Here are the rules of the game. A detailed overview of the updated World of Tanks game rules. Insult on any grounds

The well-known online game World Of Tanks has gained considerable popularity over its three years of existence. As in others similar games, your task is to compete with other players. But the peculiarity of this game is based on such small details as individual modules, where the level of armor or damage is always different, and hence the vulnerable points have different locations.

When playing World Of Tanks, you very often heard the phrase “did not break through”, or “armor was not broken”. It's not as banal as in other games, that if, say, the sword's damage is less than the enemy's armor, then you don't pierce anyway. No, it's not. In this tank simulator, you just have to look for weak, easy-to-penetrate points.

The most armored class of vehicles in the game is undoubtedly (TT). The whole point is that this vehicle is armored (if we take all the modules separately) more than any other class.

If you, playing against a TT, cannot break through, remember that every TT (no matter what level) always has a point in front where you can easily break through. Of course, it is not always convenient to shoot at such points, but what to do? Therefore, the first, and perhaps the most basic rule of playing on the TT is to know where the tank is nailed, including yours, so as not to substitute punched points.

Second rule . It is not necessary to learn and cram all points on all tanks. The main thing is to be able to play on your tank. Knowing where the tanker is in the tank, the angle of the “safe” slope of the tank, the level of armor, and easily (and difficultly) penetrated places - you will be able to fully own your tank, which is an important topic during the game.

Third rule . Correctly put the body of the tank. To save themselves from another hit, many (mostly German) tanks will use the diamond hull position. Due to their rectangular shape, German tanks substitute their front angle directly to the enemy's muzzle. This way you guarantee yourself a rebound. When playing on tanks of the USA and Great Britain, you become not a rhombus, but directly with your forehead to the enemy, moving your body to the side by 10-20 degrees. The diamond position on Soviet and Chinese (as well as French) tanks does not apply.

Rule four. When playing TT, you will have to tank very often. If you know the right angle to which you can go without exposing your forehead to the enemy, then such a system will be very useful. If you don't know how to tank, don't play TT!

Rule number five . If you like to play with such TTs, where the turret is heavily armored, or the gun goes low (or even better - both), then you can easily use the terrain. Best of all, when the enemy is on the mountain, and leaving, he substitutes weak spots, and you are on the side of the mountain, from where you can easily hit the enemy, while remaining intact. For such tactics, tanks and are best suited (mostly after the 8th level of technology).

sixth rule . When playing on TT, remember one thing - Arta is your worst enemy. Even with the output latest updates, where art has been greatly reduced, this is not a reason to relax. Remember that the main goal has always been, is, and will be slow technique (in particular TT).

Rule number seven. A true TT lover will never take the French. TTs are difficult to attribute to real heavy tanks, since their armor level does not correspond to the category of such tanks. So all the rules listed before do not apply to French (as well as).

important in the correct team game will be eighth rule . Since you are playing a TT (this is not the case for the French, again), then remember - you are a TT, and you should always go first and take the first shots using the skills that you have gained by reading this article. This is your task. The rest depends on your allies.

Rule number nine apply not only to TT, but also to other types of equipment. Follow the mini map. Since you are playing as a slow tank, you will need to try to predict the action on the map even before the combat starts. The result of the battle depends on this, as well as your position. By following the minimap, you can change the position of the battle.

The last one, as well global rule , is that you must know your task, position, and also understand how responsible you are for the fight, and what may depend on you.

It seems to be just a game, but everything has been done in so much detail that for many World Of Tanks has become more than just a game for spending free time, or to play with friends.

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What are the rules of the World of Tanks game?


In order to regulate the rules of the game between all participants in the battle, there are special rules in the World of Tanks game, as well as a group of moderators who monitor their implementation. For different types Violations have their own penalties. This can be either blocking any means of communication in the game, or a complete ban on entering the game. World of Tanks game rules are divided into 4 main sections:

  • Prohibitions and restrictions
  • Other types of violations
  • Chat moderators
  • Filing complaints about Gaming Infringements. Appeal against decisions

The rules of the World of Tanks game prohibit any offensive statements in the game chat, as well as the use of words in the nickname or clan name that offend someone's dignity. Remember that any spam and flooding in the chat interferes with your allies, so they have, which can turn into a serious punishment. Unfortunately, the game is completely Russian, so writing in chat in other languages ​​is considered a violation of the rules. For causing damage to allies or destroying friendly vehicles, a player can receive a ban from access to the game from 3 days to a permanent block without a time limit. The full rules of the World of Tanks game can be found at

World of Tanks: Rush - desktop card game based on the online hit World of Tanks. It is illustrated by the artists working on the online game, and uses its artwork, terminology, and other elements.

Players in World of Tanks: Rush become commanders of tank units, the task of each is to form a combat-ready squad from hundreds of available vehicle cards. Throw tanks into battle, defend bases, call for reinforcements and get combat medals that will be the key to your victory!

The goal of the game is to get more by the end of the game.

total medals. There are three sources for getting them:

1. One medal is issued for each destroyed piece of equipment;

2. the destroyed base of the enemy is equal to three medals;

3. done at the end of the game achievement equals five medals.

100 vehicle cards, 25 cards from each of the four nations (USSR, USA, Germany, France)

1 first player card

1 graveyard card

15 base cards

5 memory cards (double-sided)

48 medal cards, 12 cards from each of the four nations (USSR, Germany, USA, France)

30 barracks cards

12 achievement cards

Starting lineup for 5 players


Medal decks


Tech Deck

Hangar + cards in hand

Place to drop

Tank squad of one of the players

Cards in hand

Warehouse space

one of the players

1. last played in online game World of Tanks receives and puts in front of him first player card. This card does not change ownership until the end of the party.

2. Deal 3 cards to each player bases . Players place these cards face up in front of them. The game ends when all three bases are destroyed for any of the players.

3. Give each player a starter kit consisting of 6 barracks cards:

4 cards "Engineers", 1 Technic card, 1 Volunteer card(see page 11).

4. Each player shuffles their barracks cards and places the resulting deck next to them face down. All these cards form the player's tank squad. Squad cards that are face down in the deck are called a hangar, and discarded cards that will lie face up next to the deck are called a warehouse. The player can look at the cards in his warehouse at any time during the game.

5. Each player draws on hand the top 3 cards from your hangar. The player keeps the cards in his hand face down until his turn comes (the player can look at his hand). At the beginning of his turn, the player lays out the cards from his hand face up in front of him.

6. Shuffle the 100-card vehicle deck. Lay it face down in the center of the table, leaving room for a fold on the side. Reveal the top 4 cards and place them in a row next to the deck. This row will be public reserve.

7. Place a tank card in the center of the table cemeteries. It marks the place for cards taken out of the game. Place the graveyard away from the vehicle deck so you don't accidentally mix the cards from the graveyard with the cards from the discard pile. The cards from the discard pile will form new deck, when the vehicle deck runs out, and the cards from the graveyard will no longer be returned to the game until the end of the game.

8. Sort the cards medals in 4 decks: medals of the USSR, Germany, USA, France. Lay the decks face up. Players can view and count the cards in the medal decks at any time during the game.

9. Shuffle the deck achievements. Lay out as many Achievement cards as there are players in the party, plus one (for example, six Achievements in a five-player game), face up in the center of the table. These are the achievements available in this game.

10. Give to players who haven't played the game yet (and anyone who wants to) reminder cards.

11. Remaining achievement cards, barracks cards, base cards, and put memory cards in the box with the game, they are not needed in this game..

The player who received the first player's card goes first in the game, then the rest of the players go clockwise.

On his turn, the player performs the following actions in sequence: repairing damage and laying out hand cards, playing hand cards, updating the reserve and drawing a new hand.

I. Repair Damage and Play Hand Cards

If the player has damaged (rotated 90 degrees) base cards or damaged vehicle cards protecting bases, the player rotates them to their original position, thereby restoring the damage.

After that, the player lays out his hand (usually three cards) on the table in front of him openly. He can play the cards in the hand in a variety of ways.

II. Play hand cards

Each card in the hand can be played in one and only one of three ways:

1. use card resources for purchases;

2. use the ability of the card and, if possible, put the card on the defense of your base;

3. attack an enemy vehicle or base.

If a card can be played in more than one way, the player chooses which way to play it. If a hand card cannot be played in any of the ways (or the player does not want to play it), it is sent to the player's warehouse.

Continued on page 6

Achievements are extremely important for winning the game, because one achievement gives five medals - more than destroying an enemy armored vehicle or base.

At the end of the game, an achievement card is awarded to the player who has fulfilled the achievement condition. There is no other way to get an achievement card. If several players have fulfilled the achievement condition (for example, two players have the same maximum number of heavy tanks in the squad), then his card is not awarded to anyone. Before starting the game, we recommend that players carefully review the available achievements.

There are the following 12 achievements:

1. Destroyed bases. Received by the player in whose squad

in the end of the game will have the most destroyed bases.

2. Light tanks. Received by the player in whose squad

in at the end of the game there will be the most light tanks,

regardless of nations.

Medium tanks. Received by the player in whose squad

at the end of the game will be the most medium tanks,

regardless of nations.

ACS. Received by the player in whose squad at the end of the game

there will be the most self-propelled guns, regardless of nations.

Heavy tanks. Received by the player in whose squad

at the end of the game there will be the most heavy tanks,

regardless of nations.

Auxiliary troops. Received by the player whose

squad at the end of the game will have the most support

body troops, regardless of nations.

USSR medals. Received by the player in whose squad

at the end of the game there will be the most orders of the Red

th banner.

German medals. Received by the player in whose squad

at the end of the game, there will be the most Iron Crosses.

US medals. Received by the player in whose squad

at the end of the game will have the most Medals of Honor.

French medals. Received by the player in whose squad

in the end of the game will have the most Military medals.

11. More double medal cards. The player receives

in Whose squad will have the most two-medal cards at the end of the game.

12. More cards. Received by the player in whose squad

(10 )

at the end of the game there will be the most cards given

(11 )

cards of medals and destroyed bases.

(12 )

If, during his turn, a player must take a card from the hangar, and there are no cards in the hangar, then the player must shuffle all his warehouse cards and put the resulting deck in front of him face down - this is an updated hangar. The player must take as many cards from the hangar as required.

The cards in the hand may be played in any order.

The player may play each unique card technique only once per turn. This means that if he played any specific vehicle card, which for some reason then ended up in the warehouse, was mixed into the hangar and returned

into a player's hand, it cannot be played again on the same turn. Otherwise, an unbreakable cycle may appear, due to which the player's turn will never end.

1) Use map resources to purchase

Vehicle cards, Engineer cards, and medal cards have designation of resources indicating their quantity: from 0 to 6. Such cards can be used for purchases. A player may play one or more cards from their hand that have a resource symbol on them and use their total resource value to purchase one card from the supply.

To do this, the player:

1. puts the played cards into his warehouse,

2. selects from reserve one vehicle card with a cost equal to or less than the sum of the resources on the

cards, and puts it in his warehouse,

3. shifts reserve cardsaway from the deck of vehicles so that between the reserve and the deck there is space for one card,

If a card does not have a resource symbol, it cannot be used to purchase. Please note that even to purchase a card with zero cost, you also need to spend resources. You can only purchase 1 card from the supply on your turn (this rule is overridden by the Summon ability, see page 18).

Purchase example

(in )

The player plays two cards for the purchase with a total

my resource is 3 (a ). The player buys from

reserve one card worth 3 (b). Then he


replenishes the reserve with a card from the vehicle deck (c).

Tech Deck

for warehouse

Cards in the hand of one of the players

2) Use the ability of the card and, if possible, put the card on the defense of your base

Most vehicle maps and some barracks maps have designation of one or more abilities. They are displayed special characters(see page 18).

The card's abilities are played alternately, in any order. After fully performing the action prescribed by a card's ability, a player may or may not play another ability on that card. The player must finish playing a card with an ability before starting to play another card (a card with an ability is considered played when it leaves the player's hand, going to the warehouse, graveyard, or base defense).

All vehicle cards have an armor symbol. If a player plays an ability of a vehicle card,

whose armor score is 1 or 2 (greater than zero), he must put that card into defense of one of his bases after the ability action is taken.

To do this, the player:

1. performs the actions prescribed by the abilities of the vehicle card,

2. selects one of its bases ( you cannot select a protected base if there is at least one own base without protection),

3. places the played vehicle card on top of this base in such a way that the edge of the base card is visible under the card placed on defense.

A base can be protected by one and only one vehicle card. If all of the player's bases are already protected, the player before placing new map to defend one of the bases, first he must send the old defense card to the warehouse.

A protected base cannot be attacked by the enemy.

Some vehicle cards with 1 or 2 armor do not have abilities. Such cards can be put on the defense of your base - this is considered to be the drawing of the "zero" (missing) ability of the card. If a player does not want to use the ability indicated on the vehicle card, but wants to put the card in defense of the base, he can also do this - this is considered to be playing the "null" ability of the card.

Cards with no armor marked and cards with "0" armor cannot be placed to defend the base. Such cards are sent to the storage (or to the graveyard, if the ability dictates) after using the ability.

So a card with an ability after being cast:

1. sent to defend the base if the card's armor is greater than zero or

2. sent to the warehouse if the card cannot be put on defense, or

3. goes to the graveyard, but only if the card's ability dictates it.

Defense example

The player plays the “call” ability and puts the tank (a) on the defense of his base, sending the self-propelled guns (b) that was defending this base before to the warehouse.

3) Attack enemy vehicles or base

Using the cards in the hand, a player can make one and only one attack on his turn. You can attack with one or more vehicle cards. All vehicle cards used in the attack must have a strength indicator of "1" or "2"(i.e. greater than zero) and must belong to the same nation.

When starting an attack, the player must declare which cards will take part in the attack.

The player chooses any of his attack cards and announces that he will attack with it. The player then chooses a target to attack with that card. The target can be: a vehicle card protecting any opponent's base, or unprotected base any opponent.

After the results of the attack with the first card are summed up, the attacking card is sent to the player’s warehouse, and the player selects a target to attack with the second card, etc. To attack with the second and subsequent cards, the player can choose the same target or other targets, including those belonging to different opponents.

Two cards can be used in one attack

Attack on enemy equipment

If the strength of the attacking card greater than or equal armor of the enemy card protecting his base, then the enemy card is destroyed and sent to the warehouse of this enemy.

If the strength of the attacking card is less than the armor of the enemy card, then the enemy card takes damage, which is indicated by rotating this card by 90 degrees. If the attacked opponent's card has already been damaged (rotated), then it is destroyed and sent to the opponent's warehouse.

Please note that destroyed vehicle cards are sent to the enemy warehouse, and not in the graveyard or warehouse of the player who destroyed them.

Attack on an undefended enemy base

If a player attacks an enemy base with an attack card, then the base takes damage, which is indicated by rotating the base by 90 degrees. If the attacked base has already been damaged (rotated), then it is destroyed.

If a player attacks an enemy base with a heavy tank, the base is destroyed. Only heavy tank can destroy the base with one attack.

The destroyed base is sent to the warehouse of the player who destroyed it. At the end of the game, when determining the winner, each destroyed base in the player's squad is equal to three medals.

Note that the player cannot attack a defended base. But during one attack, it is possible to first destroy the equipment protecting the base, and then attack the base.

Rewarding the attacker

Upon completion of the attack, the player receives 1 medal for each piece of equipment destroyed. The player takes the corresponding number of medals from the deck of medals of the nation to which his attacking technique belonged. If a player has destroyed two or more pieces of equipment with one attack, it is recommended to take a card with two medals.

The received medals are placed in the player's warehouse.

Note that the player does not receive any medals for the destroyed base: the base card itself is a reward.

Thus, when making an attack, the player performs the following actions:

1. declares which of his vehicle cards are involved in the attack;

2. chooses a target to attack with one of the attacking cards of his choice;

3. deals damage to the target or destroys the target with this card, after which he sends his attack card to the warehouse;

4. chooses the same or a different target to attack with the next attack card, and so on, until all attack cards have an effect, damaging the target or destroying the target;

5. upon completion of the attack, receives the corresponding number of medals in his warehouse.

Award example

During the attack, the player destroyed Soviet tanks 3 enemy vehicles (a ). The player takes from the deck of USSR medals one card with the image of two orders of the Red Banner and one card with the image of one Order of the Red Banner (b).

Cards of the attacked player

III. Refresh the reserve and draw a new hand

Player updates the reserve. For this he:

1. puts the edge card of the reserve, which is located farthest from the other vehicles from the vehicle deck, in the discard pile of the vehicle deck, face up,

2. shifts the reserve cards away from the deck of vehicles in such a way that there is space for one card between the reserve and the deck,

3. reveals the top card of the vehicle deck and places it face up in the free space in the reserve.

After that, if there are still unplayed cards in the player's hand, they are placed in his warehouse. The player pulls top three cards from the hangar, recruiting a new hand.

If there are not enough cards in the hangar, then the player first takes into his hand all the remaining cards in the hangar. Then he shuffles all the cards of the warehouse and puts the resulting deck in front of him face down - this is an updated hangar. From the hangar, the player draws enough cards so that he has exactly three cards in his hand.

The player passes the move to the opponent on the left.

The game comes to an end in one of two cases:

one of the players has all his bases destroyed, or

from the deck of medals (any of four) the last, ninth card with the image of 1 medal is taken.

The game does not end directly at the moment when one of the two specified events occurs. After one of the two events has happened, the players continue to take turns taking turns until their turn ends. the player to the right of the first player(the first player card indicates which player was first). After this move is made, the game is over.

When the last round of the game is played out, it may turn out that the player has destroyed all the bases. This does not deprive the player of the right to last move. If this player uses card abilities, then those cards go to his warehouse (since there is nowhere to put them on defense). A player can win the game even if all his bases are destroyed.

Each player adds together his hand, warehouse and hangar cards - this is the final composition of his tank squad. Please note that the player's own surviving bases are not included in the squad.

The first player names the condition of one of the achievement cards laid out at the beginning of the game. Players check which of them has fulfilled the conditions for the achievement (for example, who has the most medium tank cards in the squad). The player who fulfilled the conditions

after an achievement receives an achievement card. If two or more players have fulfilled the achievement condition at the same time (for example, two players have the largest equal number of medium tanks in the squad), then no one gets the achievement card.

Why was I banned from World of Tanks?

We remind you that during registration you accepted the "User Agreement", an integral part of which are the "Game Rules".

If your actions are prohibited from the point of view of the Administration, a restriction (the so-called "ban") may be imposed on the account in accordance with the "User Agreement" and "Game Rules".

Let us consider in more detail each of the points of the "Rules of the Game" presented in Section 1. "Prohibitions and Restrictions":

1. Using profanity and insulting interlocutors - inclusion for account read only mode for a period of 1 to 14 days.

Any insult to another player, as well as the use of profanity (mat) may result in a ban. There is no strict list of expressions that contradict this paragraph of the Game Rules. Representatives of the Administration independently make decisions, guided by the norms of generally accepted morality. We remind you that most of the insults and swearing are hidden by the matfilter built into the game.

2. Placing information (messages, phrases, symbols, etc.) aimed at distracting Users from the topic of the conversation (flood). Implementation of mass mailing of information that the User did not request, did not show interest in receiving it and / or did not give consent to receive it (spam). It is also forbidden to abuse replicas typed in upper case (for example, while pressing Caps Lock) and repeatedly posting the results of battles held in a row - enabling the read only mode for the account for a period of 1 to 14 days.

Expressions like "#$%^&*&^%$%^&*&^$##$((*^&^$##&^&*" and the like, as well as multiple repetitions of invitations to a platoon/company /clan, as well as the creation of the same type of messages, violate this point.Random random character sets make it difficult for most players to communicate, so we ask you to refrain from posting such messages.

More information about what is regarded as a flood is written in the "Rules of the Game" (we give an excerpt):

The following violations fall under the concept of "flood":

Multiple duplication of the same type of messages in a row. Multiple duplication is the use of messages of the same type of any nature more than 1 message 1 time per minute;

Creating chat messages that do not contain meaning;

Deliberately filling the chat with the same type of remarks;

Multiple duplication of battle results in the Game chat;

Abuse of announcements about recruiting to a clan/company/platoon is also equated with flooding, such announcements can be used in chat, but not more than 1 time within 5 minutes.”

3. Begging in any form, aimed at both individual Users and Users in general, consisting in placing requests to transfer real money to a web wallet, transfer Game values, as well as requests to transfer Game Gold to the account of the applicant - inclusion for the account records in read only mode for 7 days.

Do not beg for anything from other players. “Give me gold”, “Oh, give me a tank!”, “Lend a hundred rubles through the web wallet, I’ll return it tomorrow” - all this violates the “Rules of the Game”. But do not confuse these phrases with asking for personal information (such as login / password) and requests like “let the account drive” - for such cases there are other points of the “Rules of the Game” and more severe penalties are provided.

4. All options for posting information (sending messages to Game chats, including information in descriptions of companies and training rooms, etc.) containing the intention to transfer an account, clan and any other Game values ​​related to the project and contrary to the "User Agreement", from one User to another - enabling the read only mode for the account permanently (i.e. permanently)

5. Insult, use of derogatory nicknames and nicknames based on race, nationality, religion or gender, as well as provoking the interlocutor to use them - enabling the read only mode for the account for a period of 14 to 28 days. Cursing, veiled cursing and other profanity used in this case are circumstances leading to an increase in the period of application of restrictions.

This paragraph has much in common with paragraph 1.1 of the "Rules of the Game", but here we are talking about insulting certain groups of people in general. For example, expressions of the type of “Russian pigs”, “stupid Catholics”, “Khokhli Zadolbali”, “Nigers divorced dofig” are a classic example of insults aimed at nationality/religion/race in general, which is regarded by the administration as a more serious violation.

6. Distribution of any personal information and personal data about the User that is not publicly available without his consent - enabling the read only mode for the account for 3 days.

As an example, if you are playing with someone in a platoon and you know their real name, then in accordance with this paragraph, you cannot give out his name to anyone without the consent of the player himself. Respect each other's personal information (this includes health information, financial situation, place of residence, etc.).

7. Libel, placement of deliberately false information about the Game, administration, moderators or Users - enabling the read only mode for the account for 7 days.

Messages like "press Alt + F4 to turn on the headlights" are regarded as deliberately false information, which also violates the "Rules of the Game", as well as the phrases "tanks are balanced just like a bullshit", which are regarded as slander against the Administration.

8. Extortion from Users of the information necessary to access their account, using threats of moral, physical or technical pressure - turning on the read only mode for the account for a period of 14 to 28 days or permanently blocking access to the Game. In particular, such information includes the login and password from the User's account, e-mail.

If someone writes you something like “Hi, give me your login / password, otherwise I’ll ban you”, “give me soap, otherwise I’ll find it and pick it up myself”, etc., you should know that this is a violator, and his actions fall under the above paragraph . At the same time, we remind you: the Administration will never ask for your login / password, this information is needed only by scammers.

9. Discussion of the possibilities and methods of causing losses, and / or causing losses to the project as a whole, as well as to the Administration or Users - enabling the read only mode for the account for a period of 14 to 28 days. Such methods include cheat programs, bot programs, prohibited mods for the Game, bugs in geodata (maps), as well as vulnerabilities Game client or portal, giving an advantage in the Game process.

In chats, you can sometimes see messages like “there are cheats, write to the PM”, or “who needs a bot - write”. These messages are contrary to the "Rules of the Game". We remind you that, despite the fact that there are no cheats for the game, a variety of programs can be distributed under their guise, and not always harmless. As for bot programs, the players who use them violate paragraph 1.19 / E of the Game Rules, but distributors are punished under paragraph 1.9. The use of prohibited modifications (such as any modification of projectile tracers, textures of tanks with collision models and removal of foliage from bushes/trees) and some bugs are also punishable according to clause 1.9.

11. Threats of real violence against Users, Moderators or representatives of the Project Administration - enabling the read only mode for the account for 14 days.

Such messages include “I’ll find you and break my hands”, “tell me the address, I’ll come, we’ll talk, I’ll teach my mind”, “I would like to find developers and knock them on the head” and the like, carrying a direct or indirect threat to the one in whose address they are addressed (or unaddressed, referring to a group of people).

13. Discussion of issues of modern politics as deliberately provoking conflicts - enabling the read only mode for the account for 7 days. It is also forbidden to reduce military-historical topics to current political topics.

Any statements that in any way discuss contemporary politics (in particular contemporary politicians) are prohibited. At the same time, the attitude and emotional coloring of the message are not important. For example, the phrases "Ivanov is a good president" and "Ivanov is a bad president" equally violate the above paragraph of the "Rules of the Game".

14. Insulting the Administration or moderators, discussing their actions in an explicit or implicit form - turning on the read only mode for a period of 14 to 21 days or permanently blocking access to the Game.

This paragraph generally duplicates paragraph 1.1, the only difference is that the insult is directed at representatives of the Administration, therefore the punishment is tougher. Please note that the discussion of the actions of the Administration is also prohibited. If you have any comments on the work of moderators or claims against the Administration, you can send them to the User Support Center.

15. All types of provocations and inducement of the Players to violate the "User Agreement". Provocations can consist both in posting messages and in committing actions that encourage other Users to commit violations - enabling the read only mode for the account for 7 days.

Actually, this paragraph is very extensive and implies a provocation by some players aimed at others. For example, messages like “swear and get a cookie!”, “Do you want a medal? Kill allies! and the like. Such statements are not allowed in game chats.

16. Any actions or statements that violate the law - the inclusion of a read only mode for the account for a period of 3 days.

There is no exact list of such statements. The administration in this case is guided by the laws of the country of the complaining player.

17. Creation of messages, the content of which is directly or indirectly related to organizations that violate and violate the law, including international, for example, the use in messages of various versions of Nazi symbols, abbreviations and designations, for example, “SS”, as well as the names and surnames of Nazi leaders - enable the read only mode for the account for a period of 14 to 28 days.

This paragraph includes, in particular, different kind Nazi sayings, for example "Sieg Heil", "14/88" and the like. Also, this paragraph is violated by messages that carry any kind of Nazi propaganda and mention Nazi organizations and their figures.

1) Directly or indirectly associated with organizations, as well as historical or political figures, primarily those who have been convicted by an international tribunal for crimes against humanity and, accordingly, cause a negative reaction among a large number of people, as well as figures and names of terrorist organizations, in including those active in this moment;

3) Carrying the character of insult, obscenity;

5) Which in any way offends a particular ethnic or racial group;

6) Directly or indirectly related to sexual intercourse or violence;

7) Which relate to the description of the body and its lower biological functions or reflexes;

9) Wholly or partially containing copyrighted and (or) registered elements of trademarks;

12) Which contain direct or indirect propaganda of alcohol and drugs;

Nicknames that implicitly or implicitly refer to the options prohibited above are also prohibited.

If account nicknames violate these rules, they must be changed. In this case, the accounts will be blocked from access to the Game for the period necessary to carry out the renaming operation.

This paragraph details the options for those nicknames for which a restriction may be imposed on your account. If you have been banned under clause 1.18, you need to contact the User Support Center with a new nickname, and your old nickname will be changed.

19. Various types of unsportsmanlike behavior and botting (the use of programs that imitate the actions of Users in the Game) are strictly prohibited. Types of restrictions applied - blocking access to the Game for a period of 1 to 28 days or permanent blocking access to the Game. Types of unsportsmanlike conduct:

A. Causing damage to allied vehicles (detected and normalized automatically);

B. Destruction of allied equipment (detected and normalized automatically);

C. Blocking technique of the User who is on the Player's team: blocking in front and behind. Complaints about such behavior are accepted only through the in-game complaint system, which is available during the battle;

D. Supporting the equipment of the User, who is part of the Player's team: blocking on one of the sides, not allowing movement, if on the other side the equipment touches an immovable indestructible obstacle. Complaints about such behavior are accepted only through the in-game complaint system, which is available during the battle;

E. Informing members of the opposing team through combat or voice chat about the location of the equipment of the User included in the Player's team. Complaints about such behavior are accepted only through the in-game complaint system, which is available during the battle;

E. Using bot programs, clicker programs, keyboard and mouse control macros, as well as other similar schemes for accumulating credits and experience without the participation of the User;

G. Passive (pacifist) behavior both in relation to members of a clan or an alliance of clans, and in relation to other Players of the enemy team;

H. Other forms of unsportsmanlike conduct that will be recognized as such by the Administration;

This broad section covers a wide range of various kinds violations of the Rules of the Game. A and B are damage and destruction of allied tanks, these violations are punished by an automatic system. You can learn more about its work in the article “How the teamkill tracking system works”. C-D - these items refer to various aspects gameplay, and if you think that there has been a violation of the Game Rules, you can use the complaints system (for more details, see the Violation Notification System article). E - bot growing, detected by an automatic system. W - pacifist behavior, that is, deliberately not opening fire on an enemy tank and coordinating with the enemy team. Item 3 includes situations not described above, which are considered separately by the Administration.

20. The project prohibits both full and abbreviated (tags) names of clans, as well as mottos and descriptions of clans:

1) Directly or indirectly associated with organizations, as well as historical or political figures, primarily with those who have been convicted by an international tribunal for crimes against humanity and, accordingly, cause a negative reaction among a large number of people, as well as with figures and names of terrorist organizations, including those currently active. For example, the use of various variants of Nazi symbols, abbreviations and designations, for example, "SS", as well as the initials, names and surnames of Nazi leaders.

3) Which carry the character of an insult, obscenity or are associated with intimate parts of the body;

4) Related to pedophilia, disability or the consequences of harassment;

5) Causing in any way an insult to a certain ethnic or racial group;

7) Directly or indirectly related to sexual intercourse or violence;

8) Which describe the lower biological functions or reflexes of human or animal bodies;

9) Referring to narcotic substances or their use;

11) Which contain, in whole or in part, copyrighted and registered trademark elements;

14) Who in any way violate the User Agreement concluded between the Players and the Administration of the Project, including the legislative norms of the country of jurisdiction of the Project;

Any full and/or abbreviated names of clans (tags), as well as mottos and descriptions of clans that violate the above rules, must be changed (brought in line with the rules), otherwise the clan is disbanded, especially in the event of a complaint from interested parties or copyright holders . Clan names, both full and abbreviated (tags), as well as clan mottos and descriptions that explicitly or implicitly refer to the options prohibited above, are also prohibited. In this case, the Game Funds spent on the installation of violating the rules, both full and abbreviated (tags), as well as mottos and clan descriptions, are not returned. In particularly obvious and difficult situations, a measure of restraint may be the disbandment of the clan and the permanent blocking of access to the Game for the accounts of its members. The nature of the degree of severity is determined by the Project Administration. The project administration is not responsible for creating similar clan tags and clan names. No administrative measures will be taken against such clans.

21. The following variants of clan logos are strictly prohibited:

1) Directly or indirectly associated with organizations, as well as historical or political figures, and, above all, those who have been convicted by an international tribunal for crimes against humanity and, accordingly, cause a negative reaction among a large number of people, as well as figures and names of terrorist organizations, in including those currently active. For example, the use of various variants of Nazi symbols, abbreviations and designations, for example, "SS", as well as portraits of Nazi figures.

13) Who otherwise violate the "User Agreement" concluded between the Players and the Administration of the Project, including the legislative norms of the country of jurisdiction of the Project;

Clan logos that explicitly or implicitly refer to the options prohibited above are also prohibited.

If clan logos violate the rules, they can be replaced with the default clan emblem, with notification to the clan commander of the violation. In case of repeated placement of an emblem that contradicts the rules of the Game, the clan may be forcibly disbanded, especially in the event of a complaint from interested parties or copyright holders.

In this case, the Game Funds spent on installing the emblem that violated the rules will not be returned.

The project administration is not responsible for creating similar or identical clan emblems. No administrative measures will be taken against such clans.

22. It is prohibited to post information of any nature in the Game for the purpose of gaining access to the accounts and personal data of the Users of the project, as well as conducting financial scams, as well as electronic fraud. Such information includes:

Posting links to third party resources, disguised as the official resources of the project;

Dissemination of any information that may harm the Users or the Administration of the project.

It is forbidden to impersonate representatives of the Project Administration - the inclusion of the read only mode for the account for a period of 21 to 60 days, or the inclusion of the read only mode permanently, or the permanent blocking of access to the Game.

This paragraph describes in detail the situations regarded by the Administration as various kinds of fraud. Also, a situation has been added to this paragraph when a player impersonates a representative of the Administration (messages like “hello, I am a tank admin”), which is also punishable.

23. Direct or indirect propaganda of drugs and alcohol, containing calls for their use and other information that can induce a desire to use these substances, - enabling the read only mode for the account for a period of 1 to 3 days.

The mention of alcoholic beverages and drugs, as well as actions that can be carried out with them (as well as a call for such actions), is regarded as propaganda of the substances mentioned. That is, expressions like “oh, I would like to drink a beer” and the like violate this paragraph of the “Rules of the Game”.

24. Creation of mouths with a description that violates the "Game Rules" or "User Agreement". In the event of a violation in the description of the company, the Administration reserves the right to dissolve the company by applying restrictions to the account of the founder of the company for a period of 12 hours to 7 days.

All paragraphs of Section 1 of the Rules of the Game, except for 1.20 and 1.21, also apply to company descriptions. Please note that in case of such violations, the restriction is issued not only for the game chat, but also for the game as a whole, albeit for a short time.

25. Direct or indirect statements or posting of information of a sexual nature. Such information includes:

Information of an erotic and pornographic nature;

Any use of the image of a child and the reproduction of his voice for erotic purposes;

Violation of this paragraph of the "Rules of the Game" - the inclusion of a read only mode for the account for a period of 1 to 3 days or a permanent blocking of access to the Game.

Any information of a sexual nature is unacceptable in the project due to age restrictions, account blocking is provided for their posting.

26. Users are prohibited from distributing any information about the project and plans for its development, which is classified by the Project Administration as closed - enabling the read only mode for the account for 30 days. Confidential information includes information that is not published as official news or press releases from official resources.

You can distribute only the information that was officially announced by the Project Administration. Distribution of information other than that published by the Administration is undesirable.

About updating the rules of the game and attentive users have already compared the current version with the previous one. We bring to your attention a complete list of changes to the rules of the World of Tanks game!

For so detailed analysis Thank you very much Ponym from LiveJournal!

The rules of the game are now the same for all WG projects (except for item 4)

The types of punishments are not limited to those indicated in the PI (legalization of black whirligigs?). The terms and types of punishments for this violation have been removed from all points of the PI, now the administration and moderators of the game themselves decide what type of punishment and for how long it can be imposed (except for those violations for which the punishment is imposed by the automatic system):
It was:
Types of restrictions: Turning on the read only mode in the Game - depriving the ability to send messages to all types of game chats. Blocking access to the Game - restricting access to the Game by blocking the User account
It became:
The following are some of the restrictions that may apply to the User in case of violations: Enabling the read only mode - deprivation of the ability to send messages in the Game, Forum and game channels for a period of one day to permanent (unlimited) blocking.
Blocking access to the Game, Forum or Account as a whole for a period of one day to a permanent (unlimited) blocking. game elements, game achievements, as well as in-game currency, premium vehicles, premium account and other Additional features Games without compensation (including in the form of returning the Account to the state that existed before the relevant violation) - if they were received in violation of the Game Rules, the User Agreement, other rules of Wargaming or the terms of the relevant contests and promotions.

Point about insult and obscenity:
It was:
The following actions are prohibited in the Game, general gaming, combat and any other chats, in case of which the following restrictions apply:
It became:
1. Bans in the game. The following actions are prohibited in the Game, general game and other channels: splitting or deleting characters. Rude, abusive and offensive expressions that go beyond the culture of communication are also prohibited.

Changing the concept of flood:
It was:
2. Placing information (messages, phrases, symbols, etc.) aimed at distracting Users from the topic of the conversation (flood). Implementation of mass mailing of information that the User did not request, in which he did not show interest and / or to which he did not give consent (spam). It is also forbidden to abuse replicas typed in upper case (for example, when Caps Lock is on) and multiple posting of the results of battles held in a row - enabling the read only mode for the account for a period of 1 to 14 days.
It became:
1.2. Posting information aimed at distracting Users from the topic of conversation and the Game (flood). Detailed description flood is given in paragraph 2.2 of the Rules of the game.
2.2. Flood is completely prohibited in the Game. Flud refers to, among other things:
2.2.1. the implementation of mass mailing of information that the User did not request, did not show interest in receiving it or did not give consent to receive it (spam);
2.2.2. abuse of text wrapping (splitting a sentence into separate words);
2.2.3. repeated duplication of messages of the same type; creating messages that do not contain meaning;
2.2.4. multiple duplication of battle results in Game channels;
2.2.5. abuse of recruiting - advertising and search for players, groups of players and tournaments. Abuse is considered advertising from the same Player Group more than once within five minutes;
2.2.6. abuse of writing messages in UPPER CASE; 2.2.7. misuse of punctuation marks;
2.2.8. abuse of in-game emoticons
2.2.9. posting information that does not correspond to the subject of the corresponding channel.

An item has been added to prohibit the use of another user's account, even if it was received by exchange or as a gift.

Modification of the paragraph on insult.
It was:
5. Insult, use of derogatory nicknames and nicknames based on race, nationality, religion or gender, as well as provoking the interlocutor to use them - enabling the read only mode for the account for a period of 14 to 28 days. Cursing, veiled cursing and other profanity used in this case are circumstances leading to an increase in the period of application of restrictions.
It became:
1.5. The use of insults that sow discord on racial, national, religious or gender grounds.

Ban on other games:
It was:
Forbidden:...12. All kinds of advertising messages... Mentioning and discussing other Games in the general chat is considered acceptable if it is related to military history, but should be stopped if it becomes direct propaganda of a third-party Game Project.
It became:
Prohibited: ... 1.12. Placing advertising messages of any kind... Mentioning and discussing other games is also not allowed.

Use of nicknames.
It was:

1) directly or indirectly associated with organizations, as well as historical or political figures, primarily with those who have been convicted by an international tribunal for crimes against humanity and, accordingly, cause a negative reaction among a large number of people, as well as figures and names of terrorist organizations, in including active ones at the moment;
It became:
1.18. Use in direct or indirect form of the following nicknames and other names in the Game (except for clan names, which are regulated separately): 1.18.1 violating clause 1.17;
1.17. Dissemination of information that is directly or indirectly related to organizations, historical or political figures convicted by international tribunals or recognized as terrorist, socially dangerous and illegal. Among other things, violations include the use of Nazi symbols, terms and designations (for example, "SS"), as well as the names of relevant historical figures.

Change of paragraph about biology:
It was:
18. The following nicknames are prohibited:
7) relating to the description of the body and its lower biological functions or reflexes;
It became:
1.18. Use in direct or indirect form of the following nicknames and other names in the Game (except for the names of clans, which are regulated separately): 1.18.5 relating to the description of the body, its biological functions or features of development;

4) related to pedophilia, disability or the consequences of harassment;

Items added:
1.22. Use the Game in ways not provided for by the User Agreement, Game Rules, other rules of Wargaming, as well as beyond the normal gameplay.

2.1. Along with other forms of unsportsmanlike conduct, the following is prohibited:
2.1.3. “Pumping” the Accounts of other Users, as well as any other non-sporting assistance.
2.1.6. Launching more than one copy of the game on the same device, except when using the test and live versions of the game at the same time.

- Section 3. Moderators

It was:
3.2. MCH Responsibilities:
1. During his stay in the Game client, control communication in the Game chat. 2. Coordinate with other Moderators to create a comfortable environment in the Game chats.
3. Perform your duties efficiently and regularly.
4. Apply restrictions on the ability to communicate in the chat in relation to the Players who directly or indirectly violate the rules of the Game.
5. Always be correct and polite towards all Users of the Project.
6. The only regulatory document that guides the activities of the MCh is the User Agreement and its Annexes.
It became:
3.2. Duties of the Moderator: 3.2.1. control communication in channels; 3.2.2. apply restrictions in relation to Users who violate the User Agreement, Game Rules or other rules of Wargaming.

Removed Section "Submitting Complaints about Game Violations. Appealing Decisions"

The rules for naming clans and images of their emblems are highlighted in a separate category (posted on the WG global site)

Removed an item in the forbidden names of clans and emblems: 4) related to pedophilia, disability or the consequences of harassment.

Items added:

13. The decision on the existence of a violation of the Rules of the clans and the severity of such a violation in each case is entirely within the competence of the Administration. The administration has the right, but is not obliged to give the clan that violated the Rules up to 24 hours to eliminate the violation.
14. Complaints related to intra-clan conflicts (including issues of the clan treasury) are not considered by the Administration. Responsibility for resolving conflict situations lies with the clan commanders, their deputies, and authorized persons appointed by them. By appointing clan members to the position of supply officer and other clan positions, the clan commander confirms the authority of the respective persons. In turn, ordinary members accept the internal rules of the clan, joining it. In case of conflict situations, clan treasury logs and other information of this kind will not be provided by the Administration.
15. Any violation of the Clan Rules is also automatically a violation of the User Agreement and other rules of Wargaming, and may be the basis for the application of restrictions on the creator, clan commander or other person who has the authority to manage the clan.
16. In the event that several players from the clan commit repeated violations of the Clans Rules, the Game Rules or the User Agreement, the Project Administration has the right to disband such a clan without any compensation to the clan and individual players.