Panorama of the Yeisk Fortification. Virtual tour of the Yeisk Fortification. Attractions, map, photo, video. Yeysk fortification In what year was the Yeysk fortification created


Yeisk Fortification- a village in the Shcherbinovsky district Krasnodar Territory, forms the Yeyskoukreplenskoye rural settlement, being its administrative center.

The population is 2.2 thousand people.


The village is located on the northeastern shore of the Yeisk estuary, at the confluence of the Yei, 10 km north of the regional center of the village of Staroshcherbinovskaya, in the steppe zone. The city of Yeysk is located on the opposite bank of the estuary, 25 km to the west.


The fortification of Yeysk town (also known as Shagin-Girey town, Yeysk redoubt, Yeysk fortress, Shagingireevsky bazaar) was founded in 1775 - this is the oldest Russian settlement in the southern Azov region. It was founded as the headquarters of the Russian-backed pretender to the Crimean throne, Shahin Giray. The population was Nogais, Crimean Tatars, Armenians, Russian garrison. The fortification was used as a wintering ground for garrisons of redoubts along the Kuban River, created under the leadership of Suvorov.

In 1792, three regiments of cavalry and two regiments of infantry of the Black Sea Cossack army arrived in the Yeisk fortification under the leadership of Ataman Chepega (the second part of the Black Sea people landed in the Taman region), then settled further south along the Kuban-Azov lowland, marking the beginning of the Slavic colonization of the region.

Until 1920, the village of Yeyskoye Fortification, like the entire right bank of the Yeya, was part of the Rostov Department of the Don Cossack Region.

Article from ESBE (late 19th century):

“The Yeysk fortification is a place in the Rostov District, the region of the Don Cossacks, 109 miles southwest of the district city and 48 miles east of the city of Yeysk, on the eastern shore of the Yeysk estuary. Residents 5311, households 784; Orthodox Church, parochial school. The main occupation of the inhabitants is the fishing industry. Every year a fair where they sell up to 250,000 rubles.

In 1934-1953, the Yeysk Fortification was the center of the Liman region.

Subject of the federation Municipal area Rural settlement Coordinates

 /   / 46.70000; 38.60000Coordinates :


Kolosov Andrey Anatolievich

Founded First mention Former names

Yeysk town

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Expression error: unexpected operator< K: Settlements founded in 1775

In 1792 in Yeysk fortification three regiments of cavalry and two regiments of infantry of the Black Sea Cossack army arrived under the leadership of Ataman Chepega (the second part of the Black Sea people landed in the Taman region), then settled south along the Kuban-Azov lowland, marking the beginning of the Slavic colonization of the region.

Until 1920 the village Yeisk Fortification, like the entire right bank of Yei, was part of the Rostov department of the Don Cossack Region.

« Yeysk fortification - a place in the Rostov District, the region of the Don Cossacks, 109 miles southwest of the district city and 48 miles east of the city of Yeysk, on the eastern shore of the Yeysk estuary. Residents 5311, households 784; Orthodox Church, parochial school. The main occupation of the inhabitants is the fishing industry. Every year, the fair, which sells up to 250,000 rubles.»

In 1934-1953, the Yeysk Fortification was the center of the Liman region.

Notable natives

  • Gaidukov VF - a participant in the armed uprising in Petrograd in 1917, a participant in the civil war. GAYDUKOV Vasily Fedorovich - a native of the Rostov district, Don region, places. Yeysk fortification, 40 years old, peasant. Fiery revolutionary. An outstanding organizer of the red partisan detachments. At a moment of hard struggle between the proletariat and capital, he was the first to raise the red banner of struggle in the Rostov District. Not sparing his young 4 children, of whom the eldest, 10-year-old, was already in the ranks of the Red Guard, leaves them and joins its ranks. For his organizational ability and fighting courage, Comrade Gaidukov was appointed commander of the detachment. Near Torgovaya, he is waging a fierce struggle with General Alekseev. Tov. Gaidukov was always a living banner ahead. When in a dangerous and difficult moment it was necessary to protect his life, he always said one thing: “They won’t kill us all, and if they kill me, then my son, devoted to the cause of the revolution, will be able to avenge the death of his father.” But his dream and words were not destined to come true, since his son in 1918 also died the death of brave heroes. VF Gaidukov commanded the 1st Tikhoretsky revolutionary communist regiment and in 1918 in December near Tsaritsyn he was captured by the White Guard executioners. I later learned about his further fate from the inhabitants of the Karpovskaya settlement: comrade Gaidukov was martyred - he was burned alive at the stake. I. E. Ignatiev.
  • Lifanov, Ivan Kuzmich (1942-2016) - Soviet and Russian mathematician, specialist in numerical methods for solving integral equations, mainly in aerodynamic problems.
  • Tkachenko, Grigory Trofimovich (1916-1983) - Hero of the Soviet Union.

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An excerpt characterizing the Yeisk Fortification

Jesus Radomir drives away
merchants from the temple

The North fell silent, and I thought the story was over. There was such a deep, naked longing in his sad gray eyes that I finally realized how difficult it was to live, refusing to help loved ones, bright and beautiful people, seeing them off, going to certain death, and knowing how easy it was for them save, just by stretching out a hand ... And how wrong, in my opinion, was their unwritten "truth" about not interfering in Earthly affairs, until (finally, sometime! ..) the "right" time comes .. which could never come...
“Man is still a weak-willed creature, Isidora…” Sever suddenly spoke again in a low voice. - Both self-interest and envy in him, unfortunately, are more than he can handle. People still do not want to follow the Pure and Light - this hurts their "pride" and makes them very angry, because it is too different from the person "usual" to them. And the Thinking Dark Ones, knowing full well and taking advantage of this, always easily directed people first to overthrow and destroy the "new" Gods, quenching the "thirst" for the destruction of the beautiful and the light. And then, quite disgraced, they returned the same new “gods” to the crowd, as the Great Martyrs, destroyed “by mistake” ... Christ, even crucified, remained too far away for people ... And too pure ... Therefore, after death people with such cruelty stained him, not pitying and not embarrassed, making him like themselves. So from the ardent Warrior, only the cowardly God remained in people's memory, calling to turn his left cheek if they hit him on the right .... And from his great Love - only a miserable laughing stock, pelted with stones ... a wonderful pure girl who turned into a "forgiven" Christ, a “fallen” woman who has risen from the mud... People are still stupid and evil of Isidore... Don't give yourself up for them! After all, even having crucified Christ, all these years they cannot calm down, destroying His Name. Do not give yourself up for them Isidora!
– But do you think ALL people are stupid and evil?.. There are a lot of beautiful people on Earth, Sever! And not all of them need a "cast down" God, believe me! Look at me - can't you see? I would need a living Christ, just like his wondrous Love - Magdalene ...
North smiled.
- Because you - From-and-to-ra ... You pray to other gods. And they hardly need to pray! They are with you always and they cannot leave you. Your gods are Good and Love, Light and Knowledge, and Pure Primordial Power. These are the Gods of Wisdom, and this is what we "pray" to. People don't recognize them yet. For now, they need something else ... People need someone to whom they can complain when they feel bad; who can they blame when they are unlucky; whom they can ask for when they want something; who can forgive them when they "sin"... That's what a person only needs so far... And a lot of time will pass until a person needs a God who would do everything for him, and even more so - I would forgive everything... It's too convenient to be able to refuse, Isidora... A person is not yet ready to do anything himself.
“Show it to me, Sever...” I asked in a whisper. Show me what he was like.
The air around him rippled softly, sparkling and thickening, as if a mysterious invisible door was opening. And then I saw them! .. In a spacious stone cave, two wonderful blond children were talking cheerfully about something, sitting by a small natural stone fountain. The world around them seemed happy and sunny, absorbing the quiet joy that flowed from their wonderful souls ... The boy was proud, tall and very slender for his thirteen years. He had a tremendous inner strength, but at the same time, he was soft and very pleasant. He looked at the world cheerfully, and ... very wisely, as if he had been inside for at least a hundred years. From time to time his radiant blue eyes flashed, penetrating with a steel gray color, but then they sparkled again with merriment, admiring his charming, laughing companion ... And the girl really was unusually good. She was like a pure angel that had just descended from heaven. Clutching her to her chest, she held an old, thick book. And she didn't seem to want to let her go. Wavy, very long golden hair was tied with a blue silk ribbon, which successfully set off the color of her laughing, sky-blue eyes. The small dimples on her rosy cheeks made her sweet and cheerful, like a clear May morning... The children were dressed in long, snow-white, identical clothes, girded with golden belts, and looked like a wonderful couple that came out of a beautiful old picture... They wonderfully matched each other to a friend, supplementing and connecting with something that was missing for everyone, creating one whole that was impossible to break ... They were Jesus and Magdalene, the future Savior of Humanity and his only and great, future Love.
But they are completely different! I exclaimed, genuinely surprised. - Not at all what they are painted! Aren't they Jews?!
“And they never were,” Sever shrugged. - These are people who needed power, very "cleverly" decided to become "children of the murdered God", the same, making the "CHOSEN" the most dangerous people on Earth. Jesus was the son of the White Magus and our disciple, Vedunia Mary. They gave birth to him in order to bring his amazing Soul to Earth.
I stared dumbfounded at the North...
- And what about the Jewish Mary and Joseph ?! How about the same Nazareth?..

– There was never a Jew Mary, Isidore, nor Joseph next to Jesus. There was the Witch Mary, who, right before his birth, went here, to Meteora, so that he would be born here, among the Magi and Witches. But she was late... Jesus was born a week earlier, AT DAWN, in a small house on the river bank. And his birth was accompanied by the Bright Morning Star. Our Magi hurried to him to see him and protect him. And his Teacher and Father came to bow to the wonderful soul of his newborn son. The Magi called him to Earth to stop the "plague", which, like a spider, had been weaving its black webs here for a long time. And it was the Magi who sent Christ to the Jews. But Jesus himself was never a Jew. The Magi hoped that he would have enough strength to stop the "black" Evil that was already spreading across the Earth. But Jesus lost by underestimating the "great weaknesses" of man... The Earth was not ready for His coming, just as it was not ready for the coming of the LEADERS, Isidore. And we are not ready to help her. When the right time comes, we will open the Doors. And, perhaps, Light will triumph on Earth. But this will not happen for a very long time... Forgive me.

Yeisk Fortification - a village in the Shcherbinovsky District of the Krasnodar Territory, forms the Yeyskoukreplenskoye Rural Settlement, being its administrative center. The population is 2.2 thousand people.


The village is located on the northeastern shore of the Yeisk estuary, at the confluence of the Yei, 10 km north of the regional center of the village of Staroshcherbinovskaya, in the steppe zone. The city of Yeysk is located on the opposite bank of the estuary, 25 km to the west.

The fortification of Yeysk town (also known as Shagin-Girey town, Yeysk redoubt, Yeysk fortress, Shagingireevsky bazaar) was founded in 1775 - this is the oldest Russian settlement in the southern Azov region. It was founded as the headquarters of the Russian-backed pretender to the Crimean throne, Shahin Giray. The population was Nogais, Crimean Tatars, Armenians, Russian garrison. The fortification was used as a wintering ground for garrisons of redoubts along the Kuban River, created under the leadership of Suvorov. In 1792, three regiments of cavalry and two regiments of infantry of the Black Sea Cossack army arrived in the Yeisk fortification under the leadership of Ataman Chepega (the second part of the Black Sea people landed in the Taman region), then settled further south along the Kuban-Azov lowland, marking the beginning of the Slavic colonization of the region. Until 1920, the village of Yeyskoye Fortification, like the entire right bank of the Yeya, was part of the Rostov Department of the Don Cossack Region. An article from the ESBE (end of the 19th century): “The Yeysk fortification is a place in the Rostov District, the region of the Don Cossack Army, 109 miles southwest of the district city and 48 miles east of the city of Yeysk, on the eastern shore of the Yeysk estuary. Residents 5311, households 784; Orthodox Church, parochial school. The main occupation of the inhabitants is the fishing industry. Every year a fair where they sell up to 250,000 rubles. In 1934-1953, the Yeysk Fortification was the center of the Liman region.

Notable natives

Gaidukov VF - a participant in the armed uprising in Petrograd in 1917, a participant in the civil war. GAYDUKOV Vasily Fedorovich - a native of the Rostov district, Don region, places. Yeysk fortification, 40 years old, peasant. Fiery revolutionary. An outstanding organizer of the red partisan detachments. At a moment of hard struggle between the proletariat and capital, he was the first to raise the red banner of struggle in the Rostov District. Not sparing his young 4 children, of whom the eldest, 10-year-old, was already in the ranks of the Red Guard, leaves them and joins its ranks. For his organizational ability and fighting courage, Comrade Gaidukov was appointed commander of the detachment. Near Torgovaya, he is waging a fierce struggle with General Alekseev. Tov. Gaidukov was always a living banner ahead. When in a dangerous and difficult moment it was necessary to protect his life, he always said one thing: “They won’t kill us all, and if they kill me, then my son, devoted to the cause of the revolution, will be able to avenge the death of his father.” But his dream and words were not destined to come true, since his son in 1918 also died the death of brave heroes. V. F. Gaidukov commanded the 1st Tikhoretsky revolutionary communist ...

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Yeisk Fortification- a village in the Shcherbinovsky district of the Krasnodar Territory, forms the Yeyskoukreplenskoye rural settlement, being its administrative center.

The population is about 2 thousand inhabitants.


The village is located on the northeastern shore of the Yeisk estuary, at the confluence of the Yei, 10 km north of the regional center of the village of Staroshcherbinovskaya, in the steppe zone. The modern city of Yeysk is located on the opposite bank of the estuary, 25 km to the west.


strengthening Yeysk town(it is clear as Shagin-Gireysky town, Yeysk redoubt, Yeysk fortress, Shagingireevsky market) was founded in 1775 - this is the oldest Russian settlement in the southern Azov region. It was founded as the headquarters of the Russian-backed candidate for the Crimean throne, Shahin Giray. The population was Nogais, Crimean Tatars, Armenians, Russian garrison. The fortification was used as a wintering ground for garrisons of redoubts built under the direction of Suvorov along the Kuban River.

In 1792 in Yeysk fortification 3 regiments of cavalry and 2 regiments of infantry of the Black Sea Cossack army arrived under the control of ataman Chepega (the 2nd part of the Black Sea people landed in the Taman region), which later settled south along the Kuban-Azov lowland, marking the beginning of the Slavic colonization of the region.

Until 1920 the village Yeisk Fortification, like the entire right bank of Yeya, was part of the Rostov department of the Don Cossack Region.

Article from ESBE (late 19th century):

« Yeysk fortification - a place in the Rostov District, the region of the Don Cossacks, 109 miles southwest of the district city and 48 miles east of the city of Yeysk, on the eastern shore of the Yeysk estuary. Residents 5311, households 784; Orthodox Church, parochial school. The main occupation of the inhabitants is fishing. Each G. is a fair, at which they sell up to 250,000 rubles.»

Familiar natives

  • Tkachenko, Grigory Trofimovich - Hero of the Russian Union.
  • Gaidukov VF - a participant in the armed uprising in Petrograd in 1917, a participant in the civil war.


  1. ^ Church matters... | Main | Science Magazine
  2. ^ Yeysk fortification // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Yeysk fortification. Story.
  • History reference
  • Black Ford. Photo of the village, history.
Article on the geography of the Krasnodar Territory.
Settlements of Shcherbinovsky District

District center village: Staroshcherbinovskaya

Rural settlements: Glafirovskoe | Yeyskoukreplenskoe | Yekaterinovskoe | Nikolaevskoe | Novoshcherbinovskoe | Staroshcherbinovskoe | Shabelskoe | Shcherbinovskoe

Settlements: Eastern | Glazing | Yeisk Fortification| Yekaterinovka | Red Gift | Lyubimov | Molchanovka | Mykolaivka | Novoshcherbinovskaya | New Way | Prylimanskiy | Northern | Staroshcherbinovskaya | Shabelskoye | Shcherbinovsky


  • Settlements in alphabetical order
  • Settlements founded in 1775
  • Settlements of the Shcherbinovsky District of the Krasnodar Territory
Hidden categories:
  • Settlements without indication of the population
  • Articles about settlements without a category in the 24map directory
  • Reference book on the geography of the Krasnodar Territory

Eyskoukreplenskoye rural settlement of Shcherbinovsky district is endowed with the Law of the Krasnodar Territory dated July 22, 2004 No. 770-KZ "On establishing the boundaries of the municipality Shcherbinovsky district, granting it the status of a municipal district, forming municipalities - rural settlements - and establishing their boundaries" with the status of a rural settlement, which is part of the territory of the Shcherbinovsky district.
Yeyskoukreplenskoye rural settlement is located in the northern part of the Shcherbinovsky district and borders:
in the north - with the Shabelsky rural settlement and the Rostov region;
in the east - with Ekaterinovsky rural settlement;
in the south - with Staroshcherbinovsky rural settlement;
in the west - with the Nikolaevsky rural settlement.

The village of Yeyskoye Fortification is located 12 km from the administrative center of the municipality Shcherbinovsky district - the village of Staroshcherbinovskaya and 236 km from the regional center - the city of Krasnodar.
The total area of ​​the territory of the Yeyskoukreplensky rural settlement is 9531 hectares, of which 439 hectares are the land of the settlement.
The territory of the Yeyskofortified settlement includes one locality, the population at the beginning of 2019 is 2079 people.
The composition of the inhabitants is multinational, in total, representatives of 10 nationalities live on the territory of the rural settlement, distinguished by tolerance, respect for the national traditions of other peoples.
Unemployed citizens who are members of the employment center at the beginning of 2019 - 22 people.
There are 813 households in the settlement, including 675 have the status of personal subsidiary farms and are engaged in the cultivation and production of agricultural products and livestock.
In the farmsteads of residents there are: 140 heads of cattle, 198 sheep and goats, 360 rabbits, as well as more than 8 thousand heads of various birds.
On the territory of the rural settlement are located:
- an agricultural enterprise engaged in the production of grain and animal husbandry - Limanskoye LLC;
- Yeyskoukreplenskoe post office;
- MBOU secondary school No. 7;
- MBDOU Kindergarten № 4;
- Yeyskoukreplenskaya district hospital and polyclinic;
- cultural services to the population are: municipal institutions"Eyskoukreplensky Rural House of Culture" and "Eyskoukreplensky Rural Library";
- services for the elderly population in the village are carried out by department No. 7 of the Vesta CSO;
- branch of Sberbank of Russia;
- veterinarian.