Walkthrough of Corduroy Assassin. Velvet assassin: guides and walkthroughs. Disappearance - Hospital

Lost - Valley

Run under the bridge, climb it along the stairs located on the side of the cliff. Sneak up to the soldier and kill him with a knife - there is no need to hide the body. Move forward to the place where two guards are talking. When they disperse, kill the first one and hide the body, and then take care of the second one. By the way, you will then need to search him in order to pick up items from his pockets that will bring you points. You can enter the protected area if you crawl into the hole in the fence located to the right of the gate.

Go right to the barn - you will find a first aid kit and morphine, which you need to immediately use and run to the soldier who is facing you and guarding the door. After killing him, search the body, and then open the door and go through it.

Lost - Fuel depot

Open the locker and take the pistol with ammo from there. Go out into the corridor, pushing out the box that is interfering with movement. Search the shelf on the left - you will find morphine and a collectible. Next, go right along the corridor. Kill the sentry and search him to get the door key.

Going out into the corridor, break the fuses in the panel when the soldier goes around the corner. When he returns, you can kill him in the dark without the second guard noticing. After destroying the second soldier, go to the end of the corridor and go through the door.

Go around the boxes on the right, pick up the collectible and go out to the center of the room. From there, go through the first door on the left and up the stairs to the first side passage.

When you approach the door, look through the keyhole. Choose the moment when the soldier turns his back to you and go into the room. Quiet<снимите>sentry, then break the fuses in the shield and, finally, by whistling, attract the attention of the second soldier who is standing in the corridor. When the German goes back to his place, attack him from behind, and then go through the door. Stop at the boxes and wait for the talking soldiers to disperse. Here you will have to use a pistol or morphine to deal with the enemies. On the left side of the boxes you will find syringes with morphine; if necessary, take them. There is a cabinet on the left near the near wall - open it. Use a knife to break the boards and go into the secret room. There, take the bottle of wine from the shelf, and then exit the room through the passage in the far right corner.

Go down the corridor. You need to climb over the grate, and then go left along the corridor and climb over the second grate. As you approach the door, look through the keyhole to see the location of the German soldier. Whistle to attract him to the door; when he goes to his old place, open the door and hide behind the box. Use morphine and attack the soldier. After that, return to the box and go through the grate, opening the gate - you will find a first aid kit. Next, go through the door located in the far right corner. There is a soldier standing right in front of her. In stealth mode, staying in the shadows, go right to the far pillar. The control unit hangs on it. Pull the lever to attract the attention of the guard dressed in a T-shirt, and go to the soldier who is standing at the pillar and kill him - drag his body into the shadows. After that, go right to the passenger car, on the floor between its side and the wall you will find the “Edelweiss” icon to add points to your rating. After taking the item, go up to the second floor and turn off the electricity by pulling the lever - access to the warehouse below is open. Return to the room where you killed the soldier using morphine. Go to the warehouse located behind the bars and take the explosives from the shelf.

Return to the garage, exit through the door and return to the stairs. Go upstairs and go to the small warehouse - there you will find a collectible item. Next, go downstairs and exit into the hall. Go through the door opposite, go right along the corridor, avoiding the shards of broken glass. As you enter the small dining room, hide behind the drawers on the far wall. You need to whistle to call an officer from the next room. When he turns his back to you, kill the fascist. Search him, then go into the room.

Take the letter from the table, then go to the door in the left corner. Open it with the key found in the German’s pockets and go into the storage room. Take the collectible from the shelf on the right, and then climb into the hole in the wall. From it you will crawl out into a small room, where you will find a gas mask, which lies on the table to the left, but before that you need to deal with the soldier who is in the room - this is not difficult to do.

After taking your things, return to the large hall and go through the door next to which there is a gas mask sign. Go all the way down and enter the fuel depot. Wait for the two guards to finish talking and go their separate ways. Kill the one wearing the T-shirt first, and then get rid of the second one. By the way, it is needed<убирать>at the far end of the tank. The third soldier is quite easy to kill. Once the room is clear, grab the collectible that is on the floor behind the columns, the shotgun shells that are on the shelf, and then move the chest to the far corner to climb onto the balcony. Follow it to the pipes on which the valves are located. After planting the explosives, go left to the end of the balcony and go through the door. In the room that opens, take the shotgun from the box, and then go out onto the stairs and go upstairs.

Run through the opened tunnel, destroying enemy soldiers along the way.

Death of the Butcher - Cathedral

Walk along the walkways behind the bridge support. There, hide behind the second group of boxes on the river side when the patrolling soldier turns his back to you. After killing the first sentry, get to the second one, and then pick up the collectible item behind the box on the left and go up the stairs.

Wait for the German to appear from the door. When he lights a cigarette, get close to him from the side and kill him with a knife. You shouldn't shoot a pistol, because... you can alarm two more soldiers who are inside the room. Once you enter there, take the key that is on the table. While the two patrolmen are talking, go right around the corner. From there, go straight to the stacks of bricks, on one of them you will find morphine and a first aid kit. Next, go back and wait for the moment when one of the soldiers stands in a puddle of gasoline. Shoot the flammable liquid to burn the enemy, and then shoot the second German who comes running, attracted by the screams of his comrade. After destroying the enemy, go across the bridge to the other side of the bridge span. There, go through the door on the right.

Wait until the soldier closest to you moves to the right, then sneak up on him and kill him. Next, go inside the house made of boards and wait for the second SS man to appear at the bridge fence. Use morphine and attack the soldier. After that, replenish your supply of morphine from the table from the house and go left from the truck to the soldier who is standing by the lamppost. After killing him, go down under the bridge along the stairs on the left.

Move to the right and enter the barge. There, wait until one of the soldiers approaches you and approaches the left side. In this place the easiest way is to sneak up on him and kill him. Eliminate the second soldier standing on the bow of the barge, but this must be done at the moment when the third soldier goes from the left extreme point to the right. Next, destroy the third SS man, then go left to the boxes. On the left side of the stack there is a box that you can push to get to the switchboard, with which you can cut off the electricity. After that, go through the gate and approach a small house. Choose a moment to enter it and kill the officer. Search him - take the key and open the door in the pantry with it. Take the female SS uniform and another key from there, then climb into the closet and change clothes there. Leave the house.

Walk along the embankment, but do not come close to the soldier, so as not to be recognized. Open the door at the end of the embankment and go into the tunnel. Follow it to the end and turn right. There will be a soldier standing in the far right corner. Next to him is a barrel with a collectible item on it. You can shoot at the puddle of gasoline in which the soldier is standing, or you can leave the object in its place - it’s up to you. Next, climb the vertical stairs into the fresh air.

Go around the truck and go to the checkpoint, trying not to get close to enemy soldiers and officers. After passing the fence, go left into the barn, from there you can walk along the truck to the wall without being noticed. In the right corner of the wall there is a passage through which you need to go. Choose a moment and do it.

Go to the toilet and change clothes, then crawl through the hole in the fence. Go to the front garden<снимите>the soldier standing with his back to you and hide his body on the right in the shade of the bushes. Go right along the perimeter of the plantings. Pass through open areas, choosing a safe moment, because... An SS man walks around the tree. Having picked up morphine in the corner behind the bushes, continue moving around the perimeter of the front garden. When you get to the house, walk along the bushes. Hide in the shadow of the last niche and from there attack the passing soldier. Next, go through the gap in the wall located in the right corner. Kill the soldier guarding the courtyard, take the key from him, and then go through the locked door.

Go into the basement, the entrance to which is located on the left. There you can change into a German uniform, change your pistol to a Lugger, and also pick up a first aid kit from the floor. Next, go outside and go through the gate to the cathedral. Move right along the road, and then enter the cathedral through the door located to the left of the checkpoint.

Look through the keyhole, wait until the soldier approaches the door and turns his back to you. Go through the door and kill the soldier. From the locker located on the right, take the pistol cartridges. Take the collectible item from the nearby shelf. Next, move forward along the left wall and go under the arch to find yourself in the shadows. From this position it will be convenient for you to shoot the soldier standing at the column, and then kill the second sentry, who will run to the body of his comrade. After dealing with the guards, go through the door on the left.

The soldier who comes closest to the door and turns his back to you can pull the pin out of a grenade, and he will be blown up, but, unfortunately, will not kill his fellow soldiers standing in the depths of the corridor. However, while they are figuring out what's what, you can go along a small side corridor to the end of the room and go through the door on the right. On the way, you can pick up a collectible item and a first aid kit from the table if you have time.

Turn off the electricity at the switchboard located on the left side of the wall. Then go right under the arch and exit into the hall guarded by three SS men. Hide behind the diesel generator and wait until the soldier closest to you goes under the arch. There you can calmly destroy it. Then go back and go down the stairs, choosing a moment when you cannot be noticed. After going forward and going up the stairs, deal with the soldier who walks on the right - it’s not difficult to kill him. Then go on the other side to the left balcony to find yourself behind the second soldier. You don't have to kill him, just go through the door located in the left wall.

Go left along the wall. Choose a moment to<убрать>SS man standing at the post. Then deal with the soldier who walks around the hall, and finally, walking along the right wall, sneak up on the last enemy. After destroying the guards, take the collectible item that lies near the box in the right corner. Then take and read the letter lying on the table. Go through the door.

Take the shotgun from the locker. In the far left corner under the barrel you will find a collectible. Exit through the door on the right.

Push the box on the left. When finished, move the second drawer - under it you will find a collectible item. Next, go through the door on the right and go up the spiral staircase. Before reaching the upper platform, wait for the guard to appear on the right. When he goes back, follow him and kill him. Take the bulletproof vest from the box and return to the second SS man - kill him. Then move the drawer to collect the collectible. Now you will need to go through the next door to go higher.

You don’t have to hide much at the top, but rather arrange a small massacre, since you have protection and weapons. The ultimate goal of the task is to kill the officer who was making a speech from the top platform of the bell tower.

Lost - Valley

Run under the bridge, climb it along the stairs located on the side of the cliff. Sneak up to the soldier and kill him with a knife - there is no need to hide the body. Move forward to the place where two guards are talking. When they disperse, kill the first one and hide the body, and then take care of the second one. By the way, you will then need to search him in order to pick up items from his pockets that will bring you points. You can enter the protected area if you crawl into the hole in the fence located to the right of the gate.

Go right to the barn - you will find a first aid kit and morphine, which you need to immediately use and run to the soldier who is facing you and guarding the door. After killing him, search the body, and then open the door and go through it.

Lost - Fuel depot

Open the locker and take the pistol with ammo from there. Go out into the corridor, pushing out the box that is interfering with movement. Search the shelf on the left to find morphine and a collectible. Next, go right along the corridor. Kill the sentry and search him to get the door key.

Going out into the corridor, break the fuses in the panel when the soldier goes around the corner. When he returns, you can kill him in the dark without the second guard noticing. After destroying the second soldier, go to the end of the corridor and go through the door.

Go around the boxes on the right, pick up the collectible and go out to the center of the room. From there, go through the first door on the left and up the stairs to the first side passage.

When you approach the door, look through the keyhole. Choose the moment when the soldier turns his back to you and go into the room. Quiet<снимите>sentry, then break the fuses in the shield and, finally, by whistling, attract the attention of the second soldier who is standing in the corridor. When the German goes back to his place, attack him from behind, and then go through the door. Stop at the boxes and wait for the talking soldiers to disperse. Here you will have to use a pistol or morphine to deal with the enemies. On the left side of the boxes you will find syringes with morphine; if necessary, take them. There is a closet on the left near the wall - open it. Use a knife to break the boards and go into the secret room. There, take the bottle of wine from the shelf, and then exit the room through the passage in the far right corner.

Go down the corridor. You need to climb over the grate, and then go left along the corridor and climb over the second grate. As you approach the door, look through the keyhole to see the location of the German soldier. Whistle to attract him to the door; when he goes to his old place, open the door and hide behind the box. Use morphine and attack the soldier. After that, return to the box and go through the grate, opening the gate - you will find a first aid kit. Next, go through the door located in the far right corner. There is a soldier standing right in front of her. In stealth mode, staying in the shadows, go right to the far pillar. The control unit hangs on it. Pull the lever to attract the attention of the guard dressed in a T-shirt, and go to the soldier who is standing at the pillar and kill him - drag his body into the shadows. After that, go right to the passenger car, on the floor between its side and the wall you will find the “Edelweiss” icon to add points to your rating. After taking the item, go up to the second floor and turn off the electricity by pulling the lever - access to the warehouse below is open. Return to the room where you killed the soldier using morphine. Go to the warehouse located behind the bars and take the explosives from the shelf.

Return to the garage, exit through the door and return to the stairs. Go upstairs and go to the small warehouse - there you will find a collectible item. Next, go downstairs and exit into the hall. Go through the door opposite, go right along the corridor, avoiding the shards of broken glass. As you enter the small dining room, hide behind the drawers on the far wall. You need to whistle to call an officer from the next room. When he turns his back to you, kill the fascist. Search him, then go into the room.

Take the letter from the table, then go to the door in the left corner. Open it with the key found in the German's pockets and go into the storage room. Take the collectible from the shelf on the right, and then climb into the hole in the wall. From it you will crawl out into a small room, where you will find a gas mask, which lies on the table on the left, but before that you need to deal with the soldier who is in the room - this is not difficult to do.

After taking your things, return to the large hall and go through the door next to which there is a gas mask sign. Go all the way down and enter the fuel depot. Wait for the two guards to finish talking and go their separate ways. Kill the one wearing the T-shirt first, and then get rid of the second one. By the way, it is needed<убирать>at the far end of the tank. The third soldier is quite easy to kill. Once the room is clear, grab the collectible that is on the floor behind the columns, the shotgun shells that are on the shelf, and then move the chest to the far corner to climb onto the balcony. Follow it to the pipes on which the valves are located. After planting the explosives, go left to the end of the balcony and go through the door. In the room that opens, take the shotgun from the box, and then go out onto the stairs and go upstairs.

Run through the opened tunnel, destroying enemy soldiers along the way.

Death of the Butcher - Cathedral

Walk along the walkways behind the bridge support. There, hide behind the second group of boxes on the river side when the patrolling soldier turns his back to you. After killing the first sentry, get to the second one, and then pick up the collectible item behind the box on the left and go up the stairs.

Wait for the German to appear from the door. When he lights a cigarette, get close to him from the side and kill him with a knife. You shouldn't shoot a pistol, because... you can alarm two more soldiers who are inside the room. Once you enter there, take the key that is on the table. While the two patrolmen are talking, go right around the corner. From there, go straight to the stacks of bricks, on one of them you will find morphine and a first aid kit. Next, go back and wait for the moment when one of the soldiers stands in a puddle of gasoline. Shoot the flammable liquid to burn the enemy, and then shoot the second German who comes running, attracted by the screams of his comrade. After destroying the enemy, go across the bridge to the other side of the bridge span. There, go through the door on the right.

Wait until the soldier closest to you moves to the right, then sneak up on him and kill him. Next, go inside the house made of boards and wait for the second SS man to appear at the bridge fence. Use morphine and attack the soldier. After that, replenish your supply of morphine from the table from the house and go left from the truck to the soldier who is standing by the lamppost. After killing him, go down under the bridge along the stairs on the left.

Move to the right and enter the barge. There, wait until one of the soldiers approaches you and approaches the left side. In this place the easiest way is to sneak up on him and kill him. Eliminate the second soldier standing on the bow of the barge, but this must be done at the moment when the third soldier goes from the left extreme point to the right. Next, destroy the third SS man, then go left to the boxes. On the left side of the stack there is a box that you can push to get to the switchboard, with which you can cut off the electricity. After that, go through the gate and approach a small house. Choose a moment to enter it and kill the officer. Search him - take the key and use it to open the door in the storage room. Take the female SS uniform and another key from there, then climb into the closet and change clothes there. Leave the house.

Walk along the embankment, but do not come close to the soldier, so as not to be recognized. Open the door at the end of the embankment and go into the tunnel. Follow it to the end and turn right. There will be a soldier standing in the far right corner. Next to him is a barrel with a collectible item on it. You can shoot at the puddle of gasoline in which the soldier is standing, or you can leave the object in its place - it’s up to you. Next, climb the vertical stairs into the fresh air.

Go around the truck and go to the checkpoint, trying not to get close to enemy soldiers and officers. After passing the fence, go left into the barn, from there you can walk along the truck to the wall without being noticed. In the right corner of the wall there is a passage through which you need to go. Choose a moment and do it.

Go to the toilet and change clothes, then crawl through the hole in the fence. Go to the front garden<снимите>the soldier standing with his back to you and hide his body on the right in the shade of the bushes. Go right along the perimeter of the plantings. Pass through open areas, choosing a safe moment, because... An SS man walks around the tree. Having picked up morphine in the corner behind the bushes, continue moving around the perimeter of the front garden. When you get to the house, walk along the bushes. Hide in the shadow of the last niche and from there attack the passing soldier. Next, go through the gap in the wall located in the right corner. Kill the soldier guarding the courtyard, take the key from him, and then go through the locked door.

Go into the basement, the entrance to which is located on the left. There you can change into a German uniform, change your pistol to a Lugger, and also pick up a first aid kit from the floor. Next, go outside and go through the gate to the cathedral. Move right along the road, and then enter the cathedral through the door located to the left of the checkpoint.

Look through the keyhole, wait until the soldier approaches the door and turns his back to you. Go through the door and kill the soldier. From the locker located on the right, take the pistol cartridges. Take the collectible item from the nearby shelf. Next, move forward along the left wall and go under the arch to find yourself in the shadows. From this position it will be convenient for you to shoot the soldier standing at the column, and then kill the second sentry, who will run to the body of his comrade. After dealing with the guards, go through the door on the left.

The soldier who comes closest to the door and turns his back to you can pull the pin out of a grenade, and he will be blown up, but, unfortunately, will not kill his fellow soldiers standing in the depths of the corridor. However, while they are figuring out what's what, you can go along a small side corridor to the end of the room and go through the door on the right. On the way, you can pick up a collectible item and a first aid kit from the table if you have time.

Turn off the electricity at the switchboard located on the left side of the wall. Then go right under the arch and exit into the hall guarded by three SS men. Hide behind the diesel generator and wait until the soldier closest to you goes under the arch. There you can calmly destroy it. Then go back and go down the stairs, choosing a moment when you cannot be noticed. After going forward and going up the stairs, deal with the soldier who walks on the right - it’s not difficult to kill him. Then go on the other side to the left balcony to find yourself behind the second soldier. You don't have to kill him, just go through the door located in the left wall.

Go left along the wall. Choose a moment to<убрать>SS man standing at the post. Then deal with the soldier who walks around the hall, and finally, walking along the right wall, sneak up on the last enemy. After destroying the guards, take the collectible item that lies near the box in the right corner. Then take and read the letter lying on the table. Go through the door.

Take the shotgun from the locker. In the far left corner under the barrel you will find a collectible. Exit through the door on the right.

Push the box on the left. When you're done, move the second drawer - underneath it you'll find a collectible. Next, go through the door on the right and go up the spiral staircase. Before reaching the upper platform, wait for the guard to appear on the right. When he goes back, follow him and kill him. Take the bulletproof vest from the box and return to the second SS man - kill him. Then move the drawer to collect the collectible. Now you will need to go through the next door to go higher.

You don’t have to hide much at the top, but rather arrange a small massacre, since you have protection and weapons. The ultimate goal of the task is to kill the officer who was making a speech from the top platform of the bell tower.1234

We pass under the bridge and climb up the stairs. We go left to the rock and find a collectible item (CP) on the barrels. We sneak up on the drunken soldier and kill him. We go further and see two Germans on the bridge. We're waiting in the bushes. When they disperse, we kill the first one and drag him into the bushes. Then the second one, sneaking up behind him. We will find “KP” at the second corpse. Another one on the boxes. We crawl through the hole in the fence. There is a soldier at the entrance to the bunker, and another one at the top. We make our way into the barn, take morphine, use it and kill the German at the entrance. During the search we find the key to the bunker. We do not enter the bunker, first we will find 2 more “KP”. The first one is hidden in a shed. Second to the right from the entrance to the bunker. We go down into the bunker. Mission accomplished.

Lost - Fuel depot

In the locker we take a Colt with seven cartridges. We go into the next room by pushing through the box. On the shelf "KP". We see a German in the window in the distance, we sneak up behind him and kill him. We take the key from him. Let's move on. We break the fuses on the wall. We kill the first Fritz, then, creeping up to the second, we kill him too. Next is a hall with metal gates. At the entrance there are “KP” boxes. Right door. We walk along the corridor, walking around, fragments on the floor. Through the keyhole we see an officer listening to the radio. After he disappeared into another room, we go in and turn off the radio. When the Fritz returns to turn it on, we kill him and take the key from him. In the next room there is a letter on the box on the right. In the far right corner we open the closet. We enter, on the shelf “KP”. We crawl through the hole in the wall. There we kill this German. We take a gas mask. We kill the second German. We return to the hall with a door with a gate. The left door. On the top floor of KP. On the floor below we go into the room. We kill the first soldier without any problems, he is standing with his back turned. Then we turn off the light, whistle near the corpse of the first, and, hiding in the corner, wait for the second. When he approaches, we kill him in the back. Then we see behind the door - two Germans walking. We enter quietly and take turns killing. We run along the corridor, jump over the bars. Entering the room, we see a German dozing, leaning on a column. You can kill him by hanging near the entrance to the storage room on the right, wait for him behind the barrel, and when he turns around to do his bloody deed. We see the door under voltage. The switches are in the next room. There are 2 soldiers looking at each other. You need to whistle to lure them to the place where they killed the dozing one, after putting the corpses in the closet. We turn off 2 switches. Behind one of the KP cars. We take the bomb behind the door, which is now not energized, and return. Now the third door has opened. We go down to the very bottom. Before entering, we put on a gas mask. We go into the fuel storage. After the 2 Krauts finish their argument about the chocolate bar and go their separate ways, we kill one of them when he turns his back to us. There are two more left. We seize the moment when the second Fritz is far away, we run to the right behind the large tank. There we see the third Fritz, we approach from the back and kill him. Now you can take on the one you regretted for now. After walking around the room, behind one of the three large tanks, we find “KP”. On the shelf next to the box that will have to be moved, there are shotgun cartridges (we will need them soon). We move the box under the stairs and climb up it. When the bomb is installed, we have 15 seconds to run straight through the door. Behind the door we will have 1 minute to get out of the bunker. We take a shotgun from the locker and run to the exit, killing everyone who gets in our way. Mission accomplished.

Death of the Butcher - Cathedral

The mission starts at the pier. Having walked a little, we see two Germans, whom it will not be difficult to kill. You just need to come up from behind and stick a knife in the back. At the end of the pier, before going up the stairs, look behind the box and find “KP”. Having gone up the stairs, we see a German smoking, we are in no hurry to kill him, they will notice. We first climb onto the box and then onto the roof. Having gone down, we wait until the other two have spoken and dispersed. We kill the one who approaches us as soon as he turns his back. You can kill him by shooting into a puddle of gasoline under his feet or using a standard knife. Going a little further, behind the barrels on the left we find “KP”. Now you can deal with the one who smokes. Take the key next to it on the table. Next, we break the fuses on the wall on the left. We make our way along the right bridge to the radio, turn it off, and hide on the middle bridge. When the Fritz comes up to turn on the radio, we kill him. We go to the door, open it with the key and move on. There is a German standing with his back to the right of the fuses. We kill him. We break the fuses. Further. We hide in the toilet, when the Fritz passes, we go out and kill him. Having passed further, we see a soldier sleeping, leaning against a pillar. Carefully approaching him from behind, we kill him. We go down the stairs. There are two soldiers on the ship. We go up the ladder. Then we hide behind the bricks on the right. We are waiting for one of them to come up. Having killed him, we sneak up on the second one, who always has his back turned, and kill him. It won't be difficult to deal with the one walking along the pier. The door on the right is energized. You can turn off the voltage only by turning off the switch. To turn off the switch you need to move the box against the wall. We go through the door. Before entering the house, we look into the well. We wait until the officer turns his back. We enter and kill. We search the corpse, take the key. Behind the next door we take the uniform and the key. We change clothes in the closet and carefully, without going close to the Nazis, we go to the far door. There is one Fritz in the basement. We kill him with a pistol and take him from the barrel in the corner of the “KP”. We go up the stairs. We pass through the square under the gun of a sniper, without coming close to the Nazis. After passing the square, in the toilet we will take off our SS uniform. We climb through the hole in the wall near the toilet. Next there will be a garden in which 4 Krauts walk. They stand for a long time, so it will not be difficult to approach them and kill them. We take the key from the latter. Before entering the door, we find “KP” in the corner behind the bushes. Then we enter the door. There is a “KP” in the fountain at the entrance. Before leaving the park, let's put on the SS Uniform. The toilet is nearby. We walk to the entrance to the basement, trying to remain unnoticed. In front of the entrance, behind the boxes you can find “KP”. We go down to the basement. Mission Complete.

Death of the Butcher - Crypt

Before entering the door, move the drawer so that the light does not illuminate it. After looking into the hole, wait until the Fritz turns his back, carefully enter and kill him. Next to the cabinet in which you can change the pistol, we find “KP” on the shelf. Then we see two soldiers. One is walking, the other is dozing while standing. We sneak and kill both of them from behind. There are three in the next room. The first one with a grenade can be killed by carefully pulling out the pin and making him a walking mine. If you pull it out as soon as he starts moving forward, two people will die at once. Afterwards, we’ll hide behind the crypt and wait until the latter calms down. Then we sneak up and kill. There is a “KP” on the table. In the next room we see a puddle under voltage. We turn off the switch on the right. You can use this and kill a couple of enemies. Luring them in with a whistle and turning on the voltage in time. We kill the first one. The other two should approach the corpse. We turn on the voltage at this time - everyone is dead. Behind the boxes near the “KP” switch. Ahead, behind the box, we see a statue. Pushing the box and going left to the locked door, we will find a hole in the wall. At the exit from the gap we see a German with a grenade. We pull the pin, BOOM... minus two Krauts. Going down the stairs, behind the door we will observe an officer admiring a golden statue. We kill this officer and take the “KP” from the corpse. There is a brick on the wall that is a different color from the others. Secret button. Clicking on it will open a secret room. We hide the statue there, thereby completing the secret mission. We return back to where they killed three Germans in a puddle under voltage. There we find a door. We enter the hall with paintings. We see three Germans. Two are dozing, one is walking. We kill the dozing ones one by one, removing their corpses, and then turn on the switch, when the Fritz walks through the puddle, everyone is dead. There is a letter on the table. In the right corner of the hall, behind the box, lies “KP”. Next is the wine cellar. We take a shotgun in the closet. On the left under the barrels lies “KP”. In the next cellar, moving the box, we open a passage for ourselves. Under the second box we find “KP”. We go up the spiral staircase. There are two soldiers upstairs. They won't cause any trouble, you just need to carefully approach from behind and kill them. Moving the box, we find “KP”. In the same room we find a bulletproof vest and go upstairs for the life of the “butcher”. In some cases, brute force is the best method of action. This is exactly the case here. Having killed everyone, we get up and kill the butcher. He will prove to be tenacious. If you have morphine, it's better to use it. Mission accomplished.

Keep the lights on - Docks

We go through the door and see three people walking down the street. We make our way into the closet and turn off the radio. When someone decides to turn it on again, we stick a knife into it. Walking along the right side of the street, let’s wait until the second one wants to relieve himself and goes around the corner. The third one will be easy to kill. At the end of the street, in a closet behind the door, there is another Fritz, but he always stands with his back turned. We know what to do with it. We go out, jump over the fence and enter the door. Immediately to the right is “KP”. Walking further we see a box. We move it under the window with the ladder, climb into the window. There is a Fritz behind bars. We lure him out with a whistle and go around behind him... We find an open door. Entering it, there is a “KP” on the right side of the generator. We jump to the lower floor. We kill two soldiers there. We need to open a passage to the street. In the room we take the key. We go up the stairs. On the second floor we can take a bulletproof vest. We go up to the top floor, to the switch. At the top, the switch is guarded by two soldiers. One of them is walking around with a grenade. We carefully pull out the pin, sneaking up from behind. If the second one survives, then we finish off the villain. Pulling the switch, we go down, a passage opened there. We go out onto the site. Two soldiers walk between the boxes. We sneak up and kill. At the door another one sleeps with his back to us. He shouldn't be like that. We enter the room. Turn off the voltage with the switch. An officer is walking in the back room. We climb out the window and turn right. We break the boards in the corner and take the “KP”. We climb into the office through another window. We break the fuses and turn off the radio. Now you can kill the officer. In this room we find a letter and “KP”. We go back out. We go left along the wall, reach the fence, climb over. Then we crawl under the boxes and go out onto the pier. There are 3 Krauts on the pier. One of them is walking around with a grenade. You can pull the pin and kill all three. Having jumped over the fence, near the torpedoes we will approach the closet where the drunken captain is sleeping. It contains a first aid kit and morphine. There are 2 Fritzes behind the closet. We sneak up and kill. Having climbed the tower, we lower the bridge with a lever. We climb onto the roof and cross the bridge into the house. We find a gas mask there and go down. We kill the Fritz and take the key from him. We go outside. We pass through the bridge and see that there are 3 Germans standing near the barrels with a skull. We put on a gas mask and shoot at the barrel next to them. The new method of killing is very effective. We go further, climb over the fence and enter the barn with a generator. Two Krauts are making their rounds. When one leaves, we approach the remaining one from behind and deliver a fatal blow. In the next room, there are two people standing in a puddle. Turning on the electricity with the switch, we kill both. Moving the box to the wall and climbing onto it we will find “KP”. Through the toilet we go out into the street. There a German immediately comes up and turns his back on us, we kill him. We crawl under the boxes. Having passed further, we see a soldier and an officer. Having followed the soldier, we kill him behind the boxes. After killing the officer, we find his code. Behind the garage we jump over the box. After walking a little along the pier, we go into a room with torpedoes. We see two Germans. Having gone around the torpedoes, we find a passage under the booth. We come out on the other side, now we can kill both quietly. In the booth upstairs in the safe we ​​find the documents we need. We walk along the pier to the end. On the right is a closet where the drunken captain sleeps. Under the bed "KP". We climb over the fence on the right. Having gone around the tanks, we kill the first and then the second Fritz. We enter the door. 2 more soldiers. One is walking, the other is standing under a lantern. We pull the pin from the one who is walking. There are 2 corpses. We cross the bridge. Mission accomplished.

Keep the lights on - Warehouse

We enter the warehouse. We sneak up on a German in a T-shirt and cut him down when he decides to relieve himself. There is a switch behind the door. Having turned it on, we kill the Fritz standing in the puddle, and then the last one when he approaches. There are many soldiers in the next warehouse room. The Fritz closest to us stands facing away and doesn’t go anywhere. We carefully make our way behind the box and turn off the fuses. Now you can sneak up on the fighter. We kill the rest of the Krauts, carefully creeping up from behind. If you have cartridges, you can kill most of them by shooting into a barrel of poisonous gas at the far end of the warehouse. We go upstairs, taking a pistol with cartridges from the room in front of the stairs. There are two there. The first one stands with his face and doesn’t want to go anywhere. Here it is better to use one cartridge. You can approach the next one from behind and cut him down. Using the lever, you can lift the boxes and go back down to pick up the “KP” under them. We’ll pick up another “KP” on the box by running along the bridge not far from the lever and then to the left all the way. There is nothing in the office except memories and morphine. Having passed further, we see two Krauts. One stands in a puddle of kerosene, the second periodically enters it. By shooting at her in time, we will kill both of them with one shot. Near their corpses we pull the lever, lifting the boxes, and thereby opening the passage below. We go down to the stairs. A soldier will be walking behind one of the doors on the way to the stairs. Getting to him from behind is not a problem. We kill him and go down. If the cartridges in the pistol run out, then before going down, we can take the rocket launcher in the locker. So, we go down. There is a building in the center of the warehouse. Entering the front door, take the body armor. There is a lever on the wall on the left side of the building. You need to turn it off so you can enter the door from the other side. Do not forget, while doing all this, to kill several fascists. There are many ways: from a knife to barrels of poison. Next to the Fritz who walks with a flashlight, we go into the corner behind the tall boxes and there lies a “KP”. Then we go through the water, there we will find a shotgun and explosives that will need to be installed at the tanks. Leaving the room with a shotgun and explosives, there will again be 3 Fritz in the hall, we kill them too. We go outside. Let's go left. There we climb onto the box and find “KP”. Well, there are four soldiers on the street guarding the tanks that we need to blow up. There are a lot of fuel puddles on the ground. On which they walk... Having killed everyone, we go into the house and turn off the switch. We climb through the fence. There in the warehouse we find “KP” on one of the barrels. Returning to the tanks and going around them, we install explosives. We have 10 seconds to escape. Let's run straight. After the explosion we have 2 and a half minutes. To get out. We run straight, climb over the fence, enter the house, grab the bulletproof vest. It will come in handy. We leave, again through the fence. We run between the boxes and kill everyone who gets in our way. Picking up cartridges and first aid kits from corpses. We run to the car and head out. Mission accomplished.

Third person - Collector

We go outside. We only have a knife. We see one guard. We are waiting for now, but he will come up and turn his back. After walking around the circle, we will go into the room. Soon we see two more Germans. It's difficult for us to kill the first one. We hide under the lantern, and when his back is turned, we approach and kill. The second one is listening to the radio. He's in a lit area. Let's break the fuses. Now you can get to the radio and turn it off. When the fascist turns it on, we stick a knife into it and take the key. We take a pistol in the locker and a gas mask nearby. Let's go down. We open the door with the key and go in. One Fritz walks on the left, every now and then, stepping into a puddle in which there is a spotlight. We pull the switch - there is one. The second one can be killed in the same way when he approaches the corpse. Opposite the lever is a ladder. Having risen, we find “KP” and a letter. We pass further along the tunnel, and we see agent Radik leading a convoy. We need to find the others. We go outside. There are two soldiers below. They walk near a barrel of fuel. A shot in the barrel and the job is done. We enter the door and run along the tunnel. We find the wounded agent Joseph. We finish him off and take the cyanide capsule. We exit the tunnel. Two Germans are talking. We break the fuses and wait. One of the bottom ones will do. We pull the pin off his grenade. It will explode next to a barrel of chemicals. The second one will approach and poison himself. We will find a “KP” near the corpses. We run further along the tunnel. We reach two soldiers. One is standing by the spotlight, the other is making a round. When the spotlight goes out, we run behind the fence. And hiding in the corner, we wait until they turn our backs. We lure the second one out with a whistle and cut him in the back. We go down the stairs. There are two more below. We shoot at a barrel of fuel when a soldier passes near it, the second one will die from gas poisoning. We go out further and find the corpse of agent Woyzeck. Find the key and “KP” from one of the corpses. We go through the door, having previously put on a gas mask. We go into the rooms with chemicals. Let's go down. There are two soldiers on the first tier. We pass to the left. One of them is standing with his back... There is only one left. He walks under a spotlight; they might notice him from above. Let's go upstairs. We kill two people there, pulling out the pin from one of the grenades. We break the fuses and you can silently kill the one who remains below. Below on the barrels we find “KP”. Having killed everyone and picked up the body armor, we go further through the door. We go into the room. We see soldiers with fire extinguishers. Very dangerous guys, but they explode well if you shoot them at the balloon. Let's take this into account, and dealing with them will not be difficult. When everyone is dead, go straight through the door. Mission completed.

Third Man - Ghetto

We need to find a Gestapo prison. We go up the stairs. Let's go forward. One soldier examines the corpse, the right moment for the murder. On the left we select “KP”. We go up the stairs and find ourselves on the street. We immediately see a Fritz who decided to smoke. You can approach him from behind and kill him by dragging the corpse into the shed. Having gone around the shed, on the left we will come across the back of another fighter. There will be one more left. Let's also sneak up and kill him. We go through the door in the fence. The officer is standing with his back, we kill him, and hanging near the corpse we lure the soldier. When he inspects the corpse, we will sneak up from behind and kill him. We go out to the square. There are 4 soldiers here. They all see each other, it is very difficult to kill unnoticed. If you only lure him into the shadows with a whistle. When it's all over. We crawl through the hole in the wall. On the right in the doorway there is a Fritz to smoke. We kill. We take a sniper rifle in the closet. We pass through the bushes behind the barn. There is a soldier walking there. We climb over the fence and stake it. We kill the officer by hiding in the bushes and waiting for the right moment. Taking the key from the officer, we will enter the barn. There are sniper rifle cartridges there. We can test it by killing the last soldier. Here we can find 2 “CPs” in the shed and near the house behind a brick fence. We climb onto the far shed and jump over to the other. There, leaning on a birch tree, he is quite bored. Let's stop his torment by sneaking up from behind. We move on to the next block. At the end of the street in the attic there is a sniper, we need to kill him faster than she can kill us. With shots, we will attract the attention of two more soldiers. We shoot at them too. We go up to the bridge across the street. Before he goes down, in the house, on the contrary, you can find two soldiers in the sight. Having killed them, we pass through this house and find a Gestapo prison. The goal has been achieved. Now we need to find the entrance to it. We run along the fence and find a hole in it, into which we crawl. There are three soldiers on the square. We kill them and go through the gate. Then we go down to the basement. The mission is completed.

Third Man - Prison

It is necessary to deliver a capsule with cyanide to the third person. We go along the corridors to the door, which is illuminated by a lantern. Move the box to cover the light. You can enter the door unnoticed. We kill the German by going around him from behind. Then we see a puddle under voltage; we need to find a switch. Enter the door on the left. Two people are chatting behind her. After the conversation, when they disperse, we sneak up on them one by one and kill them. Then there are two doors. One is locked. We go into the open door. We see two Germans. One of them has the key to the closed door. We kill them, turn off the switch. Near the switch "KP". We unlock the door and return to the puddle, which was energized. We enter the door behind it. We go up the stairs. On the second floor we enter the door. There are four Krauts in the room, who keep stopping with their backs to us. At the end of the room, find the key and the SS uniform that you need to put on. We open the door and go into the prison, trying not to get close to the Krauts. On the second floor in one of the cells you can find a letter. We go up to the third floor and pull the lever to open the passage to the second floor. We go down and enter the opened door. In the center we see another lever, but the door to it is closed. The key can be found by going straight through the door. It will lie there on the table. In the room where we find the key, you can complete a secret mission: you need to move one of the paintings and pull the lever behind it to open a secret passage behind the table. We enter the new door, find the prison commandant there and kill him. There we will find “KP”. When we found the key, we go and open the door that blocks our access to the lever. Pulling the lever, we see how the door on the lower floor opened. Now we need to go back to the opened door without attracting attention to ourselves. We go through the door. We can change clothes in the closet right away. On the left, the Fritz stands with his back to us. We approach carefully and kill. The next one walks, every now and then, stopping in a puddle. Pull the lever and another one is ready. Next are two more Krauts. We sneak up from behind and kill them. We go into the next room. We throw cyanide into the well. Mission accomplished.

Le Boeuf

We need to find a hotel. We walk straight along the road until we come across a guard who is smoking with his back to us. Let's punish him for this. We run further to the truck. We need to find a boat and get across the lake. There is a boat house on the right side of the road. Both entrances are guarded by two guards. We climb onto the roof of the house and get into it through the hatch. Now you can deal with them quietly. We go down to the basement, turn on the electricity there. We launch the boat and set off. Having crossed the lake, we immediately find an SS uniform. Let's go right. Here you can change clothes in the toilet. We go through the door. On the square with a tree in the middle, in the far corner you can find “KP”. Once you enter the square, go right to the door. We go in and follow the road to the end. We go through the gate. There are two patrolmen there. We move them away and climb onto the roof of the house using the boxes. Then, going down the other side, we enter the house. When we enter, we change clothes in the closet. We break the fuses and enter the room. The German is dozing, leaning on the closet. You won't be able to approach from behind. Let's lure him to the door with a whistle and go around behind him. The mother-in-law is alone standing behind the door. You can't get close to him either. Let's open the door and lure him out with a whistle. Let's go through the door. Right all the time. At the stairs, turn right. There are three doors. We go through the door to the left. We damage the fuses in the corner. And then we kill two Krauts in this room. Here in this room is the “KP” and the key to the safe. We return to the stairs. We go into the room in front of the blocked descent. There is a safe in the room. The key will come in handy. In the KP safe. We leave the room outside and go downstairs. Right next to the KP stairs. In a small area, soldiers walk around the territory, sneak up, and kill them. We pass further through the arch. In the middle of the arch on the right wall there is a door. Let's go in. We see two doors. One is closed, the other is German. When he turns his back, we enter and kill. There is a box in the basement, and behind it there is a passage boarded up with boards. We move the box and open the passage with a shot. (there is a flare gun in the closet upstairs). After walking along the passage, we will find the list, and thereby complete the secret goal. We’ll also find a bulletproof vest, “KP.” We go back out onto the street. We pass further along the arch. At the end there are two soldiers. When they turn around and leave, we make our way to the left, to the mill. In the mill we take a sniper rifle, cartridges for it and a “KP”. We rise to the very top of the position. Having taken a position from which a barrel of fuel is visible in the window, we shoot at it. The task is completed - the target is eliminated. Below the mill, many soldiers, at least three, came running. They can be removed with a sniper. You need to get to the car. Let's go down. We run straight then left. There's a house on the hill. We go into it and come out on the other side. We run out to the river, there are two people guarding the boat. We kill them and get into the boat. Having arrived at the boat house, we pass through it. On the other side there is 1 soldier. We kill him and go along the fence through the bushes to the road. Let's cross the road. And we go around the post on the left. You can go to the car. We get injured... Mission Complete.

Disappearance - Hospital

Awakening... We regain consciousness in the hospital. Leave the room. We run along the corridor. At the end of the corridor there is a door to the right. In the office near the corpse we find a letter. We see how the hospital is captured by the Nazis. We hide in the closet. When the Fritzes inspect the office, we go out into the corridor. We need to find a weapon. At the left end near the chamber one soldier is smoking, we sneak and kill. We go further out into the street, through the door opposite the office. There are two soldiers on the street. First we kill the one who goes around the large flowerbed. When the second one notices the corpse, we should already go around the flowerbed and approach from behind at that moment. We go further through the doors. Once in the shower, we will see two soldiers. First we kill the one who is leaning against the column. We go around the column and kill. Then, having dragged the corpse away, we will sneak up behind the second one. In the next room there is another Fritz. We kill him by turning on the switch when he stands in a puddle. We have two doors. One is locked. We go for the key to the second door. Going out into the corridor, go into the large hall, which is guarded by three fascists. Two are standing, one is walking. Carefully along the wall we get to the fuses and turn them off. The Fritz who stands by the fuses has a grant. If you pull the pin in time, you can even kill the German who is walking. And the third is a matter of technology. Lure him out with a whistle and get close to him from behind. When everyone here is dead, take the key on the table. There is also a “KP” in this room. You need to push the box, line it up with the fuses, go through and take it. Let's go open the door. There is one Fritz walking in circles outside the door. We follow him until we run into his back and kill him. Then we go outside. The street is bright and there are a lot of Germans. And a lot of bushes. We crawl through the bushes right along the fence. And so on to the extension in the far corner. We try not to leave the bushes when one of the soldiers is looking in our direction. Having made our way into the annex, we go into the chapel. There are two fighters here. One of them walks between the benches, the other periodically moves from one place to another. Having chosen the moments and hiding behind the benches, we need to get there and hide behind the boxes by the door. There you will have the opportunity to pull the pin off the grenade and kill both of them. Then go outside. We see a small building with doors that are locked. Go ahead. There are two people there near the bushes. One is standing, smoking. We kill him when the second one goes behind the bushes and doesn’t see us. We take the key. You don’t have to touch the second one, but if you want, we’ll sneak up when he’s examining the corpse and kill him too. Let's pick up "KP" next to the place where Fritz was smoking. Let's go, open the door. We pass through the doors and find ourselves in another park. We pass to the left to the shed, there, a Fritz is standing on his knee. We enter the shed and exit from the other door, right behind him. We hide the corpse in a shed. Another Fritz stands in the center of the park. We climb onto the box and jump down right behind his back. Having killed the second, we hide behind a flowerbed, and when the third Fritz begins to examine the corpse, we will go in from behind and cut him down. Here on the “KP” bench. Let’s move on. We jump over the rope and find ourselves at the gate - the exit, but we still need to find a weapon. We move on to the next park. Unnoticed, we make our way along the wall to the bushes in the corner of the park. We wait for the right moment, when no one is looking, and cross the bridge to the bushes. Now you can kill both Germans in turn. Having passed further, we go to the left along the living fence. We make our way behind the Fritz, who walks from the car to the house. There, near the house, we hide in the bushes. Then, at the right moment, we get out and approach first the one who is smoking near the door in the house, and then the one who is walking. We enter the house and take the weapon. And all the cartridges. We will have to shoot a lot. So, we leave the house and see soldiers running towards us. We sit down behind the box and shoot back. We go to the gate, killing everyone who gets in our way. When we reach the gate, we are saved. Mission accomplished.

Disappearance - Village

We need to save civilians. We'll be shooting a lot in this level. We go down to the village. There are soldiers standing near a large fire. It's good that we have a machine gun. We hide behind the boxes and shoot at the fuel barrel. We finish off the rest who survived with a machine gun. Behind the van there is an open gate and a path up. Having risen, we immediately see two people. Let's deal with them. Let's move on. We select cartridges and first aid kits. At the next house one soldier stands and smokes. Headshot and he's done. We deal with three more people who ran into the shooting. We go down the stairs. We look out of the house - there is one Fritz walking and stopping right in a puddle of fuel. After the shot, five more will come running from behind the house. We shoot everyone. We rent another one in the attic of the house. We run across the road. There is an officer there in the house. We kill him, take the cartridges. We get out and walk further along the road. Around the corner we will meet two more fighters. One with a flamethrower. One accurate shot into the cylinder and two corpses. Let's go until we run into fire. We enter the house on the left. Next is another patrol. Most of it stands next to the fuel barrel. We shoot at the barrel and finish off the rest with precise hits. On the right, near the fence, we find a passage and enter the house. Through the window of the house we see three soldiers. We go up to the second floor and go around, coming out on the other side, we go around them from behind. A shot at a fuel barrel and two are dead. We finish off the last one with weapons. We go up the road and see how the Nazis are burning people alive in the church. We get closer and start shooting all the Krauts. Having killed everyone near the church, we try to open the door, it is closed. We hide behind a tree and shoot back from the newly advancing enemies. After we kill everyone, we watch the final cutscene. The end.

Secret Goals

Lost - Valley 1. Silently kill all 4 soldiers in the first mission. Lost - Fuel depot2. Find a bottle of elite French wine. After entering the first door on the left in a room with a metal gate. On the second floor, where there is a fan underfoot. There is a cabinet on the left near the near wall - open it. Use a knife to break the boards and go into the secret room. There, take the bottle of wine from the shelf, and then exit the room through the passage in the far right corner. Death of the Butcher - Crypt3. Hide the golden statue in the crypt from the Nazis. Next to the statue there is a lever that opens a secret room. We push the statue there. Don't turn off the light - Docks4. Kill two submarine captains in the port. They sleep in shacks. The first one sleeps in a closet, which is near the fence next to the torpedoes. The second soldier sleeps in a closet on the pier, after we took the code from the officer and walked a little further along the pier along the water. According to his failure "KP".5. Kill all enemies on the way to the prison. Before entering the prison where the tanks are, you need to show yourself to the officer. He will raise the alarm - two more fighters will come running. Without killing them, this goal cannot be achieved.6. Kill the prison commandant. He's in a secret room under his office. The entrance is behind the cabinet, the lever is behind the picture.7. Find documents at the Le Boeuf Hotel in the basement next to the mill. One floor below from the locker where the rocket launcher is located. You need to move the box and break the boards.

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You are on the page of the game Velvet Assassin, created in the Stealth-Action genre, where you can find a lot of useful information. The game was published by Replay Studios. The Velvet Assassin walkthrough we found will help you quickly solve in-game problems and get tips on difficult moments. Also, codes and cheats for the Velvet Assassin game are simply necessary for everyone who likes to receive free bonuses.

The Velvet Assassin game was localized in Russia by the company Novy Disk, but this does not eliminate the need for a localization, because sometimes errors manifest themselves during the game, and the original version is always better than the remade one. And playing in your native language is more enjoyable. You will play alone, going through each stage without anyone's help.

Reviews and feedback from readers will help you decide if a game is worth your time. Considering that the game was released on 04/28/2009, we can say that it belongs to the category of classics.

In addition to general information, you may need a variety of files. Use add-ons when you are tired of the main plot - they will significantly expand the standard features. Mods and patches will help diversify and improve the gameplay. You can download them in our file storage.

Game: Platform: PC, X360 Genre: action Release date: April 28, 2009 In Russia: April 30, 2009 Developer: Replay Studios Publisher: SouthPeak Interactive Publisher in Russia: New Disk / Track You didn’t see that the popularity of the stealth genre -action began to slowly fade away in the near future? Give the player massive guns, large-scale explosions and a herd of huge freaks from the planet Sera. Obviously, there are glimpses - not so long ago, now, a god-like Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots(although it is now dominated by action rather than stealth) and even a very good add-on to “Death to Spies”. But the trend is clearly visible, and it is stupid to refute it.

In theory, the new part of Splinter Cell should be a breath of fresh air, but at the moment something incomprehensible is going on with it, and it will be released, apparently, when the cancer whistles on the mountain. On the other hand, there are also smaller fish, whose function is to help while away the wait. And, despite the fact that we have been waiting for it for quite a long time, it turned out to be just such a berry.

At this point, a flamethrower will jump out from here and begin to shower Violetta with ugly tongues of flame.

The Indescribable Adventures of Violet Summer

You find yourself in the shoes of Violette Summer, a cool English spy, a kind of “James Bond in a skirt.” Meanwhile, the game begins with a rather sad moment - Violetta is seriously wounded and is in a deep coma. The story is told through flashbacks, in which our heroine recalls past exploits. In truth, the developers could completely do without this approach. V.A. It would not have lost at all if it had a standard narrative system. The information we receive is sparse and fragmentary. How Violetta fell into such a life is told exclusively in the last, 12th task, and before the moment... let's put it this way, the plot is in V.A.– an optional and purely secondary thing. A small briefing outlines the situation in a nutshell, what needs to be done (usually the murder of an officer or the theft of documents) and go ahead - cut, burn, chop up the fascists. Better to be inconspicuous.

Gameplay V.A. is a hodgepodge of the brightest representatives of the stealth and action genres. Conventionally, it can be divided into two components: elements that were adopted well, and those whose implementation was not good. Let's start with the not bad ones.

Firstly, with the help of a morphine injection, Violetta can slow down time in the manner of BloodRayne or Max Payne. Only here it looks even more beautiful: the spy takes off all her extra clothes, the picture is miraculously transformed, and the Germans are ready to accept death with open arms. But this precious liquid is very rare, and it must be used with the utmost economy. Secondly, Violetta has about 20 quick killing techniques in her arsenal. To use them, you need to quietly get close to the enemy, and when the screen turns reddish... it’s better to remove babies and pregnant ladies from the monitor screen, because the ruthlessness in V.A. is approximately on the level of Manhunt. Violetta ferociously inflicts a huge number of stab wounds, cuts throats, tendons, and even pierces through the manhood of the brave Fuhrers. There are also more unique options - for example, pulling the pin from a grenade from an unsuspecting sentry. Or lure him into a puddle of gasoline, shoot at this same puddle with a pistol, and the Fritz, in the literal sense of the word, will burn out at work. Absurd, naturally, but it looks very nice.

If you are not careful, you can come across vile fascists almost head-on.

But the stealth elements, no matter how you look at them, are implemented mediocrely. The dash from shadow to shadow, familiar to all fans of the genre, is here built to the absolute. It doesn’t matter whether the sun is shining or not, it doesn’t matter that the enemy is only 2 meters away, but the saving shadow will protect you from any view. In general, no, sometimes, even if you are holed up in the pitch darkness, the Krauts patrolling the area somehow inexplicably manage to find you. Interestingly, from time to time in these places everything goes like clockwork. Let's move on and remember the good old Hitman. Violetta can dress up in an enemy uniform, and a “recognition” indicator appears on the display. We saw no sense from him; Enemies usually sense something is wrong right away. From the same Hitman (although a similar thing was implemented in about 10 other projects), tricks for recruiting (or, on the contrary, distracting) attention were transferred. There are quite a lot of them. You can turn on the radio, and the Germans will come running right away. You can just whistle. You can close the electronic circuit and lower the location into darkness. In this case, the enemies use flashlights, and closer to the middle of the game they will even learn to form groups and comb the area. Unfortunately, their search strategy clearly shows that some individual subjects were never able to fully evolve from a monkey into a human.

But the most annoying thing is that the game is completely linear. In essence, the entire gameplay comes down to running from shadow to shadow and choosing a method of killing enemies. You just need to learn the scheme - hide, wait until the enemy turns around, sneak up from behind and instantly send the adversary to the next world. The only thing that can complicate life is the stupid console save system with checkpoints. If you are spotted and you do not have time to get into the shadows, closet or empty office in time, the chance of emerging victorious from the firefight is very small. And again you have to make your way from shadow to shadow, keep watch, sneak up from behind, make a strike... well, you figured it out.

The animation of Violetta's movements is excellent.

The developers have attached an incomprehensible pumping system to neither the village nor the yard. At the levels you can find ingots, flasks and other rubbish, for which a certain number of points will be given. They improve three parameters: stealth, speed and morphine power. None of these points have a special effect, and you can pass V.A., without ever resorting to leveling up Violetta.

Everything is fine on the outside. The textures are good, and Violetta’s model is simply a sight to behold. Her movements are graceful, but unlike Splinter Cell, there are catastrophically not enough of them. The main advantage of graphics V.A.– a very fascinating artistic style, which we believe was achieved through a masterful play of light. That said, we do have a couple of harsh criticisms. All enemies are copies and look alike. In other words, completely everything, without exception. The explosion effects are poor and look even worse than in old GTA 3. The flames escaping from enemy flamethrowers are also disgusting.

Sounds V.A. better. A well-chosen soundtrack creates an oppressive musical scale. When you are close to being found, the music gets louder. The same thing happens when you reach any climax. Yes, this is not new, but as before it looks (or rather, listens) quite fresh. The voice acting matches. We played the English version, and in fact all the voices in it were very good. While walking, the patrolmen mutter something under their breath, hum melodies unknown to the Russian ear and discuss together. Violetta is not far behind: the actress responsible for her voice was able to believably convey the English accent of the brave spy.

This guy doesn't have long to enjoy the view of the Eiffel Tower.


Replay Studios released a very controversial project. On the one hand, all the elements of good stealth seem to be in place. On the other hand, everything that is in V.A., we have already seen more than once in a much higher quality performance. In addition, the game is linear and monotonous, and, having finally revealed all the secrets of Violetta Summer, you are unlikely to want to return to it.

Pros: captivating art style; decent soundtrack; merciless killings; inquisitive distraction tricks.
Minuses: linearity; monotony; weak plot; dull mind of enemies; offensive flaws in the graphics.