Passage of the game big quest inheritance. Youda Mystery: The Stanwick Legacy Walkthrough

For all the toy lovers of the "I'm looking for" genre who have encountered difficulties in passing the game"Youda Mystery. The Stanwyck Legacy" I suggest you read this description.

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First floor.

We examine the bedside table at the end of the lobby to get a doll, a door handle and a can opener during the search.
We go into the living room and take the 1st cube on the table.
Insert the handle into the door in the left corner of the room and click on the sliders to the right of the handle in the correct order to open the door (in my case it was a combination of 1,5,4,3,2 and 6 counting from top to bottom.
We enter the bedroom and click on the dressing table on the right in the corner for a hidden object scene.
Get a light bulb and pliers.
Let's go back to the living room and use the pincers to tear off half of the coat of arms nailed to the floor to the left of the table.
Let's go back to the lobby and go right into the hallway.
Click on the electrical panel at the end of the hallway to start a mini-game.
We insert the bulb into its place and then move the rows of wires to the right or left so that all the bulbs light up.
Go to the kitchen and use the can opener on the can on the dining table.
We take a cube from the jar. Click on the pantry door located at the far end of the kitchen for a HOS.
We get a hammer and a music box.
Click on the cooktop on the right for a Hidden Object Scene.
The cube goes into inventory.
Go back to the hallway and use the Hammer on the top left glass window to get the second part of the coat of arms.
We go into the living room and insert the two parts of the coat of arms into the chest next to the table.
Click on the chest for a Hidden Object Scene to get a lantern and a cube.
We go into the hallway and click on the door on the right to open it.
We illuminate the pantry with a lantern to search for objects.
Cube in inventory.
We go to the end of the vestibule for a hidden object scene to get the key.
We go to the kitchen, click on the tile next to the door to the pantry.
By rotating the tiles, we will restore the pattern to open the cache and get a cube and a letter.
We go into the bedroom and zoom in on a rectangle with cells on the wall above the table.
We insert the cubes into the cells and solve the riddle (By rotating and turning the cubes, we make up the image of the coat of arms).
At the end of the game, the cubes will turn around and reveal the code for the elevator.
The entry will appear in your notebook.
We leave into the lobby and stomp to the end to the elevator.
We click on the buttons to change the characters on them (look in notepad for a solution).
Click on top button with a triangle to get to the 2nd floor.

Entrance hall on the second floor.
Click on the nightstand by the wall on the left for a Hidden Object Scene to get duct tape.
We go through the door to the left into the big hall.
We raise the key from the floor in front of the wheelchair.
Click on the table to the right of the central Hidden Object Window to get a doorknob.
Let's examine the piano and install the music box on the keys.
Press the keys in the order shown on the music box (FEFCBEF).

From the cache we take scissors and a letter from grandfather.
Use the heart key to open the doors to the left of the piano and enter Emma's bedroom.
Click on the bed to watch the video.
Click on the locker with the manikin's head against the wall on the right.
On the top cover of the cabinet we will see a schematic representation of the doll and place the doll from the inventory here.
Use the scissors to cut the doll's dress to get a strange key.
We pass into the office through the door directly in front of us.
Click on the table for a Hidden Object Scene and get a switch.
Click on the cabinet drawer on the left and use adhesive tape to restore the diagram from the scraps.
We leave through the door on the right side of the office to go out into the corridor.
We go straight to the sewing room to watch the video.
Examine the black box on the table to start a mini-game.
Click on the triangles to move the colored buttons to their places.

From the box we take the key and a notebook with notes.
Click on the table for a Hidden Object Scene.
The slider goes into inventory.
Let's go back to the corridor and install the doorknob on the big door on the right.
We leave through this door, getting again into the hallway.
Click on the nightstand against the wall on the left again for a Hidden Object Scene to get a crowbar and a third key.
We go into the large hall and insert three keys into the door in the far left corner of the room to start a mini-game.
By turning the keys, we will move the buttons with symbols to their places.

After completing the mini-game, we enter the smoking room.
We take a step - a ladder to the right of the green door.
Click on the chair on the right wall of the Hidden Object Scene to get the Birdcage Key.
Under the clock on the wall there is a recess for the switch.
We insert the switch into the recesses and turn it down to open a secret passage.
Let's go back to Emma's bedroom and use a crowbar to pull off the boards from the boarded up door to the right of the closet.
We enter the grandmother's bedroom and open the birdcage with the key to get the triangular key out of it.

Click on the sofa on the far wall to search for items.
The book goes into inventory.
Let's go back to the smoking room and go through the secret entrance to the attic.


Click on the red rag on the left side of the Hidden Object Scene to get a fuse and cloth.
Click on the boxes on the right side of the passage to get the second book.
Click on the green electrical panel and open the lid with a triangular key.
Insert the fuse in its place to start a mini-game.

Move the circles so that all the lights at the top light up.
Open the door and go forward to the attic.
Click on the area to the left of the passage to search for items from the list.
Let's get the third book.

We put a step-ladder to the right of the fire extinguisher and remove the vantus from the ceiling.
Click on the area on the right side under the Hidden Object Window to get the cargo.
Click at the far end of the attic to open the book balance puzzle.
Place the three books from inventory next to the ones already there and hang the load in the space between the books and the wooden box.

We rearrange the books so that the box opens. Screen solution.
We get part of the hatch handle.
Let's go back down to Emma's bedroom and go into the bathroom through the door on the left side of the bed.
Let's examine the tub and use the plunger to clean the drain to get the second part of the hatch handle.
Let's go back to the first floor to the kitchen.
Click on the hatch and insert both parts of the hatch handle into the hatch.
Click on the hatch to open it and go down to the basement (this is the wine cellar on your map).
We take the key on the left on the shelf and return to the hallway to the door, on which the red bolt cutter is fixed.

Use the key to open the lock on the bolt cutter and take it into inventory.
Let's go back down to the basement and cut the chains with a bolt cutter.
We go down to the shelter.

With a cloth we wipe the dust on the picture of the picture and use the strange looking key on the door lock on the left.
We go into the formed passage to the machine room and click on the lid of the metal box (PROTO 009) to open it.
Click again on the box to zoom in on the image.
We put the slider in place to play the riddle.

Swipe the slider from left to right to remove the top cover.
Click again on the box to zoom in and move the knob to the off position to the left.

Congratulations. Game completed.

We offer complete guide to the passage of the game "Grim Tales: The Legacy. Collector's Edition Walkthrough".
Also, the game is found under the name "Grim Tales. Legacy".
If you still have questions about how to complete the game "Gloomy Tales. Legacy" - write on the forum.

Part V
*all pictures are enlarged by clicking on them
Take child chair(D).

Legacy" alt="" style="border: medium none;" border="0" height="280" onclick="changeSizeImage(this)">

Climb up the stairs on the left.
Click on the chair on the left to search for items from the list.
The CROWN is added to inventory.
Go to the children's room.

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Use the CHILD CHAIR on the cradle to get BRANDON (E).
Go to the garage.
Enter the car (F).

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Give BRANDON to Louise.
Click on the note; take the saw (G).
Go to the room with the fireplace.

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Click on the chair; use the MAGNET to get the ANGEL (H).
Go to the bedroom.
Place the ANGEL on the headboard; take the PUZZLE PIECE (I).

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Go to the office.
Place the PUZZLE PIECE on the left shelf for a puzzle.
Place the pieces to create two mirror image pictures.
The solution is in the screenshot (J).
Go to the attic.

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Use the BLOWTORCH on the cobwebs (K); go left.
Use the remote on the cage (L); take the fan.
Look at the charger; take the SYMBOL (M).
Click on the mannequin to search for items from the list.
The PROPELLER goes into inventory.
Walk three times.

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Click on the wall.
Place the SWORD on the statue on the left, the CROWN in the center and the fan on the right (N).

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Click on the eagle to start a puzzle.
Screenshot solution (O).

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Go down.
Click on the boxes to search for items from the list.
Get the first statue.

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Go to the corridor of knights.
Look at the stool; use the WRENCH on the bolts (P).
Place the COVER on the overturned stool for a puzzle.

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Place and rotate the rings to complete the picture.
The solution is in the screenshot (Q).
Take the LINE.

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Go to the fountain.
Use the LINE on the water; take the corkscrew (S).
Go to the children's room.
Apply a corkscrew to Dollhouse(T).
Click on the dollhouse for a Hidden Object Scene from the list.
The SWITCH is added to inventory.
Go to the fountain.

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Place the SWITCH on the fountain panel; press (U).
Take the CABLE (V).
Go to the attic.

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Place the cable on the charger.
Turn on the switch (W), click on the cable (X) to get a CHARGED BATTERY.
Go to the workshop.

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Place the PROPELLER on the generator; take the GENERATOR (Y).
Go to the castle entrance.
Place the GENERATOR on the yard (Z).

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Go right.
Click on an area to search for items from the list.
The second statue will be added to inventory.

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Use the saw on the bamboo; take the BAMBOO STICK (B).
Go to the fountain.
Use the BAMBOO STICK on the wallet (C).
Take the CHISEL (D).
Go to the cliff.
Use the CHISEL on the tree; take the PLASTIC CARD (E).
Go to the garage and enter the car.

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Use the PLASTIC CARD on the glove box; take the HEX KEY (F).
Use the HEX KEY on the ignition (G) for a puzzle.

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Apply the wires to complete the circuit.
Use the arrows to rotate the wires.
See screenshot (H) for the 1st solution.

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Place the next set of wires in place.
See screenshot (I) for the 2nd solution.

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Place the last set of wires.
See screenshot (J) for the third solution.

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See the screenshot below to solve the next puzzle.
Solution: left, right 3 times, left, left, down, right, left, right 2 times.

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Click on the trunk; take the empty canister (K) and the wrench (L).
Use the WRENCH on the tire; take the FLAT WHEEL (M) and RUBBER (N).
Enter the barn.

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Use the empty canister on the barrel, turn on the faucet, take the canister (O) and the funnel (P).
Look at the furnace; place the RUBBER in the pot (Q); take the MELTED RUBBER.
Place the FLAT WHEEL on the tongue.
Use the PLIERS and the MOLTEN RUBBER on the tire.
Click on the hose (R) and click on the handle to inflate the TIRE (S).
Walk back.

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Use the funnel and canister on the gas tank; remove the funnel (T).
Put the INFLATED TIRE on the wheel (U), use the WRENCH.
Enter the vehicle.
Go to the garage.

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Take the third statue (V).
Go to the room with the fireplace.
Place the 3 STATUES on the mantelpiece (W) for a puzzle.

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Set the bases of the statue so that the red light is in the center of each stand.
The solution is in the screenshot (X).

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Unprecedented, provocative, tickling the nerves, making you think about the frailty of life and give an answer.
Are you a victim? Booty? Or... a hunter?
New quest, from creative laboratory Q1.
Know yourself and test your!!!
Alone or with friends!

About the quest

The death of relatives is always sad. Well, or almost always ... After all, when your great-uncle Frienhard Glomgold from Daxburg dies, there are, frankly, plenty of reasons to rejoice. The fact is that the late grandfather was a famous billionaire experiencing a clear shortage of heirs. Therefore, you have every chance to get a share of his legacy pie. To do this, you need to come to a solemn event - the announcement of grandfather's will ...
Do you want to tickle your nerves? Break through the apparent simple plot to questions about who you really are? Quest "Inheritance" without further ado is waiting for you near the Aviamotornaya metro station.

We are going to the district of Khamovniki, Teatralny proezd
*- Tea
*- Great, but let's get down to business.
*Yeah, but why am I here?
*- Yes

We're going to the Kremlin, KP
*- Wow, what happened to you here?
*- Just some kind of uprising of mice
*Who is he?
*Do you know where to find it?
*- Well, for example, to compensate for the damage caused to your establishment?
*- Thank you, of course, but I would like Rodentia ... where can I find her?

We're going to Marina Grove area, pl. Rizhsky railway station, 19, apt. 8104.
*Press the call.
*Wait what happens next
*Go inside.
*- Why were they looking for Rodentia?
*- Well, after what happened recently...
* - I freed her from the body of the animal (tell how it was).
*- And who?
*- No, tell me then how it was.
* - And why does she need a pipe?
*- Yes, Artek.
*- No, I'm still looking for her myself.

We are going to the Arbat, Beauty Salon
*- Good afternoon
*- Yes, not so much me as one lawyer. He must give you some object and asked very much to find you.
* - So the lawyer told me. He only mentioned that this is a legacy left to you when you were still in…
*- So maybe just come in and check it out, huh?
* - In the Kremlin bank. I hope you let me take you
*- Then go ahead, they are already waiting for us.

We're going to China City, the Kremlin Bank
*Let's open it, shall we?
*- A ... and who is this? And what's the flute?

*- What do we do?
*- I'll go find out how you can neutralize the spell of the pipe.

We are going to China City, hotel "Russia"
*- Good afternoon
* - You recently had a meeting of zoologists here. I need to find one person, and I lost contacts. could you help me?
*- His name is Animal Nikolaevich. I don't know the last names, but I think you don't have many guests with that name.
*- Oh sure. Thanks a lot.
Zoologist number
* - Here is such a thing, you understand, it is connected with Rodentia ...
*- It doesn't matter how I disenchanted her, what matters is what she is going to do now!
*-…Rodentia took possession of the pipe of the Pied Piper.
*- Her very own, and now Rodentia can also use it.
* - Tell me, how can you neutralize the spell of the pipe?
*- And how to do it?
* - Yes, where can I find a piano or a violin for you?
*- Will seek…

We are going back to the Khamovniki district, the Drop of Blood bar
* - I remember, I still do not suffer from memory. Let's go, it's almost the other end of the city.
*- Yeah, only the ears, perhaps, you will have to save already.

We are going to Sokol, yard 10, apt. 3
*No, I'm fine.
*…throw ice.
*Move on
*…throw a fireball at them
*- Wait a minute, - you interrupt him. - Then tell me, not before
*- A CHRISTMAS BORN IN THE FOREST, IT GROWED IN THE FOREST-A-A-A!!! You start to howl in a bad voice.
*- Mice! I'll show you the cat! - to reinforce success, you put your hand in your pocket and grab a piece of red-black wool
*- Protect me!
*You, you. Just.