The influence of outdoor games on children's health project (middle group) on the topic. The influence of outdoor games on the emotional development and motor activity of a child. Outdoor games have an impact on

Educator: Gerasimova S.V.

(Paraphrased saying carved on a rock in ancient Hellas 2.5 thousand years ago).

Project passport.

Explanatory note.

Currently a concernabout children's health children's health health health of preschool children. health


health, outdoor games health improvement

sedentary lifestyle .

outdoor games

Project objectives:

Project participants:

    Middle group children


    Parents of the group

Project type : educational, gaming

    Speech development

    Cognitive development

    Physical development

    Artistic and aesthetic development

Project stages:


    Inventory preparation


    Drawing up a project plan

    Organization of outdoor games

    Parent counseling


Presentation of activities.


Expected Result:



“The game is the path to health.”

(long-term project)

middle group No. 1

Guest: Gerasimova S.V.

GBOU SCHOOL 1375 building. No. 3 MOSCOW

Project: “Game is the path to health”

“The influence of outdoor games on children’s health”

Educator: Gerasimova S.V.

“If you want to be strong, play

If you want to be beautiful, play

If you want to be healthy, play.”

(Paraphrased saying carved on a rock in ancient Hellas 2.5 thousand years ago).

Project passport.

Explanatory note.

Currently a concernabout children's healthbegan to occupy priority positions throughout the world. One of the tasks of the new stage of the education system reform is saving children's health through the formation of attitude towards health as a life value, the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle, the choice of educational technologies that are age-appropriate, aimed at preservinghealth of preschool children.Finding effective ways to improve children's health - increasing physical activity and an active lifestyle. Physiological definition health child, this is the cultivation of interest in physical activity, because movement is the basis of life.

Play is a natural companion of a child’s life and therefore meets the laws laid down by nature itself in the child’s developing body. Positive emotions and creativity are the most important factors recovery.

Sufficient saturation of children's free time with games contributes to their overall and comprehensive development. In addition, selected taking into account age, condition health, degree of physical fitness of children outdoor games , especially outdoor games undoubtedly contribute health improvement strengthening the child’s body, hardening and thereby preventing diseases.

The rapid development of technology in the world of computers, television, cyber toys forces the modern child to leadsedentary lifestyle.

Therefore, the relevance of the problem of using outdoor games in the lives of modern children is becoming an urgent necessity.

All of the above helped determine the theme of the project."The influence of outdoor games on children's health."

Project goal: the use of outdoor games in the lives of modern children and for their health

Project objectives:

  1. Study the literature about outdoor games.
  2. Consider the features of outdoor games.
  3. To identify the effectiveness of the influence of outdoor games on improving the health of preschool children.

Project participants:

  1. Middle group children
  2. Educator
  3. Parents of the group

Project type : educational, gaming

Integration of educational areas:

  1. Speech development
  2. Cognitive development
  3. Physical development
  4. Artistic and aesthetic development

Project stages:

  1. Preparatory
  1. Making a card index of outdoor games for the middle group
  2. Studying the necessary literature, conversations, classes
  3. Inventory preparation
  1. Practical
  1. Drawing up a project plan
  2. Organization of outdoor games
  3. Parent counseling
  4. Implementation of a system of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families to promote a healthy lifestyle
  1. Final

Presentation of activities.

Project resource support:

  1. Group exercise corner
  2. Gym
  3. Sports area on the territory of the preschool educational institution
  4. Physical education and sports equipment

Expected Result:

  1. Uniting children and parents, parents and teachers in the process of active cooperation during the implementation of the project.
  2. Children getting knowledge about healthy lifestyle.
  3. Improvement of somatic health indicators.
  4. Satisfying children's needs for physical activity, developing running speed, agility, and attentiveness in outdoor games.
  5. The importance of outdoor games and their impact on a healthy lifestyle.

Outdoor play is one of the important means of comprehensive education of preschool children, the characteristic feature of which is its complex effect on the child’s body and personality.

Game features:




Game therapy and correctional;


P.F. Lesgaft believed that play is an exercise from which a child prepares for life. A game is a conscious activity aimed at achieving a conditionally set goal. Well chosen and properly managed, play is a powerful tool for educating preschool children. The power of its influence on the all-round development of the child lies in the emotional excitement, interest and passion that the child experiences; he is able to make every effort and be very efficient. Under the bright, funny, attractive form of games there are many pedagogical opportunities that are manifested through the functions of the game.



The influence of outdoor games

on the development of the child.

Physical education instructor

MBDOU No. 188 Samara

Petrykina O.V.

Outdoor play is one of the important means of comprehensive education of preschool children, the characteristic feature of which is its complex effect on the child’s body and personality.

Game features:




Game therapy and correctional;


P.F. Lesgaft believed that play is an exercise from which a child prepares for life. A game is a conscious activity aimed at achieving a conditionally set goal. Well chosen and properly managed, play is a powerful tool for educating preschool children. The power of its influence on the all-round development of the child lies in the emotional excitement, interest and passion that the child experiences; he is able to make every effort and be very efficient. Under the bright, funny, attractive form of games there are many pedagogical opportunities that are manifested through the functions of the game.

Sociocultural function

The game performs important social functions, since in it the child feels like an individual and a member of a team at the same time. Thus, play is a means of socializing a child. While playing, the child gains space - physical, emotional, social. He develops a complex of “selfhood” - self-expression, self-control, self-realization, self-determination, self-rehabilitation.

Communication function

The game is impossible without communication, which becomes its main energy source. It unites big and small, helps them find a common language, is a prototype of collective activity, as it teaches them to negotiate with each other, give in, hear a friend, continue his actions or help out, subordinate their own wishes to existing rules. The child learns to understand and respect others. He is interested in this, since those who do not follow the rules will not be invited to play next time. In games, there are two types of relationships: competitive - between teams, partners who have opposite goals (if one wins, then the other loses), and true cooperation between team members. Such cooperation helps the child to “get out” of the situation and analyze it as if from the outside.

Diagnostic function

The game helps to identify deviations in the child’s behavior. For example, while playing, a child will break the rules or leave the game at a crucial moment. This should alert the teacher, force him to observe more closely, and find the cause of the deviations that have arisen. In the game, a child can diagnose his own strengths, capabilities, personal qualities, i.e. the game encourages the child to self-knowledge.

Game therapy and correctional functions

In most cases, games are designed to help the teacher harmonize the mental development of children and prevent deviations, resolve inevitable conflicts in the child’s soul before their possible degeneration into established complexes. The game, like a lifesaver, protects the fragile child’s psyche from the pressure of daily experiences. Children will intuitively resort to it as a means to relieve fears, stressful situations, emotional and intellectual tensions. The child doesn’t just play, he tells others about what makes him happy or what worries him.

From the perspective of the practice of correctional and developmental education, the connection between physical education through games and the development of children’s cognitive processes deserves special attention. Thus, the positive influence of outdoor games has been established not only on the development of physical qualities, but also on the formation of structural units of the psyche:

Memory – auditory, motor-auditory, visual;

Imagination – creative, recreative, as well as original problem solving;

Perception - the degree of development of observation, volume and adequacy of reproduction;

Visual-figurative and logical thinking - the ability to analyze, compare and generalize;

Voluntary attention and its properties such as switching, distribution and stability.

Entertainment function

In many games, as the plot develops, the players perform real and symbolic actions that are unacceptable in ordinary life, from the point of view of social norms, and the fun just flows. Games are accompanied by loud screams, laughter, stomping, pushing, sudden movements, and fast running. The child never gets tired of playing. He is happy and comfortable. It creates protective mechanisms, provides a powerful psycho-emotional release, which results in positive emotions. And the more positive emotions a child receives, the more harmonious and joyful the world appears before him, the more confident he feels in life. The excitement that a child experiences in play brings the entire body into an exceptional physiological state, which contributes to the fact that the child achieves such results in movement that he would never have achieved in other conditions, outside of play. Games are often accompanied by songs, poems, and counting rhymes, which replenishes vocabulary and enriches speech. Games also teach children to recite and sing independently and help them overcome shyness. Children learn to act in a team and obey common requirements. The presence of rules and the requirement to comply with them, frequent changes of drivers put the participants in the game in the position of equal partners, which strengthens emotional contacts between children. They gradually learn that they should not leave someone in trouble or laugh at someone else’s awkwardness, because this can happen to anyone. The achievement of common success depends on mutual assistance. Children perceive the rules of the game as the law, and conscious implementation of them forms the will, develops self-control, endurance, and forms honesty, discipline, and a sense of justice. She teaches sincerity and camaraderie. In collective games, children-organizers, children-leaders are identified who carry others along with them. Skillful management of the game by the teacher develops an active creative personality.

Outdoor games are a means of developing self-esteem. A normally developing child is characterized by a positive attitude towards himself, self-confidence and self-awareness: “I am good.” However, he can more objectively evaluate the results of his peer’s activities rather than discern shortcomings in his own behavior. And this is the norm of age-related development, since self-esteem is formed only in older preschool age. By this period, the child already understands what he can do and what he cannot; is aware not only of his actions, but also of his desires, preferences, moods; is able to understand and accept verbal instructions, the demands of adults, and consciously carry out tasks if it does not contradict his interests. Against the background of emotional dependence on the assessments of adults, the child develops a claim to recognition, expressed in the desire to receive praise, to confirm his importance. In order for a preschooler to learn to understand why the results of his activities are assessed in one way or another, situations should be created that would confront him with the need to realistically assess his abilities. In preschool age, the need for imagination and movement is most pronounced. The need for fantasy is satisfied in role-playing games, and the need for movement is best realized in outdoor games. In addition to effectively influencing health promotion, increasing the stamina of the child’s body and improving motor skills, outdoor games can be used as a means of developing children’s self-esteem.

Health component of outdoor games.

The health component of outdoor games is based on various types of vital movements performed in a wide variety of conditions. A large number of movements are accompanied by chemical processes that activate breathing, blood circulation and metabolism, which significantly contributes to the development of muscles, bones, connective tissues, and increases the mobility of joints and vertebrae. Outdoor games are an excellent means of developing and improving children’s movements, strengthening and hardening their bodies. Since the body is a single whole, increased activity of one organ system affects others. During the game, the breathing process improves, the blood is intensively saturated with oxygen, blood circulation and metabolism are accelerated. Increased activity of the heart and lungs improves coordination of movements and the reaction of nerve centers, and also affects mental activity. Active motor activity trains the child’s nervous system, improving and balancing the processes of excitation and inhibition. Specially selected, taking into account age, health status, the nature of functional changes in the body and the degree of physical fitness of children, outdoor games, especially in the fresh air, improve health, strengthen the body, harden and thereby contribute to the prevention of diseases in children.

Department of Education of the Administration of the Kalininsky District of the City District

Ufa city of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution

Lyceum No. 58


Topic: “The influence of outdoor games on health promotion, and how

means of realizing children's creative activity

primary school age."

Physical education teacher

Shekunov S.A.



I. Introduction – page 3

II. Chapter 1. The role of play in the process of promoting health and realizing the creative activity of a child of primary school age. – page 6

1.1 History of the origin of outdoor games. – page 6

1.2 The importance of outdoor games in the lives of children. – page 7

1.3 Play in the learning process for younger schoolchildren. – page 9

1.4 The use of outdoor games in an educational institution. – page 16

III. Chapter 2. Experimental study of the influence of outdoor games on the health of primary schoolchildren. – p.23

2.1 Organization and conduct of outdoor games. – p.23

VI. Chapter 3. Experimental study of the possibilities of using outdoor games in the process of implementing the activity of children of primary school age. – p.28

3.1 Method and organization of the study. – p.28

3.2 Technology of using outdoor and sports games. – page 34

3.3 Description of the outdoor games used. – p.40

3.4 Analysis of the results obtained. – page 41

V. Conclusion. – page 50

VI. List of sources used. – p.53


The rapid development of technology in the world, the widespread introduction of computers, television, cell phones, cyber toys into our lives forces the modern child to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Today's pace and lifestyle leaves students less and less time for direct communication with friends and for walks in the fresh air.

Physical inactivity, eating fast food, psychological stress, lack of free time, infrequent communication with friends outside of school - leaves a negative imprint on the health of the student.

Therefore, the relevance of the problem of using outdoor games in the lives of modern children becomes acute and necessary. Socio-economic changes in modern society are accompanied by profound changes in the education system. This phenomenon makes adjustments to the theory and practice of the educational process. The mechanism of the school that came into action showed that its sources are in the creativity of teachers, in their innovative activities, which are the engine for the development of children’s creative individuality.

The orientation of a modern school towards the humanization of the learning process and the diversified development of a child’s personality requires a harmonious combination of the process of educational activity, within the framework of which basic knowledge, skills and abilities are formed with creative activity associated with the development of individual inclinations of students, their cognitive and motor activity. Numerous observations by teachers and psychologists convincingly prove that the skillful use of games in the educational process facilitates the process of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities and has a beneficial effect on the development of mental and physical processes, including the development of children’s creative abilities. Also, outdoor games are a means of preserving the health of schoolchildren.

In developmental psychology, play is traditionally given decisive importance in the mental and physical development of a child. According to domestic psychologists, in the game all aspects of the personality are formed in unity, in interaction, it is in it that significant changes occur in the physical development and psyche of children, preparing for a new, higher stage of development (Elkonin D.B., 1997). In the game, as in a trick, they gather; all sides of the personality are manifested in it and through it are formed, especially creative individuality (Rubinshtein L.S., 1989). According to L.S. Vygodsky (1984), play is a source of creative development and creates a zone of proximal development.

At this time, we are seeing a small number of methodological techniques aimed at developing the creative individuality of children of primary school age in physical education lessons.

It is not surprising that the Romans used the single word “Ludens” to designate two concepts, in their opinion, inextricably linked with each other - “school” and “game”, believing that the development of all aspects of the child’s personality, including the development of creative activity, will occur more effective in the game.

Determining the problem and relevance of the topic allows us to formulate the goal of the study - to identify the possibilities of using outdoor games as a means of promoting health and realizing the creative activity of children of primary school age.

Object of study– is the health of younger schoolchildren and the implementation of creative activity.

Subject of study– an outdoor game as a means of preserving health and realizing the creative activity of children of primary school age.

Research objectives:

1) conduct an analysis of scientific and methodological literature on this problem;

2) studying the game in the process of teaching children of primary school age;

3) experimentally identifying the effectiveness of the influence of outdoor games on improving the health and implementation of creative activity in children of primary school age.

Hypothesis – it is assumed that the methodology we have developed, used in physical education lessons for children of primary school age with the active use of variability in outdoor games, will have a positive impact on the physical and psychological state of children and on the formation of creative activity.

The scientific novelty of the study is that:

A methodology has been developed that is used to implement creative activity in physical education lessons for primary school children through outdoor games;

The effectiveness of using a game situation for the implementation of creative activity has been established;

The effectiveness of using outdoor games to improve the physical and psychological state, emotional comfort of children of primary school age, as a foundation for the implementation of creative activity, has been established.

The effectiveness of the influence of outdoor games on improving the health of primary schoolchildren has been established.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that a methodology has been developed for using the variability of outdoor games aimed at implementing the creative activity of children of primary school age in physical education lessons. The data obtained can be used in the process of training and retraining of physical education teachers. The results of the study can be directly used in teaching practice.

Chapter 1. The role of play in the process of promoting health and realizing the creative activity of a child of primary school age.

1.1 History of the origin of outdoor games.

The game is the greatest miracle of miracles invented by man. The history of modern outdoor games is rooted in folklore. Many of the games that children play today came to us from ancient rituals, ceremonies and dances. From time immemorial, they clearly reflected the way of life of people, their way of life, work, national foundations, the idea of ​​honor, courage, the desire to have strength, endurance, speed and beauty of movements, to show ingenuity, endurance, resourcefulness, and the desire to win. In terms of content, all folk games are laconic, expressive and accessible to children. They stimulate the work of thought, help expand their horizons, improve attention and memory, teach them to follow the rules, and strengthen their body.

The reserve of motor energy of a child, especially of a younger age, is so great that he independently realizes the need for movement in a natural way - in play, and this has been well known since ancient times.

Games have always been popular in Russia; they were called fun, entertainment, fun. Russian folk culture has long been rich in games that combine fun, daring, invention and sparkle. The game is an integral part of folk holidays and celebrations. Folk games and fun have always been correlated with nature (wreaths were woven and birch trees and Christmas trees were decorated), with certain stages in a person’s life (birthday, wedding, etc.).

To denote a large group of games, the purpose of which is the physical development and improvement of children, the term “outdoor games” is used.

Outdoor games require large open spaces, an abundance of clean air, and then they meet the ideals of health.

1.2 The importance of outdoor games in the lives of children.

Outdoor play is one of the important means of all-round development of children, the characteristic feature of which is its complex effect on the body and on all aspects of the child’s personality.

Outdoor play has, first of all, a physical effect: it requires the body to perform a number of physiologically important movements, and thus significantly contributes to proper growth and development. Without exaggeration, games can be called vitamins of the soul well-being. There are many possibilities hidden under their bright, funny, attractive form.

Outdoor games are an excellent means of developing and improving children’s movements, strengthening and hardening their bodies.

The value of outdoor games is that they are based on various types of vital movements, and that these movements are performed in a wide variety of conditions. A large number of movements are accompanied by chemical processes that activate breathing, blood circulation and metabolism in the body, which significantly contributes to the development of muscles, bones, connective tissues, and increases the mobility of joints, especially the spine. With rapid movements during the game, the breathing process improves, resulting in faster saturation of the blood with oxygen, more abundant metabolism, and increased blood circulation. Increased activity of the heart and lungs improves coordination of movements, accelerates all biological processes in the body, and also affects mental activity.

Play is a natural companion of a child’s life and therefore meets the laws laid down by nature itself in the child’s developing body - his irrepressible need for cheerful movements. Creativity and imagination, which are an indispensable condition for most outdoor games, strengthen brain impulses, which, in turn, stimulate metabolism. Positive emotions and creativity are the most important factors for healing.

Sufficient saturation of children's free time with games contributes to their overall and comprehensive development. In addition, in more detail, taking into account the age, health status, and degree of physical fitness of children, outdoor games, especially outdoor games, undoubtedly contribute to the health, strengthening of the child’s body, hardening and thereby the prevention of diseases.

All children’s games are usually divided into two large groups:

Games with ready-made “hard” rules (sports, active, intellectual);

Games are “free”, the rules of which are established during the game actions.

Outdoor games include games that are aimed primarily at general physical training and do not require special training for the players; they are built on free, varied and simple movements associated with the involvement of mainly large muscle groups, and are simple in their content and rules.

It is customary to divide games into:

1. Elementary games with rules:

a) plot character (“Shaggy Dog”, “Geese-Swans”, “Sly Fox”);

b) plotless, where rules are the basis (catch-up, hide and seek, traps, relay games);

c) attractions with specially created conditions (jumping in bags, carrying a balloon in a spoon, gluing Pinocchio’s nose);

d) fun games for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers (finger-boy, magpie, ring).

2. Complex games with rules:

a) sports (football, pioneer ball);

b) games with elements of sports (small towns, skittles, ring throws).

Thus, outdoor games can be perceived as everyday children's fun that satisfies the body's need for movement, joint activity and joyful emotions.

1.3 Play in the learning process for younger schoolchildren

Anatomical and physiological characteristics of children of primary school age. At this age, the greatest increase in the brain is observed - from 90% of the weight of the adult brain at 5 years and up to 95% at 10 years. Improvement of the nervous system continues. New connections between nerve cells develop, and the specialization of the cerebral hemispheres increases. By 7-8 years, the nervous tissue connecting the hemispheres becomes more perfect and ensures their better interaction. These changes in the nervous system lay the foundation for the next stage of the child's mental development.

Features of educational activities. Learning activity is an activity aimed at the student himself. Own change is traced and identified at the level of achievements. The most important thing in educational activities is reflection on oneself, tracking new achievements and changes that have taken place.

When a child comes to school, the social situation changes, but internally, psychologically, the child remains in preschool childhood. The main activities for the child continue to be playing, drawing, and designing. Learning activities have yet to develop.

Voluntary control of actions, which is necessary in educational activities, adherence to rules, perhaps at first, when the child has clear goals and when he knows that the time of his efforts is limited to a small number of tasks. Prolonged tension of voluntary attention to learning activities makes it difficult and tiring for the child.

Play is not just a purely childish activity. This is also an activity that serves for entertainment and to fill the leisure time of people of all ages.

Usually, the child gradually begins to understand the meaning of play in the context of his new place in the system of social relations of people, while invariably and passionately loves to play.

Development of cognitive processes. Development of thinking. A feature of a child’s healthy psyche is cognitive activity. A child’s curiosity is constantly aimed at understanding the world around him and building his own picture of this world. The child, while playing, experiments, tries to establish cause-and-effect relationships and dependencies. He himself, for example, can find out which objects will sink and which will float. The more mentally active a child is, the more questions he asks and the more varied these questions are.

The child strives for knowledge, and the acquisition of knowledge itself occurs through numerous “why?” "How?" "Why?". He is forced to operate with knowledge, imagine situations and try to find a possible way to answer the question. When some problems arise, the child tries to solve them by actually trying them on and trying them out, but he can also solve problems in his head. He imagines a real situation and, as it were, acts in it in his imagination. Such thinking, in which the solution of a problem occurs as a result of internal actions with images, is called visual-figurative. Imaginative thinking is the main type of thinking in primary school age.

Of course, a younger student can think logically, but it should be remembered that this issue is sensitive to learning that is based on visualization.

A child’s thinking at the beginning of school is characterized by egocentrism, a special mental position caused by the lack of knowledge necessary to correctly solve certain problem situations. Thus, the child himself does not discover in his personal experience knowledge about the preservation of such properties of objects as length, volume, weight and others.

The lack of systematic knowledge and insufficient development of concepts leads to the fact that the logic of perception dominates in the child’s thinking. The child becomes dependent on what he sees at every new moment of changing objects. However, in the elementary grades, a child can already mentally compare individual facts, combine them into a holistic picture, and even form for himself abstract knowledge that is distant from direct sources.

Development of attention. The child’s cognitive activity, aimed at examining the world around him, organizes his attention on the objects under study for quite a long time, until interest dries up. If a 6-7 year old child is busy playing an important game for him, then he can play for two or even three hours without being distracted. He can also be focused on productive activities for just as long. However, such results of focusing attention are a consequence of interest in what the child is doing. He will languish, be distracted and feel completely unhappy if he has to be attentive in an activity that he is indifferent to or does not like at all.

And yet, although children in primary school can voluntarily regulate their behavior, involuntary attention predominates. It is difficult for children to concentrate on activities that are monotonous and unattractive to them, or on activities that are interesting but require mental effort. Turning off your attention saves you from overwork. This feature of attention is one of the reasons for including game elements in classes and fairly frequent changes in forms of activity.

Development of imagination. At primary school age, a child can already create a wide variety of situations in his imagination. Formed in playful substitutions of some objects for others, imagination moves into other types of activity.

In the context of educational activities, special demands are placed on the child’s imagination, which encourage him to perform voluntary acts of imagination. During the lessons, the teacher asks the children to imagine a situation in which certain transformations of objects, images, and signs occur. These educational requirements stimulate the development of imagination, but they need to be reinforced with special tools - otherwise the child will find it difficult to advance in voluntary acts of imagination. These can be real objects, diagrams, layouts, signs, graphic images and more.

By writing all kinds of stories, rhyming “poems,” inventing fairy tales, portraying various characters, children can borrow plots, stanzas of poems, and graphic images known to them, sometimes without noticing it at all. However, often a child deliberately combines well-known plots, creates new images, exaggerating certain aspects and qualities of his heroes. A child, if his speech and imagination are sufficiently developed, if he enjoys reflecting on the meaning and meaning of words, verbal complexes and images of the imagination, can come up with and tell an entertaining story, can improvise, enjoying his improvisation himself and including other people in it.

In the imagination, the child creates dangerous, scary situations. The main thing is overcoming, finding a friend, coming into the light, for example, joy. Experiencing negative tension in the process of creating and unfolding imaginary situations, controlling the plot, interrupting images and returning to them trains the child’s imagination as a voluntary creative activity.

In addition, imagination can act as an activity that brings therapeutic benefits.

Imagination, no matter how fantastic it may be in its storyline, is based on the standards of real social space. Having experienced good or aggressive impulses in his imagination, the child can thereby prepare for himself the motivation for future actions.

The tireless work of imagination is the most important way for a child to learn and master the world around him, a way to go beyond the limits of personal practical experience, the most important psychological prerequisite for the development of creativity and a way to master the normativity of social space. The latter forces the imagination to work directly on the reserve of personal qualities.

Schoolchildren's friendship. Relationships between students are constantly changing. If at the ages of 3 to 6 years children build their relationships mainly under the supervision of their parents, then from 6 to 12 years old schoolchildren spend most of their time without parental supervision. For younger schoolchildren, friendships are formed, as a rule, between children of the same sex. As the connection with parents weakens, the child increasingly begins to feel the need for support from friends. In addition, he needs to provide himself with emotional security.

It is the group of peers that becomes for the child a kind of filter through which he passes the value systems of his parents, deciding which of them to discard and which to focus on in the future.

By playing, the child masters important social skills. The roles and rules of the “children's society” allow you to learn about the rules accepted in adult society. The game develops feelings of cooperation and competition. And such concepts as justice and injustice, prejudice, equality, leadership, submission, devotion, betrayal, begin to take on real personal meaning.

Thus, primary school age is determined by an important circumstance - the child’s enrollment in school. The new social situation tightens the child’s living conditions and acts as stressful.

Play is an emotional activity, so it is of great importance in educational work with children. Among the wide variety of games, outdoor games are widespread among children.

Actually, elementary outdoor games represent a conscious initiative activity aimed at achieving a conditional goal, voluntarily established by the players themselves. Achieving a goal requires active motor actions from the players, the implementation of which depends on the creativity and initiative of the players themselves (quickly run to the goal, throw at the target faster and more accurately, quickly and deftly catch up with the “enemy” or run away from him, etc.).

Actually, outdoor games do not require special preparedness from participants. The rules in them vary by the participants and managers depending on the conditions in which the games are held. They do not have a precisely established number of players, the exact size of the court, and the equipment also varies (clubs or skittles, a volleyball or a simple ball, small balls or bags of peas (sand), a gymnastic or simple stick, etc.).

Of particular importance are collective (group) outdoor games, in which groups of players, classes, and free social groups of children participate.

All collective outdoor games have a competitive element (everyone for himself or for his team), as well as mutual assistance and mutual assistance in the interests of achieving the established goal. Characteristic of collective outdoor games is the constantly changing situation in the game, which requires the players to react quickly. Therefore, during the game, relationships change all the time: everyone strives to create for themselves or for the team the most advantageous position, compared to the “enemy.”

Each outdoor game has its own content, form (structure) and methodological features.

A form of outdoor play is the organization of participants’ actions, providing the opportunity for a wide choice of ways to achieve a goal. In some games, participants act individually or in groups, pursuing their personal interests, in others - collectively, defending the interests of their collective, their team. There are also different formations of players for the game (scattered, in a circle, in a line).

The methodological features of the game depend on its content and form.

In pedagogical practice, two types of outdoor games are used:

1. Games are free, creative or voluntary (as defined by N.V. Krupskaya), in which the participants themselves outline a game plan and themselves implement the intended goal. For children of primary school age, they most often are plot-based, when roles are distributed depending on the plot, which is why psychologists call them role-playing. They can be single or group.

2. Organized outdoor games with established rules, requiring supervision by adult leaders.

They are very diverse in content and complexity:

simple non-team outdoor games in which each participant, following the rules, fights for himself. All gaming activities are aimed at achieving personal superiority over others in dexterity, strength, accuracy, speed and other qualities. In these games, the main importance is given to personal initiative, creativity and the ability to efficiently use one’s personal qualities and motor abilities;

more complex, transitional to team outdoor games, in which the players defend their interests first of all, but sometimes, at their personal request, they help their comrades, helping them out, helping them escape from the attacker in the game (“tag - give your hand”, “running with captivity "). Sometimes the player may enter into temporary cooperation with other players to achieve a goal. In some games, such cooperation is even provided for by the rules (“polar bears”, “crucian carp and pike”);

team outdoor games in which the players form separate groups - teams. They are characterized by the joint activities of teams aimed at achieving a common goal, subordinating personal interests to the interests of the team. The success of the entire team depends on the actions of each player. In team games, you need to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades. Often in team games, in order to coordinate actions and general management of the game, it becomes necessary to select team captains from among the players, submission to which is mandatory for everyone.

Thus, we can conclude that educational activities of this age are activities aimed at the student himself. Play is an emotional activity, so it is of great importance in educational work with children.

1.4 The use of outdoor games in an educational institution.

Outdoor play is a natural companion in the life of children of primary school age, a source of joyful emotions, which has great developmental and teaching power. Teachers of all times have noted that play has a beneficial effect on the formation of children's activity, the development of physical strength and creative abilities.

At primary school age, the child learns the rules of behavior in society. All elements of primary self-control, which deserve the name of volitional processes, initially arise and manifest themselves in some kind of collective form of activity. An example of this is an outdoor game. These forms of cooperation, leading to the subordination of behavior to a known game rule, become internal forms of the child’s activity, his volitional processes. Consequently, active play occupies the same place in the development of children's will and creativity as an argument or discussion in the development of thinking (L.S. Vygotsky, 2003).

Positive emotions and creativity are the most important factors of healing (V.L. Strakovskaya, 1994). As shown by fundamental research by A.M. Fonarev (1969), motor activity, the development of speech function and creative abilities are closely connected with the functional state of the brain, with the general life activity of the child. Thanks to outdoor games, the most harmonious coordination of the activities of all organs and systems of the child is achieved. The role of play in the effectiveness of acquiring new knowledge is invaluable due to the acceleration of the development of memory, speech, intellectual development and the development of creativity in children (I.I. Grebesheva et al., 1990; Z.M. Boguslavsky, E.O. Smirnova, 1991; E.M. Geller, 1989; Paul Henri Mussen, 1987).

In the system of physical education, the game is used to solve educational, health and educational problems. The game provides comprehensive, comprehensive development of physical qualities and improvement of motor skills, since during the game children do not express themselves in isolation, but in close interaction. With the help of the game, you can selectively develop certain physical qualities, and the presence of elements of competition in the game requires significant physical effort from those involved, which makes it an effective method of developing physical abilities. The factor of pleasure, emotionality and attractiveness inherent in the game contributes to the formation of stable positive interest in children of primary school age, the development of creative abilities and an active motive for physical education.

Systematic motor activity of a child, filled with varied content, plays an important role in their physical and mental development. Primary school age is the most favorable period for improving the creative individuality of children. The game situation captivates the child, and the dialogues encountered contribute to the development of speech and require active mental activity, which plays an important role. Games that do not have a plot, built on certain game tasks, help expand the sensory, motor and creative sphere of the primary school student.

Active movements, determined by the content of the game, evoke positive emotions in children, create psychological comfort in the process of physical education, and strengthen all physiological and mental processes. The use of games is especially necessary when working with children suffering from excessive anxiety, difficulties in communication, fears, aggressive mood, i.e. having deviations from the emotional sphere.

The formation of a child’s personality, his creative individuality is associated with the formation of the emotional-volitional sphere. The emotional development of children is subject to the basic laws of the development of emotions and feelings. Despite the fact that children of primary school age with deviations in the emotional sphere exhibit the same emotional manifestations as their peers, in terms of the total number of positive emotional states expressed, these children are much inferior to their peers. Studying the social portrait of children suffering from excessive anxiety allows us to conclude that they are conditioned by social restrictions due to the fact that they experience difficulties in communication, fears, and are aggressive; which manifests itself in the form of communicative “hunger” and emotional protective self-isolation.

Research by scientists has proven that targeted emotional physical activity, having a special stimulating effect on the body, can ensure the restoration of psychological health. Through outdoor games, this impact on the child can be most fully realized with his active help.

Games with moments of cheerful surprise, when the ordinary becomes unusual, and therefore especially attractive to children, give them joy and emotional uplift. Thanks to this excellent effect, outdoor games and games with elements of competition, more than any other means of influence, meet the needs of a growing organism, contribute to the comprehensive harmonious development of children, nurturing their creative individuality, moral and volitional qualities and applied skills.

The psychocorrectional and developmental effect of game situations in children's physical education lessons is achieved through the establishment of positive emotional contact between children. The game relieves tension, anxiety, fear of others, increases self-esteem, expands children's ability to communicate, increases the range of actions available to the child with objects, which together plays a decisive role in the development of the creative individuality of children of primary school age.

It should be remembered that emotional comfort determines spiritual well-being, which, along with physical and social well-being, determines human health, and we must help children with deviations from the emotional sphere achieve emotional comfort, which will lead to the development of their creative abilities at a faster pace.

A deep and complex process of transformation and assimilation of life impressions occurs in games. The creative principle is also manifested in the idea - the choice of the theme of the game, drawing, in finding ways to implement the plan, and in the fact that children do not copy what they see, but with great sincerity and spontaneity, without caring about the audience and listeners, they convey their attitude towards what is depicted, their thoughts and feelings.

Unlike adults, children are not able to think through the work or game at hand in all details; they outline only a general plan that is implemented in the process of activity. The teacher’s task is to develop the child’s creative individuality, purposeful imagination, and encourage him to move from thought to action in any activity.

Children's creativity is based on imitation, which serves as an important factor in the development of the child, in particular his artistic abilities. The teacher’s task is, based on children’s tendency to imitate, to instill in them the skills and abilities without which creative activity is impossible, to cultivate in them independence, activity in the application of this knowledge and skills, to form critical thinking and focus.

Education plays a huge role in the “reasonable creative activity” of a child. “Creativity permeates the learning process.” With proper training, children's creativity reaches a relatively high level. “Consciousness plays a leading role in human activity in general, especially in creative activity, where a flight of thought and the power of imagination, based on experience and knowledge, are required. The ability of analysis and critical attitude to the quality of one’s work, which grow in the child, pave the way for new achievements in this area and provide prospects for the further development and strengthening of the child’s creative abilities.”

The child’s creative imagination is especially clearly manifested and developed in play, concretized in a purposeful game plan.

Thus, in games, the idea receives significant development - from a randomly arising goal by association to a consciously conceived theme of the game, from imitation of the actions of a particular person to the transfer of his experiences and feelings. In play, children often display emotions that are not yet available to them in life.

Playful creativity also manifests itself in the search for means to depict what is planned. Children realize their plans with the help of speech, gestures, facial expressions, using various objects, structures, buildings.

The older and more developed children are, the more demanding they are of the objects of play, the more similarities they look for with reality. This naturally gives rise to the desire to do the necessary things ourselves. One of the trends in the development of the game is its increasing connection with labor. The teacher’s task is to support the child’s desire to make toys independently and help him in this.

Thus, play creativity develops under the influence of upbringing and training, its level depends on the acquired knowledge and instilled skills, on the formed interests of the child. Besides. In play, the individual characteristics of children are especially evident, which also influence the development of creative ideas.

The importance of using outdoor games for children of primary school age in physical education lessons is known to everyone, but the lack of targeted development of their use for the development of creative individuality was the basis for conducting research in this direction.

For a child of primary school age, the main activity in which his creativity is manifested is play. But the game not only creates the conditions for such manifestation. As psychologists' studies show, it significantly contributes (stimulates) to the development of a child's creative abilities. The very nature of children's games contains opportunities for developing flexibility and originality of thinking, the ability to concretize and develop both one's own ideas and the proposals of other children.

Another extremely important advantage of gaming activity is the internal nature of its motivation. Children play because they enjoy the gameplay itself. And adults can only use this natural need to gradually involve children in more complex and creative forms of play activity. At the same time, it is very important to keep in mind that when developing creative abilities in children, the process itself, experimentation, and not the desire to achieve any specific result of the game are more important.

Chapter 2. Experimental study of the influence of outdoor games on the health of primary schoolchildren.

2.1 Organization and conduct of games.

When organizing and choosing games, you need to consider:

    Age of players.

    Game venue. Games can be played in a hall, room, spacious corridor, or outdoors.

    Number of game participants. Participation in the game should be interesting for every child.

    Availability of equipment for games. Many games require equipment: balls, jump ropes, flags, etc.

The driver explains the rules of the game to the children. He must stand so that everyone can see him and he can see everyone. The explanation should be short and clear. It should be accompanied by a display of individual elements or the entire game action.

The driver can be determined using counting rhymes. Counting books always rhyme. They can be funny and humorous. Usually one of the guys starts saying a counting rhyme and, pronouncing each word, points sequentially to the game participants standing in a circle. The player who gets the last word in the counting begins to lead.

Examples of active Russian folk games.


This Russian folk game develops vital motor skills of running and throwing, as well as the development of reaction speed, accuracy of movements, speed and coordination.

You will need a small rubber ball and a lapta - a round stick 60 cm long, a handle 3 cm thick, a base width of 5-10 cm.

Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 20 m from each other. On one side of the site there is a “city”, on the other there is a “kon”.

The game participants are divided into two equal teams. By lot, the players of one team go to the “city”, and the other team leads. The city team starts the game. The thrower hits the ball with his bast shoe, runs beyond the “kon” line and returns to the “city” again. The drivers catch the ball and try to hit the runner with the ball. They can throw the ball to each other to hit the runner at a closer distance. If the field players manage to stain the leader, they move to the “city”. Otherwise, the field players remain in place. The game continues, the second player scores the ball. In turn, everyone on the kicking team acts as a thrower. But players are not always able to immediately return to the “city”. In this case, they expect to be rescued. Only the one who hits the ball far can help out. It often happens that the one who hit the ball was unable to immediately run over the line. He waits for the next player to score the ball. Then two players run behind the stake line.

A situation may arise in the game when all the players of the kicking team, except one, are behind the stake line, then the player who has not yet kicked is allowed to hit three times. If he misses, then the “city” players give up their place to the driving team.

Serving people should not cross the “city” line. The “city” team moves into the field and becomes the driver if all the players hit the ball, but no one ran over the “kon” line.

"Owl and the Birds."

Russian folk outdoor game for preschool and primary school children. Develops imagination, attention, observation, arbitrariness of movements.

Before starting the game, they choose for themselves the name of those birds whose voice and movements they can imitate. For example, a dove, a crow, a jackdaw, a sparrow, a tit, a goose, a duck, a crane, etc. The players choose an eagle owl. He goes to his nest, and those playing quietly, so that the eagle owl does not hear, figure out what kind of birds they will be in the game. Birds fly, scream, stop, crouch.

At the leader’s signal “Owl!” all birds try to quickly take a place in their home. If the eagle owl manages to catch someone, then he must guess what kind of bird it is. Only a correctly named bird becomes an eagle owl.

Bird houses and the eagle owl's house should be located on a hill.

2.2 Contents and analysis of experimental work to identify the influence of outdoor games on improving the health of primary schoolchildren.

The purpose of the experimental study is to experimentally test the influence of outdoor games on improving the health of primary schoolchildren.


Target: identify what games the guys play.

After conducting observations, it became clear which games the children play more often. Most often, children play: “Catch-up”, “Hide and Seek”, “Colors”, “Cities”, “Tea-tea to the rescue”, “Tag”, “Knocked out”, “Cossacks - Robbers”.

From observations it is clear that all the children love outdoor games, where you have to run quickly and make decisions quickly. These are “Catch-Up”, “Tag”, “Hide and Seek”.


Target: find out what games the kids play in their free time.

From a survey of students, we found out that most often in their free time, children play outdoor and computer games (10 people); outdoor games (8 people); play computer games (4 people).

Diagram “What games do students play?” See Fig. 1



As a result of the survey, we found out the meaning of outdoor games and the children’s attitude towards them.

The results of the analysis of the questionnaires are presented in the following table:

Question no.


Student answers


Do you play outdoor games?


How often do you play them?


2 - 3 times a week

Every day

How long do you play?

Less than 1 hour

More than 1 hour

How many guys play with you?

Less than 5 people

More than 5 people

Who (what) introduces you to the rules of the game?



Books, magazines,

Do you like to play outdoor games?


Are you trying to follow the rules of the game?


What does outdoor play teach?

Chat with friends


Dexterity, dexterity, strength

Analysis of the questionnaires showed that all students play and love to play outdoor games - 7 children play them every day, 9 people 2-3 times a week, only 4 people rarely play outdoor games, 12 people play them for more than one hour, 8 – less than one hour. Friends (12 people), a teacher (7 people) introduce the rules of the game to the children, or the children learn the rules of the game on the pages of books or magazines (3 people). All the guys try to follow the rules during the game. The outdoor game teaches agility, dexterity, strength - 17 people, ingenuity - 13 people, communication with friends - 8 people.

Analysis of documentation (medical certificates of students’ illnesses).

Purpose: to find out the effect of outdoor games on improving the health of students.

Activities for children in their free time


Outdoor games

And a computer

Outdoor games

Absence from classes due to illness (ARI)

An analysis of medical certificates received from a nurse at school and school absences due to illness by students revealed that children who prefer to play outdoor games in their free time get sick less often.

Diagram “The influence of outdoor games on improving the health of younger schoolchildren.”

Chapter 3. Experimental study of the possibilities of using outdoor games in the process of implementing the activity of children of primary school age.

3.1 Research methods and organization

The following methods were used during the experiment:

Assessment of psychological characteristics.

To assess the social adaptability of children, we used the methodology proposed by Natalya Semago to study the subjective assessment of a child’s interpersonal relationships (SOMOR), the Luscher 8-color test. To diagnose creativity, we used the “Two Lines” technique and the Warteg “Circles” technique.

The methodology for studying the subjective assessment of a child’s interpersonal relationships (SOMOR) was created in 1982-85. by analogy with the Rene Gilles test and has been used by the author in practical work with children for more than 12 years (Appendix 1, 2).

The test is a more flexible and less formalized system of presenting questions based on drawings, without a rigid distribution of “roles” on the test materials themselves (schematic images). Thus, the resulting range of child responses is more variable, and the technique itself becomes more projective, individualized, compact and easy to use and interpret. This technique is aimed at studying the child’s subjective understanding of his relationships with surrounding adults and children, about himself and his place in the system of the most significant social interactions for the child.

Questions asked of the child are presented in the form of a confidential conversation, when contact with the child has already been established, are not strictly formalized and take into account the age, sociocultural and other characteristics of the child. The technique consists of 8 drawings and an approximate list of questions asked by the psychologist when the child examines each drawing. The images are made schematically to facilitate the identification process and greater “freedom” of the child’s answers and choices.

When working with the technique, the child is not required to tell a detailed story, which makes it much easier for the child to complete the task. It is also valuable that in a situation where a child refuses (or is unable to give a verbal answer), he can simply indicate the position of certain characters on the test form. In turn, this should be noted by the experimenter in the appropriate section of the registration form. The procedure for carrying out the technique is simple, does not require any additional funds or equipment, and can be repeated after a short period of time (within 30-45 days). It is very indicative to conduct a study with the same child before and after psychocorrective measures (group or individual, family psychotherapy, etc.) to assess the effectiveness of the work done.

To assess the emotional state of children of primary school age, we used the Luscher 8-color test, which is a clinical diagnostic method designed to study the emotional components of a person’s relationship with people significant to him and reflecting both the conscious and unconscious level of these relationships.

The methodological basis of the color relationship test was a color association experiment, the procedures of which were specially developed as part of the creation of this test. It is based on the assumption that the characteristics of nonverbal components of relationships towards significant others and oneself are reflected in color associations to them. According to this position, it is possible to identify quite deep, including unconscious, components of relationships, while “bypassing” the protective mechanisms of the verbal system of consciousness.

The Luscher 8-color test uses a set of color stimuli. This set is compact and easy to use in children's practice. With a relatively small number of stimuli, it contains the primary colors of the spectrum (blue, green, red, yellow), two mixed tones (purple, brown) and two achromatic colors (black, gray). Each color has its own clearly defined (individual) emotional and personal meaning. And associations with flowers really reflect children’s attitudes toward people and concepts that are significant to them.

The age range for using this method of studying relationships is applicable in working with children starting from the age of 5. The upper age limit has not been determined.

The experience of using the Luscher 8-color test in combination with other methods allows us to characterize it not only as a method of choice, but, in many cases, as one of the few experimental methods suitable for studying the emotional and personal sphere of a child.

According to this methodology, the system of the emotional-personal sphere is represented by variables that characterize the child himself:

Factor of instability of choice;

Anxiety factor;

Activity factor;

Performance factor.

Each of the variables forms an independent scale. The researcher enters the information received from the subject into a registration sheet and receives a profile of the characteristics of the emotional and personal development of the subject (Appendix 3).

In a general concept, creativity includes the past co-present and subsequent characteristics of the process as a result of which a person or group of people creates something new that did not exist before. Creativity is seen as a person's ability to abandon stereotypical ways of thinking. The main factors of creativity are recognized as: originality; semantic flexibility, i.e. the ability to see an object from a new angle, discover the possibility of its new use, expand its functional application to practice; figurative adaptive flexibility, i.e. the ability to change the perception of an object in such a way as to see its new, hidden sides; semantic spontaneous flexibility, i.e. the ability to produce a variety of ideas in an uncertain situation, in particular one that does not contain guidelines for these ideas.

The “Two Lines” technique is aimed at studying divergent productivity using figurative material. The child uses two lines (a semi-oval and a straight line), only once each, to create a series of figures. Execution time – 8 minutes.

As a result, the number of drawings is calculated, without repetitions - 1 point for each option.

Warteg’s “Circles” technique: 20 circles are drawn on the form (Appendix 4). The child's task is to draw objects and phenomena using circles as a basis. You can draw both outside and inside the circle, use one circle for one drawing. Circles must be used in such a way as to create original drawings. Under each drawing you need to write what is drawn. You need to draw from left to right. You are given 5 minutes to complete the task. In the instructions, the child must be told that the result of the work will be assessed according to the degree of originality of the drawings.

In this technique, fluency of thinking is calculated - the total number of drawings, for each - 1 point, flexibility of thinking - the number of classes of drawings, for each class - 1 point, and originality of thinking - for each rarely encountered drawing - 2 points.

The drawings are grouped by class:



Science and Technology;


decorative items (having no practical value, used for decoration);




Pedagogical observations.

Pedagogical observations were carried out at all stages of the experiment:

1. In order to clarify the issue being studied;

2. In order to determine the level of implementation of creative activity;

3. In order to determine psychological comfort in the classroom, when using outdoor and elements of sports games.


Conversations with children were carried out at the beginning and at the end of the experiment. It made it possible to identify children’s interest: in changing the content of physical education lessons (adding moving parts and elements of sports games); in relation to the variability of games that children themselves come up with; in changing relationships with their classmates (the appearance of great likes and friends) and developing their own creative individuality.

Expert review.

Expert assessment allows us, after listening to the opinions of other teachers present in the lessons, to make adjustments to the methodology for implementing creative activity, using the variability of outdoor games in physical education lessons. Also, discussing the results of such lessons allows not only to find out the teachers’ opinion regarding the methodology, but also allows one to correlate the implementation of the creative activity of children in the experimental group with the activities in other lessons.

Pedagogical experiment.

To substantiate the developed methodology for using outdoor and elements of sports games for children of primary school age in order to implement creative activity, an experiment was conducted.

The experiment was carried out in parallel elementary schools. In each parallel, control and experimental groups of children were organized.

The differences in the content of classes in the control and experimental groups were in the means and methodological approaches to achieving the goal.

In the control group, all training sessions were conducted in accordance with the “Model program for physical education of children of primary school age.” In the experimental group, this program was supplemented by a developed methodology used to implement the creative activity of children of primary school age using outdoor and elements of sports games.

Research is carried out on the basis of the Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution Lyceum No. 58. From January to April 2013 included several stages:

The first stage (January 2013) - an analysis of scientific and methodological literature was carried out;

The second stage (January - February 2013) was a survey of children of primary school age. 120 children were examined in all age groups: 7-year-olds - 40; 8 year olds - 32; 9 year olds - 34; 10-year-olds - 14. The survey was carried out twice (January, April). Based on the results of the examination of children, a comparative analysis was carried out, which made it possible to identify the characteristics of the psychological state, as well as the state of the creative abilities of children aged 7-10 years in the control and experimental groups.

The third stage (February - April 2013) of the study included an experimental substantiation of the effectiveness of the developed methodology for using outdoor and sports games for children of primary school age as a means of realizing creative activity.

Before the start and at the end of the experiment, the levels of physical development and mental state of the children were determined in the children of the test groups.

The final period of this stage was devoted to data analysis and synthesis.

3.2 Technology of using outdoor and sports games.

Despite the large number of works covering various aspects of gaming activity, there remains a wide range of issues for serious study, including the role of outdoor games in the development of the creative individuality of children of primary school age.

Considering the importance of the emotional impact of play on a child, it is necessary to develop creative individuality in children of primary school age using outdoor and sports games. They create an atmosphere of joy and, therefore, make a comprehensive solution to the tasks most effective.

Physical education at primary school age is carried out in inextricable connection with the development of play activities. In the process of physical education, a child learns to interact with other children, he develops elementary moral forms of behavior, discipline, and his communication experience is enriched. Creative collective play is a school for cultivating the feelings of schoolchildren. Moral qualities formed in the game influence the child’s behavior in life, at the same time, the skills developed in the process of children’s everyday communication with each other and with adults are further developed in the game.

Translating life experiences into a game is a complex process. Creative play cannot be subordinated to narrow didactic goals; with its help, the most important psychological problems are solved.

Thus, play plays a big role in the life and development of children. In play activities, many of the child’s positive qualities, interest and readiness for the upcoming learning are formed, his personal qualities and creative abilities develop. Play is important both for preparing a child for the future and for making his present life full and happy.

The initial shoots of creativity can appear in various activities of children if the necessary conditions are created for this.

It is for this purpose, based on the psychological tests carried out, that we divided each class into subgroups of 5 - 6 people, a total of 4 - 5 subgroups in the class. When forming micro groups, we took into account the sympathies of the children in the class, their level of anxiety, instability, activity, performance, desire for leadership and solitude, i.e. based on data obtained as a result of a study of children using the Test of Subjective Assessment of Child Interpersonal Relations (SOMOR).

During physical education lessons, two games were played: 1 – high or medium mobility, 2 – low mobility. The cyclical use of each game was repeated:

in the first lesson - learning the game;

in the second lesson, the children were divided into subgroups based on the results of the SOMOR test, and each subgroup was asked to come up with a variant of the game (change the rules of the game in any accessible way), in the process of which the creative individuality of each child included in one group or another developed;

time for creative activity was given - 1-2 minutes, as a result of which fluency and flexibility of thinking developed;

one person in turn from each subgroup clearly and briefly explained their group’s version of the game;

then the whole class chose the most acceptable and original version of the game or combined several proposed options, after which the class began gaming activities according to new rules of the game invented by the children themselves.

At each lesson, we alternately took a game of high or medium mobility to learn, and a game of low mobility to work on variation. The next lesson is the opposite. Thus, at each lesson, the children of the experimental group were subjected to creative individuality training.

During the game, each child in his own subgroup tried to modify and complicate the rules of the game and its conditions. Which, naturally, had a beneficial effect on the development of creative individuality, emotional comfort, strengthening the team in the class, the disappearance of anxiety, fears and an increase in efficiency and activity. And in total, this led to the fact that at each lesson we observed that even the most inactive children with high anxiety sought to become more and more actively involved in the process of discussing options, and even by the end of the experiment they themselves conveyed to the whole class the option invented by their group. Innovations were constantly introduced into the learning process that eliminated the monotony that had arisen: holding game relay races, competitions between and within groups, thereby introducing a fresh wave of desires to perform exercises, along with it new emotions, a desire to take part in such creative activities in physical education lessons.

Using the variable exercise method, the children used the following types of methodological techniques:

Strictly specified variation of the applied motor action (running with a change in direction, etc.);

Changing the initial and final positions when performing a motor action (throwing the ball up from the initial standing position - catching, sitting and vice versa, etc.);

Changing the ways of performing an action (running face forward, backward, sideways in the direction of movement, etc.);

Changing power components;

Techniques for performing familiar motor actions in unusual combinations (catching a ball with a preliminary clap of your hands, turning in a circle, etc.);

Introduction of external conditions that strictly regulate the direction and limits of variation (the use of signal stimuli that require an urgent change in actions, etc.);

Performing mastered motor actions after influencing the vestibular apparatus;

Introduction of additional traps, “houses”;

Direct modification of the rules of the game; and so on.

When selecting games, the following methodological principles should be taken into account:

the game must have at least 1-2 generally accepted options;

the introduction of games and their saturation with a variety of motor actions is aimed at gradual complication or facilitation, based on the mastery of certain motor skills;

The game is played more efficiently when using a variety of equipment.

The methodological features of the game depend on its content and form. The methodological features of the games are:


independence of action in order to achieve a goal, limited by rules;

creative initiative in acting in accordance with the rules;

the performance of individual roles in the game, according to its plot, which establishes certain relationships in the team of game participants;

suddenness, variability of the situation in the game, requiring the players to react quickly, take initiative, and create;

elements of competition in the game that require full mobilization of forces and increase the emotionality of the game;

a clash of opposing interests in resolving gaming “conflicts”, which creates a high emotional tone.

When conducting such creative games, we actively used methods of praise and encouragement. As a result of such work, there is an increase in children’s activity in class and in free activities, the emergence of positive motivation, and a sense of confidence in the development of creative individuality.

At the final stage of the experiment, we introduced the children of the control and experimental groups to the game “Cat and Mouse” and asked them to come up with variations of this game. The children in the control group found it difficult to solve the problem and were offered only 2 options for this game. Along with this, the children of the experimental group, without experiencing any difficulties, were able to offer 6 variations of this game. Moreover, if the children of the control group needed direction, then the children of the experimental group did not need this help, since at this stage their creative abilities were already more developed and trainable.

Thus, such work with children is valuable in that it creates conditions for emotional well-being, having a great influence on the development of mental qualities, especially creative individuality.

It was noticed that in children's games there is a significant element of imitating each other's actions. As soon as one child begins any action, he immediately has several “imitators” who begin to blindly imitate him. For example, at the initial stage of the experiment, after the “forbidden movement” game became more complex, when the children themselves became the leaders, they showed exclusively the same movements as the teacher before him. Imitating adults in play is associated with the work of the imagination. The child does not copy reality; he combines different impressions of life with personal experience. At the final stage of the experiment, the children independently came up with various movements with various parts of the body and included additional material (balls, gymnastic sticks, hoops).

Children's creativity is manifested in the concept of the game and in the search for means for its implementation. How much creativity is required to decide what journey to take, what ship or plane to build, what equipment to prepare. In the game, children simultaneously act as playwrights, prop makers, decorators, and actors. However, they do not hatch their idea, do not prepare for a long time to perform the role, like actors. They play for themselves, expressing their dreams and aspirations, thoughts and feelings that possess them at the moment. Therefore, the game is always improvisation.

As a result of the experiment, the development of creative abilities was reliably discovered, which is due, in our opinion, to the targeted use of specially selected games to develop the creative individuality of children of primary school age.

    1. Description of the active games used

We took the list and content of the outdoor games used from the collections of outdoor games indicated in the list of references. Here are the options for the Cat and Mouse game:

1. Rules. The players first choose a cat and a mouse, take each other's hands and stand in a circle. The cat stands behind the circle, the mouse is in the circle. The cat tries to enter the circle and catch the mouse, but the players close the gate in front of it: they lower their hands, crouch, but do not let it through.

If the cat manages to slip into the circle, the children immediately open the gate - but only in front of the mouse, and it runs out of the circle, and the players try to detain the cat. If the cat catches the mouse, then they stand in a circle, and the players choose another pair.

Options offered by children:

The cat moves in the same direction as the mouse;

If the cat cannot catch up with the mouse for a long time, the players name another pair;

Moving a cat and a mouse by jumping on one or two legs;

Two pairs play at the same time, but in this case the cat catches up with the mouse only from its pair;

The cat is prohibited from entering the circle;

The cat moves in a circle on only one leg.

2.Geese-swans. 9. Day and night.

3. Throwing the ball. 10. Meeting.

4.Sly fox. 11. Pouch.

5.Beware. 12. Pulling over a stick.


7. Rope.

3.4 Analysis of the results obtained

To assess the social adaptability of children, we used the Luscher 8-color test. According to this methodology, the system of the emotional-personal sphere is represented by variables that characterize the child himself:

factor of instability of choice;

anxiety factor;

activity factor;

factor of physical performance.

Each of the variables forms an independent scale. Analyzing the data that we received as a result of examining children in January and April, we can trace the positive dynamics of the data obtained (see Fig. 1,2,3,4).


Analyzing the anxiety factor, we again observe a tendency for the difference to decrease with increasing age up to the 3rd grade: in the 1st grade, the difference in the indicators of the control and experimental classes is 16.6%, in the 2nd and 3rd grades – 13.6 and 17.6, respectively. And in 4th grade we see the maximum difference – 25%.

As for the factor of physical performance and activity, we see that the difference in the indicators of grades 1 and 2 is the greatest, and by grades 3 and 4 we see a decrease in the difference in the indicators under consideration.

Thus, having compared the indicators of children in control and experimental classes, we can conclude that the methodology we use creates a more favorable environment for the development of the creative abilities of children of primary school age. Moreover, it should be noted that we achieved such results in just 4 months.

To assess the social adjustment of children, we used the methodology proposed by Natalya Semago for the study of the subjective assessment of a child’s interpersonal relationships (SOMOR).

We used this technique to more rationally recruit groups during the experiment. Based on this technique, we identified the child’s interpersonal relationships in the classroom.

The methodology used is aimed at studying the child’s subjective understanding of his relationships with surrounding adults and children, about himself and his place in the system of the most significant social interactions for the child. The technique is simple in that the child can simply indicate the position of certain characters on the test form.

The technique consists of 8 drawings and an approximate list of questions asked by the psychologist when the child examines each drawing. The images are made schematically to facilitate the identification process and greater “freedom” of the child’s answers and choices. Based on the age period under study, to conduct our experiment, we needed only 3 drawings - sheet 1 (table), sheet 4 (path from the bus stop to school), sheet 5 (path from school to home).

Analysis of the data obtained after the initial examination of primary school children made it possible to identify leaders and outcasts in each class, which gives us the basis for further work with children.

Repeated testing of children in April showed us that the interpersonal relationships of each child had changed somewhat. If at the beginning of the experiment in each class we identified 2-3 so-called “outcasts”, whom almost all children relegated to the background of their forms or did not indicate them on their forms at all, then at the end of the experiment we received a completely different picture. More than half of the class identified such children closer to their person, and they were present on almost all the class forms. Also, by the end of the experiment, the number of leaders in the class increased relatively, which also allows us to talk about the effectiveness of this technique not only for the development of creative individuality, but also for the development of other positive personality traits of children.

Analyzing the data that we received as a result of the study of the subjective assessment of the child’s interpersonal relationships, we observe a higher percentage of increase in the studied criteria in the experimental group of children (Table 1).

Table 1

Average scores for assessing interpersonal relationships of children in the experimental and control groups before and after the experiment in %






Control group

Experimental group

If the indicator of “sociability” before the experiment among students using the experimental method was 51%, then after the experiment it increased to 69%, and in the control group, respectively, from 48% to 53%. We observe that the percentage increase in the control group is 24.9% less than in the experimental group. This indicates the most favorable impact of the developed methodology on the level of children’s communicative ability.

Also, the desire for dominance among children in the experimental group increased to a greater extent (27.6%) than among children in the control group, where this indicator improved by only 14.3%.

Due to the active development of skills to build their relationships with other children, the desire for solitude among those studying using the experimental method decreased by 40%, and in the control group - by 15.4%. Aggression and conflict decreased in children in the experimental group by 12% more than in children in the control group (see Fig. 1, 2).

Rice. 1. Change in social adaptability of children in the experimental group before and after the experiment. 1 – sociability, 2 – leadership, 3 – conflict, 4 – solitude.

Rice. 2. Changes in the social adjustment of children in the control group before and after the experiment. 1 – sociability, 2 – leadership, 3 – conflict, 4 – solitude

The data from these studies proved to us that our tools and methods were correctly chosen in terms of improving the emotional comfort of all classes under consideration.

To assess children's creativity, we used the “Two Lines” technique and the “Circles” technique proposed by Wartheg.

As a result of using the “Two Lines” technique, we obtained the following data for assessing the creativity of children in the experimental and control groups before and after the experiment (Table 2).

table 2

Average values ​​of divergent productivity of children in the experimental and control groups before and after the experiment using the “Two Lines” method

Control group

Difference %

Experimental group

Difference %

Analyzing the data obtained, we can see that in all the studied age periods in children studying using the experimental method, we observe a significant increase in the value of divergent productivity. Children in the control group also observed an increase in the value of divergent productivity, but to a much lesser extent. Moreover, the difference in indicators increases with age, both in the control and experimental groups.

Thus, in the seven-year age period we observe the greatest difference of 3.5 times. At 8 years of age, this difference narrows slightly and we see an increase in the experimental group's scores 3 times greater than in the control group. At the 9-year age period, the values ​​of divergent productivity in the experimental group are 2.7 times higher than the values ​​in the control group; at 10 years - 2.5 times, respectively.

The data obtained confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed methodology of play activities aimed at developing the creative individuality of children of primary school age, on the formation of the emotional and personal sphere and interpersonal relationships of children.

Analyzing the data obtained as a result of a study of children using the Warteg “Circles” method, we also proved the effectiveness of the proposed method (Table 3).

Table 3

Average scores for assessing the creativity of children in the experimental and control groups before and after the experiment using the Warteg “Circles” method


Control group


Difference %


Difference %


tal group


Difference %


Difference %

Analyzing the obtained values, we see that the values ​​of the children in the experimental group at the end of the experiment are much higher than the values ​​of the children in the control group. The greatest difference between the values ​​of the experimental and control groups is observed in indicators of flexibility of thinking at the age of 10 (2.9 times), and in indicators of fluency of thinking - at 8 years (3.1 times). We chose gaming activities as a stimulator of emotional behavior and the development of creativity in children of primary school age, which has a beneficial effect on the level of creativity of children of primary school age.

We also made changes in children's creative abilities by observation. For example, at the final stage of the experiment, we introduced the children of the control and experimental groups to a cat-and-mouse game and asked them to come up with variations of this game. The children in the control group found it difficult to solve the problem and were offered only 2 options for this game. Along with this, the children of the experimental group, without experiencing any difficulties, were able to offer 6 variations of this game. Moreover, if the children of the control group needed direction, then the children of the experimental group did not need this help, since at this stage their creative abilities were already more developed and trainable. During the experiment, teachers working in these classes were invited to physical education lessons. Expert assessment allows us, after listening to the opinions of other teachers, to make adjustments to the methodology for developing creative individuality using the variability of outdoor games in physical education lessons. Also, discussing the results of such lessons allows not only to find out the positive opinion of teachers regarding the methodology, but also makes it possible to correlate the development of the creative individuality of children in the control and experimental groups with activities in other lessons. As a result, it was revealed that the children of the experimental group in other lessons, for example, in drawing, Russian language lessons by subject teachers, also have a more developed creative individuality, which gives us the right to claim that our methodology has a positive impact on the development of the creative individuality of primary school children age.

Conversations with the children themselves were carried out at the beginning and at the end of the experiment. It made it possible to identify children’s interest:

In changing the content of physical education lessons (adding moving parts and elements of sports games);

In relation to the variability of games that children themselves come up with;

In changing attitudes towards your classmates (the appearance of great sympathies, friends);

In developing your own creative individuality.

Based on our observations, we can conclude that the method of using outdoor games that we use has a huge impact on the development of the creative individuality of children of primary school age, on the development of children’s interpersonal relationships in the classroom and the creation of emotional comfort in the classroom.


Based on the results of experimental work to study the influence of outdoor games on improving the health of primary schoolchildren, it can be argued that their use is not only justified, but also necessary in order to improve the health of primary schoolchildren.

In developmental psychology, play is traditionally given decisive importance in the mental development of a child. According to domestic psychologists, in play all aspects of personality are formed in unity in interaction; it is in play that significant changes occur in the psyche of children, preparing them for a new, higher stage of development (Elkonin D.B., 1997). In the game, as if in a focus, all sides of the personality are gathered, manifested and formed through it, especially creative individuality (Rubinshtein L.S., 1989).

Currently, we do not observe the use of methodological techniques aimed at developing the creative individuality of children of primary school age in physical education lessons.

During the study, it was found that children of primary school age in the control group are inferior to their peers from the experimental group in the level of development of the emotional and personal sphere. Analyzing the data that we received as a result of examining children in January and April, we can trace the positive dynamics of the data obtained. Having compared the indicators of children in control and experimental classes, we can conclude that the methodology we use creates a more favorable environment for the development of the creative individuality of children of primary school age. Moreover, it should be noted that we achieved such results in just 4 months.

During the experiment, taking into account the importance of the emotional impact of play on a child, we observed the active development of the creative individuality of children of primary school age. The game creates an atmosphere of joy, strengthens the team in the classroom; During the game, anxiety and fears disappear and efficiency and activity increase, and the combination of these factors makes a comprehensive solution to the goal most effective.

According to the results of a study of the subjective assessment of a child’s interpersonal relationships (SOMOR) in April, it showed us that the interpersonal relationships of each child have changed somewhat.

Analyzing the data that we received as a result of the study of the subjective assessment of the child’s interpersonal relationships, we observe a higher percentage of increase in the studied criteria in the experimental group of children. The greatest increase was detected in the indicator of “sociability”: if before the experiment it was 51% among those studying using the experimental method, then after the experiment it increased to 69%, and in the control group, respectively, from 48% to 53%. We observe that the percentage increase in the control group is 24.9% less than that in the experimental group. This indicates the most favorable impact of the developed methodology on the level of interpersonal relationships of children.

As a result of using the “Two Lines” technique, we obtained data assessing the creativity of children in the experimental and control groups before and after the experiment, in which in all studied age periods in children trained using the experimental method, we observed a significant increase in the value of divergent productivity. Thus, in the seven-year age period we observe the greatest difference between the control and experimental groups, which is 4.9%.

The data obtained as a result of a study of children using the Warteg “Circles” method also proved the effectiveness of the proposed method, in which the obtained values ​​of the children in the experimental group at the end of the experiment were much higher than the values ​​of the children in the control group. The greatest difference between the values ​​of the experimental and control groups is observed in indicators of flexibility of thinking at the age of 10 (2.9 times), and in indicators of fluency of thinking - at 8 years (3.1 times).

Expert assessment of teachers working in these classes made it possible to correlate the development of the creative individuality of children in the experimental group with activities in other subjects.

The data from all the research methods used proved to us that our means and methods were correctly chosen in terms of improving the emotional comfort and development of the creative individuality of all experimental classes.

We assumed that the methodology we developed using outdoor games would have a positive impact on the development of creative individuality, the physical and psychological state of children of primary school age. The data obtained confirmed the effectiveness of the impact of the proposed methodology of gaming activity, aimed at developing the creative individuality of children of primary school age, on the formation of the emotional and personal sphere and interpersonal relationships of children.

As a result of the experiment, the development of creative individuality was reliably discovered, and it was established that the rate of development of creative abilities at the end of the experiment of children in the control group was inferior to the rate of development of children in the experimental group, which is due, in our opinion, to the targeted use of variability in outdoor games for the development of the creative individuality of younger children school age.

List of sources used.

    Current issues of safety, health during sports and physical education: Materials of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference on March 25-26, 2004. In 2 volumes. Tomsk: Center for Educational and Methodological Literature of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, 2004. 320 p.

    Kuznetsov V.S., Kolodnitsky G.A. Physical Culture. Exercises and games with the ball: Methodological manual. – M.: Publishing house NC ENAS, 2004. – 136 p.

    Litvinova M.F. Russian folk outdoor games for preschool and primary school children: A practical guide. – M.: Iris - press, 2003. – 192 p.

    Naiminova E. Sports games in physical education lessons. Book for teachers. – Rostov – n. / D: Phoenix, 2001 -256 p.

    Nemov R.S., Psychology, dictionary - reference book (in 2 parts). - M., 2003

    Nemov R.S. General psychology - M., 2001

    General psychology./Edited by A.V. Karpova. - M., 2002

    Psychology./ Edited by A.V. Krylov. - M., 2001

    Modern problems of physical culture and sports // Materials of the VII scientific conference of young scientists. / Rep. editor S.V. Galitsyn. – Khabarovsk: Publishing House FEGAFK, 2004. – 212 p.

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

Educational institution

"Grodno State University named after Yanka Kupala"

Department of Sports Disciplines

Course work

“The health effects of playing team sports on the body of adolescents aged 15-16 years”

Completed by: 5th year student

1st group of correspondence courses of the Faculty of Physical Culture Zhdanovich Maxim Igorevich

Scientific adviser:

Lecturer at the Department of Sports Disciplines

Myshyakov Vladimir Vasilievich

Grodno 2013


CHAPTER I. Review of scientific and methodological literature

1.1 Characteristics of team sports

Conclusion on the paragraph

1.2 Anatomical and physiological characteristics of adolescents 15-16 years old

Conclusion on the paragraph

1.3 Health problems of adolescents 15-16 years old

Conclusion on paragraph 1.3

Conclusion on CHAPTER 1

CHAPTER 2. Characteristics of team sports as a means of physical education

2.1 Characteristics of volleyball as a means of physical education

Conclusion on paragraph 2.1

2.2 Characteristics of basketball as a means of physical education

Conclusion on paragraph 2.2

2.3 Structure, goals and content of classes in basketball and volleyball sections for teenagers 15-16 years old

Conclusion on paragraph 2.3

Conclusion on CHAPTER 2

CHAPTER 3. Health benefits of team sports

3.1 The health benefits of volleyball on the body of adolescents aged 15-16 years

Conclusion on paragraph 3.1

3.2. The health effects of basketball on the body of adolescents 15-16 years old

Conclusion on paragraph 3.2

Conclusion on Chapter 3

List of used literature


At the current moment, the direction of state policy of the Republic of Belarus promotes the growth of a physically developed, healthy young generation. But despite the work carried out by the state, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus provided data that tracks the downward trend in schoolchildren’s health indicators; some of the lowest indicators were found in children of senior school age.

I consider one of the reasons for the current situation to be a decrease in the time allocated for physical education, as well as low motivation for both physical education and sports.

This is due to the wide distribution and use of computers, the availability of personal vehicles, and the lack of conditions for the development of bicycle transport. All this leads to a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition and, as a result, disruption of the body as a whole.

One of the options for solving this problem is to improve the quality of physical education of schoolchildren. Physical education in school should qualitatively solve the following tasks: improve health, harden schoolchildren, increase their performance, lay down knowledge in the field of hygiene, and also effectively conduct sectional classes.

At school, there are several areas of work for sectional groups, but one of the most interesting and at the same time accessible is the area of ​​team sports. Game sports are good because during the game the student has the opportunity to show himself, both his physical and volitional qualities. Game sports are mostly team sports, so it is easy to include a large number of schoolchildren in the game. Many team sports are included in the education program of the Republic of Belarus. In this work I will consider two of them: basketball and volleyball.

Volleyball, like basketball, has an impact on the development of the muscular system and cardiovascular system. These games have a beneficial effect on the psychological state of schoolchildren. They help you learn to work well in a team. They are able to solve the problem of a sedentary lifestyle; their propaganda component is also important, which, thanks to entertainment and dynamism, is energetically promoted to the masses.


The relevance of the topic lies in elucidating the health-improving effects of playing team sports (volleyball, basketball) on the body of adolescents. Identifying how team sports help solve the problem of reducing the physical activity of adolescents and increasing their craving for sports. Basketball and volleyball are characterized by high emotional and intellectual intensity. Many categories of the population choose these games as a means of active recreation.

Regular training leads to an increase in the mobility of nervous processes, increasing coordination of the activities of various parts of the central nervous system, contraction and relaxation of antagonist muscles. They also promote the development of discipline, willpower, endurance, cultivate social feelings of camaraderie and mutual assistance, and, just as importantly, open up the potential for identifying and improving the creative component of a teenager.

Therefore, team sports contribute to the development of the necessary qualities and skills that are used everywhere. Thanks to this, they can be placed in a leading place among physical education means.

The purpose of the study is to study the effect of playing team sports (volleyball, basketball) on the body of adolescents aged 15-16 years.

The research hypothesis was that sectional classes in volleyball and basketball would have a healing effect on the teenager’s body, as well as solve the problem of a sedentary lifestyle and lack of motivation to engage in physical education and sports among schoolchildren.

) To study the anatomical and physiological characteristics of adolescents aged 15-16 years.

)Identify features

) To study the effect of volleyball and basketball on the body of adolescents;

The object of the study is teenagers 15-16 years old.

The subject of the study is the health-improving effect of team sports (basketball, volleyball) on the body of adolescents.

Work structure.

The first chapter will review scientific and methodological literature in the field of anatomical features of adolescents aged 15-16 years. This chapter also discusses issues related to the health problems of adolescents and the general characteristics of team sports.

The second chapter is devoted to the characteristics of volleyball and basketball as means of physical education and discusses the goals and content of classes in sections for these team sports.

The third chapter reflects information about the health-improving effect of playing team sports on the body of adolescents.

CHAPTER I. Review of scientific and methodological literature

1 Characteristics of team sports

Sports games were formed on the basis of gaming activity inherent in humans. The game occupies a large place in a person’s life. In childhood, play is the main activity, a means of preparing for life, for work, and an effective means of physical education. Games related to sports, based on competition, were allocated to a separate group - sports games, or team sports.

The features of sports games are determined by the specifics of competitive activity, which distinguishes them from other sports.

Competitive confrontation in the game occurs according to established rules using competitive actions inherent only to a particular game - game techniques (techniques). In this case, the presence of an opponent is mandatory. In team sports, the goal of each fragment of the competition is to deliver the object of the competition (ball, puck, etc.) to a certain place on the opponents’ court and prevent this from happening to oneself. This defines the unit of competition - a block of actions of the “defense-attack” type, which also includes actions of reconnaissance, disinformation, conspiracy, etc.

In team games, the team as a whole wins and loses, not individual athletes. No matter how well an individual athlete plays, if the team loses, then so does he. And vice versa, no matter how poorly an athlete plays, if the team wins, then he wins too. Thus, a sports team is the same integral sports unit as an athlete in individual sports.

This specificity of team games determines a number of requirements for athletes, their views, attitudes, personal qualities, and the nature of actions in the competition. Ideally, the athlete’s main psychological attitude towards the game should be the desire to completely subordinate his own actions to the interests of the team (even contrary to personal well-being, perhaps “to his own detriment” in one way or another). In the absence of such an attitude, each athlete of the team cannot have a strong, well-coordinated team as a whole, even if it consists of individual well-technically, physically and tactically trained players.

Consequently, the cultivation of collectivism, the ability to sacrifice one’s own interests for the sake of team victory, the desire to see and understand the collective interest at every given moment of the competition is one of the most important tasks of the preparation process in team games. Practice shows that the very conditions of team competitive activity contribute to the development of this attitude through the influence of the team on the participants in the game. Often such an impact is very harsh, strong, and effective, which contributes to the development of appropriate personal qualities in a person.

In this regard, team games are an effective means of education, naturally, with the appropriate activities of coaches, educators, teachers, etc.

The complex nature of competitive gaming activity creates constantly changing conditions, necessitates assessing the situation and choosing actions, usually with limited time. An important factor is that the athlete has a wide arsenal of technical and tactical actions, which would make it possible to optimize strategies that ensure the effectiveness of the team’s actions to achieve results in conflict situations.

An important feature of sports games is the large number of competitive actions - game techniques. It is necessary to perform these techniques repeatedly in the process of competitive activity (in one meeting, a series of meetings) to achieve a sports result (winning a meeting, competition) - hence the requirement for reliability, stability of skills, etc.

In team games, competitive activity is carried out by several athletes and much depends on the coordination of their actions, on the forms of organizing the actions of athletes in the process of competitive activity in order to achieve victory over an opponent.

A feature of sports games is the stepwise nature of achieving a sports result. In sports with single competitive actions (for example, jumping, throwing), the optimal combination of two factors - motor potential and rational technique (in principle, even with a single attempt) leads to the fixation of a sports result (jump height, throwing range, etc.). In games, this is only a kind of first stage - “technical-physical”. We also need to organize the actions of athletes - individual, group and team as a way to realize technical and physical potential in competitive activities specific to games.

The main criterion for the effectiveness of competitive activity in sports games is victory over an opponent. The number of victories determines the place in the standings of all participants. In many years of sports practice, it has developed that the sports result - a place in competitions - has become a criterion for assessing the level of sportsmanship of the team and its members. As studies have shown, such an expression of sports results by position in the standings in team sports does not fully reflect the level of skill of the athlete due to the lack of objective indicators in quantitative terms. Given the equally high level of skill of all teams participating in the competition, their different positions in the standings (first and last places) are inevitable. Even if obviously weak teams participate in the tournament, a (theoretically) national champion will be identified, and the players of the winning team will receive the right to be awarded a high sports title. Thus, it is necessary to establish objective indicators on the basis of which the training process could be successfully planned and monitored.

Objective indicators in sports games include: an elementary set of game techniques (aspect of tactics); the ability to quickly and correctly assess the situation, select and effectively apply the optimal attacking or defensive action for a specific game situation (aspect of technique); special qualities and abilities on which the effectiveness of the direct execution of an action depends (requirements for temporal, spatial and power parameters of execution); energy mode of the athlete; sensory-motor control, etc. It is very important to express all this in quantitative terms. The presence of such information serves as the basis for determining the content of athletes’ training and managing this process, for developing model characteristics, programs, plans, standards, etc.

Along with the specifics of gaming and competitive activity, sports games have a number of other features. Team and individual-team sports games have differences in the nature of the relationships between the participants in the game: partners - between players of the same team; between rivals - players of opposing teams.

The relationships between players of one team are determined by the specifics of the sports game, the structure of competitive gaming activity, taking into account the actions of their team and the opponent’s players. In this complex environment, it is possible to identify for each team a number of “adversarial structures” based on the “joint adversarial structure” formed by the competitive activities of both competing teams.

Role structures are based on the relationships of “playing a role,” “holding a position,” “performing duties,” and the relationships between such roles. Each team member is assigned his “game function” (“game role”). Each role is determined by a set of functional responsibilities specified by the plot of the competition (game). In this case, the role can be modified depending on the characteristics of the athlete and the nature of the competition. Role structures cannot be strictly defined due to the fact that they are always functions of the actions of all teammates and all opponents (in their unity), and these functions depend on the dynamics of specific circumstances that arise in each competition.

The functional structures of playing teams are formed by the functional relationships between the role responsibilities of athletes. These relationships form specific roles in groups for jointly solving tactical problems. Within each group, specific relationships arise that distinguish it from the rest. Each such group is connected by certain relationships with all other groups of its own team, uniting them to perform tactical actions, as well as with rivals in order to implement the objectives of the game as a whole. Groups are a kind of links from which defensive and offensive lines are formed. On this basis, collective actions are formed - group and team actions in attack and defense.

The structures of subordination of playing teams are formed by the relations of leadership, organization, coordination, community, subordination, independence, etc. between team players and their groups. These structures exist precisely in the process of competition (game), generated by the meaning of the plot of the game, the rules and regulations of the competition, the specifics of each team, strategy and tactics. The set of relationships that form the structure of subordination determines the systemic orderliness, organization, integrity or disunity of the team’s actions in each competition (game). This structure is very labile due to the fact that its components largely depend on situational factors.

The information structures of playing teams are formed by relations of information connectivity both within each team and between opponents during the competition (game). The nature, quality, reliability, timeliness of information flows make it possible to make decisions, perform reflexive procedures with varying quality, and, in general, act with varying degrees of adequacy to the dynamics of the competition (game) situation. It is important to take into account that the information connections of rivals are determined by the desire of each side to learn everything about the opponent and not allow him to do the same.

The formal structures of competing teams are formed by the requirements of the plot of the competition and its rules. They seem to be predetermined and do not depend on the conditions of specific competitions. Therefore, their accounting and analysis are the simplest of all.

The collective psychological structures of competing teams also take place outside the competition - in the joint process of preparation, as well as outside sports life. They are expressed by the characteristics of interpersonal relationships between team members. Practice shows that relationships during and outside of competitions can differ significantly. However, taking into account this structure is mandatory for adequate planning of the preparation process.

Sports games can be confidently called a universal means of physical education for all categories of the population - from preschool children to pensioners. With their help, the goal is achieved - the formation of the foundations of the physical and spiritual culture of the individual, increasing health resources as a system of values ​​that are actively and long-term implemented in a healthy lifestyle. The role of sports games in solving the problems of physical education in a wide age range is great, such as the formation of a conscious need for mastering the values ​​of health, physical culture and sports; physical improvement and health promotion as a condition for ensuring and achieving a high level of professionalism in socially significant activities; nature-appropriate and individually acceptable development of the necessary and sufficient level of physical qualities, a system of motor skills; general physical education aimed at mastering the intellectual, technological, moral and aesthetic values ​​of physical culture; updating knowledge at the level of skills in conducting independent studies and the ability to involve others in them.

The effectiveness of sports games in promoting the harmonious development of the individual is explained by:

firstly, their specificity;

secondly, a deep, versatile effect on the body of those involved in the development of physical qualities and the development of vital motor skills;

thirdly, accessibility for people of different ages and fitness levels (the level of physical activity is regulated in a wide range - from insignificant in recreational activities to extreme physical and psychological stress at the level of elite sports);

fourthly, with an emotional charge, here on this basis everyone is equal - “both old and young”; fifthly, sports games are a unique spectacle; on this basis, other sports cannot be compared with them.

Sports games are widely represented in physical education in institutions of general and vocational education. In academic work these are basketball, volleyball, handball, basketball; in extracurricular physical education, sports and recreational activities, in addition to those mentioned, table tennis, badminton, hockey, tennis, etc. are cultivated.

In the system of additional education, sports games are represented quite widely: in children's and youth sports schools, specialized children's and youth schools of the Olympic reserve, children's and youth physical training clubs, various health clubs, physical education and sports classes in recreation areas, etc.

Sports games are widely used in training athletes of almost all sports as an effective means of general physical training, development of physical qualities and enrichment of the motor experience of athletes, especially young ones. In team sports, “other” (in relation to the chosen game) sports games are also included in the number of means of general and special physical training.

Conclusion on paragraph 1.1

Team sports are a specific sport that is characterized by competitive activity with its inherent features. The competition takes place according to certain rules using techniques belonging to this game. And this set of rules and techniques determines the requirements for athletes and the characteristics of the training process. Constantly changing conditions and the dynamism of the game process make it possible to influence the athletes’ body, and with the proper pedagogical education of the coach, introduce a healing effect into this body. In this regard, team games are an effective means of developing both physical and volitional qualities of the student.

2 Anatomical and physiological characteristics of adolescents 15-16 years old

High school age partly covers adolescence and partly youth.

The specifics of this stage of development, in particular adolescence, are largely determined by the most important biological factor - puberty.

Due to significant changes at this stage of ontogenesis, changes in the body associated with puberty, the so-called transitional period or puberty is especially distinguished. It distinguishes the following stages:

Prepubertal period (12 - 13 years);

Actually - the puberty period, which occurs in two phases: the first phase - boys 13 - 15 years old, the second phase - boys 15 - 17 years old;

Post-pubertal period (adolescence).

At high school age, significant development is observed in all higher structures of the central nervous system. By the period of puberty, the weight of the brain compared to the weight of the brain of a newborn increases 3.5 times in young men. Until the age of 13–15 years, the development of the diencephalon continues. There is an increase in the volume and nerve fibers of the thalamus, differentiation of the hypothalamic nuclei. By the age of 15, the cerebellum reaches adult size.

In 13-year-old adolescents, the ability to process information, quickly make decisions, and increase the efficiency of tactical thinking significantly improves. The smooth improvement of brain processes in students is disrupted as they enter puberty

maturation - for girls at 11 - 13 years old, for boys at 13 - 15 years old. This period is characterized by a weakening of the inhibitory influences of the cortex on underlying structures and a “riot” of the subcortex, causing strong excitation throughout the cortex and increased emotional reactions in adolescents. The activity of the sympathetic nervous system and the concentration of adrenaline in the blood increases. Blood supply to the brain deteriorates. Such changes lead to disruption of the fine mosaic of excited and inhibited areas of the cortex, disrupt coordination of movements, and impair memory and sense of time. The behavior of adolescents becomes unstable, often unmotivated and aggressive. The role of the right hemisphere in behavioral reactions temporarily increases. In a teenager, the activity of the second signaling system (speech functions) worsens, and the significance of visual-spatial information increases. All types of internal inhibition are observed, the formation of conditioned reflexes, consolidation and alteration of dynamic stereotypes are difficult.

Hormonal and structural changes during the transition period slow down body length growth and reduce the rate of development of strength and endurance. With the end of this period of restructuring in the body (after 15 years in boys), the leading role of the left hemisphere of the brain increases again, and cortical-subcortical relationships with the leading role of the cortex are established. The transition from adolescence to adolescence is marked by an increased role of the anterior frontal tertiary fields and a transition of the dominant role from the right to the left hemisphere (in right-handed people). This leads to a significant improvement in abstract logical thinking, the development of a second signaling system and extrapolation processes. The activity of the central nervous system is very close to adult levels. However, it is also distinguished by smaller functional reserves and lower resistance to high mental and physical stress.

A teenager’s visual acuity noticeably increases, the field of vision expands, binocular vision improves, and the discrimination of color shades improves. Depth vision continues to develop until 16 - 17 years of age, when it reaches final values, and light sensitivity increases until 20 years of age.

At the age of 15 - 16, an insufficient ability to maintain balance on a movable support often manifests itself. After 16 years of age, the ability to maintain balance significantly improves and stabilizes.

In adolescence and young adulthood, vestibulovegetative reactions of the sympathetic type intensify, causing an increase in heart rate. As a result of vestibular loads, various emotional reactions arise, the flow of subjective time slows down, which disrupts the assessment of time intervals.

At the age of 16, the accuracy of distinguishing muscle tension is practically no different from the level of adults. Thanks to a clear perception of proprioceptive information, the ability to control not only individual muscles, but even individual motor units increases.

Significant changes occur in the length, weight, composition and proportions of the body, in the functioning of various organs and systems. The weight of muscle mass reaches 32% of body weight by the age of 15, and by the age of 17 - 18 it reaches the adult level (44%). At the age of 8 - 18 years, the length and thickness of muscle fibers changes significantly. Maturation of fast, fatiguable glycolytic muscle fibers occurs, and with the end of the transition period, an individual type of ratio of slow and fast fibers in skeletal muscles is established.

The maturation of the musculoskeletal system and central regulatory mechanisms ensures the development of the most important qualitative characteristics of motor activity.

During high school age, changes occur in the blood, circulation, and breathing. The number of red blood cells and hemoglobin increases, the number of leukocytes decreases. At high school age, the circulatory system is fully formed. The mass and volume of the heart increase. The weight of the heart compared to the weight of the heart of a newborn increases by 16 years by 11 times. The minute volume of blood increases, the heart rate decreases.

The respiratory system is improved. The duration of the respiratory cycle and the rate of inhalation increase, and exhalation becomes longer. The tidal volume increases, the respiratory rate per minute decreases. By the age of 16 - 17 years, the development of respiratory functions is largely completed.

By high school age, the digestive system completes its development of all basic functions.

At high school age, skin temperature gradients from the trunk to the distal extremities increase. Daily fluctuations in body temperature become more pronounced. The importance of chemical thermoregulation decreases and the role of physical thermoregulation increases.

During high school age, changes occur in metabolism and energy. The predominance of assimilation processes over dissimilation processes decreases.

An increase in body weight and increased physical activity cause an increase in daily energy expenditure.

By adolescence, all the basic mechanisms of movement control characteristic of an adult body have been formed - reflex ring control with a feedback system and program control using the mechanism of central commands.

A high level of combination of motor and autonomic reactions is achieved.

Adolescents and young men more accurately assess interoceptive and proprioceptive information about the functional state of their own body in the process of work.

Conclusion on paragraph 1.2

Adolescence for both boys and girls can be characterized by the enhanced development and formation of all organs and systems, which is accompanied by an increase in physiological indicators that practically take on the values ​​of an adult. With constant training, movement control reaches a high level, allowing you to achieve high results in various sports.

1.3 Health problems of adolescents 15-16 years old

Health as a category of being is the most important priority in life all over the world (A.V. Vekhov, 2001). If people are forced to take care of other values ​​of life (education, everyday life, material well-being, etc.), then the attitude towards health is formed as an element of national culture.

In modern scientific (philosophical, psychological, sociological) and journalistic literature, our society is often described as spiritually, mentally, psychologically, and morally unhealthy. In this regard, education, as the only integral and preserved state structure that ensures the social development of the individual, is charged, among other tasks, with preserving the psychological, physical and moral health of the country’s growing population.

Thus, I.E. Oransky (1999) emphasizes that health is one of the most important human values. Good health is a prerequisite for creative activity and the fullest self-expression of the individual.

According to UNESCO, the concept of “health”, in the most general terms, is mental, physical and social well-being. The health of the new younger generation is a special pain and concern of our society.

Strengthening the health of the younger generation is one of the important state tasks of the Republic of Belarus. Adolescents are a special contingent of the population, whose health status is an indicator of social well-being and medical care of the previous period of childhood, as well as a harbinger of changes in the health of the population in subsequent years.

The problem is currently becoming particularly acute due to the deterioration of adolescent health indicators against the backdrop of demographic decline and the aging of the population. Thus, in Belarus, the number of people aged 15-19 years from 2008 to 2012 decreased by 23.3% - from 712,411,000 to 546,438,000 people; their share in 2012 amounted to 5.8% of the total population (in 2011. - 6.2%, in 2010 -6.6%, in 2009 - 7.0%, 2000 -8.1%).

In adolescence (15-17 years), the highest rates of increase in incidence are observed for almost all classes of diseases, mainly for those that form chronic diseases. The level of general morbidity in persons aged 15-17 years is 1.4 times higher than the same indicator in adults. The main classes of diseases that form the level of primary morbidity are respiratory diseases (61-72% in the morbidity structure), external influences, diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, diseases of the nervous system and sensory organs.

The most pressing medical and social aspects of adolescent health problems include those related to reproductive and mental health. These are, first of all, sexually transmitted infections and teenage pregnancy. Of the total number of abortions performed in Belarus, teenagers account for 9-10%. The absolute number of abortions performed by teenagers is gradually decreasing. However, every tenth abortion is performed on adolescents and young people under the age of 20.

Over the past 10 years, negative trends have been identified in the indicators of physical development of adolescents. A significant decrease in growth rates has been established. The proportion of adolescents with normal physical development is decreasing.

A special role belongs to childhood disability, since the health status of children and adolescents determines the labor potential of society. The severity of primary disability in this age group is lower than in younger children, due to the lower proportion of disabled children with 3 and 4 degrees of loss of health. However, among children 15-17 years old, the share of the most severe degree of health loss increased from 5.9% in 2002 to 11.7% in 2010.

Adolescents are an age group whose mortality rate is relatively low compared to other age groups of the population. At the same time, an analysis of adolescent mortality in Belarus showed that 75% of the total number of deaths could have been prevented, as they were caused by accidents (34%), suicide (30%), substance abuse or poisoning (6%), alcohol intoxication (5%). Youth suicide is a critical issue in many countries and is the third leading cause of death among young people in the European Region.

Conclusion on paragraph 1.3

Statistical data show that large intellectual and static influences on schoolchildren, along with limited physical activity, unbalanced nutrition, as well as leading a sedentary lifestyle, lead to deterioration of vision, activity of the cardiovascular system, metabolic disorders, a decrease in the body’s resistance to the effects of adverse factors, and as a consequence, all this leads to a general decrease in the level of health of schoolchildren. And one of the rational ways that will increase the adaptive capabilities of the body, improve the level of health, and prepare the individual for effective activities is the path of physical education and sports.

Conclusion on CHAPTER 1

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of games for humans. After all, he begins to use them almost from the moment of birth. They help him explore the world and develop. Sports games were formed precisely on the basis of gaming activity, which is inherent in a person. And such games related to sports and competitions were separated into a separate group, which was called sports games (or team sports)

Game sports are an excellent tool that can be used both to improve the physical fitness of those involved and as a recreational element. Its influence, both as a team and as an individual, on the athlete’s personality is very great. Sports represent a number of requirements for developing the personality of athletes. This includes fostering collectivism, developing the ability to sacrifice one’s own interests for the sake of the team, and a sense of help and support. The importance of team sports in the development of strong-willed qualities also occupies a high place. Game sports contribute to the development of a harmonious personality.

What is especially important for teenagers 15-16 years old. After all, it is at this age that many changes occur both in the body and in the personality of adolescents. Puberty occurs, and significant development of the central nervous system is noted. Abstract-logical thinking is improved. However, the nervous system still has low resistance to high mental and physical stress, which must be taken into account when working with adolescents.

A teenager’s visual acuity noticeably increases, the field of vision expands, binocular vision improves, and playing game sports with a dynamic change of game scenes and the need for constant control of a wide area of ​​the playground contributes to both their rapid development and consolidation in the process of formation.

But also during this period, adolescents are susceptible to various diseases. The most common problems include reproductive health and mental health problems. The age of computerization leads teenagers to a sedentary lifestyle. Which entails a string of both physical and psychological problems. Here we have excess weight and a dislike of “live” communication with other people. According to statistics over the past 10 years, a decrease in growth rates has been revealed, and the proportion of adolescents with normal physical development has fallen.

CHAPTER 2 Characteristics of team sports as a means of physical education

1 Characteristics of volleyball as a means of physical education

Volleyball (eng. Volleyball from volley - “volley”, “volley”, and ball - “ball”) is a sport, a team sports game, during which two teams compete on a special court, divided by a net, trying to direct the ball to the side opponent so that he lands on the opponent's court (finish to the floor), or a player of the defending team makes a mistake. At the same time, to organize an attack, players of one team are given no more than three touches of the ball in a row (in addition to touching the block). The central body of volleyball as an international sport, which determines the set of rules FIVB (English) is the International Volleyball Federation. Volleyball has been an Olympic sport since 1964. Volleyball is a non-contact, combination sport, where each player has his own specialization on the court. The most important qualities for volleyball players are jumping ability to be able to rise high above the net, reaction, coordination, and physical strength for effective hits. For fans of volleyball, volleyball is a common entertainment and way of relaxation due to the simplicity of the rules and the availability of equipment. There are numerous variants of volleyball that have branched off from the main type - beach volleyball (Olympic form since 1996), mini-volleyball. Also, sitting volleyball has been included in the Paralympic Games program since 1992 in Barcelona.

Volleyball can be considered as the highest form of sports games included in the world system of sports competitions. Volleyball is widely represented in the Olympic Games program, as well as in professional sports. A large number of competitive technical and tactical actions, their combinations and diverse manifestations in the process of competitive activity of rival teams and individual players is an exciting spectacle, and also makes volleyball a means of physical education for people in a wide age range. The competitive confrontation of volleyball players takes place within the established rules through competitive actions inherent only in volleyball - playing techniques (techniques). In this case, the presence of an opponent is mandatory. In volleyball, the goal of each element of the competition is to deliver the object of the competition (the ball) to a certain place in the opponents' court and prevent this from happening to oneself. This defines the unit of competition - a block of actions of the “defense - “attack” type, which also includes actions of reconnaissance, disinformation, conspiracy, etc.

The complex nature of competitive gaming activity, for example in volleyball, creates constantly changing conditions, necessitates assessing the situation and choosing actions, usually in limited time. An important factor is that the athlete has a wide arsenal of technical and tactical means, which would make it possible to optimize strategies that ensure the effectiveness of the team’s actions to achieve results in conflict situations.

An important feature of volleyball is the large number of competitive actions - game techniques. The need to perform these techniques repeatedly in the process of competitive activity (in one meeting, a series of meetings) to achieve a sports result (winning a meeting, competition) determines the requirement for reliability, stability of skills, etc. In volleyball, for example, every mistake affects the result (winning or losing a point).

For volleyball, a special feature is the stepwise nature of the movement of the sports result. In sports with single competitive actions (for example, jumping, throwing), the optimal combination of two factors - motor potential and rational technique - in principle, even with a single attempt, leads to the fixation of a sports result (jump height, throwing range). In games, this is a kind of first stage - “technical-physical”; we also need to organize the actions of athletes - individual, group and team.

The main criterion for the effectiveness of competitive activity in sports games is victory over an opponent; the number of victories determines the place in the standings of all participants - the sports result. In many years of sports practice, it has turned out that the sports result - a successful place in competitions - has become a criterion for assessing the level of sportsmanship of the team and its members. As statistics show, such a criterion in team sports does not fully reflect the level of skill of an athlete due to the lack of objective indicators in quantitative terms; With the same high level of skill of all teams participating in the competition, their different position in the standings (first and last place) is inevitable. Theoretically, even with obviously weak teams, a national champion will be identified, and the players of the winning team will receive the right to be awarded a high sports title. It is necessary to establish objective (quantitatively expressed) indicators on the basis of which the process of sports training could be successfully planned and monitored. Objective indicators in sports games include: an elemental set of game techniques (aspect of technique); the ability to quickly and correctly assess a situation; select and effectively apply the optimal attacking or defensive action for a specific game situation (aspect of technique); special qualities and abilities on which the effectiveness of the direct execution of an action depends (requirements for temporal, spatial and power parameters of execution); energy mode of the athlete; sensory-motor control. It is very important to express all this in quantitative terms. The presence of such information serves as the basis for determining the content of athletes’ training and managing this process, developing model characteristics, programs, plans, standards, etc.

Team and individual-team sports games have differences in the nature of the relationships between the participants in the game: players of one team are partners; players of opposing teams are rivals.
The relationships between players of one team are determined by the specifics of the sports game, the structure of competitive gaming activity, taking into account their team and the opposing players. In this complex environment, it is possible to identify for each team a number of “adversarial structures” based on the “joint adversarial structure” formed by the competitive activities of both competing teams. So, during the game of volleyball, favorable opportunities are created for the manifestation of ingenuity, dexterity, strength, speed, endurance, strong-willed qualities, mutual assistance and other qualities and personality traits. This largely explains the fact that volleyball is included in physical education programs for institutions of general education, primary secondary and higher vocational education.

Thus, volleyball is an unusually spectacular and exciting game. This is a power serve in a jump, powerful attacking shots at the net and from the back line, masterly defensive actions when blocking and in the field, complex tactical combinations involving front and back line players.

Conclusion on paragraph 2.1

Volleyball is a team sports game that develops the following qualities: jumping ability, reaction, coordination, physical strength. Due to the simplicity of the rules and the availability of equipment, it is an excellent means of active recreation and is widely used. One of the main features is a large number of game techniques, thereby creating favorable opportunities for the manifestation of both physical and personal qualities of players. Volleyball is included in physical education programs for various educational institutions.

2 Characteristics of basketball as a means of physical education

Basketball, as a sports game, primarily attracts with its bright entertainment and the presence of a large number of technical and tactical techniques. Possessing high dynamism, emotionality and at the same time individualism and collectivism, basketball, according to many experts in the field of sports, is one of the most effective factors in comprehensive physical development.

By the way, we can say that basketball is probably the only most popular sport, the date and place of its origin are precisely known. Much has been written about the history of the creation of this popular game. Numerous articles and books have written true and fictitious details about the development of the future addiction of millions of players and fans. In a fairly short time, basketball went through its formation stage and subsequent rapid development. For several decades, this game has won the hearts of many fans on all continents of the planet, which in itself is an inexplicable phenomenon.

The game is that players of two teams move around the court with or without the ball and, overcoming the opponent’s resistance, try to throw the ball into the opponent’s basket, while at the same time preventing them from taking possession of the ball and throwing it into their own basket. The winner is the team that, after the expiration of playing time, throws the largest number of balls into the opponent’s basket.

In the system of physical education, basketball has gained such popularity because of the economic accessibility of the game, high emotionality, great spectacular effect, and most importantly, that this game has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Basketball is based on simple natural movements - jumping, running, passing and throwing. Such techniques are easy to learn by both adults and children. Therefore, basketball was included in the program of the education and physical education of children, which begins in kindergartens.

During the game, each player strives to surpass his opponent with the speed of his actions, which are aimed at achieving victory. The game teaches players to maximally mobilize their strength and capabilities, overcome difficulties that arise during the game, and act with maximum effort of physical and moral strength. All these factors contribute to the development of determination, perseverance and determination in young people.

During the game, movements and actions constantly alternate, which constantly change in intensity and duration, and as a result, they have a complex effect on the athlete’s body. Basketball promotes the development of many physical qualities, the formation of motor skills, and also strengthens internal organs.

The situation during the game is constantly changing and new game situations are created all the time. Such conditions force players to constantly observe the progress of the game, develop their ability to instantly assess a position, act quickly, resourcefully and proactively in any situation. By observing the game process, players develop their ability to concentrate, time and spatial orientation.

Continuous changes in the gaming environment, success or failure cause players to display various feelings and experiences that affect their activities. A high level of emotions constantly maintains activity and interest in the game. Possessing such features, basketball creates a number of favorable conditions for instilling in athletes the ability to manage their emotions and not lose the ability to control their actions.

During the game, each player, taking into account the changing game environment, independently determines what actions need to be performed, as well as decide when and how to act. Such actions help to develop creative initiative in players. It should also be remembered that, unlike all team sports, basketball provides the opportunity to demonstrate the individual abilities of each player, and also sometimes provides the opportunity to single-handedly decide the outcome of the game.

The rules of the game also provide for the ethics of behavior of athletes in relation to their opponents and judges. To regulate relationships on the playground between participants, there are personal and technical penalties. This feature creates conditions for nurturing friendship and camaraderie and develops in athletes the habit of subordinating their actions to the interests of the team.

Basketball, as a game, has become widespread and developed and it seems that there is no corner on the planet where basketball is not played. Interest in this game is constantly growing, and competition in the international arena is intensifying. This situation forces us to improve training methods, taking into account the trends in the development of basketball.

During the game, athletes perform a large number of different motor actions, which greatly complicates the quantitative description of their components. Modern training methods force us to create new ways of integrative qualitative and quantitative description of the state of the player’s body as a large system, with the goal of its rational modeling.

Basketball is one of the most popular games in our country. It is characterized by a variety of movements; walking, running, stopping, turning, jumping, catching, throwing and dribbling the ball, carried out in single combat with opponents. Such diverse movements help improve metabolism, the functioning of all body systems, and form coordination. Basketball has not only health-improving and hygienic significance, but also propaganda and educational significance. Basketball lessons help build perseverance, courage, determination, honesty, self-confidence, and a sense of teamwork. But the effectiveness of education depends, first of all, on how purposefully the relationship between physical and moral education is carried out in the pedagogical process.

Basketball, as a means of physical education, has found wide application in various parts of the physical education movement. In the public education system, basketball is included in physical education programs for preschoolers, general secondary, secondary, vocational, specialized secondary and higher education. Basketball is an exciting athletic game that is an effective means of physical education. It is no coincidence that it is very popular among schoolchildren.

Consolidating the achieved results and further increasing the level of sportsmanship are closely intertwined with mass recreational work and qualified training of reserves of the most talented boys and girls. Such reserves are prepared in children's sports schools.

Long-term education of children requires taking into account the characteristics of their age-related development, and in connection with this, a careful set of tools and methods of educational work. Currently, there are many manuals covering in detail modern basketball techniques. They outline general issues of organizing pedagogical work, and also provide specific practical materials that need to be learned at a certain age.

One of the most important tasks of a comprehensive school is to instill in children the need for daily physical exercise. Solving this problem requires perseverance, creativity, and a lot of skills and knowledge from the physical education teacher. And first of all, you need to be able to build on not only your own activities, but also the activities of the students in the lesson. Moreover, so that it has its appropriate continuation in the form of independent studies at home for the purpose of physical self-improvement. And for this, first of all, you need to know the real capabilities of your students. The variety of technical and tactical actions of playing basketball and the gaming activity itself have unique properties for the formation of vital skills and abilities of schoolchildren, the comprehensive development of their physical and mental qualities. The mastered motor actions of playing basketball and associated physical exercises are effective means of promoting health and recreation and can be used by a person throughout his life in independent forms of physical education.

Conclusion on paragraph 2.2

Basketball is a spectacular, team game. As a means of physical education, it has found wide application in various parts of the physical education movement and is included in the physical education programs of various institutions. Due to the availability of equipment and entertainment, it became widespread. It is characterized by the following types of movements: walking, running, stopping, turning, jumping, catching and throwing, as well as dribbling the ball.

3 Structure, goals and content of classes in basketball and volleyball sections for teenagers 15-16 years old

The work program of both volleyball and basketball sections is compiled on the basis of a standard program and recommendations developed by specialists in the field of physical education, regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus and adapted to the specific conditions of the group’s functioning. The section's work program includes an explanatory note, educational and thematic work plans for each year of study and applications. The explanatory note shows the place of sports games in the physical education system; the goals and objectives of the section’s work were determined; methods for diagnosing the results of the educational and training process.

The section work program is usually designed for two years. The program for teenagers 15-16 years old involves training in initial training groups.

If there is a sufficient level of training and the appropriate age, a teenager can join classes in educational and training groups, bypassing the initial training groups. Anyone can attend the section with the consent of their parents and permission from a pediatrician confirming the absence of contraindications to practicing this sport. The number of students in groups is 10-15 people. Duration of classes - 7.5 hours per week. The form of classes is group.

The purpose of the section is to increase the level of physical fitness of adolescents aged 15-16 years.

Strengthening the health and strengthening the body of adolescents;

Ensuring an optimal level of physical performance and physical qualities for a given age;

Increasing general physical fitness;

Development of special physical abilities;

Teaching the basics of technique and tactics for playing volleyball and basketball;

Preparation of sports reserve.

The preparation of a young athlete is carried out through education and training, which are a single pedagogical process aimed at developing and consolidating certain skills, at achieving an optimal level of physical development and high sports results by students. Successful implementation of the educational and training process is possible if the principle of unity of all aspects of training is observed, namely, general physical, special physical, technical, tactical and moral-volitional.

Successful solution of educational and training tasks is possible using two groups of methods: general pedagogical and sports.

General pedagogical or didactic methods include the method of clarity, systematicity, accessibility, individualization of training with unity of requirements, the method of advanced development of physical qualities in relation to technical training, the method of early mastery of complex elements, the method of proportionality, i.e. optimal and balanced development of physical qualities.

Methods of sports training include: the method of continuity and cyclicity of the educational and training process; method of maximizing and gradually increasing requirements; method of wave-like dynamics of training loads; the redundancy method, which involves the use of training loads that exceed competitive ones; method of modeling competitive activity in the training process.

The setting of tasks, the choice of means and methods of training are the same for all students, subject to the requirements of an individual approach and an in-depth study of the characteristics of each student. It is necessary to particularly carefully identify the individual characteristics of students when teaching the technique and tactics of the game, while presenting the same requirements in terms of mastering the basic structure of a technical and tactical technique.

During the training sessions, work is carried out on several types of training. The lesson necessarily includes general physical training, as well as special physical training. During the lesson, work can be carried out on technical, tactical and moral-volitional training of young athletes.

Versatile physical training is carried out throughout the entire educational and training process. All exercises are divided into general developmental, preparatory, introductory and basic. General developmental and preparatory exercises are aimed primarily at developing the functional characteristics of the body, and leading and basic exercises are aimed at developing technical skills and tactical abilities.

In the process of teaching technical techniques, a combination of the method of holistic learning and learning in parts is used. First, the technique is studied as a whole, then they move on to its component parts and finally return to performing the action as a whole. In the process of improving technology, tactical skills are formed.

The distribution of time for all sections of work is carried out in accordance with the objectives of each training session; in accordance with this, training time is distributed by type of training when developing current planning.

In order to objectively determine the level of training of students and timely identify gaps in their training, it is advisable to regularly conduct comprehensive testing.

Control tests on general and special physical and technical training are carried out twice in educational and training groups. Assessment of physical development is carried out using the generally accepted method of biometric measurements. The level of preparedness of students is expressed in quantitative and qualitative indicators of technical, tactical, physical, theoretical preparedness.

Diagnostics of the results is carried out in the form of tests and control exercises. For this purpose, variants of tests and control exercises developed by leading domestic experts are used. One of the methods for monitoring the effectiveness of classes in the section is the participation of students in educational, control and calendar games. Control games are held regularly for educational purposes. Calendar games are used for the purpose of using learned techniques and tactical actions in competitive conditions. Calendar games are held according to the game plan at the district and city levels.

To determine the level of physical fitness of students, the results of tests for jumping ability, speed of movement, range of throwing medicine balls and accuracy of hits with a tennis ball, as well as hanging pull-ups are taken into account. To determine the level of technical readiness, exercises are used to accurately hit the ball during passes, serves, offensive strikes, and throws.

Current control is of great importance, in which the main place is occupied by observation of how technical and tactical techniques are being mastered, and how students apply them in the game.

Conclusion on paragraph 2.3

The program for organizing a team sports section is drawn up in accordance with the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. It should include: an explanatory note, educational and thematic plans and applications. The program is usually drawn up for 2 years. The purpose of the section is to increase the level of physical fitness of those involved. One of the most important tasks is to improve health and ensure an optimal level of physical fitness for a given age.

Conclusion on CHAPTER 2

Volleyball, like basketball, is a team sport. Each of them has its own individual characteristics, but also many similarities between these two games. Both volleyball and basketball do not require hard-to-find equipment, making these “yard” games also a means of active recreation. Moreover, these games can be played by different age groups of the population. Both games are spectacular in their own way: these are power serves in a jump, powerful attacking shots at the net, defensive falls when blocking are characteristic of volleyball and “betting”, 3-point shots, deceptive movements characteristic of basketball. These games are dynamic, the situation during the game is constantly changing, new game situations are created, which does not allow players to relax throughout the match. Volleyball and basketball contribute to the development of many physical qualities, as well as the formation of motor skills and strengthening of internal organs. The games are based on simple movements: jumping, running, passing, throwing, falling. All techniques are easy to learn, allowing even the youngest players to play them. These games contribute to the development of character, teach you to concentrate your strengths and capabilities as much as possible, and teach you to overcome difficulties both arising in the game and encountered in the learning process. Both basketball and volleyball are included in educational programs for various institutions, which speaks of these games as important means of physical education.

Both volleyball and basketball are included in the Olympic Games program. In volleyball, the speed of the ball when serving can reach 130 km/h. With the entertainment of volleyball, we can say the following: July 19, 1983. The friendly match between the national teams of Brazil and the USSR at the famous Maracanã football stadium was watched by 96,500 spectators.

Basketball is no less spectacular: The largest number of spectators (80,000) came to the final match of the European Cup Winners' Cup between AEK (Athens) and Slavia (Prague) at the Olympic Stadium of Athens (Greece) on April 4, 1968.

CHAPTER 3 Health benefits of team sports

1 The health effects of volleyball on the body of adolescents 15-16 years old

game sport volleyball health

What is the effect of volleyball on a teenager’s body? The simple tactics of the game and the absence of direct competition for the ball with the opponent make the game accessible to everyone. The loads affecting the body of those involved are quite moderate. The most physically impactful exercise, running, is used in small doses. The intensity of the main movements in volleyball (hitting the ball, jerking 2-6 m, jumping) depends on the tempo of the game, which can be varied within wide limits.

Playing volleyball contributes to the development of the muscular system: it helps to develop such vital physical qualities as reaction speed, agility, endurance; strengthens the respiratory, cardiovascular and muscular systems; relieves mental fatigue. Playing techniques performed while jumping (blocking) are a good coordinating tool. Volleyball has a positive effect on a teenager’s body without overloading its main systems and organs, which is important, because it is during adolescence that many body systems develop. It teaches you to take collective action, the ability to subordinate your personal interests to the interests of the team, teaches you to be disciplined and to help your partner. According to the unanimous opinion of doctors and specialists in physical culture and sports, the therapeutic and health benefits of volleyball are enormous.

Playing volleyball can be recommended as a complement to medical treatment methods even for patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases - atherosclerosis and hypertension (in the first stage of development). Teenagers playing volleyball get excellent physical relaxation, active and emotional rest. The diversity of volleyball and its qualities such as accessibility, simple material support, and relatively low technical complexity emphasize its place in the arsenal of active recreation for teenagers. Volleyball has evolved in giant strides in recent years. Complex combinations with the connection of back line players, power serves in the jump, a variety of defensive actions - all this has significantly changed volleyball, making it an unusually spectacular and exciting game.

Volleyball, having much in common with other sports games, at the same time differs from them in certain specific features.

The nature of the gaming activity of a volleyball player is determined by the instantaneous change in the situation of competitive struggle, which occurs continuously. The magnitude of the load, consisting of physical and emotional stress, is characterized by extreme variability and depends on many factors: personal and team technical, tactical and physical preparedness, the significance and scale of the competition, the reaction of spectators, teammates, etc.

Repeatedly performing jumps while blocking and attacking blows has a significant impact on the neuromuscular system, causing extremely high changes in the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of a volleyball player.

Due to the specificity of motor activity, which occurs with variable intensity in a dynamic mode of muscle contractions with a continuous and rapid response to a changing environment, adolescents experience significant morphofunctional changes in the activity of analyzers, the musculoskeletal system and internal organs. In particular, the indicators of various functions of the visual analyzer increase: depth vision improves, which contributes to the accuracy of spatial orientation, the field of vision expands, and the coordination of the activity of the external muscles of the eye (muscle balance) significantly improves. Which, in combination with the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the development of adolescents 15-16 years old, gives remarkable results as a health and development factor.

In addition, the intervals of the latent period of simple and complex visual-motor reactions are reduced: reaction indicators improve with the maturation and qualifications of the student.

During the training process, the ability of the volleyball player’s neuromuscular system to quickly tense and relax muscles increases.

A large number of jumps performed helps strengthen the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the lower extremities and significantly increase the dynamic strength of the muscles - the flexors of the foot and the extensors of the leg and thigh. As a result of this, the separation height of the GCT (general center of gravity) of volleyball players is 70-90 cm.

A very noticeable increase is achieved in the indicators of a volleyball player’s back strength, which develops during ballistic striking movements on the ball in the non-support phase. The ligamentous apparatus of the hand is strengthened and its mobility increases. A large volume of training and competitive loads has a significant physiological impact on the functions of the internal organs of adolescents: metabolism, blood circulation, breathing, excretion, etc. This is convincingly evidenced by data on changes in the weight of volleyball players during important competitions. On average, weight loss after such competitions ranges from 1.5 to 2 kg. The high energy consumption of volleyball players allows them to be classified as submaximal power loads.

In the sports activities of a volleyball player under variable situations of a competitive environment, automated movements manifest themselves in a more complex form than, for example, when performing cyclic movements - walking, running, swimming, etc.

When the loads increase gradually, volleyball players' heart rate slows down, blood pressure and breathing rate at rest decrease. Teenagers, playing volleyball, get excellent physical relaxation, actively and emotionally relax.

Volleyball is one of the effective means of physical education. It allows you to improve health, strengthen the body of those involved, promote their comprehensive development and instill in them vital motor skills, an excellent means of introducing teenagers to systematic physical education and sports, and active recreation.

Volleyball is widely used as an effective means of recreation in rest homes, sanatoriums and medical institutions. Modern volleyball places high demands on the functional activity of the body. Most gaming techniques, one way or another, are associated with the maximum manifestation of speed, strength, and dexterity. Psychological preparation of volleyball players occupies a significant place in the work of a coach.

Volleyball directly educates teenagers in the spirit of collectivism, friendship, camaraderie and responsibility to their team. Systematic volleyball training instills hard work and perseverance in those involved, developing a sense of duty and pride in their team. Training and performances in competitions contribute to the development of such valuable qualities as courage and perseverance, determination and dedication, initiative and discipline.

Modern medical, biological and sociological studies show that systematic sports activities among adolescents significantly contribute to increasing their vital activity and ability to work.

Conclusion on paragraph 3.1

The impact that a public game of volleyball has on the body is difficult to overestimate. Like any other type of muscle activity, it contributes to the development of the muscular system. Specific effects include: the volleyball player’s deadlift increases, which develops during ballistic hits on the ball in the flight phase.

A common developmental factor that goes hand in hand with basketball is jumping: it helps to strengthen the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the lower extremities and significantly increase the dynamic strength of the muscles - the flexors of the foot and the extensors of the leg and thigh.

2 The health effects of basketball on the body of adolescents 15-16 years old

One of the team sports that many teenagers can successfully engage in for recreational purposes is basketball. What are the positive effects of playing basketball on the health of adolescents?

The game of basketball is characterized by an abundance of various technical and tactical techniques and a high emotional intensity of the fight. Basketball is an excellent means for all-round physical development. During this game, various types of physical activity are used: running, walking, jumping. At the same time, during the match the game situation and the direct contact of the opponents constantly change. Playing basketball has a positive effect on health due to physical activity of variable intensity. Repeated accelerations of the pace of movement and jumps are constantly interspersed with sudden installations and playful movements at a slow pace. Approximately up to 40% of the total time of playing basketball occurs during the maximum activity of the players. On average, during one basketball match, a participant covers about 7 kilometers and makes about 20 high-speed jerks, and also performs a large number of jumps with maximum effort, subject to active power struggle.

Diverse and constantly changing game situations require game participants to have a large arsenal of motor skills. In the process of improving these skills, a significant increase in the level of physical fitness of a teenager is achieved, which has an invaluable positive effect on health.

With proper organization of basketball training, great opportunities open up for effective health-improving effects on the body. During the game, the teenager exhibits motor activity, while the respiratory organs, endocrine glands and even the digestive system receive good training. Many parts of the nervous system play a particularly important role in organizing movements, since they constantly monitor and regulate the activity of the organs of a particular apparatus. Basketball exercises contribute to a significant expansion of the boundaries of peripheral vision, which has a positive effect on the speed and accuracy of visual perception. It has been proven that with constant basketball practice, the sensitivity of the visual analyzer to the perception of light impulses immediately after the match increases by an average of 40%.

The physical activity performed by a person’s muscles while playing basketball is an important factor for strengthening and improving the physiological state of the cardiovascular system. During the match, the heart rate of the participants reaches 180 - 230 beats per minute, and the maximum blood pressure reaches 180 - 200 mmHg.

The energy costs for just one game are an impressive figure - approximately 900 - 1200 kilocalories! Actively working muscles “burn” a large amount of fat deposits to replenish energy and thus help get rid of excess body weight, giving a slim and toned figure. And since many scientific works have already been written about the negative impact of “extra” kilograms on health, another argument in favor of choosing basketball as an active recreation becomes obvious.

The frequency of respiratory movements during a game of basketball reaches 50 - 60 cycles per minute, and the minute volume of breathing varies between 120 - 150 liters. Therefore, such an intense load on the respiratory system has a positive effect on health by increasing the vital capacity of the lungs.

The beneficial effect of playing basketball on a person’s health can be due not only to the holistic gaming activity, but also to the performance of various individual gaming exercises used during training. Some similar elements, such as throwing a ball into a basket, have found application in recreational and therapeutic physical education.

In order for basketball training to have only a positive effect on your health, you should pay increased attention to some issues in preparing for training.

In addition to the beneficial effect on a teenager’s health, playing basketball contributes to the development of self-control, increased endurance, initiative and creative thinking, courage and determination. Systematic training also leads to the formation of independence, perseverance and determination.

Conclusion on paragraph 3.2

Playing basketball is an excellent means for all-round physical development. Features include alternating loads - acceleration of the tempo alternating with sudden stops and playing at a slow pace. Individual game exercises, such as throwing a ball into a basket, often used in therapeutic physical education, also have a positive effect on the body.

Conclusion on Chapter 3

Game sports, subject to the principles of consistency and gradualness, as well as sufficient qualifications of the coach, promote the physical development of adolescents. Both volleyball and basketball do not have an isolated effect on a single organ or system, but on their totality, so the entire body is affected. Causing changes not only in internal organs and their functioning, but also affecting muscles, joints, and ligaments.

Under the influence of playing competitive sports, oxygen consumption by tissues increases sharply, which leads to changes in the functioning of both the respiratory and cardiovascular systems - increasing the respiratory rate by 2-2.5 times, and the pulse by 2-3 times. Thus having both a strengthening and developing effect on these systems.

But it is necessary to take into account that in order to have a healing effect on the body, systematic and cyclical exercise in team sports is necessary. Therefore, in order for a health-improving effect to appear, it is necessary to provide the teenager with systematic classes and to exclude occasional classes. There are questions here not only of the teenager’s motivation, but also of character education. It has been established that systematic, properly organized game sports promote the physical development of children and adolescents.

If we compare a teenager who engages in team sports on a regular basis and one who does not show interest in sports, we will see clear differences: as a rule, such teenagers have more pronounced annual weight gain, greater body length, higher chest circumference and excursion, greater muscle strength and vital capacity of the lungs. Also, classes lead to an increase in average indicators of physical development; they are usually higher than those of peers who are not related to sports. On average, athletes' height is 5-6 cm higher, body weight is 7.00-9.50 kg higher, chest circumference is higher by 5.70-6.10 cm, and lung capacity is higher by 1100 ml. The numbers naturally also depend on the game sport chosen by the teenager.

The healing effect also affects the cardiovascular system. In adolescents involved in team sports, the stroke volume of the heart increases and the heart rate decreases. At the same time, the work of the respiratory organs becomes more efficient. The need for oxygen is met not by the frequency of inhalations (as is the case in untrained adolescents), but by the increased ability to absorb oxygen by the inner surface of the lungs, as well as by the larger volume of inhaled air.

It is impossible not to note the changes that occur in metabolism. Thus, trained adolescents absorb nutrients much better, and deeper oxidative processes lead to less harmful substances entering the blood.

It is also necessary to note the influence of team sports on the nervous activity of a teenager. It is known that adolescence leaves its mark on the behavior of a teenager. The impact of playing team sports is varied, including increased strength, improved mobility and balance of the nervous processes that take place in the cerebral cortex. And as a result, the plasticity of the nervous system, which in turn creates the prerequisites for acquiring the ability to more quickly adapt to new types of activities and the environment.

Having studied the anatomical and physiological characteristics of adolescents aged 15-16 years, we can conclude the formation of individual organs or systems:

The skeletal system, like the shape of the chest, is approaching “adult” values. Bones have greater strength, but at the same time their elasticity decreases.

Cardiovascular system - pulse within 60-80 beats. min, pressure 120/70 mm Hg. Art., almost the same as the values ​​of an adult, but the heart is smaller in weight and the stroke volume is lower.

Nervous system - analytical and abstract thinking continues to improve. But a teenager doing intellectual work quickly gets tired.

There are also features that need to be taken into account when organizing work with teenagers:

Teenagers have a high tissue oxygen consumption, so when planning classes it is necessary to control the operation of the ventilation and ventilation system of the place for playing team sports.

Since adolescents are characterized by high lability of the nervous system, they experience heart rhythm disturbances, therefore it is necessary to pay high attention to aerobic exercises when constructing a training cycle.

The influence of volleyball and basketball on the body of adolescents:

Provides comprehensive physical development. Increases the body's resistance to negative influences. Improves the functionality of the body;

Forms and improves motor skills and abilities;

Fosters discipline, collectivism, develops strong-willed and moral qualities.

Promotes the development of hygienic skills, providing knowledge on hygiene in playing sports and self-control.

In order to provide a health-improving effect on a teenager’s body from playing team sports, the following requirements must be taken into account:

Provide the teenager with systematic and planned activities in team sports;

When planning, as well as during the lesson, monitor the load, it must correspond to the level of preparedness of the students;

Monitor the motivation of adolescents, as well as their general psychological state;

Monitor the health status of adolescents, as well as their compliance with hygiene requirements and rules.

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During training in sections of sports games, various movements and actions are performed. The resulting physical activity helps strengthen the cardiovascular and nervous systems, has a positive effect on the respiratory system and musculoskeletal system, and improves metabolism in the body. The need to perform precise and dexterous movements affects the development of the eye, the formation of accuracy and speed of movements, and muscle strength. Thanks to all these positive effects, the impact of sports games on human health cannot be overestimated.

During sports games, trainees develop the ability to make quick independent decisions and improve the ability to modify their movements in speed, direction and intensity. The effect on human health is also expressed in the development of endurance, speed and agility, maintaining muscle tone, and the formation of increased resistance to colds due to strengthening the immune system.

For women who have decided to attend classes in sports games sections for the first time, sports such as badminton, volleyball, and tennis are best suited. The physical activity received during training in these sections is characterized by a relatively low intensity and complexity of the movements performed. Therefore, these sports games, due to their technical complexity, are quite accessible to people who have never played sports before. Improving technical and tactical actions during training will help increase the level of physical fitness and will have a huge positive impact on human health. With a sufficiently high level of physical development, it is quite possible for women to enroll in basketball, handball or aquatics sections. However, in order for attending basketball or handball training to have only a positive effect on health, it should be remembered that these sports games are characterized by a fairly high pace of play, the need to perform a large number of speed-strength movements and significant physical activity on all major organ systems human body. Therefore, in order to avoid exacerbation of existing diseases and deterioration of health, it is advisable to consult a doctor before attending classes in sports sections.

In recent years, in the media, you can increasingly see reports about sports tournaments among women's football or even hockey teams, and some sports clubs offer the fair sex to enroll in such sections. However, such sports games are characterized by particularly sharp movements, strong and violent collisions between team members, and require enormous body tension and great muscle strength. Therefore, for women whose professional career is not associated with high sports achievements and for whom visiting the sports games section is of interest mainly because of the positive effect on health or because of the ability to form a slim figure, sports such as football or hockey are still not quite suitable.