Outdoor games for middle school students. Outdoor games for middle school children. Outdoor game "Mousetrap"

State educational institution "Golovinshchina boarding school"


for students in grades 5 - 9

as part of the third (health) lesson

physical culture

Teacher: Kondrashkin S.A.

Hide and seek "12 sticks"

The game, in general, resembles ordinary hide and seek, but it has the opportunity to “rescue” already found players.

To play you will need 12 small sticks (rods approximately 30 cm long). The sticks are placed on a “catapult” - it can be constructed from a plank and a pebble, peg, or even a bench placed under it. The sticks are placed on one edge of the “catapult” - so that you can scatter them by pressing your foot (hand) on the second edge of the “catapult”.

The game begins with identifying the driver. To do this, you can use any counting rhymes, or remember who was the loser last time (he leads). The driver stands facing the wall (tree/post/fence) and begins to count loudly to 30. When the count is over, he shouts:

“One-two-three-four-five, I’m going to look.
Ready or not, here I come!"

He opens his eyes and goes to look for those hiding. When he notices someone, he shouts his name loudly, runs and touches the sticks. If the one who was found and whose name was loudly called manages to run to the “catapult” first, he kicks it, the sticks are scattered. Until the presenter collects all the sticks in place, everyone he found earlier and the one who hit the “catapult” have the right to hide. The game is played until all players are caught. The one who is caught first becomes the driver in the next game.

Outdoor game “Forged chains”

AND The players are divided into two teams. They stand in ranks, holding hands, opposite each other (at a distance of about 10-15 meters).

One team shouts in unison: “Chains, chains are forged, unchain us!”

The team opposite asks: “Which one of us?”

"Chained" call the name of a player from the opposing team. The chosen one tried to break the human chain with a running start (it is important to choose the “right place”, which seems to be the “weak link”). If you manage to break the chain, the player returns to his team and takes with him one of the two “uncoupled” comrades. If not, the player joined the team just between the “links” that he was trying to break.

Outdoor game "Traffic Light"

When going out for a walk in the yard, everyone tried to put on something colorful in case they decided to play this game. Two lines were drawn on the site at a distance of several meters from one another. It was a road (as a rule, there was a “universal” road for traffic lights, “go slow” and other games).

All players, except for the “traffic light”, lined up behind one of the lines. The “traffic light” was guarding the “road”.

Standing with his back to the players, he named a color. If the player could find the named color “on himself” (clothes, bow, hairpin, etc.), he took it with his hand and calmly crossed the “road”. If nothing suitable was found, he could only quickly run across to the other side (without running out of the “road”). And the “traffic light” was supposed to catch violators. The one he touched became a “traffic light” himself.

It got to the point of being funny - looking for a pink stain from juice on a blue T-shirt, proving to each other that this color is actually “raspberry, not red”, and so on...)))

There are other variations of this game:

Colored walls

This game is ideal for school hallways. All the rules remain the same, just part of the corridor is used as the playing field. Everyone stands with their backs to one wall, a “traffic light” in the middle of the corridor. "Traffic light" guesses the color. Those who have it, touch with their finger the part of the clothing where it is present, and walk calmly to the opposite wall. Those who don’t have them run across, trying to remain unpatched. The one who was patched became a “traffic light”.

Musical (song) traffic light

This game is more about intelligence. The playing field remains the same, the players and the “traffic light” stand in the same places. The difference is that now the driver guesses not a color, but a letter. The player's task: remember and sing lines from the song that begin with the hidden letter. Naturally, the verse or chorus had to begin with a letter; it was simply impossible to sing a line from the song. And in the same way - the player who could not remember the song had to run to the other side and not get caught by the traffic light.

Outdoor game "Stream"

This game can be played almost anywhere: on the field, in the yard, in the school hallway. The only condition is that you need as many children as possible to play (it’s more interesting this way). The number of players must be odd: everyone is divided into pairs and stands one after another, connecting their hands in pairs with their hands raised high. The driver enters the formed corridor from behind, chooses a pair from among the players and stands at the beginning of the “stream”. The freed player becomes the driver, goes to the end of the “corridor,” passes through it and chooses a mate.

The beauty of the game is that in the process there are more and more drivers (everyone is in a hurry to choose a “pair” for themselves as quickly as possible), and the corridor is getting longer. It also happens that a girl (boy) from an already standing couple does not want to unclasp their hands and go with the water, this is also a reason for ridicule

Another beauty of the game is that in this way the “hidden” sympathy of boys and girls was often revealed. The game has no beginning, no end, no win-loss conditions - they play until they get bored.

One driver is selected (as usual, with a counting rhyme).

Two stripes are drawn on the ground with chalk at a distance of about 50 meters (here, as far as the yard or free space allows).

All players stand on one side of the “road”, the driver stands on the other side, and turns his back to everyone. The driver says:

The phrase can be pronounced as you like - deliberately dragging out the words, the entire sentence, or for example starting slowly and then ending it sharply and quickly - in general, introducing an element of surprise into the game. At this time, all players are trying to run as far as possible - get to the finish line, on the word "stop" freezes. After the word STOP, the driver turns around. If he saw the movement of a player (who did not have time to freeze or stop due to the acceleration speed), he is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who gets to the finish line first and touches the driver - he takes his place, and the game starts over.


Regular salki (patches)

According to the counting, as usual, the driver ("salka") is selected. The playground on which they play is conditionally established (for example, you cannot run outside the school yard or fenced playground). Everyone scatters around the site, the driver announces “I am a tag!” and begins to catch up with all the players. Whoever he catches up with and “touches” (touches him), becomes a “tag”, loudly announces this, and begins to catch up with the players. We continue ad infinitum.

There are also various variations of this game. All the basic rules of tag remain, only some conditions are added:

WITH alki "with a house"

For those who run away, a “house” is drawn (a circle - with chalk on the asphalt or a stick on the ground). Players can periodically rest in the “house”; they cannot be salted during this time, but they cannot stay in the house for a long time.

Salki "higher than the feet from the ground" (Talki "legs in the air")

The runner has the right to climb onto any object at any time or simply sit down and lie down, raising his feet from the ground. At the same time, he shouts “Higher than his feet from the ground” (an option is “flying legs”), and it is impossible to salt him. The condition about a short stay in a “rescue position” remains the same.

Tulle crossings

Those running away can help out the player being chased by the tag by crossing his path. When someone crosses the path of the tag, he is obliged to chase a new “victim”; then a second one joins and crosses his path - and so on ad infinitum. In the end, as a rule, the one who tried to cross the road too close to the driver is “caught.”

Salki "Tea-tea, help me out"

When a player is caught, he stops, spreads his arms to the sides and shouts “Tea-tea, help me out.” Another player can run up to him, touch him with his hand and thus “help out”. The driver, as a rule, at this time does not move far from the first “victim” in the hope of catching the second and third. When all the players become “greasy”, the role of the driver passes to the first one caught (if you remember who will be the first).

"Sardine" is "hide and seek inside out"

IN But it’s better to play this game in a fairly large but limited space - this could be, say, a part of the yard surrounded by a fence, or an entire floor of a school, or 2-3 entrances of one house.

The game, as usual, begins with choosing a driver. You can choose it with a counting rhyme or, for example, by drawing lots. Since this is “hide and seek in reverse,” everyone else counts the count from 1 to 50, and the driver goes to hide at this time. Then everyone shouts in unison:

"One, two, three, four, five - we're going to look for you
You didn’t hide - it’s not my fault!!”

And everyone goes together to look for one hidden person. Since this is hide and seek in reverse, when someone finds the driver, he does not scream, does not run anywhere, but quietly sits/stands/lies down;) next to the first player. And so on. “The most fun” is for the last person who didn’t find it, who wonders where such a crowd went, and the crowd itself needs to not make noise - not laugh, not give themselves away, and sometimes even fit 10-15 people behind some small shelter.

Ball game "Frog"

AND gra from the category of "girls". To play you will need a ball and a wall. First, they agree on the line of players. Further on the wall, a conditional line is drawn (may coincide with the line of a window sill, light bulb, peeled wall, stairs, etc.), below which the ball cannot be thrown. The girls line up one after another, the first one throws the ball (not below the intended line), the ball hits the wall, falls to the ground, and at the moment the ball hits the ground the girl needs to jump over it. Then the ball falls into the hands of the second player and everything is repeated, and so on. The person who jumped leaves and stands at the end of the line. Anyone who fails to jump over the ball receives one letter from the word L-Y-G-U-S-K-A as punishment. Accordingly, the one who “collects” this word first loses. During the game, by agreement, the line could be raised higher (if it was boring and everyone managed to jump at the initial level). Accordingly, the higher the line, the more interesting the game.

Outdoor game "Stander-stop"

To play you need at least 4 players and a ball.

We choose a driver. He takes the ball in his hands and stands in the center of the circle that the rest of the players form. The driver throws the ball and calls the name of any player (for example, “Stander-Pasha”; another variation is “Hali-halo Pasha”). The one whose name was called must catch the ball, at this time everyone else scatters as far as possible from him. As soon as the ball is caught, the player shouts: Stander-stop! (Hali-Halo stop!). Everyone freezes in place.

AND The player with the ball chooses any player whom he needs to touch with the ball.

The steps could be:

Giant - step over the entire span of the leg;

Human - ordinary steps;

Lilliputian - when the heel of one leg is placed immediately in front of the toe of the other;

Ants - take small steps on their toes (one step immediately before the other);

Umbrellas - circle around yourself on one leg;

Duck - squat steps;

Frog - jump;

Camel - you had to step where you spat.

It was interesting, of course, to name a bunch of “entertaining” steps to make it more fun. For example, it was said: “Before Katya there are 7 giant ones, three umbrellas, two Lilliputian ones...” After all the steps are named, the player with the ball performs them and must throw the ball towards the target player. If the player catches the ball or dodges it, the driver throws the ball up again and everything repeats all over again. If hit, the player becomes the driver.

Outdoor game "Chizh"

The game requires a rectangular field, the size is chosen by the players. You need a dirt ground; usually a mini-football ground would be suitable. Nowadays there are a lot of yards with such simple platforms. You also need a bat and a “siskin”. A bat is a stick 80-100 cm long (it all depends on the convenience of the players). "Chizh" is a small stick, 2-3 cm in diameter and about 25 cm long.

WITH A hole is dug in the middle of one edge of the playing field so that the “siskin” can be quietly placed on its edges (the diameter is about 20 cm). The depth of the hole is small so that you can pick up a siskin with a bat and send it into the playing field. The hole is in the center of the "base". The base is a square drawn on the ground around the hole, with a side equal to the length of the bat.

Players are divided into two teams of 3-4 people each. The goal of the game is to score 1000 points. The teams take turns “ruling” the base. The team that does not “steer” enters the field and takes arbitrary places. The player at the base takes a bat and a “siskin”. The team players at the “base” alternate with each other with each new play.

One draw takes place in 3 stages.

1st stage. The batsman places the "siskin" on the hole. Next, he must use a bat from the hole to send it to any place on the playing field. You cannot throw the siskin out of the field - this is a mistake. 3 errors - teams change places. Errors are counted in total for all stages of one draw. If the siskin does not fly out of the base after being hit, the rally ends and the teams change places. This is true for all three stages. Also, when making a strike (in all three stages), the player must not go beyond the base. Exit is considered an error.

Players of the opposing team must try to catch the siskin launched from the base. If they catch, then they get the right to knock the team out of further stages and immediately move on to changing places on the field. To do this, you need to start from the place where you caught the siskin and try to throw it back so that it ends up in the “base”. The player on base with the bat has the right to try to knock out the "siskin". At the same time, it must stand within the “base”. If it was not possible to recapture and the siskin ended up in the base (including crossing the border of the base), the teams switch places. If the siskin ended up in the hole, the team in the field receives an additional 50 points. If the team was unable to catch the siskin (it simply fell on the field), the siskin did not end up within the boundaries of the base after being thrown, we move on to the second stage.

2nd stage. The batsman must take the siskin in one hand, throw it up and send it into the field with a blow of the bat. The blow must be made in the air, the siskin must not fall to the ground before the bat hits. There may be such situations: the player did not hit the siskin and it fell in the base, then the teams change places, this is the end of the rally. If you didn't hit the siskin and it fell outside the base, it was a mistake. If after a hit it falls into the base, it’s the end of the rally.

th stage.
The player must take the siskin in his hand, and, holding it at waist level, knock it up out of his hand with the first blow of the bat, and send it into the field with the second. The second blow is made on the siskin in flight (similar to the blow in the second stage) (usually at the end, otherwise it’s almost impossible :-).

Since this kick is the most difficult, the number of points a team receives for a rally depends on it. After the 3rd successful hit, when the siskin is on the ground within the playing field, the batsman counts how many points he brought to the team. To do this, he uses a bat to measure the distance to the siskin from the border of the base. For one bat length - gets 10 points. Partial bit distance is not taken into account.

The draw is over. The teams change places.

The first team to score 1000 points wins.


1. There should be no more than 3 players in the field (I think). so we just didn’t play more than 3*3.

2. if a player in the field catches a siskin not with his hands, but with his elbow, legs, or teeth, additional points were given for this. Here you have to try to remember what is difficult and what is not. I remember exactly that they gave 1000 points for teeth, whoever caught it immediately won. It happened only once in my memory. For other tricks, you can come up with your own bonus system.

3. regarding errors with throwing out of bounds - I don’t really remember what was there. Either they changed immediately, or they could have been interrupted once.

4. It seems there was no limit on the number of swings in an attempt to repel the siskin from the base when they are trying to throw it back from the field, because playing “dog” is the only way to get the siskin into the base.

Ball game "Tens"

This game requires a small area, a wall, a ball and at least two players.

TO Each player must complete ten exercises:

10. Hit the ball against the wall ten times in a row, returning it, like in volleyball.
9. Hit the ball against the wall nine times, hitting it with your palms from below.
8. Throw the ball eight times from under your right foot, hitting the wall, and catch the ball from the wall with your hands.
7. Throw the ball seven times from under your left foot, hitting it against the wall, and catch the ball from the wall with your hands.
6. Standing facing the wall, throw the ball from behind between your legs six times on the ground so that it bounces towards the wall, hits the wall, and then catches it in your hands.
5. Five times, standing with your back to the wall, throw the ball between your legs, quickly turn around and catch it in your hands after hitting the wall.
4. Throw the ball against the wall four times so that it bounces off it onto the ground, from bouncing off the ground hit the wall again and then catch it.
3. Hit the ball against the wall three times with your palms cupped.
2. Hit the ball against the wall twice with your fists pressed together.
1. Toss and hit the ball against the wall with your straight finger once.

After this, you need to pass an “exam”: each exercise is done once, and you are not allowed to laugh or talk.

If the player with the ball makes a mistake while performing any task, the ball goes to the next player in line. Upon returning the move, the game continues from the moment at which the player made a mistake (but from “zero”, i.e. if 5 out of 8 are made, then an error, then when the move comes, you need to make 8 again). The winner is the one who completes all the tasks first and passes the “exam.” As a rule, when taking the test, the players tried to actively interfere with the “examinee” (they made him laugh, scared him, pretended to take the ball away) - they did everything to make the exam fail.

Ball game "4 pebbles"

To play, we need to draw a square field, separate the corners in it, draw a circle in the middle of the field, and a square in the circle. Four stones are placed on top of each other (turret) in a square. The stones must be large enough and flat. The playing field looks like this:

All players on the serving team stand behind the last line (this is the fourth level). The players on the serving team take turns trying to knock out the stones with the ball (destroy the turret). The main task is to knock the stones out of the circle (the ideal throw was when all the stones scattered in different directions).

If at least one stone is knocked out of the circle, a player of the receiving team must place the knocked out stone in one of the corners of the playing field.

In the end, all four stones end up in different corners of the field.

After which the receiving team begins to “hunt” the opponents with the ball (essentially a game of dodgeball). The task of the serving players is to dodge the ball, collect all 4 stones again and build a tower. If all the players on a team are “knocked out” before they succeed, the level is considered failed, and the teams switch places. If the tower was successfully built, the players moved to the next level (they started throwing the ball from the third line).

The winner is the team that was the first to reach the first level and win it.

Ball game "Square"

Ball game for 4 players. To play, you need a flat area on which a simple diagram is drawn (in our yard they even drew it with paint, because they played the game a lot and often, sometimes there was even a “queue for the playground”).

First, they agreed on the number of points they would play for (usually it was 20). Each player stood in his own quarter of the square. At first, the ball was simply thrown into the center (a small square or diamond in the middle). To which side the ball rolled from the center - that’s where to start. The leader threw the ball diagonally so that it hit “his” quarter of the square and bounced into “someone else’s”. The player had to hit the ball after touching the ground once in his quarter (the principle is a la “tennis”). You need to hit the ball with your feet, knee, head - you can’t touch it with your hands.

If the ball does not hit the opponent's quarter, the serving player receives 1 point (“out”). If the ball hits the opponent's quarter more than 1 time, the receiver receives a point. If the ball, after hitting it, fell outside the court, the batter was counted out.

The ball could not only be hit directly into someone else’s field, but kicked and kicked any number of times. Moreover, if the ball in this case went off the court, but did not touch the ground, the game continued indefinitely.

After at least one player scored 5 points (and then 10 and 15), the players exchanged Square quarters so that no one would get used to their “place.” The game is over when at least one player has scored 20 points. The one who has scored the fewest points at this moment is considered the winner.

Ball game "Sniper"

This game is a variation of the usual "dodgeball". It differs in the arrangement of players and the number of players (at least 15 people must participate in the game, preferably all 30).

The players are divided into two teams (by counting or by agreement). Each team selects a “sniper”, the rest become ordinary players. Everything is placed like this:

The “sniper” of the first team throws the ball to his team (his players), while trying to hit any player of the second team. Any player of the first team catches the ball, throws it to his “sniper”, again while trying to knock out a player of the second team.

If a player is knocked out, he is not eliminated from the game, but goes beyond the field line and begins to further help his “sniper”. If a team player catches the ball on the fly, the ball goes to that team and they begin to throw with their “sniper”. A ball caught off the ground is not considered - the player is eliminated from the playing field. As a result, by the end of the game, most of the players find themselves next to their “sniper” behind the field line, and the remaining few players are literally “under firing squad.”

The whole charm and intrigue of the game is that the role of “predators” and “preys” constantly changes from one team to another, and the players never drop out of the game “completely”; you won’t have time to get bored.

Jumping game "3-15-10-20"

It turns out that this game has two variants. Option one, for children.

For the game you need one leader (choose as usual), from 2 to infinity of players and... a ladder. Preferably 8-10 steps and wide enough (the steps of the school’s front entrance are ideal), variations are not prohibited.

The leader stands on top of the stairs, the players play from below. The driver says a little rhyme: Three-fifteen-ten-twenty, and jumps onto the steps. All players jump with him at the same time.

IN The leader and the players can jump on the steps in different ways: two feet on one step, stand on one foot on one step, two feet on the steps side by side or through one, someone knew how to place their feet across two or even three steps.

If no one stands like the driver, everyone jumps again to the same count: Three-fifteen-ten-twenty

E If suddenly two or more players along with the leader stand on the same steps, everyone jumps again. And we play like this ad infinitum, or until we get tired of it.

Option two, tougher

Everyone stands in a circle with their right leg forward so that all legs touch. Then they shout: Three-fifteen-ten-twenty and jump away in different directions. The one who is farthest from the center becomes the driver, and counting: Three-fifteen-ten-twenty, jumps, trying to step on the foot of the neighbor on the right, who at the same moment tries to jump away (the rest stand still). The game continues in a circle. Anyone whose foot is stepped on or who jumps before their turn is eliminated from the game.

Yard game "9 stones"

A yard game with an almost unlimited number of players. A ball is required to play. A square is drawn on the asphalt, divided into 9 parts (as for “tic-tac-toe”), and a pile of 9 stones is laid out in its center. One person - the leader (if there are many players, then there are several leaders) stands on one side of the square, the rest of the players are at some distance from the square on the other (the distance from the square was determined by eye, so that it would not be very easy to hit, but possible), the players ball in hand. They must take turns throwing the ball to break a pile of stones. After the pile is broken, players need to place pebbles one at a time on each square. At this time, the leader intensively “spots” the players with the ball. The defiled player is eliminated from the game. If the players still managed to arrange the pebbles, then the leader leads again.

Outdoor game"Kiss meow"

The essence of the game is that all the players stood in a line, and two more - the leader and the player - with their backs to each other, the leader - facing the line. The leader points with his eyes at someone in the line and asks “kitty?” If the player says “scatter,” then he continues to choose with his eyes, and if “meow,” then he stops at this person and asks “what color?” Red means, for example, jumping on one leg, pink means jumping in a squat with your back to each other... The player must perform the exercise with the one the leader pointed to, regardless of like or dislike. You can come up with exercises yourself before the game.

Gathering game “Edible - Inedible”

As usual, we start the game by choosing a leader. All players sit on a bench in a row (alternatively, stand in a circle). The presenter throws the ball to any player and at the same time names an object. If “it” is edible, the player must catch the ball. If it’s inedible, beat it off. If someone "ate" something inedible, he became the leader. Of course, the game is interesting at high speeds of throwing the ball and making up words, and the task of the presenter is to confuse the players as quickly as possible. There was so much laughter in the yard when someone “ate” galoshes or refused ice cream!!! Here's an example for a presenter:

Milk apple cow
spoon wheel watermelon pear car phone
bread water salt
kefir skittles sausage

Yard game "Cossacks - robbers"

A kind of burning “mixture” of hide and seek and tag.

To play, you had to gather a fairly large company (at least 6 people, preferably much more). Then, according to a little count or agreement, we divide everything into two teams (“Cossacks” - there may be a little less of them, and “robbers”), it is advisable to choose atamans at the same time. We all agree together on the area within which we can hide and play (a courtyard, two courtyards, a couple of entrances, or the entire street). The “robbers” confer and think of a secret word (password phrase).

Then the “Cossacks” move aside (so as not to see the “robbers” and their movements) - ideally, hide in the entrance or around the corner of the house. At this time, the robbers drew a circle on the asphalt with chalk (indicating the “beginning of movement”) and further from it arrows in the direction of their movement.

You could draw arrows on the asphalt, on the walls of a house, on curbs, on trees, on benches, and wherever else your hands could reach)) As a rule, at first they all ran and drew arrows together, and in the end they scattered to different nooks and crannies. The faster you run and draw, the more chances you have to hide without being found. In order to confuse and complicate the game for the “Cossacks”, arrows were placed in several directions at once, also “deceptive” arrows, arrows at fairly large distances or small ones in an inconspicuous place. The time for hiding the “robbers” was agreed upon in advance, but usually it was no less than 15-20 minutes (the “Cossacks” at this time entertained themselves with other games and looked for and set up a “dungeon”, where the captured robbers were later brought). The dungeon also had to be arranged - clear boundaries should be drawn or indicated with sticks and stones, and an attempt should be made to protect it as much as possible from prying eyes. At the same time, it was impossible to arrange it in a completely enclosed, secluded room - all the “taste” of the game was lost.

And then - the most interesting thing. The “Cossacks” were looking for “robbers”, focusing on the drawn arrows (some of them led to a dead end). When a “robber” was found, he first had to be caught (tarnished) - he had the right to run away from the Cossacks. If he was stained, they took him by the sleeve (or hand) - he no longer had the right to resist, and was led to the “dungeon”. If along the way, for any reason, the Cossack let go of the robber’s hand, he was considered free and could run away again. Having brought one captured robber to prison, the Cossack remained there to guard him. The robber could be “tortured” (the most common type of torture was tickling; throwing insects at girls or twisting hands was used with might and main (including “hives” for boys). And if real nettles were at hand..... The rest This time they went on searching. The “Cossacks” were considered winners if they found out the password, or if they found and delivered all the robbers to the “prison.”

The robbers could help each other out - for example, they could “attack” a dungeon, grab a guard, and while they were holding him, the prisoners could scatter. The Cossack, of course, immediately called for help (he was not always successful; prudent robbers tried to cover his mouth in time).

Jumping game "Rubber Band"

Rules of the rubber band game:

Two players become rubber bands. One player jumps (performs a series of exercises) - in turn at all levels. We usually performed each exercise at all levels in turn, after which we moved on to the next exercise and started jumping from level 1 - this way the game was more varied. Sometimes I jumped differently - all the exercises were performed at once, first at levels 1, then at levels 2, 3, and so on. At levels 5-6-7, complex exercises were canceled (I’ll write about this below).

If there are three people playing: as soon as the jumper makes a mistake (gets lost, clings to the rubber band, steps on the rubber band, etc.) - he becomes “in the rubber band”, and the next player begins to jump. They always continue to jump from the place where they got lost. If the game is played by four people: When a player goes down, a teammate can help him out. When he gets confused, the pairs change places (the team that got lost becomes “rubber banded”). Teams always continue to jump from the place where they last jumped.

Rubber band game levels:

The first - when the elastic band is at the level of the ankles holding
- second - elastic band at knee level
- third - elastic band at hip level ("under the butt")
- fourth - elastic band at waist level
- fifth - elastic band at chest level
- sixth - elastic band at neck level
- and even sevenths - the elastic band was held with hands at ear level.

List of exercises performed:

Despite the apparent simplicity of these movements, they are difficult to perform in the second, and even more so in the third position.

We jump: legs on both sides of one rubber band, jump, legs on both sides of the other, jump out on the other side of the rubber band

Runners (pedestrians, rails)
We jump up, step on it at the same time - one leg at a time on one “rubber band”, jump, change legs - like this 4 times (you can say “walk-she-go-dy”), jump out on the other side of the rubber band.

We jump with both feet (together) - we jump, hook one elastic band, stepping on the other, then with one jump we free ourselves from the elastic band and jump out on the other side.

The right leg is below the first elastic band, the left is on top. We jump onto the second elastic band so that we get a bow (right on top, left on bottom). With one jump we free ourselves from the elastic band and jump out from the other side.

Candy (envelope)
We jump with both feet immediately behind the second elastic band, hooking the first one (we get a cross, inside of which we stand), we jump and step on both elastic bands with both feet, and jump out of the elastic band.

We start like in an envelope - we jump inside with both legs, jump and land so that both legs are “outside” the elastic, cross in one direction and the other, jump out of the elastic.

We grab one rubber band with one foot, carry it behind the second (it turns out to be an envelope, but with one foot), jump and turn 180 0 without letting go of the rubber band, then we jump - we free ourselves from the elastic band and land so that our legs are on both sides of the first rubber band.

Street game for children - "hopscotch"

As soon as the snow melts, chalked figures appear in yards. Of course, these are eternal “classics”. This is a truly international game. Hopscotch is played in many countries around the world, and each country has its own version of the “class” pieces.

To play you need crayons and a bat (this can be a pebble or a tin of cream). The bat should be quite heavy. Therefore, fill the jar with sand and check that it does not open when it falls and hits the ground.

The rules of the game are very simple and are passed down from generation to generation. Draw a field on the asphalt with chalk - a rectangle 1 m wide and 2 m long. Draw the field into cells, which you number in order (Fig. 1).

Throw the bat so that it hits the first square. Jumping on one leg, push (drive) the bat from cage to cage through all classes with the toe of your shoe.

The one who passed the entire figure without errors throws the bat again, but now into the second cell. In the third round - to the third. And so on. So each time the task seems to become easier. To make the game more difficult, there is a “fire” cage. If you push a bat into it or accidentally jump into it, everything will burn and you will have to start the game from the very beginning.

If you make a mistake, give way to the next one, and when it’s your turn to jump again, start where you left off. The first person to complete all classes wins.

An error is considered:

If the bat hits the wrong square, which is next in line, as well as on the line or in the “fire” square;

If the player stumbles, touches the ground with his other foot, steps on the line separating the cells, or jumps into the “fire” cell.

When all the “classes” have been completed successfully, the “exams” begin. The guys usually agree on all further testing conditions themselves.

A variation of the game is jumping hopscotch. In these variants the bit is not used.


The players take turns jumping through the outlined classes. Jump on one leg into the single cage of the “classics”. Then with both legs - into paired cells, each leg - into a separate cell. Next, jump alternately with one leg, then with both.

On the last pair of squares, turn 180° and jump in the same way in the opposite direction.

If you have completed all the “classes” or made a mistake, give way to the next one. It is considered a mistake if the player touches the ground with his second foot in an unpaired square or steps on the line dividing the cells with his foot.

"Japanese staircase"

The players take turns jumping around the marked classes on one leg.

If the first player has ridden through all the classes without errors, that is, without stepping on any line or putting down his second foot, he has the right to put his sign in one of the squares. Next time he will be able to rest in the square where his signature is. If the first player makes any mistake, the next one comes into play. The winner is the player who manages to sign the most squares.

Playing hopscotch is an excellent exercise for the legs; it develops the eye well, promotes the development of a sense of balance, and develops good coordination of movements.

Coordination game “Dad has lost a thread!”

To play you will need at least 6-7 people. The bigger, the better. Two hosts are selected for the game - “dad” and “mom”.

“Mama” moves 10-15 meters away from the main crowd and turns away (don’t peek!!

At this time, everyone (except for “dad”) stands in a circle and joins hands. “Dad” approaches the circle and begins to command the “thread” - he tells one player to step over a pair of hands, the second to crawl between them, the third to “spin” around those standing next to them, etc. It is important not to unclench your hands under any circumstances and get entangled as much as possible (you end up with a “tangle” from which the players’ arms, legs, and heads stick out). Then everyone shouts a little rhyme in unison:

Dad got the thread mixed up

Mom, untie the knot!!!

“Mom” comes and tries to “unravel the thread” - command the players so that they change places, step back over their hands, “dive” through the thick of people, etc. It is very important to unravel it so carefully that the “knot” does not fall apart and the players can continue to hold hands. Particularly fun were the situations when the thread was almost unraveled, only 1-2 people remained, but their arms and legs were twisted in such a way that “mom”, in bewilderment, began to entangle everyone back again.

When there are not very many players, it is quite possible to do without “dad” - the players “get confused” on their own.

Municipal special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities

“Special (correctional) general education boarding school No. 11 VIII kind"

Outdoor games in physical education lessons

for students in grades 5-7


physical education teacher

Kreminskaya Tatyana Filippovna



Outdoor games are the most accessible and effective method of influencing a child with his active help. Thanks to games, the ordinary becomes unusual, and therefore especially attractive. The game uses natural movements for the most part in an entertaining, unobtrusive manner. Play is a child’s natural companion and therefore meets the laws laid down by nature itself in the child’s developing body - his insatiable need for cheerful movements. The main feature of outdoor games is the presence of active motor actions, due to which they are a recognized means and method of physical education and development. The educational value of outdoor games is not limited to the development of only such valuable physical qualities as speed, strength, agility, endurance, and flexibility. Many intellectual qualities develop: observation, memory, logical thinking, intelligence. In games that have a plot form, there is scope for imagination and artistry, elements of dance and singing. Musical accompaniment can be provided. All this shapes the aesthetic worldview. Being carried away by the game, children very directly and clearly demonstrate their character and other individual characteristics.

For children with mental retardation, where motor disorders such as spasticity, coordination disorders, clumsiness, and slow reactions are noted, play is a vital need. Due to the fact that sensory impairments in such children are characterized by insufficient understanding of instructions and impaired orientation in space, play activities will contribute to the development of these processes. Along with insufficiently formed general motor skills, deviations in the organization of fine motor skills are noted, providing subtle, differentiated movements when performing labor processes, during modeling, design, writing and other motor acts. Mentally retarded children suffer from an ability to develop and consolidate movements and make them automatic. This requires a long time and a lot of repetition.

The most important result of the game is joy and emotional uplift. Thanks to this remarkable property, outdoor games, especially with elements of competition, are more adequate than other forms of physical education to the needs of children with mental retardation, contribute to versatile physical and mental development, and the development of moral and volitional qualities. In addition, outdoor games, selected taking into account the age, health status, and degree of physical fitness of children, contribute to the improvement, hardening, and strengthening of the child’s body.

When organizing outdoor games, it is necessary to carefully monitor the sanitary and hygienic conditions of the activities, in particular the cleanliness and temperature of the room and air used. Equally important is the cleanliness of the body and clothing of the practitioners themselves. During the game, metabolism increases significantly in the body of the players, gas exchange and heat transfer increase, in connection with this, students need to develop the habit of systematically washing their hands and feet, wiping the body with a damp towel or dousing themselves with water using generally accepted rules of hygiene and hardening the body with water procedures. The content of the practical use of game material in physical education lessons is, first of all, the following.

If the lesson is aimed at developing strength, then it is very beneficial to include auxiliary and leading games associated with short-term speed-strength tensions and a wide variety of forms of overcoming the muscle resistance of the enemy in direct contact with him. The main content components of such games include various tugging, pushing, holding, pushing, elements of wrestling, weightlifting, etc. Motor operations with weights available to the player - bending, squats, push-ups, lifting, turning, rotating, running or jumping with a load that is feasible for them - are also very effective for solving this problem. This should also include throwing various objects at a distance, which are quite useful for the strength development of those involved.

To develop the quality of speed games that require instant responses to visual, sound or tactile signals should be selected. These games should include physical exercises with periodic accelerations, sudden stops, rapid jerks, instant delays, sprinting in the shortest possible time and other motor acts aimed at consciously and purposefully ahead of the opponent.

To develop dexterity it is necessary to use games that require precise coordination of movements and quick coordination of one’s actions with teammates, and the possession of a certain physical dexterity.

To develop endurance it is necessary to find games associated with a obviously large expenditure of strength and energy, with frequent repetitions of compound motor operations or with prolonged continuous motor activity, determined by the rules of the game used.

Outdoor games are best used in close connection with other means of physical education, through complex use with general developmental, training and special exercises.

When planning an outdoor game, you need to take into account the overall load of the lesson and determine the purpose, time and place among other exercises and learning tasks used.

The level of difficulty of games used in lessons in terms of physical activity and the complexity of game interaction between participants should be accessible to students and increase in a methodologically sound manner, smoothly and gradually.

In the process of practical implementation of the planned games, serious attention must be paid to strict adherence to the norms and safety regulations generally accepted in physical education lessons for both the players themselves and the spectators around them.

Gymnastics with basics of acrobatics

Keep your balance

Target: development of coordination abilities, courage, prudence. Used as an auxiliary exercise for training tasks on a balance beam or other narrow support.

Organization: The class is divided into equal teams, lined up one at a time behind a common starting line. The distance between the columns is 2-3 m. In front of each team there is a gymnastics bench on which 3 medicine balls are located, and 10 m behind the bench a rotating stand is installed.

Carrying out: At the signal, the first players of each team rush forward, run along the bench, jumping over the balls lying on it, then run to the post, go around it to the left, and return back, give the start to the next player of their team by touching their outstretched arm, after which they stand at the end of the column. If a player loses his balance while running and leaves the bench, he must resume movement from the beginning of the bench, knock the ball down and put it in its place. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Crossing on narrow poles

Target: development of dexterity, vestibular apparatus, attention and prudence.

Organization: The class is divided into equal teams, lined up one at a time behind a common starting line. The distance between the columns is 3 m. After 10 m, 2 inverted benches are installed in front of each team (parallel and close to each other).

Carrying out: At the signal, each team, holding hands, runs up to its “crossing” and begins to cross the “river” along the narrow edges of an inverted bench - in a chain, without letting go of the hands of its neighbors. The team that can “cross” the fastest without losing balance or breaking the chain wins.

Balance beam wrestling

Target: development of coordination abilities, business perseverance and tactical thinking. Used as a lead-in exercise for training tasks on the balance beam.

Organization: The class is divided into equal teams, lined up in a column one at a time (boys in front, girls behind them) from different ends of a log lined with mats.

Carrying out: At a signal, one player from each team climbs onto the log from their end and, meeting in the middle, tries to use deceptive movements to unbalance and push the opponent. The player who pushes the opponent earns his team a point, etc. The team with the most points wins.

Acrobatic relay

Target: development of dexterity, speed, courage. Used as an auxiliary exercise for acrobatics training assignments.

Organization: The class is divided into three teams, lining up in columns one at a time behind the starting line. 7 m in front of the columns, 3 benches are placed transversely, close to each other, covered with mats. A rotating stand is placed 15 m in front of each column.

Carrying out: At a signal, the guides of all columns run to their turning post, overcome the three benches standing in the way with a long somersault, go around the turning post and return, etc. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Medicine ball medley relay

Target: development of agility, speed-strength qualities, flexibility. Used as a lead-in exercise for acrobatics training assignments.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams, each of which, divided into 2 groups, lines up in opposing columns, legs slightly wider than shoulders. The distance between the opposing columns is 10 m, and between the players in them is 0.7 m. A gymnastic mat is laid in the middle between the columns. Team captains receive a medicine ball.

Carrying out: At the signal, the guides pass the medicine ball over the head back, bending over. The second player, having received the ball, leans forward and passes it back between his legs, etc. The last player, having received the ball, runs forward with it, reaching the mat, rolls forward with the ball in his hands, then continues running and passes the ball to the guide of the opposing column. They do the same thing, and he moves away. As a result, with each successive cycle there are fewer and fewer players. The team whose members finish the game the fastest wins.

Don't let the hoop fall

Target: development of dexterity, prudence, speed. Used as a lead-in exercise for training tasks with a hoop.

Organization: The class is divided into teams, which line up in ranks at arm's length, one after the other behind the common starting line. Three lines are drawn at 6, 8 and 10 m from the start line. The players in the first row are given a hoop.

Carrying out: At the signal, the players in the first row must roll their hoop forward, and when it crosses the 6th mark, run out and catch it before it falls to the floor. A participant who does not have time to catch his hoop or runs out early is eliminated from the game (1st round). In the 2nd round - 8 m, etc. The team that retains the most players after the final round wins.

Ten jump ropes

Target: development of dexterity, speed, attention. Used as a lead-in exercise for training tasks with a jump rope.

Organization: The class is lined up in a column of four. The interval is 1.5 m, the distance is 3 m. The right-wing players in the ranks are given a rope. The method of jumping is discussed.

Carrying out: At the signal, the right-flank players of all ranks perform 10 jumps on the spot (in an agreed manner) and pass the rope to the next player, etc. The last player, having completed the task, lifts the rope above his head. The team that completes the task before the others wins.

Catching "frogs"

Target: development of agility, speed, attention, strength. Used as an auxiliary exercise for training tasks with vaults.

Organization: At a distance of 10-12 m, the start and finish lines are marked. A second one is marked 1.5 m in front of the starting line. The class is divided into 2 teams, one of which stands behind the starting line and takes a crouching position, leaning on its arms slightly forward. 1.5 m in front of them, the players of the other team take the same position.

Carrying out: At the signal, all participants in the game begin to jump forward with a “frog”, pushing off with their arms and legs. The task of the back players is to catch up and harass the players of the front team until they reach the finish line. Then both teams return to the start and change places. The team that catches the most frogs wins.


Running downhill

Target: development of speed in easier conditions and attention. Used as an auxiliary exercise for training tasks in sprinting.

Organization: in a free clearing with a slope of up to 10-12, the class lines up in one line behind the common starting line. Ahead, two transverse control lines are drawn at 20 and 50 m.

Carrying out: At the signal, all players run forward, downhill, and for the first 20 m they must run evenly, without overtaking each other, but, having caught up with the first line, begin racing. The winner is the participant who crosses the 50 m line first without breaking the rules. There are separate scores for boys and girls.

Obstacle relay

Target: development of speed and agility. Used as a lead-in exercise for training sessions with the transfer of the baton.

Organization: The class is divided into 2 teams, lining up in a column, one at a time, behind the common starting line. The interval between the columns is 3 m. The guides are received by baton. At 15 m there is a turning stand, and in the middle of the 15th segment a hoop is placed, in the center of which a small white circle is outlined with chalk.

Carrying out: At the signal, the guiding players of the columns run to the turning post, having reached the hoop lying on the way, climb through it, then put the hoop in place, with a white circle in the center, and run further. Having caught up with the turning post, they go around it and come back, climbing through the hoop again, after which, according to the rules of the athletics relay, they pass the baton to the next player. The team that finishes the relay faster wins.

Jumping on one leg

Target: development of strength, agility, jumping ability. Used as an auxiliary exercise for long jump training exercises.

Organization: The class is divided into 2 teams, lining up in a column, one at a time, behind the common starting line.

Carrying out: At a signal, the guiding players of the columns, standing on one leg, perform five jumps in a row, as far forward as possible, and stop. The second numbers begin performing this task from the place where the previous jumper of their team stopped, etc. The winner is determined by the total length of jumps of all team players.

Jump over the stream

Target: development of speed, jumping ability, prudence. Used as an auxiliary exercise for long jump training exercises.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams, forming a column, one at a time, behind the starting line. 8 m from the start, two parallel lines indicate a two-meter wide stream, and after another 8 m, a turning stand is placed in front of each column.

Carrying out: At the signal, the guiding players of the columns run to the turning post, jump over the stream with a running start, go around the stand and return back, overcoming the stream in the same way, and pass the baton to the next player. For each failure to cross the stream, the team receives 2 penalty seconds. The team that finishes the relay in the shortest time wins.

Accurate throwing

Target: development of dexterity and prudence. Used as an auxiliary exercise for training tasks on throwing at a target.

Organization: The class is divided into competing pairs, who are given a small ball and a gymnastic mace. The players of each pair stand facing each other at the ends of the 8th line, in the middle of which they place a mace. Transverse marks are made on the line at a distance of 1 m.

Carrying out: At the signal, players in pairs begin to take turns throwing the ball at the mace, trying to knock it over. The player who knocks down the mace moves it one meter closer to himself, and the game continues under the same conditions. The winner is the one who brings the mace to himself with well-aimed throwing.

Dodge the ball

Target: development of speed and dexterity, operational thinking. Used as a lead-in exercise for training tasks involving throwing a ball at a target.

Organization: The participants of the game disperse around the court, in the center of which the driver is located with a tennis ball in his hands.

Carrying out: At the signal, the players move arbitrarily around the court, dodging the ball thrown at them by the driver. The participant who was hit by the ball joins the driver’s support group and together with him they make fun of the rest of the players using auxiliary passes of the ball. As a result, the number of embattled players increases. The winner is the last remaining undefeated player, recognized as the fastest and most dexterous.

Throwing with maximum bounce

Target: development of dexterity, prudence, strength. Used as an auxiliary exercise for training tasks on throwing a ball and a grenade at a target and at a distance.

Organization: The starting line is drawn 8 m opposite the basketball backboard. Behind it, parallel lines are drawn every meter with a digital indication of the footage. The class is divided into 2 teams and they line up in columns, one at a time, behind the starting line. The guides receive the ball.

Carrying out: At the signal, the guiding players of the columns throw the ball at the backboard at a rebound distance, immediately pick it up while running and give it to the next participant. The further the rebound, the more points. The team whose players score the most points wins.

Catch up with the one in front

Target: development of speed and dexterity, attention. Used as a lead-in exercise for training tasks with a low or high start.

Organization: The class is divided into 2 teams, which line up one behind the other. The distance between the ranks is 2-3 m. A control line is drawn 30-40 m in front of the first rank.

Carrying out: At the signal, both teams run from a high (low) start to the control line. At the same time, the players in the back rank try to catch up and touch the runner in front of them with a touch of their hand. Players who are spotted before the control line must stop and raise their hand. Their number is counted. Then the teams change places.

Long jumps with a penguin ball

Target: development of speed and agility, jumping ability, prudence. Used as a lead-in exercise for long jump training exercises.

Organization: The class is divided into 2 teams, which line up in columns behind the starting line. A rotating stand is placed at 15 m. The guiding players each take a basketball and hold it between their legs.

Carrying out: At the signal, the guiding players of the columns make long jumps with the ball clamped between their knees, rush to the post, go around it and return back. A player who loses the ball must pick it up, return to the place where he lost it and continue moving from there. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Throw the ball higher

Target: development of speed, strength, prudence. Used as an auxiliary exercise for training tasks involving running and throwing a ball at a distance.

Organization: Participants stand in one line in front of a circle with a diameter of 3 m, in which a small ball lies, and are counted out in order. There is a marked running path leading from the circle. Two judges are appointed: one at the circle, the other at the treadmill (he has flags of different colors in his hands).

Carrying out: At a signal, the first player enters the playing circle from the line, takes the ball lying there and throws it up. While the ball is flying, the player runs along the treadmill, trying to run as far as possible while the ball is flying. At the moment the ball lands, the referee at the circle says loudly: “Stop,” and the referee at the track places a flag opposite the place where the runner was caught by the landing of the ball. Then all participants take turns performing the same task. The winner is the one whose flag will stand next.

Running with obstacles

Target: development of speed, jumping ability, attention. Used as an auxiliary exercise for training tasks on overcoming vertical and horizontal obstacles.

Organization: The class is divided into 2-3 teams, which, at 5-meter intervals, stand on the site behind the starting line in columns one at a time. A turning post is placed at 20 m, and 2 barriers are installed at an equal distance on the way to it. Halfway through the return journey, a checkmate is placed.

Carrying out: At the signal, the first players in the columns run to the stand, jumping over 2 barriers along the way, go around the stand and return back, jumping over the mat with a running start, then pass the baton with a touch of the hand. For each barrier or mat not jumped, 2 penalty seconds are added. The team that completes the task in the shortest time wins.


Target: development of speed, dexterity, tactics of joint actions.

Organization: The class is divided into 2 teams, lined up in columns, one at a time, behind the starting line. A medicine ball is placed 10 meters in front of each team.

Carrying out: At the signal, participants sit on the floor with their legs bent. Each participant grabs the partner sitting behind him by the ankles, and the entire column resembles a crawling caterpillar, alternately moving its legs and buttocks. Moving in this way, they reach the medicine ball, go around it and also return back.

Handicap Chase

Target: development of speed, dexterity, attention.

Organization: Draw 2 parallel lines at intervals of 3-4 m A and B. Finish line WITH carried out at a distance of 8-10 m from the line IN. Players are divided into 2 teams and line up in 2 rows on lines A And IN. Team players IN, occupy an awkward position.

Carrying out: At the signal, the participants rush to the finish line, with the players from the back team trying to catch up and stain the players from the front team. For each person caught, one point is awarded. Then the teams change places. Victory is awarded to the team that scores the most points.

Sport games

Ten hits with a pass

Target: development of speed, dexterity, attention. Used as an auxiliary exercise for training tasks on dribbling and passing the ball in basketball or handball.

Organization: The class lines up in 3 lines. The right wing players of all ranks receive the ball. Distance and interval – 2 m.

Carrying out: At the signal, the right-wing players begin dribbling the ball on the spot with 10 bounces from the floor, and with the 11th blow they direct the ball to the next player. The last player, having completed the task, raises the ball above his head. The team that completes the task before everyone else wins.

Ball flight

Target: development of speed, dexterity, prudence. Used as a lead-in exercise for training tasks on receiving and passing the ball in basketball and volleyball.

Organization: The class is divided into several equal teams, which line up one after the other. One meter in front of the first line, a cord with flags is stretched between two posts at a height of 2.5 m. The players in the first row are given a ball.

Carrying out: At the signal, the players in the first row must throw the ball over the cord and, quickly running under it, catch the ball on the other side. A player who fails to catch the ball before it lands is eliminated from the game. Then the second rank performs the same task. In the 2nd round, the distance increases to 1.5 m, in the 3rd – to 2 m, etc. The team that retains the most players after the final round wins.

Race balls in a circle with side steps

Target: development of speed, dexterity, attention. Used as an auxiliary exercise for training tasks involving receiving, dribbling, and passing the ball in basketball.

Organization: The class is divided into 2 teams, which line up opposite each other behind the end lines of the basketball court. 2 m in front of each line, a circle with a diameter of 6 m is drawn with chalk, and the guide is given a ball.

Carrying out: At the signal, the players of both ranks begin dribbling the ball with side steps in their circle, making the first turn with the right side forward, and the second player with the left side, after which they pass the ball to the second numbers of their ranks and step aside. The team that completes the task first wins.

Ball interception

Target: development of speed, dexterity, operational thinking. Used as an auxiliary exercise for training tasks involving passing the ball in basketball.

Organization: in The participants of the game receive the ball and line up in a circle. A ball interceptor is selected and goes to the center of the circle.

Carrying out: At the signal, the players begin to pass the ball, and the interceptor, running in a circle, tries to intercept the ball in flight, on the floor, or take it out of his hands. Having taken possession of the ball, the interceptor takes the place of the player who lost the ball.

Fast passes

Target: development of speed, dexterity, attention. Used as an auxiliary exercise for training tasks on passing the ball in volleyball and basketball.

Organization: The class is divided into several equal teams, which choose captains and stand in columns, one at a time, behind the starting line. Behind another line drawn 4-6 m opposite each team, its captain stands with the ball in his hands. The method of passing the ball is discussed.

Carrying out: At the signal, the captains begin passing the ball to the first player in their column. Having accepted the ball, the player returns it to the captain and squats, etc. If during these passes the receiving player misses the ball, then he must run to pick it up, return to his place and only then continue the game. The team that completes the task first wins.

Shots into the basket from the spot

Target: development of dexterity, attention, accuracy. Used as an auxiliary exercise for training tasks involving shooting baskets in basketball.

Organization: The class is divided into 2 teams, each of which occupies its own half of the basketball court and lines up in a column, one at a time, behind the free throw line. The guides receive the ball.

Carrying out: At the signal, the captains begin to throw into the hoop, then run to the backboard to pick up the ball and pass to the next player in their column, and then return and stand at the end of the column. The team whose players throw the most balls into the basket wins.

Volleyball relay race

Target: development of speed, accuracy of movements, attention. Used as a lead-in exercise for training tasks with targeted passing of the ball in volleyball.

Organization: The class is divided into 2 teams, each of which is assigned a longitudinal half of the volleyball court. Each team lines up in its area in 2 opposing columns on opposite sides of the net, behind the attack lines. The captains receive the ball.

Carrying out: At the signal, the captains pass the ball with both hands from above through the net to the guide of the opposite column of their team and run to the end of their column. The one to whom the ball is addressed sends it through the net to the next player in the same way. The team that finishes the volleyball passing relay first wins.

Martial arts at the shield

Target: development of speed, dexterity, attention. Used as an auxiliary exercise for training tasks involving fighting for the ball in basketball.

Organization: The class is divided into 2 teams, which line up in columns, one at a time, behind the center line of the basketball court and settle down in order. The distance between columns is 2-3 m.

Carrying out: The teacher throws a basketball at the backboard and names any serial number of the participants in the game. Players from both teams with this number run out of formation and rush to the shield, trying to take possession of the ball before the opponent. The one who succeeds brings his team a point and immediately makes a long pass to the leading player of his column, and he, having received the ball, quickly passes it with both hands back along the column, from hand to hand, to the last player in the line, who, having received the ball, lifts it up. The player who lost the ball in a single combat at the backboard runs with side steps to his previous place in the column, trying to overtake the ball, which is passed over the heads of the players of the competing team. If the runner with side steps ends up in his place before the ball finishes, then his team is awarded one point. If not, then the opposing team gets another point. The team whose players score the most points wins.

Ski training

Gliding on one ski

Target: development of push-off strength with sticks, balance, attention. Used as a lead-in exercise for training tasks for ski movements with a sliding step.

Organization: The class lines up in a line with outstretched arms, and, moving forward in a parallel course, each participant in the game makes a ski track for himself, and the teacher marks the start and finish lines (from 20 to 50 m). Then all players turn around, come back and line up behind the starting line.

Carrying out: At the signal, all participants in the game glide along their ski track as quickly as possible to the finish line on one ski, lifting the other top and pushing off with sticks. A player who touches the snow with a raised ski is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who finishes first.

Either on the right or left ski

Target: development of push-off strength with sticks, balance, speed, agility. Used as an auxiliary exercise for training tasks in skiing at a sliding step.

Organization: The class lines up at arms length behind the starting line. The turn line is marked 20-30 m from the start.

Carrying out: At the signal, players must push off with sticks, slide to the turn line on the right ski and return back on the left ski. The winner is the one who completes the task first without ever stepping on his free foot in the snow.

Descent down a snowy slope

Target: development of dexterity and courage. Used as an auxiliary exercise for training tasks on descents from the mountain.

Organization: On a hill with a slope of 15-18, the class is divided into two teams.

Carrying out: At the signal, players from both teams take turns skiing down the slope in the main stance, trying not to fall along the distance. For each person who falls, a penalty point is awarded. The team with the fewest fallen players wins.

Descent together

Target: development of dexterity and courage, attention. Used as a lead-in exercise for training tasks on descending from the mountain.

Organization: On the hill, the class is divided into two teams, which line up in columns of two behind the starting line. Each pair of players has one pair of skis.

Carrying out: At a signal, the players, trying not to fall, take turns sliding down the slope, standing together on one pair of skis. The partner standing behind holds onto the belt of the one in front. The pair that completes the descent without falling brings their team a point. The team with the most points wins.

Assault on the summit

Target: development of agility, speed, strength and mutual assistance. Used as a lead-in exercise for uphill training exercises.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams and line up in front of the slides.

Carrying out: At the signal, all players rush forward, trying to climb to the top of the mountain as quickly as possible. The winner is the team whose players all gather at the top of the snowy mountain first.

Vacant position

Target: development of speed, attention, coordination abilities. Used as a lead-in exercise for training tasks of fast skiing with turns.

Organization: in the clearing, the class stands in two adjacent circles, opened into outstretched sticks. One circle is girls, the other is boys. The distance between the circles is 10 m. A driver is selected in each circle.

Carrying out: At a signal, each driver begins to circle around the outside of his circle and, choosing one of the players standing in it, touches him with his hand, and he continues to move. The skier he called immediately turns and runs in the opposite direction, trying to go around the circle as quickly as possible and take his previous place (vacant place). The player who does not have time to take a seat becomes the driver.

Descent with snowball throwing

Target: development of dexterity, courage, prudence. Used as an auxiliary exercise for training tasks on descents from the mountain.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams and stand on a slight slope. All players prepare two snowballs and form columns behind the starting line. Not far before the finish of the descent, 5 m to the side of the ski track, a portable shield measuring 1*1 m is installed longitudinally.

Carrying out: At the signal, players take turns sliding down the slope and, driving past the shield, throw two snowballs at it. For each snowball hitting the target, the team is awarded a point. The team whose players score the most points wins.

Pick up the flag as you descend

Target: development of attention, courage, coordination abilities. Used as an auxiliary exercise for training tasks on descents from the mountain.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams standing on skis without poles. The game is played on a small slope. On one of the descent sections, a control flag and a judge with spare flags are placed on the right side.

Carrying out: At the signal, the players of the first team, one after another, with an interval of 10 seconds, start down the hill with the task: crouching down, pick up the flag on the descent, without delaying the movement. The judge immediately replaces the taken flag with a new one for the next participant, and on the way back the flags are returned to the judge. After the first command, the second command performs the same task. The team whose players pick up the most flags wins.

Don't hit the gate

Target: development of attention, courage, coordination abilities. Used as a lead-in exercise for training tasks of complicated descent from the mountain.

Organization: the game is played on a long, gentle slope with goals placed along the way. There are judges assigned to each goal. The class is divided into two teams, lining up in a column, one at a time, behind the starting line.

Carrying out: At the signal, players take turns skiing down the slope, trying to pass through all the gates standing in the way, bending down and without touching them. For each goal that is hit or knocked over, there is a penalty point. The team with the least amount of penalty points wins.

Mutual Pursuit Race

Target: development of speed endurance, coordination abilities, tactical prudence. Used as a training exercise in preparation for passing training standards in cross-country skiing.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams, which line up opposite each other in ranks open on elongated sticks. The distance between the ranks is 100 m. A rotating flag is placed on the left next to each player.

Carrying out: At the signal, players rush forward to the flag of the opposing player of the opposing team, and, bypassing the flag on the right, turn back, trying to catch up with this player and touch him with their hand. After several turns of this ski race with turns in a circle every 100 m, one of the two competitors in a pair overtakes the other and brings his team a point.

Outdoor games for attention and observation.

Traffic light

Two teams line up one at a time. The leader stands in front of the line, holding a “traffic light” - 2 cardboard circles. The first circle is green on one side, yellow on the other, the second is red, and yellow on the other. When the light is green, students march in place; when the light is yellow, they stop and clap their hands; when the light is red, they quickly squat. The team whose players made fewer mistakes wins.

Simple Arithmetic

The guys line up one by one. The leader calls out different numbers one after another, and after each number the students call out the next one in order. If there is a 0 in the number, then we put our hands on our belts; if there are two zeros, our hands are forward; three zeros, we sit down. Players who made fewer mistakes are noted.

Right and left

The players stand in a circle, with their backs to the center. The leader moves along the outside of the circle and, stopping near one of the players, says: “Hands.” The player addressed stands calmly, but the player on the right raises his right hand, and the player on the left raises his left. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.

Look and remember

Two teams. Players sit on a bench, each team facing in the opposite direction. In 1 – 1.5 minutes. The guys must remember everything they see in front of them. Then the teams turn to face each other and tell what they remember. To do this, players from opposing teams ask each other questions. An example of what lies behind the gymnastics mat? What's standing by the window? How many balls are there on the floor? For each correct answer, the team receives 10 points.

Water – earth – air

The players form a circle, leading with the ball in the center. He throws a ball to any player, calling one of the words. The player, having caught the ball, must quickly name the animal, fish or bird that lives in this environment. After that, he returns the ball to the leader. Players' answers should not be repeated.

Who has the item?

Players form a tight circle with their hands behind their backs. One of the players has a small object in his hands. In the center of the circle is the driver. On command, students begin to quietly pass the object from hand to hand. The driver’s task is to carefully observe the actions of the players and guess who has the item. The one he points to stretches his arms forward. If the driver guessed correctly, then this player and the driver change places.

Keen hearing

Players move in a column one at a time and listen to the signals given by the leader. The presenter has two whistles of different tones. At the signal of each whistle, students perform various movements. The one who confuses the signals becomes the horse of the column.

"We wear hats"

The players stand holding a light load on their heads, for example, a bag of sand weighing 200-500 g - a “hat”. After checking the students’ posture, the presenter gives the signal to walk. Children should walk normally, maintaining correct posture. The winner is the one whose hat never falls off and who does not lose his posture.

"Listen carefully"

Students walk in a circle and take poses as directed by the leader. When they hear the word “stump,” they get down on one knee, lowering their head and hands, then immediately get up and continue moving in a circle. When they hear the word “Christmas tree,” they stop and move their lowered arms away from their body, assuming the correct posture. When they hear the word “stop,” they stop and raise their hands up, bringing them together above their head. Then the presenter breaks down these three commands. If one of the players makes a mistake, he leaves the game. At first, commands are given every 6-10 seconds, then the interval gradually decreases to 3-5 seconds. The presenter constantly monitors the correct posture of the children.


Children stand in a basic stance, arms extended upward. The facilitator invites them to transfer their body weight to their right leg and at the same time bring their torso to a horizontal position. The left straight leg is pulled back and takes a horizontal position. Then do the same with your left leg.


The players line up in two lines parallel to each other, the participants in the second line facing the back of the heads of the players in the first. Schoolchildren from the first rank stand on all fours (arms are straightened, hands rest on the floor, legs slightly apart). Those standing behind them in the second rank grab the ankles of those standing in front. At the teacher’s signal, each resulting “wheelbarrow” (from two students) begins to move forward, trying to be the first to reach the finish line drawn on the ground at a distance of 15-20 m from the start. A competition is held between pairs for the quality and speed of completing the task.


Children stand in a circle or in ranks, feet shoulder-width apart. Their right hand is raised up and moves forward, describing a circle, while their left hand moves back and up. The hands are always located in one straight line and form, as it were, two propeller blades. At the end, the presenter names the fastest and most clearly operating “propellers”.

"Swan geese"

On one side of the site they draw a circle - a “house” in which the “geese” live. On the opposite side stands the “shepherd”. To the side of the house is a “den” in which the “wolf” is located. The rest of the place is “meadow”. The teacher assigns children to the role of a wolf and a shepherd. The rest portray geese: they walk with a proud posture, stretch their necks up, fly, hiss. The shepherd says: “Geese, geese.” The geese stop and answer: “Ha-ha-ha.” Shepherd: “Do you want to eat?” Geese: “Yes, yes, yes.” Shepherd: “So fly.” Geese: “We can’t. The gray wolf is under the mountain and won’t let us go home.” Shepherd: “So fly as you want, just take care of your wings.” The geese are flying home through the meadow, and the wolf, running out of the den, tries to catch them.

Relay races and games with interdisciplinary connections

    "Locomotive". Students are divided into two teams, stand in columns, holding their elbows, and walk in place, depicting a “train.” The teacher pronounces the words loudly so that each syllable falls on a step. On the syllable in the word on which the stress falls, players perform a more firm foot placement. The team that makes a mistake receives a penalty point.

    Ball relay– words are written in a column on the cards. Relay participants need to select and write test words for these words. Example, sit - sitting, to measure – measure. On command, the first participant holds the ball between his legs, jumps with it to a chair, completes the task and runs back to his team.

    Relay race with gymnastic sticks– misspelled words are written on the cards

(cart, almond, vogzal). Two teams. On command, the participant puts the g/stick on his shoulders, runs to the chair, completes the task, correcting the mistake and runs back to his team, passing the g/stick to another participant.

    Game for attention. The students stand in a line. The teacher explains: “I will call loudly and perform various exercises. If you hear a word related to a noun, then do the exercise with me (raise your arms up, squat, etc.). If the spoken word belongs to another part of speech, then you stand still.” For each violation of the rules of the game, the participant takes a step forward.

    Game "Catch and run away". Participants are divided into two teams and line up at the center line at a distance of 3 m from each other. Lines are drawn at opposite ends of the hall - “houses”. One team is nouns and the other is adjectives. The teacher alternately names words (nouns or adjectives). The team whose name refers to the spoken word tries to catch up with the players of the opposing team, and they try to run away to their house. Players who are caught up join the opposing team.

Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Working with a small ball.

Vertical direction.

    Throw the ball straight down and catch (up; up - to the floor - catch from below)

Oblique direction.

    Stand in front of the wall. Throw the ball forward and up towards the wall, let it fall to the floor and then from below, when it bounces off the floor, catch it.

    Ball against the wall - catch

    The ball is slanted down and forward against the floor towards the wall - floor - catch

    The ball is slanted down and forward against the floor towards the wall - catch

    With your back to the wall, throw the ball obliquely back and up - against the wall - catch

Arc-shaped direction.

    Place your left hand with your palm against the wall and, bringing your right hand under your left, throw the ball from the left side with your left hand so that it flies in an arc and so that it can be caught on the right side of your left hand (same with the other hand)

    Place one foot against the wall, throw the ball with the same hand, bringing it under the foot on the opposite side so that it can be caught on the right side (the same with the other foot)

Exercises in throwing the ball from the right hand to the left

    Place the ball on the floor in front of you with one hand, catch it with the other

    Throwing the ball from one hand to the other (palm up; palm down)

    Passing the ball from one hand to the other under the foot

Relay races

    “Shuttle run” - working with cubes

    “Changing objects” - working with pins and cubes

    “Swamp” - working with planks 15*30 (three pieces)

    “Collect eggs” - kinder surprise eggs, different colors


1. Novosibirsk book edition, 1992. 2. Fridman M.G. Sports and recreational work in a children's recreation camp - M.: “Prosveshchenie”, 1991. 3. Babenkova E.A. How to help children become healthy. – M.: methodological manual, 2003. 4. Bogranova G.P. Physical education lessons in grades 5-7. – M.: “Education”, 1999. Magazines “Physical education at school”, 2009-2010.


Scouts and sentry

A sentry is selected. Flags (5-7 pieces) are placed around it at a distance of 15-25 steps. All the rest are scouts. They move away to such a distance that the sentry cannot see. The scouts' task is to steal the flag. The sentry can only move around the perimeter limited by flags. If the sentry, having noticed the scout, calls him by name, the scout is eliminated from the game. If the sentry saw a scout running away with a flag and managed to call him by name, the flag returns to its place, and the scout hides again. The game ends either when there is 1 flag left, or if there is 1 scout.

(Scouts may not drop out of the game, but be captured, that is, stand in the limited space of the sentry. At the same time, other scouts can free him by touching him. If the sentry does not have time to name the name of the liberator, the captive is free. With this option, the game can last indefinitely).


The players are divided into two teams: guards and spies. A circle is drawn, around the perimeter of which guards stand blindfolded. There is a hostage in the center. Spies must free him by sneaking between the guards and take him out of the circle. The guards stand approximately at arm's length from each other. If the spy is touched by the guards, he becomes another hostage. After a certain period of time, the guards and spies change places.


7 or more people play. Inventory: whistle.

Each player builds a depot for himself: he draws a small circle. In the middle of the platform there is a driving locomotive. He doesn't have his own depot. The driver walks from one carriage to another. Whoever he approaches follows him. This is how all the cars are assembled. The locomotive suddenly whistles, and everyone runs to the depot, including the locomotive. The player left without a seat becomes the driver - the locomotive.


There is a stripe in the center of the room. Two teams on opposite sides of the strip are trying to pull each other to their side. Anyone who steps behind the line goes over to the other side and fights for the opposite team.


Children stand in a circle and hold hands. The leader is in the center. The players walk in a circle and chant the words:

At Uncle Tryphon's

There were seven children

Seven sons:

They didn't drink, didn't eat,

They looked at each other.

At once they did as I did!

At the last words, everyone begins to repeat his gestures. The one who repeated the movements best becomes the leader. Rules of the game. When repeating the game, children standing in a circle go in the opposite direction.

Frost-Red Nose

On opposite sides of the site there are two houses, in one of them the players are located. The driver stands in the middle of the platform - Frost-Red Nose. He says:

I am Frost the Red Nose.

Which one of you will decide

Set off on a path? .

The players answer:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost.

After this, the children run across the playground to another house. Frost catches up with them and tries to freeze them (touch them with your hand). The frozen ones stop at the place where the Frost overtook them and stand until the end of the run. After several dashes, another driver is chosen.


Having split into two teams, the players form two circles. Each player standing in the inner circle remembers the player of the opposing team standing in front of him. Then, at the leader’s signal, the players standing in circles begin to move with side steps in different directions. At the second signal, the players of the outer circle scatter, and the players of the inner circle pursue them. You only need to chase the player who was standing opposite. The presenter counts to thirty, then says: “Stop!” - and counts those who have been greasy. Then the teams change roles.


The players are divided into two teams and line up in columns of two, holding hands, one column parallel to the other. At the leader’s signal, the children standing last in the columns run forward under the raised hands of the players and stand in front of their column, raising their hands up. The latter is a signal for those who are behind, and they do the same as the previous pair. The team whose players finish the run first wins.


Two or three players join hands, forming a “net”. Their task is to catch as many “swimming fish” as possible. If the “fish” is caught, then it joins the drivers and becomes part of the “net”.


Children stand in several lines. 2 drivers (hare, wolf). Children stand at arm's length (the ones on the side do not raise their arms). The hare runs through the maze without running under his arms. At the teacher’s command “to the right,” the children turn and the hare is already running through another maze. The wolf catches up with the hare, if it catches up, they change.

Ball in hand

The players line up. Outstretched arms with open palms are held behind the back. One of the players stands behind them. He has a ball or pebble in his hand. Walking along the line, he pretends as if he wants to drop the ball into someone's palm. Players shouldn't look back. Finally he drops the ball into someone's hand. The player who received the ball suddenly breaks out of the line. Neighbors to the right and left must grab him (or smack him) before he moves. But at the same time they do not have the right to leave the line. If they fail to capture him, he can return to his place and the game continues. If he is caught, he changes places with the leader.

Moscow hide and seek.

One person turns his back to the participants and one of the participants hits him on the back with his hand, then he turns and speaks to whomever he thinks, and they answer him: “How much will you give?” (for example, run around a house or building), he says how many laps, and only then they tell him whether he guessed correctly or not. If not, then he runs away on his own, and during this time everyone hides in a certain area. Then he looks for everyone he finds, runs to a certain place and shouts “tukita”, whoever manages to tukita tukita himself. The one who gets tagged becomes the leader.

Ocean is shaking.

A presenter is selected and the participants say the following words: “The sea is agitated once, the sea is agitated twice, the sea is agitated three times, the sea figure freeze.” Participants must depict any figure they wish, and the presenter must guess the figures and say which one he likes best. The person whose figure you like becomes the leader (the game is supposed to be endless).?


Take 2 equal teams and stand opposite each other at a distance of 4 meters, holding hands tightly. In turn, each team says the following words: “Kondals” - the first team, “Chained” - the second, “Unchain us” - the first, “Which of us” - the second. Then the first team chooses any person from the opposite one and he must break their chain; if he does not break, then he is part of the first team. Then the teams change, i.e. the second team begins to speak the words. We play until there is not a single person in one of them.

Agents 007

Venue: lawn

Duration: 5 min.

Number:20 people

Equipment: film cans + for example: sand, cereals, pebbles, coin, pebbles, small screws, water, etc.

Progress of the game:

Each participant is given a can of film. There may be pebbles, sand, salt, flour, etc. inside them. The participants' task is to find their match as quickly as possible by sound without opening the jar.


Let's start by asking everyone to call themselves a bird (animal), provided, however, that there should not be two identical birds in the game. The players are placed in a circle in the room, leaving the middle free.

One of the participants in the game is the driver. His place is in the middle of the circle. The driver is blindfolded. He's a blind man's buff. Perhaps it would be useful if someone once again reminded the driver what birds are represented in our game today. However, from time to time they themselves, as best they can, will make themselves known, calling to each other with bird voices - chirping, croaking, quacking. Blind Man's Bluff calls any two birds, which, according to his assumptions, are at opposite ends of the room. Those called must change places. When making a flight, that is, moving, they can resort to various tricks and subterfuges: squatting, crawling, distracting the blind man's buff with false maneuvers, thereby helping each other.

If they make the flight safely, they notify the blind man's buff by clapping their hands, and he calls the other two birds. This continues until the blind man's buff catches someone. In this case, the caught one becomes a blind man's buff, and the previous driver takes the vacant place in the circle, immediately declaring himself to be some kind of bird.

Neighbor on the right

All participants in this fun game sit in a circle. The driver stands in the center of the circle. Addressing first one or the other of the players, the driver asks each of them some question or asks them to perform some movement: stand up and turn around in place or clap their hands three times, etc. But answer the question asked or It is not the one to whom the driver is addressing who must perform the required movement, but his neighbor on the right, whom the driver does not even look at. Having received the answer, the driver immediately turns to another, to a third, and so on, until one of the players makes a mistake.

A question is asked (or a task is given) quickly and suddenly. Just as quickly you need to give an answer (or perform the required movement). If a question is asked that is difficult to answer immediately, then you can say: “I don’t know,” which is already the answer, but do not remain silent.

It would seem that these rules are very simple and easy to remember, but in the game they are often violated due to the suddenness with which the driver addresses the participants in the game. Either the one to whom the question is addressed answers it himself, or the neighbor on the right will be confused by surprise and will not immediately realize that he is supposed to be the one to answer. Whoever breaks the rule will have to give up his place in the circle to the driver and give a forfeit.


The playing field (length -8-10 meters is outlined on both sides by lines, behind which there are bouncers (drivers), their task is to knock the players off the field with the ball, the ball is served alternately from one bouncer to another, there are a lot of options for players, a) the bouncer becomes “knocked out” or newly arrived player, b) the players are divided into teams and the knocked out players leave the field until all the team players are knocked out, while a “candle” can be caught from the hands of the bouncer, which means either the opportunity to remain in the circle, or a return one of the eliminated players on the field, c) if the previous options are widely known, then I encountered this only once - in the pioneer camp. There should be quite a lot of players - at least 4-5 in each of the two teams. Each team has one bouncer (B) and the rest of the players (I) on the field as follows:

| | | B1| I2 | I1 |B2 ] | ]

Each team takes turns in possession of the ball and kicks out the opposing players (I1-I2), knocked-out players from the player category go into the bouncer category, that is, they go beyond the boundaries of the field into the sector (B1-B2, respectively), only the player who caught the ball can take possession of someone else’s ball “candle” (a ball caught from the ground is not considered a “candle”; the player who caught such a ball goes to the bouncers). The team that still has players left wins, and they start the next game.


A circle with a diameter of 1.5-2 meters is drawn, in which all participants are placed, the driver throws the ball as high as possible and runs further from the circle, the one of the players who managed to catch the ball shouts “stop” and assigns the number of steps to the driver (steps can be very diverse and in different numbers, for example, 2 “giants” and “5 “Lilliputians”), if, after completing the prescribed steps, he manages to touch the driver, he himself becomes the driver. I remember only a few steps, but you can imagine yourself: " "Giant" - large steps in a jump, "midgets" - a half-foot step, "thread" - from toe to toe, "ducklings" - squatting, "umbrellas" - a jump with a flip, "bunny" - a jump with legs together).

The circle is divided into sectors - countries, while Voda says the game phrase (again, lost, you will have to invent it) the players scatter. The command “Stop!” sounds, the players freeze, then the water selects a victim (usually the one closest to him) and assigns steps; if he guessed correctly, he cuts him offthe country that lost a piece to itself, no, gives up part of its territory (you can cut only by standing with your foot(s) on your territory, and then as soon as you reach it (the circle must be large enough).


The ball should be light, preferably a small inflatable one. Players standing in a circle throw the ball to each other (catch or hit as in the game “volleyball”), the one who misses or drops the ball becomes a “potato” - squats in a circle and can be hit with the ball. If the ball falls to the ground after hitting the “potato”, then it is not considered missed and the game is resumed; if the “potato” manages to catch the ball (like a “candle”), then the one who lost the ball becomes the “potato”, and the rest of the players leave the circle. The last of the two remaining players to drop the ball on the ground becomes the first “victim” of the new horse.

Tags on a string

Tie a rope 3 - 4 meters long to the post. Draw a circle of the same radius around the column. Scatter two to three dozen pebbles (cones, sticks, etc.) inside the circle. This wealth will be guarded by one of you, the one you choose by lot. And everyone else (five people), first positioned outside the circle, tries to take possession of the pebbles and take them out of the circle as much as possible. The watchman must hold on to the rope with one hand, but his other hand is free to spot unwary miners. The one who is stained is eliminated from the game. After the agreed time (is three minutes enough?) the watchman’s shift ends. You can count how many pebbles were stolen from him, and how many he saved.

Now repeat everything with another guard. When everyone is in this role, it will not be difficult to determine who was more successful in it.

Edible - inedible

The playing field is drawn in a line, where each line is separated from the other by one step (you can play on a wide ladder), the players stand behind the last line and the driver throws the ball to them one by one, naming various objects. If an “edible” word sounds, the player must catch the ball, an “inedible” word must be missed or discarded; if the player’s actions correspond to the named word, the player moves to the next line (to the trail, step). The one who crosses the last line first wins and becomes the driver.

I know 5 names!

They hit the ground with a ball (palm), with each strike pronouncing another word: “I know 5 names of girls (boys, names of flowers, birds, and so on ad infinitum): Masha - one, Tanya - two, Katya - three, Sonya - four , Ira - five", "I know 5..." If a player makes a mistake or makes a long pause, the ball passes to another player, when the ball makes a circle and returns to the player, the game for that player resumes from the place where it was interrupted ( as is done in the “classics”), while it is better to agree in advance in what order the objects will be named. This game is useful without a ball, at home.

You drive more slowly...

One of the variants of “sea pieces”, the driver stands on one side of the playing field, the players are at the other end, the water turns away and says: “If you drive more quietly, you will continue, one, two, three, stop” and turns around, the players who are in this moment they run towards the driver, they must freeze, the one who did not manage to stop in time returns to the starting line. The winner, the first to reach the water, becomes water himself. The whole interesting thing is that the phrase can be cut off in any way you like (an element of surprise is introduced), but the last word should still be “stop”, only after it can the water turn around.


Circles-houses are drawn on the field, exactly one less than the number of players, the water goes around the houses collecting players in a chain and takes them away, while telling them where it is leading them, after the command “go home” everyone rushes back and the player who did not get a house , becomes a driver. I don’t remember the words at all, it’s not particularly important, but here’s my hasty version of the beginning of the saying: “the gnomes went for a walk, left their houses: gnome Misha (for example), gnome Sasha (etc., listing all the players), they went into the forest, but got lost, walked for a long, long time, (further to taste)" followed by an unexpected command "go home" anywhere in the story - developsattention and reaction.


The players sit on a bench and hold their palms folded in a boat in front of them, the water clamps a ring (or a coin) in its “boat” and passes through all the players one by one (more than once), placing its palms in the palms of the players, imperceptibly transferring the “ring” to one of them ", then says: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch,” the task of the player who received the ring is to stand up and go out, becoming the driver, the task of the others is to hold him, if, of course, they have time to figure out who got this ring, it’s interesting to play in the lineup at least 4-5 people.

Traffic lights.

After the driver is chosen, everyone stands on one side of him at a distance of five steps. The driver turns away from the players and names any color. Participants must find this color in their clothes, and holding onto it, they can freely move to the other side. The one who does not have this color must run across so as not to be caught. Whoever gets caught becomes the driver.

Squirrels - arrows

(someone mistakenly, or perhaps correctly, calls this game “Cossack robbers”) The players are divided into two teams, the “shooters” are given time to hide and then the chase begins, the search is carried out along the arrow tracks placed by the “shooter” players on turns, and maybe more often. As soon as the last “arrow” is found and caught, the teams change roles.


Jumping over each other in a chain, “Rucheek” is also known to everyone and is more suitable for folk dances (IMHO).

Above your feet from the ground

Players run up in a row and position themselves so that their feet do not touch the ground (sit down, hang on trees, etc.) The driver’s task is to insult the one who could not resist and touched the ground; another interesting thing is that players at a respectful distance can change your location.


D version of tags (tags), the one who has been saluted clings to the water and together they salo the next one, the last player who has been saluted becomes the driver.

Pike 2

Another version of this game, but those who have been knocked out freeze in place, with their arms open, they can be re-enchanted if the driver allows other players to approach them, the last one becomes the driver greasy.

Grandfather merman

Everyone stands in a circle and walks around, leading with their eyes closed: “Grandfather Vodyanoy, why are you sitting under water! Come out for a minute! Let’s play a joke!” After which the merman gets up and selects any player at random, touches it and tries to guess who it is. If you guess correctly, then the one guessed becomes “Water”.

Third wheel

“Players stand in a circle in twos (one after another), the driver runs after one of the free players around the outer circle without crossing it, a player can stand in front of one of the pairs and then the one who is third and stands with his back to the border of the circle will have to run away. The salty one becomes the driver.

They sat on the golden porch

The driver spins in place and rotates jumping ropes around himself near the ground (if they are long, it is better to fold them in half), saying (for each turn a word): “On the golden porch sat the king, the queen, the king, the queen, the cook, the tailor, ... (I don’t remember further, but it rarely came to this, if you get there, figure it out yourself:) So, the players around should jump over the rope, whoever doesn’t have time, leads and until the next mistake is called the word on which he got entangled in the rope.


The cannibal sits with his eyes closed and everyone touches him one by one; the one he manages to grab by the hand becomes the “cannibal.”


Two teams play: the “elephants” stand in a chain, holding each other in a bent state, the riders jump on them and the “elephant” tries to walk with this burden.

Ball game

The key phrase is Squirrel, but you can come up with it yourself; girls usually play it. Taking turns hitting the ball against the wall, they jump over the ball that bounced to the ground; if the jump fails, the player is given a name based on the next word of the key phrase. As soon as the phrase ends, the player is eliminated from the game.


The players stand in a circle, lead a round dance around the Leader (the “king”) with the words: - The _king_ walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest, Found himself a princess, princess, princess, (the king chooses a princess from the round dance) Let’s jump with you, let’s jump , let's jump, (everyone performs the indicated actions) And we jump with our legs, we jump, we jump, And we stomp with our legs, we stomp, we stomp, And we clap with our hands, clap, clap, We shake our heads, and we start again... (it’s better to choose a princess with your eyes closed)

Rooster fight

The number of players is 20 - 40 people.

Preparation. Distribute the children into pairs according to their capabilities. In each pair, the players stand opposite each other, one leg bent, hands behind their backs.

Description of the game. According to signals, the players try to push their shoulders to throw the opponent off balance, forcing him to stand on both legs.

Rules. 1. You cannot push with your hands.

2. You cannot change your leg without a command.

Pedagogical significance of the game. This is a game of resistance. It promotes the development of strength, agility, and reaction speed.


The game involves teams of 4 - 5 people each. Children stand in ranks opposite each other and learn to weave a fence. To do this, cross your arms in front of you and connect your right hand with the left hand of the neighbor on the left, and the left hand with the right hand of the neighbor on the right. Both ranks, with their hands down, walk towards each other with the words:

One two three four,

The order must be carried out.

No, of course not, in the whole world

Friendship is better than ours!

After this, the children disperse or scatter around the veranda. At a signal from an adult, they must stand in ranks and form a fence. The line that performs the action first wins.

Who's flying?

The players and the leader stand in a circle. An adult says, for example, the following words: “The starling is flying!” - and raises his hands up, the children do the same. After several repetitions, he suddenly says again: “The bear is flying!” If one of the players raises his hands, he loses and takes a step out of the circle.

Catch and throw

Children stand in a circle, with an adult in the center. He throws the ball and catches it back, saying: “Catch it, throw it, don’t let it fall.” The text is pronounced slowly in order to have time to catch and throw the ball. The distance gradually increases: from! up to 2 m or more. Ask older children with good catching skills to name words with opposite meanings. For example, one child, throwing a ball, says “narrow”, the one who caught it, throwing the ball to another, says the word of the opposite meaning - “wide”, etc.

Traffic light

Participants in the game must be very attentive. When the presenter says green, the guys should stomp their feet; when the color is yellow, clap your hands. When the color is red there is silence.

Make a figure

Children run and jump all over the playground, and one child - the judge - stands to the side. At the counselor’s signal “One, two, three!” all the children stop and make a “figure”. The judge examines all the “pieces”, chooses the one he likes, and this child becomes the judge. Rules. The players stop at a signal and each time depict a new “figure”. The judge, when choosing a “figure,” must evaluate the beautifully and accurately performed movement.

Stand still

The players form a circle. The driver walks inside the circle and, stopping in front of someone, says loudly: “Hands!” The one to whom he addressed must stand calmly, and his neighbors must raise their hands: the neighbor on the right - left, the neighbor on the left - right. Whoever makes a mistake, raises the wrong hand, or hesitates, replaces the leader.

Chut - Gut

5-6 guys play. They stand in one line at the line. Each of them should have a stick 60 - 70 cm long. At the counselor’s signal, the players, one after another, begin to throw their sticks, trying to get them to fly as far as possible (but in the same direction). The one whose stick falls closest must run forward.collect all the thrown sticks and bring them back, but at the same time he must continuously repeat: “Chut - gut”, “Chut - gut” (until all the sticks are returned to their owners).

Then the game repeats. The one who is the most awkward 3 times in a row and whose stick is closest is eliminated from the game.


This game is best played with a large ball. Players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. Whoever does not catch the ball receives a punishment: he will have to continue the game standing on one leg. If in this position he manages to catch the ball, then the punishment is removed. If he misses the ball again, he will have to get down on one knee and try to catch the ball in this position. On the third mistake, you lower the unlucky player to both knees. If he manages to catch the ball, all is forgiven. On the fourth error, the player is out of the game;


This is a game of great mobility. It develops a child's quick reaction and eye. In addition, the game has educational value. Children practice counting, develop memory, and remember the names of the city!

A large circle is drawn on the ground. Everyone stands in a circle. Everyone chooses the name of the city.

The presenter throws the ball up and names a city. The player whose city he named must catch the ball. If he catches it, then, in turn, he can also throw the ball up and name any city. And if he doesn’t catch, then all the players scatter in different directions while he catches up with the ball. When the player grabs the ball, he shouts: "Stop!" And then all the “cities” freeze in place.

The player with the ball chooses any city and determines by eye how many kilometers it is. Every kilometer is a step.

He walks up to him and counts his steps. If after the specified number of steps he can reach the player with his hand, he becomes the city, and the player becomes the leader. The game starts again from the circle.


You run away from the leader, and he should make fun of you. Whomever he caught, he must take the leader by the hands to catch the rest. This continues until everyone is caught.

Day and night

Across the site or hall, in the middle, two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 1-1.5 from one another. On both sides of them, 10 - 15 m. parallel to them, lines of “houses”, “day” and “night” are drawn.

Everyone who wants to play is divided into two teams: one of them is “night”, the other is “day”. Both teams line up at their center lines. Moreover, the players of both sides turn to face their “homes”, i.e., with their backs to each other,

The leader stands in the very center of the site. He suddenly says “Day!” After this signal, the players of the night team run away to their “home”, and the players of the day team try to catch up with them and make fun of them. The salted ones move to the "day" team. The leader gives the signal again: “Day!” or "Night", trying to strictly alternate team names so that they are unexpected for the players. In order to distract the attention of the players and somehow diversify it, the leader before the signal may ask them to stand on their toes, raise their arms up or forward, sit down, etc. Then suddenly say: “Night” or “Day!”, Having won the team with more upset players. Rules:

1. It is forbidden to run to your home before the leader gives a signal. 2. The players can line up facing the leader (sideways to each other).


The players join hands and form a long “chain” or “snake”. At the head of the “chain” is the strongest player, who, while running, pulls the rest with him. He runs in different directions, describing various figures, passes under the arms of his comrades who make up the “chain”, and braids everyone. Sometimes it stops and spins around in place, wrapping the entire “chain” around itself. The twisted and curled “chain” must be able to untangle, otherwise he loses the right to further leadership.

Having done several exercises with the “chain”, the leader tries to break it with quick and unexpected turns. At first it pulls the “chain” in a straight direction, then suddenly turns sharply in the opposite direction, from which the last ones in the “chain” acquire such rapid movement that they cannot resist breaking away.

The player through whose fault the “chain” was broken leaves the game, but the “chain” is reconnected. The game continues until only strong players remain in the “chain”, whom the leader cannot lose, no matter how fast and unexpected movements he makes.

It's boring to sit like this

There are chairs along the opposite walls of the hall. Children sit on chairs near one wall. Read the poem:

It's boring, boring sitting like this. Everyone looks at each other. Isn't it time to go for a run? And change places?

As soon as the poem is read, all the children run to the opposite wall and try to occupy the free seats, which are one less than the participants in the game. The one who remains without a chair is eliminated. Then two chairs are removed. Everything is repeated until the winner takes the last remaining chair.

Sick cat


more than five people play

Progress of the game. One player is a healthy cat who tries to catch everyone else. Each player who is tainted must place their hand on the exact spot where they were tainted. He also becomes a cat, but a sick one, and helps the healthy cat when catching. A sick cat can only stain with its healthy hand. The player who is not stained wins. He becomes a healthy cat for the next round.

Thailand boxing

Two people in the ring, blindfolded, fight
bags, filled with soft rags. Various options are possible: you can
give one a bell, and the other a bag - he beats the sound, the man with
he bows with a bell, you can give bags to both, and introduce two intermediaries -
they direct their players with short commands.

Relay race

The group lines up in several columns. In front of each is a row of pins. The first person closes his eyes and tries to weave around them, and the group
tells him the direction of movement. The difficulty is that when everything
groups begin to shout at the same time, to distinguish their teams from the general noise
group is extremely problematic.


Two people in a circle take a log. Need to push out with a log
opponent from the circle.

Two rings

A group stands hand in hand around a drawing in winter
rings. Inside this large ring is a small one. Human can
be only either outside the large ring or inside the small one. Everyone's task is
force others to step into forbidden territory and still hold on

Run in a bunch

You need to run a distance with your legs tied. You can do it in pairs or even several people.

American triangle

Everyone is divided into fours. Three form
triangle. The remaining one is the driver. His task is to kill one of the triangle.
The task of the other two in triangles is to protect their comrade. Salt,
You cannot stretch your hand through the circle, you can only run around the triangle. When
the driver manages to show off, the person who is dressed up becomes the driver, gradually everything
change roles.



10 or more people play.

Progress of the game. The game participants are divided into two equal groups. The players of each group hold on to each other and form one chain with their arms bent at the elbows. Stronger and more dexterous participants - “groovy” ones - become ahead of the chain. Standing opposite each other, the “clockwork” also takes each other’s arms bent at the elbows and each pulls in their own direction, trying to either break the opponent’s chain or pull it over the intended line.

Rule. They start pulling exactly at the signal.


The number of participants is odd.

Participants stand in a row in pairs, join hands, and raise their arms above their heads. It turns out like a “corridor”. The remaining participant, grabbing the hand of any person standing in a pair, runs with him along the “corridor”, and they stand together at the beginning. The participant left without a pair, in turn, does the same. During the game, each participant must change partners.


The host announces the dances. It can be any dance: slow or fast. You can dance in pairs or alone. Everyone starts dancing. The presenter has a hat. He puts it on the first participant he comes across. The most important thing is not to be left with a hat in your hands or on your head when the music stops. Therefore, we need to get rid of the hat as soon as possible and put it on someone else. If a couple is dancing, you can put a hat on one of the dancers and pick up the partner. The one remaining in the hat becomes the leader.

Kite and Black-White

Two drivers are selected: “kite” and “clough”.

All other players become chickens. They line up in a column, one at a time, behind the “club” and hold tightly to each other. The “kite” needs to drag away the “chick”, and the “buffalo”, spreading its arms to the sides, protects its offspring. Whoever the kite catches becomes naked.

Fight for the ball

The players are divided into two equal teams. Each team chooses a captain. The playing area is limited by lines. The approximate dimensions of the site are 18x36 meters.

Team captains go to the middle of the court and stand opposite each other. All other players, placing themselves on the court, become pairs: one player from one team, the second from the other. The presenter throws the ball between the captains, who try to catch it or pass it to one of their players. Having caught the ball, the player tries to pass it to someone else from his team. Members of the other team hit, intercept the ball from their opponents and pass it to their players. The task of all participants is to make ten passes in a row between their players. The team that succeeds earns a point, and the game continues from the middle of the court. If the ball is intercepted by the opponent, the pass count starts again.

They play for a set time: 10-15 minutes (or up to the designated number of points - 10 - 20). The team that scores the most points or scores the designated number of points earlier wins.

Rules of the game:

  1. You cannot snatch the ball, you can only intercept it on the fly or knock it out of your hands without pushing your opponent.
  2. If the ball crosses the field, then the opposing team throws the ball from the place where it crossed the boundary.
  3. If two players touch the ball at the same time, the game stops and the referee must throw a dropped ball between them.
  4. You cannot run more than three steps with the ball, but you can dribble it by hitting the floor, like in basketball.
  5. If during a pass the player committed rudeness (snatched the ball, deliberately
    pushed an opponent) the game is stopped and the ball is given to the team that passed the ball

Black horse

Participants in the game choose a leader. The presenter's task is to “tarnish” all the players. To do this, all participants scatter in different directions, and the leader, catching up, touches the shoulders of the players with a light touch. The one who has been “stained” freezes in place, spreads his arms to the sides and shouts: “Unspell me, a black horse!” You can only “crucify” your friends with a hot hug. So, the leader’s task is to “sully” all the players, the players’ task is to help each other out.

Fire brigade


10 or more people play.

Chairs according to the number of players are placed in a circle, with their backs facing inward. The players (firefighters) walk around these chairs to the sound of music (tambourine, drum). As soon as the music stops, players must place an item of clothing on the chair they are standing near. Game continues. When each participant removes 3 objects (they end up on different chairs), the alarm sounds: “Fire!” Players must quickly find their items and put them on. Whoever gets dressed the fastest is the winner.

Alone in a circle


5 or more people play.

Equipment: ball.

Progress of the game. Players stand in a circle and throw a large, light ball to each other until someone makes a mistake and drops it. This player goes into the circle and stands in the middle. The players continue to throw the ball, but try not to be grabbed by the person standing in the center, and the ball hits him. If, nevertheless, the central player manages to catch the ball, then he can throw it at anyone. Whoever it hits takes his place. The game becomes more interesting if it goes at a good pace and with a quick pass you manage to make the person standing in the center spin and jump a lot.

Capture the Flag

Rules of the game: Two teams participate. The camp territory is conventionally divided into 2 equal halves (you can draw a line or mark landmarks). Each team hangs its flag in an accessible, visible place. The task of both teams is to capture the enemy's flag and carry it into their territory without being greased. If the flag is captured by several players, the flag is allowed to be transferred.

The flag can be guarded by no more than three people, but not in the immediate vicinity of it, but at a distance (4-5 meters from the flag), i.e. in a circle with a radius of 4-5 meters, the guards do not have the right to influence (kill) the enemy if he is already inside this circle. The guards can only not let the invaders back when they try to leave the rescue zone. Each team has a prison on its territory, where the caught (salted) players of the opposing team are taken. You can only salt on your own territory. In the prison, the prisoner is vigilantly guarded, but he can be freed if a player from his team sneaks into the prison unnoticed and touches him. In this case, they return to their territory without hindrance, and no one can salt them.

Great hunt

Rules of the game; The camp is divided into three or four teams. Everyone’s task is to collect a sufficient number (for example, 50) of toothpicks or any other small identical objects. Some counselors have toothpicks, but none of the teams knows which ones. The players themselves must find out this, because... these counselors do not give themselves away, try to be inconspicuous or may even disguise themselves. Among the counselors there are also “killers,” whose task is to take a participant out of the game by drawing a stripe on an open area of ​​his body.

A wounded player is not allowed to search for toothpicks until he runs back to base and is “healed.” At the base he is cured by crossing out the black stripe with a red one. After that, he continues to collect toothpicks. The team that has collected the required number of toothpicks receives a plan (all teams receive this plan after collecting the required number of toothpicks), using which they are the first to be given the opportunity to find the real camp treasure - a box of sweets.


Preparation: the players form two circles. The inner circle, holding hands, moves in one direction, the outer circle in the other.

Contents of the game: at the leader’s signal, both circles stop, those standing in the inner circle raise their hands, forming a gate. The rest either run into the circle, passing under the gate, or run out of it. Suddenly the leader gives the next command, and the players in the inner circle suddenly lower their hands. Those who find themselves inside the circle are considered to be trapped. They join those standing in the inner circle and join hands. The game is repeated and continues until then. until three players remain in the outer circle, who will be the winners. Rules of the game: 1 - the game begins at the sign of the leader and in the given directions 2 - the caught players stand in the inner circle,


All players stand in a circle at a distance of at least 2 meters from each other, one of the players receives the ball and passes it to another, that to the third, etc. round. Gradually the transmission speed increases. Each player tries to catch the ball.

Rules of the game: a player who misses the ball or throws it incorrectly is eliminated from the game. The last one standing wins.

Eagle owl and birds

Before starting the game, children choose for themselves the names of those birds whose voice they can imitate. For example, a dove, a crow, a jackdaw, a sparrow, a tit, a goose, a crane, etc. The players choose an eagle owl. He goes to his nest, and those playing quietly, so as not to be heard by the eagle owl, figure out what kind of birds they will be in the game. The birds fly, scream, stop and crouch. Each player imitates the cry and movements of the bird he has chosen.

At the signal “Owl!” all birds try to quickly set a place in their home. If the eagle owl manages to catch someone, then he must guess what kind of bird it is. Only a correctly named bird becomes an eagle owl.

Right-handed game. Bird houses and the eagle owl's house should be located on a hill. Birds fly to the nest on a signal or as soon as the eagle owl catches one of them.

Cat and mouse

The players (no more than five pairs) stand in two rows facing each other, hold hands, forming a small passage - a hole. There are cats in one row, mice in the other. The first pair starts the game: the cat catches the mouse, and the mouse runs around the players. At a dangerous moment, the mouse can hide in the corridor formed by the clasped hands of the players. As soon as the cat catches the mouse, the players stand in a row. The second pair starts the game. The game continues until the cats catch all the mice. Rules of the game. The cat must not run into the hole. The cat and mice should not run far from the hole.


The players choose a leader - tag. Everyone runs around the site, and the tag catches them. Rules of the game. The one whom the tag touches with his hand becomes the tag.


1. Tag, feet off the ground. The player can escape from tag if he stands on some object

2. Tag - bunnies. The tag can only stain the running player, but as soon as the latter jumps on two legs/one leg, he is safe.

3. Tag with the house. Two circles are drawn along the edges of the site; these are houses. One of the players is a tag, he is catching up with the participants in the game. The persecuted person can escape from being spotted in the house, since it is forbidden to spot in a circle. If the tag touches one of the players with his hand, he becomes a tag.

4. Tags with a name. All players, except Fifteen, choose the names of flowers, birds, animals. Fifteen does not stain the one who named himself in time (for example, fox).

5. Circle tags. The participants of the game stand in a circle at a distance of one step. Everyone marks their place with a circle. Two drivers stand at some distance from each other, one of them is a tag, he is catching up with the second player. If the runner sees that the tag is catching up with him, he asks for help from the players standing still, calling one of them by name. The named player leaves his place and runs in a circle, the tag already catches up with him. The empty seat is occupied by the player who started the game. If there is time, a free circle can be taken by a tag, then the tag becomes the one who is left without a place. The game continues, the tag catches up with the player who left the circle.

Ball up

The participants of the game stand in a circle, the driver goes to the middle of the circle and throws the ball upward with all his strength, while calling the name of one of the players. Those playing together with the driver scatter in different directions. The player whose name was called, as soon as he catches the thrown ball, must shout “Stop!” At this signal, the players must stop. And the new driver must hit one of the players with the ball, taking three big steps from the place where the ball was thrown. If he hits, then the successful player becomes the driver, but if he misses, then he leads again.

Flashing lights

Some of the participants in the game occupy chairs arranged in a circle, while one chair must remain free. Other players one by one stand behind the participants sitting on chairs. The one who ends up behind the back of an empty chair must wink at one of the players sitting on the chair, and the latter, in turn, can take the empty seat. It is important for the other participants standing behind the chairs to keep the players on the chairs.

Four forces

The players stand in a circle, with the leader in the middle. He throws the ball to one of the players, while pronouncing one of four words: “earth”, “fire”, “water”, “air”. If it says “land,” the one who caught the ball must quickly name some domestic or wild animal. When you hear the word “water,” the player names a fish. When the word “air” is heard, the player must give the name of the bird. When you hear the word “fire,” everyone needs to turn around several times, waving their arms. The ball is then returned to the driver. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game


Players stand in a circle and settle in numerical order. The presenter, being in the center, calls any two numbers. The players who received these numbers must hit their knees, adding: “Oh-oh-oh!” - and quickly change places. The presenter seeks to take the place of one of the players. The participant left without a place becomes the leader.


The players stand in a circle, the driver stands in the center, the music turns on, and the driver begins to dance, and the players must repeat all his movements. At the same time, the driver tries to unexpectedly and imperceptibly step on someone’s foot, and the players must try to dodge. Whoever fails to do this becomes the driver, and the game starts over.


The presenter is in the middle of the room, makes various movements with a request to repeat them. The players repeat the movements only if the leader adds “please” to his request. Whoever makes a mistake and repeats the movement when “please” is not said leaves the game.

Unusual relay race

Participants are divided into two teams. At the command of the team leader, they perform the following tasks: (everyone decides for themselves how to run. No need to look around - there is no single correct decision here. Be brave!)

  1. run in a triangle! No, not in a triangle, but in a triangle. How do triangles run?
  2. Now, in the other direction, we ran in a dotted line!
  3. They ran in squares, in an oblique line, in a column, soft-boiled. The team that completes the tasks first and in an original way wins.
  4. completed the tasks.

Bear on the forest.

Preparation: A leader - a bear - is selected, he stands in the corner of the area - the den. The rest of the players are children. They stand on the other side of the site in their house. The space between the children and the bear is boron
Game: Children go into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, gradually approaching the bear. While collecting gifts, the children say in unison: The bear is in the woods
I take mushrooms and berries.
And the bear sits
And he growls at us
Only after the last words does the bear, who was pretending to be asleep, wake up and run to the children, and they quickly scatter in different directions from the bear. The latter's task is to catch one of the children. When caught, he becomes a bear and goes to the den.

Bird catcher.

Preparation: A circle with a diameter of 1 meter is indicated. Birdcatcher and Sparrow are chosen, all other participants are birds: pigeons, tits, ducks, etc. Sparrow sits in the center of the circle, in a cage. The bird catcher walks around the cage, protecting the captive from the attacks of birds who try to touch the sparrow with their hands to free him. Whoever the Birdcatcher hits is considered caught and goes into a cage. If Ptitselov fails to make anyone look bad for a long time, then they choose a new driver. Winner: Birdcatcher, if you catch all the birds.

Dragon head

The players cling to each other like a train. At the command of the leader, the head of the dragon - the first person - tries to catch the tail - the last person. He, in turn, must dodge. When the last one is caught, it moves to the beginning of the chain.

Fishing rod

Participants stand in a circle. The leader stands in the center with a “fishing rod” - a jump rope or rope, at the end of which a bag of sand is tied. The leader spins the fishing rod in a circle, and the participants must jump, trying not to hit it.

Golden Gate (planets)

The participants form planets (3-4 people each), who, holding hands, stand in a circle. The rest form a snake, where each one holds on to the other's waist. To the music (or the planet participants all say together: “They don’t always let you through the Golden Gate. The first time it’s forgiven, the second time it’s forbidden, but the third time we won’t let you through! At this time the hands of the planets give up”) the snake runs under the hands of the “planets.” When the music stops, the “planets” capture those who did not have time to run under their hands. That. The planets grow and so on until the last participant - the fastest.


The players stand in a circle. The leader commands; “Touch yellow, one, two, three!” Players try to grab the thing (object, clothing, part of the body) of the other participants in the circle as quickly as possible. Those who do not have time are eliminated from the game. The presenter repeats the command again, but with a new color. The last one standing wins.

On the wreckage of the ship

The game is for 4 or more participants of any age, held outdoors - where there are objects on which participants can climb so as not to stand on the ground. Young children can play indoors by jumping on cushions or blankets scattered on the floor. In short, any territory with a sufficient number of “ship wrecks” - safe places of shelter - will do. The rest of the space is considered sea. One of the participants plays the role of a pirate who is chasing the others. They are surrounded by the sea everywhere, and the only way to escape is on the wreckage of the ship. The defiled player, who has at least one leg left in the sea, becomes a pirate himself. The pirate is not allowed to run after one player for a long time, because no one should remain in place for a long time. You can stay in safe areas for no longer than 10 seconds. Two players cannot occupy the same place at the same time. The winner is not determined - the game continues until the participants get tired.

Three lives

Each participant is given three “lives”. The ball lies on the ground, and the players stand on the court in random places. The player closest to the ball picks it up and throws it, trying to hit another player with it. The one the ball hits loses one “life”. But the game continues, and the participant who picked up the ball aims at another player. As long as the ball is in the air, you can move. As soon as someone catches the ball, everyone freezes in place until the ball hits one of the players or flies past. Participants who lose all three “lives” are eliminated from the game. The winner is the last participant remaining.

Hand made chair

Two teams. Start, finish and distance. Teams of three people are formed. Two team members cross their arms to form a chair, and the third sits on it. The player is carried to the finish line and back, trying to do this as quickly as possible. Then the players change - and so on until each team member sits on a chair. You can play the game in a shallow pool, or in a deep pool you can drag a team member while swimming through the water. The winner is the team that is the first to carry all its players on the chair.

Touch the Shadow

Game for any number of participants. It is grown outdoors in sunny weather. It is based on a game of tag, but in this case the goal of the driver is not to insult the player himself, but his shadow, with his hand or foot. The upset player becomes the driver. The only way to escape is to hide in the shadows. Otherwise, the player must be constantly on the move. While two players are running, the rest remain in place


A line is drawn that divides the field into two parts: the bank and the river. The driver calls “bank” or “river” at random. Players at this time must jump either to the shore or into the river. If on the command “river” the player is already standing in the “river”, then he simply jumps in place.

Outdoor games “In places!”, “To your flags”, “who will reach the flag first?” , “Group, stand still!” Development of orientation in space.

"In places!". Children line up in two columns facing each other. Exercise: remember your places. At the signal “Disperse!”, children run and jump throughout the hall. At the command “Take your places!”, the children must take their places in the column. The team wins, all members of which will quickly take their places.

To your flags! The players are divided into groups of eight to ten people and stand in a circle in different places on the court (hall). In the center of each circle is a driver with a flag in his raised hand (the flags have different colors). At the first signal, everyone, except those holding flags, scatter around the site; at the second signal, they crouch down and close their eyes, turning away from the drivers. Children with flags change places on the playground. At the teacher’s command “Everyone to their flags!” the players open their eyes, look for their flag, run and line up around it. The group wins, which formed a circle faster than others. The defeat is counted if the team players spied when the drivers changed places. You can invite those playing to music or singing to move in a column behind the teacher, repeating various movements, and after the signal try to quickly take a place near their flag.

Who will reach the flag first? Features of the game and its educational significance. The purpose of this game the same as the previous ones - the cultivation of endurance and the ability to control oneself, cultivates the strong-willed qualities of his personality. The game is a competition in walking speed. Its participants learn to evaluate the actions of their peers. By controlling others, the child becomes more aware of the rules of the game and thus learns self-control. Description of the game and methods of its implementation. The teacher asks the children which of them can walk very quickly. Well, of course that's all! “But now we’ll check,” says the teacher, “whether this is really so. I know one interesting nrpyv It’s called “Who will reach the flag first?” First you need to prepare everything you need. An adult draws a line on the ground - this is where the game begins. Opposite the line, at a distance of 25-30 steps, a long table is placed on which a flag is placed. The teacher calls two children first. He suggests standing “at the start” and following a signal (clap or sound of a tambourine) to reach the flag. At the same time, the adult emphasizes that you need to go to the flag, but you are not allowed to run. The one who runs will be considered the loser. He invites the rest of the kids to see which of their peers will raise the flag first. a signal is given, two children race to the flag, and the rest observe and evaluate the actions of their peers.

Rules of the game .1. You can only move towards the flags by walking. Running is prohibited. 2. The one who fulfilled the first rule and reached the flag the fastest becomes the winner. 3, If two children come to the flags at the same time, both are considered winners and receive awards. Tips Before suggesting this game, try running a similar running competition. In the future, when explaining to children the rules of the new game, you can remind them that they have already participated in the competition and know how it works. During the game, you should explain to the children that fast walking will work if you take large and even steps. Show them clearly how to achieve this. Focusing on walking will help children fulfill the basic rule of the game - do not start running.

Cass, calm down! The guys stand in one line. The leader, standing facing the players, gives commands. Children should perform them only if the word “Group” is said before the command. If there was no word “group”, then there is no need to respond to commands. The one who made the mistake takes a step forward and continues the game. By the end of the game, the most inattentive players move further than others from the starting position. Those guys who were the most attentive and thanks to this remained in their original position win.

2. Outdoor games with running

Outdoor games “Two frosts”, “Calling numbers”, “Feet off the floor”

"Feet off the floor" Children line up in a circle. In the center of the circle there is a trap assigned by the teacher. At the signal “Run!” children run around the room. The trap runs after the players, trying to stain someone. You cannot stain someone who, while running away, stands on a gymnastics bench or, raising his legs, sits on the floor, i.e. those whose feet are not on the floor. The one whose hand the trap touches becomes the trap. He must stop, raise his hand and say: “I am a trap! » The new trap is not allowed to immediately touch the old one with his hand. If the trap cannot stain anyone for a long time, then the teacher says: “One, two, three - quickly run into the circle!” Children line up in a circle, a new trap is assigned here and the game resumes.

"Calling numbers"

« Two frosts" On opposite sides of the site, at a distance of 10-20 meters, the “home” and “school” lines are marked. Two “frosts” are selected. The rest of the guys are located behind the home line, with two “frosts” standing in the middle. “Frosts” turn to the guys: “We are two young brothers, two daring frosts.” One says: "I am frost - a red nose", the other says - "I am frost - a blue nose." Together they say: “Who will decide to set off on your journey?” All the guys answer: “We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost!” After these words, the guys run from “home” to “school”. "Frosts" catch them and "freeze". The rest stop and stand motionless. The “frosts” address the children with the same words, and they run back into the “house”, touching the children, “unfreezing” them. "Frosts" are trying to "freeze" the remaining participants. After two runs, a new pair of “frosts” are appointed from those not caught, and those caught are released. Repeated 3-4 times. The pair that catches the most guys wins.

    Outdoor games with running

Outdoor games “Animal Races”, “Crucian Carp and Pike”, “The Third Wheel”,


Development of speed and agility.

"Crucian carp and pike" Preparation. On one side of the site there are “crucian carp”, in the middle there is a “pike”. Contents of the game. At the signal, the crucians run across to the other side. "Pike" catches them. The caught “crucian carp” (four or five) join hands and, standing across the platform, form a net. Now the “crucians” must run to the other side of the site through the net (under their arms). The "pike" stands behind the net and lies in wait for them. When there are eight or nine “crucians” caught, they form baskets - circles through which you need to run. There can be only one such basket, then it is depicted by 15-18 participants holding hands. The “pike” takes a place in front of the basket and catches the “crucian carp”. When there are more caught crucian carp than uncaught ones, the players form vertices - a corridor of caught crucian carp, through which the uncaught ones run. The "pike", located at the exit from the top, catches them. The winner is the one who remains last. He is entrusted with the role of the new “pike”. Rules of the game: 1. The game begins at the signal of the leader. 2. All “crucian carp” are required to pass through the net, basket and top when running. 3. Those standing have no right to detain them. 4. Players forming a basket can catch a “pike” if they manage to throw their clasped hands behind the back of the “pike” and drive it into the basket or slam the tops. In this case, all the “crucians” are released, and a new “pike” is selected.

Owl Preparation. An “owl” is selected from among the players. Her nest is to the side of the site. It can be outlined and fenced off with a gymnastic bench. The players on the court are located randomly. "Owl" in the nest. Contents of the game. At the signal from the presenter: “The day is coming, everything comes to life!” - children begin to run, jump, imitating the flight of butterflies, birds, beetles, depicting frogs, mice, kittens. At the second signal: “Night is coming, everything freezes - the owl flies out!” - the players stop, freeze in the position in which the signal caught them. "Owl" go hunting. Noticing the player moving, she takes him by the hand and leads him to her nest. In one exit, she can kill two or even three players. Then the “owl” returns to its nest again and the children again begin to frolic freely on the playground. The winners are the players who have never been caught. You can also note the best driver - the one who caught the most players. Rules of the game: 1. The “owl” is forbidden to watch the same player for a long time, and the caught one is forbidden to break free. 2. After two or three outings of the “owl” to hunt, she is replaced by new drivers from among those she has never come across.

Beast race Preparation. The players are divided into 2 equal teams and line up in columns one at a time, one parallel to the other. Those playing in teams take the names of the animals. Let’s say the first ones are called “bears”, the second ones are called “wolves”, the third ones are called “foxes”, the fourth ones are called “hares”, etc. Everyone remembers what animal he is portraying. The starting line is drawn in front of the players in front. In front of each column, at a distance of approximately 10-20 m, a mace or a stand is placed. The finish line is drawn at a distance of 2 m from the start. Contents of the game. The leader loudly calls out any animal. Players who take the name of this beast run forward, run around the object standing in front of them and return back. The first one to return to his team wins a point for him. The leader calls the animals randomly, at his own discretion. He can call some people twice. Each time the players come running take their places in the team. The game is played for 5-10 minutes, after which points are counted. The team that earns the most points wins. Rules of the game: 1. If both players arrive at the same time, no points are awarded to either team. 2. If a player does not reach the final point, his partner from the other team earns a point.

    Outdoor games with jumping.

Outdoor games “Jumping sparrows”, “Wolf in the ditch”, “Fox and hares”

Development of speed and strength qualities.

Hares and fox

Children perform movements according to the text.

Along the forest lawn

The bunnies ran away.

These are the bunnies

Running bunnies.

(Children-bunny run easily around the hall.)

The bunnies sat in a circle,

They dig the root with their paw.

These are the bunnies

Running bunnies.

(The “bunnies” sit down and perform imitation movements according to the text.)

Here is a fox running -

Red-haired sister.

Looking for where the bunnies are,

Running bunnies.

(The fox runs between the children and catches up with the end of the song)

"Jumping sparrows" First draw a circle on the asphalt using chalk. In the center of the circle is the leader - the “crow”. Behind the circle are all the players who are “sparrows”. They jump into a circle and jump inside it. Then they jump out of it in the same way. The “crow” tries to catch the “sparrow” when it jumps inside the circle. If the “sparrow” is still caught, then he becomes the leader and the game starts all over again.

“The wolf is in the ditch. » Preparation: Two lines are drawn in the middle of the site at a distance of 50-70 cm from one another. These lines form a moat in which the wolf (driver) lives. The remaining participants in the game are goats. They are located on one side of the site. A game: At the leader’s signal, the goat runs to the other side of the site, jumping over the ditch along the way. Wolves, without running out of the ditch, catch (spot) those running across. Captured goats are counted and released. After three or four runs, a new wolf is chosen (or two wolves, if the width of the hall allows this). The winners are the goats that have never been caught by wolves, and the wolves that manage to catch more goats. It is not allowed to linger in front of the ditch for more than 5 seconds or step into the ditch. Goats that violate this rule are considered caught. But they are not considered caught if they are touched by a wolf who has stepped outside the ditch.

    Outdoor games with jumping.

Outdoor games “Fishing rod”, “Jumping on stripes”, “Who will overtake?”, “Chain”

Development of jumping ability.

"Jumping on stripes" Preparation. Lines indicate a corridor 2-3 m wide. Lines are drawn across the corridor, forming narrow (30 cm) and wide (50 cm) stripes that alternate with each other. There can be 6-8 such strips. Children jump through narrow strips, and push off from wide ones when jumping. The class is divided into three or four teams, which stand in rows. Contents of the game. At the signal, the first numbers of each team begin jumping from the beginning of the corridor (push with both legs) through narrow stripes, making an intermediate jump on each wide strip. Those who complete all the jumps correctly (without stepping on narrow stripes) earn their team a point. Second numbers jump in the same way, etc. If a player steps on a narrow strip, he continues to jump further, but does not earn the team a point. The speed of jumping is not taken into account. The team whose players received more points wins. Rules of the game: 1. The width of the strips gradually increases (up to 60, 90, 100 cm). 2. Teams are located in the same position and follow the same sequence. 3. The one who jumped on the first stripe gets one point, on the second - two points, etc. 4. Anyone who lands incorrectly on the next strip or fails to stay on it leaves the game and does not receive points.

“Who will overtake?” Preparation. The players are located along one of the walls of the hall. They divide into fives and join hands. These are teams. Contents of the game. The team's task is to follow the teacher's signal, jumping on one leg, and reach the line drawn in front of them ten steps away. Then the teams turn and jump in the opposite direction. The team that reaches the border first wins. The game can be complicated by giving the task to jump on one leg, and bend the other leg, holding it by the ankle joint. Rules of the game: 1. You cannot stand on both legs. 2. Players must not release their hands. 3. If the rules are violated, the team is considered defeated.

"The Fisherman and the Fishes" A game: All players stand in a circle, and the driver stands in the middle of the circle with a string in his hands. He rotates the rope so that it slides along the floor, making circle after circle under the feet of the players. They carefully monitor the movement of the rope and jump so that it does not hit any of them. The one who touches the rope stands in the middle and begins to rotate the rope, and the former driver takes his place. A player is considered caught if the rope touches him, but above the ankle. Players are not allowed to approach the driver while jumping. There may be a second version of this game, when the one who hits the rope is eliminated from the game. The last 2-3 players who did not touch the ropes win. In the team version, the players standing in a circle are counted on first or second and form teams accordingly. The driver is the same all the time (as in the previous version). The player who is caught by the jump rope (raises his hand up) earns his team a penalty point. The score is announced loudly after each mistake. Winner: The team that received fewer penalty points after 2-4 minutes of play.

"Chain" A game: Each team competing between them has 8-10 people. The first numbers, standing behind the starting line, do a standing long jump, pushing with both legs. The landing is fixed on the heels. From this place the second numbers jump, followed by the third, etc. The game ends when the last player in each team makes the jump. Winner: The team with the longest chain of jumps.

    Outdoor games with elements of throwing.

Outdoor games “Hunters and ducks”, “Tag with a ball”, “Who will throw further?”, “Live target”, “Aim at the target”, “Hit the ball”.

Accuracy development.

"Live Target" The players stand in a circle at arm's length. A circle is drawn in front of their socks. They choose a driver who goes to the middle of the circle. One of those standing in a circle picks up a volleyball. The players throw the ball and try to hit the driver, who, to escape the ball, runs, jumps, and dodges in a circle. The one who hits the driver with the ball without going beyond the line changes places with him. According to the terms of the game, hits from the ground, as well as to the driver’s head, are not counted. One version of this game is called “Protect Your Friend.” The formation of the players is the same, only two drivers go to the middle of the circle. One of them protects the other, standing behind him, from being hit by the ball. Protects with arms, legs and entire body. If he still fails to protect and the driver gets hit, then they both change with the one who hit the driver and the one he chooses as his defender.

"Hunters and Ducks" Two teams play. One of them is located in a square with sides of approximately 7-9 meters. The players of the other team, divided into two equal groups, take places on two opposite sides of the court. One of the players picks up a volleyball. At the signal, players located outside the court begin to knock those in the middle out of play with the ball. If a player hits any part of the body other than the head, or drops the ball from his hands while trying to volley it, he leaves the square. Those throwing the ball can throw it across the court to their team's players if they are closer to the opponent running around the court. The game ends when the last player is knocked out of the square. After this, the players change roles and the game is played again. The winner is the team that manages to eliminate all players from the game in less time. The following rule may apply in the game: the one who caught the ball not only remains on the field, but also returns the eliminated comrade to the game. If there is no such player, then the team receives a spare point, which will allow the player who will be pinned later not to leave the game. With this option, the rules set the playing time, for example 5 minutes. Then the result is summed up by the number of players knocked out during this time by one and the other side. Hitting a player from the ground or in the head does not count; it is not allowed to step over the line when throwing. Often a large circle is drawn for the game, with one team in the middle and the other on the outside of the circle. The rules of the game remain the same or are simplified, for example, center players are not allowed to catch the ball with their hands. The game continues until all players have left the circle.

“Who will throw next?” Preparation. A starting line is drawn on one side of the site. 5 m from it, 3-4 lines are drawn parallel to it with an interval of 4 m between them. The players are divided into several groups - teams, and each line up in a column, one at a time, behind the starting line. Each player has a bag of peas. Contents of the game. Players taking turns in their teams throw bags of peas as far as possible beyond the drawn lines and stand at the end of their column. The team whose players managed to throw more bags over the far line wins. Rules of the game: 1. Each person can throw only one bag. 2. The bags are thrown one by one each time at the leader’s signal. 3. The one who throws the bag immediately goes to the end of his column.

"Sharp on target" Preparation. A line is drawn in the middle of the site, along which 10 towns (clubs) are placed. The players are divided into two teams and lined up one behind the other on one side of the court facing the towns. Participants in the line in front receive a small ball. A starting line is drawn in front of the line. Contents of the game. At the established signal from the leader, the players in the first rank throw balls at the balls (clubs), trying to knock them down. Downed towns are counted and put in place. The guys who threw the balls run, pick them up and pass them to the members of the next team, and they themselves stand in a line behind them. At the command of the leader, the players of the second rank (teams) also throw balls into the towns. The knocked down towns are counted again. This is done 2-4 times. The team that manages to knock down the most towns several times wins. Rules of the game: 1. Balls can only be thrown upon a signal from the leader. 2. When throwing, you cannot go beyond the starting line. A throw that goes beyond the line does not count.

"Hit the ball." Preparation. To play, you need one volleyball and tennis balls equal to half of the participants. The players are divided into two teams and lined up on opposite sides of the court at a distance of 18-20 m from each other. Lines are drawn in front of the players' toes, and a volleyball is placed in the middle of the court. Players of one team (by lot) receive a small ball. Contents of the game. At the leader's signal, the players throw the ball at the volleyball, trying to roll it to the opposing team. Players from the other team collect the thrown balls and, at a signal, also throw them at the volleyball, trying to roll it back. So, teams alternately throw balls a set number of times. Game duration is 8-10 minutes. The team that manages to roll the ball beyond the line of the team opposite wins. Rules of the game: 1. If during the game the volleyball rolls out away from the players, it is placed in the court area on the same line. 2. In this case, shooting at the volleyball starts from both sides simultaneously. 3. Each ball driven beyond the opponent’s line brings the team one point.

    Outdoor games with a ball.

Outdoor games “Ball race”, “Ball for the driver”, “Ball on the floor”

"Ball to the driver." 2-3 subgroups equal in number of children are built in columns. The distance between the columns is 3-4 steps. A line is drawn in front of the right-flank columns. At a distance of 3 m from it, a second line is drawn, parallel to the first. In each subgroup, a driver is chosen, who stands opposite his column behind the second line. At the signal, the drivers throw the balls to those in front of them in their columns. Having caught the ball, the player throws it back and stands at the end of the column. The column that finishes throwing the ball faster wins. Rules of the game: the ball must be thrown with both hands from the chest, without going beyond the line; the one who drops the ball picks it up; If the driver fails to catch, he throws the ball again.

"Ball on the Floor" Preparation. All players form a circle. Two players stand in the middle of the circle. Those standing in a circle go down on one or two knees. They have one volleyball. The drivers turn to face the ball. Contents of the game. At the leader’s signal, the players begin to roll the ball on the floor, trying to touch the players’ feet with it. The drivers run from the ball in a circle, jumping up to escape from it. If one of the players manages to hit the driver’s feet with the ball, he takes his place, and the former driver stands in a circle. Those who have never been drivers win. The first drivers are not considered losers. Rules of the game: 1. The game starts at the signal. 2. The driver who has greased his legs immediately goes to the place of the one who greased him. 3. You can pour no more than your knees. 4. The first driver is not considered a loser.

Outdoor games “Tag with a ball”, “Circular rounders”, “Pass the ball”.

Development of dexterity, accuracy, coordination.

"Pass the ball." Children stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other for each word, saying any counting rhyme. The one on whom the ball stopped at the end of the counting goes to the middle and says: “One, two, three - run!” The players run away, and the one standing in the middle runs after them, throwing the ball at the feet of those running away. The one who was hit by the ball is temporarily out of the game. When the driver hits 2-3 people with the ball, everyone stands in a circle again and the game is repeated.

"Circular lapta" Number of players - 6-15 people. Two drivers are located outside the boundaries of the conditional area at a distance of 10-12 m, all the rest are in the center of the area. The drivers, throwing the ball to each other, try to tarnish those who are on the court. Those who are hit by the ball are eliminated from the game, but they can be rescued by those players who caught the ball. The one who remains last on the court wins. The two who are the first to leave the game become the drivers. The game is repeated 3-4 times, with short breaks for rest.

"Tag with a ball" All players are randomly located on a lawn or clearing, in the center is the driver with the ball in his hand. At the signal, the game begins: the driver must hit the ball on any player, who then becomes the driver himself. The game con lasts 6-8 minutes, after which the children need to be given a short break.

“Whoever is named catches it.” Children walk or run around the gym. The instructor is holding a large ball in his hands. He calls the name of one of the guys and throws the ball up. The person named must catch the ball and throw it up again; the name of one of the children is named. The ball should not be thrown too high and in the direction of the child whose name is called.

"Dog". All players stand in a circle at arm's length. One is appointed as the driver. He goes to the middle of the circle. The guys throw the ball in different directions so that the driver cannot touch it. The driver, running in the middle of the circle, tries to touch the ball that is in the air, on the floor or in the hands of one of the players. If he manages to touch the ball, then the child who last threw the ball or did not protect it from the driver takes his place. The driver takes the place of the “guilty one.” Rules of the game: the ball can be thrown through the air (no higher than your arms raised up). If the ball flies out of the circle, the players must quickly pick it up and, returning to their seats, continue the game.

"A clever couple." Six parallel lines are drawn on the floor at a distance of 1 m from one another. Children stand in two ranks in pairs opposite each other between the third and fourth lines (counting from the right). At the “Start” signal, each pair of players throws the ball to each other three times in a row. If the ball does not fall, one of the partners goes over the next line (takes 2-3 steps back), and the distance between them increases. If one of the pair drops the ball, the throws must be counted again. After three throws, one or the other player moves back one line until both are at the very last boundaries. Rules of the game: you must throw the ball without going beyond the line; The one who threw the ball is the first to move to the next line. Complication: more lines are added on each side.

    Outdoor games blindfolded.

Development of dexterity.

"Blind Man's Bluff" The presenter appoints a presenter - blind man's buff. He stands in the middle of the team (area), is blindfolded and asked to turn around several times. Then all the children run away on command, and the blind man’s buff tries to catch someone. If they see any danger, the players must warn the blind man’s buff with the word “fire.” If the game is played outdoors, then choose an equal area and outline the boundaries beyond which the players have no right to go. Having caught someone, the blind man's buff transfers his role to the caught one. A player who has crossed the agreed line is considered burned out and must replace the blind man's buff.

"Sly Fox" On one side of the site there is a line - “Fox House”. The players sit in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. The teacher invites the players to close their eyes and, walking around the circle behind the children, touches one of the players, who becomes the “Sly Fox.” Then the children are invited to open their eyes and look carefully which of them is the sly fox, will she give herself away in some way? The players ask in chorus 3 times:

“Sly fox, where are you?” At the same time, all the players look at each other. When all the players (including the sly fox) ask for the third time: “Sly fox, where are you?”, the sly fox quickly goes to the middle of the circle, raises his hand and says: “I’m here.” All the players scatter around the site, and the sly fox catches them. After the fox catches 2-3 people, the teacher says: “In a circle!”

    Outdoor games with skipping rope

Development of jumping ability, coordination, jumping rope skills.

"Watch" - a fun, active game with a skipping rope. Develops endurance and attention. This children's outdoor game is well suited for physical education lessons at school for primary school students. Game description 10-15 people play. Everyone says in unison: “Tick-tock, tick-tock.” Two pre-selected players twirl the rope in the same rhythm, the rest line up. The first player jumps the rope once and stands at the end of the line, the second - twice, etc. If a player makes a mistake while jumping or makes a mistake in counting, he changes with one of those holding the rope. In this case, the counting starts all over again. Players' task– jump as long as possible without losing your way. Rules of the game Everyone says in unison: “Tick-tock, tick-tock”

Choose two players who will twirl the rope in the same rhythm

The rest take turns jumping rope.

The first one jumps once and gets to the end of the line, the second one jumps twice, etc.

A player who makes a mistake while jumping or makes a mistake in counting changes with one of the players spinning the rope.

"Most flexible" - an active, fun game for a large group of children. The game helps develop flexibility and coordination of movements. Game description The leader pulls a jump rope (or rope) between two posts or trees at the height of the players’ chests. Players must pass under it, bending backwards, without touching the rope. Every time players pass under the rope, it drops 30 centimeters lower. The participant who touches the rope is eliminated from the game. Rules of the game A rope or rope is stretched between two poles at the level of the players' chests. Players must pass under the rope, arching backwards, without touching it. The rope drops 30 centimeters lower each time participants pass under it. Anyone who hits the rope is eliminated from the game. The last one left wins.

Game "Cradle" Description The rope is held by two people, each holding one end. You can tie one end to a post or tree, and then one person can hold it. The rope is not twisted, but only swung above the ground at different heights - from 10-20 cm to 50 and higher. Participants, one by one (or in pairs), run up and jump over the swinging rope, or start jumping in different ways: with closed legs, on one leg, with crossed legs, with a turn while jumping, etc. They jump until they make a mistake. The one who made a mistake replaces one of those swinging the rope. Rule. Not only a failed jump, but also any brushing of the rope is considered a mistake. However, if this happened due to the fault of those twisting the rope, then the jumper has the right to try again.

    Outdoor games for balance.

Development of dexterity, coordination, consolidation of skills in performing balance exercises.

"Cockfighting" Preparation. A circle with a diameter of 2 m is drawn on the floor. All players are divided into two teams and line up in two lines around the circle (one opposite the other). Contents of the game. The players choose captains who send one of their players into the circle. Each of them stands on one leg, bends the other, and puts his hands behind his back. In this position, the combatants (at a signal) begin to pull each other out of the circle with their shoulders and torsos, trying not to stumble. The winner is the player who manages to push his opponent out of the circle or make him stumble, thereby bringing the team a winning point. The team whose players have a large number of victories wins. Rules of the game: 1. The rules prohibit removing your hands from your back. 2. The match ends in a draw if both players are outside the circle at the same time. 3. The game continues until everyone has played the role of fighters. 4. Captains also fight among themselves (last).

"Pirates and Sailors" Description. This is a lively game for older children,

in which you have to balance with a paper hat on your head. Materials: For each child, a paper hat made from newsprint. Everyone puts on a paper hat and makes sure it remains on their head at all times. Two children are pirates, they

put their hats on. The rest are sailors and wear their hats lengthwise. (Demonstrate this.) Pirates try to board sailors, that is

"to grease" A sailor touched by a pirate turns into a pirate and turns his hat sideways. If someone's hat falls off his head, he can no longer move. He must wait for another child to save him, give him his hat, and then he can put it on again. We will play this game for five minutes... Remember not to hold your hat with your hands while playing.

Who wants to be a pirate?..

"Don't lose your balance." Preparation. The players stand facing each other at arm's length, with their feet closed, and raise their arms forward. Contents of the game. At the leader’s signal, the players alternately strike the opponents’ palms with one or both palms. You can dodge a blow by unexpectedly spreading your arms. The one who moves at least one foot loses. Rules of the game: 1. The game begins at the signal of the leader. 2. You can dodge the blow.

    Outdoor games to reinforce drills.

Development of orientation in space, formation of a sense of rhythm.

"Stand still" The players form a circle. The leader walks inside the circle and, stopping in front of someone, says loudly: “Hands!” The one to whom he addressed must stand quietly, and his neighbors must raise their hands: the neighbor on the left - right, the neighbor on the right - left. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the circle.

"Change of Places" Circles with a diameter of 0.5 m are drawn on the floor around the circumference - “houses” (hoops can be used). Their number is one less than the number of players. The driver is selected from the participants in the game. He becomes in the center, everyone else is located in “houses”. At the driver’s command, the children must change places, running from circle to circle. The driver is trying to take the vacant seat. The player left without a “house” becomes the driver, and the game is repeated.

"Don't run into circles This game is played with the participation of several children. Draw a large circle on the ground (2-3 m in diameter). Children sit on one side of the circle, and the adult stands in the center of the circle. Children must run to the other side of the circle, running into the circle, but quickly trying to run out of it. An adult catches those who linger in the circle. If one of the children is afraid to run into the circle, then the adult needs to pretend that he is not looking in his direction. Then the child will become bolder and also run across the circle.

13. Outdoor games with group interactions.

Development of group interaction skills, reaction speed, coordination.

"Fishermen and Fishes" 2 “fishermen” are selected, the rest are “fish”. They lead a round dance and sing:

Fish live in water

There is no beak, but they peck.

There are wings but they don't fly,

There are no legs, but they are walking.

They don't make nests

And the children are taken out.

The Pisces are scattering. "Fishermen" join hands and catch "fish". The caught "fish" join the "fishermen", because of this the "net" becomes longer, and help catch the remaining "fish".

« Cat and starlings" One child is a “cat”, 6 - 8 children are “starlings”. Everyone is wearing matching caps. The rest of the children, 5 to 6 people each, join hands and form circles - “birdhouses”. Each contains 2 “starlings”. The “cat” is on the side. To the accompaniment of light, cheerful music, “starlings” fly scattered around the room. When the music ends, the “cat” appears and tries to catch the “starlings”. “Starlings” are hiding in the “birdhouse”. Only two “starlings” can be in one birdhouse. The “cat” takes the caught “starling” to its house. The game is repeated from the beginning.

"Snake" The number of players is 6-7 people. 5-6 participants, holding each other, line up in a column - a snake. The driver stands in front of the snake and tries to tarnish the latter. The one standing first in the snake - the captain - blocks the driver's path: he spreads his arms wide, sets barriers, and performs various movements with his body. The snake follows the captain and helps block the driver's path. If the driver stains the player at the end of the column, he becomes the captain, and the stained player becomes the driver. The game can be repeated several times, with short breaks for rest.

"White bears" Preparation. The site represents the sea. A small place is outlined to the side - an ice floe. The driver standing on it is a “polar bear”. The remaining “cubs” are randomly placed throughout the site. Contents of the game. The “bear” growls: “I’m going out to fish!” - and rushes to catch the “cubs”. First he catches one “bear cub” (takes him to the ice floe), then another. After this, the two caught “bear cubs” join hands and begin to catch the rest of the players. "Bear" retreats to the ice floe. Having overtaken someone, two “bear cubs” join their free hands so that the caught one ends up between their hands, and shout: “Bear, help!” The “bear” runs up, greases the caught one and takes him to the ice floe. The next two caught also join hands and catch the “cubs”. The game continues until all the cubs are caught. The last one caught becomes a “polar bear”. The last player caught wins. Rules of the game: 1. The “bear cub” cannot slip out from under the hands of the couple surrounding him until the “bear” has insulted him. 2. When catching, it is prohibited to grab players by their clothes, and those running away are prohibited from running beyond the boundaries of the area.

"Lizard" Preparation. Participants are divided into two teams, one of which goes into the circle, and the other remains behind the circle with a volleyball. The players in the circle line up in a column led by the captain and take each other by the belt. Game content. At the leader’s signal, the players who form a circle throw the ball to each other, trying to knock out the last player in the column with a direct hit. The eliminated player is eliminated from the game. After 5-8 minutes, the teams change roles. The team that eliminates the most players in a set amount of time wins. Rules of the game: 1. It is not allowed to twist the spiral (hiding the latter). 2. Players must not release their hands. 3. A hit to the head does not count. 4. A hit from a bounce off the floor does not count.

    Outdoor games with a gymnastic hoop.

Development of coordination, attention, reaction speed. Formation of skills in handling a gymnastic hoop.

“Hoop quickly.” Hoops are placed throughout the hall. There is a child in every hoop. The instructor turns on the music, the children run out of the hoops and perform any movements throughout the room as long as the music plays. Meanwhile, the instructor removes one or two hoops. As soon as the music stops playing, the children should run to take their place in the hoop. Anyone who does not have time is temporarily eliminated from the game. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

“One, two, three, run!” The hoops need to be laid out in a circle. It is advisable to play the game with music. Children step from one hoop to another. The leader says: “One, two, three, run out of the hoop,” while the children leave the circles, and the leader removes one hoop. When the guys hear “One, two, three, run through the hoop,” everyone should take a place in the circle. The one who does not get a place is eliminated.


Hoops are laid out around the hall - these are rocket launchers.

Fast rockets are waiting for us

For walks on the planets.

Whatever we want

Let's fly to this one!

But there is one secret in the game:

There is no room for latecomers!

As soon as the last word is said, everyone scatters to the “rocket launch sites” and tries to quickly take a seat in any of the pre-designated “rocket”. Latecomers lose. Rules of the game: 1. Start the game only upon the established signal from the leader. 2. Run away only after the words: “There is no room for those who are late!”

15. Outdoor games with chairs and benches.

Development and dexterity.

“It’s boring to sit like this” There are chairs along the opposite walls of the hall. Children sit on chairs near one wall. Read the poem:

It's boring, it's boring to sit like this,

Everyone looks at each other.

Isn't it time to go for a run?

And change places?

As soon as the poem is read, all the children run to the opposite wall and try to occupy the free chairs, which are one less than the number of participants in the game. The one who remains without a chair is eliminated. Then two chairs are removed. Everything is repeated until the winner takes the last remaining chair.

"Ocean is shaking" Depending on the number of players, chairs are placed in two rows so that the back of one chair touches the back of the other. All participants in the game sit on chairs. The driver says: “The sea is worried.” The players get up and run around the chairs. “The sea has calmed down,” says the driver, and the children take the empty seats. Someone will be left without a seat, since one chair is occupied by the driver. The one who missed it goes to drive. Rules. 1. Players are not allowed to run close to the chairs. 2. You can take an empty seat only after the words: “The sea has calmed down.”

"Musical chairs" Chairs are placed in the center, 1 less than the number of participants. Children walk or run around chairs to the music. Suddenly the music stops, you have to grab a chair. Those who don't have enough leave the game. We remove 1 chair and everything continues. If there are a lot of children, at the beginning of the game you can put sheets of newspaper on the floor, but when there are 3-4 people left, it is still better to put chairs.

"Neptune and the Fishes" The chairs are placed in a circle with their backs facing inwards. One of the players plays the role of Neptune, who leads the “fish”, who accurately repeat various movements after him. For example, “waves appear” on the sea, “a storm is approaching”, etc. And suddenly the words are heard: “the water is mirror-smooth.” At these words, the children run to the chairs, trying to take a seat. One of the players does not get a chair, and then he becomes the leading Neptune.

Development of attention, dexterity, speed of reaction.

"Calling numbers" Number of players – 10 – 20 people. Two teams play, which line up in a column, one at a time, at the starting line. The turning point is marked 15 meters away from each team. The captains distribute the players by numbers. The presenter calls the numbers. Players, having heard their number, run to the turning point, run around it and return to their place. The first to arrive gets a point, the second gets two points. The winning team is determined at the end of the game by the number of points scored.

"Hurry up to take a seat » The players form a circle and are counted in numerical order. The driver stands in the center of the circle. He calls any two numbers loudly. The numbers called must immediately switch places. Taking advantage of this, the driver tries to get ahead of one of them and take his place. The one left without a seat goes to drive. The numbers assigned to the participants at the beginning of the game should not change when one or another of them temporarily becomes the driver.

"Listen to the signal Children walk in a column one at a time. The presenter gives pre-agreed signals - sound signals (clap of palms). For example: when the leader claps his hands once, the children run, when he claps twice, the children sit down, when he claps three times, the children walk.

"Crows and Sparrows" The participants of the game line up in a column one at a time (one step from each other) in the middle of the court and count on first or second. The first numbers are one team, the second numbers are another. On both sides of the players there are objects laid out: on the right are little towns (“crows”), on the left are tennis balls (“sparrows”). There are half as many items as there are participants in the game. The players, as directed by the leader, perform various simple movements on the spot (arms to the sides, up, sit down, stand up, march in place, etc.). Then the driver pronounces one of the words syllable by syllable. If this word is “vo-ro-ny”, then on the syllable “ny” all players rush to the towns, but if “vo-ro-by”, then when the last syllable is pronounced all the players run to the balls, trying to grab one object at a time. Since there are fewer items than there are players, only the most attentive and fastest ones get them, for which the team is awarded winning points. The game is played 7-9 times, after which the number of successful starts of each team is counted and the score is announced accordingly.

"Cones-acorns-nuts" Preparation. The players form a circle, in the middle of which the driver stands, and the rest, divided into threes, stand one after the other facing the center (the first number is three or four steps from the driver). The leader gives names to all the players: the first in threes are “cones”, the second are “acorns”, the third are “nuts”. Contents of the game. At a signal, the driver says loudly, for example: “Nuts.” All players, called “nuts,” must change places, and the driver strives to take any vacant place. If he succeeds, then the player left without a place becomes the driver. If the driver says “acorns”, those standing second in threes change places, if “cones” - those standing first in threes change places. When the game is mastered, the driver can call two or even three players in threes, for example: “cones, nuts.” Those called must also change places. The winners are the players who have never been a driver. Rules of the game: 1. Those called are prohibited from remaining in place. 3. Players cannot move to any other three (otherwise the player becomes the driver).

16. Outdoor games for coordination of movements.

Development of motor qualities and speed. Dexterity, coordination.

Game "Two Man" Rules of the game: The participants of the game form a circle and are counted in numerical order. Everyone must remember their number. Then the driver is determined, for example, using a counting rhyme. The one who leads stands in the center of the circle. And the rest in a circle - not in numerical order. The driver loudly calls any two numbers. The numbers called must immediately switch places. Taking advantage of this, the driver tries to get ahead of one of them and take his place. The one left without a seat goes to drive. The numbers assigned to the participants at the beginning of the game should not change when one or another of them temporarily becomes the driver.

"Swan geese ." On one side of the site a line is drawn separating the “goose barn”. There are 4 benches placed in the middle of the site, forming a road 2-3 meters wide. On the other side of the site there are 2 benches - this is a “mountain”. All players are in the “goose house” - “geese”. Behind the mountain there is a circle “lair”, in which 2 “wolves” are located. At the signal - “geese - swans, in the field”, the “geese” go to the “field” and walk there. At the signal “geese - swans home, wolf behind the distant mountain”, the “geese” run to the benches in the “goose barn”. “Wolves” run out from behind the “mountain” and catch up with the “geese.” The players who are never caught win.

"Illegal movement." Children, walking in a circle, repeat all the movements after the teacher, except one, for example: “Hands up!” The one who performs the “forbidden” movement stands at the end of the column. Thus, the more attentive children will be at the beginning of the column, and they are considered the winners.

"Mirror" The players sit freely on the court and perform the following tasks: a) Repeating single movements after the next one. b) Reproduction, following the leader, of a series of movements in a certain sequence. c) Imitation of the movements of an animal, bird, insect, named as the leader, etc.

"Sentries and Scouts" The participants of the game are divided into two equal teams: “sentinels” and “scouts” - and line up along two opposite sides of the site at a distance of 10-20 meters from one another. Lines are drawn in front of the players' socks, and a circle is drawn in the middle of the court at the same distance from the teams. A ball or other object is placed in it. The scout team players must try to carry the ball, and the sentinel team must guard it. At the signal, 2 players (the extreme ones on the right flank of each line) run out to the middle of the court towards the ball. The “scout” makes various movements to distract the attention of the “sentry” and take the ball to his team. The “sentinel” repeats all the movements of the “scout” and at the same time watches the ball. If the “scout” grabs the ball, the “sentry” tries to catch up with him and make fun of him in order to take him prisoner. If the “sentry” does not catch the “scout” with the ball to his home line, then he himself goes to the opposite side and stands on the left flank of the enemy team. The game continues until all the “sentinels” and “scouts” have played the game. At the end of the game, the prisoners on each team are counted. The team with the most prisoners wins. Then they play a second time, switching roles. After the second game, the prisoners are counted again. The winner is the team that managed to capture more prisoners as “scouts” and “sentinels.” You can play once. In this case, the players in the teams are counted as first and second. Those playing under the first number in one team are “scouts”, and in the other they are “sentinels”; the roles of those playing under the second number change. According to the terms of the game, the “sentinel” who does not repeat all the movements of the “scout” loses. You can catch a runaway only up to the edge of his “home”. If a player loses the ball while running away from his pursuer, he is taken prisoner.

18. Competitions – Relays

Development of endurance, speed, agility. Improving team performance

The game is the “Classics” relay race. Children line up in 2 columns. Hoops are laid out in front of them in the form of hopscotch: one, two, one, two, one. At the instructor’s signal, children jump through hoops back and forth, pass the baton to the next person on their team with a light slap on the hand, and stand at the top of the column. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Rent a hoop Two teams play. Each player needs to roll the hoop from start to finish - 20 meters and return to the start in the same way. Pass the hoop to the next one, etc. The team that finishes the relay the fastest wins.

Relay race Two teams are participating. Each team is divided into two groups. One stands at the start, the other at the finish. The player who runs first from the start receives a hoop, and the player running from the finish receives a jump rope. The player who received the hoop starts. He needs to jump through a hoop like a jump rope. When he has reached the finish line, the player starts from the finish line, jumping rope. After completing the task, each participant transfers the equipment to the next player in his group. As soon as the groups change their places (the one that started at the start will be at the finish and vice versa), the competition stops. Jogging is not allowed.

Snake Place objects (for example, skittles) in a straight line at certain distances. The first participant from each team, at the leader’s signal, begins to roll the ball with a snake stick through these objects. If an object gets knocked down, it must be put back in place and the turn repeated. The team that finishes the relay the fastest wins.

Relay race with leapfrog. Preparation: The players are divided into two teams, which stand in columns one at a time parallel to one another. The distance between teams is 3-4 m. In front of each column, at a distance of 8-12 m from the starting line, a circle (1.5 m in diameter) is drawn or a rectangle is drawn. The first team numbers appear in it. Each person rests his hands on one leg and, leaning forward, hides his head. Game: At the signal from the leader, the players standing in front in columns run forward and perform a vault jump, pushing off with both legs and leaning their hands on the back of a friend (leapfrog jump), and then stand in his place. The players who were jumped over run back to their columns, touch their palms to the next players, and then stand behind their teams. Those who received a hand touch run forward, make a vault and remain in circles, etc. The game ends when all players finish jumping, that is, the player who made the first jump, jumping over a teammate, will remain standing in the circle, and the one jumped over will cross the start line from where the players started running. It is prohibited to run out from behind the starting line until the returning player touches the palm of the next player. The player being jumped over must not change his position during the game and stand outside the circle (square). Winner: The team that completes the task first.

Grasshoppers. At the starting line, two players sit astride the ball, holding it with their hands from the sides. At the leader’s signal, they jump forward to the finish line. Winner: The player who comes first.

Jumpers Preparation: Two or three teams line up in columns in front of the starting line. Game: At the signal, the first numbers jump over the established distance - 10-15 m back and forth, always stepping over the line on the opposite side of the site. As soon as the first participant, having landed behind the starting line, touches the hand of the next participant, he begins jumping, etc. Winner: The team that finishes the relay first. Options: -jumping on two legs; -jumping on the right leg; - jumping on the left leg, there - on the right leg, back - on the left or vice versa.

Relay option. Each participant tries to cover the distance in fewer jumps. The winner is determined by the smallest amount of jumps spent by all team members. With this option, jumping from foot to foot (multi-jump) can be used, and the relay itself is carried out in one direction, with the participants gradually moving to the opposite side of the site.

Push-pull Children are divided into pairs. Each couple stands with their backs to each other and clasps their hands at the elbows. In this position, children must run 20-30 meters to the finish line and, without turning around, return to the start. Thus, each player runs forward with his face in one direction, and with his back in the other.

Relay race with sticks and jumps. Preparation: The players are divided into two or three equal teams, which line up in columns one at a time, three to four steps from each other. They stand parallel in front of the line, with the head player holding a gymnastic stick in his hands. Game: At the signal from the leader, the first numbers run to the mace (medicine ball) installed at 12-15 m, run around it and, returning to their columns, extend one end of the stick to the second numbers. Holding the ends of the stick, the players pass it under the feet of the players, moving towards the end of the column. Everyone jumps over the stick, pushing with both legs. The first player remains at the end of his column, and the other runs to the counter, goes around it and carries the stick under the feet of the player with the third number, etc. The game ends when all participants run with the stick. When the person starting the game is again first in the column and a stick is brought to him, he raises it up. Winner: The team whose players completed the task first without making mistakes. The rules prohibit letting go of one end of the stick when it sweeps under your feet, or dropping the stick on the ground.

Crossing Players from two teams line up on opposite sides of the court facing each other (behind their home lines). At the signal, players, moving forward by jumping on one (right, left) leg, cross the court and must find themselves behind the opponent’s “home” line as quickly as possible. The team whose players gather behind the opposite line first wins. The last player to finish moving is eliminated from the game. Then jumps follow in the opposite direction, and again the last one is eliminated from the game. You can change the method of movement (jumping on two legs from a stance or from a squat, running, etc.). The game continues until two or three of the most resilient jumpers remain on the court. Based on the number of players on the court, it is not difficult to determine the winning team. By continuing the competition, you can identify the fastest player.

Team running (trains) Two equal teams line up in a column, one at a time, with their arms around the person in front or by the waist. The columns stand parallel to one another at a distance of 3-5 steps. A starting line is drawn in front of the columns, and a stand or other object is placed opposite the competing teams at a distance of 15-20 meters. At the signal, players in columns run forward to the counter, go around it and return back. The winner is the team whose players ran the entire distance without becoming separated and crossed the starting line in the entire column first. It can be agreed that the players join each other in turns, i.e. first the first number runs around the rack, then the second joins him and the two of them run around, then the third, etc. Since in this version the game requires endurance, when it is repeated The players in the columns are arranged in reverse order. For children of primary school age, you can play both versions of the game, having agreed that they will run holding not each other’s belts, but their hands.

Fleet Team Preparation. The players are divided into 2-4 equal teams and line up in columns one at a time parallel to one another. A line is drawn in front of the toes of those in front in the columns, and at a distance of 2 m from it is the starting line. At 10-20 m from the starting line, a stand or a mace is placed opposite each column. The first players in the columns stand on the starting line. Contents of the game. Option 1. At the command of the leader “Get ready, attention, march!” (or according to another conventional signal), the first players run forward to the posts (clubs), run around them to the right and return back to the starting line. The first player to cross the starting line earns his team a point. Those who come running stand at the end of their columns, and the next players line up at the starting line. Also, at a signal, they run to an object placed opposite their column, go around it and return back. The first one to arrive again earns a point for his team. And so all the players run in turn. Then the points are counted. The team with the most points wins. Rules of the game: 1. You cannot run out and cross the starting line before the leader’s signal. 2. You can only run around an object from the right, without touching it with your hands. 3. When running with a stick, be sure to hit it three times on an object or on the floor, counting loudly. 4. When you return, you need to stand at the end of your column.

Option 2. You can use sticks in the game. Each player at the start holds a stick. Having reached the counter, he hits it three times on the counter or on the floor and returns back. Having run through the starting line, the player gives the stick to the next one.

19. Outdoor games on the ground in winter.


Having run away from the Snowman (or Santa Claus), the children stop and, clapping their hands, say: “One-two-three! One-two-three! Well, quickly catch us!” When the text ends, everyone runs away. The snowman (Santa Claus) is catching up with the children.

Snow balls One of the players is the driver. The others run past him around the site in different directions. The driver tries to hit those running past with snowballs (it is better to prepare them in advance). The one who was hit by a snowball stops and, without leaving his place, tries to hit the running players with snowballs, helping the driver. Gradually the number of such driving assistants increases. When there are more of them than other players, the game ends.

We are funny guys. Children stand on one side of the playground behind an imaginary line. On the opposite side of the site there is a snowdrift or snow bank. A little to the side, to the side of the players, there is a trap (it is designated by an adult or chosen by children). The players say in chorus:

We are funny guys

We love to run and jump.

Well, try to catch up with us,

One, two, three - catch it!

After that, everyone runs to the other side of the site and hides behind a snowdrift. The trap catches up with the runners, and those hit by it move to the side. The trap cannot catch those players who manage to run behind the snowdrift. He counts those caught after each run. After 3-4 runs, they count how many players managed to catch the trap and choose a new one.

Snowball traps. A low snow roller marks a circle with a diameter of 4-5 m. A group of players gathers in it. The driver stands at a distance of 2-3 m from the circle; at this distance he can move along the circle. He has a basket of snowballs in his hands. At a signal from an adult, the trap tries to hit one of the children dodging in the circle with a snowball. An adult monitors which snowball turns out to be accurate and the trap will stain one of the players with it. The game is repeated 2-3 times, after which a new trap is selected.

Outdoor game “Push out of the circle” There is a circle in the snow with a diameter of approximately one meter. Two participants stand in a drawn circle and try to push each other out. Anyone who cannot stay on his feet slips and falls. In order to diversify the game, you can exclude your hands from the game, for example, by putting them behind your back.

20. Outdoor games with volleyball elements.

Outdoor games “Ball over the net”, “Volleyball with balloons”, “Throw-catch!” "Who has fewer balls"

“Throw and catch!” The players throw the ball through a stretched volleyball net, run under it and catch the ball immediately or after it bounces off the floor.

"Volleyball with balloons." The volleyball net is stretched at a height of 1.5 m. Two balloons, into which you can pour a few drops of water, are tied together. On both sides of the net there are teams of 5 children each. The players hit the balls, trying to get them to the opponent's side and not letting them fall on their side. Rules of the game: you need to try to play together, passing the balls to the one who is more comfortable to return them to the other side; the team on whose side the balls landed is awarded a penalty point; The balls should not be held with your hands, but should be hit immediately.

“Who has fewer balls?” Children are divided into two equal teams of 5-6 people. Teams are given 6 goals. When the whistle blows, the players begin throwing balls to the opponent's side until the second whistle of the referee sounds. The team that has fewer balls on its court after the whistle blows wins. Rules of the game: balls are thrown from any part of the court; you cannot throw balls under the net; You cannot throw balls after the 2nd whistle from the referee.

"Ball over the net" (volleyball with simplified rules). The game is played on a sports ground (floor, grass, asphalt). Its size depends on the conditions of the child care facility (4x8, 5x10, 6x12, 7x14 meters). The volleyball net is hung so that its upper edge is at the level of the child’s outstretched arms - from 120 to 135 cm from the surface of the court. Instead of a net, there can be just a rope. Play with a medium-sized rubber ball. Children are divided into two teams, which have their own name. Captains are selected in advance. Teams greet each other and are distributed on both sides of the net in a checkerboard pattern (at a distance of 1.5 to 2 m from each other and from the net, as well as from the boundaries of their court). The serve is performed (by throwing the ball over the net) from anywhere on the court (from where the player can throw the ball over the net to the opponent’s side). The ball is sent from below and above with two hands or one from the shoulder, and is caught with two from below or above. The player who receives the ball can send it over the net in up to three steps, then throw the ball back or pass it to any teammate. Rules of the game: do not let the ball touch the ground (floor) in your own half, but throw it over the net so that it falls onto the court of the opposing team. When serving, the ball must not fly out of the court. This is considered a fault and the point is not counted, the service is lost and the other team serves the ball. Teams serve the ball in turns. Players on the same team can throw (pass) the ball to each other only once. A point is awarded to a team if the ball, having flown over the net, touches the ground on the opponent’s court. They play until 10 or 15 points, then change courts. Game duration is 15-25 minutes.

21. Outdoor games in a volleyball player’s stance.

Development of jumping ability in game conditions. Consolidating the skill of movement in a volleyball player's stance.

Pioneerball rules. All you need to play pioneer ball is a ball and 2 teams of 3 to 8 people each. It is considered optimal when there are 12-14 people in total on the playground. Almost any ball will do, but preferably a volleyball or soccer ball. A net or even just a rope is stretched across the middle of the site. Teams stand on both sides. As mentioned earlier, the rules of pioneer ball are similar to volleyball, with the exception that you can catch the ball and take no more than 3 steps with it on the court. After which it must either be passed to the player on command or thrown over the net. You are allowed to make no more than one pass in an attack. The goal is to prevent the ball from falling to the ground or floor, otherwise a point is scored. The game ends with 25 points, after which the teams switch places and play another game. If the score in the games is 1:1, the final game is played.

22. Outdoor games with basketball elements.

Development of reaction speed and attention. Improving team performance.

“Play, play, don’t lose the ball.” Tasks. Teach children to listen to the signal, let them feel the physical qualities of the ball, develop the ability to control the ball and play with it without interfering with a friend, and find free space on the court. Game description. All children sit on the playground and each plays with the ball at their own discretion. After the teacher’s signal, everyone must raise the ball up as quickly as possible. Late arrivals receive a penalty point. The game repeats itself. Options. After the teacher’s signal, all players must hold the ball correctly or take a basketball player’s stance. Methodical instructions. Before the game, the teacher names movements with the ball that children can perform.

"Overtake the ball." Tasks. Learn to pass, catch the ball, develop responsibility to the team. Game description. 2 or 4 teams play. The players of each team stand in a circle and choose the drivers who have the ball. After the teacher’s signal, the drivers give the ball to the player standing to their right, and they themselves run to the left, run around the circle and take their place. Those who receive the ball pass it to the next one on the right, etc. When the first one returns to his place, the next player runs. The game continues until everyone runs around the circle and the ball returns to the driver. The team that finishes the game faster wins.

"Behind the ball." Tasks. Learn to pass, catch the ball with both hands from the chest, develop the ability to navigate the court, and develop responsibility to the team. Description of the game. Children are divided into several teams. Each team is divided into two columns, which stand one against the other at a distance of 2-3 meters. The driver has the ball. After the signal, the driver passes the ball to the child standing in the column on command, and he runs to the end of the opposite column, i.e., behind the sword. The catcher also passes the ball to the person standing opposite and goes after the ball. The game continues until all players return to their seats and the balls are in the hands of the drivers. Methodical instructions. Children will quickly understand where to run after passing the ball if they are told what they should move after the ball, in the direction in which they threw the ball.

"Catcher with the ball." Tasks. Teach children to dribble the ball in the correct stance with their right and left hands while running, changing the direction and speed of movement, to cultivate honesty and justice. Game description. Children with balls move freely around the playground, one of them leading. His goal, while dribbling the ball, is to touch someone with his hand. If he succeeds, then the one he hit becomes the driver, and the driver becomes the player. Guidelines. Initially, the role of the driver is played by the teacher, and later by the child, who freely controls the ball.

"Five throws." Tasks. Teach children to throw a ball into a basket, develop accuracy, accuracy of movements, cultivate honesty and justice. Game description. Children are located at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from the basket. At the teacher’s signal, all children throw balls into the basket. The winner is the one who gets into the basket 5 times faster using the specified method.

"Ball for the captain." Tasks. Learn to use various movements with the ball in the game, coordinate your actions with the actions of your partner. Game description. Children are divided into two teams. Each team selects a captain who stands in a circle drawn at the end of the other team's court. Children throw the ball to their captain, and opponents try to intercept the ball and pass it to their captain. Methodical instructions. The ball can be dribbled, passed to a playmate, but you cannot run with it.

23. Old Russian outdoor games.

Development of speed-volitional qualities, speed, dexterity.

"Paints" Children choose the owner and two buyers, all other players are painters. Each paint comes up with a color for itself and quietly names it to its owner. When all the paints have chosen a color, the owner invites one of the buyers. The buyer knocks: “Knock, knock!” - "Who's there?" - “Buyer.” - “Why did you come?” - “For paint.” - “For which one?” - “For blue.” If there is no blue paint, the owner says: “Walk along the blue path, find blue boots, wear them and bring them back.” If the buyer guessed the color of the paint, then he takes the paint for himself. There is a second buyer, the conversation with the owner is repeated. And so they take turns and sort out the paints. The buyer who guesses the most colors wins. When the game is repeated, he acts as the owner, and the players choose buyers. Rule. The buyer should not repeat the same paint color twice, otherwise he gives up his turn to the second buyer. Instructions for carrying out. The game is played with children both indoors and on a walk. The owner, if the buyer has not guessed the color of the paint, can give a more complex task, for example: “Race on one leg along the blue path.” If there are many children playing, you need to choose four buyers and two owners. Buyers come in line to buy paints.


Two children form a gate with green branches or a garland. All the children say:

Mother spring is coming,

Open the gate.

The first of March has arrived

He spent all the children;

And behind it comes April

He opened the window and the door;

And just as May came -

Walk as much as you want!

Spring leads a chain of all the children through the gate and into a circle.

"Burners » Participants become pairs, holding hands, one behind the other - forming a column. Ahead of the column is the driver. At the driver’s command, the last pair separates their hands and runs forward: one on the right, the other on the left side of the column. The players' task is to dodge the driver and have time to join hands. If the driver manages to catch one of the players, then he and the caught one become the first pair of the column. If the players manage to outwit the driver and hold hands, they stand at the head of the column, and the driver starts the game all over again.

COSSACKS-BRIGERS Children are divided into two teams: a team of Cossacks and a team of robbers. The “robbers” need to hide themselves in a specified area within a certain time and hide the “treasure”: some kind of toy, object, candy. After this, the “Cossacks” scatter around the yard in search of all the “robbers” and the “treasure”. To confuse and confuse the “Cossacks,” the “robbers” are allowed to draw arrows on fences, asphalt and walls. After a successful search, the teams change places.

"Stander" The driver is given the ball. The players gather around the driver. The driver throws the ball up and shouts the name of one of the players. The named player catches the ball on the fly or picks it up from the ground and tries to hit it with one of the other players scattering to the sides. Having caught the ball on the fly, the player has the right to shout: “Stander!” Then all participants must freeze, and the player with the ball can calmly take aim and hit anyone with the ball. A ball caught in the air also gives you the right to immediately throw the ball up and shout out the name of one of the players. If the one they tried to stain manages to catch the ball thrown at him, he gets the right to stain another player with it. The stained one is eliminated from the game. Rules of the game they allow frozen players, at whom the ball is being aimed, to crouch and dodge the ball, but they do not have the right to move from their place.

Outdoor games for primary schoolchildren.

A selection of outdoor games for the program for extracurricular activities "Outdoor Games". The material may be useful to primary school teachers and GPA teachers.
To make names better remembered, to train attention and the ability to quickly switch from one task to another, you can play this game in a company of up to 15 people.
The presenter invites the children to change places in a certain amount of time (10, 15 or 20 seconds) like this:
- so that all names are arranged in alphabetical order;
- so that everyone stands by hair color (on the left - brunettes, on the right - blondes);
- so that everyone stands according to their height (on the left - small, on the right - large).
Note. These exercises can be even more fun if there are wide benches, sofas, or very stable, sturdy chairs. Then the guys must complete the tasks while standing on the benches and move without stepping on the floor.
Age: from six years
The game develops: attentiveness, coordination
Number of players: 5 or more

Three, Thirteen, Thirty
Three, Thirteen, Thirty is a game that develops children's attention and quick reactions well. Can be used at school for physical education sessions for primary school students.
Participants in the game agree in advance which number represents which action. Players line up in a line at a distance of arms outstretched to the sides.
If the driver (teacher) says “three”, all players must raise their hands up, when the word “thirteen” - hands on the belt, when the word “thirty” - hands forward, etc. (You can come up with a variety of movements). Players must quickly execute the appropriate movements.
Age: from six years
The game develops: attentiveness, reaction

Colored flags
Purpose of the game: development of motor and communication abilities, attention.
Attributes: 5 flags of different colors.
Progress of the game: 5 circles with a diameter of 2 m are drawn on the playing area at a distance of 1 m from each other. Players are divided into 5 teams. Each team stands in its own circle. In the center of each circle stands a player with a colored flag in his hands.
At the leader’s signal, the players scatter around the court. At the second signal they stop and close their eyes. At this time, players with flags change places; At the third signal, the players open their eyes and quickly look for their flag. The winners are those players who return to the flag of their color before others.
Special notes: If a player opens his eyes, his team is considered a loser.

false mirror

Attributes: 6 jump ropes.
Progress of the game: the game begins with the leader demonstrating different jumping ropes: jumping with crossed legs, jumping with high knees, double jumps, etc. Then the players stand in pairs, opposite each other, and try to repeat all the movements shown by the leader . The player who made a mistake leaves the game and is replaced by the next one.
Special notes: the new driver becomes the player who has not made a single mistake.

"Sherlock Holmes"
A presenter (“Sherlock Holmes”) and 3-5 “criminals” are selected. The younger the children are, the fewer “criminals” there are. "Criminals" stand before "Sherlock Holmes". “Sherlock Holmes” carefully examines the “criminals” for several seconds (20-30) and leaves the room. The "criminals" make five changes in their clothing and posture. The returning "Sherlock Holmes" must find his five changes in everyone. The player whose “detective” has found all five changes must fulfill any wish of “Sherlock Holmes”. Anyone who does not have at least one change defined becomes “Sherlock Holmes” himself.

They choose a driver. All other players stand in the room, holding hands. The driver leaves the room, and the rest of the players begin to move relative to each other, but without lifting their hands (getting confused). Then they invite the driver into the room. He must determine in what order the players originally stood. Repeat the game several times, changing the driver.

On the site we draw the outlines of the rocket in different parts. There should be several fewer of them playing. All children join hands. They walk in a circle with the words: “Fast rockets for walking around the planets are waiting for us. We’ll fly whichever one we want! But there is one secret in the game: there is no place for latecomers!” As soon as the last word is said, the children run away, trying to take an empty seat in the “rocket”. Latecomers gather in the center of the circle. We celebrate those children who have never been late for the “rocket”

"Crows and Sparrows"
On lines 3 - 5 m from each other, the teams are located in ranks with their backs to each other. One team is the Ravens, the other is the Sparrows. At the “crow’s” signal, the team of the same name runs away, while the other team tries to catch up and “harass” the runners to a certain point. The team that defeats the most players on the other team wins.

Cones, acorns, nuts
An active game that children really like.
Children stand in threes and, holding hands, form a circle. Each of the three has a name: “cones”, “acorns”, “nuts”. The leader is outside the circle.
The presenter says the word “nuts” (or “cones”, “acorns”), and all the players who have this name change places, and the presenter tries to take someone’s place.
If he succeeds, then he becomes a nut (“acorn”, “cone”), and the one who is left without a place takes the place of the leader.
Age: from six years
The game develops: attentiveness, coordination, dexterity, thinking, reaction Number of players: 7 or more
Place of play: street

Birds, fleas, spiders
The group is divided into two teams. Each team, secretly from the other, decides who they will be - “birds”, “spiders” or “fleas”. Two teams stand in lines in the center of the hall facing each other with a gesture indicating the selected animal.
Spiders run away from birds, fleas from spiders, birds from fleas. The one who did not manage to reach the opposite wall moves to another team.
Age: from six years
Purpose of the game: relaxation, concentration
Number of players: 10 - 30
Game location: spacious safe room

White bears
Polar bears is an active group game for children of primary school age. Develops active creative motor actions motivated by the plot of the game.
At the edge of the area, which represents the sea, a small place is outlined - an ice floe, on which the driver - the “polar bear” - stands. The remaining “cubs” will be randomly placed throughout the site.
“The Bear” growls: “I’m going out to fish!” - and runs to catch the “cubs”. Having caught one “bear cub”, he takes it to the ice floe, then catches another.
Two caught “bear cubs” join hands and begin to catch the rest of the players. Having caught someone, two “bear cubs” join their free hands so that the caught one ends up between their hands, and shout: “Bear, help!”
The “bear” runs up, greases the caught one and takes him to the ice floe.
The next two caught also join hands and catch the rest of the “cubs”.
When all the cubs are caught, the game ends.
The last player caught wins and becomes the “polar bear”.
Note. A caught “bear cub” cannot slip out from under the hands of the couple surrounding it until the “bear” has insulted it. When catching, it is forbidden to grab players by their clothes, and those running away are prohibited from running outside the boundaries of the area.
Age: from six years
The game develops: dexterity, reaction, imagination
Number of players: 7 or more

"Homeless Hare"
An interesting game for children of primary school age. A hunter and a homeless hare are selected from among the players. The rest of the players are hares, draw a circle for themselves, and stand inside.
A homeless hare runs away, and the hunter catches up with him. A hare can escape from a hunter by running into any circle, then the hare that was standing in the circle must immediately run away, because it becomes homeless, and the hunter will hunt for it. As soon as the hunter catches a hare, he himself becomes a hare, and the former hare becomes a hunter.
Age: from six years
The game develops: attentiveness, endurance, thinking, reaction
Number of players: 3 or more

Give me a hand
Before playing, children choose an area beyond which they cannot run.
One leader is selected - the tag, the rest of the players move freely around the site.
Salka begins to catch players who are running away from him, while the children try to join hands with the closest player.
Holding hands, they stand facing each other. In this case, the tag does not have the right to grease them.
If the tag catches up with a single player, they switch roles.
Age: from six years
The game develops: attentiveness, endurance, dexterity, reaction

"Who will win"
The game is similar to the outdoor game "Tug"
2 participants.
The ground plane is divided by a line. Rivals on both sides.
They grab the stick with both hands.
Objective: Drag your opponent to your side.

British Bulldog
Playing affects the child’s endurance and reaction.
Children appoint two catchers (“bulldogs”). The Bulldogs stand on one side of the court, and everyone else stands on the opposite side. At the signal of one of the “bulldogs” all players must run to the other side. But so that the player is not caught by the bulldogs.
The game continues until all runners become bulldogs.
Age: from six years
The game develops: endurance, reaction, strength
Number of players: 4 or more

Purpose of the game: develop endurance, accuracy, cultivate honesty.
Materials needed for the game: a ball, preferably a volleyball, but a rubber one is also possible.
Rules of the game: To start the game you need to choose a driver, this can be done using a counting rhyme. The driver holds the ball in his hands. All players gather near the driver. The driver throws the ball as high as possible. At this moment, all the players scatter in different directions. The driver must catch the ball and as soon as the ball is in his hands, he shouts: “Standr!” All players must stop at the place where this team found them. The driver must hit one of the players with the ball. The upset player becomes the driver, and the driver becomes the player, and the game continues. The game can go on until it gets boring.

"Change of Places"
Purpose of the game: development of jumping ability and jumping endurance.
Materials needed for the game: chalk to mark the start (finish) line
How to play: All players are divided into two teams. Two lines are marked along the edges of the site - these are the so-called “houses”. Both teams stand in ranks facing each other on opposite sides of the court, behind their home lines, crouch down and place their hands on their knees.
At the signal, all players jump from a deep squat, moving forward, trying to quickly cross the line of the opposite “house”. The team whose players are the first to gather behind the opposite line wins. Then both teams jump in the opposite direction, but the player who was the last to cross the line does not take part in the game, he is eliminated from the game. This game can continue until 2-3 of the most resilient jumpers remain on the court. The team with the most jumpers left wins. You can continue the competition further, and then you can determine the best jumper.
Teams can be mixed, or they can consist only of boys or girls (if there are enough participants).
This game is suitable for both playing in the gym and playing in the yard.

Jump ropes

Necessary materials and visual aids: jump ropes.
Progress of the game
Players jump rope in different ways: on 2 legs, on 1 leg, etc. The one who lasts the longest wins.

Purpose of the game: to develop physical strength and endurance.
Necessary materials and visual aids: chalk, bat.
Progress of the game
Hopscotch is being drawn on the playground. Players must, jumping on 1 leg and pushing the bat in front of them, jump from the 1st to the 10th grade. If the bat flies beyond the hopscotch, the player gives way to the next one. The first player to jump through all classes wins.

Ocean is shaking
Children walk in a circle and say the words: “The sea is agitated - one, the sea is agitated - two, the sea is agitated - three, the sea figure freezes in place! “On the last word, the children stop and “freeze” in the pose of a sea animal. The presenter or the child tries to guess the name of these animals.

What are you doing?
Children choose the “mistress of the house” and, standing in a circle, draw circles around themselves - houses. The “housewife” goes around the players and assigns housework to each of them. For example: chop wood, mow hay, wash clothes, bake pies, etc. Children complete tasks. The “Mistress” stands in the center of the circle and says: “Now let’s hammer in nails together!” “The children do everything that the “hostess” asks. Suddenly the “hostess” points at one of the children and asks: “What are you doing? "The child must name the work that he was assigned to do at the beginning of the game. After this, the “hostess” gives everyone new tasks.

One of the players is appointed as the driver. Children scatter around the hall, at a signal they stop, depicting frozen figures of an athlete, a working person, an animal, a bird, etc. The driver walks among the figures and chooses the most successful one. The children who took the most difficult poses are noted.

In an even circle
The children form a circle with the driver inside. Moving left (right) in a circle, children say the words:
In an even circle, one after another.
Hey guys, don't yawn!
Everything that Kolya will show us
Let's repeat it together!
The driver shows some kind of movement (jumps, rotates his arms, squats, etc.). Children must repeat it exactly. After this, a new driver is appointed, and the game is repeated.

Air, water, earth, wind
Children form a circle leading in the middle. Approaching one of the children, the driver says one of four words: “air”, “water”, “earth”, “wind” - and counts to five. During this time, the child must come up with and show (depending on the word that is given to him) a bird, fish, animal, or spin around in place (wind). Those who did not manage to do this leave the game.

Say it again
One of the players shows the movements of an animal, for example a bunny. The next one repeats the movements of the bunny and adds the movements of another animal - the fox. And so each subsequent player, having completed the movements of all the previously shown animals, adds one more, new one. The list of animals is growing. The one with the best memory and imagination wins.

Exhibition of paintings
The presenter appoints three “visitors”, the rest of the children are “pictures”. At the signal: “Prepare the exhibition! “- children consult with each other about what pictures they will depict (skier, skater, swimmer, horseman, goalkeeper). The picture can be depicted by two or three people: a Christmas tree under a bunny, a fairy tale “Turnip”, etc. After a few seconds, the teacher announces: “Open the exhibition! » Children stand along the playground and take planned poses. “Visitors” look around the “exhibition” and mark the most successful “pictures”. On the signal: “The exhibition is closed! "- children take free poses.

Fishing rod
Purpose of the game: development of dexterity and coordination of movements.
A driver is selected from the total number of players. The remaining players stand in a circle with a diameter of 3-4 m.
The driver becomes steep in the center. He has in his hands a 2 m long rope with a bag of sand tied to the end. The driver rotates the rope so that the bag of sand flies above the floor level at a height of 5-10 cm.
Each player must jump and miss the flying bag. Anyone whom the driver hits with a flying bag receives a penalty point. The total number of penalty points is calculated after the bag has completed 8-10 full circles. The winner is the one whose legs are never touched by the rope.
After changing the driver, the game starts all over again.

Jumping sparrows
A wonderful children's game. First draw a circle on the asphalt using chalk.
In the center of the circle is the leader - the “crow”. Behind the circle are all the players who are “sparrows”.
They jump into a circle and jump inside it. Then they jump out of it in the same way.
The “crow” tries to catch the “sparrow” when it jumps inside the circle.
If the “sparrow” is still caught, then he becomes the leader and the game starts all over again.
Age: from six years
The game develops: attentiveness, dexterity, thinking, reaction
Number of players: 3 or more

Bricks and masons
Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication abilities, dexterity.
Progress of the game: 2 “masons” are selected from the players. The rest are “bricks”. The “bricks” scatter around the site, and the “masons” begin to run after them and try to grease one of the “bricks”. Each “bricklayer” takes the greasy “brick” to one place and leaves it there. The “bricklayer” places the next salted “brick” next to the first one - a “wall” is formed.
The “bricklayer” whose “wall” is longer wins, i.e., he lays more “bricks.”
Special notes: greasy “bricks” should not run away from their place.

"Through the Stream"
Purpose of the game: to develop physical strength and endurance.
Necessary materials and visual aids: chalk.
Progress of the game
A stream is drawn on the playground, which gradually widens towards the end. Players are invited to jump over the stream: first through its narrow place, then where it is wider and wider. If the players succeed, they must be praised.

Active ball game. Two driving players are selected and stand with the ball at a distance of 10 - 15 meters from each other. The remaining players run between the drivers from one to the other. The drivers, throwing the ball to each other, try to hit one of the players. The one who gets hit is eliminated from the game. However, players can try to catch the ball. Each ball caught returns one of the eliminated players to the playing field. The task of the drivers is to “knock out” all the players from the game.

The players stand in a circle. There is a rope lying on the ground, forming a ring (the ends of the rope are tied). The guys pick it up from the ground and, holding it with their right (or left) hand, walk in a circle saying:
Barely, barely
The carousel started spinning.
And then around and around,
Everyone is running, running, running.
The players move slowly at first, and after the words “run” they run. At the command of the leader: “Turn!” - they quickly take the rope with their other hand and run in the opposite direction.
Hush, hush, don't rush!
Stop the carousel.
One and two, one and two,
The game is over!
The movement of the carousel gradually slows down and stops with the last words. The players put the rope on the ground and run around the site. At the signal, they rush to “get on the carousel” again, that is, grab the rope with their hand, and the game resumes. You can only take seats on the carousel until the third bell (clap). Latecomers do not ride on the carousel.

"Pass the balls"
Place five or six medicine balls on one line at intervals of 0.5-1.5 m. The player remembers the location of the balls, turns in a circle and moves backwards. The task is to get around and not hit the balls. Whoever completes the task is the winner. The location of the balls changes each time.
Options. 1. Increase the number of balls (for older students). 2. Move backwards, stepping over the balls. 3. Move backwards and blindfolded.

"Pass the ball"
The player, moving along the floor, must dribble the ball along the rail of the gymnastics bench. The player who manages to do this wins.
Variations: the same, but the player moves along the rail and the ball dribbles along the floor.

"Hit the ball"
The players are divided into two teams and stand in ranks, facing each other. The distance between the ranks is 8-10 m. There is a volleyball in the middle of the stool. Each player has a small ball. At the teacher’s signal, players of one team perform throws, trying to knock down the volleyball. If someone manages to knock down the ball, the team gets 1 point. Then the other team starts throwing. The team with the most points wins.

"Knock it down with a rebound"
2-5 m from the wall (the distance depends on the age and experience of the players) place a town, a pin, and an inflatable toy. The task: throw the ball against the wall so that, when it bounces, it knocks down the installed object. Who will have the most successful attempts out of five? Who will need fewer tries to knock down an object five times?
You can throw the ball from any point.
Option: place a box, box, basket at some distance from the wall, put a hoop. Objective: hit the target with the ball.

"Don't drop the ball"
At the starting line, each participant in the game receives two sticks. Then the players become pairs and use chopsticks to hold the ball so that it does not fall. Each pair must run faster than their opponents without dropping the ball. If the ball falls, you need to stop, pick it up, put it on the sticks and run again. Running distance is 15-20 m.
"Throw and catch"!
The player holds the ball behind his back with both hands. Leaning forward, he throws the ball over his head up and forward. Now you need to have time to straighten up and catch the falling ball. Each person is given, say, five attempts. The one with the most successful attempts will win.
Game options: you can throw the ball against a wall (if there are no windows) from a distance of several meters - and catch it when it bounces; you can throw the ball onto a sloping roof (barn, garage, shed) - and catch it when it rolls down.
You can add complications to the game. For example, a task is given: before catching the ball, you need to clap your hands several times. Or make a complete turn in a circle (when the ball is thrown against a wall or thrown onto a roof).

"Hunters and Ducks"
Purpose of the game: development of eye and dexterity.
A circle with a diameter of 5-8 m is drawn on the playground (depending on the age of the players and their number).
All players are divided into two teams: “ducks” and “hunters”. The “ducks” are located inside the circle, and the “hunters” are located outside the circle. The Hunters get the ball.
At a signal or command from the teacher, the “hunters” begin to knock out the “ducks” with the ball. “Dead ducks” that were hit by the ball are eliminated from the circle. The game continues until all the “ducks” are knocked out of the circle. While throwing the ball, the “hunters” must not cross the line of the circle.
When all the “ducks” are knocked out, the teams switch places.
Game option: 3-4 “hunters” are selected from among the players and stand at different ends of the site. Each “hunter” has a small ball. The players scatter around the court, but do not go beyond it.
At a signal or command from the teacher, all the players stop in their places, and the “hunters” take aim and throw balls at them. The players can dodge the flying ball, but they cannot move from their place.
Knocked out ducks are out of the game. The “hunter” who knocks out the largest number of “ducks” wins.

Participants in the game choose the owner and two buyers. The rest of the players are paints. Each paint comes up with a color for itself and quietly names its owner. When all the paints have chosen a color and named it to the owner, he invites one of the buyers.
The buyer knocks:
Knock! Knock!
- Who's there?
- Buyer.
- Why did you come?
- For paint.
- For what?
- For blue.
If there is no blue paint, the owner says: “Walk along the blue path, find blue boots.”
If the buyer guesses the color of the paint, then he takes the paint for himself.
A second buyer arrives and the conversation with the owner is repeated. And so they come up one by one and sort out the paints. The buyer who collects the most colors wins.
Rules of the game: The buyer who guessed the most colors becomes the owner.

The players choose a shepherd and a wolf, and everyone else chooses sheep. The wolf's house is in the forest, and the sheep have two houses at opposite ends of the site. The sheep call loudly to the shepherd:
Shepherd boy! Shepherd boy!
Play the horn!
Drive the herd into the field
Take a walk in freedom!
The shepherd drives the sheep out into the meadow, they walk, run, and jump. At the shepherd’s signal: “Wolf!” - all the sheep run into the house on the opposite side of the site. The shepherd stands in the way of the wolf and protects the sheep. Everyone caught by the wolf leaves the game.
Rules of the game: During the run, the sheep cannot return to the house from which they left. The shepherd only shields the sheep from the wolf, but does not stop him with his hands.

"Two Frosts"
The players are located on one side of the court, in the middle there are two drivers - two Frosts.” Frosts turn to the guys with the words: “We are two young brothers, two daring Frosts!” One of them, pointing to himself, says: “I am Frost - the blue nose.” Another: “I am Frost – the red nose.” And together: “Which of you will decide to set out on the path?” All the guys answer: “We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost!” After these words, the children run to the other side of the playground. The drivers try to “grudge” those running across, the “greasy” ones remain in the place where Frost “frozen” them.
During the next dashes, the players can help out the “frozen” children by touching them with their hands. After several dashes, other Frosts are appointed. Those children who never got to Frost even once are noted, as well as the best pair of drivers..

They choose a driver and give him a “ring” - any small object. Participants stand in a row, holding their palms in front of them in a "boat" position. The driver goes through the entire row, placing his palms in the palms of each participant. At the same time, he quietly leaves a “ring” in the palms of any participant. Having passed everyone, the driver says: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch.” The task of the owner of the “ring” is to run forward, the task of all other children is to try to predict the owner of the “ring” and not let him out of the line.

Divide into pairs in random order. Couples are located one after another, holding hands, raising their clasped hands up, as if forming a roof. The driver passes under his closed hands and chooses a partner. The new couple stands behind, and the freed participant in the game enters the stream and looks for a couple, etc.

"By the Bear in the Forest"
The bear chosen by lot lives in the forest. Children go into the forest to pick mushrooms, singing a song:
By the bear in the forest
I’ll take mushrooms and berries!
The bear is disgusted
Frozen on the stove!
When the players have said their last words, the bear, which had been dozing until now, begins to toss and turn, stretch, and reluctantly leaves the den. But then the bear suddenly runs after the players and tries to catch someone. The one who is caught becomes a bear. Rules of the game: The bear leaves the den only after pronouncing the last words of the song. Children, depending on the behavior of the bear, may not immediately run to their home, but tease it with a song.

"The Owl and the Birds"
Before starting the game, children choose the names of birds whose voice they can imitate. For example: dove, crow, goose, duck, cuckoo. The players choose an owl. He goes to his nest, and those playing quietly, so that the eagle owl does not hear what kind of birds they will be in the game. Birds fly, scream, stop and crouch. Each player imitates the cry and movements of the bird he has chosen. At the signal “Owl”, all the birds try to take places in their house. If the eagle owl manages to catch someone, he must guess what kind of bird it is. Only a correctly named bird becomes an eagle owl.
Rules of the game: the bird houses and the owl house must be located on a hill. Birds fly into the house on a signal or as soon as the eagle owl catches one of them.

Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one player - Dawn - walks behind them with a ribbon and says:
Red maiden.
I walked across the field
I dropped the keys.
Golden keys
Blue ribbons
The rings are entwined,
Let's go get some water!
With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes the dawn. The game repeats itself.
Rules of the game: Runners must not cross the circle. The players do not turn around until the driver chooses who should put the ribbon on their shoulder.

"Wandering Ball"
Everyone playing. In addition to the driver, they stand in a circle at arm's length. They pass a big ball to each other. The driver runs outside the circle and tries to touch the ball with his hand. If he succeeds, he goes to the place of the player in whose hands the ball was, and the player goes out of the circle.
The game repeats itself.
Rules of the game: When passing the ball, the players must not move from their place. You cannot pass the ball through one person, only to the player standing next to you. The driver is prohibited from entering the circle. The ball can be passed in any direction. The player who dropped the ball becomes the driver.

Contents of the game. At the signal from the presenter: “The day is coming, everything comes to life!” - children begin to run, jump, imitating the flight of butterflies, birds, beetles, depicting frogs, mice, kittens. At the second signal: “Night is coming, everything freezes - the owl flies out!” - the players stop, freeze in the position in which the signal caught them. "Owl" go hunting. Noticing the player moving, she takes him by the hand and leads him to her nest. In one exit, she can kill two or even three players.
Then the “owl” returns to its nest again and the children again begin to frolic freely on the playground.
The winners are the players who have never been caught. You can also note the best driver - the one who caught the most players.

Animal relay
The players are divided into 2 - 4 equal teams and line up in columns one at a time. Those playing in teams take the names of the animals. Those standing first are called “bears,” those standing second are called “wolves,” those standing third are called “foxes,” and those standing fourth are called “hares.” A starting line is drawn in front of those in front. At the command of the leader, team members must jump to a given place just like real animals do. The “wolves” team runs like wolves, the “hares” team runs like hares, etc.

Unload the car
Children are invited to unload the “cars” with “vegetables”. The machines are placed against one wall, and two baskets are placed opposite them against the other wall. One player at a time stands near the baskets and, at a signal, runs to the cars. You can carry vegetables one at a time. Vegetables must be the same in all machines, both in quantity and volume.
Other participants can then "load" the machines; In this case, the players stand near the cars, run to the baskets at a signal and carry the vegetables into the cars.
Machines can be boxes, chairs; vegetables - skittles, cubes, etc.

I passed it on - sit down!
The players are divided into several teams, 7-8 people each, and line up behind the common starting line in a column, one at a time. Captains stand in front of each column, facing it at a distance of 5-6 m. The captains receive a volleyball. At the signal, each captain passes the ball to the first player in his column. Having caught the ball, this player returns it to the captain and crouches. The captain throws the ball to the second, then third and subsequent players. Each of them, returning the ball to the captain, crouches. Having received the ball from the last player in his column, the captain raises it up, and all the players on his team jump up. The team whose players complete the task faster wins.

Two teams of 6 children each participate. This is grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair there is a turnip - a child wearing a hat with a picture of a turnip.
Grandfather starts the game. At a signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue running together, again go around the turnip and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, The mouse is caught by a turnip. The team that pulled out the turnip the fastest wins.

Plant and harvest
Number of players: 2 teams of 4 people
Additionally: 8 hoops, 2 buckets, 4-5 potatoes, 2 watering cans.
The 1st participant “plows the ground” (puts down hoops).
The 2nd participant “plants potatoes” (puts potatoes in the hoop).
The 3rd participant “waters the potatoes” (runs around each hoop with a watering can).
The 4th participant “harvests” (collects potatoes in a bucket).
The faster team wins.

Running "centipedes"
The players are divided into two or three teams of 10-20 people and line up behind each other. Each team receives a thick rope (rope), which all players grab with their right or left hand, evenly distributed on both sides of the rope. At the organizer’s signal, the “centipedes” run forward 40-50 meters to the “finish”, holding the rope all the time.
Victory is awarded to the team that was the first to reach the finish line, provided that none of its participants became unhooked from the rope while running.

1. Lyakh, V.I. My friend physical education. 1–4 grades – M.: Education, 2005.
2. Builin Yu.F., Portnykh Yu.I. Mini basketball. M., 2000
3. Galitsky A.V. Journey to the land of games. M., 2001
4. Klusov N.P. Handball. M. 1996
5. Sample programs of extracurricular activities. Primary and basic education. second generation standards. Moscow "Enlightenment" 2011
6. Lyakh V.I., Maikson G.B. Comprehensive program of physical education for students. M., 2002
7. Kovalko V.I. “Health - saving technologies”, Moscow “Waco”, 2004.
8. Kovalko V.I. Lesson developments in physical education for grades 1-4: Methodological recommendations, practical materials, lesson planning. - 2nd ed., revised - M.: VAKO, 2005.
9. Internet resources