Board game "black crystal" new. Board game "black crystal" Black crystal game

In the life of every real dwarf, there comes a moment when the gold in the purse runs out, no one listens to old tales about past victories, the ax and faithful pick are covered with rust and patina, and longing for dungeons and adventures settles in the soul...

Then there is only one way! Down, deep into, biting into the rock in search of the legendary Black Crystal. And let the road be hard and full of dangers and hardships, and many daredevils will not return to their native taverns, but the winner will get everything!

Who is this game for?

For those who have long dreamed of trying on the role of a gnome and finding their treasures...

The essence of the game

Modify the labyrinth as you wish, set up ambushes and traps for competitors, fight hordes of beautiful, but incredibly dangerous monsters (remembering to retreat in time). Who said escape? BUT!?

Strategic maneuver! And maybe luck will smile on you and your name will be included in the list of the great ones who managed to get the Black Crystal (well, with it gold, fame, the attention of hairier dwarves and, of course, rivers of ale). In short, forward and down, and there ...

Oh no! The evil witch dragged the magic crystal from the magician Magino far into the forest and broke it into small pieces. What will the mage do now? Don't worry, the kids will help put the pieces together. It is enough to add only three fragments, and the magic crystal is again able to work miracles. Players must be very careful during their journey, because the witch is on the lookout for them to turn into frogs. And only the magician Magino can disenchant them!

Game type: Family game

Players: 2 to 5 players from 5 years old

Illustrations Story by: Barabara Kinzebach


Magician Mago Magino is very smart and kind. He does a lot of good, and the people who live in his country are always joyful and happy. With the help of his Magic Crystal, he protects his country from an evil witch who lives in a dark enchanted forest and…… in the entire Magic Kingdom. Unfortunately, the witch stole the Magic Crystal from Mago Magino and hid it in a secluded place far beyond the borders of Magic Land. There, she shattered the Crystal into many small fragments. Help the good wizard get his crystals back so that he can continue to protect people. The one who first brings three crystals to the wizard's house is the winner. ihr unwesen treibt. But be careful! After all, a witch can turn you into a frog! Before the start of the game, the arrow with the witch is inserted into the hole playing field, which is then placed in the middle of the table so that all players can freely reach it. Cardboard cards are inserted into the chips and pressed tightly. Each player chooses 2 pieces of the same color and places them near the wizard's house. The side with the children should be at the top. Those. figurines-chips we will now call "children". The magician Mago Magino is also placed in his house. Crystals are placed on the field in the places designated for them. The cube is placed nearby.

Purpose of the game

The task of the players is to help the wizard find his crystals. The one who manages to bring three crystals into the house first wins.

Xod game

The oldest player starts. Play clockwise. The one whose turn it is rolls the die and, depending on the number rolled, makes the following moves: The player must first turn the arrow with the witch. Just be careful! If the arrow points to field 1, which is exactly where the children are, they will be bewitched. If the arrow points to the “forest” field, then all the children who are on the three fields of the forest will be bewitched. Finally, move your pawn or wizard one space. You can move your chip or wizard in accordance with the number dropped by 2,3 or 4 spaces.

Move pieces

After the die is rolled, you can move either your pawn or the wizard. The direction in which the chips will move is unimportant. You can choose a short path (3 fields) through a dangerous enchanted forest or more a long way around the game board. In this case, any number of chips can be located on one field. But the number of points rolled on the die cannot be distributed between two chips and should not be skipped either. The exceptions are fields with a wizard's house and a cache where crystals are hidden. Who gets on these fields can skip the remaining number of points. If your chip is enchanted into a frog, then it has the right, regardless of the rolled number on the die, to move only 1 field.


If your child token is on the field where the crystal is hidden, then the child can place one crystal on the token, which must be quickly returned to the wizard's house. The crystals are very heavy, so each child can only carry one crystal. But be careful! Since the crystals in the Enchanted Forest can turn to dust, the players must guide their children in a detour. Crystals cannot be carried through the Enchanted Forest. If one of the players manages to bring the crystal to the wizard's house, then he can put the crystal next to him and start the journey over again. To do this, he again starts from the wizard's house. Enchanted children If the arrow with the witch turned by you points to a field on which there are one or more children, then they turn into frogs. If the arrow with the witch points to the field of the Enchanted Forest, then all the deli located on the three fields of the Forest also become enchanted. Chips with enchanted children are turned over on their fields in such a way that the image of a frog is on top. If the children just at that time returned with crystals, then they lose them, because. frogs cannot carry crystals. The crystals are placed on the field on which the children were enchanted, and remain there until someone else later takes them. The frog can now only be moved one space, regardless of the number of points rolled. Be careful! All frogs look the same! Therefore, remember well under which of the frogs your chip is located, because you cannot look under the frogs. Of course, you can move any frog, but it's best to move your own. If the arrow with the witch points to a field on which one or more frogs are standing, then nothing happens, because these chips are already enchanted. After the witch arrow is rotated, you can move your pawn or wizard onto or through the space the arrow is pointing to. In this case, nothing happens, because sorcery takes effect immediately at the moment the arrow turns.

Magician Mago Magino saves children

The wizard is very saddened by the loss of his magic crystal. And of course, he helps children in finding fragments and protects them on the way. For this, the wizard can be moved to the fields of the game board. The wizard protects all children who are on the same field as him from the witchcraft of the evil witch, and children on this field cannot be bewitched. But the wizard does not have the right to enter the Enchanted Forest and go to the cache with crystals, because. here the sorcery of the witch is too strong. Magician Mago Magino Magino disenchants children who have also been turned into frogs. He can restore them to their original form. There are several possibilities for this:

1. The frog can be moved step by step to the wizard's house. At the same time, the wizard himself does not have to be in the house, because. the house itself has magical powers. And the frog that crossed the threshold of the house becomes a child again. To do this, the chip is turned over to the other side, and the child is again at the top. This token can restart the game.

2. It is fashionable to move the frog to the field on which the wizard stands. And then he immediately turns her into a child.

3. You can move the Wizard to the field on which there is one or more frogs. And then they will all turn into children again. If during his turn the player managed to disenchant at least one frog, then he has the right to roll the die again. Gathering Crystals When a child enters a field with one or more crystals, they can only take one crystal. If a child who does not yet have a crystal starts his turn from the field on which the crystal lies, then he can immediately take it. At the same time, it does not matter who took this crystal from the cache.

End of the game

The winner is the one who first brought three crystals to the wizard's house. A shorter version of the game For more short game it can be agreed that the winner will be the one who first brings two crystals. Now good luck finding the Magic Crystals!

Board game with figurines.
Designed for 2-4 players, the average game time is from 30 minutes.

Taking on the role of a brave dwarf treasure hunter, you have to explore every corner of an abandoned mine, defeat crowds of bloodthirsty monsters, overcome numerous traps and, having defeated insidious rivals, find the legendary Black Crystal, leaving everyone with a nose.

At the beginning of the game, each of the players receives a unique Skill that can make life easier for him and make it harder for his opponents. However, it is still better to rely on your own strength and luck.

Moving deeper into the mine, each of the players exposes one cell of tunnels, gradually opening the elements of the playing field. Since it is very difficult to repeat the sequence of tunnels, each new batch will not be similar to the previous one.

Almost each of the tunnel cells contains some kind of event that the player must play on his turn: open "Portals" will allow you to move almost through the entire map, and "Dips" will become a problem on the way to the goal.

As soon as the player enters the "Boom!" tunnel space, he will have to fight monsters from the deck of the same name.

To defeat a monster, you need everything and deeds: roll a value on your die that is greater than the health of the monster indicated on its card - you can first secure yourself with the items and devices found that players can find on the "Nakhodka" cells or get in battle.

It's also worth noting that some of the Finds will allow players to ruin the lives of those around them without even engaging in a fight with them.

But not all "Finds" are equally useful: some of them have a far from positive effect, and woe to the dwarf who found them...

Having found a cage with the image of the "Black Crystal", the main task of the happy owner of this mysterious artifact is to bring it to the cage - "Exit" as quickly as possible, trying not to lose it. If the "Exit" is not yet open, it will have to be found, which greatly complicates the task, because the monsters are not asleep, the damned artifacts, as luck would have it, are pouring in, as if from a cornucopia, and the friends at the table turn out to be not friends at all...

The game has several difficulty options from the easiest - 4 crystals and 2 exits, to the most difficult - 1 crystal and 1 exit, so more tunnel cells (85 pieces) are provided in the game set, while the game requires 81 pieces. There are also 2 special cells - "Mushroom", which can be placed on the playing field only if the corresponding find card is played, and are an insurmountable obstacle for all players.

Tokens in the game are necessary to designate any special items, for example, the "Explosives" token, using which to break through the walls between the tunnels, the player takes another "Passage" token and places it on the playing field. There are also tokens for visual display of any event on the playing field, for example, the "Boom!" means that there is an undefeated monster on this cell and, having hit it, the player will have to fight, but there is also the possibility of multiple use of the find or skill, for example, the "Action Counter" token...

Taking on the role of a brave dwarf treasure hunter, you have to explore every corner of an abandoned mine, defeat crowds of bloodthirsty monsters, overcome numerous traps and, having defeated insidious rivals, find the legendary Black Crystal, leaving everyone with a nose.

You are one of the treasure-hunting dwarves who goes into the bowels of an abandoned mine in search of the mysterious "Black Crystal".

At the beginning of the game, each of the players receives a unique Skill that can make life easier for him and make it harder for his opponents. However, it is still better to rely on your own strength and luck.

Moving deeper into the mine, each of the players exposes one cell of tunnels, gradually opening the elements of the playing field. Since it is very difficult to repeat the sequence of tunnels, each new batch will not be similar to the previous one.

Almost each of the tunnel cells contains some kind of event that the player must play on his turn: open "Portals" will allow you to move almost through the entire map, and "Dips" will become a problem on the way to the goal.

As soon as the player enters the "Boom!" tunnel space, he will have to fight monsters from the deck of the same name.

To defeat a monster, you need everything and deeds: roll a value on your die that is greater than the health of the monster indicated on its card - you can first secure yourself with the items and devices found that players can find on the "Nakhodka" cells or get in battle.

It's also worth noting that some of the Finds will allow players to ruin the lives of those around them without even engaging in a fight with them.

But not all "Finds" are equally useful: some of them have a far from positive effect, and woe to the dwarf who found them...

Having found a cage with the image of the "Black Crystal", the main task of the happy owner of this mysterious artifact is to bring it to the cage - "Exit" as quickly as possible, trying not to lose it. If the "Exit" is not yet open, it will have to be found, which greatly complicates the task, because the monsters are not asleep, the damned artifacts, as luck would have it, are pouring in, as if from a cornucopia, and the friends at the table turn out to be not friends at all...

The game has several difficulty options from the easiest - 4 crystals and 2 exits, to the most difficult - 1 crystal and 1 exit, so more tunnel cells (85 pieces) are provided in the game set, while the game requires 81 pieces. There are also 2 special cells - "Mushroom", which can be placed on the playing field only if the corresponding find card is played, and are an insurmountable obstacle for all players.

Tokens in the game are necessary to designate any special items, for example, the "Explosives" token, using which to break through the walls between the tunnels, the player takes another "Passage" token and places it on the playing field. There are also tokens for visual display of any event on the playing field, for example, the "Boom!" means that there is an undefeated monster on this cell and, having hit it, the player will have to fight, but there is also the possibility of multiple use of the find or skill, for example, the "Action Counter" token...

The game itself is designed for 2-4 players, and the average game time is from 30 minutes.

More inquisitive dwarves can download detailed rules a little lower.

"Buba and Tuba Workshop": we are a young team of board game developers who love board games in almost all of their manifestations. And, as usual, sooner or later, almost any board player “ripens” to create his game. This happened to us, and we are pleased to present you our first project - the board game "Black Crystal", which is the first of a series of games related to the same universe of the world we invented.

We have made every effort to make our game both a worthy addition to the collection of avid board players and open this fascinating world for people who love to have fun with friends. That is why we tried to make a game that almost everyone can play.

In addition, if this project turns out to be successful, then a number of additions to original game will not keep you waiting long, which is why some of them are already at the stage of early testing. You can also take part in it - we regularly hold game libraries, subscribe to us in in social networks and stay tuned!

To our families and, in particular, wives, for patience, understanding and in general. To those who took part in testing and allowed themselves to be mocked, in general, by everyone, everyone, everyone who in one way or another helped us in this difficult task!