Performance pure mind. Quest performance "Pure Mind

Nobody wants to go to a psychiatric clinic. On the “Pure Mind” quest in Moscow, you were “lucky” to become a participant in an unusual story where your life and the lives of your friends hang in the balance. Come and try to get out of this creepy place!

The desire to help a friend leads you to a psychiatric clinic. The doctor considers you regular patients or just wants to make you one. The staff does not believe you and tries their best to "cure" you. Who are you really? Sick or healthy person? It doesn't matter anymore... You need to run! Can you do it while keeping your "Pure Mind"?

Everything here is simple and realistic: the premises of the mental hospital, the staff, the patients. Forget about locks, puzzles, and time. On this quest, you just need to live this hour and act as if you were in a real situation. Imagine, improvise, play!

The plot of the quest can develop in different ways: it can cause Homeric laughter, it can be frighteningly tense, or it can suddenly take a very serious turn. It's up to you.


150 square meters of clean and safe locations;
- professional actors;
- improvisation of the game;
- special effects;
- safe passage in accordance with your wishes;
- the atmosphere of a real hospital;

Unparalleled open-world performance in a mental hospital.

In "Pure Reason" the idea of ​​performance is brought to the ideal: it's not even a game, everything happens as in real life. And as in life - everything is unpredictable and depends only on you.

Pure Mind is an atmospheric performance thriller with a professional actor. Everything here is simple and realistic, the premises of the mental hospital, its staff, its patients. Everything is real here. According to the plot, you are healthy people, it is not by chance that they turned out to be patients psychiatric hospital. Now for her staff, your point of view is only a matter of the right treatment. Will you be able to keep a clear mind, challenge the system and remain human, remembering to save your friend? How will your relationship with the hospital staff and other patients develop? Nobody knows... It all depends on you.

Forget about locks, puzzles and time. Just live this hour and act as if you were really in a similar situation. Imagine, improvise, play! The plot can develop in different ways: it can cause Homeric laughter, it can be frighteningly tense, or it can suddenly take a completely serious turn. It's up to you. Everything possible has been done in this performance to make it as bright and interesting as possible!

1. Drop the quest mindset. It will not help here and will only interfere. This is more of a movie than a game, here you are a full-fledged hero and plot driver. Get into the role and think accordingly, as you would in real life.

2. You can do almost everything. Except perhaps physical violence against the actors. Although you can touch them, just like they can touch you. And even limit their movements - if you figure out how. In the hospital, you can use any items and in any way you like, if you find a reason for this.

3. Don't look for magic buttons and hints. They are not here. 99% of things in the hospital are for the atmosphere and are not used during the passage. If you need to find the key - it lies not in the cache, but where the orderly would put it in real life. And so with everything.

4. Improvise. Your actions are limited only by your imagination. Hide, deceive, talk to orderlies. Get out of the hospital loudly or quietly, cunningly or impudently. But keep in mind, the actors will react to your actions not in game form, but realistic.

5. Don't forget your main goals. Listen carefully to the introductory part of the performance and keep all your tasks in mind. After all, you have to not only get out of the hospital, but also do something more.

"Pure Mind" is:

A sharp psychological thriller in a realistic setting

This is not horror, fears and experiences will be honest. Unlike a number of other quest performances, you will not be scared, the main emphasis is on the effect of the frightening reality of what is happening. Doctors and consultants from the Moscow Psychiatric Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after N.A. Alekseev took part in the creation of the quest, and this is manifested both in the acting, and in the authenticity of the situation and the oppressive atmosphere of the psychiatric clinic.

Open game world with variability of passing

The performance is extremely extroverted. You yourself have the right to decide how to act in the game, depending on the actions you have taken, events will unfold along unique scenario branches. The hospital was built on a site of more than 100 sq. m., and there will be a lot of options where to go and what to do. In fact, you will not feel the limits of the playing space.

Unparalleled level of interaction with the actor!

The performance will be unique for each team. It can be played more than once, since the actors do not act according to several given scenarios, but react to your actions based on the situation, and do it extremely convincingly. You can go here together, and five, both for beginners and experienced questomaniacs, since real life, which this performance is, does not provide for any restrictions.

The feeling that the team is in the hospital appears before the players cross the threshold of the room: the waiting area where the administrators meet is made in the style of the receptionist. Further more. The frightening and incredibly realistic atmosphere of the clinic is achieved through heartbreaking sounds that come from other wards, as well as real, not fake props - various creepy devices that awaken dormant fears and phobias of doctors. In addition, immersion in what is happening is helped by the performance of an actor who masterfully gets used to his role and turns the game into a theatrical performance in which everyone present participates. It is through his game and interaction with the team that the quest becomes a realistic story in which players can make adjustments by controlling the plot.


According to the legend of the quest, the team ends up in an unusual hospital, which, upon closer acquaintance, turns out to be a clinic where procedures are performed that change human consciousness. Players must save a friend who has been hospitalized and at the same time maintain a "pure mind" - not go crazy under the weight of the ongoing madness. What our team really liked was the opportunity to play several roles: to try on the role of a patient, a doctor or a person illegally locked up in a lunatic asylum. Thus, the team can behave in completely different ways, changing the course of the game. The development of the plot and its effectiveness very much depend on the actions of the actor, as well as on the players who have to contact him, and not everyone can do this. In our case, the interaction with the actor turned out to be chaotic, so the script did not reveal itself in all its glory, for which we lowered the score.


The main task of the players is to interact with the actor, which affects not only the plot, but also the finale of the quest. Therefore, there are few tasks in the game, they are easy and related to the search for objects. Some of the tasks must be completed in a limited amount of time and in complete silence, otherwise the team may be noticed by a doctor or a security guard - this moment adds tension and adrenaline. Basically, the players must contact the actor, showing artistry and ingenuity, in order to figure out the puzzles and move on to the next riddle.


The only drawback of the quest is the lack of a waiting room. According to the organizers, the size of the room does not allow creating a comfortable zone where the team can pass the time before the start of the game. To avoid waiting on the street, it is recommended to arrive at the start time of the quest. The receptionists were friendly and readily answered our questions after the game.


"Pure Mind" is not a classical performance in the usual sense. Our team has repeatedly played quests with the participation of an actor, and all of them, as a rule, are united by a common feature. Players escape from monsters or maniacs, run and hide from zombies, but never directly interact with the actors. Here it turns out a completely different story: the players must contact the actor in order to influence the plot, which has many options for development and is revealed depending on the fantasy shown by the players.

The quest can be completed several times and get a new, completely unexpected result, due to which "Pure Mind" can be considered not only an exciting performance, but also a full-fledged role play. We liked the quest, and we recommend it to all hunters of unusual sensations. The main thing is not to forget to improvise, and then you will definitely get vivid impressions.

I am updating the list of completed quests in 2016. This time the choice fell on Pure Reason, because of the offer: "Discount or special offer on your birthday." One of the options to celebrate a birthday well, of course, is to complete a quest. Without hesitation, we chose the option with a special offer (about it separately below) and went to the performance.

This was the first non-horror quest for us (I don’t think escape rooms), which does not quite correspond to our hobbies, as we are used to scary ones because of their ability to give the strongest impressions and cheer up, charge with adrenaline.

However, I expected a charge of positive emotions from this quest anyway. It turned out not in vain.

One of the important advantages of this quest is realism. This does not apply to the decorations (although they also give it). This is directly related to the fact that I can be myself. "Play" as if I myself were there and trying to get out. You are not offered to play the role of a journalist, a detective, a lifeguard, a superhero. You are simply left alone with your egos. You choose your own script. How the next steps go is up to you. You can be violent, you can be silent, you can play a mental patient, or you can just be yourself. Imagine that all this is happening now in reality. What would you do in this situation? It was an unforgettable experience. I liked it very much.

I was amazed by the acting. I never stopped believing in him. It is very difficult to understand whether this is an actor or is it really a doctor?

What I liked most about this quest was that I made my childhood dreams come true in it. I have never experienced such immersion anywhere. It was so interesting to go through it, everything that happened seemed so realistic that I forgot for a while that this was a quest and thought about how I could get out of this hospital and in general, what am I doing here!?

At least 3 implementations in this quest of some points (I want to do without spoilers) provoked me. I have always dreamed of something like this. They gave me the opportunity to cheat, offered to "remember" a couple of spy films. In general, childhood dreams come true here! THANKS!

The tasks themselves are not difficult, sometimes dynamic. If in real life I was in such a situation, I would have stayed there for a long time. For without prompts I did not have time to figure out what and why to do (subjectively, it depends on the person).

An individual approach to each player, attention to detail, a worthy and promising start, sometimes frightening and an "ending" in the style of Hollywood films.

This quest undoubtedly corresponds to the status of Performance. You really are the main character of some performance.

As I wrote above, this is not a horror quest, but I managed to get scared in several places, and from the atmosphere present, I slowly went crazy and stopped noticing the line between reality and the game.

I give this quest a big plus for the fact that it REALLY can be completed more than once and it will be interesting all the same. In some places, namely with solving puzzles, you will already know the solutions, but half of this performance is in interaction with the actor.

VERDICT: This is some new genre. I haven't found anything similar yet. This is not a horror quest, not even an escape room or a performance in its usual form. If you are tired of escape rooms and want to take a break from horror, then feel free to book a game and check your EGO for lice.

And I, ran to call my friends for a second passage.

Smile more.

Oh yes, I liked the special offer 3 out of 5. We expected something more interesting. But it was still nice. Maybe we had something wrong, but I would still think about a 15% discount. The correct name is "Special Offer", but not "Special Plot".

"Pure Mind" is a quest in the thriller genre, in which a professional actor participates. According to the plot, the team will become patients of a psychiatric hospital, who must save a friend who has undeservedly landed in the walls of the hospital. Along with the main task - to get out of the trap - players must interact with the hospital staff, since not only the course of the game, but also its final depends on this. In this quest, you can improvise, fantasize and play with the plot so that it takes on different incarnations: from the absurd to the incredibly scary and creepy. The level of pleasure from the game is directly proportional to the ability of the team to improvise and indulge in fantasies. By participating in this interesting and intense spectacle, players can set the rules and dictate terms themselves.

Recently, the organizers launched an additional version of the quest, adapted for players younger age. Now the quest can be completed not only by adult players, but also by children over the age of 12.

Your friend is charged with involuntary manslaughter. You cannot stand aside while his fate is being decided, and you make an appointment with a well-known journalist who promises to wait for you at the hospital where he is being treated. While you are walking along the corridor and, looking around with curiosity, you notice strange things, it becomes clear to you that you are not in an ordinary clinic and a journalist will not be waiting for you at the meeting ... As it turned out, you were unlucky to find yourself in a private rehabilitation center, where there was no time was a psychiatric clinic. Recently, the owners have changed, new people have come to the place of management, and treatment is the last thing to be done here. From now on, your craving for justice is a matter of time and the right “treatment”. Try not to go crazy and challenge the system by getting a friend out of trouble and maintaining a sense of justice that they want to cure you of.