is allowed to give his turn to other players. The latest edition introduced a "terrorist" who can prevent a team from winning. The goal of the board game is to save the world from disaster and as soon as possible.

Serial killer - Serial killer

Serial Killer is a board game where the player's task is simple - to kill as many people as possible, and if the police "got on the trail", then you need to find yourself in the hands of lawmen in the state where the death penalty has been abolished. For more color, the game was packed in a body bag (body bag). The game appeared in Canada in the early nineties. The Canadian authorities did not understand what the humor was and immediately banned this game.

Capital punishment or Crime and punishment

I did not translate the name of this game literally, but in my opinion, the essence was conveyed correctly. There are four criminals at the disposal of the players - a murderer, a rapist, an arsonist and a kidnapper. The player will either have to achieve a just deserved retribution for these bad guys - a place in the electric chair or a lifelong residence permit in a prison cell, or achieve their full justification and release to give them the opportunity to continue doing what they love. Comments, as they say, are unnecessary.

Frischfleisch - Fresh meat

Well, we got to cannibalism. You have to play for a group of tourists who find themselves on desert island. The task is simple - hold out for a month before the arrival of rescuers. But you can survive with different kind"pasture", but it is possible at the expense of ... fresh meat of comrades in misfortune. Nothing personal. Just a matter of survival.

Blacks & whites - Black and white

Racial discrimination is probably one of the heaviest charges in modern American courts (only international terrorism and local "sexism" are worse). But, according to this board game, developed in the Department of Psychology at a California university, that same discrimination has not gone away. The usual economic simulator. You can play for black and for white. Playing for black is much more difficult - white starts with a starting capital of a million dollars, black has only a hundred thousand at his disposal. White can buy any property anywhere, black - not any and not everywhere. And so on and so forth. Yes, the harsh truth of life. And again, not everyone likes it.

Ghettopoly - Ghettopolis

Bullying Monopoly. This time - "Ghettopolis". Players have to do business in the black ghetto. What is the business there? Yes, you know what - drug trafficking, maintenance of brothels, armed robberies, racketeering. That's the kind of business players have to deal with. Among the game "events" there are, for example, such - "you hooked your neighbors on crack and now you get another 50 bucks every turn." And again - the indignation of the public, the withdrawal from the sale. These days, the toy is hard to find even in online stores.

Public assistance: why bother working for a living? - State benefits. On a fig hunchback?

The most harmless of this selection of board games for the company. Variation on the theme of "Monopoly", whose classic options can be found here: . True, we are not talking here about buying "factories, newspapers, steamships," but simply making a banal livelihood. You can earn money in the game in two ways - honestly work hard from dawn to dusk and live on one salary, or do nothing and live on state benefits. In other words - we have before us a kind of "simulator of a malicious parasite." The whole humor of the game was that according to the rules, the parasite should be fed by a “hard worker”. Well, in real life the way it is. The game appeared in the early eighties, caused a predictable storm of protests, and was quickly withdrawn from sale. These days you can find it at some online auctions and online stores.

Twilight Struggle - Twilight Struggle

Twilight Struggle is a game that requires attention and thoughtfulness. It is dedicated to the Cold War between the USSR and the USA. Each wrong move not only moves you away from victory, but also becomes an advantage for the enemy.
The game is divided into three stages, while game events often coincide in chronology with the historical events of the last century. The field is a map of the world, on which there are two main opponents, and the remaining countries are needed in order to score game points. The goal of the game is to become the most influential in the world. One party lasts at least three hours.

The unusual board game was released in 2005 and has already gone through three editions. She has received many prestigious awards.

War on terror - War on terror

It would seem that such an odious in the desktop strategy game titled "War on Terror". How is the war going on? And is there no end in sight? Let the players fight too. But not everything is so simple. The player's task is banal - to lead one of the states and lead it to world domination. And in the struggle for world domination, all means are good. Including direct financing of international terrorism. From the point of view of numerous critics, it somehow turns out badly.

Battle to baghdad - Battle for Baghdad

It would seem that what could be wrong with a board game for a company dedicated to the storming of Baghdad, released in hot pursuit of a real assault? It seems to be patriotic - we will feed Iraq with democracy at the very least in a board game. But the stormy indignation of the guardians of morality and morality was caused by some cards with game "events". And the events there are interesting. For example, "a car bomb exploded and you lose 200 soldiers" or "what a shame - your soldiers were caught raping local residents and bullying local residents." Nobody likes the harsh truth of life and the game predictably disappeared from the shelves.

If you are partial to horror movies, then scary board games will not scare you. In the online store IGROPOLUS you will find the most terrible and chilling desktops. Our range includes popular games, as well as new, but no less exciting entertainment for big company.

Scary games are a relatively new genre. desktop entertainment which is gaining more and more popularity among young people. Plots allow you to immerse yourself in a mysterious and mystical world full of unexpected surprises and unpredictable twists.

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Game range

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The store presents special series popular games with a chilling plot, as well as separate horror board games for fearless players. Choose a game from IGROPOLUS that will not leave anyone indifferent!

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Board Games Rating is a collection of the most interesting, exciting and popular board games. This type of leisure, despite the competition from the computer variety, is still the best way to unite a family or a group of friends.

The board game Codenames is one of the best team games modernity. It tops the list of top party board games according to the authoritative site BoardGameGeek (BGG), has received numerous awards, has a huge fan base, an incredible number of copies sold and continues to expand!

The mechanics of the game is simple, intuitive and captivates everyone - both experienced board players and gambling beginners. Its essence is in the verbal confrontation between the two teams and their captains. The task of the captains is to guess groups of words for the opposing teams, and the task of the teams is to guess as many of these groups as possible in a limited period of time. Captains guide the work of their teams, giving them hints and tips. The main difficulty is to choose the right words from the proposed group of thematically related words. This is far from always easy, especially when rivals are stepping on their heels!

Codenames is designed in the form of a classic spy setting, there are agents on the cards, civilians, killer. For a confident victory, you need to be able to guess the train of thought of your opponents, have a broad outlook and be self-possessed. All these qualities Code names perfectly develop. A small package makes it possible to take the game with you on the road.

This list of board games includes those varieties that are successfully used around the world in companies of all ages and social status. And the ability to captivate almost everyone is an indisputable advantage of any game. So, the rating of the most interesting board games.

Perhaps the most famous economic game worldwide. The simplicity of the mechanics and at the same time the variability of the development of events makes it one of the most interesting. This is the most popular board game for all ages.

The economic strategy sets a very prosaic goal for the player - to leave his rivals bankrupt. The participant must rationally use the start-up capital, making balanced investments and assessing the risks.

During the game, you can bargain with your opponents, take out a loan from the bank and get random help when you hit the appropriate cells. The main type of income is rent from rivals when it enters the player's property.

An exciting game for those who like to calculate their actions and want to learn how to make decisions. A game of Monopoly can take several hours and is best played with three or four players.

Muse (Muse)

The Muse board game is a novelty among the party games that are so popular today. This is the development of the idea of ​​relatively simple “sociable” filler games for fun and easy communication, such as Imaginarium, Dixit, and others. It organically combines the crown "chips" of these games.

The game is built on associations, which brings it closer to /. There are two stacks in a colorful box. First - big cards masterpieces with images. Their teams will guess each other. The second is small inspiration cards that indicate the way the muse will direct her team to the desired image. In total, the pictures in the Muse can be explained 32 different ways. For example, melody, gestures or associations with works of art, body parts and all kinds of household items.

Excellent design, simple rules, fascinating game process, a lot of new experiences - Muse will suit those who are already fed up, for example, with the Imaginarium, and want something new. The best option is to play in teams of four people, but, unlike many other similar sets, the option for two or three players is quite playable here. Other undoubted advantages of the game: low price for its genre, as well as the compactness of the cards and the lack of a playing field, which makes Musa a suitable option for a road game.

(Scrabble, Scrabble)

Further, the top of board games includes the beloved by many game Scrabble, which shares the second step with its Western counterpart - Scrabble. They were created as a developmental exercise for children, but have gained worldwide fame.

Despite the popularity of the Scrabble designed for preschoolers (where you need to answer questions from cards and get points), real game with that name has nothing to do with this plot.

A real Erudite or Scrabble is played on a special field, lined into squares. Players must use the letter tiles to form words on the board like a crossword puzzle. Each letter gives its own number of points, and the squares on the field can multiply this amount. The winner is determined by the number of points.

The game develops figurative thinking, helps to learn how to use your vocabulary and increase it. Children and adults can practice putting things together quickly and improve their reactions.

Board game Detective is an unusual cooperative board game with an innovative game mechanics, close in spirit to quests in reality. Using her example, you can plunge into the harsh everyday life of police officers investigating the most complex and intricate cases. Interestingly, investigations can be conducted not only as part of a team, but also as a lone detective, which makes it possible to play with a small number of participants.

One of the first dexterity games that develops fine motor skills of the fingers, concentration and the ability to calculate the consequences of one's actions. Jangi differs from many board games in that there is usually only one winner. And in this game there is only one loser, regardless of the number of players.

At the beginning of the game, a tower is assembled from wooden blocks of the same size. Usually it has 18 floors. The task of each of the players is to pull out one of the blocks in the middle of the tower and put it on top. If the tower collapses, then that participant has lost.

The game can be improved by writing on the bars a task that the player who draws must complete. Jenga gives a lot of room for imagination, because it can be complicated at will.

One of the most popular games is Alias. it active game, which invites participants to use their artistry, logic and imagination. It is played in teams against the clock. During the allotted period of time, the player must explain to his team as many words as possible with synonyms or associations. The more words guessed, the more points the team gets.

The game seems simple and unpretentious, but this is precisely its main charm. Participants will have to prove themselves to the fullest if they want to win. This is a good way to introduce new guests in a big company or get to know old friends better.


The game has 108 cards, among which there are color cards with numbers and action cards (take two, skip a turn, order a color, take four). At the beginning of the game, 7 cards are dealt and one is placed in the middle. Players must cover it with cards that match either in color or in number. The action card obliges to the specified action.

The round is won by the participant who first discarded all the cards. But there is one caveat - when the penultimate card is given, the player must warn the opponents with the word "" that there is one card left. If he forgets about it, he will have to take four more from the deck.

The best board game created by the Germans. It has complex rules and many activities for the player to master. It is more like an economic strategy, but combines different genres.

At the beginning of the game, each of the players receives two settlements and two roads, as well as a card of a certain resource (depending on the location of the settlements on the map). It is necessary to collect resources and build new settlements and roads.

The first participant to reach 10 Reward Points wins. They are given out for various achievements - a road of a certain length, a city or village built, an army created. The faster the state develops, the more chances to win.

The situation is complicated by the attacks of robbers and the resistance of rivals. You can exchange with each other, but you need to think carefully about how it is more profitable to invest resources. The board game "Colonialists" develops strategic thinking and teaches you to take care of the things you have.

. random mutations

An interesting game presented in 2010 by its creator, Russian biologist Dmitry Knorre. It quickly became popular all over the world and rightly was named the board game of the year. No other game has ever seen such a rapid spread.

The goal of the game is to create the most adapted to survival and numerous population of living creatures. The participants of the game add more and more new skills to their creations, which should elevate them to the top of evolution.

Initially, a simpler version of the game "Evolution" was presented, but its creator was dissatisfied with the unscientific plot. Therefore, together with the company Correct Games"He created a variation -" Evolution. random mutations. Now the cards are divided by type and it is necessary to reckon with the properties that have fallen.

Participants take turns and decide how to dispose of the dropped card - declare a new type of animal or add a new property to an existing one. The game ends when there are no cards left in the deck. The winner is determined by scoring - for each surviving animal, for properties and bonuses.

A card game that develops leadership skills and reaction speed. It is more suitable for family pastime, but groups of friends also enjoy playing it. The goal of the game is to become the leader of the tribe, but for this you need to capture the totem.

The opportunity to capture the wooden totem, standing in the middle of the playing field, drops out when two players have the same laid out cards. In this case, you must rely on your reaction and be the first to grab the figure in your hand. Loser Takes open cards the winner.

The number of players in the party is unlimited, there are cases when 15 people sat at the table. The game ends when the players discard all cards. To win in the "Wild Jungle" you need attentiveness, dexterity and a steady hand.

This is the largest board game on this list. And she received this title not because of the size of her details, but because of the complexity and fascination of the plot. The game mechanics provides for thousands of different plot developments, but the situation is further complicated by the possibility of conflicts between players.

Completes the TOP 10 board games for the Mafia company. Simple rules, exciting plot, variety of roles, player involvement in the process make it the best choice for large companies. The mafia creates many humorous situations and gives you the opportunity to have fun.

The detective plot of the game is enhanced by the team participation of the players. By plot. Organized crime fights with the unorganized majority (townspeople) and hides from the police. The inhabitants of the city want to put all the mafiosi in jail, and the bandits answer them with the decision to shoot all the townspeople.

It depends only on the skill and intuition of the players who will win. There are two phases of the game - "day" and "night". Absolutely everyone does not sleep during the day and decides by open discussion who should be judged. The convict leaves the game, and after that everyone is shown his status - they convicted (or executed) a mafia or an honest citizen.

At night, the mafia wakes up and silently discusses who they should kill next. The townspeople are killed and the mafia falls asleep. Then the commissioner (policeman) wakes up and in the same way silently asks the leader the status of one of the townspeople.

Then the day comes and the game goes in a circle until all the members of one of the teams - the mafia or the townspeople - are killed.

The famous "Civilization", from which the computer games loved by all came, has been updated once again - the sixth generation has already come out, even more interesting. In the board game popularity rankings, Civilization is firmly in first place, as its fans live in all corners of the world.

The player must be at the origins of one of the great six powers and lead it to prosperity with his management. Children will ask to play or play with them, and parents will not be able to refuse - after all, this is the most famous board game.

The participants will gradually develop technologies and culture, expand territories, make political alliances and smash enemies. Peace negotiations, dirty political games or the creation of a world cultural capital are allowed. The victory will be hard, because there are many ways to it - the game is not so clear.

The winner is the player with the most reward points. They can be dialed different ways- lay paths, send passengers and complete tasks.

The list of board games in this series contains many different versions, including America, Europe and the Nordic countries. The child does not get bored. Since he will be able to open more and more facets in his favorite game. The game is complemented by colorful design and even plastic figurines of stations.

Parents are often looking for some. This is fundamentally the wrong approach. You should think about what kind of interesting and interesting board games there are. Children learn while playing and develop their skills, so it is in the interest of the parent to engage them in this game and give the child pleasure.

The best family board games

It is quite difficult to choose board games for family pastime, especially if there are children in the family. It is necessary to combine the interests and preferences of several people with different ages, social status, life experience.

There are popular board games for adults that are also suitable for children, for example, a whole list of games Alias ​​(Elias) - words. But there are other options for family leisure, presented in the review of the best board games.

Bear Park (Barenpark)

This is a great family game, recently localized in Russia. Bear Park, despite the recent appearance on the shelves of domestic table-top artists, has already managed to gain universal recognition. His "flavor" game mechanics popular game Patchwork (who knows this game, he will understand), implemented in a multiplayer (up to four people) mode. We are not afraid to say that this is a real breakthrough among such board games, which is very conducive to joint family gatherings and easy communication between representatives of different generations. This set won the 2017 Spiel der Spiele 2017 Game of the Year award for good reason and is in the top 50 best family games according to BoardGameGeek.

The main task of the players is to build the best park for recreation and communication between visitors and bears. In doing so, you will have to compete with other builders, using tactical thinking, spatial imagination (for the most advantageous placement of puzzle pieces) and not forgetting about strategic planning!

Pleasant design, friendly atmosphere, excitement, moderate and at the same time varied load for the mind - all this distinguishes the Bear Park from many other family board games, even such well-deserved ones as Carcassonne, Patchwork or Monopoly.

Several versions of this game have been released, the most popular of which is “Activity. Anniversary edition. Like the main version, it is equipped playing field, chips and cards with phrases. Participants are divided into teams, each of which has its own chip.

One of the team must explain with gestures, associations or in another way to his colleagues the phrases from the card. If it is guessed in a minute, then the team can move further along the playing field.

There are cards with different levels of difficulty, and the way of explaining depends on game rules. The game "Activity" requires team strategy and good associative thinking.

This is a whole series of fun board games about the adventures of treasure hunters. Each version has its own additions, and you can mix them if you wish. Before the start of the game, the playing field is folded up from the squares with the back side up, so that each cell will be a surprise for the discoverer.

Pirate Jackal, the most vicious of those who lived on this earth, hid his treasures on a small island and, of course, littered the path to them with the most terrible obstacles. Obeying the rules of the game, you must go through all the traps and get to the desired treasures. Each player chooses his own path and no one knows if he will be successful.

In winter, we spend more time indoors: in our own cozy apartments, escaping from the biting frost, or at a party - talking and destroying industrial tea stocks. How to have fun and connect with friends and family by learning something new about their characters? Play board games with them! We have collected 15 best games which can be easily found in stores. And to keep abreast of all the novelties in the world of board games, we advise you to study also.

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1. "Carcassonne"

  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 2
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: 2–6
  • Age: 8+

Carcassonne was invented in 2000 in Germany, and already in 2001 it became the game of the year in this country. The rules of this family turn-based strategy game simple: gradually the players build the field, laying out cards with the image of the area on the table, and occupy them with their chips, which become knights, peasants or monks, depending on their position. The task is to occupy as much territory as possible, including fields, rivers and castles, thereby gaining the maximum number of points.

2. "Munchkin"

  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 4
  • Duration: 4
  • Number of players: 3–6
  • Age: 10+

"Piss monsters, grab treasures, frame your friends" - this is the motto of one of the most popular games of this year. "Munchkin" is a parody of both turn-based and card games. The rules here are quite complicated, you will have to understand, delving into every detail: there are maps, doors, monsters, races and levels. As well as "clothes" and the possible death of the player. However, having understood this role play, the whole company turns from normal, mentally healthy people into uncontrollably laughing tantrums with signs of paranoia. The fact is that during the game you can help your neighbor (of course, with selfish goals) or interfere with him (with the same ones). Due to the complex combination of cards and moves, a controversial situation may arise that is not described by the rules. The creators of the game offer to solve it with a loud squabble between the participants. The winner is the one who first reaches level 10, fighting monsters and cunning rivals.

3. "Monopoly"

  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 3
  • Duration: 4
  • Number of players: 2–8
  • Age: 8+

"Monopoly" (also known as "Manager" or "Businessman" in the USSR and Russia) is the most popular economic strategy all times and peoples. Since Charles Farrow sold the first 5,000 homemade copies of the game in his native Philadelphia in 1935, 1.5 billion people have played the game. If someone forgot the rules, then here they are in a summary: having starting capital at the beginning of the game, participants must increase their fortune and ruin their rivals. All this takes place on a square playing field, and "businessmen" use cards, money and chips. The classic Monopoly has received many additions that can be found in any online board game store.

4. "Elias"

  • Classic: 4
  • Complexity: 2
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: not limited
  • Age: 6+

Finnish board Alias ​​game became the most popular in the country. This is largely due to the uncomplicated rules and excitement that "Elias" kindles in the participants. The rules, if you don’t go into some nuances, are something like this: in a minute, which is counted by an hourglass, you need to explain as many words from the cards as possible to the players of your team. Use of synonyms or translation into English is prohibited. In augmented versions, sometimes words have to be drawn, portrayed in pantomime or explained with certain emotions: theatrically sobbing or laughing inadequately. The team that first reaches the end of the game board wins, on which all the successes of the players are recorded.

5. "Marrakesh"

  • Classic: 1
  • Complexity: 2
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: 2–4
  • Age: 6+

Marrakech is one of the most popular board games in France and Austria. This is a very beautiful family economic strategy, which is primarily unusual for its "chips" made of fabric. The Marrakech market lives its own fast-paced life, and besides, you will soon have to choose the best carpet seller. It is for this funny title that the participants have to fight.

6. Jenga

  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 2
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: not limited
  • Age: 6+

Jenga in Swahili means "Build!" (this is an imperative). But really this game is about breaking as slowly as possible. From the base of the tower, set at the very beginning of the game, the players alternately pull out the bars and put them on top, making the building taller and less stable. The loser is the one during the course of which (or immediately after) the tower still collapsed. The game of "Jenga" is quite tense, so the whisper of a walker: "I will kill the one who breathes" is quite a normal situation.

7. "Scrabble"

  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 3
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: 2–4
  • Age: 8+

Scrabble or Scrabble is as classic as Monopoly. "Scrabble" in pop culture has long acquired the title main game for bores, but this did not become less popular. Participants receive seven starting letters (104 in total) and lay them out on a field of 15 by 15 squares, making up words. They, of course, should be as long as possible, this guarantees victory in the game. Not everyone, however, knows that in the Russian version of "Scrabble" no words can be used, except for common nouns in the nominative case. You can’t use a dictionary either, more precisely, you can, but only to check whether the word that appeared on the board really exists.

  • Classic: 3
  • Complexity: 3
  • Duration: 4
  • Number of players: 3–6
  • Age: 10+

Scotland Yard is named after the headquarters of the London police and pays homage to the legendary British detective stories. The field shows a map of the center of London, at the very beginning, the players choose a criminal by lottery method, who puts a cap on his head to hide his eyes. The rest are police officers who will catch the robber. He, unlike his pursuers, walks "secretly", writing down his moves on a sheet, but not showing it to the rest. Once every 5 turns, he reveals his location. The cops must cooperate to corner the criminal.

  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 3
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: 2–10
  • Age: 7+

"Uno" is a sophisticated take on the 1990s summer camp hit "One Hundred and One". The game, whose name translates from Italian and Spanish as "One", was invented in the 1970s, and there are almost no board game lovers who do not know about it. The deck consists of 108 cards, divided by colors and numbers from zero to nine. In addition to them, there are other cards that change the color that is in play, the direction of moves, or allow players to exchange decks with any other participant. The point is to get rid of all the cards by shouting "Uno" when only one is left in the hand. After one player wins, the rest count the points. Each company sets its own threshold (for example, 400 points), after which the participant leaves the party, having been defeated. Experienced players they suggest: to give some craziness to the process, you can agree not to slow down and play as quickly as possible. Hesitated - pass the move to the next.

  • Classic: 2
  • Complexity: 3
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: 4–8
  • Age: 6+

"Activity" is not much different from "Elias", but it is impossible not to mention this game, because someone likes it much more than its main competitor. Players for speed explain the words to their team: with a picture, pantomime or synonyms - depending on what fell out. The task is to be the first to score a certain number of points. You can choose the difficulty of the task: if the team is ready for the test and successfully wins it, then it moves to victory, respectively, faster.

  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 5
  • Duration: 5
  • Number of players: 3–4
  • Age: 12+

Of all the classic board games, the German game "Colonialists" has perhaps the most complex rules. It usually takes hours to understand them, but the time spent pays off after: this is a real military-economic strategy, exciting and exciting. The task of the players, as you might guess from the description, is to create a colony on the island of Catan and develop it faster than opponents, gaining twelve victory points. With one of the five resources - wood, bricks, wool, grain or ore - you need to create roads, cities or settlements. And you also need to think about the length of these roads and the ability of cities to defend. Everything is like in the legendary computer games like "Cossacks", only on your table.

  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 1
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: 2–4
  • Age: 5+

Yes, this is a game about how to put your arm around the waist of a girl you like, without having the right to do so in any other situation. It's also the only outdoor game on the list. Who doesn't love Twister? The game, by the way, was not at all popular among Americans until the evening show was played by actress and US sex symbol Eva Gabor with the host of the TV show.

  • Classic: 2
  • Complexity: 1
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: not limited
  • Age: 18+

The American bestseller Cards Against Humanity was created by graduates of an ordinary school in Illinois. The essence of the game is to answer rather funny and sometimes indecent questions as funny as possible or to fill in gaps in sentences witty. The driver chooses the funniest answer, and the player who has shown a remarkable sense of humor gets one point. As a rule, the most bloodthirsty wins, because in the USA, where tolerance is the main basis of social relations, this game is the only way joke about blacks, Jews, Barack Obama and women. The Russian manufacturers of the game have finally made a version that does not contain Americanisms, replacing popular US characters with the same Russians: Philip Kirkorov, Lev Leshchenko, and so on. On the official website of the game, the developers offer approximately the following options: "No one can imagine that Lev Leshchenko's favorite hobby is Baltika 9." Cards Against All is not recommended for persons under the age of eighteen.

  • Classic: 3
  • Complexity: 2
  • Duration: 1
  • Number of players: 2–15
  • Age: 7+

This game is loved all over the world for the surge of emotions and adrenaline that it gives. The essence is extremely simple: the participants gradually open their cards and, under certain conditions and coincidences, must be the first to grab the totem standing in the middle of the table. The game perfectly trains attentiveness and reaction, and at the end of the process, half of the players' eyes twitch: each game is tense and exciting.

  • Classic: 1
  • Complexity: 3
  • Duration: 4
  • Number of players: 2–4
  • Age: 12+

The game "Evolution" was invented by Russian biologist Dmitry Knorre in 2010 and has already been republished in English, French and German. The logical strategy is built on the principles of Darwinian theory: during the course, participants choose which features they want to add to an already existing species. It is also worth paying attention to food and external conditions. The game lasts until the cards remain in the common deck, and the winner is the one who scored the most points.