Preview of the “Monk” class. New class: Monk. Class balance What specializations does a monk have in WWII?

In WOW, a monk is a versatile fighter, especially if he has Windwalker. When he fights, he uses not just energy, but also Qi energy. Some parameters have been reworked and changed. For example, a monk had the talent Stunning Strike, which became Summon Black Bull Statue. The parameters of some abilities have been increased. If we talk about the WOW 7.3 patch, the monk received a lot of goodies.


So, upon reaching level 15, you acquire the Eye of the Tiger. The enemy receives damage equal to 172% of your attack power for 8 seconds. For the same amount, the monk receives restoration of his health.

At level thirty, Tiger's Fervor will be achieved - can only affect our ally. He gains increased speed for 6 seconds. If your ally has any effects that immobilize or slow him down, they are removed.

At level forty-five you will have Power Up Strikes. Tiger's Paw can create one additional unit of Chi once every 15 seconds.

At 60 you will get a Spin Kick. All enemies within a 5m radius of the monk are knocked down and are stunned for five seconds.

75 - a healing elixir is available, it has two charges, it can restore the monk 15% of his maximum health. If it is less than 35%, then the elixir will automatically add 15% to it.

At level 90 Long streak. When a monk attacks, some attacks are dealt in a row. Each such attack will cause a series of hits and cause damage.

At level 100, Spinning Dragon Strike. You do a spinning kick. This deals a certain amount of damage to enemies around you. This amount is equal to 506.3% of your attack power multiplied by 3.

Secondary Characteristics

Mastery comes first. However, it should be borne in mind that if there are several targets, the speed is much better. It increases the damage received from some abilities, but abilities cannot be used more than twice in a row.

The second is a critical hit. The higher it is, the greater the chance of delivering such a blow.

The third point is versatility, it increases not only the damage dealt by the monk, but also healing, and will reduce the damage received.

4 - speed increases - energy is replenished faster, attack speed is restored and cooldowns are reduced.


Much depends on how many goals there are: one or several. Assuming there is only one target, then apply the Rising Sun Strike first. Next use Fists of Fury and Wind Lord Strike. Then the enemy receives quite heavy damage, and the movement speed is reduced by half for several seconds. If there are many targets, use Storm, Earth and Fire first.

In WOW, the monk is divided into 3 strong spirits that attack your opponents. You need a Gust of Jade Wind to cast Sign of the Crane, you can spin around and deal quite a lot of damage.


If your monk uses the Windwalker specialization, then he has Storm, Earth and Fire, but it is better to combine it with some other effects. The best one is Death Touch. In this case, the enemy receives damage, which depends on how much health you have. It is recommended to use it more often.

It is important to know that the energy will be replenished on its own, with a maximum of 100 energy units. If a monk does not fight with anyone, then he has a lot of energy. Chi energy has a maximum of 5 units.

Deathtouch has a 2 second cooldown. The enemy receives a negative effect for 8 minutes. The damage taken by the enemy depends on how much health the monk has.

Tempest has 2 charges with a cooldown of 1.5 minutes. He takes control of one spirit, the rest simply copy the movements. The damage they cause is 45% of normal.


If a character is somewhere on vacation, not fighting with anyone, then he changes his talents.

When he reaches level 15, he has Eye of the Tiger, Tiger Paw, as well as Chi Burst and Chi Wave. If there is 1 enemy, then it is recommended to use the last one. This way you can strike, trigger a cooldown. The spell heals multiple targets and deals damage. There can be 7 targets in total, and the radius is 25 meters. You can choose an enemy, you can choose an ally. If you direct it at an ally, he will be healed and the enemy will receive damage. The wave itself can select those targets that have the heaviest damage.

At level thirty in WOW, a monk gets Flying instead of somersault. This way you can move faster. Somersault and Tiger's Fervor are not related to each other. If you need to speed up briefly and quickly, then use mobility. If it's a long stay, take a flight.

At level 60, you can use Summon Statue, so enemies who are close to the statue will see the threat. She provokes them. If you want to protect some important object, then it is best to use the Circle of Peace; it can form a ring for 8 seconds, which will repel enemies who step into it.

At level 90, it is recommended to use Long Streak by default. If there are 5 or more opponents, then use Serenity and Gust of Jade Wind. If the target is powerful enough and it is desirable to eliminate it quickly, it is recommended to summon the White Tiger.

It is worth understanding that if a monk used Serenity in WOW legion, he will no longer be able to use Storm, Earth and Fire.

At level 100, all players agreed that Serenity was the best.

She can save you in any situation. If the battle is very long or large-scale, then the Spinning Dragon Strike will help.

Sometimes it is difficult to decide on the characteristics of the classes. For example, in WOW there is a monk, a guide for him can be found below.

Legendary items

If you find such a wonderful thing somewhere, immediately put it on yourself, even if you already have some equipment on you. The item will give you a very large increase due to its level. You can wear 1 by default, and + 2. All items have some special features, so choose carefully.

Horn case. Can be used in any situation.

Imperial capacitor - used to fight with one target.

Howling wind. To fight with one goal.

Sinidaria. If the target has more than 90% health, then it will increase the attack. If at the beginning of the battle you need to deal a lot of damage, then it is very good to use it.

Katsuo's Eclipse will increase your damage. Can be used in any situation.

No Touch applies if there are multiple targets. You will need Death Touch.

Fervent Desire will increase your damage for one target, but may be good for several.

March of the Legion. With its help, you can run very fast, if you need to get out of the danger zone, then it will help you.

Prydaz - will help you stay alive during strong attacks. If there are any missions and places where you need to survive, then use it.

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A monk with the Windwalker specialization is capable of dealing heavy damage to one or more targets and has a smooth rotation. In terms of effectiveness, he can compare with any other melee fighter. In addition, such monks show themselves at their best when completing dungeons.

List of changes to the guide as of 2/28/52/17:

  • Enchantments, Food and Consumables: Ancient Healing Potion has been changed to Astral Healing Potion.
  • Rotation: Added a small clarification regarding the use of Knockout Punch.
  • Equipment: Updated recommendations for bonuses from T21, rating of legendary items and list of the best equipment.
  • Artifact: Relic priority has been updated.
  • Short review: Updated talent selection recommendations for newcomers.
  • Equipment: Kil'jaeden's Burning Desire has been added to the list of legendary items.

Guide to the monk with the Windwalker specialization is relevant for World of Warcraft Legion 7.3. Here's everything you need to know to effectively complete Mythic Expanded raids and dungeons.

Changes in patch 7.3

  • The damage of some abilities and talents has been increased.

Changes in patch 7.2

  • Artifact talents have been reworked. By investing 35 points in development, the player gains access to new talents (Ferocity of the Order of the Fallen Temple, Personality Stratification, Grand Schemer, Thunderfist and Legion's Doom Army Coherence). An additional (fourth) rank has been added to all old talents.
  • Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick, and Rising Sun Kick have been buffed.
  • The legendary item Drinking Horn Cover now also affects Serenity.

Changes in patch 7.1.5:

  • The Stunning Blows talent has given way to Summon Black Bull Statue (functions similarly to the Brewmasters talent of the same name).
  • Gust of Jade Wind now applies Mark of the Crane to a maximum of 5 targets.
  • The Peace Circle no longer applies to players and pushes enemies outside of it.
  • Spray magic cools down for 90 sec. (instead of 2 min.)
  • Softens the impact for 10 seconds. reduces damage received by 20-50% (it is more effective on strong attacks than on weak ones).

1. Changes in the Legion

Compared to Warlords of Draenor, the Windwalker specialization has partially changed.

  • The Enraged Tiger Stance has been removed from the game.
  • Dzuki was removed from the game.
  • Tiger Power Brew has been removed from the game.
  • The surprise move has been removed from the game.
  • The former Mastery has become Mastery: Combo.
  • Harm Removal has been removed from the game.
  • Fortifying Brew and Zen Meditation have been removed from the game.

2. Brief guide

This section is intended for those who are just starting to play as a monk, do not have the goal of attending Mythic raids, or are simply looking to simplify their playstyle as much as possible and do not want to constantly have to remember priorities and monitor various effects.


Windwalker monks are versatile fighters who can deal damage to one or more targets and have a relatively simple and smooth rotation.

In battle, they use two resources - energy and qi energy. These resources are consumed when using certain abilities and enhance them. Try not to waste resources and do not let them sit idle, because... it directly depends on the outgoing damage.

Talent Selection

These talents allow you to play at an acceptable level without any extra effort and are only slightly inferior to the optimal options.

  • Level 15: Eye of the Tiger
  • Level 30: Tiger's Fervor
  • Level 45: Empowering Strikes
  • Level 60: Round Kick
  • Level 75: Situational / Healing Elixir
  • Level 90: Long Streak
  • Level 100: Spinning Dragon Kick


The current secondary stat priority for Windwalker is:

  1. Mastery
  2. Critical hit
  3. Versatility
  4. Speed

In multi-target combat, speed takes precedence over skill.

Basic Rotation

One goal

Windwalker Monk rotation for a single target is based on the following priority list:

  1. Use Rising Sun Kick.
  2. Use Fists of Fury.
  3. Use Wind Lord Strike.
  4. Use Spinning Dragon Kick.
  5. Use Tiger Paw
    • If you have accumulated maximum energy and no more than 4 units. qi energy:
  6. Use Knockout Punch.
    • Remember that each Tiger Paw has a chance to allow you to use the next Knockout Strike without spending any Chi.
  7. Use Tiger Paw.

Multiple targets

In multi-target combat, it is recommended to use Storm, Earth, and Fire early in the fight and then combined with Fists of Fury. After this, Fists of Fury is used on cooldown, and Storm, Earth and Fire are used as charges are restored.

  • Touch of Death
  • Storm, earth and fire

3. Abilities

This section is intended for those who have just begun to master the specialization. In it we will look at all the available abilities and talk about how they interact with important cooldowns. If you have been familiar with the specialization for a long time and feel comfortable in combat, you can move on to reading other sections.

3.1. Key Resources

The main resources for a Windwalker are energy and chi.

Energy is replenished passively, the speed of replenishment depends on the speed indicator. The maximum energy reserve is 100 units, the current reserve never fades, i.e. outside of combat, your energy supply is always full. If the energy reserve is full, all the energy received is wasted.

Tiger paw. The maximum reserve of qi energy is 5 units; it quickly fades away outside of combat and does not fade away in combat. With a full supply of chi energy, all additional charges are wasted.

Chi energy is consumed when using various abilities, Tiger Paw requires energy expenditure. Effective management of these resources ensures maximum damage is dealt.

3.2. Basic Abilities

These abilities always remain the same, regardless of the choice of talents.

Tier 2 talents (level 30)

  • Chi flight replaces somersault. Allows you to move forward (further than Roll) and increases movement speed by 30%. Duration of action - 10 seconds. The effect stacks up to 2 times.
  • Tiger's Fervor is an active ability with a 30 sec cooldown. Removes all movement speed limiting effects from the target and increases movement speed by 70%. Duration of action - 6 seconds. Can be applied to both yourself and allies.
  • Mobility is a passive ability that increases the number of charges of Tumble by 1 and reduces its cooldown by 5 sec.

The talents of this tier directly affect movement speed, so choosing one of them depends on the characteristics of the battle.

Tier 3 talents (level 45)

  • Exciting Brew is an active ability with a 1-minute cooldown. Instantly replenishes all energy and qi.
  • Greatness of Spirit increases the maximum Chi energy reserve by 1 unit. and increases the speed of energy replenishment by 10%.
  • Empowering hits restore 1 unit. chi energy when using Tiger Paw. Can trigger no more than once every 15 seconds.
  1. Healing Winds and Good Karma (in any order)

All remaining points must be distributed as follows:

  1. Inner Harmony, Tiger Claws, Xuen Power and Thousand Cranes Power, in any order
  2. Art of Death, Light Steps and Healing Winds, in any order

Relic Selection

A monk with the Windwalker specialization should pay attention not only to the level of the item, but also to the talent that the relic improves. Each talent has a “cost” in item levels, meaning you can sacrifice a corresponding number of level units for it. When comparing relics, calculate the value of each of them in accordance with the table below:

  1. Xuen's Strength (+9 units if there is a bonus from 4T21)
  2. Increasing wind (+8 units)
  3. Fists of the Wind and Personality Stratification (+7 units)
  4. Tiger Claws (+4 units)
  5. Inner harmony (+3 units)
  6. Xuen's Strength (+2 units in the absence of the bonus from 4T21)
  7. All other relics (+0 units)
  • Deathtouch should be used as often as possible. It should be remembered that this spell deals damage over 8 seconds. You shouldn't use it on targets that don't live long enough.
  • Storm, earth and fire are also used on cooldown. Try to combine it with other enhancement effects. Don't let unnecessary charges sit idle.

The effects of other abilities obtained as a result of choosing talents are described in the corresponding section.

9. Additional information: How to play Windwalker

The information presented in the previous sections will allow you to produce competitive damage while playing Windwalker. However, there are a few more points that need to be mentioned.

9.1. Energy and chi energy

9.1.1. Energy

Energy is a resource for monks, similar to the resources of robbers and druids of the Power of the Beast specialization. What you need to know about monk energy:

  • Energy is replenished passively. The rate of energy replenishment is affected by the secondary characteristic of the same name.
  • Maximum energy reserve - 100 units.
  • Energy does not decrease on its own. In a normal state (for example, before the start of a battle), the energy reserve will be full.
  • If the energy reserve is full, all the energy received will be wasted.

9.1.2. Qi energy

Chi energy is a resource unique to monks. What you need to know about chi energy:

  • Chi energy is replenished when using Tiger Paw.
  • Chi energy is spent on the use of important abilities that are part of the rotation.
  • The maximum number of chi energy charges is 5 (6 with the Ascension talent).
  • Outside of battle, the qi energy gradually fades away, but does not fade away in battle. At the start of the fight you will have no chi energy.
  • With a full supply of chi energy, all additional charges will be wasted.

9.2. Mastery: Combo

15.1.2. Addons for boss fights Deadly Boss Mods or Bigwigs

They warn you about bosses' abilities and give useful advice on mechanics. We strongly recommend downloading and installing them. Remember that it is more popular than .

15.1.3. GTFO

15.1.5. Weak Auras

WeakAuras is a very useful addon that allows you to visualize buff/debuff effects and cooldowns. The addon has flexible settings and allows you to more effectively use the features of a particular class. You can also use it for other purposes.

15.1.6. Recount / Skada

15.1.7. Grid and GridClickSets (optional)

ElvUI includes some good raid frames. Grid and GridClickSets are only used if you want to remove debuffs from raid or group members by right-clicking on a player's portrait in raid frames. If you install Grid, don't forget about

Monks(eng. Monk) are known throughout the world for their asceticism and determination. They usually belong to certain factions, including the Scarlet Crusade and the Argent Crusade. Monks are also found among the draenei.


This section contains reflections or conclusions, not official information.

Since monks were absent from the original Warcraft RPG manual, they were long believed to not exist in the Warcraft universe. However, later monks did appear and were implemented as rune masters, and references to them are frequent both in RPG rulebooks and in the game world of World of Warcraft. However, not a single class directly named monk was created.

Taking a closer look at the abilities of monks in the MMO game world, it becomes clear that their abilities are very similar to classic D&D monks, including a divine source of strength and attack in their special Flurry of Blows stance. In this case, it is very difficult to draw parallels with rune masters, who are arcanists by nature, which leads to the conclusion that there are monks as a separate class.

On the other hand, certain similarities with monks can be seen in priests who have chosen the talents of the “Discipline” branch, although due to the game mechanics they are spellcasters - punches will be practically useless in battle.


Source of information in this section – board game manuals in the Warcraft universe.

When transforming into human form, Malygos took on the appearance of a monk or similar maverick.

Shadows & Light, page 91

Among the pandarens there are many monks who carry their own special philosophy of studying martial arts.

Alliance & Horde Compendium, pp. 74-75

Runemasters are monk-like arcane spellcaster

Magic & Mayhem, pp. 33-75

I've been wanting to talk about this for a long time. With the advent of monks into the game, we get a third class that can tank, heal or deal damage, but monks this will happen according to completely different mechanics. Then who is this - Monk? Let's take a look from the point of view of those who will play as him, and from the point of view of those who will have to fight against this character.

The very first change that monk contributes to the game - this is the number of classes in the game. Not only does this mean that there are now 11 classes in the game, but it also means that we now have a total of 5 tanking classes and 5 healing classes. Also, now in the world of WoW there are 4 classes whose main specialization is to deal damage (DPS) and 7 more classes that are simply capable of this. We also see that we can now have 33 specializations, i.e. 3 talent lines for 11th grade.

Who it - monk?

Even though monks will be quite different from other classes, we will still have to deal with the problem of other classes falling in popularity, because this already happened when death knights were introduced. In this regard monk- triple threat because monk you can do absolutely what you want, i.e.: tank, heal your teammates and deal damage. There are a couple of factors that somehow save the situation - this is that monks cause damage only in melee (and battles in WoW are very cruel to those who fight in melee) and the fact that, unlike death knights, we will have to start from the first level. But will this be enough to dissuade all people from changing their class to monk?

This largely depends on when the monk is introduced into the game. If it is introduced with the new Mists of Pandaria update, then players will literally be forced to level 90 as quickly as possible in order to immediately complete level 90 raids and dungeons. Such players will not switch to monk, unless they can manage to upgrade their monk to level 90 on time.

If the monk is introduced in the patch preceding "Mists of Pandaria" (it seems to me that this is unlikely to happen, but it is impossible to say for sure), then the likelihood that players will want to switch to the monk increases somewhat. Anyway, monks will be additional characters for many. Starting from level 1, we are unlikely to make it easier for ourselves to level up monk, as was the case with death knights, even if we create a pandaren monk whose racial abilities help with leveling.

The main effect that monk will have an effect on the other classes will be that monk can perform any of three roles. At the moment, we don't know how he will do this, but we do know that he will be able to tank, heal and deal damage, which means that he will most likely attract the attention of owners of classes that can do all of those things. same thing.

Equipment system monk very similar to the druid equipment system (staves, leather items for intelligence and agility). The tank monk's specialization will most likely be to obtain leather items for agility and evasion, which means that two classes will need such items. It means that monk, with its different playstyle and similar equipment system, will be able to help the druid or even replace him, depending on how many druids switch to monks.

Monks against paladins

Paladins and monks will have almost no common equipment that they both might need, aside from one-handed axes or swords (but this also applies to priests, druids, shamans, or even those classes that deal magic damage and do not heal). But the thing is that in the raid monk and paladin play an almost identical role. The Druid has the 4 most used specializations in Mists of Pandaria: Damage in Cat/Bear Form, Tanking in Bear Form, Healing in Tree Form, and Magic Damage in Moonkin Form. The only thing a monk doesn't have is a fourth specialization.

But paladins and monks have the same role. They can tank, heal, and deal damage. They do this in different ways, using different equipment, but this just gives paladins more reasons to try the monk. More races can be monks than paladins, so if you're tired of your race and want to change, then monk will give you even more opportunities. Players who are very familiar with the Paladin playstyle will be able to try out the Monk with its completely new gameplay mechanics, will be able to get acquainted with a new playstyle and new things that they will have to learn.

Monks also have an attractive side for those classes that can fill 2 roles (shamans, warriors, priests and death knights), namely the ability to try out a third party. That is, if your character can tank and deal damage, why not try a character who specializes in healing? For example, shamans use the same weapons as monks and also start with leather armor before learning chain mail at level 40. The exotic style of playing as a monk, as well as the new game mechanics, will attract many players, but those players who are comfortable playing as a character whose game mechanics and specialization they understand will not play as a monk.

We forgot to talk about classes whose specialization is to deal damage in melee/ranged combat. The arrival of monks means that WoW now has 4 classes that can only deal damage, as well as 7 classes that can deal damage, 3 of which can fill any role. If you play as a rogue, you will find a lot of similarity in equipment (leather armor, swords, axes and fist weapons) and at the same time monk introduces a completely new gameplay mechanic that is somewhat similar to the combo point rogue gameplay mechanic, but removes the auto-attack. This means that of all the classes that exist in the World of Combat Craft, robbers are the first candidates to go beyond monk. Characters who deal damage from a distance have no reason to switch to a monk because they will have to learn new game mechanics as well monks always fight in close combat. I think that some of these players will still go for monk, but there will clearly be fewer such players.

Be afraid monks who bring you gifts

In the end I would like to say. what's the introduction to the game monk is a more extensive introduction to the game than the introduction of death knights in the game, because. those started at level 55, and the monks will start leveling up from level one and will have the opportunity to go through the leveling period from level 1 to level 60, which means that they will have to go a longer way and spend more time. This may put some people off, but many will go for it. monk, as many switched to draenei shamans and blood elf paladins when the Burning Legion expansion came out.

Here's what we need to know before monk will be introduced into the game:

  • The balance of tanking and healing will be changed, as a class will be introduced that can fill both of these roles. There will be a lot of competition for leather items for tanking, since at the moment only one class needs them.
  • Another hybrid class will be added, i.e. a class that can perform 3 roles.
  • Another melee-only class has been added, meaning the battles we saw in Cataclysm will be even more brutal.
  • The 3-role specialization of monks, their new game mechanics, and a similar equipment system for some classes will most likely lead to the interest of many other classes in monk.
  • We'll likely see the monk grow in popularity like we did with death knights, but the completely new monk game mechanics and the fact that you have to start at level 1 may turn off some players who don't want to waste time.
  • I really want to see what happens. I will create for myself monk, although I'm not going to make him my main character. I am too attached to the warrior. But I expect that monk will replace my death knight and shaman in terms of what kind of additional character I would like to play.

Now let's take a look at the questions that players asked Blizzard employees about the monk:

Quote Blizzard employees

Guest asks:

Since the introduction of the monk, many players have come forward with their opinions on how this class will heal (heal). We've been told that the monks will have some kind of stance that will have mana in them, but we're wondering how this will affect those abilities that require Chi to use, and whether the monks will get any benefit from fighting in close quarters fight like a paladin, or it will become a requirement. Or maybe the idea of ​​healing melee fighters was replaced?

Koraa answers:

Monk will be able to choose how to heal. Use melee attack spells that also heal, or heal from a distance. This system is very similar to how a priest is able to heal using Smite or heal using spells that are only cast on friendly targets and require a casting time. So if you choose to heal from a distance, you will still be competitive. Spells that require Chi will require a certain amount of mana and will have a longer cooldown because... you are in a healing stance. Also, if we talk about specific abilities, there will be a talent that will replace “Roll” with another spell that requires mana and heals you, as well as dealing damage to the character you “rolled” through.

Jonathan Fuller asks:

What were the reasons (other than establishing a balance) for healers (healers) to replace a new resource with mana? I think anyone who wants to play as a healer can choose any character out there, but I would change my mind if the monk had his infinite resource instead of mana.

Koraa answers:

Changing the monk's healing resource from mana to his own was discussed earlier. Even now there is a small probability that we will still go this way, but it is very small. The reasons for rejecting this idea are simple. First of all, there are many nuances that a mana healer must take into account. He must always have potions with mana with him, he must have in stock things and abilities that will help him restore this very mana. If we gave a monk an infinite resource for healing, then all these things would become unnecessary for him.

Andrew asks:

A question has already been asked about the tank monk. Can you give some outline of how monk will it tank? As well as monk will it compete with other tanks in PvP? After all, many groups consider any other tank other than a warrior to be useless.

Koraa answers:

All monks(Damage Dealers (DPS), Tanks and Healers) will use a resource of double combo points called "Strength". Therefore, for the Brewer (tank) there will be a choice between two styles of tanking - “Dark” and “Light”. For example, dark power can be spent on a larger shield, while light power can increase its absorption capacity. Or, if you don't care much about your own defense (maybe you have a good healer in the raid), then you can spend dark power to deal more damage.

The brewer also has drinks that provide short-term buffs that replenish Light and Dark powers, Chi energy, etc. They can also summon a bull statue which can do some interesting things :)

Raymond Malozzi asks:

Will we see an animation of a drunk character when he goes out for a drink or something like that?

Koraa answers:

Currently, if you're playing as a Brewer, you have the animation of a tipsy monk, so you look... well, sometimes you look a little winky.

Kurtiizle asks:

Will any information about Monk talents be revealed before the release of Update 4.3? It seems to me that many are interested in learning how to play this class.

Wradyx replies:

It's too early to talk about a fully finished talent tree. Everything that we showed you will remain as it is and changing anything would be pointless. You'll have to be patient and wait until the Monks beta to see what the talent tree will look like.

Guest asks:

Will there be animation for all races playing as monk, the same? Or will the animation for each race be developed separately?

Xerath responds:

Because Pandaren taught all the monks of Azeroth, they use the same style and stances, although the animations may vary between races.

Ulfric Wulf DeNalli asks:

Can you "make" us play windshoe monks? What skills/abilities/buffs can they bring to the raid so that others would want to take one? monk to your raid?

Koraa answers:

Here is one of the mechanics of the Windwalker Monk. You can summon 3-5 healing orbs that heal players who run through them, and players who have to run past fires or other damaging objects will be able to run through your orbs to receive quick healing. It's not required in a raid, but it's definitely an ability that no existing class has.

Greetings, Windwalker Monks of World of Warcraft! We'll show you the WoW Monk Guide on how to play a Windwalker monk at level 90.

Windwalkers has two resources:

  1. energy
  2. and qi energy.

Monk Energy Guide

Energy allows you to accumulate chi energy, which is needed to use abilities that cause great damage.

  • Before the battle, do not forget about the “White Tiger Legacy” ability, which increases all characteristics and the likelihood of a critical hit.

In battle, you will replenish cis energy with the help of "Dzuki". Turn to this ability if there is not enough qi energy for more powerful ones.

  • You can also use the Tiger Paw ability to apply the Tiger Strength effect. Tiger Paw consumes 1 unit. chi energy and does relatively little damage, so use it to maintain the effect.
  • Another important ability is Rising Sun Kick. Use it when ready when you have the Power of the Tiger effect on you.
  • Also use the Fists of Fury ability as often as possible.
  • The rest of the time, direct your chi energy to deliver Knockout Blows.

While following this core rotation, keep an eye out for the Surprise Attack ability. It can trigger whenever you use Zuki, and allows you to use Tiger Palm or Knockout Punch without spending any Chi.

You will be notified of the “Unexpected Impact” by icons to the left and right of your character. The icon on the left - you can use the “Tiger Paw”, and the icon on the right - “Knockout Punch”. Rising Sun Strike is a priority, but Surprise Strike is also worth using.

To fully master the art of a monk, there is a lot to learn. But we hope this