Passage of the game stalker clear sky (clear sky).  Encyclopedia of S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Clear Sky Walkthrough Stalker Clear Sky detailed walkthrough

After the negotiations, in which the main character will ask Krylov about how you can get into the "Dungeons of Agroprom", he will explain to you that you can go there only through a large hole dug by mutants and ask you to do a small favor - to flood the Dungeon, so that forever close the way out for snorks and other wickedness. Agree - a reward, not a lot, not a little - 10 thousand RU.

Before going to the dungeon, equip yourself with the best weapons and armor-piercing ammo - come in handy.

Go to the southeast of the location. In a wooded area near the hillside, you will meet a detachment of debtors. Talk to their commander, Sergeant Nalivaiko. He will ask for assistance and help to kill a pack of snorks (which will come out in 8-10 seconds after the conversation). Basically, they will attack debtors. Having a double-barreled shotgun with you, you can disinfect the current situation with aimed shots. If at least Nalivaiko survives, he will give you a tip to the cache "Case in the dungeons".
Now go underground!

Here are the famous dungeons. You will find yourself in a curved corridor dotted with Zharka anomalies. Follow to its far end, along the way shooting snorks crawling out of the crevices. Your goal is to run to the stairs that lead to the next level. You will find yourself in a small room. Collect the boxed swag, reload the clip and step into the doorway leading to a hall with a high ceiling and four septic tanks filled with gurgling Kissel anomalies.
Tinnitus, disorientation and a critical level of psi-radiation foreshadow the appearance of the controller. Knowing his weak point in the inability to conduct close combat, it is recommended to run to the opposite end of the room, directly towards the mutant and chop armor-piercing weapons at close range, or save ammunition by plugging him to death with a knife.
Move on. You will enter the pump control room. Save the game. Turn the valve and get ready for a hundred meters. As soon as the grate is up, put in a fast run and run forward, then down the spiral staircase and down the curved corridor. Along the way, you will meet a flock of crazed jerboas. Ignoring them, drink an energy drink on the run and, having reached the stairs, quickly climb to the top.
After a small script scene, it will become clear to you that the dungeon is flooded and the path to the lower levels is inaccessible. Mission completed. It remains only to get to the surface.
Flying headlong is not worth it. Somehow, the upper level of the research dungeons has been occupied by a group of vicious bandits. Pacify the unbelted punks.
Now you need to find Strelka's Cache, which contains important information. The layout of the small room hasn't changed since PM (this is logical). From the PDA found, it will become known that it is necessary to advance to Lake Yantar.
On the stairs leading to the surface, be extremely careful. This place was chosen by several fiery poltergeists. Leaning out of the doorway, subdue these anomalous creatures as well.
Once on the surface, go to Krylov for a reward.
Further to Yantar, the transition to which is located in the northwestern corner of the location. [Advice]

Present to your attention Walkthrough of the game Stalker Clear Sky. This is written in real time and placed on the site online. New territories, new enemies and weapons - we expect a lot of new and unsolved things in the game world. The Stalker engine has also been updated, now it X Ray 1.5 with DirectX 10 support. We will try to make sure that complete Stalker Clear Sky you were able to without problems and difficulties. The walkthrough was written with patch version 1.5.03 (), so there may be slight discrepancies. Also, the game still suffers from bugs and various errors.

Stalker Clear Sky Walkthrough
Watch a video about our main character. Here is a brief description of it: our gg is leading a group of scientists and suddenly there is an outburst. Of course we survived. After the video, he watches a scripted scene. Here we are surprised and asked the question - how did we survive after the ejection.

After some time, control falls to us. Look around, get into inventory, check if all things are in place. If everything is ok, then we can perform our first task - talk to the bartender. Having opened our PDA / PDA (you can use the P button), we will see a map and a red dot. That's where we need to go (go down the stairs and to the right). After talking with the bartender, we will be given a new task - to talk with Lebedev (the main one in the swamp). Follow the first floor of the building to the second room.

We are talking with Lebedev and then an attack on the outpost suddenly happens. We are asked to help, but we do not mind. We leave the house and follow the red mug. Here we will be given our first weapon (pistol and shotgun) and cartridges. The character behind the counter is Suslov, now our merchant.
We run to the outpost (to the gate). We talk with the guard and press that we are ready. We are blindfolded so as not to see the road, because. she is secret. We are in the middle of a swamp. Wherever you look - grass and water. We follow the yellow arrow. We go up the island. We take the bolt in our hands and throw it forward to be sure that the road is safe and there are no anomalies. When the distance to the tower is visible, we take a shotgun in our hands and kill the monsters around. Search the bodies of fallen allies. After the end of the task, a not-so-good thing will happen - an ejection. This time it is not on time, but we survived again and respawned in the same room as at the beginning of the game. We go to Lebedev for an explanation and agree to help. Now let's go to Suslov for a reward.

Walkthrough Stalker Clear Sky

Our current goal is to go with a guide to the swamps. We go to the backyard of our settlement (or follow the red circle) and talk to the guide. We agree and now they lead us with closed eyes to the swamp. We take a gun in our hands and run (hold down the X key) to the fishing farm in order to have time to help ours from the attack of an enemy group detachment.

It is possible that you will have another task, for example, to clear the tower or help fend off enemies in another place. There is only one meaning - to fulfill the goal - to strengthen the presence of "Clear Sky" in the swamps. And for this you need to perform one of the actions: capture some point (pumping station, observation tower), help from the attack of the "Renegades" group or destroy the enemy. The more goals you complete, the greater the reward and the strength of our grouping will be. You can only help your teammates fight off the enemies and immediately go to the base, but you will get little, and no one has canceled the trophies. Money in the game is very necessary, without them tight.

Important! To return to the Clear Sky base, you need to talk to the guide (marked with a blue circle on the map), which is located at each captured point. To leave the Clear Sky base, you also need to talk to the guide in the backyard.

Upon returning to the Clear Sky base, talk to Suslov (merchant) and he will give you a reward for feats. As soon as you complete the task of superiority of force over the “Renegades” (you can see it in the “Group War” tab), you will be given a new task - to capture the farm, which is also the main base of the “Renegades”.

It is interesting! There is a weapon upgrade at the Clear Sky base. For moderate money, you can improve a pistol, a shotgun, i.e. any weapon (for some improvements you need to get special flash drives) and bulletproof vests.

Stock up on first-aid kits, bandages, pistol cartridges (it is the pistol that is good at the initial stage of the game, especially if the weapon is improved) and go. Clean up the farm, carefully shooting enemies. It is better to approach from the backyard for the effect of surprise. Use cover and you will be able to capture the farm without any problems. After clearing, wait for your allies (hold the point until the allies arrive). When they arrive at the base, and with them the guide, the task will be completed. You can teleport with the help of a guide to the base for a reward (or you can proceed to the next task, and then immediately receive all the rewards for the tasks).
Now you need to capture the approaches to the paths (secure the paths to Kordon and Agroprom by capturing positions near them). In this task, you will have to act not alone, but in a group. It will take less time. We cleared the base - it is now yours, congratulations!

It's time to leave the swamps and head to the cordon to Sidorovich (who played the original stalker ( Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl or S.T.A.L.K.E.R.), he is already screaming with happiness to meet an old friend or vice versa). If you are not yet ready to make a trip, then at any other time you can do it in the southern farm, but for now you can go to the base, get a reward and improve your weapons.

Go with a guide to the cordon - which we do. We find ourselves near the base of soldiers (post of soldiers). And all alone. Sidorovich meets us on the radio wave.

If you just run through the military post, they will immediately kill you from a machine gun. You ask - How to get through the military post and this **** automatic machine that always wets!? We run for the right big stone. We are waiting for the machine gun to stop firing and announce that the target (i.e. you) is out of sight. At this moment, we quickly move to the left side behind another stone or tree. If you have time, you can immediately run away from the soldiers' post. If a machine gun hits you - use a bandage, and then a first aid kit, if the energy runs out - drink an energy drink.
So far, the military base is “finished”. Talking to Sidorovich is our current goal. We go to the village, go down to the basement and talk with an old friend. Sidorovich needs a case with swag. To do this, we need to meet with the stalkers behind the embankment and talk to the head of the base.

On the way, you will be asked to help the stalkers fight off the soldiers. If you can help - go ahead, in case of victory at the base, a reward will await you.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. clear sky walkthrough

We speak with Valerian, then with Khaletsky (a prisoner in the military), then again with Valerian. We did not learn anything about the case, but the captain had an idea. We need to help destroy the military at the elevator. After the victory, the soldiers will be spotted at the ATP, where we need to run and help the stalkers. After killing the last enemy, you will need to return back to the base and interrogate the commander of the military. Khaletsky, finally, will tell the location of the case. We look at the PDA card and follow the instructions. We approach the elevator, go around it, climb the stairs and forward along the attic. At the end there will be swag, take it and bring it to Sidorovich.

He will tell you that he had a stalker nicknamed Fang and bought a tube amplifier. Sidorovich did not have the required amount, so Fang went to the Dump to the diggers.

Now our path lies on the territory of the landfill in order to get information about the Fang from the diggers. It is better to go through the left passage, which is located right behind the embankment with the railway.

Important! When you go to the dump, the bandits will stop you and take all the money. So it’s better to spend them on something you need in advance, and give what remains.

They take our money and we move on to our destination. It is better to go along the road, then turn off. Search the corpse on the spot and listen to the recording. Now in the neighborhood you need to get information from the messenger digger. When you approach Vasyan, you will receive a task to kill a pack of blind dogs. Climb onto the rock and wait for the attack. Fight back and listen to thanks from your partner, who will tell you that Fang is now in the Dark Valley.

Go to the lower passage to the Dark Valley (bypass the mountain).

passage of the game Stalker Clear Sky
dark valley
In the Dark Valley, where the base of the Freedom group is located, the reception is more good-natured - they don’t take away money, they politely answer questions.

When you enter the territory you will be asked to perform several actions - do it.
The soldier will ask you about the reason for your location here, you will answer him that you are looking for Fang. Here we will be told that only his corpse can be found. It is best to go to the base of "Freedom" and find out everything there.

Interesting! Along the way, you will be given another task (optional), in which you will need to find the dead Svoboda.

We go to the base "Freedom" on the road. Let's go inside and get familiar.

It is interesting! Be sure to listen to the conversation with Ashot on the local radio. This is not the first and not the last case of disruption of the ether.

It's time to talk to the commandant. Go through the door, above which hangs a sign "commandant". He will ask a favor for a favor - we must destroy the psi-dog, which greatly annoys the Liberty base.

No problem, we will complete the order. We kill the dog and return to the commandant. Shchukin orders to take cartridges from Ashot, a local merchant who lives on the second floor of the destroyed building. Now let's deliver the ammunition to the outpost, located not far from the main base. On the way we will hear shots, our guys were killed, again someone unknown. We reach the point, search the corpses (do not forget to pick up new weapons and ammunition - money is always needed, especially after the incident at the Dump) and find the PDA. We take it back to the base and give it to Chekhov. Our commandant is a corrupt rat, he leaked all the information. We need to find him and deliver him alive, well, or dead.

The commandant was found, he sat down on the farm and not alone. It is necessary to help "Freedom" to destroy the mercenaries and the commandant himself. Clearing the place is not difficult, the main thing is not to shoot your own. When you kill the last enemy, search the commander's corpse and pull out the PDA. Now you need to take it to the base to Chekhov. The head of the base will thank us, load the coordinates of the Fang into our PDA and offer to perform an additional task - to activate two antennas, and then clear out the mercenary bases. To perform or not is up to you, I will only say one thing - they give 1000 rubles for all the tasks completed.

We need to go to the Junkyard again (we use the upper left passage and find ourselves in the Junkyard), this time we have the coordinates of the Fang on the PDA.

We approach the settlement of stalkers. The arrow points to the wall, but everything is simpler. Nearby you will see a door - open it and go inside. Sha-breath! Everything is white. We were covered by bandits: they took away everything of value (weapons, cartridges, body armor, that is, everything) and ran away.

It is interesting! The stolen property can be returned. You will definitely have this in additional tasks, and with an indication of the place. Indispensably look at the second floor of the ruins and from the chest, which is located next to the merchant, take all the bandages and first-aid kits, as well as additional cartridges for the pistol. You can even do without weapons - just lure two bandits away, and then pick up things from the box.

When you wake up, in the second room, pick up everything, including Fang's PDA. Now we have to find the cache of a group of stalkers. To do this, we will visit the territory of the ”NII Agroprom”.

Research Institute Agroprom
Instead of looking for a cache, we now need to talk (just come close and he will start telling everything) with the commander of the checkpoint. He will say that the monsters are completely brutalized and that life is generally bad. We need to get to the “Duty” base, a small group of fighters is coming with us as reinforcements. One will be dragged along the road by a crossover (no, not a car, that's what the monster is called in the game). Then you have to fight off 3 monsters.

The chef will be waiting for us on the 3rd floor. He will help us, but if we help him (this is not Santa Barbara for you), we need to flood the dungeon. Sergeant Nalivaiko will help us with this (well associated with water). Our task is to follow to the dungeon, repel the attack of monsters and go down. I recommend getting shotguns and cartridges for it, so that there is something to fight back in close combat.

Soon there will be a small push. Because of it, pipes will burst, and jets of flame will make it difficult for you to pass forward. Walk along the corridor with a simple snake, shooting monsters along the way, until you get to the stairs. Climb up, take the first-aid kits and cartridges from the shelf. Get ready for the boss level, so to speak. When you enter a large room, psi-radiation will appear, the screen will shake violently and fill with paint. Monsters will appear - kill them. It is best to shoot in the head - it's more effective.

After destroying all the “bad” ones, the grate will open. Run there and turn the tap. Don't forget to save. Now run to the right and down the stairs. Turn left and go until you see a ladder - climb up. Congratulations, you are almost out of the dungeon.

Climb up the stairs and turn left. Kill the bandits and go forward. Look carefully at the left wall. You should see a round hole and green boxes below. Did you see? Excellent! Climb through the boxes into this hole, then up the stairs and get into the room. Take the PDA Strelka in the upper left corner. Listen to a short story and go downstairs.

On a large spiral staircase are orange substances that can direct a stream of fire at you. My advice is to just run up that ladder and don't look back. If anything - be treated with first-aid kits.

Get out upstairs, find yourself in the Research Institute Agroprom. Our current assignment is to talk to Sakharov. Head to Yantar, two passages from above are waiting for you.

Walkthrough Stalker Clear Sky
Go through the hole in the fence and the zombie soldiers will immediately start attacking the camp. We have to protect him. Attacks will come from all sides, so do not sit still, but constantly move around the camp and do not let the zombies come close to your base. When you kill the last enemy, you can calmly talk to Sakharov.

It is interesting! After the zombie attack, the guide Vasko Sportsman will appear in the camp, who will take you anywhere (Swamps, Cordon, Agroprom Research Institute, Landfill), but at a reasonable price.

The professor will say that we need to get (find) a PDA and documents so that he can help us get into the factory. We leave the building and head to the point. Behind the building there will be a lot of psi-dogs and ordinary ones. So stock up on ammo in advance and a good machine gun (preferably improved). Search all the corpses and find a little white PDA. Zombies will attack from behind, so be careful. Throw grenades at them. The same situation upon returning to base. Kill the zombies and take the documents to Sakharov.

Now we need to meet with the Lefty squad. I'm going to the point. We wait for Sakharov's signal and jump over the fence. We go forward, shooting zombies. We break into the territory of the complex. We climb through the fence and get an order - to protect the stalkers using the roof. You need to survive for more than 3 minutes, killing zombies from all sides, but pay special attention to the roof where your teammates are. You lasted, the valve is closed, everything is ok. Now you need to go to the Red Forest - a new location for the game Stalker Clear Sky.

Red Forest
As soon as you move into new territory, you will need to catch up with Strelok. Really, don't rush to do it. An ambush will be waiting for you near the bridge - kill all the perpetrators of this "triumph". The shooter ran away and then blew up the passage behind him. Now the pursuit is pointless. It is necessary to pave the way through Limansk.
We need help - we run to the SOS signal. We find a PDA in one of the corpses and take it for ourselves. We get the next task. You need to find a passage to the anomalous zone. On the PDA of the dead group, there were notes about the way through the Red Forest. In the depths of this forest is a spatial anomaly that leads to an old privateer at the edge of the forest. This is where the Forester lives. It is necessary to find a passage to the anomaly.
Following the indicated point, we will reach a small camp, where there will be a guide. He will be able to take us anywhere, keep that in mind, tk. there will be no way back from Limansk.

We go to the anomalous zone, which is guarded by mutants (dogs, psi-dogs, snorks). There will be a lot of enemies along the way, so use a machine gun and a flashlight, and if there is a night vision device (body armor improvement), then it too. Climb onto the tank, go forward along the muzzle and jump into the anomalous ball. Find yourself in another place, talk to the Forester. It is located in a brick building, on the second floor, behind the door. The elevator does not work, so we use the stairs.
"Healthy, living soul," - this is the statement that the Forester will meet us with. He will tell you about Limansk and the Red Forest, and also ask you to go to the Military warehouses in order to catch a clearer signal from the stalkers from Limansk. We pass through the checkpoint (there are a lot of cartridges in the box, you can replenish your backpack) to a new territory.

Stalker Clear Sky Walkthrough
Military warehouses
We speak with the commander of the checkpoint. He will tell you that there are no more soldiers in this zone, everyone was killed, and that the survivors are forced to hide like rats, because. there is no one to hold back the barrier. We need to meet the mercenaries in the village. We go down the map, talk to the guard. Let's listen to a story about a rich customer from the very top, about the disappearance of stalkers and about a creature that dragged a partner away. Now we have to kill the bloodsucker (two horns of the machine gun are enough), and then climb the tower to receive a good signal.

A radio message from the missing group of mercenaries was received and Lesnik received its contents via the CCP radio channel. You must return to him for further instructions.

After talking with the Forester, we learn that we need to find the Compass artifact, which is located with the bandits. We go forward, go around the fence, destroy the bandits who guard the entrance to the mine, and go forward. We kill all the “inhabitants”, take the artifact from the shelf and bring it back to the Forester (he will give you an improved Vintar-VS as a reward). Now you need to get the transmitter, which is located in the military warehouses.

On the territory of the warehouses, you need to talk with the mercenary, who is located at the bottom left of the map.

To be continued...

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Your journey begins with the protagonist waking up after experiencing a major surge. Chat with Lebedev, and when he leaves the room, you will have a new quest: you need to find the bartender and find out from him what is happening. The bartender is in a building nearby. Use the radar for guidance.

Quest #1

After talking with the bartender, you will learn about the mutant attack on the scout post. Go to the warehouse where you will be given equipment. To do this, talk to Suslov. To leave the camp, talk to the CHN soldier located near the warehouse.


Once in the swamps, avoid anomalies that take away your HP. To detect them, you have to use bolts. When you pass the nearest bridge, there will be the first anomalies, in abundance. After talking with Lebedev, take the detector and pick up the first artifact - the familiar Medusa. Medusa cannot be attached to the belt, since the jacket for beginners is produced without slots.

As you approach the red dot, you will find a tower with several bodies. Inside the car is a box of ammo. Avoid boars. You need to attack them directly in the forehead. Before the ejection, you can find the right bodies. On the tower itself you can find ammo.

home base

Return to Suslov to collect your well-deserved reward. Head to the building nearby to talk to the master. You will receive a quest related to finding a flash drive.

Give me the flash drive. If you have money, you can upgrade or repair your ammunition. Return to Lebedev for a conversation. This will start a new quest related to the killing of bandits in the swamps. After leaving the headquarters, you will see Swift. Learn how to properly survive in the Zone. If you have money, you can pay Shustrom to mark the location of the caches on your map. If you need to go somewhere, then use the services of a guide.

big swamps

Once in place, you will see the flesh. It is best to avoid them, but if you want, then attack. A new message will appear on the PDA asking you to help. A new target will appear on the map to which you need to move. Once on the territory of the camp, you will see renegades. Kill them all, remembering to search the bodies.

It is necessary to provide assistance to the Chen soldiers who want to capture the swamp. The necessary points are marked on the map with markers. The map will also point you to snags, swags and more. After receiving a message from Lebedev, you will need to return to the ChN base. Talk to him and learn about a new task, according to which it is necessary to clear the base of the renegades and get a passage to the Cordon.