What to play in the evening. The best short games on pc. Educational and intellectual games

Finally, evening came. The time of joint rest and communication, in general, is an idyll.
But what is really happening. In the evening, everyone in the family does their own thing. And to be honest, everyone is sitting buried in a TV, smartphone or computer.
And you feel inside it shouldn't be like that This is tearing apart the family.

Why is the game important for children (and not cartoons)

  • Through play, the child prepares for the adult world., not in terms of accurately transferring skills (to teach washing and ironing), but in a deeper sense - he gets to know his psyche, reveals his inner strengths, learns to cope with the tasks (and capturing a dragon in a castle is a hoo-hoo task!)
  • Joint games with a child will give you invaluable minutes of communication, laughter, through the game you are faster find out what your baby is thinking and what he is afraid of. If some plot is repeated in each game, then most likely it is the study of their fears (children do this unconsciously)
    Of course, the game is the main development, this is how all preschool education should go.
  • For development the child must move, and not sit, looking at the changing picture of the tablet. This is not necessarily about mobile games - we are talking about development fine motor skills, which is directly related to the brain
Ways to spend time with your child
So that you don’t succeed again today “Ay, I don’t know what to do with my child in the evening, everything is boring, I’m tired, I’d better go and watch TV,” we give an extensive list of activities.
So our list is: things to do in the evening with family and kids.

1. Creative activities with children: 1.1 Write a story

Children are very fond of fantasizing, ask them the topic of the story (the new adventures of Polirobocar or Winnie the Pooh's Journey to a modern city) and ask them to fantasize, and you write it down under their dictation. The story should be limited, such as sheet size. The child must be warned about this in advance. It is interesting to see how they manage to logically complete the story when you show that there are a couple of sentences left to the end of the page.
If the story is not invented, then take turns fantasizing. An offer you - an offer - your child, according to this principle, you can play with the whole family. Mom-dad-child-still a child. For laughter, you can divide the roles: one writes a detective story, the other good fairy tale, the third is science fiction, and the fourth is horror. Everyone will try to shift the focus of the story in their own direction in their proposal, and in the end it will turn out to be very funny. In general, this game is a great entertainment for a party)))
1.2 Draw with paints, felt-tip pens or pencils

When choosing materials for creativity, in no case should you save. If you buy penny pencils with a hard lead that scratch on paper instead of drawing - don't be surprised why your child doesn't like to draw so much. It is much easier to instill a love for creativity through high-quality stationery. Try the purchased pencils and felt-tip pens yourself - you should have fun, the mark should be soft, and not require much pressure. That's when you and your child will learn how much fun you can get through drawing.
1.3 Colorize ready-made images (you can print pictures from the Internet)

If you have a printer, just type "boys/girls coloring book" or specifically "construction machinery coloring book", "bunny coloring book". Switch to the "Pictures" tab and invite the child to choose what he likes.
And you can sit down and color in such fashionable now “mandalas for adults”, which help relieve stress and calm the mind.
1.4 Shoot a cartoon from plasticine on camera

Build scenery - let it be a toy city, populate it with residents. Now you need to mount the camera on a tripod (if you don’t have one, then put the camera on the same table on a pile of books, make a slight tilt). To make the picture come to life, you need to move the characters a little bit and capture each change with a camera. It is very convenient to use plasticine, but you can also move Lego figures, cars, soft toys.

1.5 Play constructor
The constructor is a very versatile toy, because you can make a lot of different things out of it. A friend of mine told me that as a child, his parents fundamentally did not buy any toys, except for the designers. “If you want an automatic machine, make it from a construction set, if you want a tank, make it from a construction set, if you want a ball, we’ll probably buy a ball)))” As a result, this guy has extraordinary mathematical abilities and his ability to solve non-trivial problems is clearly head and shoulders above his peers.
In addition to Lego and its analogues, there are other interesting constructors: Zoob, Polissya, Banchems, magnetic constructor and others.
1.6 Glue the model or application, play with stickers
With older children, you can glue a model of an aircraft or a tank from special kits. Applications are suitable for kids, they like to mess with glue and suddenly discover that a recognizable picture suddenly appeared from scattered small pieces. To make the application even more interesting, print the animals from Smeshariki. Print their houses there and glue them directly onto this background. It's not so scary if your printer is black and white, all the same, the images are very loved and recognizable.
Also, children love to glue stickers (you can get a notebook for this and glue them by category). If you are already tired of buying them endlessly, then get reusable ones, for example, from the Wonderful Stickers series of books.
1.7 Sculpt from plasticine

Topics for construction, modeling and drawing: together we make houses, or planes, or a castle, or together we build a city. One makes a road, another car, and a third house.
You can dream up on the theme of "The World of the Future" and fashion flying chairs or a teleportation cabin.
And you can create a real model, look at the object and try to repeat it. Sculpt or assemble a toy car, Christmas tree, chair from the designer.

1.8 Fold paper shapes (origami)

For example, ships(to run them in the bath) frogs(arrange competitions, whose will jump further), boxes (for gifts to grandmothers), airplanes (launch them from the sofa in the most spacious room)

2. Intellectual entertainment with children2.1 Speak a foreign language with children
It's no secret that learning another language greatly develops the brain, not to mention the practical benefits of knowing a foreign language for any person.
How to easily introduce foreign speech into communication with a child. You can ask with a smile at dinner: Give me bread and show your hand to the bread, in a few days he will remember and it is highly likely that he will do it himself.
play in Hide an item: Cold-hot, but you prompt in English - hot-cold (under table).
ball game edible-inedible. Throw the ball to the child and name the words, if you say something edible, the child should grab the ball, if not, hit it. Name simple English words: cat, dog, plane, tank, bread.
2.2 Solve riddles
Riddles can be invented by yourself, they do not have to be folding. Guess what you see, soon the child will take the initiative and you will guess
For example, “White large closet, mom hides milk in it” (Refrigerator).
2.3 Read a book, look at an encyclopedia together

Do not neglect reading, start a tradition of cozy reading before bedtime. This is very close. The child needs the world of books to train his imagination, because what you read will certainly form images in his head and they move and come to life. Unlike cartoons, where all the images are pre-drawn, and the child is only a passive observer.
2.4 Read poems and fairy tales by Pushkin
I singled this out as a separate point, since Pushkin is a unique personality for a Russian person, and it is worth accustoming children to his poems from childhood. These are not only sonorous rhymes and beautiful words, but also the second semantic series, which is not fully unraveled, about life, our future and past.
2.5 Decipher ciphers (Morse code)
Write ciphers to each other using Morse code, then switch and decipher them.
Or encode a message with the answer to the question: “Where is the candy hidden?”

3. Paper and board games

  • crazy game on a piece of paper Nonsense
  • tic-tac-toe
  • gallows (guess words)
  • chess/checkers
  • Hands (if the child already goes to school and knows the numbers well)
  • Board game (Dixit, Monkey Island, Carcassonne, Memo, Jenga Tower)
  • The game of spillikins (games with small items, matches).

You lay out a mountain of matches and you need to pull out any one without shaking the rest, the closer to the end, the more difficult the task becomes. Perfectly trains fine motor skills and accuracy in movements.

4. Activities for the whole family

4.1 Cooking
Bake a cake, make dumplings, make ice cream, or do some pizza magic together!
Of course, it's easier for us to go and make a quick pie for the household and not turn the kitchen into winter decorations from flour and dough. BUT! You need to turn off the perfectionist in yourself and turn on the good mother. Always cooking together brings people together and for kids, it's a fun lab.

We are used to it, but for them it’s just a miracle, how an appetizing pie can suddenly turn out from flour, eggs and liquid. And all these mixing, pouring, and so on - this is a great exercise for fine motor skills.
So relax about spilled flour on the floor and feel free to invite your child to have fun in the kitchen.
4.2 Put together a big mosaic with the whole family
If the mosaic is really big, such that you can't put it together in a day, use little trick: unfold the carpet and fold it on the floor, and then, when you need to take a break, just close the puzzle with a carpet on top and calmly walk on it, until the next bout of mosaic building. Another option for those who have a large kitchen table is to put it on it, and for safety, when the table is needed for other household purposes, hide the puzzle under the tablecloth.

4.3 Conduct experiments
It is much more interesting to study the properties of materials not from books, but from simple gaming experiments.
Children especially love experiments with ice, and it’s so easy for us to cook it in the freezer.
4.5 Learn simple magic tricks
Children like to watch and do magic tricks, try to do something together. And if some trick seems especially successful and spectacular, the child will be able to demonstrate it to guests at the next holiday.

5. Fun games with kids at home5.1 Fun racing
If you have several radio-controlled cars, then you can build a fun game. Build a track and grandstands and drive RC cars

5.2 Play Explain with words or Show the word
Say Different (Alias)- a game in which you need to explain in other words, the word that acts as a task. This game is not required to be purchased. There is excellent free app on the phone (that's what Alias ​​is called).

These games perfectly develop acting skills (crocodile), speech, intelligence (say otherwise). They are very useful to play, and most importantly fun.
5.3 Mini-quest
hide cubes, search and make a word. Kids love doing quests, and parents love that kids develop their wits without sitting still. Take blocks or a magnetic alphabet, or just write a word on paper and cut it into letters. Now let the child go out (for example, to the bathroom), and you hide the letters in various places.
5.4 Labyrinths (draw, sculpt, build with cubes)

Children love mazes, there is something enticing and mysterious in them. It can be built from different materials, as the fantasy and the content of your shelves will tell. Cubes are perfect, as well as books, a designer, pencils with felt-tip pens, dominoes. If there is nothing at all, take a larger sheet and draw a labyrinth with a pencil.
How to play then? In itself, the construction of a labyrinth is an exciting and developing spatial thinking. Invite the child to follow the intricate passages with a finger or a small toy. Settle in a dead end branch of an evil minotaur and try to get out with a group of good guys or go fight him. Or maybe you are an explorer and as the character progresses, the child will try to draw a plan of the labyrinth. Start playing, and then the child will tell you.
5.5 Role play:

-play travel or exploration. To do this, you will need to build an airplane or a boat, study the map, the flag of the country where we are flying, what is there, what animals, what resources, what people like to eat there. Perhaps you will need preliminary preparation (Internet, encyclopedia) or you can look about it with your child.
-play school, solve examples
Alternate the complexity of the problems, write 2 easy examples and one difficult one, if you were made a student, then sometimes “make mistakes”, let the child-teacher check for you.
-learn to play with animals just like we did in our childhood. Boil the bears porridge and put them to bed. Preschoolers love it when toys come to life. Do you think these are useless games? It is by modeling ordinary everyday situations that you can understand (if you pay attention) what psychological problems children have and correct them through your beloved bear.

6. Original:

6.1 Write a letter to grandma
In our electronic age, you need to try to keep children in touch with the material world, and in general, living paper letters are quite romantic. Turn the exchange of letters with your grandmother into a wonderful tradition. It's okay if grandmothers live in the same city, the post office will bring them a letter to the next house. Decorate the letter with colored stickers or attach a photo. It is always so joyful to take a fresh sealed envelope out of the box and eagerly open it. And how happy grandmothers will be, you can’t tell)))
6.2 Make a family tree
Genealogical tree - a detailed article on our website.
Call your grandma or go to grandpa's for tea and record a real interview with him about what his childhood was like. Possible list of questions:

  • Did he go to kindergarten
  • What toys did he have?
  • When he learned to swim
  • What was his school
  • What was the best thing about being a child
  • What is his favorite animal?
  • Where did he sleep, in his parents' room or did he have his own room
  • What did you help your parents do around the house?
  • How he interacted with his brothers and sisters
  • Some interesting everyday moments from that era
Answers record or record video, record audio file, be sure to save this information for the child, he will appreciate it when he grows up
You will not only begin to keep your family tree, but also learn more about the history of the family and how people lived 50 years ago.
6.3 Introduce the child to the world of his profession or hobby
They say that if a person knows how to explain even the most difficult things to a child in an accessible way, then this person really understands his subject. Test yourself, and the children will be extremely interested to find out what their parents do at work.
  • solder the electrical circuit with diodes and rheostats
  • make a chair out of wood
  • write a small program (there are applications for children)
  • calculate family spending on weekends
6.3 Shoot a movie with a camera
You can make a movie about your cat, your mom cooking dinner, A Day in the Life of My Family, and so on. If the child is an adult, then you can show video editing programs.

7. Outdoor games with children: 7.1 play blind cat at home
It's awful fun tickles the nerves even adults. If the rooms are small an adult must catch with one hand, otherwise our dad, spreading his arms, can go through a narrow room and rake everyone in an armful))) Remove all breakable objects away in advance.
7.2 play hide and seek

7.3 games of accuracy, who will get the dice in the basket
Stand behind the line (it can be the edge of the carpet or a put stick) and from here throw balls or cubes into the basket (in a bowl, box). Count the points of who hit how much, you can play tournaments, first the parent throws 10 items and writes down how many hit on the tournament board (leaf), then the child. For fairness, an adult should throw a few steps back from the line and crouch at the level of the child.
7.4 Go outside
Why sit at home, after all? Go to fresh air. There you can:
- run or walk fast
- feed the birds
-play snowballs, build a snowman or a fortress
- go downhill on a sled
And if summer, then:
-build a sand fortress (take a couple of water bottles)
- ride bikes

What to do if you are very bored playing with your child
You sincerely intend to play with your child, but as soon as you sit on the carpet and surround yourself with toys, you feel like yawn covers you and you want to go and go to sleep.
First, you are not alone most adults have completely forgotten what it means to play.
Secondly, there are a couple of ways that you should try, maybe they can help you.
Put the baby on your knee and looking into his eyes, ask how he is doing and what he wants to play now. Accept the offer with enthusiasm, but if he enthusiastically yells: “Now we will build an Amusement Park in the hall!” - do not rush to think for him what to build for this. Just ask: “What is needed for this? How can I help you?" Let the child have the initiative, this is useful.
To awaken your interest, sincerely and admiringly observe your child from the side. As he fantasizes about what he's talking about, you don't have to struggle to think of anything to talk about or play games with. Just relax and follow the initiative of the baby, even if he is only 2 years old (I'm already silent about the ingenuity of 8 year olds).
Another way, just the opposite: look at the toys through the eyes of Yourself-From-Childhood, remember yourself at the age of 8, imagine that this treasure fell in front of you N-years ago and start playing by yourself, with enthusiasm, by no means for a child, but exclusively for yourself. Feel the taste of the game, build a car out of such beautiful details of the designer, populate the house with residents or decorate it with a twinkle. You will feel alive and real, and time will stop. It's like going back to childhood in a time machine. Rejoice that you have your baby and next to him you have the opportunity to relive the happy moments of childhood again.

When adults gather, it is mistakenly believed that they have nothing to do but talk and feast. This is not true! There are many fun games that will allow you to have an interesting and unusual time in the company, laugh and relax. All games are designed for a company of 6 people or more. They can be played on a camping trip, at a party or someone's birthday.

Many games for the company do not require special training and props

conversation games

  • Understand me. The company is divided into pairs of a man-woman. You can come up with a theme yourself, for example, “Maternity Hospital”. The meaning of the game: the “husband” asks questions about the child aloud, and the “wife” tries to answer them with gestures. The main thing is to ask unusual questions and see what gestures the “wife” will respond with.
  • Associations. The company sits in a circle. Someone starts: says any word in his neighbor's ear in a whisper. He, without hesitation, speaks his association to this word into the ear of the next participant. The next one - his association, and so on until the association word returns to the one who started the game. I wonder what the original word will be transformed into!
  • Who am I? A paper tape is put on the forehead of all participants, on which the name of the movie star is written. All participants see what is written on the forehead of others, but do not know what is written on theirs. You need to take turns asking others questions that will help you understand what is written on your forehead. For example: “Am I a man?”, “I starred with Tom Cruise?”, “Did I win an Oscar?”. You can write the names of animals - then the questions will be appropriate: “Do I live at the North Pole?”, “Am I a herbivore?”. Play until the last pair. The loser buys everyone a beer or ice cream.
  • Crocodile. Someone from the company says the name of a popular film in the ear of another participant, and he gestures to show it to the whole company. The task of the company is to guess this name. If the name consists of several words, then the guessed words can be written down so as not to forget. Of course, if you wish, you can think of any words, not just films.
  • "In my pants." Any headlines are cut from the press (magazines, newspapers). Their meaning is unimportant. Then they are folded into a large envelope. Each participant takes out one heading and reads it aloud after the phrase "In my pants ...". It sounds very funny - especially if it turns out something like "In my pants ... there was a competition for the largest grown cucumber."

props games


All participants are given blank sheets of paper and pens (pencils). On the sheet you need to draw a large circle, inside of which there are 4 more circles to make a target of five circles. In the middle, you need to put a dot and draw lines crosswise through it, so that the result is 4 sectors.

Participants must write: in the first circle from the center - the letters P, P, S, L, one in each sector. In the second circle - numbers from 1 to 4 in any sequence, in the third - one name each (animal, bird, fish, insect). In the fourth - 4 adjectives (funny: fat, drunk, stupid, wallowing, etc.). In the fifth - 4 any proverbs or sayings.

Playing with props is not suitable for travel, but is ideal for parties

Now we collect all the targets and read (with attribution). The letters in the center of the circle mean: R - work, P - bed, C - family, L - love. The numbers mean where each of the participants has work, family, bed and love. Animal and adjective - who the participant is in a given area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. For example: Sasha in the work "greedy jackal", in bed "fat arctic fox" and so on.

Proverbs are the motto of a person in work, family, bed and love. It may turn out, for example, that “In Sasha’s bed, the motto is“ There is no answer without greetings ”, and in the family the motto is“ No matter how much you feed the wolf, he looks into the forest. If the game with targets is not enough and you want to laugh more - resort to one of the following games!

  • Get an apple. The team is divided into pairs of a man-woman. A couple is selected to participate in the competition. At a level of 2 m from the floor, a rope is pulled. On it, at the level of the mouth of an adult, a large apple is suspended by the tail. His chosen pair must eat without the help of hands. Which couple ate the apple completely - that one won.
  • Transfusions. Two of the company are playing. Two bottles are taken (one of them is empty). It is necessary to collect water with a straw (you can juice, mineral water or beer) from one bottle and pour it into another. Whoever does it faster is the winner. True, there is a chance that someone will drink everything and come to terms with their defeat.
  • Floating apple. Here, two from the company are participating in the competition. Apples are thrown into a large basin of water. Participants' hands are folded behind their backs. You need to grab an apple with your teeth and get it out of the water. Whoever does it first wins.
  • Mummy. Participants are divided into two teams. One of the players in each team is a "mummy". The essence of the game: the team must wrap their "mummy" as quickly as possible. As bandages, ordinary toilet paper is used. The second part of the game: unwind the mummy by winding the paper back into a roll. Fun guaranteed!

If you do not have a twister, you can choose any other outdoor game!

Active games

  • Swamp. Old funny game. The company is divided into teams, but two people can participate. The players receive two cardboard boxes (you can take ordinary sheets of paper). Task: these cartons are “hummocks”, and you should move along them from one to another in order to move through the “swamp” (room, corridor) as quickly as possible. "Drowned in the swamp" fulfills the wish of the team.
  • Ball battle. Participants are divided into two teams of equal size. Each participant ties with a thread to his leg an inflated balloon. You can buy balls of the same color for each team. The longer the thread, the better. The balls must lie on the floor. On command, you need to destroy the opponents' balls by stepping on them with your feet, and at the same time not allow them to step on your own ball. The owner of the burst balloon is out of the game. The winner is the team whose ball will be the last survivor on the "battlefield".
  • Oh you horses, my horses! For the competition, two pairs of participants and a room where there are no breakable objects are needed. Each pair is divided into a "horse" and a "rider". The “rider” sits on the shoulders of the “horse” (usually a thin girl on the shoulders of a muscular guy). The "rider" is attached to the back of a piece of paper with a written word. Another "rider" must read what is written on the opponent's back and, at the same time, not let him read what is written on him.
  • Siamese twins. The company is divided into two teams. There are two people from each team. They are placed side by side. The left leg of one participant is tied to the right leg of the other, and the torsos are tied with straps. It turns out "Siamese twins." All actions should be performed at speed. "Siamese twins" work with two different hands (one with the right, the other with the left) without talking to each other. They should perform various tasks given by the opposing team: sharpen a pencil, tie shoelaces or open a bottle, pour and drink.

Many parents often ask themselves: what to do with the child in the evening? What can you play? And it seems that there are not so many games or they have already played everything. In fact, there is always something to do. The main thing is to turn on the fantasy and have fun.

Children are very fond of active games, suggest them, and head the list:

  • hide and seek . Children love to play this game. But it is better to play it if you have big house or an apartment. Although, if desired, it is possible in a small one. Children often hide in plain sight, your task is to look for them as long as possible, preferably with comments. Everyone will laugh: both children and parents. This is always very funny.
  • Playing with balloons . Place a chair at the end of the room (if there are many children, then two chairs). The child should squeeze a medium-sized balloon between the knees, reach the chair, go around it and return to the starting position. If there are several children, then you can arrange a competition: who will complete the task faster. On children's holiday, break the children into teams and let them compete. If adults take part in such a game, children will simply be delighted.
  • Save your friends . Favorite toys are suitable for this game. My boys have a set of PAW Patrol puppies and Paulie, Amber, Roy and Helly robocars. I hide them in different places, and the task of the children is to find and save them. Dolls, robots, cars are also suitable. In general, anything, the main thing is to hide more. If there are several children, you can arrange a competition: whoever found more, he won.
  • pig toy (turtle, lion cub, dog, etc.). We take any soft toy, turn on cheerful music and throw the toy to each other. Then we suddenly turn off the music, whoever has a toy left in his hands, he must reproduce the natural sound of this little animal. This game is good to play big company children, especially on birthdays. You can also connect adults - it will be doubly interesting for children.
  • home bowling . If you don't have a bowling set, you can make your own. To do this, you will need plastic bottles, preferably of the same capacity and a medium-sized ball. The ball, I think, is definitely found in a house where there are children. The game is mobile and interesting, besides it helps to develop accuracy.
  • Fashion show . Not only girls like to play this game, but also boys. Organize a high fashion day without leaving your home. You can invite friends or neighbors with children to visit so that there are more people and “models”, this will be much more fun.
  • obstacle course . Create an obstacle course with the help of improvised means. For example, “swamp bumps”, “narrow bridge” can be cut out of paper or cardboard. Pull the rope, and the children must walk along it without stumbling. Set up pillows for them to climb over. In general, be smart and use the items available in the house, but do not forget about safety.
  • “The sea is worried…” fun game from my childhood. There should be many children in such a game. The host says the following phrase: “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three sea (sports, fabulous, construction, any, etc.) figure freeze in place.” Children should freeze in a certain position, depicting some kind of profession. The leader must guess who is in front of him. If someone portrayed the wrong figure or a non-existent profession, then this child becomes the leader, and the leader takes his place.
  • guess who . Everyone sits on chairs or on a sofa, and one child goes to the center of the room and begins to imitate someone with gestures. Children must guess who is in front of them. Who guessed it - goes to the center of the room and thinks of the next task. For children up to school age you can write in advance on the sheet who to show, so that it is easier for them, and they can show characters known to their age. Older kids can do it on their own.
  • pirate treasure . This game requires a little preparation. It is necessary to draw a map on the sheet, marking the place of the treasure on it (leave sweets or fruits for the children at the place of the treasure), cut it into several parts and hide it around the apartment. Then, with the help of riddles or contests (better than both), the children must collect the entire map from the pieces and find the treasure. My six year old boys are ready to play this every day.
  • hike . You can play camping without leaving your home. Pitch a tent in the center of the room, climb into the tent with the children and talk interesting stories. You can turn off the lights in the room and use a flashlight. Do not forget to bring food with you: fruit, cookies, a drink or tea in a thermos. Children will simply be delighted with such a trip.
  • Edible - not edible . For this game, you only need a ball. Take turns throwing the ball to the children and name something edible or not edible. And the child should catch the edible, and not beat off the edible or simply not catch it.
  • Tasting . Arrange a tasting of drinks or foods for the children. Pour into four or five glasses of different liquids: tea, kefir, juice, milk, compote, just water. Blindfold the child, and let him guess what he drank. Or cut the fruit into small pieces, chop on skewers and let the child (blind his eyes) try, and he should name what it is.
  • Cooking . You can cook dinner with your children. For example, stick dumplings or dumplings. The main thing is that children take an active part in modeling. My children (all of them!) love to help me in the kitchen, especially with dough modeling. Together we make not only dumplings and dumplings, but also pies, pizza, even cakes.
  • Disco . If you don’t want to invent anything or don’t have enough time to organize something interesting, offer the children a disco. My children love to dance and we often have dances. But not just dancing, but, for example, with balloons or soap bubbles. Believe me, you will get an unforgettable evening by arranging a children's disco and recharge your batteries with positive energy for several days ahead.

Educational and intellectual games

Active games are good, but it is necessary to develop not only physically.

And the best way to do this is in the form of a game:

  1. We sculpt figures from plasticine or special dough for modeling . By the way, it is quite possible to make it yourself: half a glass of salt, half a glass of water and flour. It is necessary to knead until such a state that the resulting mass does not stick. Dough figures can be left to dry completely, and then painted the next evening.
  2. Drawing with paints, pencils, felt-tip pens . You can invite the child to draw a specific something, for example, a forest or a river. My children make their own postcards. From white or colored cardboard, they first fold and cut out the shape of a postcard, and then paint it as you like.
  3. Give the kids coloring pages . Many children love to draw. You can participate in this by discussing with your child what to color and with what color.
  4. A game of shadows . Take a flashlight and turn off the light, use your hands to draw different shapes. Ask the child to repeat something you have shown. If it doesn’t work, let him try to portray someone himself.
  5. Puzzles . Good game for the whole family. The bigger the puzzle, the more interesting. We recently bought a jigsaw puzzle with 1500 elements, and the whole family assembled it all evening. Then the children had already gone to bed, and my husband and I could not calm down until we had completely collected them.
  6. Children's crosswords.
  7. Find differences . Mindfulness game. Buy a difference book appropriate for your child's age and have fun playing.
  8. Mosaic, constructors, wooden cubes - everything is suitable for the realization of fantasy. You can build a city or a farm from the constructor, set up many different buildings. There is not enough designer - cubes and other building toys will help.
  9. twenty sticks . Lay out 20 pencils or markers on the table. Two players take turns taking one, two or three sticks. The one who has to take the last pencil or felt-tip pen loses.
  10. Suitable for school age children : choose a long phrase, any. For example, "building structure" or "sports". From these words, children should make short words. The bigger, the better. Then they read the words one by one. If any words match, they are crossed out and no points are awarded. For each non-repeating word - 2 points. The one who earns the most points wins.
  11. Field of Dreams . There are several options for the game here: you can play on the principle of the gallows, that is, we guess the word and write dashes or squares instead, and the children guess. The winner gets a prize (candy, apple, etc.). You can make an impromptu drum, as in the "Field of Miracles". But for this you will need: a top, cardboard, paper, scissors, in general, a lot of things. You can't play this game without prior preparation. By the same principle, you can play the game “What? Where? When? ”, Having prepared questions in advance.
  12. Shop or library . Lay out books or toys, write “prices” on the slips and let the child sell or buy goods. If he sells, then let him tell what the book is about, count the money. If he buys, then you tell the child what the book is about. Perhaps after such a game, the child will want to read. If you are playing in the library, then let the child “advise” what you should take to read in the library and why, what this particular book is interesting for. It will be nice if the child also names the author (for older children).
  13. Play in the hospital Kindergarten, school . Let the child be the teacher or the doctor, and you be the student or the patient. In such a game, you will show your child an example of how to be a diligent student and an obedient patient who is not afraid of the doctor. Of course, it’s good if there are several children, but it’s also possible together. Or add dad, grandma, grandpa to the game.
  14. Great if you know the art of origami . If not, then you can simply cut out different figures from paper (let the child cut it out, and you only help), make applications.
  15. Table games . We have a great board game that we play with the whole family. It's called Erudite. 120 questions on various topics. For each correct answer (answers attached) - the player receives a letter. The first person to collect the word "Scrabble" wins.

In addition to all of the above, there are many more various games: tic-tac-toe, sea ​​battle, cities, children's dominoes and others. In any children's store weight board games for every taste. There are really a lot of them. I offered you the most popular ones in our family. I hope that they will help you to spend more interesting time with your children. You can invent games yourself, just turn on your imagination and connect your children to inventing . They are great inventors!

Distract your child from computer games and various applications on tablets and smartphones is sometimes a difficult task for many parents. But at the same time, parents cannot always offer an alternative that is interesting for children in the form of outdoor or board games. Today we will tell you what you can play with the whole family so that no one gets bored.

Games on fresh air not only bring health benefits, but also develop in children such qualities as dexterity, strength, ingenuity and creative thinking. These games can be played on the playground, in nature, on the lawn in a country house, and you will need very little additional props.

Ball up!

For this game, you need a ball with which the driver becomes the center of the circle created by other players. He throws the ball as high as possible with the words "Ball up!" (you can come up with your own signal word), and at this time the players scatter from it as far as possible (while you can’t hide behind trees and other objects). When the driver catches the ball and shouts “Stop!”, the players must freeze in place and not move (if someone did not stop at the signal, they must take three big steps towards the driver). Now the task of the driver is to throw the ball and stain one of the players with it, if he manages to do this, then this player becomes the driver in the next game. If it was not possible to stain anyone, then the driver again becomes in a circle.

canvas basketball

You will need a piece of canvas in which you should cut holes of different diameters (only no smaller than the existing ball), cover their edges with colored tape and assign a point value to each hole. Then the players take turns throwing the ball, the winner is the one who scores the maximum number of points in 10 throws. You can make the task more difficult and make each throw at a greater distance from the canvas than the previous one.

street twister

This game can be purchased at the store, or you can draw the contours of circles on the asphalt with colored crayons (if you don’t feel sorry for your lawn, you can draw circles on it with special water-based paints that are washed off after rain). You decide the size playing field and the size of the colored circles, and if you want circles of the same size, take a cardboard box, cut a hole in it and use it as a stencil.


Find two trees or pipes standing side by side in the yard and stretch two ropes between them from above and below to make a “window”. Now let the children (and adults too) jump through the "window" so as not to touch the ropes. This develops dexterity and coordination of movements in children, teach them to jump high and determine the distance between objects by eye. Then the task should be complicated: between two ropes, pull a few more like a web, now let the participants climb through the barrier without hitting the ropes and not breaking them.


This is an unusual race in running, because you will have to run in pairs. Players stand with their backs to each other, holding hands. Now each pair must overcome the distance from one landmark and back, without tearing their backs from each other and without tearing their arms. First, one participant runs forward and pulls the other player along, they run back the opposite way - the one who pushed becomes the one who pulls, while trying to move in sync with his Siamese twin. The winner is the pair that will quickly cover the distance back and forth.

Ice riches

In the heat, this game will cause utter delight in children. Freeze ice cubes in a mold, after placing a small toy or other “treasure” in each mold (this can be, for example, flowers or plant leaves). Or you can color the water with food coloring, then you will have multi-colored "precious stones" with riches. Give them to the children and let them try to melt the ice with their hands, warm breath, or other means. Just be careful that they don't accidentally swallow the surprise!

In order not to cause overwork in the child, you should alternate outdoor games with calm ones from time to time.


It's old good game which both children and adults love to play. Each player collects one item and puts it in a bag. One of the players is blindfolded and he must come up with a task for the owner of each item pulled out of the bag by the leader. You can do it differently: before the start of the game, each participant writes notes with tasks and puts them in a bag, then the bag is passed around in a circle and everyone must pull out their task for this round. You can think of anything you like: sing a song while sitting under the table, give flowers to the first person who enters the room, or even walk the iron.


All participants come up with words, write them on pieces of paper and put them in a hat. Then they are divided into pairs, and here the fun begins: in one minute, first one member of the pair, then the other must explain to each other as many concepts as possible, which are written on pieces of paper pulled out of the hat. If you are playing with children, you should, of course, avoid such words as "reverb", "hydroelectric" and "somnambulist". The pair with the most guessed words in 2 minutes wins.


Before the start of the game, a leader and explainer are selected. The host says a word to the explainer, and he, with the help of gestures, facial expressions and movements, must explain it to everyone else. The explainer is forbidden to pronounce any sounds, show or use the surrounding objects, but if the word is difficult to explain in its entirety, then it can be shown that he explains it in parts. The player who guesses what in question, in the next round he himself becomes the explainer, and the one who grimaced in front of the participants in the last round guesses the word.

Falling tower

In stores, the game is sold under the name "Jenga", but you can also make it yourself. To do this, you will need about 50 wooden blocks 25 centimeters long, and about two wide and high. Then you should build a tower, alternating the longitudinal and transverse laying of bricks. Then the players take turns carefully pulling out one block at a time and placing it on top of the tower. This must be done as carefully as possible, otherwise the tower will collapse. The player whose actions resulted in the collapse is considered the loser.