New coins of andorra, vatican, luxembourg, san marino, usa. New coins of andorra, vatican, luxembourg, san marino, usa coat of arms dosaaf vector

Flag of sea and river vessels OSOAVIAKHIM. Established by Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 1290 dated July 18, 1940. Canceled 03/26/1950.

Flag of the DOSFLOT of the USSR. Established by the Charter of the USSR DOSFLOT on March 26, 1950. Canceled 6/6/1952

Flag of the rescue service DOSAAF USSR

Established by the Presidium of the Central Committee of the DOSAAF of the USSR on November 15, 1955 (minutes No. 2). Lost value on December 8, 1991

Flag of training courts of Osoaviakhim (approved in 1940)

DOSAV flag 1948 - 1953

Flag of DOSARM 1948 - 1953

Flag of DOSFLOT 1948 - 1953

Flag of the USSR DOSAAF 1953-1991

Flag of ROSTO 1991-2009

Flag of DOSAAF Russia 2009


Sign "Activist OSOAVIAKHIM"

The first OSOAVIAKHIM award badge was "OSOAVIAKHIM Activist", approved by the Presidium of the Society's Central Council on March 22, 1928, that is, before the official approval of the Society's emblem. The Regulations on the badge say that not only individuals are awarded the badge, but also organizations of the Society that have achieved the highest performance in defense work. The author of the sketch was G.D. Alekseev. In 1941, the badge was cancelled. Type I (solid stamped) - silver, enamel, solid, number on the reverse Type II (hollow) - silver, enamel, hollow inside.
Type III (cast) - bronze, enamel, solid. All signs are fastened with a screw.

For all signs height 35 mm, width 30 mm.

The title "Activist of Osoaviakhim" was assigned by the general meeting of the cell and agreed with the presidium of the county or district council of the Society. Together with the badge, the awardee was presented with a diploma from the provincial, regional, or republican council of Osoaviakhim. The Regulations on the sign indicated that it was awarded to those who voluntarily create new cells of Osoaviakhim, a military circle and fruitfully manage their work, organize any type of mass work in their own or sponsored team.

The badge was also awarded to entire organizations of the Society that achieved the highest performance in defense work.

The sign “Activist of Osoaviakhim” existed almost until the Great Patriotic War. It was awarded to tens of thousands of Osoaviakhim activists, including scientists, artists, inventors, and many athletes.

Badge of a member of OSOAVIAKHIM

At all times of its existence, the country's defense society had the so-called membership badges, which were also its emblem. Work on the creation of the emblem and sign Defense Society began almost immediately after its creation. On April 6, 1928, at the Plenum of the Central Council of the OSOAVIAKhIM of the USSR and the RSFSR, the need was expressed "... to give a small elegant badge, without piling up all the emblems of the Society ...", and already on December 6, at the Plenum of the Central Council of the Society, a sample of the sign and emblem of the OSOAVIAKhIM was approved, the author of the sketch of which was G. D. Alekseev. The regulation on the badge of a member of OSOAVIAKHIM was approved in September 1933.

During its history, the sign changed its form several times: in 1928 (when it was approved), in 1940 and in May 1941. The first membership badge of OSOAVIAKhIM was approved by the Presidium of the Central Council of the society on December 6, 1928. star. A crossed rifle and a propeller are placed in the center of the sign, and a sickle, a hammer and a gas mask are placed in the bottom. On the right, the sign is framed by ears of corn, and below is a red ribbon with the inscription "OSOAVIAKHIM USSR". In May 1941, the presidium of the Central Council of the society approved a new image of the membership badge. It differed from the previous sign in that the inscription "OSOAVIAKHIM" was preserved on the ribbon, and a red flag appeared in the upper part of the sign, on which the inscription "USSR" was transferred. But due to the Great Patriotic War that began on June 22, 1941, this sign was not widely used.

History reference. Defense Society Badges

Created in January 1927 as a result of the merger of several defense organizations, the Society for the Promotion of Defense and Aviation Chemical Construction (OSOAVIAKHIM) considered its main task the patriotic education of young people and their preparation for service in the Red Army and the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Navy. From the first days of its existence, this society launched a stormy activity, the main aspects of which were reflected in badges and tokens. So, during the week of defense among the population, members of this society, popularly called "Osoaviakhimovtsy", distributed the badge "Strengthen the defense of the USSR" and "Strengthening the transport, strengthen the defense of the USSR." Proceeds from the sale of these signs went to the country's defense fund.

Sample before 1940:

Sample before 1941:

Sign "Fighter OKDVA"

The sign is dedicated to the events of 1929 on the Chinese Eastern Railway (CER). It was built by Russia from 1897 to 1903, having invested 375 million gold rubles. Since May 1924, it has become a purely commercial enterprise, jointly managed by the USSR and China. However, starting in 1925, partnerships began to deteriorate. And the coup of April 12, 1929 by Chiang Kai-Shek leads to a sharp aggravation of the situation. On July 10, 1929, the road and all services were seized by Chinese troops, the Soviet representative office was closed, arrests and murders of Soviet employees began, and provocations on the Soviet-Chinese border also became more frequent.

In response, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR of August 6, 1929, the troops of the Far East were consolidated into a powerful strategic association - the Special Far Eastern Army (ODVA), commanded by the hero of the Civil War V.K. Blucher. The actions of our troops to restore the status quo on the CER were planned at the army headquarters and consisted in a simultaneous strike in two converging directions. In the west, the Trans-Baikal Group of Forces operated under the command of the commander of the 18th Rifle Corps S.S. Vostretsov, and from the seaside direction - a group of the chief of staff of the ODVA A.Ya. Lapin. fighting started November 17th. As a result of the Manchurian-Chzhalaynor and Mishanfus operations, the main enemy forces were defeated within a week, the Chinese side, admitting its defeat, on December 22 signed an agreement in Harbin that restored the situation on the CER that existed before the conflict.

The Osoaviakhim badge for the OKDVA fighter was established by the Central Council of Osoaviakhim in 1929. The badge was awarded to the private and command staff of the Red Army of the Special Red Banner Far Eastern Military District under the command of V.K. Blucher, who distinguished themselves in the defeat of the Chinese troops of Zhang Xueliang in 1929, who captured the CER (Chinese Eastern Railway), which was a joint Soviet-Chinese venture. Signed after the defeat of the Chinese on December 22, 1929, the Khabarovsk protocol restored the status of the railway.
Badge Osoaviakhim Fighter OKDVA is made of brass by stamping. The badge is an oval shape, divided diagonally into upper and lower parts by a shaft of an enameled red flag lying below. Against the background of the flag is a gear wheel with a five-pointed star covered in red enamel, inside which is a hammer and sickle. At the bottom of the sign on the flag is the inscription "USSR", and to the left of the flag - a bunch of ears of wheat. Along the border of the semi-oval shield is the inscription "OSOAVIAKHIM" and "FIGHTER OKDVA". Against the background of the shield to the left, a fighter of the Red Army is depicted, and in the background in the center of the shield is a railway going into the distance and hills of the Chinese terrain with a vertical inscription "CER".
The sign "Osoaviakhim Fighter OKDVA" is attached to clothing with a threaded pin and nut.

Signs of Osoaviakhim paratroopers:

The first aviation sign of the Defense Society - the badge "Parachutist" was approved in February 1931.
Eyewitnesses say that when considering the sketch of the badge, a member of the Presidium of the Central Council of the Osoaviakhim of the USSR and the RSFSR P. I. Baranov, the former head of the Red Army Air Force, personally drew a red star on the parachute dome. That is how he survived. This badge was then awarded to paratroopers who made their first jump from an airplane. But the first 100 signs made of silver were awarded to the pioneers of parachuting B. Petrov, A. Fateev, the first Soviet parachutist L. Kuleshova and others.
Soviet parachuting, like domestic aviation, owes much of its rapid development to the Lenin Komsomol.
From the rostrum of the IX Congress in January 1931, an ardent call was made: “Komsomolets, get on the plane!”. It was widely taken up by the youth.
Thousands of young men and women on Komsomol vouchers came to study at the schools of the Air Force, the civil air fleet, and the flying clubs of Osoaviakhim. Komsomol members became the initiators of the creation of parachute circles, stations, ardent enthusiasts of the construction of parachute towers.

Sign "For active defense work in OSOAVIAKHIM"

The badge "For active defense work" was approved on May 19, 1932 and was the highest award of OSOAVIAKHIM. Initially, the Regulations on the badge provided for its presentation exclusively to members of the Society, however, on January 29, 1932, the Central Council of the Defense Society amended the Regulations on the badge, indicating that individual organizations of the Society could also be awarded it.

The badge "For active defense work" was awarded even during the Great Patriotic War and was canceled in 1948.

Sign "Voroshilovsky shooter". Was in two types OSAVIAKHIM and the Red Army

"Voroshilov Sharpshooter" - the badge owes its name to the story that happened at the commander's test firing in the summer of 1932. The arrows lined up at their targets reported to K. Voroshilov (People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs, Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR) their results. At one completely clean target, the commander referred to a bad revolver. Voroshilov took his weapon and retreated to the firing line and knocked out 59 points out of 7 shots. Returning the weapon, the People's Commissar said: "There are no bad weapons, there are bad arrows." This case was published in the district newspaper and received great fame. A mass movement arose under the slogan: "Shoot at Voroshilovsky." On October 29, 1932, the Presidium of the Central Council of the Osoaviakhim of the USSR and the RSFSR approved the regulation on the title of "Voroshilovsky shooter", and on December 29 the badge was established. In May 1934, in order to improve shooting skills, the Central Council of Osoaviakhim introduced two levels of the title "Voroshilovsky shooter". Higher requirements have been developed for obtaining the II degree badge.

Breastplate "Young Voroshilov shooter" - This is a civil badge of the Osoaviakhim society, which was awarded to pioneers and schoolchildren for mastering shooting skills and marksmanship.

The badge of the Young Voroshilov shooter was a complex form made by stamping from copper or nickel-plated copper. The sign depicts a pioneer flame covered with red enamel, under which there is a shooting target painted in white and black enamel. Above the flame there is a flag covered with red enamel with the inscription "YOUNG VOROSHILOV SHOOTER". All this image is against the background of a large circle formed on the left side by a cogwheel with the inscription "OSOAVIAKHIM", on the right side - by an ear of wheat.

The size of the sign is 35 mm wide, 40 mm high, but there were also small signs measuring 15x20 mm.
The badge is attached to clothing with a threaded pin and nut. Numbers were affixed to the sign and nut.
Over the time that has passed since this event, from 6 to 9 million awards have taken place, while the signs were of a wide variety of sizes from 25 mm to 50 mm.

The most rare is the sign "Voroshilovsky shooter" of the II degree, especially with the inscription "Voroshilovsky shooter II" and the inscription of the Red Army along the edge in the place where OSOAVIAKHIM was usually written. The most common signs are 35x40 mm in size. Among the signs of the young "Voroshilovsky shooter" is more rare of a small size (15x20 mm.).

Badge "Drummer OSOAVIAKHIM"

The last award badge of OSOAVIAKHIM was the badge "Drummer OSOAVIAKHIM".
At a meeting of the Presidium of the Central Council of the OSOAVIAKHIM of the USSR and the RSFSR on July 22, 1933, the draft Regulations on the badge "Drummer OSOAVIAKHIM" and the draft of the badge itself, which was envisaged as a reward for members of the shock brigades of the Society, were considered. On September 4 of the same year, the Regulations on the sign were approved. The badge lasted until 1941.

Sign "Voroshilovsky rider".

To intensify work on the cavalry training of youth on March 4, 1936.
The Central Council of Osoaviakhim approved the norms of the "Voroshilov Horseman".
The same decree approved the regulations on cavalry clubs, equestrian clubs and cavalry schools of Osoaviakhim.
And on June 2, the Voroshilov Horseman badge itself was approved, the image of which was published in the On Guard newspaper on June 10, 1936.
The regulation on the badge "Voroshilovsky horseman" stated that it is issued by the district, city councils of Osoaviakhim to those members of the Society who successfully fulfill the established standards. At the same time, the Central Council considered the norms for the badge as the highest level of equestrian training.
Its release was discontinued with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

Sign "Ready for air and chemical defense"

In September 1934, the Central Council of OSOAVIAKHIM decided to introduce the sports and defense complex "Ready for air defense and chemical defense" ("Ready for air defense"), and on August 18, 1935, the image of the sign "Ready for air defense" was published in the newspaper "On guard" . In the summer of the following year, the norms of the "Ready for PVCO" stage II complex were introduced, and on January 28, 1937 (put into circulation on February 1, 1938) was approved collective sign "Ready for PVCO", which was wall-mounted and hung on the facade of the building. Later (January 16, 1938), the Central Council of OSOAVIAKHIM, in order to actively involve school youth in teaching the basics of PPE, approved the standards of the complex for children aged 12 to 16 years. These norms included the need to study well at school, to know the device of a gas mask and be able to handle it, to study the tasks of the PVCO, to be able to fight fires and provide first aid to the victims. The introduction of a special sign for children was not provided. During the existence of the complex, more than 38 million people have been covered by various forms of education of the PHE. Only in 1940, 9.8 million people passed the norms of the complex of the first stage. Judging by the publications in the newspapers of that time, the quality of the training was not always good. This is partly why the preparation for the commissioning of the "Ready for PVCO" stage II complex did not receive mass distribution. So, in the Stalingrad region for 1936-1937. 343 people passed the norms of the second stage. To pass the standards of the II stage, it is necessary not only to pass the standards (which required good initial knowledge), but also to be a drummer in production, an active member of the OSOAVIAKHIM in the work of the PVCO of your home, factory (collective farm, school), have your own gas mask.

In 1939 appearance signs "Ready for PVCO" of the I and II stages underwent changes (the suspension disappeared), and with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the production of signs was completely stopped, although work on passing the standards was carried out until 1946. It is practically impossible to determine the number of issued signs "Ready for PVCO". Like most of the mass signs of that time, the sign "Ready for PVCO" was made at various factories. So, for example, at the beginning of 1936, an agreement was concluded between the plant management of the Leningrad Mint (LMD) and Lensnabosoaviakhim for the production of 500 thousand "Ready for PVCO" badges. LMD was made: in 1936 - 196804 copies, in 1937 - 153900 copies, in 1938 - 31501 copies. That is why there are a large number of variants of signs (especially signs of the first stage of the 1935 model).
As a rule, the sign was not numbered, which was also noted in the certificate to it, less often the number was indicated on the nut.

Badge "Excellent BGTO"

In 1934, it was supplemented with the "Be ready for work and defense" stage. From 1972 to the end of the 1980s. another complex was distributed, which included standards for 5 age groups - from 10 to 60 years. Size 2.5 x 1.5 cm.
Those who fulfilled the standards were awarded the TRP badge.

Hello dear visitors!

This week our collection has been replenished with new coins from Europe and the USA.

Let's start with US coins which came out in America the Beautiful series.

2017. 25 cents. National Waterways of the Ozarks. 38th National Park.

On the reverse of the coin one of the most important symbols of the protected area is presented - the red mill.

Missouri- a state in the Midwest of the United States, the 24th state in the federation, the 21st state in terms of area and the 18th in terms of population. The state unites 114 ordinary districts and 1 urban district - St. Louis. The capital is Jefferson City. largest cities are St. Louis, Kansas City, Springfield and Columbia. The official nickname is the Show Me State.

U.S. Ozark Landscape River Reserve(Ozark National Scenic Riverways) is a national park in the state of Missouri, where the Current River and its tributary the Jax Fork River are protected for about 225 km. The Plateau of the Ozarks National Wildlife Refuge was established to protect endangered bats and their habitats. The shelter is made up of several parcels of land located in northeastern Oklahoma. These packs contain numerous caves that are considered essential for the survival of bats.

And now we will introduce new sections in the category “Coins. European countries".

They represent the euro coins of two very small states: the Principality of Andorra and the Vatican.


In 1994 Andorra became a member of the Council of Europe. Since 2014, the country has begun minting coins of the general sample of the European currency euro. Today we present 2 euro coins of Andorra, which are dedicated to anniversaries in the history of the country. The year 2016 is indicated on the coins, but in fact both coins were issued on June 1, 2017.

2016. 2 euros. Andorra. 150th anniversary of the new reform of 1866

The coin depicts the meeting room "Casa de la Vall" (buildings of the General Council of Andorra).

Andorra, full official form Principality of Andorra- one of the dwarf states of Europe, landlocked, located in the Eastern Pyrenees between France and Spain, as well as associated with them. The name of the country comes from Basque. andurrial - "wasteland".

Once closed, the Principality now thrives mainly on tourism. Catalan is the official language under the country's Constitution, but Spanish and (to a lesser extent) French also serve as de facto official languages.

Traditionally the base Andorra attributed to Charlemagne, although there is no evidence for this. In 805, the King of Aquitaine, Louis I the Pious, defeated the army of the Saracens due to the fact that the inhabitants of the Andorran community led the Frankish army to the rear of the Arabs. For help, Charlemagne granted the community the Great Charter of Freedom (Magna Carta). 805 is considered the year of foundation of the Principality of Andorra.

In 988, Borrell II, Count of Barcelona, ​​transferred temporal power over the valley of Andorra to the Bishop of Urgell.

In 1278, the so-called Paréage Act was signed between the Count of Foix and the Bishop of Urgell, according to which they shared power among themselves in the valley.

In 1479, Count Francis Phoebus de Foix becomes King of Navarre, and thus the suzerain rights of the Counts of Foix to Andorra pass to the Navarrese crown. After the king of Navarre ascended the throne of France in 1589 under the name of Henry IV, these rights passed in the same way to the crown of France. Formally, they remain with the French state until now, now the president of the French Republic is considered the nominal prince-co-ruler of Andorra.

In 1419, the "Council of the Land" (Consell de la Terra) was created, in fact, the parliament of Andorra, later - the General Council.

In 1866 the so-called "New Reform" changes the previously existing feudal system of government. The provisions of the Andorran constitution were developed.

In 1866, at the initiative of the wealthy landowner Guillen de Plandolit y d "Areno, the New Reform movement unfolded in the country, and on April 14, 1866, Bishop Josep Caixal y Estrade (1853−1879) approved the provisions of the constitution of Andorra. May 31, 1866 The first Constitution was introduced in the country - “The Reform Project adopted in the Valleys of Andorra". The Emperor of France, Napoleon III, ratified the Constitution of Andorra in 1869. According to the Constitution, the General Council became the supreme legislative body, which consisted of 24 members elected by "syndics" - heads The secular power of the Spanish bishop (in the area of ​​the internal life of the communities) was somewhat limited from 1867. His influence, in essence, was reduced to church affairs.

It is the anniversary of this reform that is dedicated new coin Andorra.

In 1993, a new Andorran constitution was adopted and the first general elections were held. In the same year, Andorra became a member UN. In 1994 Andorra becomes a member of the Council of Europe.

2016. 2 euros. Andorra. 25th anniversary of radio and TV broadcasting in Andorra.


A television

The coin depicts a microphone and an antenna surrounded by several circular lines symbolizing radio waves.

Andorran national telecommunications company("Servei de Telecomunicacions d'Andorra", STA or SOM) is the exclusive operator of fixed and mobile telephone services and Internet service provider. The same company manages the technical infrastructure of the national digital television and radio network.

Large-scale work is now underway in Andorra to introduce FTTH communication technology, thanks to which the Principality will become the first country in the world where wired communication in the form of fiber optic cables will come to all cities and villages, houses and hotels, shops and restaurants, cafes and office buildings.

Radio i Televisio d'Andorra (RTVA) is the only television channel in the country. Radio Nacional d'Andorra operates two radio stations, Radio Andorra and Andorra Música.

"Vatican (Euro)"

Euro coins Vatican regular coinage were put into circulation in 2002 and replaced the national currency - Vatican lira. Issued at the Roman Mint.

On the national side of the coins there is a portrait of the ruling Pope at the time of minting.

2017. 2 euros. Vatican. Peter and Paul.



Christian saints

On the reverse of the coin depicts Saints Peter and Paul and two iconographic symbols characteristic of them - the keys and the sword. The key symbolizes the transfer by Jesus Christ to the Apostle Peter of the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. The sword symbolizes the life, and after the martyrdom of the Apostle Paul.

According to church tradition, the holy chief apostles Peter and Paul accepted holy martyrdom on the same day - June 29 according to the Julian calendar (July 12).

Apostle Peter - in Christianity, one of the twelve apostles (disciples) of Jesus Christ. In the Catholic Church, he is considered the first pope. The apostle Peter before the adoption of Christianity bore the name Simon. He, like his brother Andrei, was a simple fisherman in the remote Palestinian province of Galilee. Simon had a brother like him a fisherman, had a wife and his own house.

One day the Lord entered Simon's boat to preach to the people who had gathered on the shore. After finishing the sermon, Jesus told the brothers Simon and Andrew to sail away and cast their nets. The fishermen obeyed, and their catch was so great that the nets began to break, although they had not been able to get a single fish the night before.

Christ gave Simon a new name - Cephas, which means "stone" (in Greek, the word sounds like "Petros"). The first disciple of Christ was awarded this name for the firmness of faith, which could be compared with an indestructible rock. He was the only one of the apostles who dared to follow Christ on the water.

Apostle Paul before the adoption of Christianity, he bore the Hebrew name Saul, which means “begged”, “begged”. The second name Paulus, that is, "small" - is of Roman origin.

As a militant Pharisee, he participated in the persecution of Christians. On the way to Damascus, he was blinded by the brightest light and, having heard the reproachful voice of Jesus Christ, he believed in Him. Those who went with him brought Saul to Damascus, where he was healed by Ananias and was baptized.

The apostles were martyred in Rome in the year 67. With the beginning of the persecution of Christians in the 1st century AD. e. Emperor Nero.

The Apostle Peter was sentenced to death by crucifixion, but the saint asked to be hanged upside down, because he considered himself unworthy to accept death like the Lord.

The Apostle Paul was a Roman citizen and was executed by beheading.


2017. 2 euros. Luxembourg. 50th anniversary of Luxembourg's voluntary military service.

In recent decades, many countries around the world have reformed their armed forces, abandoning conscripted armies in favor of professional armies, which are based on contract soldiers.

The first country to introduce the voluntary principle of military service was France. Other countries followed, including Luxembourg.

In 1967, compulsory military service was replaced by a recruitment of volunteers. Since 1967, the Luxembourg army has been recruited on a voluntary basis by citizens of both sexes between the ages of 18 and 24.

The Armed Forces of Luxembourg include: the army, the gendarmerie, the company of the guard of honor. Air Force is not.

San Marino

2017. 2 euros. San Marino. 750 years since the birth of Giotto di Bondone.


Italian artists

Giotto di Bondone(Italian: Giotto di Bondone) (c. 1267 - 1337) - Italian artist and architect, founder of the Proto-Renaissance era. One of key figures in the history of Western art. Having overcome the Byzantine icon-painting tradition, he became the true founder of the Italian school of painting, developed a completely new approach to depicting space. Giotto's works were inspired by Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo.

According to the documents found, Giotto was born in July 1266 in the town of Vespigniano, now Vicchio, located east of Florence, in the family of the blacksmith Bondone. Giotto later acquired land and houses in Vespignano.

The name Giotto is possibly an abbreviation of Angiolotto or Ambrogiotto, but it is also possible that this is an independent name of the artist.

According to Vasari, Giotto was a student of Cimabue, this point of view is questioned by modern researchers. According to Vasari, Cimabue and Giotto worked together on frescoes in the church of San Francesco, in Assisi, and the student surpassed the teacher.

In one of the documents of 1301, Giotto is named as the owner of a house in Florence. In 1301, Giotto is already married to Chiuta di Lapo del Pela. They had eight children, one of the sons also became an artist.

The artist died on January 8, 1337 in Florence while working on the Last Judgment fresco in the Bargello Chapel.

Major works of Giotto:

  • Church of San Francesco in Assisi
  • The Scrovegni Chapel in Padua with the famous Kiss of Judas fresco
  • Florence Abbey Church (Italian: Badia Fiorentina) in Florence
  • Church of the Holy Cross in Florence

It is believed that in his work Giotto managed to overcome the style of icon painting common to Italy and Byzantium. Giotto turned the flat, two-dimensional space of the icon into three-dimensional space, creating the illusion of depth using chiaroscuro. This primarily refers to the bold volume of architecture in Giotto's work. Next, you can call the modeling of the volume of clothing. It was these images that first of all amazed the viewer and caused controversy, recognition and accusations of destroying the unified stylistic space of the work.