Children's project "computer games - pros and cons". Municipal educational institution. The influence of the computer on the hands

It is impossible to imagine modern life without a computer, tablet or smartphone. But a huge number of parents would like their children to immerse themselves in virtual reality as little as possible and play less computer games, which "" and "overload the nervous system." But are games and applications so harmful to the child's psyche and physiology? Perhaps they have some use? We deal with the child psychologist Natalia Kalinichenko.

Despite the active development information technologies, among parents, grandparents and even educators there is a strong belief that computer games are bad for children. But it is not so.

The topic of the impact of a computer and gadgets in general on the body and mind of a child is being actively developed by scientists, especially Western ones. There are studies that have been conducted to identify how games affect various cognitive processes and personal characteristics of a person. The results of such studies indicate that computer games are not an absolute evil, their danger is exaggerated. This does not mean that they are only useful: I will also talk about the disadvantages. But there are more benefits than we think.

Increasing motivation

The game is interesting and fun. If she is , then she can help boost . There are children who do not want to learn at all, and games are a good tool to change this situation.

Discharging capability

Games can help a child reduce nervous tension. Sometimes, after a day at kindergarten or school, a toddler comes home upset or even angry. Game with elements restrained aggression- it is important! - helps him to throw out the negative. Of course, you can not play this game for hours.

Expanding horizons

Computer games are literally capable. The kid may not have been to the zoo yet, but thanks to the game in which you have to click on the pictures of animals, he will learn that the tiger cub growls and the cow mooes. Didactic board games, which are also useful, cannot give such visibility as computer ones.

Disadvantages of PC games

Virtual reality is not an unconditional good, games have their drawbacks. They can negatively affect the emotional-volitional, emotional-personal and communicative spheres of the child's personality.

The emotions of virtual characters are exaggerated: one action causes exaggerated sadness, the other - abnormal delight. This is different from real life in which people are wrong. You need to learn to recognize other people's feelings, and games don't give you that. It is difficult for a child immersed in virtual reality to communicate with real people.

Spending a lot of time at the computer, the child gets used to a rather primitive feedback programmed by the game itself. And it's different from real life. In addition, it is difficult for a child who is passionate about the game to understand that, unlike a computer, it will not be possible to play with a living person at any time.

How to choose games

To be not only useful for the child, but also safe, you need to take their choice very seriously. What should you pay attention to?

Age restrictions

If you have a three-year-old, a developmental application marked 5+ will not suit him: the baby is not yet ready to absorb information from it. A six-year-old child is unlikely to be interested in and useful games for children from four years old.

Design quality and game logic

When choosing a game, play it yourself, evaluate the quality of the graphics and the connection of the picture with the real world. The game has green tigers and red elephants, and main character rises above the trees? So it doesn't suit your child. After all, for a kid of 3-4 years old, the game is also a source of information about the world.

System requirements

Is your computer powerful enough to play the selected game? Are its main features paid? If a child cannot play calmly, this can cause him anxiety.

Game Rating

When downloading a game from the app store, study its rating and user reviews, see screenshots. Information about computer games can be found on the parent forums.

Genre and its purpose of the game

If your kid is not older than three years, only educational games are suitable for him. Preschoolers, first graders can already be offered strategies and quests, but with a caveat: these games can be both harmless and. If the game shows destruction, it is not suitable for the child.

Games can contribute to the development of a variety of skills: logic, attention, reaction. For example, children aged 2-3 learn to manipulate objects, and you can hone this skill with the help of applications where you need to rank objects by height, look for the same objects. 3-4 years - the period of development of sensory standards, perception and attention. Good games at this age - catching birds or fish on the screen. At 5-7 years old, you need to develop logic and various aspects of thinking: find something superfluous, complete a row, fill in a table, build a turret according to the model. Simulations of sports games or pet care will also be useful.

How to play profitably

In order for computer games to be useful, it is important how the child plays. Follow simple rules:

    Keep track of what your child plays and for how long. There is even a formula for calculating the time in minutes that a child can spend at the computer without a break: his age multiplied by one and a half. This means that a six-year-old can play a maximum of 9 minutes per session per day. A preschooler can have no more than three such sessions a day, that is, less than half an hour a day. You can not sit down at the computer or pick up a gadget less than two hours before bedtime - this loads the baby's nervous system. This rule must be strictly observed.

    Correct posture and lighting are very important. It is necessary to maintain the optimal distance from the screen and make sure that the child sits exactly on a chair or sofa, and does not play lying down, even if it is so convenient for him.

    After each session at the computer, even a three-minute one, you need to take breaks. They should have gymnastics for the eyes and an outdoor game.

    Do not use computer games as a way to encourage.

No matter how carefully and diligently you choose a computer game, no matter how educational it may be, it should not become the main occupation of the child. It’s good when he has board games and a designer at his disposal, when there is an opportunity to arrange role-playing or sport games. Computer games and applications help us pass the time on the road or in line at the hospital, but they cannot replace all other types of leisure and developmental activities.

We all know what computer games are. Either they played themselves, or they saw how others play. Many children play. Many people play at work to kill time. Games are divided by genre, but are divided mainly into online and offline games. Online games are games that can only be played over the Internet. Off-line - these are games that you can play with a simple installation on your own computer.
There are fans of both off-line games and online. And there are opponents of computer games as a matter of principle.
So about the dangers and benefits of games.
The main harm that computer games can bring is damage to your eyesight and your stomach. Very often people who are fond of (and not only games) simply forget about rest and food. Hence various eating and sleep disorders. There may be irritability.
The benefit of computer games is that with their help you can improve your reflexes. Such as attention to detail, the ability to work in a team, increased reaction in dangerous conditions. Development of tactical and strategic abilities. The ability to calculate the situation. Some games develop the ability to organize and manage. Manage time - since many games require you to act within a strictly limited time.(1)
Types of computer games:
Action. This is what scares parents more than anything. Still not to be scared! In such games, there is a lot of blood, weapons, and the game is played from the first person. That is, it seems as if a person puts himself in the place of a hero. This is not entirely true. Or rather, not at all. Our subconscious is not ready to perceive the image on the computer as real. Therefore, combining the image with real person not happening. A person perceives the hero as what he could be if he were in such conditions.
Simply put, the same thing happens when we read a book. After all, everyone willy-nilly put themselves in the place of the protagonist. Especially if the story is in first person. No one has yet gone to shoot people just because in the book he read, the main character does just that. Therefore, do not be afraid that the child will go to wet everyone right and left, playing action games. Only people with an already damaged psyche are capable of this.
But the benefit of the action is clearly there. The child develops attention, speed of reaction, speed of thinking. After all, in these games you need to make the right decisions very quickly. In addition, many action games have already become sports games. And virtual sports are also sports. It is a pity that he does not develop the body, and the computer spoils the eyesight, but still these are not drugs.
Simulators. Perhaps this is one of the most popular genres of computer games. The secret of its popularity lies in its diversity. After all, anything can be simulated. You can be both an airplane pilot and a god. A separate type of simulators is sports. Any sport - football, volleyball, snowboarding, hockey - whatever your heart desires.
The advantage of this genre is that all similar games more or less educational. Some training programs are built on the basis of simulators. For example, if you want to learn English. You find a game where the protagonist is Russian, ends up in England, and there, starting from the basics, learns the language in order to get used to this world. The benefits, in my opinion, are tangible. Especially if you play with sound.
Strategies. This genre is also very popular. Especially among the male half. Even very adult uncles, sitting in their office, often play these games. Here you need to think, and think from above - at the level of the head of the city, army, state or even the whole planet. You can think step by step, or you can think in real time. Step by step is easier, because you take turns thinking with a computer. In the second case, there is no time for reflection. Otherwise, while you are thinking, the computer will already do everything. Great workout trainer strategic thinking.
Role-playing games. The good thing is that the hero develops during the game, accumulates various necessary items and generally grows in the eyes of others. Usually role-playing games have a fantasy story. You can choose different heroes. Basically it is a priest, a thief, a magician and a knight. The development of the player determines himself. You can be good, you can be bad, you can do tasks, you can not do them. Complete freedom of choice.
What is a good game for a teenager? The whole point is that if you choose the path of evil, then the game becomes much more complicated. Accordingly, the conclusion is made: it is easier to be kind and good than to be evil and very bad.
And finally, quests. Meticulous and scrupulous people specialize in them. Those who love to think. real time It doesn't matter, the main thing in these games is not to miss anything. They are mostly detective stories. Solving the problem in quests with a swoop will not work. Their benefits are obvious. Logical thinking, attention develops, and memory, perseverance, and at the same time patience are trained (2).
In our time of highly developed technologies, when the computer has become a public and necessary element of everyday life, the question arises of its impact on humans. Is it beneficial or negative? This issue becomes especially acute when it comes to the impact of computer games on children, since it is games that persistently crowd out all other activities from the children's world.
The answer to this question cannot be unequivocal, because even useful and vital things can become dangerous... The same can happen with computer technologies, in particular with computer games.
Remember, first there were simple games created for fun and relaxation. They developed attention, speed of reaction. Growing up, the child began to be interested in more complex - mind games. So, the passage of labyrinths can be a good mental training that develops logical thinking. They were replaced by more complex games - strategic (strategy), they were already significantly different from the previous ones, since they simulated the reality in which the player was. Rather, they set the path to follow, creating this reality on their own. Based on the name, we can say that such games teach planning, develop analytical thinking well.
Therefore, children playing computer games are broad-minded: they have a well-developed idea of ​​the world around them, and it is more in line with the worldview of adults. Such "computer-smart" children are usually ahead of their peers in mental development, easier to learn educational material, confident in their knowledge.
However, there is also a negative side of passion for computer games. This is when cyberspace becomes a reality of life for a child. This is especially pronounced when the child experiences socially unsuccessful contacts and plunges into the game world, where he feels himself the master of the situation. It is in this ghostly world that the feeling or anticipation of victory increases self-esteem, compensates for low self-esteem and shapes behavior when the only meaning of life is the pleasure of gaming sessions. Thus, "computer or game addiction" is developed.
Such a disease can be characterized as an excessive passion for computer games for the sake of avoiding reality, which leads to qualitative changes in the personality - the social, professional, material and family values ​​of a person are deformed.
Particularly dangerous in terms of acquiring addiction role-playing computer games (RPG - role playing games), where the player (gamer) takes the role of a computer character. Virtual reality forms not real world computer game, produces the effect of "presence". There is what can be called "Ego-disintegration" into "I am virtual" and "I am real". Such games undermine the mental state and can radically change the idea of ​​yourself and the world around you. All this contributes to the growth of anxiety and disharmony.
There is an opinion that some computer games, in particular, military strategies and "shooters", which were originally created to develop special skills in the military, form cruelty. Much research has been done on this subject to support this view. On the one hand, they help the release of aggression and negative emotions to the outside, on the other hand, on the contrary, they form certain negative stereotypes of behavior. And they even influence the psyche more strongly than militants.
And if while watching an action movie the child only follows the events taking place on the screen, worries about the characters, tries on their roles, then during the game this happens “interactively”: that is, the player, taking the role of a character, plunges into his world and on time becomes that character. Thinking or acting on behalf of the hero, he brings this experience into real life. Another feature of the game is that the heroes are "immortal": every time after they were destroyed, they come to life again and again, and the number of their lives is infinite. This fact inevitably affects the perception of the value of life, removes the boundary between life and death and develops a propensity for life-threatening behavior.
That's why the problem computer addiction and the influence of computer games is very relevant. Therefore, buying game disc your children, think and, if you still decide to make such a gift, carefully consider the essence and purpose of this game (3).
How to protect your child from computer-gaming addiction
If we talk about children, then the parents themselves are able to protect their child from this disease. To do this, it is necessary to give the baby as much attention as possible, to attach to culture and sports, so that he does not seek to fill his free time with computer games. If the child prefers to shoot virtual monsters instead of knitting or swimming, do not be angry with him and in no case forbid him to play. Prohibitions here are not good, only exacerbating the desire of the child to plunge into the "forbidden" computer world. It makes sense to limit access to games with violence and cruelty, and instead offer a "computer alternative" - ​​instructive toys that broaden one's horizons. It is necessary to help the child learn from the very beginning that there is a game and there is reality, that despite the interesting virtual world, there are still real friends and hobbies. Try to occupy it with something else besides the computer. Don't like chess and gymnastics? Take him to dance or draw, something the child will definitely like, and he will spend less time at the computer. In any case, the child definitely needs to feel your love and care, be sure that he will be understood and supported. Then he will have less reason to move away from you, "hanging" in virtual reality.
In addition to universal remedies - understanding and care - herbal remedies that reduce excitability help in the treatment of gambling addiction. nervous system and positively affect the functioning of the brain. Doctors recommend ginseng extract, preparations of Rhodiola rosea, oregano and a number of other herbs known since the time of great-grandmothers. You also need a vitamin complex. Specifically, for people who spend a long time at the computer, preparations with vitamins A, E and selenium are useful.
In any case, the best way to overcome gambling addiction is the desire of the gamer himself to start a "real" life. If a person wants to get rid of addiction to the computer and restricts access to it himself, no advice, no medicine, no help from psychologists will be needed (4).
1. Sadikova Diana. What are the benefits and harms of computer games? / electronic resource - [access mode]

Computer games: pros and cons June 20th, 2017

Often there are disputes around computer games: are they useful or harmful? Is it art or not?

I also asked myself a similar question. There was a time when I spent quite a lot of time playing games. Most of it I now consider wasted. Most, but not all. There are games for which I am by no means ashamed of myself. On the contrary, recalling the experiences that arose, I understand that a film or a book is hardly able to evoke something like this. I'll explain why.

The fundamental difference between a computer game and a book, picture, or film is that it models the human will, free behavior, and the effect of personal presence within itself. Here it is necessary, of course, to make a lot of reservations that this is just an illusion of will, that the conditions and the playing environment are still set, and all “moves are calculated”, and so on. But, be that as it may, compared with the works of art of classical genres, games have an amazing degree of freedom. Reading a book or watching a movie, we follow the thoughts and feelings of the characters, in a sense we wander along the narrow path laid by the author. We cannot curtail, try other options for the development of the plot, conduct an experiment.

It's not like that in the game. The author creates a model, a virtual world, sets the conditions, rules, goal. Behavior within this model is our business. Yes, the author guides us, stimulates us, but the narrow path nevertheless turns into a rather spacious highway, which contains by no means the only route.

This illusion of will creates a completely different effect. The degree of a person's experience of what is happening becomes many times higher than with passive observation. Because what is happening on the screen, a person to a much greater extent considers his own, what is happening to him, even if it is virtual.

This creates big risks. In such a depth of experience of gaming reality lies the secret of a terrible addiction, because of which computer games are so cursed today. But let's think, don't all the discoveries of mankind have double-edged ends? Yes, absolutely everything, including breakthroughs in the means of artistic expression, has a dual use. Weren't photography and cinematography initially perceived with hostility by art? Isn't bibliomania possible when the world of books replaces the real world for a person?

In my opinion, the only real answer to going into all sorts of "manias" is not a total ban on the means of escape, but the destruction of the very motivation to escape. Life should become so bright and saturated that the very desire to dump it somewhere does not arise. And where to run is a secondary question. In order for all the increasingly complex virtual shells not to replace, but revolve around reality, this reality must be something very powerful.

I warn you of outrage. I am by no means opposed to combating specific and already existing distortions. But I'm talking about the long term, about strategy. After all, computer games really opened up something unprecedented before them.

So let's talk about it, about the future. Perhaps, instead of denying computer games, it is worth thinking about a different application of the opportunities they have discovered? After all, the emerging powerful connection between the human psyche and game reality is a force that can be used for creation. Imagine how game methods can be used in teaching. For example, one of the most important stages in the study of physics is an experiment. With enthusiasm, children assemble simple mechanical structures, gaining knowledge about Hooke's law, friction and gravity with their own hands. But the more complex the subject becomes, the more difficult it is to implement an experiment in school and even university conditions. In the case of the physics of ultra-small and super-large, this is simply impossible. However, in virtual reality, all this is quite feasible.

History opens up even more possibilities. One of the most important problems of historians of all times and peoples is the difficulty of conveying the very spirit, the drama of history, without which it turns into dead writing. We already know what force fiction books and films play in terms of updating history. But virtual reality can provide even greater involvement in the comprehension of history. Already now, a lot of games that operate on one or another era attract the attention of young people to history much more strongly than school textbooks. The point is to refocus this engagement from entertainment to education. Imagine for a moment that the student of history can get an almost sensual experience of immersion in the life of a bygone era, to become a witness to historical events. To what extent it can interest and captivate the student!

As for teaching various practical skills, a lot has already been implemented here today. Driving a car, helicopter and plane, docking spaceships- people are already learning a lot of this on specialized stands-computers.

Tactical procedural simulator PT-MS-21-300

I will draw a small conclusion. What is called computer games today is an extremely controversial thing. On the one hand, it is simply amazing what power of influence they can have on a person, what complex worlds create. On the other hand, the real horror is the understanding that this force today serves mainly to pump out money and manipulate consciousness. But the symmetrical answer is not the rejection of this force, as such, but its redirection to the development of man.

Are you for or against computer games? Vote

Ministry of Education and Science

Russian Federation

Municipal educational institution

"Tver Gymnasium No. 6"

Research work in informatics

section - valeology


7th grade student

Polyukh Anastasia Alexandrovna


"Tver Gymnasium No. 6"

Popova Irina Nikolaevna

Tver, 2014

Introduction 3

1 Review of literature on the problem of computer games 5

  1. Types and benefits of computer games 8
  2. Harm of computer games 14
  1. Computer games and health through the eyes of doctors 15
    1. Ophthalmologist's opinion 15
    2. Opinion of psychologist Natalia Nikitina 15
    3. What symptoms should be a distress signal? 16
    4. What is carpal tunnel syndrome? 16
  2. Experimental part 17
  3. Computer rules 18

Conclusion 20

List of sources used 21

A computer is not only an assistant in learning, but also an object for entertainment for every taste. Everyone plays computer games, regardless of age and social status.

In this regard, computers cause great resonance in society: some believe that the computer is necessary for the younger generation, others - that it is a bad habit, therefore this problem interested me, and I decided to study it on the example of my gymnasium. To do this, I used Internet sources, as well as a survey of gymnasium students in grades 7-9.

Computer games have firmly entered our lives. Virtual reality beckons with its limitless possibilities, and every year the computer entertainment industry presents players with more and more new games that are simply impossible to refuse. Not a single adult, and even more so a child, can no longer imagine his life without a computer. Gradually, the real space is being replaced by the virtual one, and this is an inevitable course of development of modern society. The current generation of children no longer knows life without computers, this leaves a certain imprint on their psyche. Of course, "gaming" addiction worries everyone today.

Why are computer games dangerous and can they be useful?

The computer itself, of course, is neither good nor bad, it is only a tool and very useful. A thing good or bad can be made by the person himself.

A lot of words can be said about the benefits of information technology and the computer in particular: it is an aid in learning, and entertainment, and a hobby. However, scientists in the West have long sounded the alarm about the dangers of virtual space. This problem is widely studied by foreign psychologists. In our country, things are a little different. Often, parents are serene about the fact that their child sits at the monitor for hours. The child is busy with work and does not interfere with parents. Is it bad? Let's see if this is good or bad.

The first and most important threat to the child's psyche are commercial popular computer games. Not all games are harmful to the child, but the harm or benefit of the product is determined by the purpose of its creation. Approximately 80% of all existing games one way or another, are connected with military operations.

For a child in the process of becoming his consciousness, an important component of development is the search for an example to follow. This example, ideally, should be a strong personality capable of commanding the respect of others and, first of all, the child himself. As a rule, such an example is the father or some ideal hero constructed in the child's imagination. In the case of play, this ideal is distorted, which in the future should serve as a model for the child's behavior. The game imposes a hero who has to kill, fight, behave cruelly in order to win. And the child adopts this cruel pattern of behavior. Therefore, among adolescents, aggression and cruelty have sharply increased. It is not surprising that on the street, children begin to behave aggressively for no reason.

Another danger is the virtual world of the game itself, which draws the child into itself. The world of a computer game is much more attractive, colorful and interesting than the gray reality surrounding it. Especially if the parents pay little attention to the child.

The purpose of this work is to conduct qualitative research that would help draw conclusions about how serious the impact of computer games on the psychological and physical health of schoolchildren.

To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

  1. Analyze existing this moment surveys;
  2. Find out the psychological aspects;
  3. Systematize the received data of medical workers;
  4. Conduct a pilot study among students in grades 7-9.

1 Review of literature on the problem computer games

Types and benefits of computer games

Having studied the materials on the Internet, I found out that about 90% of modern children, and most adults, play computer games. Game creators, as well as their sellers, constantly say that video games are useful and promote development. Moreover, now launched educational games. But are they as useful as they say? Adults can decide for themselves whether to play it or not. As for children, very often their parents believe that computer games are a waste of time.

In order to start a conversation about the benefits of computer games, we first find out about what types of computer games can be divided into. Toys are divided according to common grounds into several main classes: “walkers”, “strategies”, “races”, “flight simulators”, “sports” and “puzzles”.

  1. Mind games.

First of all, you should pay attention to the varieties of computer games that contribute to the development of intelligence, logic, attention, memory and other qualities. These are various logical games, puzzles, rebuses. Strategies occupy a special place among such games. Such games do not require increased attention, speed, eye strain. They are measured and designed for a long pastime. They can be interrupted at any time without the risk of being killed or eaten.

  1. Educational games for kids.

There are a number of educational computer games for the youngest children from 3 to 5 years old. They will teach the baby letters and numbers, introduce the world of animals and plants, have a beneficial effect on the development of the emotional sphere, contribute to the development of hand motor skills (manipulating the joystick, mouse and keyboard), visual memory, musical ear.

  1. Educational games.

The benefits of computer games for younger students are also obvious - a lot of educational games have been developed for them that will help deepen their knowledge in a particular area, teach them how to act in various situations, and contribute to the formation of perseverance, concentration, attentiveness. Modern virtual entertainment has a positive impact on the development of the child, because online games teach children to think for free. high level and develop the mental abilities and skills needed in real life. Of course, we are not talking about painful addiction, everything should be in moderation.

With the help of computer games, you can unobtrusively teach a child foreign languages, improve his knowledge of a particular subject, develop “limping” qualities and abilities. The skills gained during the game and the ability to quickly make a decision when the screen does not appear at all what the child expected, good abstract thinking will help in the event of more complex tasks and situations. In shooting games, as these games are called, the virtual hero moves and shoots at the same time. There is a fairly large selection of such free shooting games on the Internet, in which, for example, the user must monitor many parameters: the movement of the hero, whether he hit the target, and the like. All these factors should be taken into account and, of course, the brain should coordinate its work well. This whole process requires a lot of concentration, hand-eye coordination, in order to succeed.

Children develop math and reading skills. Gamers must read the instructions and get information from the texts throughout the process. And mathematical ability is required in order to win many games, as it often requires the correct allocation of resources and quantitative analysis. Children learn strategy and planning. In many cases, they are faced with current events that require an immediate reaction, while not forgetting about long-term plans.

The child learns to evaluate the situation, his chances and resources. In computer games, it is very often necessary to recognize the internal logic. This skill is especially in demand in logic puzzles, riddles. They need to solve all the puzzles on their way and score as many points as possible. It is required to select the same pictures so that they disappear. In some computer shooting games and strategies, in order to defeat the enemy, you need to try many combinations of powers and weapons. If one combination does not work, the participant tries another hypothesis and uses it. This is where inductive thinking and hypothesis testing comes in.

Many kids love online games where you have to cooperate with other players to win. There is already a team work, cooperation with other team members. Adults must understand that we live in a world of high computer technology, and such entertainment gives the child the opportunity to adapt to this world and to the basics of computer technology. And this is far from a waste of time, you just need to look at this world a little deeper, and understand how many useful skills it can develop in your child.

Of course, the computer should not become the only source of development - books that develop board games, designers, and puzzles are still relevant.

That is why the direct duty of adults is not to forbid the child to interact with the computer. It is better to choose the most optimal options for computer games for him, draw up a lesson plan for them, allow him to play “harmful” shooters for a certain amount of time, stimulate the child to relax not only in the virtual world, but also in the real world.

The benefits of computer games for adults are also great. This is a good way to relax after a hard day's work, get away from the everyday hustle and bustle, "wiggle your brains." As in the case of children, the type of play and the time devoted to it are important here. From 1-2 hours per day spent in computer worlds nothing bad will happen.

According to game experts, they create a “playground” for developing some personal skills, establish a platform for fantasy, teach programming, help organize a community, and connect people with each other.

The player has to deal with technical documentation, thanks to which he begins to better understand definitions and terms, and also learns English better.

Harm of computer games

In one of the universities in England, on 11,000 volunteers aged 18-60, studies were conducted on the effect of video games on people's intelligence. First, the subjects completed a test to determine their intellectual abilities, then they were given games that, according to manufacturers, develop intelligence. The expected result is an improvement in orientation in space, increased concentration of attention, development of decision-making skills. However, after the experiment, it turned out that the intellectual level of the volunteers remained the same, although people did not become dumb. The organizers of this experiment recommend for the development of intellectual abilities to walk more often on fresh air eat more vegetables and fruits.

Many scientists have a very different opinion about computer games. The biggest danger posed by computer games is the emergence of gambling addiction. This is a real deviation of the psyche, requiring the help of a qualified doctor and the support of relatives and friends.

A person who has succumbed to addiction to computer games literally lives in virtual reality, only occasionally “going away” to the real, real world. The extreme degree of gaming addiction is when the player loses his appetite (he does not want to leave the games even for eating) and sleep (he spares time to rest and even in his sleep continues to conquer worlds and kill enemies). The worst thing about this addiction is that it usually starts quite harmlessly, without arousing suspicion from loved ones. That is why it is so difficult to fight gambling addiction - when it becomes obvious, it is impossible to pull the player out of its tentacles so easily.

The harm of computer games for children is especially noticeable, among which adolescents are a special risk group. Their fragile psyche in a matter of days succumbs to the negative influence of games. In addition, children, unlike adults, do not know the measure and have a worse sense of time - it seems to them that they spent only a few minutes at the computer, while several hours have already passed.

Consider what is dangerous different types computer games.

  1. The most dangerous type of games is shooting games, because the gambling addiction caused by them is accompanied by aggressiveness and anger. And no wonder - shooting people for hours in the virtual world, you are unlikely to become a kind person.
  2. “Running games” and “flight simulators” can have a detrimental effect on the psyche. These are mostly fast-paced games and are very hard to put down due to their non-stop storytelling. The meaning of their vast majority is to kill or blow up as quickly and as much as possible. In these toys, blood flows in buckets, and there is practically no information filling. According to experts, participation in such games leads to the fact that players begin to use similar methods of solving problems in real life.
  3. “Races” and “sports” games have less effect on the psyche. These toys are approximately neutral in terms of mental impact - they do no harm, but there is also no benefit from them, only a waste of time.

Many players go further and are willing to spend money to take advantage of paid services in online games. Become the strongest and coolest in a few minutes, without "pumping" your hero for several months - well, who doesn't dream about it? And the creators of online games "helpfully" slip the players this opportunity. Of course not free. And since everything is not limited to one game, money slowly begins to flow away from the family, the player eventually gets into debt, real life begins to resemble a living hell, but in virtual life he is a king, a god and a superhero. Such is the price of gambling addiction.

AT recent times gambling addiction is often compared with drug, alcohol and other more well-known. It cannot be said that they are equally dangerous, but they have common mechanisms of occurrence. Any addiction is the result of psychological problems that lead to its development. The type of addiction - alcohol, drugs or gambling - is a matter of chance, the result of the manifestation of the environment in which a person lives. For this reason, if gambling addiction has manifested itself, you should not hide the discs, but turn to a psychologist.

Gambling addiction is a variable value. Over time, it can grow, as, for example, addiction to drugs grows, although for many players the passion for computer games eventually fades.

The dynamics of the development of gambling addiction usually looks like this: after a period when a person gets a taste, there comes a time of sharp growth and rapid formation of addiction. As a result, the dependence strength reaches a certain maximum point. Further, it remains unchanged for some time, and then declines and is fixed at a much lower level.

The decrease in the degree of dependence may be associated with various factors, for example, with the process of becoming a person and increasing life experience. At experienced players, who began to get involved in games in adolescence, over time there is a rethinking of values ​​​​and the game no longer replaces the world for them. True, this happens at best, at worst, gambling addiction becomes rampant.

In a psychological sense, all computer games can be divided into role-playing and non-role-playing. This division is of fundamental importance, since the nature and mechanism of the formation of psychological dependence on role-playing computer games have significant differences from the mechanisms of formation of dependence on non-role-playing computer games.
Role-playing computer games have the greatest influence on the psyche of the player. In particular, games with a view "from the eyes" of their computer hero. This type of game is characterized by the greatest force of "pulling" or "entering" the game. The view "from the eyes" provokes the player to complete identification with the computer character, to full entry into the role. The player can take the virtual world quite seriously and considers the actions of his hero to be his own. Thus, role-playing computer games have a significant impact on a person's personality: by solving the problems of "saving humanity" in the virtual world, a person acquires problems in real life.

True, apart from the undoubted positive sides computer games, there are also serious disadvantages. This is especially true for violence in modern games. After all, it is no secret that more than once or twice shots rang out in schools, where teenagers enraged by something brought real firearms and began to shoot at everything that moves, putting the last bullet in their head. When the wounded and the dead were taken to hospitals and morgues, and the police took up the investigation, there were always those who recalled the "excessive" enthusiasm of the juvenile killer for computer shooters. Philistine logic immediately placed the blame for what had happened on computer games and their manufacturers. As a result, first in Germany, Australia and the USA, and then around the world, "black lists" of games were created, the sale of which to minors is considered unacceptable. In accordance with the decision of the EU, since December 2002, all computer games on sale have been affixed with the same indexes as on video cassettes, which determine the permissible age of teenagers who can play a particular game. This allows parents to regulate the scope of access to various computer games for their children. Well, the most large-caliber tool in this regard is invariably scientific research. A little earlier, in the same 2002, a certain professor Mori from the University of Japan published the results of a study, according to which avid gamers experienced a decrease in the intensity of beta brain rhythms responsible for emotionality and creativity. Mori also noted in his report that many of the avid players complained of their excessive irritability, inability to concentrate and difficulties in communicating with others. Plus here are the consequences of a long stay in a stationary position, a strong load on the back, neck, eyes and general fatigue of the body. And if you consider that most gamers are teenagers aged 13-16, then these consequences look even more depressing. And now even 4-year-old children are fluent in the skills of turning on / off the computer and the games they need. And they manage it even better than some adults. As already mentioned, this carries both positive and negative sides.

There are four stages in the development of gambling addiction, each of which has its own specifics.

Light infatuation stage arises after a person has played a computer game several times and saw the beauty of graphics, appreciated the reality of sound effects, as well as the possibility of imitating real life. The computer allows a person to realize dreams by approaching reality. A person enjoys playing a computer game, while feeling positive emotions, and wants to repeat it. However, this desire for play activity is more situational than systematic. A person "looks at" the game, looks for good and bad in it, "enters" the taste of the game, trying to feel it.

A factor indicating the transition of a person to the next stage - passion stage, is the emergence of the need to play. Spending time playing is systematic. At this stage, a person begins to pull into the game, he wants to play it again and again.

addiction stage characterized not only by the significance of the game, which becomes as important as, for example, sleep or food. A person cannot eat, drink, or think about anything other than playing. This dependence can manifest itself in one of two forms: socialized and individualized. In the first case, the player communicates with people, however, more often with the same game fans. However, the connection with society in this case is not lost. The social environment, even though it consists of the same gamers, does not allow a person to completely go into the virtual world and bring himself to mental and somatic deviations.

With an individualized form of dependence, such a prospect is real. In this case, a person loses contact with the outside world and a computer game can already be compared to a drug. Such attachment requires the intervention of a psychologist.

attachment stage characterized by fading game activity person, a shift in the psychological content of the personality as a whole towards the norm. He "moves" into the game world. A person feels more comfortable there than in reality. This is the longest of all stages - it can last a lifetime (depending on how fast the attachment fades).

Gambling addiction can stop at one of the previous stages. The most dangerous is the third, where you can not do without a specialist. However, the natural transition to the fourth stage does not pose a danger to the user. There are not isolated cases when a long game led to tragic consequences. For example, an hours-long online session of playing World of Warcraft in October 2005 brought a Chinese schoolgirl to exhaustion and death. And in 2011, an American housewife, carried away by playing the same Warcraft, forgot about her three-year-old daughter, who died of malnutrition and dehydration.

There are reasons that lead to gambling addiction. The main one is the escape from reality, the desire to throw out emotions. The term "escapism" is used for such a process. In the absence of addiction, computer games can have a good anti-stress effect.

2 Computer games and health through the eyes of doctors

Opinion of an ophthalmologist

The main problem when working on a computer can be considered the development of fatigue. The main factors leading to fatigue are: information load, neuro-emotional stress, forced position and physical inactivity. In this case, the greatest load is transferred to the organ of vision. According to a number of studies, complaints about the organ of vision appear during prolonged work at the computer, more than two hours, in 55-80% of students, and in 20% of them visual discomfort occurs after 1-2 hours of work in front of the monitor. In most cases, violations are temporary and disappear after rest. However, daily repeated loads can lead to the development of persistent changes. During dynamic observation, it turned out that after two years of work, visual impairment occurred in 26% of students. The most common problems that are accompanied by severe eye discomfort are the development of asthenopia (visual fatigue) and the so-called "dry eye" syndrome.

When working at a computer, there is a feeling of heaviness, pain in the eyes, blurred vision.

Therefore, it is very important to provide the eyes with a well-deserved rest in a timely manner.

Opinion of psychologist Natalia Nikitina

Just as everything excessive affects us, so excessive use of a computer can affect our psyche. No wonder there is such a saying: "everything is good in moderation." Excessive interest in computer games can have a detrimental effect on the domestic, educational, social, work, family, financial and psychological spheres of life.

What symptoms should be a distress signal?

Professor M. Orzak (1996) identifies the following psychological symptoms of computer addiction:

Good health or euphoria at the computer;

inability to stop;

Increasing the amount of time spent at the computer;

Neglect of family and friends;

Feeling of emptiness, depression, irritation outside the computer;

Lies to family members about their activities;

Problems with study.

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

The cause of pain in the hands when working with a computer mouse may be carpal tunnel syndrome. This is an injury to the carpal tunnel (tunnel) through which the median nerve and muscle tendons pass. The nerve provides sensation and movement to the fingers. Sedentary and prolonged work with the mouse slows down blood circulation in the hand, without sufficient oxygen supply, the tissues swell and compress the nerve.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disease of everyone who works at a computer or is excessively fond of it. With the formation of inflammation between the cartilage, lymph accumulates, and sometimes surgery is needed to eliminate it. Carpal tunnel syndrome leads to the fact that the connective tissue is reborn and ceases to perform functions, then a person may lose his ability to work for a long time.

How to identify a disease?

Connect the backs of the hands and extend the arms straight down, pointing the elbows to the sides and keeping the wrists at a right angle. The appearance of pain for a minute indicates the development of the disease. The main symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include: - discomfort in the wrist, palm and fingers; - weakness in the fingers and palms, numbness, pain and heaviness in the hand; - restless sleep due to soreness and numbness of the palms; - Difficulties in using a pen, performing habitual actions, sharp pain when lifting weights.

experimental part

A survey was conducted among students aged 12-16 years.

The next study involved 100 students aged 12-16 who spend more than three hours a day at the computer.

The students were also asked general questions.

According to the results of the study, it turned out that the majority of students aged 12-16 spend at the computer more than 3 hours a day, but there are not much fewer children who spend less than 3 hours a day. At the same time, most schoolchildren who spend more than 3 hours at the computer spend more time on entertainment. It also turned out that the feeling of emptiness, bad mood and irritability in the absence of the opportunity to play on the computer occurs only in 20% of respondents. Almost none of the students missed an important meeting or event because they were busy playing computer games. Because of the desire to play the computer, 20% of students skip meals. They also had a sleep disorder. None of the respondents experienced pain in the wrists. Only a few students have recently been worried about dry eyes. From this it follows that the signs of the initial stage of computer addiction are already beginning to appear at this age. This confirms the fact that this problem is relevant and requires a thorough study. These studies give me a reason to say that the passion for the computer should not be left to chance. Parents should control their children's hobbies and know what they prefer.

Computer rules.

In order for the computer to be a friend and not an enemy for a child,

a number of rules must be followed.

  1. The monitor should be positioned so that the center of the screen is 15-20 cm below eye level, the angle of inclination is up to 150 0 .
  2. The light source should be daylight and be on the left.
  3. You should observe the correct posture, sit straight (not stooping, not bending over).
  4. It is unacceptable to work, lounging in a chair. This posture causes rapid fatigue, decreased performance.
  5. You should not raise your wrists high and arch your hands, this can cause pain in your hands and numbness in your fingers.
  6. Knees - at the level of the hips or slightly lower.
  7. You can not cross your legs, put your foot on your foot - this disrupts blood circulation due to squeezing of blood vessels.
  8. A sedentary lifestyle harms the body. During breaks, you need to do physical exercises.
    Needs gymnastics for the eyes.


What do we have as a result? You can play, but only in moderation and taking into account the variety of the game. Virtual reality should not take up all the free time of a person, it should not provoke him to cruelty, develop aggression and anger in him. It should be just one of the options for recreation, along with sports, outdoor walks, reading books, watching movies, meeting friends.

Life is so beautiful and varied - and it would be so stupid to spend it all sitting in front of a screen. The computerization of our lives has long become familiar and has brought along with it a lot of problems along with benefits. A computer is a tool with which you can earn money, communicate, and learn a lot of useful things. It's all about how you use it.

The harm and benefits of computer games are one of those questions that cannot be answered unambiguously. One thing is obvious: everything is good in moderation, and each person must be responsible for his life, to know what is harmful and disastrous for him, and what is beneficial.

List of sources used


  1. Burlakov I.V. Psychology of computer games. / Science and life. 2006 No. 5, 6, 8, 9.
  2. V.I.Kovalko. Health-saving technologies: a schoolboy and a computer.
  3. / Harm and benefits of computer games.
  4. Polteva S. Near the computer: horror stories and horror stories, truth and fiction. / Health. 2003 No. 4.

Computer games

Pros and cons

Now you will not surprise anyone with a computer. Today computer classesopen at primary school, in groups preschool development, kindergartens. With the help of computer programs, the education and development of children is carried out. "Advanced" parents, having not yet removed diapers from the child, put the baby to the monitor. “Outdated” parents, on the other hand, believe that sitting at a computer is very harmful even for a high school student, and forbid their children to approach computers for a cannon shot. Both of them dream of seeing their children happy, healthy, successful. Can a child who spends a lot of time at the computer be healthy? On the other hand, in our time, can a teenager, whom his parents completely isolated from the PC, become a specialist in any professional field? The advent of personal computers has given rise to a huge number of myths regarding both the benefits and harms of their use.


Let's try to figure out what computer programs for children are, what are their advantages and disadvantages. Among the many educational programs for children, one can first of all single out: programs for teaching foreign languages, computer encyclopedias with pictures that present a wide variety of knowledge to the child in an entertaining way, philological games reminiscent of "Scrabble" or "Field of Miracles", educational games that teach children paint, talk about the properties of colors and shades, or teach counting, the basics of arithmetic, or introduce the concept of form, names geometric shapes, or develop memory, logical thinking: computer versions of the “eliminate the superfluous” and “add the missing” methods, etc. etc. Finally, computer graphics training programs have become very popular recently. They give the child - of course, the first time under the guidance of an adult - the opportunity to feel like a real multiplier. The possibilities of computer educational games at first glance are unlimited. However, let's see what essentially new can give a teacher - a computer in comparison with a human teacher. First, classes on the computer are, first of all, a game. And what is not very interesting to the child in itself, becomes extremely attractive on the monitor screen. Thus, for a child learning with the help of computer programs, an additional motivation is created - a game one. Secondly, a child playing educational games begins to understand that the objects on the screen are not real things, but only their designations. AT various games signs or symbols of real objects become more complicated. Become more and more generalized and less and less reminiscent of surrounding objects. Thus, the so-called sign function of consciousness begins to develop in children, that is, the understanding that there are several levels of reality - real objects, pictures and diagrams, words and equations, and, finally, our thoughts, which are the most complex, ideal level of reality. However, the "sign function of consciousness" not only makes it possible to realize the existence of these levels of reality, but also underlies the very possibility of thinking without relying on external objects. The possibility of such thinking and the complexity of its development are evidenced by the difficulties known to many parents when teaching children to count or read "to themselves": children continue to whisper the text they read or finger their fingers while counting. Thirdly, not only psychologists, but also parents and educators have noticed that in the process of studying on a computer, a child improves memory and attention. After all, children's memory is involuntary, children remember only bright, emotionally colored cases or details, and computer programs give the acquired material the brightness and significance it lacks, which not only speeds up memorization, but also makes it more meaningful and long-term. Fourthly, computer games are of great importance for the development of a child's motor skills, more precisely, for the formation of motor coordination and coordination of the joint activity of the visual and motor analyzers. In any game, from the simplest to the most complex, children need to learn how to press certain keys with their fingers. This develops the small muscles of the hands - fine motor skills. In addition, the actions of the hands must be combined with the visible action on the screen. So, quite naturally, without additional special classes, hand-eye coordination develops. Fifth, working on a computer, the child learns a new, simpler and fast way receiving and processing information. And this skill speeds up and optimizes the process of thinking, helps not only to learn more, but also to better, deeper understand new material. Thus, the interest that gaming activities on the computer cause becomes the basis for the formation of such important structures as cognitive motivation, arbitrary memory and attention. The development of these qualities largely ensures the psychological readiness of the child for school.


Everyone knows that sitting at a computer for a long time is unhealthy, but they can hardly explain what exactly the harm is. We first heard about it in those days when computers first appeared in our country. Along with the improvement in the quality of computers, the factors of the negative impact of PCs on the human body have also changed. Those that were in the first place, such as radiation, faded into the background. There are new ones associated with a sharp increase in the speed of submission and processing of information. The flow of information has become so great that neither our vision nor our brain can withstand its impact for a long time. What can we say about children. So, taking into account, if possible, “to what our progress has reached”, we will consider the factors of the negative impact of widespread computerization on a person and ways to deal with them. 1.LOAD ON VISION. First of all, working on a PC negatively affects vision. It is because of the load on vision that even after a short time of studying on a computer, a child may experience headache and dizziness. If you work on a computer long enough, then visual fatigue can lead to a steady decrease in visual acuity. With proper organization of the workplace and time spent working on a PC, the load on vision can be significantly reduced. It is necessary to properly organize the lighting of the computer desk. Make sure the monitor is in good condition and the screen is clean, as dirt gives additional distortion. An individually selected table and chair will allow the child to maintain the optimal distance from the screen to the eyes (50-60 cm). Do not place the computer desk so that the child sits with his back to the window. Glare on the screen contributes to eye strain. Encourage the use of sound effects, multimedia programs and applications. It is believed that it helps to relax the eyesight. It is necessary that the child take breaks every 15-20 minutes - give the eyes a rest. Teach him to do exercises for the eyes, which include, for example, such exercises: alternately focus your eyes on a close point, then on a distant one; alternately look left-right, up-down, without turning your head. You can pick up a child special protective glasses for working on a computer. 2.STOP POSTURE. Sitting at a PC, the child must look at the screen from a certain distance and at the same time keep their hands on the keyboard or other controls. As a result, his body assumes a certain posture, which does not actually change during work. Such a fixed posture can cause the following disorders: diseases of the wrist joints, shortness of breath, osteochondrosis. The child should: work at a special table with a sliding board for the keyboard, allowing him to change his position at least occasionally. Sit on a special swivel chair without armrests. In addition to being comfortable and the height of the chair can be adjusted to suit the height of the child, kids love to spin and roll around in these chairs, which unwittingly gives them a break in contact with the screen. Regularly interrupt "communication" with the computer, get up, stretch, do mini-exercises. 3. RADIATION. ELECTROSTATIC FIELDS. By itself, the potential available on the cathode ray tube of a kinescope is not terrible, but it, arising between the display screen and the face of a person sitting in front of a computer, disperses the dust particles that have settled on the screen to tremendous speeds, and they "stick" into the user's skin. Install the monitor with the back against the wall. In the room where the computer is standing, do wet cleaning more often, wipe the dust. Teach your child every time you finish working on the computer, wash your face with cold water. 4. PSYCHOLOGICAL LOAD. Classes on the computer require no less concentration than driving a car. Have you ever paid attention to the behavior of a person playing, for example, the computer game "Rally", to his clenched teeth and hands convulsively squeezing the mouse, to how his body is thrown from side to side with every turn ... Games require great stress, which people rarely experience in ordinary life. A special study showed that children get very tired of computer “shooters” and “catchers”, and some especially emotional users even have increased pressure during the game. To reduce the load on the child's psyche during the time, choose calmer games for him. Try to buy developing, expanding games for your child. Introduce your child to the possibilities of the computer. Children quite often think that they buy a computer in order to play on it, and do not suspect that it can be used for other purposes, no less entertaining. The time that a child can spend at the computer is defined differently by different experts. Below is the advice of a specialist psychologist, gleaned from an Internet article, which you can confidently put into practice: minutes, doubled or tripled. Moreover, the rest time from the computer should be two to three times more than the time spent at the computer. So, if the child is 6 years old, then it is advisable for him to play on the computer for no more than 20 minutes with a break of at least an hour. These are quite normal conditions. Oh, and one more thing: it is not recommended to play before going to bed and even more so at night.