Passage of the game nightmare. Review of Very Little Nightmares: not scary, but terribly interesting. Who will meet in Little Nightmares

As soon as the main character wakes up, go to the right side. When you hit the lamp, use the lighter to light it. After that, open the hatch nearby and crawl under it to the next location.

Carefully make your way up the long stairs that lead up. Then you need to go to the very dead end of the stairs and take the first "" (1/2). In total, there will be two figurines in this location. To break the figurine, it must be thrown. Therefore, throw the figurine and crawl through the hole, which will lead the heroine into the next room.

How to get the achievement: "". In order to get this achievement, you need to jump five or six times on absolutely any bed in the game. You can still do this now, so just climb onto the bed on the right side and jump until you unlock the achievement.

You will have to climb onto the bed anyway, even if you don't need to get the achievement: jump up with the help of the bed to grab onto the ledge. If you succeed, then, in this way, you will reach the next room. Now pay attention to the chair: drag it to the doors on the right side, then jump from it to the door handle so that the doors leading to the next room open.

In the next room, you need to open the doors of the refrigerator this time. Then go a little to the right side and crawl under another hole in the wall. On the other side, the heroine will be in a small room with a second lamp and "" (1/3). There are only three Nomes in this level. Don't forget to hug these little shy and cute creatures so that the game counts the finds.

Now go back to the room with the refrigerator and there, along the shelves inside the refrigerator, climb onto the higher platform. From this platform, jump to another platform, while trying to avoid the regularly appearing leeches. At the end of the room you will find another lamp.

Climb higher with the box and lower the handle to open the next doors. To get to the next room, you need to jump over another platform. Next, grab the bottom board in the doorway and tear it off. Thus, open the next passage. So crawl and move on.

In the next room, the little heroine will suddenly fall through the floor down, so immediately run to the right side, avoiding the emerging leeches. Run through the doors and near the stairs you will come across the next lamp. The further path will lie through the platforms, so you will have to jump often so as not to fall into the abyss.

At the end of the path, be sure to grab the handle and turn it fully. After that, quickly release it and again quickly run back to the doors, jumping along the way through the platforms. If you do not have time, then the doors will close, so you have to pull the handle again. However, if everything worked out, go through a small hole in the wall on the right side of the room, then climb higher on the tightly tied sheet and find yourself in the next location.

At the sink inside the chamber, light the next lamp. Next, push the doors to the bathroom, open it and pull the basket of toilet rolls closer to the lever to get up and turn off the power. And as soon as the power goes off, run quickly through the grate straight to the game room. And this is not the end: in the game room you will need to run further to the next grate before the electricity turns back on.

If you didn’t manage to run to the right place in time or wanted to inspect the game room, then first of all find a lamp there, and after that go along the swing to weigh the right side, then run along it and jump onto the bedside table with drawers. Then you need to run so that the heroine avoids the light from the spotlight. An inverted bed will help in this matter. Having coped with the next dangerous location, climb the boxes above and light the next lamp.

Climb up the grid and move to the right side (along the crate) so as not to accidentally fall back onto the cage. Next, you will have to go into the cage, thereby opening a secret room with a lamp and a second "" (2/3). After that, feel free to return to the previous room and climb higher with the grate. And before you go to the right side, I recommend looking into the room on the left side, which will be the bedroom. So, inside you will find the second "" (2/2).

Move along the path to a large room, which will be another bedroom. In this room, you immediately need to hide under the bed. You will have to take cover until the monster passes by. After that, keep moving into the next room until you come across boxes and shelves that you will need to climb higher to reach the ventilation shaft. In the mine, move to the right side, grabbing your stomach until you eat some food.


On the boxes on the right side, climb higher and make your way through a small gap in the grate. The heroine will be near the shower room, so go through it to the next location, then jump onto the boxes. A grid will be located on the left side: climb it, jump back to the next box and continue climbing up.

At the top, you will first stumble upon a lamp, but do not linger in one place for a long time, so jump further along the hanging cargo boxes and climb further up the chains. Then you will need to jump to the right side when you notice the first convenient platform nearby. Climb up the grate to the next platform, pull the switch there to the back wall, turn the small lever to the right side and, thus, the hanging cargo boxes will change their location, thanks to which you got here.

Now you need to move the lever to the left side. And after that, you will need to jump onto the moving boxes, so be sure to take a run. And when you get to the other side, climb up the chains above and jump from them to the next platform, but on the left side. So the heroine will be in the next room, where she will need to create herself steps from drawers. The scheme is as follows: 1 - open the bottom left drawer; 2 - open the middle left drawer; 3 - open the bottom right drawer; 4 - then jump to the middle left box. After the boxes, you need to jump to the top of the cabinets and then jump straight onto the switch to cut off the power supply.

Now you can go through the bars on the left side. In the far left corner (next room) is a lamp. There will be a cage behind the heroine, but if you go back through the bars on the right side, you can find the last one "" (3/3) at this level. With a pure soul, you can now return back to the previous room, push the counterweight into the hole, jump onto the loop and go down to the level below.

So, the main character, thanks to the previously done actions, was again in the shower room. As soon as leeches appear again, run. Don't forget about the spotlight in the room next door (try to hide behind either the cart or stick to the back wall). In the next room, you have to run along the platform, and you will need to have time to jump over the abyss before it becomes too wide for the jump. If the jump was successful, the girl did not fall into the abyss, then move from the box to the opposite side. Now you just have to go through the doors to finish the first chapter.

Chapter - 2: "The Lair"

At the beginning of the chapter, go up the stairs and there you enter the first room. Pay attention to the chair: climb it, jump on the table and then light the lamp. Get down and drag the chair to the floor tile where the black mark ends. This will open a secret door in a large closet.

Go to the secret room, climb onto the console and then press the button in cycles, thereby switching between surveillance cameras. After that, go back to the stairs, go up to the next level and hug the first one on this level "" (1/3). At the very end of the stairs, you will need to climb through the ventilation shaft to the next location.

The first step in the new room is to move the suitcase to the lever, then pull it to open the bed. Next, from the bed, climb higher on the boxes and jump to the cabinet on the left side. On the shelf on the left side is the first one in this level "" (1/2). After that, go down to the table and take the key.

Move the wall to the right, carry the key there and unlock the lock. The castle is in the far corner on the right side. To unlock the lock, you must toss the key on the step before climbing it. In the next room, take the monkey, go to the right side and throw it on the button to call the elevator. Moreover, you can’t leave the monkey, so transfer it to the elevator and now throw it on the button inside so that the elevator begins to descend to the lower floor.

At the bottom, go to the left side, passing the fan along the way, light the lamp, which is located near the pipe. Move to the cage, eat the food (which will be inside) and go to the next location. Once inside the cage, move left and right to drop the cage and break out.

Be sure to light another lamp near the gap. After that, go back, drag the cage so that it is under the handle. Climb up the cage and grab the handle. Swing again, but now forward and backward, then jump to the right side. You need to quickly run to pass under the closing door and climb higher on the grate.

Light up the lamp that is near the bath, then go through the hole in the wall on the right side. The next step is to run carefully past the monster. On the other side there will be another hole in the wall, so you need to get there as quickly as possible. And as soon as the monster passes through the doors behind the heroine, go back (he will lose the heroine, but after that he will return again). You will need to get to the hole on the right side. It is necessary to get the handle and insert it into the slot on the pole, then turn it. If you do everything right, then a hatch will open, thanks to which it will be possible to escape from the monster, so be careful and do not panic so that the girl is not caught.

Luke will lead the heroine to a new room. In this room, first make your way into the ventilation shaft and light another lamp inside. In the depths of this room there will be a ladder hidden, so you will need to find it, and then climb higher along it. At the top is another ventilation shaft, which this time leads to a secret area with a second "" (2/3) this location.

In the same place there is a hole - go down through it. Immediately after that, crawl to the right side until you reach the next location. Run and jump from platform to platform as fast as you can, because the girl will be chased by an unknown monster. In the next location, it's enough just to run forward, but as soon as possible, because another pursuer will appear.

When the heroine gets to the elevator, hide immediately in the box on the right side. But in the next room you find yourself in, move the toy box to end up falling through a hole in the floor. At the bottom, go to the far corner on the right. Look deep into the wall and find the second "" (2/2).

Move to the left side and get out of the tunnel. When the monster goes into the room next door, quickly pick up the monkey and throw it to the left side in order to attract the attention of the monster. After that, immediately crawl through the hole on the right side and wait for the monster to come out. Next, you need to run to the right side to the cabinet drawers, along which you will have to climb to the very top until the monster returns to this part of the location. At the top, make your way through the ventilation shaft and follow the monster to the next location.

Go through the room with a bunch of clocks and push the doors to get to the next room with the same monster. You will need to run past him, take a boot and throw it towards the switch to open the next doors. Next, run down the corridor with the clock and try to quickly get through the gap in the door at the far end.

Climb under the nightstand on the right side and stumble upon the last "" (3/3). After disturbing Nome, go to the left side to the very last stack of books and hug him now. On the right side, climb up the bookshelves and light the candle.

How to get the achievement: "". In order to get this achievement in the second chapter, after you light a candle, jump on the piano and run back and forth. After that, unlock the above achievement.

Jump down to the bookshelves on the left side, then go upstairs and get to the next library room. Climb to the first pile, which consists of books, then light a candle on the top shelf. Follow the shelves on the left side, drop down, then climb up the last stack of books to reach the vent that leads to the next room.

Press the TV button, then take the handle and hide rather near the doors. When the monster enters, carefully sneak past and come back, stopping only to light a candle in the middle. But when you get to the farthest end, insert the handle and turn it. This will raise the piano, so jump on it quickly and reach the far side.

Light the candle first, then go through the small vent. On the other side, drag the cart so that it covers the steam. After that, feel free to climb over it to the other side and grab it again to drag the cart to the end of the path. At the end, place the cart so that you can jump from it to the handle.

Go into the next room and go through another vent. Pay attention to the lamp along the way. Other than that, you should also pay attention to the two grabbing hands further that come out of the holes in the walls. You should run to the right side when you exit the ventilation and slide under the stuck doors at the very end.

In general, it is necessary to dodge and avoid the hands of the monster. In addition, you need to grab onto the bars of the cage, which wedged into the doors, to lure out the bars, one at a time. It is necessary to do the plan twice in order to defeat the monster. After that, it will be possible to exit through the opened ventilation passage and complete the second chapter.

Chapter - 3: "Kitchen"

So, climb the stairs above and go to the right side. In this part of the level, stand on the bag, then jump to the hook. Move to the right side until the heroine eats the rat in the trap. AT a certain moment you will need to climb the box and push the lid to the right side to build a ramp.

On the opposite side, fall into the hole under the lid and thus find yourself in secret location. Will be on the table "" (1/3) so take it and smash it. Next, head up the stairs to return to the area you came from and go through the doors on the right side.

In the next location, the cart will reappear, so grab it and move all the way to the wall on the right. After that, climb onto the cart and jump into the hole. Go through the pantry and corridor, and then find yourself in the kitchen. In the kitchen, hide under the table on the left side of the stove as soon as possible and wait for the local chef to check his pan before going back to work on the cutting board. As soon as this happens, start moving to the right side. The next place where you should hide should be the closet on the opposite side of the stove. In this place, you will now need to wait for the moment when the chef moves to the lower part of this terrible kitchen.

After the monster leaves, close the oven doors to distract the cook in the future. Walk past him to the right side of this kitchen, so that later you can climb higher on the shelves and light the lamp at the top. Having done this, go to the left side along the beams and along the way climb the cells to the next area.

Keep moving to the left. Go through the toilet along the hallway to end up in the bedroom. After that, climb up the cabinet above. After rising, wake up the cook, who will turn on the light and then leave. Thanks to the fact that he leaves, it will be possible to safely climb onto the shelf on the left side and grab the key. And to reset the key, you need to move back and forth.

Time to go back to the bathroom to hug the first one on this level "" (1/3). It is in the far left corner of the bathroom. As for the key, then with it go to the elevator. Pull the switch and open the gate. Now it's time to go back to the kitchen, where you already need to go to the left side to the pantry. There will be a driving bank, where you can find the second "" (2/3).

How to get the achievement: "". To complete this achievement, you need to take two vegetables from the floor in the pantry, then take another fish head under the table (in the lower part of the kitchen) and all this will have to be thrown into the pot, which is located in the stone oven.

If you still decide to complete the achievement, then pick up the key and go through the kitchen again to open the doors at the very end of the location on the right. After that, rise to the table already in the next room and go through the window that is in the wall.

Now attention: under the table you can find the last one on this level "" (3/3). Hugging him tightly, climb onto the table and pull another lever, thanks to which you can dump the meat into the meat grinder. Then you need to turn the handle of the meat grinder to make sausage. At the back of the room, jump into the elevator and go up to the refrigerator room. In this room, go through the ventilation passage on the right side of the refrigerator and find yourself in a secret room with a lamp and a second "" (2/3).

It's time to go back and climb onto the shelves on the left side. At the top, jump to the right side, then swing on the hook to get to the piece of meat. The meat will need to be dragged onto the hatch cover. Another piece of meat can be found on the bench, which will also need to be dragged to the hatch. After physical work, go back to the elevator, pull the lever and turn the handle to make two more sausages. Then jump on them to get to the ventilation grate nearby.

Pull the next switch to activate the elevator, then run to the left side as quickly as possible and hide inside the box. Wait for the moment when the cook passes by the heroine, then again continue to run to the elevator, on which you rise higher. Until the cook enters the kitchen, you will need to hide in the hole on the right side.

In the back of the kitchen, you will have to make your way carefully under the shelves and at the end through the window. Along the way, you will need to press a button to start the car. However, after starting, you will need to quickly run to the right side to the hole. In addition, do not forget to take the key on the table and return to the elevator with it to go down.

Unlock the doors and open the garbage can in the next room by first pulling the handle (to do this, you need to jump onto it from the platform on the right). After that, use it again to jump inside the trash can before the chef can catch the main character. But inside the tank in the bottom left corner you can find the last "" (3/3).

Climb up the wall on the right. At the top, go up to the room on the left and climb inside on the shelves above. At the top, jump onto the platform and cling to the hook passing by, then ride it straight to the shelf in the next room, where in turn you will need to light the lamp.

It's time to go back to the kitchen and use the gaps under the sinks to get past the local chefs to the right side of the location. To do this, climb onto the table and pull the switch to change the direction of the hooks, then hide as quickly as possible. You will have to carefully make your way to the middle of the kitchen, then climb up a mountain of plates (a stack) to grab onto a passing hook.

You will need to jump off the hook when there is a box with plates below. After that, quickly run to the right side, sliding under the table to dodge the cook who is chasing the main character. At the end, you will need to climb the boxes and grab the hook in order to ride it and thereby end the third chapter.

Chapter - 4: "Living Room"

At the beginning of the fourth chapter, first of all go to the left side and stumble upon a small hole - this is a secret room in which you can light a lamp. However, that's not all: in the same small room you can find the first "" (1/4) in this location (he stands a little to the left of the lamp). When you finish all the things in the secret room, return to your starting position and go along the pipe to the very end, until you climb the stairs, from where you should move further along the anchor chain much higher.

Rise above the wooden structure near the large procession of strange monsters. At the top, you will have to carefully jump on suspended platforms with lights (they remind of dim lamps). Then on the other side, make your way further through the gap in the door. At the end of the next location, get ready to run and dodge the monster chasing the heroine along the way.

However, when you manage to escape from him, use the stool to climb onto the table. On the table, climb onto the stack of plates, jump onto the nearby lamp and start swinging. You need to swing so that the girl jumps to the window on the right side. At the end of the next room, you will again have to interact with the stool: drag it to the left side to get to the hole that leads to another secret room with the second "" (2/4).

However, do not rush to go out - be sure to light the lamp standing here. In any case, you have to go back to the dining room to use the stool and climb on the table. On the table it will be difficult, because you have to run forward on the table and dodge the hands of hungry monsters. At the end, jump onto the grate on the left side, then jump from the top straight onto the tray.

Then climb over the railing and run to the left. Jump from the trampoline at the very end to the chandelier and thus reach a new area. In this location, go to the left side, but when you stumble upon another hungry monster, you will have to run back.

If the escape is successful, then in the end the monster will get stuck under the shelf, after which it will be possible to climb over its back to the other side and go calmly to the left side. Move further along the corridor. Soon, Six will run into the cook and will have to run away again (the cook will exit the elevator, so be prepared). To hide from the cook, you will need to get to the bathroom and hide under the sink. If possible, then sit in this secluded place until the cook leaves and closes the doors behind him.

After the cook leaves, take the jar and throw it at the mirror. Breaking the mirror will open the passage to the hidden room, and there will be a grate in the room, along which you can climb higher. At the top, go to the right side along the pipe. On the other side, jump to the table below. And if you pay attention, you can see standing on the table "" (1/2). So break it and go into the open elevator.

When the moment comes to exit the elevator, go down the corridor and be sure to light the lamp. After that, enter the room, which is located on the left side, you will stumble upon the third "" (3/4). To the right is a corridor and, once in it, you will have to immediately run, overcoming various obstacles. At some point along the way, a cupboard will fall on top of everything, so be careful.

At the end of the path, jump onto the lamp and wait until the beam leans forward. Otherwise, jumping to the other side will not work. In addition, in this place you will stumble upon another lamp. Suffering from hunger, move to the right side until the heroine gets her food, which will be the last "" (4/4).

How to get the achievement: "". If you followed this walkthrough, then after you find the fourth Nome in this chapter, the achievement will be completed. In total, you need to hug 13 little Nomes.

Now comes the final part of the fourth chapter: climb higher through the ventilation on the right side, then use the stairs that also lead up. And as soon as you get out of the ventilation passage (pipe), be sure to go to the left side to find and break the second "" (2/2). After that, you can now take the jar near the shelves and throw it straight into the elevator button, then go inside and proceed to the passage of the fifth chapter.

Chapter - 5: "Mistress's Rooms" (Finale)

Here comes the final part of this passage. Go to the right side and then go up the stairs straight to the bedroom. Climb onto the table and throw off the vase so that it breaks. After that, go up to the chest of drawers. In the next room it will be possible to break the last "" (1/1). By breaking all the figurines, you can get achievement: "".

Now it's time to bring the key down to open the doors that are located on the landing. Try to keep to the right side and be prepared for the fact that you will soon have to run, because the priestess will appear very soon. At the same time, do not miss the room on the right side - here you will need to take a mirror. With the mirror, go to the room on the left side.

In this room, go to the middle of the circle and turn with a mirror to the priestess when she is about to hit the heroine. If everything ends well, then the hostess will be defeated and it will be possible to approach her to chat. When the dialogue ends, it remains just to go forward to the very end of the corridor, after which passage Little games Nightmares will be over!

Walkthrough is relevant for all versions of the game


Moves by game screen and interaction with objects is carried out using the keyboard. Acquainted with control keys You can select the appropriate item from the menu.


The game menu is opened by pressing the key Esc. It has a set of standard options.


Inventory is not used in the game. Purchased items are applied automatically when approaching the place of their use.


Saving the current state of the game is done automatically at checkpoints. Subfolder with saves SaveGames located in the folder with installed game by the address: LittleNightmares Atlas Saved.

Note. To enlarge the screenshot, click on it in the walkthrough text. To view additional screenshots, click on the active links highlighted in the text in dark red.

About the game

We take on the role of a little girl named Six, trapped in the Maw - a mysterious submarine that appears every year at the same time in a different place, filled with grotesque creatures as its guests, as well as various monsters and traps in its depths. The game begins with Six waking up in the lowest level of the Maw. To leave the ship, she needs to get to it. upper decks with guests. All she has for this is a lighter that illuminates very dark places, and a yellow raincoat.


We get out of the suitcase. We light the lighter, move to the right.

We light the lamp (save the current position of the game). Raise the manhole cover, climb inside. We crawl along the manhole. We get out, jump down, go to the stairs. Having risen on the steps, we follow forward.

In a niche, in the depth of the screen, we select a stone figurine and throw it down. We pass to the right, through the hole we make our way into the room.

We climb onto the chest, from it - onto the bed. From the bed we climb into the hatch in the wall, we move to the next room.

We move a chair to the door from under the feet of the hanged man. We climb onto a chair, turn the door handle, go through the opened door. We jump over the gap in the floor, open the refrigerator. We climb into the next hole, we move forward.

At the exit, we light the lamp, interact with the gnome in a pointed hat. We return to the previous room.

On the shelves of the refrigerator we climb up, jump onto the inclined platform on the left, follow forward. We jump over the gap, continue moving until we see a switch in the depths of the screen.

We climb the box, pull the knife switch down, open the door. We light the lamp at the door and follow in open door. We jump over the failure, we go into the next room.

We tear off the bottom board in the wall on the right, we climb into the hole. We jump in the center of the room, punch a hole in the floor, fall down. We run to the right, dodging the slugs. We open the door, we go out to the platform.

We jump over the gap, light the lamp in the depths of the screen, climb up the stairs. We go along the board to the left, following the gnome, then we go up the stairs. We go to the bottom of the screen, jump over to the platform on the right, climb the stairs above. We go to the left, jump over the gap.

We rotate the winch handle, open the door on the right. We quickly run to the right, jumping again through the opening and we slip through the closing door.

In a room with a fan, open the hatch in the wall, release the gnome. We climb into the hole in the wall on the right, we move to the next room. We jump down, go to the right.

We cross the bridge (a creature is moving along the upper floor, which is dragging a chair with its long arms). On the bound sheets hanging from the window, we climb up, climb into the cell. We light the lamp in the corner, go out through the open door. We close it from the outside.

We drag a box with rolls of paper to the switch on the wall on the left, climb onto it. Jump up and pull the handle down. We go to the right, we make our way between the bars of the lattice. We cross the room with a swing and a carousel, we climb through the bars of the second lattice.

We continue to move forward, we find ourselves in a room with a surveillance camera. We wait for the camera to turn to the right and run forward. We hide under the overturned bed in the center of the room, we wait again.

When the camera pans to the left, run to the right, climb the crate, and light the lamp. We climb to the top cell. Without going up to the second floor, we follow to the right, we jump down, we move to the next room.

We light the lamp in the depth of the screen. We interact with the doll, then return to the previous room. We climb onto the cells, go to the flooring of the second floor, deep into the screen. We move to the right, we go into the room.

We quickly hide under the bed when a guard enters the room (a strange creature with long arms). We wait for the guard to pass to the left, we sneak to the right, between the rows of beds. We pass into the next room. We climb the cages, jump to the shelves on the right, climb into the hole. We move along the channel, jump down to the floor of the new room. Overpowering bouts of hunger, moving to the right. We rise along the steps of the stairs, we continue to move to the right.

We pick up food thrown by the boy from behind the bars, eat it. We climb the boxes on the right, we climb into the gap of the lattice. We go to the right. On the bridge we push down the box.

In the next room, we climb onto the boxes in the depths of the screen, climb up the lattices of cells. We jump to the platform where there is a lit lamp, we jump over to the box on the left.

We climb up the chain, jump to the platform on the right. We climb up. We hang on the handle of the knife switch, waiting until the box suspended on the chain rises up.

We turn the lever to the right in the center of the site, wait for the box to move close to the site, jump onto it. Together with the box on the chain we move to the left. Climb up the chain, jump to the platform on the left. We go into the room with lockers.

We put forward the drawers, build a ladder for ourselves, so that it can be used to get to the knife switch handle on the wall. We jump and hang on it. The light goes out in the room, and the grate on the left, which was previously energized, is de-energized. We make our way between its bars. We light the lamp.

Open the cage, release the gnome. After him we climb through the bars into the room on the right, we calm the gnome. We return to the room on the left. we push down the counterweight suspended on the cable.

We jump, grab the loop, go down. We jump, we move to the right. Avoid contact with slugs. We cross the bridge, we pass through the bars. We find ourselves in a room that is viewed by the camera.

We take cover behind the boxes, wait for the cart to move towards us. We use it as a cover to cross the viewable area. We leave the door on the right. We pass along the bridge, which, when we appear, begins to move apart.

We jump over the gap, climb onto the box, from it we jump to the platform on the opposite side, until the bridge pushed the box on which we stand. We pass through the door. The grating behind us lowers, cutting off the way back. We follow the fleeing gnomes.

After going a little forward through the ventilation, climb up the stairs. Having got out into a new room, run to the right to the failure, jump onto one of the moving hooks and move through a huge gap to a creepy warehouse. The sixth will again be twisted by an attack hunger. Run right until you reach mice caught in a mousetrap. Lifting the sides of the living creatures, the Sixth will be released, and it will be possible to continue the path further.

Climb onto the boxes with bundles and get out into the next room. Run around the room and exit through the double doors. Now push trolley to the right wall and jump over to the window before the cart has time to drive off. You will be in pantry, there is nothing interesting here, so run to the right. In the end, you will reach the kitchen, where a disgusting-looking cook. Make your way behind him to another part of the kitchen and go to the door to the right. The door is locked on the hinged lock so you have to find another way. Luckily, you can climb onto a small white cabinet nearby. At the top of the closet, light it up flashlight, after that get over to the beams and run along them to the opposite side of the room. When you reach the cages, climb up them and make your way into manhole.

Once in the toilet with a double toilet, climb onto it and jump to the left on shelf. Light up candle, jump down and exit through the door. Run along the corridor past the elevator to the next door and go into the bedroom. The beds inside are also double, with the second cook now sleeping on one of them. Walk past the bed, climb onto the table and jump to key. Now swing back and forth until the key slides off the hanger.

The noise of the falling key will wake up the second twin, so immediately run under the bed and wait for the enemy to leave the room. Next, run out of cover, grab the key and run to the elevator. Climb down, put the key near the door and go left to pantry. One of the cans on the floor will move, break it and hug it noma that sat inside. Now return to the elevator, pick up the key and run through the kitchen with it to door with lock. Here you need to be careful, as one of the twins is wandering around the kitchen. Opening the door, run to the table for felling meat, from it jump into a small hatch in the wall. Through it you will enter a room with grinder.

The wall on the right has Luke, leading out of the room, but you can’t get to it and there is nothing to move towards it in the room. Climb into a small farm elevator, which is in the wall to the left of the meat grinder and go up to the refrigerator camera. First, climb through the hatch in the right wall, light lamps y and break the doll. After that, go back and climb up the shelves. Jump from the shelves hook, and from it to the adjacent hook with a piece of meat. Falling with him, drag a piece to the hatch, then climb onto the table and drag the third piece of meat to the other two. Now get down, hug noma hiding under the table. Then climb on the table and pull lever arm, after the meat falls into the meat grinder, turn its handle to get three sausages. Jump on them, swing and jump down the hatch.

After passing through the ventilation shaft, you will reach another refrigeration cameras. Run right to the closed door and elevator. Call the elevator by pulling the lever, and immediately, without waiting for it to arrive, run back and hide in boxes. After going down the elevator, one of the cooks will approach the boxes. After rummaging through them, he will take a piece of cheese and go to the left. At this time, run out of your hiding place and run to the elevator. Climbing up, immediately hide in the hatch on right. The cook will rise after you, but not finding the Sixth, he will go through the door on the right and start cutting the carcass. Key from the door lies on his table. So you need to find a way to distract him.

Go behind him into the next room and turn on meat grinder, then immediately run to the nearest hatch leading to the room on the right. If you do everything quickly and drive into the hatch with a slide, then the cook who has come running to the noise will not notice you. Take from the table key and run to the elevator. After going down, open the door, go into the room with garbage, climb onto the box and jump to the hatch garbage chute.

in the trash compartment, go to the near left corner and break the doll. After that, climb the right wall into the drain pipe and move to the first unclosed hatch leading up. Get out of it and go left, then go up by closet with dishes. Jump over to the shelf above the door and jump onto one of the hooks, move on it to the shelf with the lantern. Light it up and go back along the shelves, then go down. Follow the pipe to the right until you reach the cooks. Get out of the shelter and run to the right. Fly under the sink and keep running to the right, then you will see on the back wall lever arm. Hide under the table and wait for the cook who was chasing Six to leave the room. Now climb onto the table and move the lever to the other side. Hooks change the direction of their movement, again dive under the table and wait for the cook.

After the chef leaves, run back to the hatch into the drain pipe from which you crawled out and climb inside. Crawl along the pipe to the left to the next open hatch, climb up, climb the cabinet and jump on the hook.

Holding on to the hook, drive through the next closed door and jump down to avoid falling into the hands of one of the cooks. After jumping, immediately run further, slip under the table, climb onto the boxes and jump from them again on the hook. After overcoming the abyss, jump onto the pipe and climb into a small hole. Kitchen left behind.

Tags: Little Nightmares, Sixth, Womb, Tarsier Studios, Kitchen, Nomes, Lamps, Chef Brothers


Go right and go up the stairs. On the ceiling you will see moving hooks that you can grab. To grab them, run to the left, jump into the doorway and grab the hook as it passes you. Or, you can run to the right, climb on top of the bag and then grab the hook as it passes you.

Once you've grabbed the hook, use it to travel to the far corner into the next room. After approaching the next room, keep moving forward, as Six is ​​hungry (hunger will increase from pain). When you get to the trapped rat, take it and eat it. Then climb up the laundry boxes on the right and go into the next room.

In the middle of the next room, you will see a laundry basket. Climb it up and then push the metal top while leaning against the trash can to create a bridge to the next trash can on the right. Then go to the floor and look into the hidden space behind the ramp between the linen drawers. This will take you to a secret passage that leads to a room on the right. After entering the room, go to the table and take the collectible statue. Throw it on the floor to break it.

Avoid the chef

After breaking the statue, go up the stairs found on the wall on the right to return to the room with the laundry boxes. There you can continue through the door on the right. Push the basket to the right end of the next room to climb it and reach the opening leading to the next area.

After that, you will find yourself in a room where a vile cook works. Note that there is actually a small hole in front of this room on the right wall next to the doorway. It is very important that you go through it, and not through the door, otherwise the cook will notice you.

Once you pass through the opening, you will notice the chef moving around the room. Once he turns away, you will need to move from cover to cover until the chef heads to the room on the right. The trick is that you have to knock, close the oven doors, and generally make noise to get the chef's attention.

This will allow you to move to the far right side of the room and use the shelves in the background while the cook is looking for the source of the noise. On the right you will find a door, but you will need a key to open it.

Find the key

Be sure to light the lantern located on the top of the shelving, then go to the wooden beam on the left. Try not to be caught by the chef at this point, even if he discovers you. Using this knowledge, don't forget to use a row of wooden beams to move to the front and then to the left.

Soon you will find a whole series of cages that you can climb into to reach the hole in the wall near the ceiling. Go through the hole and enter the bathroom. In the bathroom, you must climb onto the toilet and jump onto the shelf to your left to light the next lantern. Keep going left and head to the bedroom.

Once you're in the bedroom, go up to the shelf on the left and then jump to grab the key needed to open the door to the kitchen. You need to move left and right to move the key off the hook. Be careful, because if you wake up the sleeping cook in the bedroom, you will need to hide under the bed or climb higher to avoid being grabbed.

After you have the key, go back to the right to the bathroom. There, go to the background and look for the switch next to the elevator. To activate the elevator, jump up and turn the switch. This will cause you to drop the key, so be sure to pick it up and climb into the elevator that will take you to the lower level. When you reach the floor, go to the left side to see a Nome hiding in a brown jar. Take the jar and throw it to free Nome, then hug him.

Reach for the hatch

Back in the kitchen, follow the same path you took earlier. Then use the key to unlock the door on the right before heading to the right side of the next location. There you need to climb onto the table in the corner and use it to get to the small hole above you. Jump up and crawl into it.

The hole will lead you to another room with a table with a food machine. There is a food elevator in the background, and a trapdoor that leads through the wall on the right. To get to the hatch, you need to first climb onto the table, then jump over to the handle that hangs from the ceiling. This will cause food to enter the food machine.

Now turn the wheel on the food machine to create a link hanging on the right. Then get on the lift and use it to go up to the freezer. There, you must move the food from the table to a metal hatch on the ground before heading through a small opening to the next room. Again, before you go forward, be sure to light the lantern, grab the collectible statue, and then break it.


After that, return to the elevator and head to the previous room. There you have to pull the handle and turn the wheel on the machine to drop the second piece of meat. Then return to the freezer, but this time climb up the shelves on the left. Then jump over to the hanging hook and use it while swinging left and right to get to the meat hanging from the nearest hook.

Once done, grab the meat and let it fall to the floor, then pick it up to move it into the metal hatch. Walk down the elevator, then repeat the process to make another connection. After making three connections, you can jump over to the opening on the right wall to enter the tunnel leading to the next location. After that, you will find two boxes stacked on the right side of the room. Remember that you can hide in the bottom drawer!

Find the next key

Wait for the cook to open the left door. After he leaves, enter the room on the left and hide under the table located along the right wall. The key to take is on the table in the center of the room. Unfortunately, there will be a cook who poses a serious danger to you.

To grab the key, use the furniture in the background to sneak behind the chef, then crawl through the hole on the left wall. In the next location, press the button located on the backs of the device, and quickly return back through the hole, as the cook will come here. Now, take the door key and take the elevator up.

As soon as the elevator stops, run and open the door on the right, and then hide in the overturned cart in the back. When the chef enters the room on the right, climb onto the cart and jump to the left to open the door to the tray. Then return to the cart and jump into the tray to go down below. There you can go to the left of the room to find another collectible statue.

Avoid cooks

After breaking the statue, climb the right wall and go to the small tunnel on the right. There are two different places in the room upstairs where you can go. When you reach the first point, get out of the tunnel and walk along the shelves in the background. When you reach the top of the shelves, go left and jump over to the wooden shelf located under the moving hooks.

Now jump up and grab one of those hooks to head into the room to your left, where you'll land on a shelf. Don't forget to light the lantern. Then return to the room on the right and go to the tunnel that goes under the floor.

There you have to go to the next hole on the right and use the cover to avoid the cooks as you go to the next location. Now climb up onto the table and pull the lever on the wall to change the direction of the hooks. After that, quickly hide under the table so as not to get caught by the cook, who will come to the noise.

Once the path is clear, return to the left room, and go to the left side and up the shelves where you will reach the hooks. Use them to head to the next location to the right of the room where you flipped the lever. Then drop down before you reach the cook. Be very careful here, as all the chefs are looking for you.

Here you need to run as fast as possible and slide under the table. Keep running to the right, then use the crate to get to the table and jump up to the hook before the chef can catch you. Finally, return to the hook at the next location on the right.

Very Little Nightmares
By: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe / Alike Studio

Very Little Nightmares is a mobile prequel to the popular console game Little Nightmares. You play as the little girl in a yellow raincoat who's trapped in a mansion. It's a horror-tinged puzzle adventure with some reflex-based sections thrown in. It can be tricky at times, so this walkthrough guide will help you if you get stuck. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.

Tip: Watch where the Nomes run off to. They often lead you to the jack-in-the-box.

Level 1:

Pull the handle to make the hot air balloon drop. Then follow the Nomes into the other room.

head straight. Don't worry about falling on the first weak plank - you can pull yourself up. Go left to avoid the next weak plank. Then go up and then right and then up again. Continue straight. Take a detour for the jack-in-the-box if you'd like, then get back on the main path. Keep going straight. Halfway up the ramp, a metal cylinder will start rolling down. Quickly double-tap to go left onto the plank that's out of its way. Then continue straight and up the ladder. Rip off the two planks covering the hole in the wall and go through.

In the next room, climb straight down the cages and onto the two tiny wooden planks. Close the cage door. Then climb back up and down the cage whose door you just closed. Cross the wooden plank to go right and then climb up and cross the next wooden plank. Push the long bar so it lands up against the wall. Climb back up to where the first plank is and cross it. Push the bar again. Go back to where you first encountered the bar and climb down further. Cross the final plank and make your way to the right. Climb up the cages and carefully cross the bar (don't run) to the exit. Go through to complete Level 1.

Level 2:

If you want to get the jack-in-the-box, make sure to go through the crack in the wall on the shelf you start on. Then climb down the cages to the floor. Climb up to the red button and press it to open the door. Go through to the next room.

Notice the key above the closet. Open the left closet door and climb up the left side. Push the key down and then stay put until the guy in the wheelchair leaves. Once he's gone, it's safe to come down and take the key.

Grab the key and go back to the first room. Unlock the cage and then follow the other kid. Together you can open the next door. Head through to the next room.

Pull the lever to send the cart to the other side. Then, pull the lever again, but this time run fast to the little outcropping before the cart can come back this way and hit you.

Head up to the other side and pull the second lever. But climb up the cage and onto the box before the cart makes its way back to this slide. Then climb onto it and through the air vent to complete Level 2.

Level 3:

This level involves a lot of waiting and running to get pst spotlights. For the first one, hide behind the box closest to the spotlight. Then, when it looks away from you, make a run for it to the next box. Keep doing this until you get to a pile of boxes and cages. Climb them to the top and get off at the upper floor. Head left and flip the switch to turn on the power. Continue left and go through the hole in the wall to find the jack-in-the-box. Then head back all the way right. Step on the button to bring the elevator up. Then grab the crowbar.

Head left again and find the box near the edge. Use the crowbar to push it down. Then climb back down and continue sneaking and running until you get to a spotlight near a button. This time, you need to hide on the other side of the box, because it's positioned differently. When the spotlight moves, run over to the button and stand on it for a very brief time, then run back. Keep doing this in short spurts to play it safe. When the elevator is all the way at the bottom, head back left and climb the boxes again to get to the upper floor. Head to the elevator but don't touch the button! Instead, climb down the boxes and cages to get near the spotlight below. Wait until the spotlight moves out of the way and then run through the door.

In the next room, climb the boxes and cages to the shelf above. Walk along it and after the wheelchair guy leaves, use the hanging light to get down. Head through the door to complete Level 3.

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