Walkthrough of the game mystical cruise location of premises. Mystical Cruise - complete walkthrough

Exciting adventures at sea await you. Your ship is slowly sinking and
it just goes down. Can you solve all the riddles and find all the clues to
save your family from a shipwreck?

Chapter 1: Jimmy. You will start the game on the deck of a ship. There is a blue door in front of you, and
red tool kit to the right. Click on the red tool kit.
Click on the tool kit to open, then collect the Battery, Card,
and Tweezers.

Enter the ship through the blue door straight ahead. Ladder. Note the yellow
the control panel is on the railing, and there is also a red cabinet in the background.

Click on the yellow control panel. Use the Battery from your inventory,
then press the switch to turn on the lights in the room. Now, give it up
close look at that red locker: use the Map, then collect the Pipe and
Doorknob to add them to your inventory. Now look at the door
on the right, through which the light breaks through. Use the Door Handle on the hole in

Click on the door to open it and go into the next room. Corridor.
Take a closer look at the blocked doorway on the opposite
side of the room.

Use the Pipe on the bars to bend them and gain access to the next
part of the corridor. Look at the far doorway with green edges: You
enter Jimmy's location.

Use the Tweezers on the grate to pick up the Key and add them to your inventory.
Return to the Staircase. Ladder. Look at the suitcase floating in the water.
Use the Keys on the locks to open. You will then enter a hidden scene
object. Collect all the items listed at the top of the screen; their locations
shown below:

The Screwdriver, Hacksaw, Switch, and Flash will be added to your inventory.
Return to the Corridor. Corridor. Back in the first part of the Corridor, look at
grate floating underwater on the right.

Use the screwdriver on the red one in the top corner, then reassemble what's broken
control wheel.

Continue towards the second part of the corridor. And look at Jimmy's location. Installation
The control wheels seemed to stop the flow of water. But they lowered Jimmy down into
ventilation shaft. Click on the shaft to follow him.

Chapter 2: Swimming pool.

Pool. Jimmy's leg is now stuck in the Pool. You'll have to track down someone,
who can help you free him. Before you do anything in this
area, pick up the Book on the left: this is the first of several family items,
which you can collect throughout the course of the game.

Click on the sparkling area on the right to enter the hidden object scene. Collect
all items listed at the top of the screen; their locations are shown below:

Once completed, the Gear and Fire Extinguisher will be added to your
inventory. Continue below the “Great Hall” sign. Hallway. Use
Fire extinguisher on fire in front of your cabin. While you are here, don't forget
also pick up Panda to purchase Collector Rank 2.

Go to the far end of the Hallway and into the Dining Room. Dining room. The ship's steward is caught in
trap below the chandelier, and asks you to help. Click on the switch on the left to
activate the system and turn on the fire, then the switch is on the right
activates and clears the smoke.

There is nothing more you can do for Stuart at this time. Go back to
Hallway. Hallway. Upon entering the Hallway, part of the ceiling will collapse, blocking
entrance back to the Dining Hall. However, the object's hidden scene will also appear. Collect
all items listed at the top of the screen; their locations are shown below:

After completing the hidden object scene, the Staircase will be added to your
inventory. Use the Ladder in front of the cabin door to access
grate above.

Use the hacksaw to gain access to the cabin.

Our Cabin. Look at the glass doors at the far end of the room: they are the only ones
cannot be opened yet. Pick up the Toy Truck to get a Zap
Collector 3, then go through the door on the right.

Bathroom. There is a hole in the middle of the floor here, but there are ruins blocking
path. Click on the ruins several times until they fall through and clear
hole. The water is running too fast, click the control panel on the left to
consider the problem.

Find 10 differences between two pictures.

Before going down into the hall, use the Hacksaw on the edges of the ruins. And don't
Don't forget to collect the Bathroom Kit to get Collector Rank 4.


After completing the hidden object scene, the Glass Cutter will be added to your
inventory. The door to the Museum is locked and there's nothing we can do about it.
present time, so continue through the door to the right to get
access to the Casino. Casino. Raise the camera on the right: this will allow you to get
Collector Rank 5. Then look at the roulette table to enter
hidden object scene, also on the right.

Collect all the items listed at the top of the screen; their locations are shown

After completing the hidden object scene, the Screwdriver will be added to your
inventory. Look at the Machine on the left before you leave, go back to
Corridor. Corridor. Use a charger.

Click on the charger on the wall, then use the Screwdriver on the socket.
Wait until the button indicator on the side of the Screwdriver turns green before
remove it from the wall and back into your inventory. Look at the doors of the Museum.
Use the Screwdriver to remove each of the screws to unlock the doors and
gain access to the next room.

Museum. There are two locations after entering the room, they are both on the right. Far left of
these two have a hidden object scene, and around this, mini-games. Enter hidden
object scene first.

Find all the items listed at the top of the screen; their locations are shown below:

Once the hidden object scene is completed, the Fluorescent Pipe will be added to
Your inventory. Now, click on the sparkling area on the right to enter the mini-game.
Set animal names according to their size. After completing the puzzle, a
Chip. Pick it up and add it to your inventory.

Return to the Casino. Casino. Click on the Machine on the left. Repair the machine,
placing the Gear, Fluorescent Tube, and Switch in their correct
places. Then, use the Chip to activate the machine. You will win Gold
An anchor gift and it will be added to your inventory.

Exit the Casino back to the Corridor. Corridor. Use the Golden Anchor on
holes in the upper left side of the ceiling. This will allow you to access back
to the top floor.

Return to the top floor, then return to the Pool. Pool. Look at
a cracked wall on the left near the entrance to the Hallway. Use the Glass Cutter on
wall to remove all cracked and broken shards and gain access to the
outside the ship.

Here, you will notice a key card and a rescue boat. Go to the front
the opposite side of the Deck. Ladder. The stairs are out of reach. Press
yellow pipe-like control panel to enter the mini-game. Move
the following blocks in the following positions to complete the puzzle: 1 = key
blocks = left, 2 = down, 3 = down, 4 = left, 3 =, 5 = left, 6 =, 7 =, 5
= right, 2 =, and the key block into the gripping mechanism.

The ladder will now be lowered, you can reach it. Climb the stairs to
next area. Heliport. Take the Sweater on the left to get
Collector Rank 6, then click on the hidden object scene over the green barn
at the far end of the stage.

Once the hidden object scene is completed, the Crowbar and Pliers will be added to
Your inventory. Let's go to Our Cabin. Our Cabin. Use the Crowbar on the clamped
doors at the back of the room to open. This will give you access to a new hidden
object scene.

Find all the items listed at the top of the screen:

After completing the hidden object scene, the Rope will be added to your
inventory. Return to the Helicopter Station. Heliport. Use
Place the rope on the hook on the inside edge of the hole to gain access to the Dining Room.

Dining room. Click on the sparkling Rope and use it to lift the chandelier
from Stuart, thus freeing him.

The steward agrees to help you with Jimmy. Return to the Basin via Helicopter
station. Pool. Click on Jimmy to help him get out of the Pool. Steward
agrees to take Jimmy to the Helicopter Station and wait with him for rescue there.

Soon after you will receive a call from Thomas.

Chapter 3: Rescue Boat.

Pool. Pick up the Harpoon floating in the Pool to add it to your
inventory, then exit through the glass door and make your way to the Helicopter Station.

Heliport. Go to the right. The edge of the helicopter station. Use
Harpoon the area marked with an “X” in the screenshot below, then walk along the rope,
to access lower levels.

Rescue boat crane. Click on the rescue boat to enter
hidden object scene. Find all the items listed at the top of the screen;

After completing the hidden object scene, Long Hook will be added to your
inventory. Return to the Side-Walk.

Use the Long Hook to get the Key Card and add it to your

Let's go to the Hallway. Hallway. There is a doorway next to your own that
requires a Key Card to be opened. Use the Key Card from your
inventory on the door to open it and access the rooms outside.

Wow! Pick up Pills to increase Collector Rank, and Lever
Control, then return to the Safe Boat Crane.

Boat crane. Use the Control Lever on the crane, then
click on it to launch the Rescue Boat to the passage below.

Return to the Side-Walk. Side-Walk. Click on the Rescue Boat to enter
into her.

Chapter 4: Thomas.

Keel of the ship.
Notice the Lifebuoy in the water in the distance, it will come in handy later. Bye,
focus on the locked hatch near your feet. Click on it to enter
riddle. Click the rivets into position to open the hatch. The solution is as follows:

Click: Rivet 1, Rivet 4, Rivet 7, Rivet 3, then Rivet 6,
to open the hatch. Slide down the hatch.
Lift I. Pick up the Clock to increase your collector's Rank, then
Click on the open hatch to enter the hidden object scene.

Find all the objects shown below:

After completing the hidden object scene, the Ax and Scissors will be added to your
inventory. Keep moving through open doors elevator to the next room.
Corridor. Click on the suitcase on the left to open it. Take the Keys inside,
to get a promotion in your Collector Rank, then use
The ax is on the door at the far end of the room.

Once the door is broken enough, go into the next room. You can
notice the sparkling Wardrobe on the right, however there is nothing you can do here

Click the light switch on the right side of the room: The only thing with
which you can work on right now is the sparkling object outside. You
You may have already spotted some curious fish outside the Pool: okay, that's pretty important!

Click on the fish, gradually enticing it closer and closer to the rope outside.
When the fish encounters the rope, it will bite it off. Return to the Keel of the Ship.
Keel of the ship. Grab the sparkling Water Rope to add it to your
inventory, then return down to the Elevator Shaft.

Elevator I. Use the Rope on the metal rod to secure it: this
will give you access below. The staircase leading back to the outside has fallen,
so for now, the only way forward is down.

Elevator II. There is a very hot lever and a broken elevator door here, however we don't
we can work with none of them right now. Lower the rope down.

Elevator III. It is impossible to continue rappelling. Click on red
box on the left to enter the puzzle. Open the box then click on the corners
lights to cut power. Click on the middle and four corner lights.

Use the Scissors on the cables to de-energize them, then continue down
along the rope.

Elevator IV. Collect the Swiss Knife to increase your Collector's Rank,
then go through the elevator doors right past him.

Corridor (Base). From here, you can either go left through the green door, or
right through the red door. For now, take the green door on the left.
Kitchen. Pick up the Wallet to increase your collector's Rank, then
Click on the sparkling area on the right to enter the hidden object scene.

Find all the objects shown in the screenshot.

After completing the hidden object scene, the Cabinet Key will be added to your
inventory. Return to the Corridor via Elevator I. Corridor. Use the Key
Cabinet on cabinet lying on the floor to unlock it. Hidden object scene
will be shown: click on this to enter.

Find all objects.

After completing the hidden object scene, the Propane Tank and Paddle will be added to
Your inventory. We're done here. Let's go to the Kitchen.
Kitchen. Lean the Propane Tank against the left wall, then use the Gun,
to blow it up!

Once the smoke clears, continue through the hole in the wall into
next room.

If you try to approach the instruments in the center of the room here, you will
If you notice the presence of a large and seemingly hungry shark, it is best to avoid it,
until you can look at the problem properly. Bye, use the Paddle,
to knock furniture off the ceiling with the door on the right to gain access to the next one

Pick up the Passport to increase your collector's Rank, then click on
rubble near the broken fish tank to enter the hidden object scene.

Find all the objects listed below:

After completing the hidden object scene, the Disc Crusher and Small Key will be
added to your inventory. You now need tools to free
Thomas! Return to him in Lift IV of the mines.

Use the Cutter on the group attaching Thomas: you will enter a puzzle. Example
show below:

A hidden object scene will appear after successfully completing the puzzle. However, there
where Thomas is still talking. At the end of the conversation, Thomas will give you a Service Key to
add to your inventory (this is not actually a key, but a kind of opener).
Irun4ik Date: Saturday, 04.12.2010, 20:02 | Message #5
Our people

Chapter 5: Exit

Elevator IV Click on the hidden object scene that appears to be near Thomas
enters. Find all the items listed at the top of the screen; their locations
show below:

After completing the hidden object scene, the Light Bulb will be added to your
inventory. Return to the Bar. Bar. Use the Light Bulb on the hatch in the middle of the floor,
to replace the lighting, then continue down inside.

Mine. Go down to the base of the Mine. Vessel stacks. Look at the sparkling pile
unnecessary parts in the middle of the room to enter the hidden object scene.
Collect all the items listed at the top of the screen; their locations are shown

After completing the hidden object scene, five Missing Gears and a Toaster
will be added to your inventory. Now, there's a red and white striped hatch on
The middle stack of the ship in this room is where it sparkles. Click on this to
take a closer look. Use the Service Key to spin them and
remove the hatch.

This is the emergency exit you will use, but first you must
You will assemble diving equipment. Exit the area and return to
Corridor (Base).
Corridor (Base). Remember that red door is on the right? Now is the time to go.
Click on the red door to open it, then go through. Engine room.
Pick up the Glasses lying on the floor to increase your Collector's Rank,
then click on the sparkling yellow box at the far end of the room.

Place the Gears in their correct locations to regain power
generator, the solution is shown below:

Now return to the Kitchen. Kitchen. Look at the refrigerator in the far corner
walls. Press the green button to make Ice Cubes appear. Press
them to add them to your inventory.

Now that's done, continue moving near the Restaurant.
Restaurant. Looks like the shark is still here. Use the Toaster hanging on the left
side of the room to cause an electric shock that will kill the shark, then look
at her. Take the Dead Shark's Mouth Swimming Mask to add it to
Your inventory.

Now, go back to Elevator II.

Elevator II. Use the Ice Cubes on the hot lever on the right to cool it down,
then click the lever to set the elevator door, thus showing
new hidden object scene.

Find all the missing objects:

After completing the hidden object scene, the Valve and Scuba Tank will be added to
Your inventory. Time to head back to the Aquarium.
Aquarium. Look at the sparkling valve hatch near the center of the room's floor.
Use the Valve on the mechanism to return it to its working position and
release the water from the room.

Click on Flippers which adds them to your inventory.

Return to the Ship Stacks. Vessel stacks. You arrive here, you will receive
requirement from Dennise. She's good and tells you her location. Give it up
A closer look at the middle stack where you opened the hatch earlier. From here,
jump inside and save her.

Chapter 6: Dennise

Climb up the red chain hanging from the side of the ship and into the hole. You
you will find yourself back in the main part of the ship, Corridor w/Hole in front of the Museum and Casino.
Corridor. Enter the Casino. Casino. Use Scissors on the Banner to
cut it and add it to your inventory.

Now go back, and this time enter the Museum.
Museum. Look at the rift, it appeared on the floor on the left side of the room.
Dennise is inside. Use Banner to free her.

Chapter 7: S.O.S.

It's time to get in touch with rescuers and ask for help. Return to
Helicopter station through a hole in the ceiling of the Corridor. Heliport.
From here, continue to the Heliport Edge, and then the Lifting Edge
the Safe Boat crane. Safety Boat Crane Use Small
The key is, you saved on the box on the crane side. Pull out the blue
Balloon to add it to your inventory.

Return to the Helicopter Station. Heliport. Use Weather
Balloon on the emergency call box to restore power.

Congratulations! You have completed Nightmare on the Pacific! Now try the Bonus (available
from the main menu).

Part 1: Silence before the Storm.

Pool. Exit the Pool and continue towards the Dining Hall.
Dining room. Click on the aquarium to enter the hidden object scene.

Find all the objects shown in the screenshot:

After completing the hidden object scene, the Key Card and Sleeping Pill will be
added to your inventory. Return to the Hallway. Hallway. Use
Key card on Our Cabin door to unlock it and enter.

Our Cabin. Click on the bed to slide down inside, then use
Sleeping pills to help you fall asleep.

Part 2: Abandoning the ship!!!

Our Cabin. Exit the cabin and return to the Dining Room.
Dining room. Click on the sparkling area near the middle of the screen and slightly to the right
enter the hidden object scene. Collect all the items listed at the top of the screen;
their locations are shown below:

After completing the hidden object scene, the Knife and Pen Windows will be added to your
inventory. Exit the Dining Room and return to the Hallway. Hallway. Press
flashing elevator door. Use the Knife on the sparkling coating to remove
this, then click to enter the mini-game.

Press the green button to throw the ball with force. Click on various
lamp joints to rotate them so that the ball lands in the intended
location marked with a flashing light: these locations will be randomly selected.
An example solution is shown below:

Once the bar at the bottom of the screen is full, you will be able to access
Elevator floor 1. In the elevator, click the middle “0” button on the right to go down
one level.

Elevator floor 0. Click on the cart a little to the right when the door opens to
enter into the mystery. Find a matching pair for each of the keys. Example
show below:

Once you have the puzzle completed, you will acquire the Key. Use the Key
on the door straight ahead and enter.

Use the Window Handle on the window at the far end of the room to gain access

Grid of salvation. Talk to the rescuer. He will give you the Universal Key,
to add to your inventory.

Return to the Elevator.
Elevator Floor 0. Use the Universal Key on the bottom button to get
access to the Service Floor.

Service floor. Look at the generator sparkling just outside the door. You
you will enter into a mystery. Reassemble the generator group: click on the part to
rotate it, then drag it to its proper location. Solution
show below:

Now, take the Elevator to Floor 0.
Elevator Floor 0. Enter the Bathroom, then slide down through the window. Grid of salvation.
The bars blocking your salvation are gone!

Congratulations! You have completed Nightmare in the Pacific!

The search for items in each game is random, so it is impossible to take universal screenshots.
Use hints if necessary.

On the upper deck, go to the cinema:

*all pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them

Enter the cinema. Find the wing seal and then click on the box:

Find all the items on the list in the close-up of the box. Exit the close-up and find the remaining items on the list.
Return to the map and select upper deck. Go to the casino.

Enter the casino. Find the palm tree seal and then click on the clock:

Find all the items on the list in the close-up of the clock. Exit the close-up and find the remaining items on the list.
Return to the map. Select the upper deck and go to the Main Hall:

Take the eye seal.

Find the remaining items on the list and return to the map. Select room 03 on the map to go to the secret cabin door.
Place the three seals on the contraption's holes. The object of the game is to spin the discs so that the blue gems surrounded by blue seal; yellow gems surrounded the yellow seal and green gems surrounded the green seal.

After completing the mini-game, Amelie will enter the engineer's cabin. Click on the safe on the wall to enter a hidden object scene. Find five light bulbs and then take the item from the tank:

Find all the items on the list in close-up. Exit the close-up and find the remaining items on the list. Take the shadow lens:

The lens will now appear next to the hint button in the lower right corner of the screen. Select a safe and the lens will automatically be used to see plates with different colors. The lens structure can be grabbed in the top left corner and moved to see the different plates. The goal is to rotate the plates so that the color on one side of the plate is the same as the color on the next plate. An example of how to solve one piece of the puzzle is shown below:

After completing the mini-game, take the engineer's journal from the safe:

Walkthrough of the game Mystic Cruise - Part IV

Select the stairs to the wheelhouse on the map. Use the lens to find soul imprints:

Find the remaining items on the list and return to the map. Go to the cinema.
Click on the box and find the items listed. Exit the close-up of the box and use the lens to find the soul prints:

Find the remaining items on the list and return to the map. Go to the casino.
Click on the clock and find items from the list. Exit the close-up of the clock and use the lens to find the soul imprints:

Find the remaining items on the list and return to the map. Go to the Main Hall.
Use the lens to find soul imprints:

Find the remaining items on the list and return to the map. You still don't have enough light bulbs to get to room 07 at this time. Select the middle deck and go to cabin 72:

Enter the cabin and find the light bulb. Click on the box and find the items on the list. Exit the close-up of the box and use the lens to find the soul prints:

Find the remaining items on the list and return to the map. Select the middle deck and go to cabin 83:

Enter the cabin and find the light bulb. Click on the briefcase and find the items in the list. Exit the close-up and use the lens to find the soul imprints:

Find the remaining items on the list and return to the map. Select the middle deck and go to cabin 98:

Enter the cabin and find the light bulb. Click on the chest of drawers and collect all the items from the list. Exit the close-up and use the lens to find the soul imprints:

Find the remaining items on the list and return to the map. Select the upper deck and go to the galley:

Enter the galley and find the light bulb. Click on the oven and find the items on the list. Exit the close-up of the oven and use the lens to find the soul imprints:

Find the remaining items on the list and return to the map. Select the lower deck and go to the warehouse:

Enter the warehouse and go to the staff room. Click on the fuse box on the wall. Find the light bulb and then click on the box. Find the key:

Find the items on the list in the close-up of the box. Exit the close-up of the box and find the remaining items on the list. Use the key on the fuse box to activate the mini-game. Press the buttons to light up all the lights:

Find the light bulb and then click on the tool kit:

Find items from the list. Exit the close-up and find the remaining items on the list. Click on the flaming object to reveal a row of rings. Press one of the buttons outside the rings to see that the device does not work.

The search for items in each game is random, so it is impossible to take universal screenshots.
Use hints if necessary.

Go up the stairs to the wheelhouse and the sign of Pisces:

*all pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them

Find the remaining items on the list and return to the map. Enter the captain's cabin.
Click on the desk drawers and find the items on the list. Cancer sign:

Find the remaining items on the list and return to the map. Go to the secret cabin.
Click on the item in the tank and find the items in the list. Exit the close-up and use the lens to find the sign of Libra:

Collect the remaining items on the list and return to the map. Go to the cinema.
Click on the box and find the items on the list. Exit the close-up and use the lens to find the Leo sign:

Find the remaining items on the list and return to the map. Go to the casino.
Click on the clock and find the items on the list. Exit the close-up and use the lens to find the sign of Virgo:

Go to the Main Hall.
Use the lens to find Gemini sign:

After completing the Hidden Object Scene, return to the map.
Go to the galley.
Click on the oven and find the items on the list.
Exit the close-up and use the lens to find Sign of Aquarius:

Find the remaining items on the list and return to the map.
Go to cabin 72.
Click on the box and collect all the things on the list.
Exit the close-up and use the lens to find Scorpio sign:

Find the remaining items on the list and return to the map.
Go to cabin 83.
Click on the briefcase and complete the Hidden Object mini-game.
Exit the close-up and use the lens to find Sagittarius sign:

Find the remaining items on the list and return to the map.
Go to cabin 98.
Click on the chest of drawers and find all the offered items.
Exit the close-up and use the lens to find Capricorn sign:

Return to the map.
Select the middle deck, go to the stairs:

Go out on deck.
Use the lens to find Aries sign.

Find the remaining items on the list and Amelie will go to the lifeboat.
Use the lens to find Taurus sign:

Walkthrough of the game Mystic Cruise - Part VI

Complete the Hidden Object Scene.
Return to the warehouse and place all the Zodiac Signs in their places.
The goal is to completely assemble the image. Press the buttons to rotate the rings.

After the video, take light bulb.

Go to the map.
Select the lower deck and go to the engine room.

Enter the engine room and zoom in on the box.

Complete the Hidden Object Scene.
Exit the close-up and find the remaining items on the list.
The goal now is to rotate the valves so that the meter levels rise to the top. Click each valve twice:

Return to the warehouse.
The goal here is to arrange the souls according to the colors of the rainbow.
Place the soul in the main container and then click it to make it move to the next one.
Red buttons can be used to move souls to the other side of the engine. Place six souls in the container as shown in the screenshot.

After solving the problem, use the ring on the main container.

Congratulations! You have completed the game "Mystic Cruise".